TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Faculty Count and Faculty FTE by College, Department, and Term (Excluding Teaching Assistant and GPT‐I) (Faculty count include those with instructional appointments and 9‐month salary greater than zero.) (FTE include instructional appointments only) Academic Period: Fall 2006 To Fall 2015 Fall 2006 COLLEGE DEPT AAEC AG ‐ College of Agricultural Sciences AFS and Natural AGCO Resources AGSC LARC NRM PSS Total AR ‐ College of ARCH Total Architecture AS ‐ College of Arts AS BIOL and Sciences CHEM CMLL COMS ECO EG ENGL ENTX GEOS HESS HIST KIN MATH PHIL PHYS POLS PSY SASW Total BA ‐ Jerry S. Rawls BA College of Business Total ED ‐ College of CI Education EDUC EPL TEAE Total EN ‐ Edward E. CE Whitacre Jr. College CEET of Engineering CECE CHEN CS ECE ENGR IE ME PETR Total TTU ‐ Institutional Research Source: IR Cognos Report DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Agricultural Applied Economics Animal and Food Science Agricultural Educ and Comm Ag Sci and Natural Resources Landscape Architecture Natural Resource Management Plant and Soil Science Architecture Arts and Sciences Biological Sciences Chemistry and Biochemistry Classical Modern Langs Lit Communication Studies Economics Economics and Geography English Environmental Toxicology Geosciences Health Exercises and Sport Sci History Kinesiology and Sport Mgmt Mathematics Philosophy Physics Political Science Psychology Sociology Anth and Social Work Business Administration Curriculum and Instruction Education Educ Psychology and Leadership Teacher Education Civil Engineering Construction ENGR ‐ ENGR Tech Civil Environ Constrctn Engr Chemical Engineering Computer Science Electrical and Computer Engr Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Engineering Petroleum Engineering Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE 16 14.79 15 13.55 17 15.29 16 15.09 18 16.98 19 17.74 18 16.74 19 17.98 20 18.47 18 15.95 23 17.95 21 17.40 25 19.20 20 18.17 22 20.60 25 21.13 22 19.14 24 22.71 25 23.31 29 26.08 10 9.75 11 9.16 11 9.66 12 10.90 11 10.50 11 10.27 12 11.06 12 11.01 14 12.77 15 14.02 1 0.25 8 7.49 7 7.00 8 7.25 11 9.50 9 9.00 9 9.00 10 9.25 8 8.00 8 8.00 7 7.00 13 12.49 12 10.99 16 14.42 15 13.99 14 13.09 12 12.00 14 13.00 15 14.50 18 17.50 19 18.00 23 15.02 27 18.83 26 18.62 24 16.32 27 18.22 23 14.92 23 16.96 24 18.54 27 20.63 31 24.55 93 77.49 93 76.93 103 84.44 98 83.97 101 88.39 99 85.06 99 86.15 102 92.74 112 100.68 120 105.85 44 38.97 46 39.10 47 39.89 48 41.41 44 39.03 44 39.25 46 40.25 45 41.00 47 41.75 49 43.47 44 38.97 46 39.10 47 39.89 48 41.41 44 39.03 44 39.25 46 40.25 45 41.00 47 41.75 49 43.47 1 1.00 5 5.00 7 6.75 4 3.25 6 5.00 5 5.00 4 4.00 41 39.27 45 43.53 50 46.60 73 56.05 44 43.78 48 46.61 46 42.33 50 46.02 43 40.13 43 40.48 31 31.00 29 29.00 31 30.67 48 38.17 31 30.18 35 30.95 30 29.52 37 36.05 35 33.73 35 34.21 52 48.44 52 48.87 48 46.26 87 64.89 54 50.14 53 47.61 58 51.97 57 52.90 68 64.06 57 55.27 19 13.42 17 12.28 16 12.25 28 17.21 19 12.03 17 11.68 23 18.58 18 13.70 17 13.24 10 9.88 13 12.88 12 11.88 11 10.88 20 