ENGINEERING A INFORMATION SYSTEM FIELD NOTESTECHNICAL REPORTS DATA RETRIEVALMANAGEMENT PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT VOLUME eld 1 NUMBER 11 Notes Distribution Inquiry Unified Rock Washington Office News FOREST SERVICE NOVEMBER .n sc4 l. Y KR U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1978 ex-tent DISTRIBUTION The Washington September 1978 Office has learned issues of the problem by completing this page from the book fold W Z N F U 2 O 1 ý You can Field and returning from each Regional 15 days Offices have not received help the Washington of receipt the address facing of this issue. Do Office National Forest or Station. the August and Office determine the the form on the reverse where indicated leaving mail. Please mail this form within response that some of Field Notes. INQUIRY side of this page. Cut outward staple and more than one not mail Do mail more than one response from each Office National Forest or Station. Regional not FOLD ON THIS LINE ............................................................................................................. Forest Station Office Name Person Receiving of Section/ Address Field Notes Sox P.O. Street State City No. No. Copies of Ordered Copies Received of Zip August September August September FOLD ON THIS LINE ............................................................................................................. FOREST ENGINEERING SERVICE-USDA PUBLICATIONS-RP/E P. O. 1207 BOX 2417 WASHINGTON DC 20013 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY ýpf5f FOR PRIVATE 5gyKf SUS USE $300 FOREST SERVICE-USDA ENGINEERING PUBLICATIONS-RP/E P. 0. BOX WASHINGTON 2417 DC 20013 1207 US ENGINEERING Volume NOTES FIELD Number 10 11 been developed respon-sibility Information of the contained United for The the The interpretation that or service may be names text in the or policy except engineers and engineering intended as FSM exclusively This contractors its by other than publication is and its assumes no its own employees. for the information and an official endorsement or approval constitute by the United States Department of Agriculture publication be construed by in this of employees guidance of Agriculture of this information use does not for Service to the exclusion suitable. must not not or use of the reader. Such product of others has publication Department of Agriculture-Forest and State agencies. The Department of trade firm or corporation use convenience of any this States Federal cooperating in issue the represents recommended references. personal Because technicians opinions or approved should of the respective procedures of the type read each of material issue in the publication however this for engineers. contained the distribution a form that of the August answered an inquiry about and September FOREST SERVICE U.S. Field Notes. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Washington D.C. 20013 author and mandatory instructions publication all is WASHINGTON OFFICE NEWS OPERATIONS Harold L. Strickland Assistant Director Manage-ment NEW During AERIAL the past FIDM and 2 PHOTOGRAPHY years FORMAT Forest BEING Insect EVALUATED and TM Disease have procured a Timber Management significant amount of high-altitude panoramic photography to surveys and timber support multistage insect damage KA80A The camera used was an Itek salvage programs. with a bar camera 24-inch 60.96 cm focal length optical The X 127 cm. film format of 4-1/4 X 50 inches 10.795 infrared film at a color high-resolution and imagery is taken theoretical nadir scale of of 65000 aircraft at an altitude from a U-2 reconnaissance shows The drawing mean sea level m.s.l.. feet 19812 bar for one frame of optical the ground area coverage and The camera system and U-2 aircraft are NASA-owned in California. Center based at NASA Ames Research camera system uses 132500 photog-raphy. m Washington Office Engineering has provided technical project in collection processing interpretation and data support in the use of the photography. to assist transfer activities Portions of Regions_ l 2 5 and 6 have optical bar coverage. is in Region 5 which has used The largest block of coverage forests. in more than 13 Approval for this photography in a on the Regions was contingent participation coverage of this to evaluate the potential imagery project development Forest Service programs. All to support multidisciplinary resource bar photography and various units now using optical will 5 in the project which in Region participate disciplines will be coordinated by Washington Office Geometronics. this imagery requires the format of development unique and training support the photo interpret at ion guidelines of evaluation viewing equipment requirements to support and the development of photointerpretationactivities to transfer techniques support data measurement will be These areas addressed in the activities. The photo-to-map develop-ment of project. 