United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service En gin r n Field Notes i Volume 13 Number Engineering Staff Washington D.C. Engineering Technical Information System 1980 Field Notes Article Awards Hand Pump Operation Maintenance Greenhouse Temperature Alarm System More on Concrete Cylinder Transportation 1 January 1981 United States Department of Agriculture Volume 13 Number 1 january 1981 Field Notes Forest a S eri Engineering Technical Engineering Staff Washington En gin ee ring D.C. System Information ups Agriculture-Forest agen-cies. in-terpretation Information contained in this guidance of employees of the Service contractors and its The Department or The use of trade information an of this States assumes information of the or than in this reader. Such approval of of Agriculture any for of and State no responsibility for the by other names firm or corporation and convenience developed Department cooperating Federal its of Agriculture endorsement official United use been has publication United States its own employees. publication is for the does not constitute use product service or by the respec-tive pro-cedures may The be Department text in the publication mandatory of engineering is not exclusion of others that suitable. represents author and must not be construed Because to the the instructions type technicians intended of material should exclusively or in the as personal policy the read each for engineers. except or approved by publication issue of the opinions recommended FSM all however references. engineers this and publication fol-AWARDS bene-The 1980 FIELD NOTES ARTICLE article rating sheet on the Select the three lowing page. articles that were most ficial and useful rate these articles from 1 highest to 3 do not rate more than three articles. Wherever applicable of the amount indicate money saved as a result of the article. Certification and Technical Data Systems Workshop and-the resulting Chiefs Action Plan see Field Notes Volume 11 Number 10 October 1979 provide for cash awards and service certificates to be awarded to the authors of three Field Notes articles in each calendar year. Cut out the page as indicated fold carefully and staple both ends of the folded sheet. The sheet in must be received rating March the Washington Office by 15 1981 in order to have your selections considered. The material in Forest Service is in producManual 7113 which establishes the tion formally award system the awards will be distributed based on responses of Field Notes readers. in-tended infor-Did super-Did accom-way Articles in Field Notes are to provide useful mation for engineering personnel working on the ground as well as for those who manage or vise systems. an Engineering Field Notes article help you in the performance of your job during 1980 information published in Field Notes help you save money Did you learn a new or time to perform a task Did you note potential benefits that could result from improved If you have a new way of plishing a job or a better idea for handling problems share your ideas problem solutions new Write an article methods etc. for Field Notes and maybe you will win a $100 cash award and for 1981. certificate methods If the answer questions is to any Yes of these complete the 1. i. 1980 Field Notes Rating Sheet Article Choice 123 Author Article January/February A Man His Bathhouse Solar Bonnie Mousetraps Toilet Facilities Solar Dwelling Attic Describing Wilderness Comments on Land Surveyors Corner Boundaries-Some Methods Search in Eldridge R-4 Thomas F. William A. Thomas F. William A. C. Smith Speer Smith R-8 R-8 Speer Doak C. R-8 R-8 R-3 Use-One General Viewpoint Nebraska in Rollin Sandhills Curd C. R-2 March Energy and Prediction Bridges Produce Contractor-Designed Cost Savings Road Damage Control of Significant Leonard B. Della-Moretta W. Muchmore Frank R-10 the Alaska Region for April A New Development Practical Solar Recent In Tom Clearing Roads Improve to Construction in FS L. Condos R-5 James M. Kocer Applications Activities New in Energy Owned George Efficiency Buildings J. R-3 WO Lippert and Related Facilities Low-Volume Roads Second International Adrian WO Pelzner Conference May Time