Downward nominal wage rigidity – contracts or fairness considerations? by Steinar Holden Department of Economics University of Oslo Box 1095 Blindern, 0317 Oslo, Norway email: homepage: First version: 31 May 2002 This version: 18 June 2002 Preliminary and incomplete Comments are welcome. Abstract The literature on downward nominal wage rigidity is mainly empirical, often with a reference to casual or survey evidence that workers and employers find nominal wage cuts unfair. There is rarely a link to the mainly theoretical literature explaining nominal wage rigidity as the result of efficient nominal wage contracts. This paper explores the empirical implications of standard models of nominal wage rigidity, based on both fairness considerations and contracts, and compares them with existing empirical evidence. None of the models is fully consistent with the existing empirical evidence. However, an extended theory where fairness considerations are added to a contract model, seems more consistent with empirical evidence. JEL Classification: C78, J3, J5, K31. Keywords: Nominal wage rigidity, wage contracts, bargaining, fairness considerations. 1 1 Introduction In recent years there has been a growing interest in the extent of downward nominal wage rigidity in industrialised economies, motivated by the concern that the combination of downward nominal wage rigidity and low inflation may lead to higher unemployment, as suggested by Tobin (1972). The literature on downward nominal wage rigidity is mainly empirical, often with a reference to casual or survey evidence that workers and employers find nominal wage cuts unfair. However, there is also a mainly theoretical literature explaining nominal wage rigidity as the result of nominal wage contracts that only can be changed by mutual consent (MacLeod and Malcomson, 1993, Holden, 1994, 1999). Such contracts exist in many countries, and they are efficient under a large variety of circumstances. This paper explores the empirical implications of standard models of nominal wage rigidity, based on both fairness considerations and contracts. These empirical implications are compared with existing empirical evidence. It is argued that neither theory is fully consistent with the existing empirical evidence. However, an extended theory where fairness considerations are added to a contract model, seems to be more consistent with empirical evidence. Specifically, Altonji and Devereux (1999) (A&D) and Fehr and Goette (2000) (F&G) base their empirical evidence on two features of downward nominal rigidity. They define the notional or flexible wage as the wage that would prevail with no nominal rigidity. A&D and F&G then define a threshold value α for the notional wage change, with the interpretation that if the notional wage change is a nominal wage cut of less than –α, then the actual wage change will be zero. (So for perfectly flexible wages, α = 0). Furthermore, A&D and F&G define the possible difference in the actual and notional wage change if a nominal wage cut takes place, λ. λ > 0 would imply that the downward nominal rigidity affects the wage positively even when a wage cut takes place. The evidence of A&D and F&G suggest that both α > 0 and λ > 0. I show that simple models of downward nominal wage rigidity based on fairness considerations suggest that there is a positive threshold value α. However, if a wage cut takes place, then there should be no effect on the nominal wage, i.e. λ = 0, in contrast to the empirical evidence. The contracting models can explain that both α and λ are positive, however they also suggest that α = λ, on which there is conflicting evidence. I propose a new model which combines the two explanations, and this model explains the finding of F&G that α > λ > 0. The remaining of the paper is organised as follows. In section 2, I describe the empirical framework and evidence of A&D and F&G. Section 3 sets out the theoretical framework used in the analysis of wage setting without a contract (section 4) and in the discussion of empirical implications of wage setting with a contract (section 5). In section 6, I consider the empirical implications of a simple model of fairness considerations. Section 7 presents a model that combines the contracting and fairness elements. Section 8 concludes. 2 Empirical evidence In their empirical studies of downward nominal wage rigidity based on individual data from the US, Altonji and Devereux (1999), and Switzerland, Fehr and Goette (2000) use the following framework. They define a notional or flexible wage, 2 (1) ln wF = xβ + ε which should be interpreted as the wage that would apply with no nominal wage rigidity (x is a standard vector of explanatory variables, β is the parameter vector and ε is the error term). The notional wage change (the wage that would apply with no nominal rigidity) is ln wF – ln w0, where w0 is the lagged wage. However, the actual wage change may be affected by downward nominal rigidity, and is given by (neglecting measurement error)1 ∆ ln w = ln wF – ln w0 0 ln wF – ln w0 + λ if ln w0 < ln wF if ln wF ≤ ln w0 ≤ ln wF + α if ln w0 > lnwF + α Thus, if there is no nominal rigidity, α = λ = 0. α is a possible threshold value for a wage cut, in the sense that no wage cut will take place if the notional wage cut is smaller than α. λ is the possible reduction in the actual wage cut relative to the notional wage cut, given that a wage cut takes place. The relationship is illustrated in Figure 1. This framework can be directly compared to the results of the various wage setting frameworks that are presented here. Both A&D and F&G find a very strong rejection of the perfect flexibility case, as α is found to be positive and highly significant. The value of λ is also generally found to be significantly positive, but the value differs more across specifications and data. In their leading results, A&D, Tables II and III, find method 1: α ≈ 0.65, λ ≈ 0.04 (huge standard error), method 2: α ≈ 0.06, λ ≈ 0.06. F&G, Table 3, find (data from Swiss Labour Force Survey): α ≈ 0.31, λ ≈ 0.08; (data from Swiss Social Insurance Files). α ≈ 0.27, λ ≈ 0.11. A&D compares their results to the outside option result of MacLeod and Malcomson (1993) (Result 3 below), otherwise there is no explicit comparison to relevant theoretical models. 