1 awareness is also being to make briefing package developed users aware of this technology potential and the associated development forwarded to program. Copies will be Regional Geometronics Leaders. An ew xo s..xezj F ..rraw.xo...ýE . ýxk-4aF...on.3rý..$ý-eýý w.xx . s. . w xo4.vx -. yý3re.ýi..ý ... r..a o.ý..Se iaiyt.. mo oa 4..F.ý . .aw..e _ . x rizxaa8w .kyýeqýe 2.2 1 2 3 k m ký... Aa a.. Fxw e r.... a-ý. ... .. w...._...... ý ... ...mak .... . . ....... wr.2..L... ....... ...-.........._t.xao .......gex .rdý-yk.F. . vo ......_....x.. vr.ýn..rn-v . . ý re... ... .. ..5 M ý... l ýzake.ýxeoxr...._. 2 0 a Fe. -oa...@ým ..a.F... xayu xxr . ..a aw l...o a....kR... rý_euFwiiN. 37 \ 2.3 o. ýýin. . xýýxr_oco-. x._.kiHiS nmi 68.524 -.a OHx6o_Qwourej.ýY3 .ifiw.oa..rowrFen.x n.oJe.ý.N..u.rC..Fa. km nmi 4.259 km AT nmi NADIR - Nautical Mile Optical Bar Camera Ground 2 Coverage iyxit.e irý /min ý..wni grvba-.ý.srs4ixr.ik..kkx ..... . ý - ý o-xxerFk..ýaxc r_yýFýy. xa. Tký....eukieea.. noyw- x..aFsxy e.....ý.ký ......_......_. ýx e...$yy exaFuwý ý. . TECHNOLOGICAL Heyward Assistant IMPROVEMENTS Taylor Director T. FOR SYSTEM DESIGN AND MANAGEMENT SERVICE ROADS - IMPLEMENTATION PAVEMENT FOREST Service-wide Under the terms of a cooperative agreement the Forest Service and the of Texas have been developing a University for The work was and pavement design management. system the divided into three phases and final reports describing first two have been distributed Service-wide under the titles Phase I - A Pavement Design and Management System for Forest Service Roads A Conceptual and Phase II 1974 Study July A Pavement and Forest Service Design Management System for A Working Roads Model February 1977. The and phase of the. work has now been completed report describing the work in Phase III was prepared and approved for publication University by the Forest third and final the by the Service. Man-agement of the report Phase III A Pavement Design and Forest Service Roads Implementation are System for the and distribution to Forest by being printed University is scheduled for Service personnel January or February. Copies per-sonnel the project a panel of Forest Service representing the Regions and the Washington Office The panel served as a board for the University. sounding to the input and insight contributing provided valuable In each phase of de-velopment man-agement computer-based program for the design and surfacing investment on Forest Service roads. Phase III four separate training sessions were held During to introduce Forest Service users to the Low Volume Roads Over 70 Forest Service personnel representing LVR Program. 30 Forests and seven Regions were instructed in the use and of the a This group operation represented program. of planners engineers and managers who work in many different areas of the country their response was that the and that they the users planned to program was a good one use the program more frequently. The Phase III Report in detail the experience and reactions of the users the methodology and the problems encountered the subsequent modifications to the program are described in the final of of a the cross-section docu-ments report. 3 decisions and instructions for Service-wide Management use the program are being prepared and their distribution for February. planned Forest Service personnel who have for surfacing and management design are urged read the Phase III report. of re-sponsibility 4 is to CONSULTATION Walter AND E. STANDARDS Furen AssistantDirector require-ments for Forest We must have trained Service qualified operators wastewater treatment This has been the systems. certainly in the past and with stricter environmental object and controls it has become increasingly important. The from an editorial by Mr. Martin paraphrased Water Pollution Control Federation Lang that was published in Water and Sewage Works. We feel this brief passage to the need for qualified speaks very directly following is President-elect dis-cussions com-plex operators. come to meetings now and they are beginning to esoteric jargon legal talk legislative strange academic esoteric discussions and talk about and new of All of them compounds techniques analyses. But while operators are increasingly are getting important. with the polysyllabic terminology of ecology we comfortable whole must not lose sight of the fact that the water On top abatement program can bea vast inverted pyramid. are Congressional