Significant Use of Modular Cost Savings Result From the W. Muchmore Frank Boundaries Stanley Wayne Job Corps Facility R-10 Bridge Systems Steel John Surveys J. H. Lupis Skousen Valentine R-1 WO June of Transportation Construction Concrete Robert Cylinders Materials Sampling Testing E. J. D. Wildman Mandigo WO Bruesch WO R-4 Handbook The Autostress Bridge L. D. November/December Concrete The New Electronic Field Hydraulic of Efficiency Lot Size in Rock Notebook the Public J. Rake Improves Road Maintenance Land Monlux Steve Cylinder Transportation the S. Campbell James W. Tour R-1 WO MEDC Operations Surveys W. H. Valentine R-1 SDEDC $ Saved e FOLD HERE -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FORES SERVICE-USDA ENGINEERING BOX 2417 WASHINGTON STAFF 1207 RP/E P.O. DC 20013 Lu Z e e z 0 D 0 FOREST SERVICE-USDA ENGINEERING STAFF 1207 RPIE BOX 2417 WASHINGTON P.O. DC J N _ 20013 HERE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FO e e i e e HAND PUMP OPERATION AND Hand Pump and Description Operation con-Engineering MAINTENANCE Environmental A hand pump installation sists of a pump cylinder Engineering drop and pump stand. Figure 1 shows a typical hand pump installation. Staff Northern pipe pump rod Region The 1979 potable water inventory showed that 162 hand pumps are installed in wells in the Northern Region. To put this in 56 perspective percent of all the wells in the Northern Region The hand pump have hand pumps. will probably remain the most common method of withdrawing well water at Forest Service camp- Reservoir Drinking Hydrant Pump grounds. or Base Concrete li pump does not require electricity and it is simple to use these are major reasons it is so popular in the Forest Service. Also hand pumps can weather in below-freezing operate for early and late season use. hand Slab Drain ICI the hand pump is popThe number ular with the public. of old red hand pumps on lawns and flower gardens indicates the nostalgia associated with this reminder of the past. Generally j Stand Drainpipe I The Fountain i Below Weep Hole Drop Pipe Pump Rod Well Casing .-Pum Frost Line Cylinder single-of con-lation Sanitary surveys on hand pumps identified some in the Region recurring problems at many Some deficiencies were associated with the design the hand pump stands others were associated with the instal- Figure Hand pump drinking fountain in-stallations. stand with and hydrant The pump cylinder is a acting piston pump as shown in The piston is figure 2. nected to the pump handle by the pump rod which is inside the drop pipe. Operating the pump handle moves the piston up and down in the pump cylinder. drainage slabs etc.. A new Regional standard drawing installation of hand in 1978 pumps was approved based on the input from the sanitary surveys. for 1. the When the piston is drawn upward the piston valve is closed by gravity and the pressure of the Water above the water above it. piston is forced from the der up the drop pipe and out the spigot or fountain on the This article describes the inof stallation and maintenance well hand pumps. It is intended for facilities engineers and personnel responsible for maintaining water systems. cylin-district 3 base through the treatment unit and back into the bottom pump Treat-ment of Rod iI Pump reservoir unit. could include filtration the disinfection IIIIý exchange ion etc. should consult facility or zone environmental before considering of a pump stand with treatment unit. In a water units should be these eral the last resort for problems at a well A site with a hand pump. not be used should system obvious to hide sanitary in a pump installation. Districts engineers engineers gen-Piston con-sidered LiL in-stallation Cylinder Piston Valve with Leathers bac-teriological Check treat-ment Valve defi-ciencies Sampling Figure 2. Typical pump and Testing Normal operation of a hand pump maintained in good condition should have minimal effect on the district. System operation should consist primarily of monthly samples for tine bacteriological monitoring. cylinders col-lecting rou-through At the same time pump stand. water is drawn into the lower portion of the pump cylinder the check valve on the bottom of the cylinder. piston starts downward check valve closes and the piston valve opens to allow the piston to move to the bottom of the Water is trapped cylinder. in the pump cylinder during the troke then is forced downS piston upward into the drop pipe on the next As the the Rp upstroke. N Fnu ntain w r_ n jI .