FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic FYS453 Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Exam Slides Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Henrik Qvigstad henrik.qvigstad@fys.uio.no Compton Plasma University of Oslo June 22, 2011 1 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma 1 Flow Motivation Definitions Experimental Measurement Radial Flow Direct Flow Elliptic Flow Variations in Initial Condition and Flow 2 Photons in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Motivation Photons as a signature of QGP Photon production by quark annihilation in QGP 3 Quark Matter 2011 4 Backup slides Photons through the Compton Process Photon production by quark annihilation in QGP 2 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma Flow Motivation • An hypothesis of an strongly interacting nuclear matter, expanding from an initial state of spatially anisotropy, predicts anisotropy of the particle momentum distribution in the final state. • The anisotropy develops early in the expansion, as the spatial asymmetries decrease rapidly with time, so the anisotropy is a probe of the early stage of the collision. • The anisotropy is sensitive to the properties of nuclear matter at this stage. (QGP, sQGP, Hadron Gas) 3 / 44 FYS4530 Definitions H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Parametrization through expansion, ∞ X d 3N 1 d 2N = [1 + 2vn (y , pT ) cos(nϕ)], d 3p 2π dydpT (1) n=1 where • v1 is referred to as Direct Flow and • v2 is refereed to as Elliptic Flow. Backup Compton Plasma 4 / 44 FYS4530 Measurement H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma Method: Event Plane Method, event-by-event measure X X Qn,x = wi cos(nϕn ), Qn,y = wi sin(nϕn ), i (2) i QM11 Backup Compton Plasma vnobs = (pT , y ) = hcos[n(ϕi −Φn )]i, vn = vnobs , Rn Φn = atan2(Qn,x , Qn,y )/n, (3) Rn = hcos[n(Φi − ΦRP )]i (4) 5 / 44 FYS4530 Measurement H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Method: Particle Correlation, where we observe ∞ X dN pairs ∝ (1 + 2vn2 cos(n∆φ). d∆φ (5) n=1 Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma The parametrization of 5 is called the pair-wise correlation method. Direct measurement can be done with the two-particle cumulant method: ∗ i, vn {2}2 = hcos[n(φ1 − φ2 )]i = hun,1 un,2 (6) where un ≡ e inφ . Higher order cumulant methods are also available. It can be shown that ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 2 vn4 {4} ≡ −hhun,1 un,2 un,3 un,4 ii = −hun,1 un,2 un,3 un,4 i+hun,1 un,2 i (7) 6 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Radial Flow Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Transverse Flow: A+A @ SIS-SPS Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma From the fit to Thermal Model we can extract inverse slope parameter T 7 / 44 FYS4530 Radial Flow H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic The TheFireball Fireballrapidly rapidlyexpands expands note 1 1 dET π R 2 τ 0 dy ~ 5 - 15 ε Bj = ε Bjorken GeV/fm3 Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma PHENIX Preliminary uu==HHrr HH0==(71 ± 7) km/sec/Mpc 0 (71 ± 7) km/sec/Mpc -18 -1 HH0==(2.3 (2.3±±0.2)x10 0.2)x10-18sec sec-1 0 -1 HHRHIC ==<u ≅ 4x102222sec <uT>/R sec-1 RHIC T>/R ≅ 4x10 HHRHIC / /H0 2 x 104040 RHIC H0 2 x 10 PHENIX (nucl-ex/0410012) Evidence Evidencefor foruniversality universality ofofHubble HubbleFlow Flow!! R. Lacey, QM’05 talk 8 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Direct Flow Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma • As the two nuclei collide, an hot and dense medium is created, deflecting the participants and the fringe region. • This causes direct flow, hv1 (y ) = cos(ϕ)i 9 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Disappearance of Flow Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma Transition to Quark-Gluon Plasma leads to decrease in pressure and, therefore, to softening of the directed flow 10 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Directed flow in microscopic simulations Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Au+Au @ 130 and 200 AGeV Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma 11 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Centrality, pT, and η dependence of v1 Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma ● Negative slope at midrapidity: ✔ ✔ ● ● Same as at RHIC In contrast to some of the theoretical predictions Zero crossing around pT ~1.5 GeV Weak centrality dependence IlyaSelyuzhenkov 27/05/2011 12 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad v1 at forward rapidity 8 Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma ● Extended rapidity range with V0s detectors ● 20% offset between results for η <-2 and η >2 ✔ V0s systematics is