legislation EPA rules and regulations and process designs concrete steel and equipment sophisticated This whole pyramid is needed to comply with the requirements. lone operator with an resting on the back of one individual--a emergency in a campground treatment plant on a Sunday morning call on a consultant of a Fourth of July weekend. He cant committee he cant write away to the technology transfer program and he cant call on some distinguished professor or EPA official. He must be trained to do the right thing. Therefore the Forest Service must dedicate itself to the of the operator and realize that the training of importance is as out the mean cell the operator important as figuring residence time or knowing the theoretical kinetics of complete mixing. Operators hear pollu-tion The need for trained operators applies equally well to the of Forest Service This must potable operation water systems. be emphasized by both line managers and technical staff. S UNIFIED ROCK CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Douglas A. Williamson Engineering Geologist Willamette National Forest R-6 origini-naZZy Unified Rock Classification System URCS was developed by Douglas A. Williamson in 1959 and 1960. The system has been used extensively by him and others on projects for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the USDA Forest Service. The di-rectives The URCS is being system considered for publication Forest Service Handbook. in the classifica-tion Engi-neering Readers comments and experiences send with rock URCS would be helpful. Please systems including comments to the author or to Jim Mandigo your Staff Unit WO. The Unified Rock Classification allows rapid System URCS assessments of rock conditions field preliminary by simple natural that establish tests The URCS strength parameters. is all useful for earth-associated and construction design It is especially useful because the pertinent projects. natural conditions related to design can be read strengths at a glance or be confirmed by referring to the original data base. In many instances the data base is too detailed for collective analysis. be-havior. The URCS is an engineering shorthand used to convey maximum information. The URCS classifies rock in simple easily understood terms that convey evidence of strength and The uniform terms used convey design engineers appeal boards. meaning inspectors to engineering and uni-formity classi-fication geologists contract contractors Geotechnical field reports or drill logs sometimes lack a of notation to assure that sufficiently identical A working will be made interpretations by designers. field tests which can be system based on simple 6 uniform-ity. refined by laboratory testing can assure this needed The URCS is not intended to replace the existing classification geologic engineering design The of purpose To 2. To a rather to supplement it with parameters. this paper present engineering 1. but is rock classification system useful for geology and geotechnical investigations. describe a field identification requires simple field apparatus. procedure that per-mits 3. the classifications establish design and performance. To relationship to and an indication of rock performance provides of crude estimate of the three primary properties a permeability and shear strength. compressive strength URCS The rock a classifica-tion applica-tions When as combined - The with other stress history and water allows a rough estimate such as information geotechnical table location the of rock performance such for Foundation suitablility Ease or difficulty of excavation Slope stability Suitability for embankments Suitability for aggregate Blasting characteristics Water transmission it can will not replace laboratory testing but quantity of testing needed and increase the success by reducing the range of properties that URCS reduce the estima-tion design must be assumed. The URCS can be accomplished by simple field tests or and testing in a simplified form or with experience It is suitable determination by more refined form. forThe geotechnical personnel. beginning as well as experienced is verifiable and and allows serial and reproducible system final review by geotechnical supervisors. in a URCS employs of representation The sections the mind maps for graphic simple system of notation geotechnical inventories boring logs etc. The notation registers rapidly in a and minimizes the required drafting 7 effort. UNIFIED ROCK MASS ROCK CLASSIFICATION STRENGTH ESTIMATE EFFECT WEATHERED SAND OF WEATHERING 1 SIZE ALTERED SIZE GRAVEL COMPLETELY NON PLASTIC PLASTIC VFS pLASTIC PLASTIC FRESH FRIABLE CRATERS SHEARS E D 1000 PSI 7 MPa 1000 to 3000 21 PSI to to