- Hvdr ant The pump stand in the Region 1 standard hand pump drawing has a drinking fountain and hydrant rather than a spout. A on the pump stand holds a small amount of water to allow a flow from the drinking fountain for 5 to 10 seconds after pumping stops. Set Screw reser-voir to Flow To 18 rrý r Back 457.2 N mm rýM.. ýý. IV Flow Reservoir Out Unit Another pump stand has for provisions treating the water from a hand pump. discharged Figure 3 shows a pump stand with a water treatment base. The water flows from a fitting at the available let Figure 3. Pump stand treatment 4 To Treatment with base water ap-a. installa-ing exist-2. To collect sample tion a 1. Flush for 2 at to by the appropriate Departments of Health in the States included in the Northern Region. It bacteriological well by pumpminutes. should be used for the tion of hand pumps on new wells and the rehabilitation of Deviations ing hand pump sites. from these plans at sites with the 3 Avoid sample contaminathe time of collection. public water systems must be State proved by the appropriate of Health and the Department Health Environmental Regional the Deviations from Engineer. plans at other sites must be approved by the Regional mental Health Engineer. Keep the sampling bottle unopened until the moment it is to be filled. Environ-and b. During sampling do touch the threads on the cap neck of the bottle. Do not place the cap on the ground while taking the sample. not During the installation of hand pumps impor-mediately. in-stallations Hold 3. the bottle near base fill it three-quarters full and replace the cap imBOTTLE DO NOT RINSE BEFORE COLLECTING the 1. Draining excess water from the concrete slab is tant. rehabilitation of During a number of old hand pump several wells had developed deep cavities under the old slabs and along the well These cavities were as casings. much as 6 feet or more deep. Excess water probably seeped under the slab and down the next to the well casing. small spaces are left between the casing and natural ground when wells are drilled. Surface water can percolate down and contaminate the groundwater. THE SAMPLE. 4. Complete collection form return form and sample to the laboratory. open-year samples for chemical monitoring are required at 3year intervals after the initial The ete chemical complete analysis. will zone environmental engineers notify the Forests when chemical tests are required at various sites. Generally in-etc. ground-chemical If possible Also rodents snakes might live in a cavity slab and contribute to water contamination. collect samples for analysis during the middle of the use period to minimize interference from rust Flush the well by pumping for several minutes. Collect and preserve the sample in accordance with instructions that should be included with the sample bottle. etc. under the 2. The length of the stalled pump rod should be such that the piston does not hit the top of the cylinder when the pump handle is at the bottom of its travel. Such constant pounding can cause the pump rod to either separate at a threaded joint or damage the pump cylinder or The threaded piston. upper end of the round piston bar should be just above the packing nut when the piston is resting on the bottom of the cylinder this allows the packing to be changed Installation is the Region 1 stanFigure dard drawing for the installation of hand Humps. This drawing has been reviewed and approved 5 PUTAP CYLINDER Dn - - 4- water fh in NOTES. SIZING GUIDE. ýtinder - --size- feet C - 20Qf t 15Cý l/6 2. 