under study Azimuthal asymmetry with V0s: poster #614 by G. Eyyubova IlyaSelyuzhenkov 27/05/2011 13 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Longitudinal scaling 10 Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic STAR data: PRL 101, 252301 (2008) PHOBOS data: PRL97, 012301 (2006) Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma Universal trend when shifted to beam rapidity Data follows the longitudinal scaling observed at RHIC IlyaSelyuzhenkov 27/05/2011 14 / 44 FYS4530 Elliptic Flow H. Qvigstad 0.08 Flow 0.06 0.04 0.02 v2 Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons ALICE STAR 0 PHOBOS PHENIX -0.02 Motivation QGP Plasma NA49 CERES -0.04 E877 EOS -0.06 QM11 E895 FOPI -0.08 1 Backup 10 2 10 3 10 104 sNN (GeV) Compton Plasma Figure: Elliptic • At low energy, elliptic flow was observed out-of-plane (negative v2 ), a phenomena called squeeze out. √ • At mid energy ( s ∼ 2 − 3GeV /A), elliptic flow changes to in-plane 15 / 44 FYS4530 0.12 H. Qvigstad 0.1 Flow Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma 0.08 v2 Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic 0.06 v2{2} v2{2} (same charge) v2{4} v2{4} (same charge) v2{q-dist} v2{LYZ} v2{EP} STAR v2{LYZ} STAR 0.04 0.02 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 centrality percentile Figure: Integrated v2, 0.2 < pT < 5.0 GeV /C • Strong elliptic flow is seen in ALICE data. • The relative gap between v2 {2} and v2 {4} is interpreted as being the result of non-flow and flow variations. 16 / 44 FYS4530 Higher Order Coefficients H. Qvigstad Initial Condition Variations Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma C(Δφ) Flow Centrality 0-1%, |η| < 0.8 1.01 |Δη| > 1 v2,3,4,5{2, |Δη| > 1} 1.008 1.006 1.004 1.002 1 0.998 0.996 2.0 < pt,trig < 3.0 1.0 < pt,assoc < 2.0 0.994 0.992 -1 0 1 2 3 4 Δφ (rad.) FIG. 4. (color online) T he two-particle azimuthal correlation, measured in 0 < ∆ φ < π and shown symmetrized over 2π, between a trigger particle with 2 < pt < 3 GeV/ c and an associated particle with 1 2 GeV/ for the 0–1% centrality class. T he solid red line shows the sum of the measured anisotropic flow Fourier coefficients 17 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma Photon Production Motivation • Photon mean free path length is much larger then then the size of the system and thus • photons escape without post- final state interaction. • The Spectra of Photons therefore contains undisturbed information about initial, perturbative, stage of the collision which is sensitive to the parton distribution function. Assuming equilibration, • the Photon Spectrum is sensitive to the equation of state. If equilibrium is reached, the information about the temperature. • The Thermal Photon flow is sensitive of the quark/hadron flow. 18 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Direct and Inclusive Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma The Inclusive Photon Spectrum includes • Direct Photons, that is • Thermal, • QGP and • Hadron Gas, and • Non-Thermal, i.e. Prompt Photon and Pre-Equilibrium Photon production and • Decay Photons, the product of resonance decay (Light Cone) Figure: Light cone 19 / 44 FYS4530 Direct Photon Extraction H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma The Direct Photon Spectra is difficult to extract, due to • huge background from decay product, e.g. π 0 → γγ, • superposition of spectra from the phases of the evolution of the system • etc ... QM11 Backup Compton Plasma 20 / 44 FYS4530 Direct Photon Extraction H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma The Direct Photon Spectra is difficult to extract, due to • huge background from decay product, e.g. π 0 → γγ, • superposition of spectra from the phases of the evolution of the system • etc ... The spectrum can be extracted by, 1 measuring the production rate of Decay Photon Mothers by 1.1 extracting signal from background using Event Mixing, and 1.2 apply efficiency correction determined using simulation, and then 2 subtracting Non-Direct Photon Background determined by simulation. 