AND REBOUNDS ELASTIC PITS TENSIONAL RO PQ C 21 WEIGHT ABSORPTION IMPACT DQ PLANAR A B 8000 PSI 55 MPa LINEAR 8000 55 to to 15000 PSI 103 MPa 15000 PSI 103 MPa ELEMENTS SOLID-PLANES TRANSMITS WATER NO YES DIMENSIONAL NO LATENT DIMENSIONAL 2 3-D 2-D LPS SPB E D C B SEPARATION UNIT LESS THAN 130 lbs/ft3 Mg/m3 /2.10 E K. 140 VALUES and Peck to SRB A R. WEIGHT 140 to 150 /2.25 2.40\ ttb 130 D C Soil /1 mechanics I\ in to GREATER 160 M engineering 8 /2.40 /I I\ Practice to THAN 160 lbs/ft3 lbs/ft3 g/ 140 B. 150 lbs/ft3 2.25\ Mt/m3 l CONSISTENCY to lbs/ft3 2.0130 Terzaghi RANDOM BREAKAGE ATTITUDE INTERLOCK 130 SOLIDPREFERRED BREAKAGE PLANES OF SEPARATION OF PLANES SEPARATION OF 1 TO DENTS 3000 MPa to 7 MFS BONDING COMPRESSIVE CQ MBL HAND LENS UNIT RELATIVE STATE GRAIN FRESH STATE A TO REACTION MOLDABLE MICRO B COMPARE 1 REMOLDING 3 STS C NON MINERAL YES STATE VISUALLY FRESH STATE D E REPRESENTATIVE STAINED PARTLY DECOMPOSED STATE P05 DECOMPOSED STATE COS SYSTEM URCS BASIC ELEMENTS - 2.55 2.55\ MI/m3 Mg/m3 71 150 160 B A John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1948. SYMBOLS NOTATIONS AND classes can four-letter grouped together in or on sections read at a glance when placed on maps be are and drilling logs. The four letters are in caps The letter denotes that the least design is required while denotes the most design evaluation made. in is required. means no determination sequence value. estimated A lower-case after a letter indicates The are letter symbols design of a four the major element under-lined. AE evalua-tion notation that 0 e FIELD NOTATION In the and the example The field the notation includes both the letter symbol For abbreviated basis written under the letter. classification Field notebook BCAD B can then values The design for the intended purpose. 1. DQ D 130 B--Visual fresh state C--Dents with hammer blow A--Solid with random breakage and D--unit weight 130 to 140 pcf 2.10 to 2.25 Mg/m3 Explanation Notes A SRB C VFS AAAA requires established be for this material EEEE requires the most design evaluation. the least design evaluation. break-age Some combinations do completely Decomposed 15000 MPa 103 psi and Greater than EAAA. 2. occur for example State and Greater than not Solid with 160 pcf random 2.55 Mg/m3 Design values of the four major elements are not even though the same letter notation equivalent might apply. 9 URCS degree of weathering is restricted to of weathering can be The effect relative loss of defined practically by determining the Five categories and the reduction-of unit weight. cohesion defined D--Partly are E--Completely Decomposed State Under the chemical the weathering. State Decomposed and A--Micro Fresh State C--Stained State. EFFECT 1 WEATHERED SAND SIZE PARTLY DECOMPOSED STATE CDS 1 VISUALLY FRESH STATE MICRO FRESH STATE STS VFS MFS C B D NON I PLASTIC PLASTIC CONSISTENCY Terzaghi K. VALUES and Peck R. B. COMPARE TO FRESH STATE NON PLASTIC Soil Mechanics E--Completely pgln Decomposed State HAND LENS UNIT RELATIVE in Engineering 77 0% REPRESENTATIVE STAINED STATE DECOMPOSED STATE PDS E PLASTIC SIZE State WEATHERING ALTERED GRAVEL COMPLETELY OF Fresh B--Visually Practice John Wiley and WEIGHT ABSORPTION Sons Inc. 1948. 1% CDS. State is when the rock material Completely Decomposed all remoldable to sand silt or clay or mixtures of two The resulting remolded material is determined or more sizes. and and Dry Strength Dilatency to be plastic or nonplastic tests are performed. The in-place strength is Toughness estimated by consistency values The is 1. D--Partly Decomposed State PDS. deter-mined 1 the rock material is and larger rock fragments with or remoldable to gravel-size The relative percentage without sand silt or clay mixtures. of -rock fragments are estimated and the material is The in-place strength is be plastic or nonplastic. to estimated values or by size shape and by consistency of remolded aggregate. graduation The Partly Decomposed C--Stained State State is when STS. The Stained State describes a condition when the rock material discoloration due to oxidation but shows partial or complete The rock material is usually shades of be remolded. cannot yellow or brown has a reduced unit weight and a higher 10 compar-ing of water. The strength estimate is made by absorption State the Stained with Fresh State material at a given area examined. reduction is expressed Weight as a percentage of the Fresh State unit weight. mate-rial de-sign. B--Visually Fresh State VFS. Fresh State is present when the rock material Visually of the of representative standard quality and not expected to change within economic excavation limits. The rock is evaluated with the naked eye and such an evaluation is