Excel workshop Below are six examples of different types of graphs. In small groups (2-3), think of two data sets/categories that would be the most appropriate for each graph. For example, which chart best illustrates comparing annual salaries among employees (Bob - $32,000; Sue – $58,000; Jeremy – 12,000; Ann – $105,000). Use the space provided below to write your answers. Be prepared to share with the class. CMM1108 – Excel:Mac 2004 Tutorial 1 Creating Excel Documents This tutorial has been adapted for teaching purposes from Excel:mac 2004 Help Menu options. The first part of this tutorial gives a brief overview of the navigational options available in this version of Excel. The remainder of this tutorial will describe the basic steps for creating a simple Excel document and functions. Before You Begin Before you start using Excel 2004, you should become familiar with its features. The following illustration shows a blank excel document. CMM1108 – Excel:Mac 2004 Tutorial 2 different categories of items. Each category is represented with a particular value. Formatting an Excel Document Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application used to perform calculations, statistical analysis, and other related operations. Each piece of information (value) is in an individual cell. NOTE – What is a cell? 1. Creating a data list A list can be a series of worksheet rows that contain related data, such as an invoice database or a set of client names and phone numbers. A list can be used as a database, in which rows are records and columns are fields. The first row of the list is usually labels (or titles) for the columns. • • A cell is the intersection of a column and a row in which you enter information. The Name Box shows the location or name of the cell. When a cell is highlighted, you can enter information. NOTE – What are columns and rows? One column runs from top to bottom and displays one or two letters or characters for each column. The most left category has a label of A. The second has a label of B, and so on. The area that displays the label of a column can be referred to as the column header. (There are 255 of these columns in a document and the last one is labelled IV). Values that share the same line are called rows. Rows run from left to right. To make it easy with the creation of a list, Microsoft Excel provides ready made rows and each is identified with a number. The most top row is numbered 1. The row under it is named 2, and so on. The grey area that displays the number of the row can be referred to as the row header. Microsoft Excel provides 65536 rows. • In a blank excel document, input the following information into each cell: 2. SUM Function NOTE – What are functions? Lists usually categorise related data in rows and similar data in columns. For example, in column A, the names of the movies are listed. In row 4, the details relating to ‘The Aviator’ are listed in one row: • 1 A Movie 2 King Kong 3 4 5 6 • Functions are predefined formulas that perform calculations by using specific values, called arguments, in a particular order, or structure. Functions can be used to perform simple or complex calculations. For example, the SUM function adds all the numbers in a range of cells. Brokeback Mountain The Aviator The Producers Veronica Guerin B Director Peter Jackson Ang Lee Martin Scorcese Susan Stroman Joel Schumacher i.e. =SUM(A2:A6) – this will add the numbers in that range together A2 + A3 + A4 +A5 + A6 C Year D Mins E Rate 2005 187 PG 2005 134 R 2004 170 PG 2005 134 PG 2003 98 R This type of list is called a table: A table is a two-dimensional list that contains one or CMM1108 – Excel:Mac 2004 Tutorial Using the above data, highlight the cell E1 and on the standard toolbar, click the AutoSum icon . Excel will suggest a formula and you can do one of the following: • To accept the suggested formula, press ENTER. • To change the suggested formula, select the range you want to total and then press ENTER. • In this exercise, press ENTER and accept the suggested formula: =SUM(B1:D1). The 3 Press + S on the keyboard for the Save as dialogue box to appear. formula should add cells B1, C1 and D1 together and place a total in cell E1. • Use this formula for the other data by copying the formula from cell E1 and pasting it into each row. Note that Excel automatically changes the cell reference for each row. This is called a relative reference. • An easy way to copy cells in a spreadsheet is to drag the cursor from the cell down the page across the cells to be copied and to use the copy down option in the EDIT menu. The same applies for copying across. • If the file is new and unnamed, a dialogue box will appear. Simply type the file name in the appropriate space provided, and browse to the location in which you wish to save the file; or create a new folder by clicking on New Folder button. • Click the Save button to save the document. 5. Inserting rows and columns • Using the data entered earlier, we need to add a row above Smith, so we can place titles for each column. • Highlight row 1 by moving the mouse over the 1 on the row header. When the cursor turns to a black arrow click the mouse to highlight the entire row. • Click Insert on the menu bar and then click Rows. One row will be inserted. (The same concept applies to inserting a column). • Now you can give each column a title. NOTE – What is a relative reference? A relative cell reference in a formula, such as A1, is based on the relative position of the cell that contains the formula and the cell the reference refers to. If the position of the cell that contains the formula changes, the reference is changed. If you copy the formula across rows or down columns, the reference automatically adjusts. By default, new formulas use relative references. For example, if you copy a relative reference in cell B2 to cell B3, it automatically adjusts from =A1 to =A2 3. AVERAGE Function Using the data entered earlier, we are going to create a function to calculate the AVERAGE. • • • • Highlight cell B4 and click the drop-down arrow on AutoSum icon on the standard toolbar and select the Average function. Excel will suggest a formula. Press ENTER to accept the suggested formula. Excel