2%2 too lined cad Use pump rods. Use 3 75or less shall be brass Cylinder barrels - 10 stroke. steel galvanized IY4galvanized steel iron drop pipe. Bushincj base 45/ Stepped to pipe well 6 to Stroke adjustmens adapt standard Ir Lin casing Replaceable pump rod bushing and Set screws I/4 6 16 drop galy. Evansville Wisconsin casing 3 53536 Or equal. pump rod Access Port optional 11 threaded \Veldolet with brass plug. Hydrant Set screws square concrete Compact grade flush with slab to permit use conc. the bg physically handicapped. Drain Slope Y4/ft pipe CIO j DETAIL. Co. 133 pipe steel Pump Baker /Aanufacturing Enterprise Street Fountain I well Drinking /Aodel DF-HF Ohio Palters Base. packing ý1 Stand I I Fountain Reservoir Silicone caulking /Aonitor in slab. alI directions. 14min. 1111 ýI1 aa.ýýiý.tý.-s. _ ý%-dL.-- ý.ý ate-. - 04bars% 3vo 4dia. 15-0 dry well is boh ways udrain pipe -slopecadayIi9h1 from well-or min.of 25-0 If used. Encase drain and all under slab concrete to fittings in insure does well. drain not water re-enter Grout by well contractor. Not only included installation in pump contracts .wel outlet hydrant Drain casing of Location pipe k Approx. location of purnp handle. Handle i locaiion I 110 9f o.ý is Cast iron Floor l/ No. Zurn Z-553 with Josarn Smith 32110 Drill Wade K j so that with in pipe outlet flocx - \W-1640-SO I%4 b drop pipe conc. Drain in is conc. 18 above Encase weld in galy steel 311.114 finish rod pump concrete. pipe 6 well drain to casing slab grade. to anchor drain %4weep hole below frost line minimum 5-O 1 pipe Set proof screws vandal U Extend fhole /d deep I 2275 -On 1 Drain Catalog 4\anufacturar DETAIL. adjustable. casing - a0 V A-- 1 - Vell casing flush s0 drain. ý --. II Pump \Veld ýý Set level On ground to permit level sufficiently drain pipe to slope uniformity Y4 per foo to existing grade at 15 ft radius. b DET level terrain EXISTING 3 cylinder below satic water as specified. raise ELEVP Ill. T1 UN 11-Oi INSTALLATIONS. IL. lwI-0 D.... or. Krih Geo.Tuxbgrtt p R....-d _ Krnwler.Mci4ennu oaf 4-9t oo. 5-2-T8 Dd. 5-3-76 V. D.f. 5-4-78 APPROVED D... S- 4 Y... YUwM ýO S. oEiARTMENT FOREST _ APPROVED REVISIONS C.. 1cNenny ter Plats Section 1-7-80 wc Figure 4. Standard drawing -- WELL DRINKING FOUNTAIN TYPE PU/AP REGION ONE -tie DRILLED Of AGRICULTURE SERVICE pump installation 7 1 W - R1 I SI...e 1 of -L without permitting the top of the threaded piston bar to drop below the level of the packing nut without temporary external support. Equal lengths of drop pipe and pump rod should be installed on pumps. Pump rod is available in standard lengths of 18 20 and 21 feet 5.5 6.1 and 6.4 meters which correspond the standard lengths of different types of pipe used for drop pipe. Normally galvanized steel pipe is recommended for the drop pipe. Pump rods can be to the by cutting desired length and rethreading the cut end. 6. The hydrant located over the outlet should floor drain. dis-to be 7. The optional threaded access port near the top of the for well casing is recommended all hand pump installations for two important reasons infected The well can be without removing the a. pump. con-shortened b. the well can veniently. The water level be measured in typi-hole Startup/Shutdown The weep hole in the drop should be drilled rather torch cut to ensure a clean of proper size. Check -the the hand weep hole by operating pump until water is discharged from the spout. Let the pump idle for 30 to 60 seconds and operate the pump again. If water is discharged from the spout within the first one or two up-and-down motions of the handle either the weep hole is plugged or it is not large enough. 3. A con3iti.on survey is a physical The inspection of the hand pump. list summarizes following cal items to be checked during a condition survey pipe than 1. Thee drainage system should be open and functioning properly. 2. The concrete slab should not have any cracks open spaces under the slab should be filled. and bolts should be should be intact joints. watertight 3. The pump cylinder should the lowest be installed below anticipated water table level to eliminate any pollution hazard associated with priming the pump with nonpotable water. Nuts tight gaskets 4. at pump stand and its should not be major components cracked broken. or 4. another type 5. Substituting pump for the pump stand shown on the should drawingg figure g u re 4 not be done unless the two pump stands are equivalent. The most that features preferimportant red pumps have are a stainless steel piston bar and a pump rod bushing and packwhere the piston bar moves