usually for all foundation and excavation acceptable The rock material has uniform color and is usually shades of gray green or blue. The sample tested is of maximum unit of weight maximum specimen strength The is represen-tative and least Stained A--Micro relative State Fresh absorption are made. State from which sources. alteration hand lens. to MFS. The Micro Fresh State is determined lens. but not It is desirable determination comparisons except when making in the field with a hand to make this necessary investigations for rock condition exists when This there is no oxidation of any of the mineral components when viewed with a 11 the Mineral Grain Bonding is defined as or Specimen Strength or adhesion between mineral grains that degree of cementation defines the fundamental strength of the rock mass independent of the planar and linear elements. For purposes of the limit of moldability is estimated at 1000 psi 7 MPa. There are four distinct reactions to impact loading The reaction is ball-peen hammer. by means of a 1-lb 450-g of of the limitations independent intensity of blow within the tool used and the investigators strength. The reactions are defined as and Rebounds. Craters Dents Based on these reactions plus the moldability factor five of are denoted E--Moldable categories specimen strength D--Craters C--Dents B--Pits and A--Rebounds. classifi-cation Pits MINERAL 1 REMOLDING FRIABLE CRATERS SHEARS E D 1000 PSI 7 MPa 1000 Terzaghi E--Moldable K. VALUES and Peck to 7 to R. B. IMPACT DENTS DO PITS TENSIONAL REBOUNDS ELASTIC B A 3000 MPa PSI soil mechanics 3000 21 in to to 8000 55 8000 PSI 55 MPa Engineering RO PQ C 21 Quality TO COMPRESSIVE CQ MBL CONSISTENCY BONDING REACTION MOLDABLE 1 GRAIN Practice 15000 PSI 103 MPa to to John Wiley and 15000 PSI 103 MPa Sons Inc. 1948. MBL. is present when the otherwise and Moldable Quality continuous with finger similar rock material can be remolded visually an estimated unconfined compressive indicates pressure. This estimates less than are 1000 7 MPa. Strength strength psi made by determining consistency values In all cases the material is examined and is given. classification recovered by diamond core tested as Usually drilling 1. a soil and a dual the material cannot and can be excavated be by machinery. D--Crater Quality Crater Quality under reaction CQ. rock material is as the term implies a a impact producing shearing and point of has of mineral grains. This category upthrusting adjacent from strength an estimated unconfined compressive range 1000 to 3000 psi 7 to 21 MPa. Usually The rock material rock has core be recovered drilling operations can during 12 stresses by high absorption and will respond to freeze/thaw and checking. at least cracking It has a very low energy when transfer blasted drained embankments produces poorly and is not suitable for road aggregate material. C--Dent Quality DQ. rock material produces a dent or depression Quality of under the point It indicates the presence of impact. This category pore space between the mineral grains. or quality of material has a estimated unconfined compressive and strength range of 3000 to 8000 psi 21 to 55 is to the strength roughly equivalent range of concrete. Dent Quality material has low energy transfer in response to blasting and often produces a boulders and sand result. Dent MPa B--Pit Quality Pit Quality of mineral a shallow PQ. rock material grains under rough produces the point an of explosive departure impact resulting in This quality of specimen has an compressive strength range of 8000 pit. mate-rial. pro-cedure estimated unconfined A--Rebound Quality MPa and is considered to hard rock 15000 psi 55 to 103 Pit Quality rock produces by the construction industry. fill and is suitable for.road aggregate free-draining Pit Quality material has high energy transfer in response to blasting and no special blasting design is necessary. Rebound and is RQ. Quality rock material has no reaction to impact true brittle-elastic substance in a mechanical This quality of specimen strength has an estimated a sense. unconfined of than compressive strength greater 15000 psi Rebound rock produces quality free-draining fill that is suitable for road aggregate. this rock However material is often sharp and angular due to its brittleness and therefore a less desirable material. also produces It has a very high energy transfer in response to blasting. 