21 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Photon Production in the Plasma Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Photons in the plasma can be produced through annihilation, qq̄ → γg , qq̄ → γγ, (8) or through “Compton Scattering”, gq → γq, g q̄ → γq̄. (9) Backup Compton Plasma 22 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Photons through annihilation Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma • σ(qq̄ → γg ) can be written in terms of σ(e − e + → γγ) , a cross section that is worked out in Berestetskii, et. al. 1982, according to Wong. • Furthermore, The differential cross section contains terms which vary as (t − m2 )−1 and (u − m2 )−1 . • For the relativistic case a 2 o λij eq 2 4παe αs n s ln − 1 (10) σqq̄→γg (s) = 2 e s m2 23 / 44 FYS4530 Photon Production in the plasma H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma Using the approximation of ~pγ = ~pq , photon production due to annihilation (qq̄ → γg ) in the plasma is given by Eγ dNγann 4Ns2 = fq (~pγ ) (11) d~pγ d 4 x (2π)6 p XZ s(s − 4m2 ) 3 × . d pq̄ fq̄ (~pq̄ )[1 + fg (~pq̄ )]σ̄qf q̄f →γg (s) 2Eq̄ f Using Fermi-Dirac for fq , Bose-Einstein for fg , the relativistic approximation, and u & d quarks, for annihilation dNγann 4Eγ T 5 αe αs 2 = fq (~pγ )T ln Eγ + Cann (12) d~pγ d 4 x 9 (2π)2 m2 24 / 44 FYS4530 Key Lesson H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma The Key Lessons is: • The spectrum of photons production in the Plasma is virtually same (proportional) as/to the spectrum of momentum for the Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma • For a thermal QGP, Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein, the high energy spectrum is dNγ ∝ e −Eγ /T dEγ (13) 25 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Flow Collision Evolution Background Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma Photons are also produced in the other stages of a HIC, • the pre-QGP phase: • Direct Photons, i.e. binary collisions, • and production in pre-equilibrated Collision Matter, • and the post-QGP phase: • production in the Hadron Gas, • and as decay products of final state produced particles. 26 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Critical d+Au Check Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic 8 Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 New: no exponential excessin d+Au Backup Compton Plasma Poster: Y. Yamaguchi Stefan Bathe for PHENIX, QM2011 Figure: From PHENIX flow talk by S. Esumi, QM11 27 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Confirmation fromd+Au and Cu+Cu Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic 51 Fraction of direct photonscompared to pQCD Photons Motivation QGP Plasma Noexcessind+Au (nomedium) ExcessalsoinCu+Cu QM11 Backup Compton Plasma Stefan Bathe for PHENIX, QM2011 Figure: From PHENIX flow talk by S. Esumi, QM11 28 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Direct Photon v2 Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma 11 preliminary Au+Au@200GeV minimumbias p0 v2 A: there are no direct photons B: direct photon v2 similar to inclusive photon v2 QM11 Backup Compton Plasma p0 v2 similar to inclusive photon v2 Two possibilities inclusivephoton v2 Key: precisemeasurement of direct photon excess Stefan Bathe for PHENIX, QM2011 Figure: From PHENIX flow talk by S. Esumi, QM11 29 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Direct Photon v2 Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic 12 Au+Au@200GeV minimumbias Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma direct photon v2 large (~15%) at pT =2.5GeV v2 0where prompt photonsdominate Direct photon v2 preliminary Stefan Bathe for PHENIX, QM2011 Figure: From PHENIX flow talk by S. Esumi, QM11 30 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad TheoryComparison: Direct Photon v2 Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 13 Theorycalculation: Holopainen, Räsänen, Eskola arXiv:1104.5371v1 preliminary Backup Compton Plasma Modelsunder-predict direct photon v2 Measurement further constrains Ti andt i Challengeto theorists Plenary: S. Esumi (flow),Tue Parallel: E. Kistenev(directphotons)Thu Stefan Bathe for PHENIX, QM2011 Figure: From PHENIX flow talk by S. Esumi, QM11 31 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad All togethernow Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic SummaryofRAA resultsinvariouschannels,withreferences Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma 17 Figure: From PHENIX RAA talk by Martin L. Purschke, , QM11 32 / 44 Isolated photon R AA vs NPart FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Flow 30-100% MB 10-30% Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons 0-10% 20-25 GeV Motivation QGP Plasma 25-30 GeV QM11 Backup Compton Plasma 30-40 GeV 40-50 GeV 50-80 GeV No centrality dependence Yen-J ie Lee(MIT) Nuclear Modification factors from the CMS experiment Quark Matter 2011 19 Figure: From CMS Nuclear Modification Factor talk by Yen J Lee, QM11 33 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Isolated photon R AA in 0-10% PbPb collisions PbPb 0-10% Photon R AA Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic PbPb(EPS09,nDS,HKN07)/pp(CT10) Pb+Pb Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 E TIso <5 GeV Backup Compton Plasma CMS measured the isolated photon R AA for the first time The photon R AA at 0-10% is consistent with unity Yen-J ie Lee(MIT) Nuclear