ing and down through the topp of the Districts should pump base. with facility engineers consult or zone environmental engineers before purchasing another type of hand pump. The per-up of 5. packing 6. The pump rod bushing should be snug. and The be weep hole should open. replace-able A condition survey on each hand pump installation should be formed in the spring before system startup and after the system is shut down in the fall. Year-round sites should have condition surveys at least once a 8 year. A condition survey performed when the system is shut down in the fall is useful in identifying items to be corrected maintenance before the system is opened for the next season. Materials can be ordered during the winter for installation early next season. A condition survey before system startup can determine if any additional damage has occurred during the winter from vandalism Shutdown 1. Perform condition 2. Remove pump survey. handle. Maintenance main-fros action etc. The steps for seasonal hand pump are summastartup and shutdown rized below Startup 1. Install pump handle. Like other. nieces of machinery hand pumps havemaintenance The following requirements. describe common paragraphs tenance Numbers in procedures. refer to part numbers parentheses in of a typical pump shown 6 shows the 5. figure Figure nomenclature of a typical parts pump cylinder. Drainage System The Perform condition survey. drain pipe should be cleaned needed to keep excess water draining from the slab area. as re-unti 2. main-tenance. 3. 4. Complete Flush well by pumping discharge is clear of rust sediment 5. necessary etc. Take water bacteriological pump handle. sample testing for remove test bacteriological the water is satisfactory open system for use install the pump handle. 6. If 7. If the bacteriological test is unsatisfactory chlorinate the well and repeat all Flush steps starting with 4. the well until the free chlorine residual drops below 0.5 mg/l. Slab The slab should be cracks develop in placed it. Hairline cracks in a slab generally should not be considered a threat to the sanitary quality of the well water. The ground level around the slab should be maintained at the slab elevation so surface water cannot collect in low spots or form channels under the slab. The chances of rodents burrowing under the slab should be reduced the ground level by maintaining at slab elevation. concrete if open steel-reinforced Pump Stand Nuts and bolts on the stand should be tight. Gaskets on the reservoir cover and the tank-to-base connection should be maintained in a Cracked tight condition. such as the ponents pump base reservoir cover etc. should be replaced as water-ological com-contamination subsequent bacterisamples continue to show request a sanitary forest facilities the survey from engineer. 8. If 25 40 36 17 Key Number Description Handle no.23 2 Pump 3 Cotter 4 Upper 5 Cap 6 Set 7 8 9 1 pin pin 2 piston 1 1 112 Flat piston bar 584.2 bar 11 Fulcrum 12 Fulcrum Fulcrum 14 Cotter 15 Hex cap x 3/4 16 Valve 17 Cover 18 Valve 19 Snap 20 Spring 21 Spacer 22 Valve 23 24 Washer Hex lock 25 Cover 9.5 mm-16 5 assembly 1 Ii ring washer cupped Nozzle Reservoir 13 42 38 39 40 1 pipe mm 25.4 pipe std. 23 3 I no. screw-base x 2 31.8 mm Base-includes 112 32 Bolt-tank 1 mm-13NC 12.7 4 nos. 40 and 34 Lower guide Base-includes nut 2 1 plug 1 key nos. 40 8 34 3 1 parts-includes 20 21 22 23 Fountain 7 1 DF-HC. Valve unit key nos. 24 assembly 0-9 18 19 1 includes 15 16 17 25 29 30 31 32 Washer nos. 45 mm. 11.1 with to base Expansion 42 44 L. flange Gasket-tank 41 43 7116 mm 12.7 washer Packing tij 1 to base 2 x 1 114 1 L. key 6 1 2 mm Set t key 59.0 mm L. key assembly- includes Set screw 7/16 11.1 mm-14NC x 112 12.7 mm L. Pipe plug-314 19.1 mm NPT Pump bushing 2 50.8 mm x for II\-- 1 assembly-includes 27 28 33 40 41 26 14NC 14 12 nut for DF-HF. 37 14 4 L. shaft spring Spout 36 mm 44.5 27 31.8 2 1 29 x o pin 3/8 handle 28 Drain I I pin handle screw gasket Strainer Drain dia. 1 26 31 mm long pin 1 Nos. mm cap 13 30 3 1 1 packing 118 3.2 rope stem Piston 35 3 Packing Valve X23 34 mm-13NC 12.7 mm 38.1 Graphite 33 guide 1/2 screw 10 32 key and 43. V 1 LI 1 Q key __16 U U 10 -15 I X Quantity pin