will calculate the average of cells B1, B2 and B3. To reduce the number of decimal places shown, highlight the answer and click Format on the menu bar and select Cells. In the dialogue box, choose Number and set the decimal places to 2. Click OK. Repeat this for columns C and D. 6. Sorting a list NOTE – What is sorting? Sorting is a way to arrange data based on value or data type. You can sort data alphabetically, numerically, or by date. Sort orders use an ascending (1 to 9, A to Z) or descending (9 to 1, Z to A) order. • Highlight cell A2 and click, hold and drag the mouse to cell E4 (when sorting, you must highlight all the data, or the data in each row will be mixed up). • On the menu bar, select Data then Sort. • The dialogue box automatically suggests sorting the surname in an ascending order. Click OK. 4. Saving a document It is a good idea to save any documents immediately. It is also important to remember to save work frequently (and make backups of saved files) in order to avoid losing any work. • Click File, then Save. – OR – Click the Save button toolbar. – OR – on the standard CMM1108 – Excel:Mac 2004 Tutorial 4 Formatting options are also found on the formatting toolbar. Activity 1. In this activity, your task is to input the SUM function to calculate the total across three columns and the AVERAGE function to calculate the average mark of the assignments. • Using the data inputted earlier, highlight the first row with the titles in each column. Bold the text, centre it and change the fill colour to yellow. • Highlight the average totals in Row 5 and on the Formatting Palette expand the Borders and Shading menu. 23 32 • 5. Sort the students surname into alphabetical order. Select menu. • 6. Save the changes. Insert a new row above the titles and type in a main heading into cell A1 – Student Results • Use the mouse to highlight cells A1 to E1 and select the Merge and Centre icon on the 1. Open the excel file called “classlist.xls”, which contains assignment results for an imaginary class. 2. In column H, calculate the total marks for assignments 1, 2 and 3 for each student using the SUM function. 3. In row 13, calculate the average for each assignment using the AVERAGE function. 4. Two students are missing from this data. Input the following students and their marks by inserting rows above the average row: Mr Phillip McMillan Miss Shannon Smyth 14 19 17 18 TIP: For a quick way to copy and paste the formula, highlight the cell with the SUM function and move your mouse over the cell to the bottom-right hand corner until the cursor changes to a black cross. Click and hold your mouse, and drag down or across to copy the formula into the other cells. i.e. type of border from the drop down formatting toolbar . This merges the selected cells together and centres the text. • Format the heading by bolding the text and increase the font size to 12. • Change the fill colour to grey for the three cells in the TOTAL column. Drag mouse down. Formatting your Worksheet 1. Formatting Palette Activity 2. As in Word, the Formatting Palette provides easy access to text formatting commands. To open the formatting palette, click the Formatting Palette icon on the standard toolbar. The Formatting Palette has drop-down Menus. To expand a menu, click the mouse cursor on the arrow to reveal further options. In this activity, your task is to format the worksheet. CMM1108 – Excel:Mac 2004 Tutorial 1. Open the excel file called “classlist.xls”. 2. In row 1, merge and centre the title. Make the title bold, change the font colour and increase the font size. 3. In row 2, centre and bold each heading. 4. Format the SUM and AVERAGE calculations to make them stand out. 5. Save the changes. 5 Creating graphs and charts 1. Inserting a chart Charts are visually appealing and make it easy for users to see comparisons, patterns, and trends in data. For instance, rather than having to analyze several columns of worksheet numbers, you can see at a glance whether sales are falling or rising over quarterly periods, or how the actual sales compare to the projected sales. • Using the data formatted earlier, highlight cell A2 to D5. • On the Standard Toolbar, click the Chart Wizard icon. The Chart Wizard dialogue box will appear. • Move through the various options on the pages Excel provides to choose the type of graph, to insert the axis headings etc. • Click Next to proceed • Click Finish when all the options have been made. • Excel will insert a chart into the worksheet. • Here are some examples of other charts: 2. Insert an Excel chart into a Word document or PowerPoint presentation • In Microsoft Excel, click the chart you want to copy. • Click the Copy • Switch to your Microsoft Word document or PowerPoint presentation, and click where you want the chart to appear. • On the Edit menu, click Paste Special. • In the As dialogue box, click Microsoft Excel Chart Object. • Do one of the following: - In Word, to use only the current content of the document, click Paste. To use the latest content if the original content changes, click Paste Link. Click OK; - In PowerPoint, click OK. icon on the standard toolbar Activity 3. In this activity, your task is to create a chart from the data. 1. Open the excel file called “classlist.xls”. 2. Highlight cell C2 to F12. 3. Insert a line chart with the student Surnames being on the X-Axis. 4. Give the Chart, X-Axis and Y-Axis labels. 5. Save the changes. When you have completed the activities, click on Sheet2 in ‘classlist.xls’ and you should have something that looks similar to this. CMM1108 – Excel:Mac 2004 Tutorial 6 Activity 4 1. Enter the following data into a spreadsheet and create an appropriate graph with the dataset. Types of cars in ECU Carpark Number 1 Nissan 14 Ford 29 Toyota 31 Mazda 23 Holden 41 Hyundai 22 Mitsubishi 15 Mercedes 3 Subaru 10 2. Enter the following data into a spreadsheet and create an appropriate graph with the dataset. Average Monthly Temperatures (degrees C) Month 2003 2004 2005 January 32 33 31 February 33 31 32 March 19 20 19 April 24 25 23 May 21 21 20 June 20 19 18 July 18 18 17 August 17 16 15 September 20 19 22 October 23 24 25 November 25 26 26 December 29 28 29 CMM1108 – Excel:Mac 2004 Tutorial 7