103 MPa. 13 weaknesses of a rock mass are determined and linear features. Planar separations are natural separations already existing in the rock mass. Linear features directional weaknesses that usually are Directional planar separa-tion a to produce blasting or mechanical crushing Planar and linear elements are defined by continuity relief and shape of the intact rock material between the The five discontinuities. of design categories decreasing of consideration are E--Three-Dimensional Planes D--Two-Dimensional Planes of Separation C--Latent and Planes of B--Solid-Preferred Separation Breakage require Separa-tion A--Solid-Random Breakage. PLANAR 3 LINEAR ELEMENTS SOLID-PLANES TRANSMITS YES AND NO WATER YES DIMENSIONAL NO LATENT SOLID- DIMENSIONAL PLANES OF SEPARATION PLANES OF SEPARATION 3_0 2-0 LPS PREFERRED BREAKAGE E D C B 2 OF SEPARATION INTERLOCK SPB RANDOM BREAKAGE SRB A ATTITUDE indi-cates discon-tinuities E--Three-Dimensional The Planes three-dimensional the presence passing examination. The of Separation 3-D. of separation category or more intersecting planar through the rock mass at the point of planes two of planar separations might form patterns random in occurrence thus will form internal or might be separations that terminate within the rock mass or will the rock form mass separations that pass entirely across mass and are infinite in extent in terms of design. By form a shape. This shape is definition three dimensions founda-tion joint block which has a size and can be estimated. The degree of interlock between joint blocks defines the strength of of factor. If mass planes or stability of excavation separation occur the attitude of the planes with respect to the Water design or slope is the chief design factor. the planes of can be determined by along separation of the or water observation testing. drilling operation by often weight referred to as consideration a that trans-missio 14 D--Two-Dimensional Planes of Separation 2-D. examina-tion. The the two-dimensional of separation indicates planes category of series of one parallel plane parallel presence or a planes passing through the rock mass at the point of The planar separations may vary in frequency but do not intersect. The attitude and relief of the planes are the fundamental of Whether or not elements design analysis. in the transmit water is or determined as planes estimated class E. C--Latent Planes LPS. of Separation is Latent Planes of Separation an that is between pl-anar and linear. intermediate category The latent planes are solid rock an otherwise lines or lineations in as recognized and The might be stronger or weaker than the rock mass. mass reaction of the latent plane to an applied such as a force hammer blow will define the strength estimate. Latent planes occur in patterns or at random are continuous or the be of measurable thickness. In or plane may a all cases the infilling of the material in the latent plane of separation is greater than 1000 psi Latent MPa. of are not foundation separation usually a design planes consideration because the material is for all practical solid. In consideration of slope design or road a purposes aggregate source blasting energy will in most cases be and directional reflected a separation by the plane producing or preferred breakage. discontin-uous 7 SPB. judg-ing B--Solid-Preferred Solid-Preferred Breakage Breakage indicated when there are no but rock breaks along the elements is visible planar or linear due to mineral grain alignment constant angle or direction a This condition is significant in stress. or internal of road It is the aggregate. an adverse production in some for the production of or condition cases jettystone stone. dimension SRB. sel-dom A--Solid-Random Breakage This category represents ideal design conditions where The there is no effect from planar and linear features. the that the mass strength so specimen strength equals applies.di-rectly of individual value strength any sample tested Needless to say to the mass strength. this is in limited foundation dimensions. achieved except very 15 Density or unit wight has been found to be one of the most reliable means of field estimate of a rock quality. making It is useful in may ways both in design and construction The URCS denotes five planning. categories of ranges of 130 D--130 to unit weight E--Less than pcf 2.10 Mg/m3 C--140 to 150 pcf 140 pcf 2.10 to 2.25 Mg/m3 2.25 to B--150 to 160 pcf 2.40 Mg/m3 2.40 to 2.55 Mg/m3 and A--Greater than 160 pcf 2.55 Mg/m3. UNIT LESS 130 THAN 130 lbs/ft3 to 140 140 lbs/ft3 2.10 Mg/m3 2.10 130 \ E to WEIGHT to 150 150 lbs/ft3 2.25 2.25\ Mg/m3 / to to GREATER 160 lbs/ft3 2.40\. Mg/m3 /I ../2.4 I\ 160 2.55 2.55\ to Mg/m3 THAN lbs/ft3 Mg/m3 /I 130 140 150 160 D C B A useful-ness Unit Weight-Design Evaluation. force unit weight determination establishes the driving slope stability problems establishes the relative of the rock material as a surface course or concrete aggregate or establishes the weight-volume relationship for haul cost estimates. As a general rule-of-thumb rock is unit than 160 a having weight greater pcf 2.55 Mg/m3 The in suitable for use as road aggregate concrete aggregate riprap or jettystone more than 50 percent of the time without Rock with a 150 to 160 pcf 2.40 laboratory testing. unit weight may be acceptable but will require to 2.55 Mg/m3 with a 150 pcf for confirmation. Rock testing laboratory 2.40 Mg/m3 is not usually acceptable for the above purposes is not free-draining Rock less than fill and will degrade. 