assembly-includes _ 1 /17 39 - 38- 43J 4V 37 ý 18 -19 Q j 25 --20 -23 1-21 0 -22 24 2645 - 36 27 f.. 128 29 33 35 --30 34 U r-ý_-31 2 Figure 5. Pump 10 nomenclature 44 2 Key Cylinder Number Description Figure 1 Size Upper Quantity In mm 1 250.8 2-14 57.2 2-112 63.5 cap 1 3762 Cylinder barrel brass lined 3 3 2 x 12 50.8 x 304.8 2 x 15 50.8 x 381.0 1 1 2.114 x 12 57.2 x 304.8 2114 x 15 57.2 x 381.0 12 63.5 x 304.8 15 63.5 x 381.0 x 2-1/2 x 2-1/2 3 SIZE 3 2 376 3 3 63.5 2-1/2 CYLINDER 1 250.8 2-14 57.2 Gasket 3 x 12 76.2 x 304.8 3 x 1576.2 x 381.0 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 2 FIG. 4 Figure Plunger 5 Hex 6 Plunger I 2 stem 2 x 15 50.8 2 x 7550.8x381.0 x 384.0 1 2.7/4 x 2 57.2 x 304.8 1 2-112 x 12 63.5 x 304.8 I 2-112 x 72 63.5 x 304.8 2.1/2 x 15 63.5 x 381.0 1 3 x 12 76.2 x 304.8 3 x 15 76.2 x 381.0 16 1 1 J 1 716-14NC nut poppet 250. 8 2.112 63.5 2-112 63.5 5 ý 1 Iný 1 376.2 1 - 7 Cup leather 250.8 2 2-14 2 57.2 2154.1 3 76.2 B Plunger assembly 2 1 2 63.5 2-1/2 6 2 11457.2 vD 112635 376-2 3 Check valve 2508 guide 2.14 Check 1 2.114 57.2 2.1/2 83.5 1 3 76.2 11 Check valve 1 lacing 1 2154.5 2.112 63.5 83.5 Check 13 Hex 14 Check valve washer valve Lower cap 1 1 250.8 assembly L 1 2.14 57.2 2.12 63.5 2 50.8 2114 assembly 1 1 1 . Plunger stem 17 Plunger spring 18 Plunger poppet 19 Plunger valve 20 Machine 5116 1 1 1 facing 7.9 mm-18NC 22 Poppet 23 Plunger x 314 19.1 mm L. 11 1 2 - assembly 1 2 ýTT 14 13 1 assembly 0 1 1 screw Cup leather FIG ý 4 21 I ý..1 1 9 16 - 1 3 76.2 Figure --T/ice 2 1 314%.2 2.112 - 23 --7 21 2 1 15 9 9 21 1 511818NC nut 1 20 1 376.2 12 FIG. 1 p I 2.12 9 a 7 250.8 valve 7--- 1 1 3112 1 fý-ýy 1 57.2 312 83.6 6 10 7 I 9 Figure 7 1 15 FIG.3 Figure 6. Pump cylinder 11 nomenclature. A4 quickly as possible to protect the sanitary quality of the water. Nut and Packing Packing Stuffing Box a. or 9 replace and packing 1 at the pump Properly maintaining rod packing is one of the most important items in protecting the sanitary quality of the water from a hand pump. The packing nut is located at the top of the pump base. The packing nut and packing form a watertight seal where the piston bar moves up and down through the top of the Normal pump base 36. maintenance will require the of the periodic tightening nut which compresses the packing against the piston bar to maintain the seal. watertight The packing nut should be tightened to the point that there is no side movement in the piston through the nut and there is a slight drag on the piston bar when the pump is operated. If water bubbles around the packing the packing nut is not tight enough. Eventually the packing or the packing nut will have to be replaced as described below 8 To 2. connection and flat if packing needed nut 2 Remove pump pin between pump handle piston bar 7. Remove u pp er p iston and unthread flat bar from piston bar 4 b. guide piston 10. 7 c. Loosen packing nut and remove by sliding up the piston bar 10. 8 10 pack-ing Replace needed. d. -9 pump packing sur-ba 1. 8 10 ing To replace e. Install new packing sliding down over the piston bar and tighten to form a seal. watertight Complete the assembly by reversing the The smooth procedure. face of the piston bar that slides through the valve stem and the packing packing nut should not be scratched or. gouged with the jaws of pliers etc. pipe wrenches Damaging the surface of the piston bar will cause rapid failure of the valve stem packing. nut 9 to by disas-sembly packing Upper Loosen packing nut slide nut up piston bar provide access to pack- 10 9 8 a. and if Piston Guide 4 The upper piston guide will wear in the direction of the pump handle as the flat piston bar rubs against the guides. As the 4 upper piston guide wears the iston bar will tend to wear piston side on one of the packing nut. The watertight seal at the nut might be disrupted if the nut wears to one side. A packing thin layer of heavy-bodied grease on the upper-piston guide and the handle side of the flat piston bar should prolong the life of the the guide. Replace upper piston when wear exceeds 1/8 inch guide 10 Remove remainder of with packing a fine-pointed tool such as a small screwdriver. b. pack-ing c. Install new valve stem packing