Modification factors from the CMS experiment Quark Matter 2011 18 Figure: From CMS Nuclear Modification Factor talk by Yen J Lee, QM11 34 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma fin QM11 Backup Compton Plasma 35 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Photons through annihilation Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma The gluon vertex is associated with a µ λij g γαβ 2 (14) The photon vertex(es) are associated with QM11 Backup Compton Plasma µ − ieq γαβ (15) Thus, the cross sections are related as a 2 λij αs e 2 dσ dσ Eγ (qq̄ → γg ) = Eγ (qq̄ → γγ) (16) d~pγ 2 αe eq d~pγ 36 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Photons through annihilation Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma The cross-section can be written in terms of t = (p1 − p3 )2 = (pq − pγ )2 , and it can be shown that q s − 4mq2 dσ p · (p + p ) √s dσ γ q q̄ √ Eγ = δ − . d~pγ 2π dt 2 s (17) Furthermore, qq̄ → γγ is related to e + e − → γγ such that e 4 dσ dσ q (qq̄ → γγ) = (e + e − → γγ) dt e dt (18) , a cross section that is worked out in Berestetskii, et. al. 1982, according to Wong. 37 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Photons through annihilation Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma t − m2 = −2pg · pq = −2Eg (Eq − |~pq | cos θgq ). (19) The differential cross section contains terms which vary as (t − m2 )−1 and (u − m2 )−1 . Thus the cross section is at maximum when the produced particle momenta is parallel with the momenta with the initial particles, i.e. θgq , θγq̄ {0, π}. m2 )−1 Furthermore, expanding the (t − the the width of the peak, ∆θgq , is m ∆θgq = . Eq̄ (20) around θgq show that (21) Thus, for the relativistic case, dσ 1 Eγ (qq̄ → γγ) = σqq̄→γγ (s) Eg [δ(~pγ − ~pq ) + δ(~pγ − ~pq̄ )]. d~pγ 2 (22) 38 / 44 FYS4530 Photons through annihilation H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma The total cross section for e + e − → γγ is also worked out in Berestetskii, and by using the previous σqq̄→γg (s) = e 2 4πα α q e s (23) e( s − 4m2 ! √ √ s + s − 4m2 4m2 16m4 √ × 1+ − 2 ln √ s s s − s − 4m2 ) r 4m2 4m2 − 1+ 1− . s s Thus, for the relativistic case a 2 o λij eq 2 4παe αs n s σqq̄→γg (s) = ln − 1 2 e s m2 (24) 39 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma Photons through the Compton Process Another source of photons in the plasma are through gq → γq, (25) g q̄ → γq̄. (26) QM11 Backup Compton Plasma This process is analogous to the Compton Reaction, where a photon scatters of a charged particle, and are therefore called the Compton Process. As for the case of qq̄ annihilation, we may write a 2 λij αs e 2 dσ dσ Eγ (g q̄ → γg ) = Eγ (γq → γq) (27) d~pγ 2 αe eq d~pγ 40 / 44 FYS4530 Photons through the Compton Process H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Also, as for qq̄,the cross section contains (t − m2 )−1 and (u − m2 )−1 terms. So, maximum and width is again at Photons θgq , θγq̄ {0, π}. Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 ∆θgq = Backup Compton Plasma m , Eq̄ (28) (29) and for the relativistic case Eγ 1 dσ (gq → γq) = σqq̄→γγ (s) Eγ δ(~pγ − ~pq ). d~pγ 2 a 2 λij eq 2 4παe αs s 1 σqq̄→γg (s) = ln + 2 e s m2 2 (30) (31) 41 / 44 FYS4530 Photon Production in the plasma H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Using the approximation of ~pγ = ~pq , photon production due to annihilation (qq̄ → γg ) in the plasma is given by Eγ dNγann 4Ns2 = fq (~pγ ) (32) 4 d~pγ d x (2π)6 p XZ s(s − 4m2 ) 3 × . d pq̄ fq̄ (~pq̄ )[1 + fg (~pq̄ )]σ̄qf q̄f →γg (s) 2Eq̄ f Backup Compton Plasma Similarly, production due to Compton Process ((gq → γq)) is given by Eγ dNγcom (gq → γq) 4Ns N = fq (~pγ ) (33) 4 d~pγ d x (2π)6 XZ s − m2 × d 3 pg fg (~pg )[1 − fg (~pg )]σ̄gqf →γqf (s) 2Eg f 42 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Photon Production in the plasma Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Using Fermi-Dirac for fq , Bose-Einstein for fg , the relativistic approximation, and u & d quarks, for annihilation dNγann 4Eγ T 5 αe αs 2 Eγ = fq (~pγ )T ln + Cann (34) d~pγ d 4 x 9 (2π)2 m2 Backup Compton Plasma The result for Compton scattering is similar, such that the total for the two is dNγann 4Eγ T 5 αe αs 2 Eγ = fq (~pγ )T 2ln + Cann + Ccomp d~pγ d 4 x 9 (2π)2 m2 (35) 43 / 44 FYS4530 H. Qvigstad Flow Motivation Definitions Measure Radial Direct Elliptic Photons Motivation QGP Plasma QM11 Backup Compton Plasma Photon Production by Hadrons In addition annihilation and Compton scattering of quarks, interaction hadrons in the plasma leads to photon production; i.g. the annihilation π + + π − → γ + ρ0 , π± + π0 → γ + π±, (36) π 0 + ρ± → γ + π ± (37) and Compton scattering; π ± + ρ0 → γ + π ± , The processes are analogous to the ones previously discussed. 44 / 44