18.88 21 19.88 20 18.88 20 18.38 20 19.25 10 9.88 73 65.57 70 62.42 71 64.07 94 75.60 67 61.45 67 61.46 61 57.38 67 63.77 70 65.90 70 64.40 19 14.18 18 13.51 17 12.47 14 9.47 16 14.50 14 12.53 15 13.41 15 14.19 14 14.00 12 12.00 19 18.08 21 19.52 22 19.52 29 23.01 22 20.76 31 28.63 29 26.16 33 29.79 33 29.79 33 28.27 30 22.25 33 23.98 28 24.46 54 36.11 32 26.37 32 26.95 34 27.28 32 28.47 32 29.34 34 30.11 34 30.07 36 31.77 44 35.45 34 31.19 37 34.75 40 37.23 37 33.94 35 32.20 40 36.66 29 25.98 60 57.12 65 60.28 61 59.00 77 62.75 55 52.88 58 56.14 61 59.14 64 62.14 66 64.64 62 59.98 10 9.50 12 9.94 10 10.00 16 11.88 9 9.00 10 9.66 10 9.91 12 10.69 13 11.42 14 12.51 21 20.50 22 21.50 23 22.50 33 25.44 24 22.49 24 22.61 25 22.41 28 26.34 29 27.39 29 26.65 21 21.00 23 22.57 21 20.86 30 25.75 23 21.50 24 22.90 24 22.40 30 27.90 29 27.40 32 30.39 29 27.08 28 26.60 27 26.56 34 29.93 29 28.41 29 27.40 32 29.83 35 32.83 34 29.79 30 25.74 27 24.11 25 23.25 25 23.00 23 22.00 23 21.75 23 21.04 26 22.84 28 25.84 28 25.69 32 28.44 506 460.51 515 467.20 506 468.87 705 553.09 507 470.68 519 477.55 528 483.52 562 522.45 563 525.60 533 495.86 109 100.01 111 102.03 101 96.84 121 109.91 105 99.24 107 99.75 112 103.25 115 107.93 112 106.13 121 110.63 109 100.01 111 102.03 101 96.84 121 109.91 105 99.24 107 99.75 112 103.25 115 107.93 112 106.13 121 110.63 70 56.35 55 47.60 20 18.46 130 97.62 130 98.05 138 103.74 138 107.76 127 99.01 140 105.86 142 108.02 15 8.50 20 11.68 37 18.13 57 47.72 58 47.87 57 47.11 36 33.13 130 97.62 130 98.05 138 103.74 138 107.76 127 99.01 140 105.86 142 108.02 142 112.57 133 107.15 150 116.83 30 23.41 28 22.93 29 23.43 35 30.25 28 25.82 24 22.83 24 22.50 24 22.83 24 23.25 37 33.75 11 10.50 11 10.15 11 10.00 9 9.00 14 12.84 14 12.21 15 11.79 16 12.99 13 10.99 16 14.12 17 11.96 19 11.66 11 11.00 14 14.00 12 12.00 14 13.49 19 16.25 14 14.00 18 17.00 20 18.46 19 19.00 21 20.31 21 19.50 20 20.00 20 19.16 19 16.75 17 16.66 17 17.00 15 15.00 27 22.32 27 22.28 31 25.56 30 27.18 29 26.39 30 27.88 31 27.13 31 27.75 28 27.00 30 27.75 2 0.85 3 1.24 4 1.83 4 2.74 5 3.24 14 12.52 14 12.06 15 13.81 19 16.32 14 13.25 13 12.25 14 12.75 15 14.00 15 14.50 14 13.50 27 24.13 31 26.77 29 26.73 33 30.00 33 28.90 34 30.80 40 35.97 45 40.61 43 39.50 44 39.75 7 6.50 6 6.00 8 6.35 11 9.11 9 8.40 10 9.40 10 9.40 8 7.40 12 11.25 12 11.25 155 134.30 156 133.21 167 139.64 176 156.35 162 148.60 154 144.82 166 149.38 174 157.33 166 158.24 175 161.24 Faculty Count and FTE By Department_Exclude_TA_GPT‐I Page 1 of 2 Pages Date: 2/1/2016 Prepared by: Tess Barlow TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY Faculty Count and Faculty FTE by College, Department, and Term (Excluding Teaching Assistant and GPT‐I) (Faculty count include those with instructional appointments and 9‐month salary greater than zero.) (FTE include instructional appointments only) Academic Period: Fall 2006 To Fall 2015 Fall 2006 COLLEGE GR ‐ Graduate School HR ‐ Honors College HS ‐ College of Human Sciences LW ‐ School of Law MC ‐ College of Media and Communication UC ‐ University College UN ‐ Texas Tech