recommended by pump manufacturer 9 d. Slide packing nut down piston bar and tighten to form watertight seal. 3.2 mm. 1.2 Sealed Pump Flanges bacteriological pump handle. Remove testing. ade-g Many older model pump stands have flanged pump bases bolted directly to the concrete pad or to a sealed pump flange mounted on top of the The flange gaskets in casing. these connections must be to provide a water-tight seal and prevent contamination of the well. bolts must be Mounting ti ht and the flange gaskets must be in good condition. If 5. is system for handle. main-tained test bacteriological satisfactory open the water Well Install use. Cleaning the pump Flushing or wells are not cleaned at the low pumping rate quately of hand pumps. As a result of eventually accumulations sediment rust particles etc. might affect the physical quality of the well water At some sites periodic well cleaning can be beneficial. Districts should consult facility engineers or zone environmental engineers on specific installations. table pump jacks with gasoline engines are available to operate the pump cylinder mechanically. Well Disinfection The well should be disinfected whenever the pump stand is raised or removed for maintenance. The disinfection is procedure described below Por-into stock-be Pour chlorine solution the well just before installing pump cylinder and drop pipe This shall be a soluassembly. tion of 2 cups 0.0005 m3 of 5% chlorine bleach diluted with 5 gallons 0.0189 m3 of potable water. Chlorine solution should diffused into the well through a water hose or pipeline as the line is alternately raised and lowered. 1. After installation operate the hand pump until distinct chlorine odor is detected in the discharge. Districts should consider ing the following common spare parts for hand pump maintenance 2. a 3. Remove the pump handle and allow the chlorine solution to remain in the well at least 24 hours. 4. After at least 24 hours flush the well until the free chlorine residual is less than 0.5 mg/1. Take water sample for All artwork Parts Spare Use Packing 2. Graphite 3. Gaskets 4. Upper 5. Res-ervoir a pump parts 13 rope 25 piston 3 packing 9 40 guide cover 4 17 standard brand of hand order to reduce required inventory on a District. in this article except figure 4 c monitor Division Manufacturing Company all other publication rights reserved. in nuts 1. was provided by the Baker Evansville. Wisconsin -Al GREENHOUSE TEMPERATURE number of alarm units required to cover the area the system includes an isolation light was panel. structed Thaits ptheanel Lab it has 25 low-voltage bulbs each to a separate sensor unit with 7 spare circuits. The light panel detects any unit that is causing a problem. This eliminates the need to search five buildings. ALARM SYSTEM Vanderpool Nicolet The Civil National Forestry Engineer Forest R-9 corre-sponding Sciences Laboratory at Rhinelander Wis. has several and growth rooms in greenhouses which experiments are conducted on forest products. The large investment in time and effort in the research of this work warranted the installation of a Thermalarm temperature warning device. In addition to the system provided by the manufacturer the Lab installed an isolation light panel to indicate the unit causing the problem. The light panel was constructed from a 24-inch by 24-inch 0.6-m stan-dard box the light bulbs are mounted front cover. Each bulb number corresponds to a location listed on a chart attached to the unit. Sensor wires from the temperature alarm and boiler failure relays run into the light panel unit and then into the unit. A relay on phone-alert each incoming positive wire isolates the signals. A diode attached in line prevents the battery current from traveling back through the system and lighting all. the bulbs. Thus positive contact must be made for any bulb to light and the relays isolate the signal. Also the has switch that tests a system all the light bulbs at once to This see if any have burned out. switch feeds power directly from the battery to the bulbs. in The Lab bought the basic system from Thermalarm Products Inc. Effingham Falls N.H. Fifteen temperature sensors were installed in the various greenhouses and growth