130 pcf 2.10 Mg/m3 approaches soil in terms of strength and durability. Mechan-ics REFERENCES 1. D. F. Classification of Rocks for Rock International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining sciences Vol. pp. 421-429 1964. Coates 1 2. Kierch G. Larson D. of Folsom 3. and Treasher R. C. Engineering Geology Economic Geology Vol. 50 1955. A. Dam A. Green 1969. 4. Larson D. 5. Larson D. Foster A. Wynoochee Foundation Report Corps of Engineers U.S. 1971. Army Larson D. A. and Farmer R. D. Blue River Dam Report U.S. Army Engineer District Portland Corps 1967. 1970. Meyers Joseph D. Show-Low Highway 101-07 Geologic U.S. Arizona Report McMillanville-Globe 60 Arizona State Highway Materials Department Division 1959. Muller Leopold Station-Translation Details 10. Seattle Corps Pub. 9. Dam Founda-tion Founda-tion of Engineers 8. Foundation Report U.S. Army of Corps Engineers 1970. Dam Larson D. A. and Farmer R. D. Fall Creek Dam Report U.S. Army Engineer District Portland of Engineers 7. Foundation Report U.S. of Corps Engineers Portland District Engineer 6. Dam Portland A. District Engineer Peter District Army Engineer Naval U.S. Geomechanical Evaluation of Petrofabric Army Engineer Waterways Experiment No. 67-10 1958. Facilities Command Design Manual Soil Mechanics and Earth Structures NAVFAC DM-7 1962. Foundation 11. 12. 13. Shaler S. Design of Rock Slopes Paper Sponsored by Committee on Landslide Investigations National Research Board 1962. Philbrick Class-ification H. Discussion of D. F. Coates Rock International Journal of Rock Mechanics Mining Sciences and Geomechanics Abstracts Vol. 5 371-373 1968. pp. Stapledon D. and Terzaghi K. Section I Rock Defects in Rock Tunneling with Steel supports by Proctor and White pp. 19-45 Commercial Shearing and Stamping Co. Youngstown Ohio 1946. 17 14. 15. 16. Unweath-ered Engineer-ing Terzaghi Stability Geotechnique of Steep Slopes in Hard Vol. 12 pp. 251-270 1962. Bear-ing In-vestigation in Terzaghi K. and Peck R. B. Soil Mechanics John Wiley and Sons Inc. 1948. Practice H. and Schumann E. H. R. The Stamp-Load Strength of Rock An Experimental and Theoretical Journal of the International Society for Wagner Rock 17. K. Rock mechanics Williamson 1970. A. Rock Classification for Engineering Annual Presented at Twentieth Paper Investigations 1961 of the of Academy Science Meeting Oregon D. is INVITATION TO READERS OF FIELD NOTES Every reader a is of an article for Field Notes. author potential you would you have If we news item or a ac-curate short article Material share with to Service engineers invite you send to for it Field Notes. in publication like submitted to Washington the Office for should publication be reviewed by the Washing-ton Regional respective informative Office and of material submitted however short articles prints glossy Field Notes is may that see interest vary or news to from the information short sentences several items are preferred. and All all Forests Office directly and Forest Service retirees. If to all you to their should Regional submit material for publication Technical and Station currently on the Data Systems Copies of back issues or questions Melvin Dittmer R-4 Ted Wood R-9 R-2 M. Ryser Juan Gomez R-5 Walt Weaver R-10 R-6 Kjell Bakke R-8 Bob Bowers Royal Coordinators original concerning are Field Notes Coordinators R-1 R-3 Regional are not list Field personnel be should illustrations of pages typewritten submitted to the ask your Office Manager or the Regional Engineering Coordinator to increase the number of copies sent to your office. also available from the Washington Office. mailing technically 7113. The length several to material ideally timely FSM or negatives. distributed from the Washington Area Headquarters current is Forest Service Engineers be typed double-spaced Office should drawings to should direct questions concerning WO format editing Fred Hintsala F. W. Al Colley Baxandall publishing dates and other problems to Forest Service Engineering - Attn Gordon L. P.O. Box 2417 Washington Telephone USDA Staff RP-E Bldg Rome Editor D.C. 20013 Area Code 703 235-8198 U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1979 0-280-914/7