University, Others VP ‐ College of Visual and Performing Arts Total TTU ‐ Institutional Research Source: IR Cognos Report DEPT MUSM Total HONS Total APS CFAS DNHS DOD HDFS HRM HS NHR NS PFP Total LAW Total COMS MCOM Total UC Total BTEC PROV Total ART MUSI TD VPA Total DEPARTMENT DESCRIPTION Museum Science Honors College Applied & Professional Studies Cmty Family and Addiction Srvs Dean ‐ Human Sciences Department of Design Human Devl and Family Studies Hospitality & Retailing Mgmt Human Sciences Nutr Hospitality and Retailing Nutritional Sciences Personal Financial Planning Law School Communication Studies Mass Communications University College Biotechnology Provost Office Art Music Theatre and Dance Visual and Performing Arts Fall 2007 Fall 2008 Fall 2009 Fall 2010 Fall 2011 Fall 2012 Fall 2013 Fall 2014 Fall 2015 Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty Faculty count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE count FTE 8 4.46 7 4.21 7 4.16 7 4.16 6 3.22 4 2.13 7 4.02 6 4.15 4 3.73 5 4.22 8 4.46 7 4.21 7 4.16 7 4.16 6 3.22 4 2.13 7 4.02 6 4.15 4 3.73 5 4.22 8 6.87 11 9.12 10 9.17 9 7.56 8 7.02 9 7.04 8 6.04 9 7.04 11 10.16 10 9.67 8 6.87 11 9.12 10 9.17 9 7.56 8 7.02 9 7.04 8 6.04 9 7.04 11 10.16 10 9.67 26 23.36 26 22.38 31 26.77 34 28.26 31 27.27 29 25.02 26 23.01 4 4.00 1 1.00 15 14.22 17 15.24 17 16.21 3 2.75 11 10.50 12 10.75 12 10.75 12 10.20 11 9.50 11 9.50 12 10.75 10 9.25 12 10.75 11 10.25 41 30.57 49 29.88 47 41.52 36 29.74 35 29.32 33 27.00 33 27.61 32 25.49 28 24.26 32 24.49 20 17.12 23 19.36 2 0.74 1 0.25 3 0.47 4 2.11 8 5.05 5 2.32 26 23.03 28 24.17 28 23.76 42 30.80 29 26.05 29 24.94 31 27.74 39 33.47 14 13.75 21 18.75 1 1.00 13 11.77 16 13.36 16 13.33 104 87.46 115 87.18 120 103.54 125 99.25 106 92.14 102 86.46 107 91.58 117 100.31 115 99.53 128 107.46 57 42.66 59 42.67 56 42.44 48 40.22 40 36.92 34 30.09 36 33.46 35 32.52 37 33.56 39 33.44 57 42.66 59 42.67 56 42.44 48 40.22 40 36.92 34 30.09 36 33.46 35 32.52 37 33.56 39 33.44 15 10.55 35 29.89 38 34.03 36 31.28 42 34.83 35 30.15 34 30.04 37 32.75 38 35.59 44 39.65 48 43.70 35 29.89 38 34.03 36 31.28 42 34.83 35 30.15 34 30.04 37 32.75 38 35.59 44 39.65 63 54.25 3 3.00 11 8.33 11 7.40 3 3.00 11 8.33 11 7.40 2 1.81 1 1.00 1 1.00 4 3.14 4 4.00 4 4.00 5 5.00 1 1.00 43 41.55 55 53.58 15 9.37 45 27.99 45 27.98 46 27.88 58 34.45 61 34.20 75 43.93 1 1.00 43 41.55 55 53.58 17 11.18 46 28.99 46 28.98 50 31.02 62 38.45 65 38.20 80 48.93 42 38.25 45 39.75 41 37.72 40 36.30 44 38.53 41 36.76 47 38.18 48 39.91 44 38.32 43 38.97 57 55.17 56 53.47 54 50.80 89 70.32 59 55.00 57 53.42 57 54.62 58 56.26 60 57.49 60 58.21 14 11.83 16 13.53 17 13.93 24 18.50 16 14.35 18 15.09 18 16.75 23 21.24 21 19.74 24 21.99 3 1.80 4 2.30 2 1.15 113 105.25 117 106.75 112 102.45 153 125.12 119 107.88 116 105.27 122 109.55 132 119.21 129 117.85 129 120.32 1,363 1,186.49 1,441 1,242.03 1,458 1,280.04 1,687 1,374.81 1,406 1,251.27 1,411 1,245.30 1,471 1,287.32 1,539 1,371.29 1,549 1,389.63 1,602 1,412.17 Faculty Count and FTE By Department_Exclude_TA_GPT‐I Page 2 of 2 Pages Date: 2/1/2016 Prepared by: Tess Barlow