rooms each sensor has an adjustable high and low alarm limit. In addi_ tion three failure relays were installed on the boilers providing heat to the rooms equipped with sensors. These relays activate an alarm system when the temperature reaches a predetermined high or low setting. The alarm sytem also includes a phone-alert unit which will dial as many as five different numbers with a pretelephone recorded message to warn of either a temperature problem or a boiler failure. The phonealert plugs into a telephone jack it also uses a backup battery power supply in case This power is off. package has an individual unit test system. the This system is complex in design but simple in operation. The alarm prebuilt solve components the problem and the isolation light panel helps to find the unit in trouble and to test the With the time and money system. in the already invested house research projects the system will have to work only once -- on a cold February night -- to save many times its cost. green-electrical Because of the size of the Forestry Sciences Lab and the 15 Con-TRANSPORTATION MORE ON CONCRETE Michael T23-80I Making and Curing CYLINDER crete Compressive and Flexural Strength Test Cylinders in the Field cylinders must be packed in suitable containers surrounded sawdust for sand wet or wet by The carrier shipping. cylinder described in the article appears to be impractical for placing wet sand or wet sawdust around the A. Kelly Materials Engineering Technician Mt. Hood Editors response Concrete National Note Forest R-6 This article to Transportation is a of Cylinders which Notes Volume Number 6 June 1980. Another Cylinder response Concrete appeared in Field cylinders. 12 elimi-Field rec-Transportation in a Placing the cylinders tangular box and filling the box with wet sand or sawdust and nates any clanging together rolling around in the back of a Field Notes readers pickup. should know that failure to low the proper AASHTO procedure during cylinder transportation with results in nonconformance the Forest Service Standard Specifications. fol-tant appeared in the 1980 issue of November-December Notes Volume 12 Number 7. Transportation of Concrete Cylinders overlooks an impor- The carrier described point. that article is a rectangular box with 8 holes cut for 6-inch 152.4-mm diameter concrete to AASHTO According cylinders. in 17 TO READERS INVITATION NOTES FIELD reader Every author of an article for Field Notes. a potential is would OF we If you have a news item or short respec-tive informa-tive article you Field in like to share with engineers invite you send to for publication it Notes. submitted Material the Washington to Regional Office to see that and of interest may vary from news Service to Forest several items are and information to FSM several 7113. The of length to the should be submitted material short Office should Washington drawings original by the accurate typewritten pages however submitted illustrations all current timely technically is Engineers Service All material ideally should be reviewed Office for publication sentences short preferred. double-spaced the glossy articles or be typed or prints negatives. Field Notes Area Headquarters list to ask distributed is from the Office directly Washington Forests and Forest Service retirees. If you to are your Office Manager or the Regional Engineering Technical increase from the number the Washington of Systems issues and on the mailing are Coordinator also available Office. Field personnel should submit their Regic material for publication or questions concerning Field Notes to Coordinators I R-1 Melvin R-2 Royal R-3 Juan Coordinators Data copies sent to your office. Copies of back Station Regional all not currently Dittmer M. Ryser Gomez should direct R-4 Ted R-5 Paul Wood Stutes R-6 Kjell R-8 Tom questions Mujeebul R-10 Bo McCoy WO Bakke Hasan R-9 Al Colley Vanderpool concerning format editing publishing dates and other problems to Forest Service-USDA Engineering P.O. RP-E Bldg Rome Editor Staff Gordon L. Box 2417 Washington Telephone D.C. 20013 Area Code 703 235-8198 c GnVERNMENT PRINTING 1 OFFICE 1981 720-006/3858 Ali Attn - IJýS INFORMATION-Engineering Volume 13 Number 1 Field Notes