3 Theoretical framework Consider an employment relationship between an employer and an employee. The employer makes flow revenues v > 0 from hiring the employee, while r > 0 is the flow cost of the employee from supplying labour. I assume that v > r, ensuring that trade is efficient. Players’ payoffs in case there is no trade is normalised to zero. To capture the explanations offered in the literature, I shall consider four different institutional set-ups, distinguished along two dimensions; i) whether the wage is set unilaterally by the employer, or in a bargain between employer and employee; ii) whether or not there is an existing nominal contract which only can changed by mutual consent. 1 Altonji and Devereux also present a method 1 where they do not impose the assumption that the initial contract is equal to the lagged flexible wage, wF-1 = w0. 3 In the case where there is an initial contract which can only be changed by mutual consent, trade is voluntary, so either party may refuse to trade. However, if trade takes place, the payment will be equal to the prevailing contract price. This situation has been given two different interpretations in the literature. One interpretation is that there is an explicit renegotiation of the existing contract, but where the terms of the initial contract prevail until a new agreement is reached. As emphasised by Holden (1994a), a setting where the initial contract only can be renegotiated by mutual consent is relevant for renewals of collective agreements in Europe, where the terms of the old collective agreements generally prevail until a new agreement is reached.2 Another interpretation, following Hart and Moore (1988) and MacLeod and Malcomson (1993), is that there is a binding contract, and courts can enforce payment of the contract price if trade takes place. However, in case no trade takes place, a court cannot verify which party chose not to trade, and thus cannot enforce trade or breach payments contingent on which party has caused the disrupting of trade. As discussed by Malcomson (1997), this situation may fit well to the legal setting of individual employment contracts in most of Europe. In contrast, in most of the US labour market, the legal setting is different (see Malcomson, 1997), as the requirement of mutual agreement does not apply in practice, and the situation can better be described as unilateral wage setting by the firm (obviously subject to possible restrictions concerning outside opportunities etc, to which we return). To allow for a proper modelling of the bargaining situation, I consider an infinite horizon of time periods of very short length, and focus on the case where the period length converges to zero. Throughout the analysis, players are assumed to have complete information. 4 Wage setting without a contract In this section I derive two versions of the flexible wage, based on bargaining and unilateral wage setting by the employer. The probably most common approach to bargaining is the Nash bargaining solution, often justified as subgame perfect equilibrium of a Rubinstein (1982) complete information, infinite-horizon, alternating-offer bargaining game (see Binmore, Rubinstein and Wolinsky, 1986). The Nash bargaining solution is the wage level that maximises the product of players’ gain of reaching an agreement, where the alternative is endless disagreement (strike or lockout), giving both parties zero payoff. Formally3 (2) w = arg max (v – w)(w – r) 2 Sometimes, the remuneration may consist of several components, where some are part of a contract and can only be changed by mutual consent, whereas others can be changed unilaterally by the employer. This is neglected in the following. 3 For notational simplicity, I assume symmetric bargaining. Including asymmetric bargaining power, e.g. motivated by different discount factors, would only add more notation, but not affect the qualitative results. 4 which solves for (3) wN = 1 (v + r ) 2 Thus, the outcome implies that the players share the gain of reaching an agreement, as the 1 equilibrium payoffs are v − w N = w N − r = ( v − r ) . 2 Alternatively, if the employer sets the wage unilaterally, the employer would clearly set a wage equal to the employee’s cost of supplying labour, r. Formally, (4) wE = r (If one introduced additional features, e.g. a shirking problem à là Shapiro and Stiglitz, 1984, the wage would typically be a markup over the cost of supplying labour.) 5 Wage setting with a contract In practice, contracts may be quite complicated, involving a number of different issues, and if new events occur, it will often be possible with Pareto improving renegotiation. However, in our one-dimensional setting, where a contract only specifies a wage, renegotiation of the contract will always be to one party’s disadvantage. As a renegotiation requires mutual agreement, this implies that a renegotiation will only take place if the player that benefits from the renegotiation can put sufficient pressure on the opponent that he/she accepts the change. Two main types of threats can be distinguished: either to inflict a cost at the opponent within the relationship, for example by disrupting trade (e.g. a strike), or to leave the opponent permanently for an outside option (e.g. replace the worker with another one, or quit the firm for a new job). In either case, such threats will only be successful if they are credible. For example, a demand for a wage rise based on a threat of leaving for an inferior job will be rejected by the employer, as the employee will not realise his threat if the demand is rejected. The key issue is then to explore under which circumstances threats of disrupting trade or taking an outside option are credible, and thus will lead to a renegotiation of the initial contract. To analyse this issue, the strategic bargaining framework originating from Rubinstein (1982) is a useful theoretical framework. Within a wage bargaining set-up, a threat of disrupting trade is most naturally associated with a collective bargaining framework, where workers may strike, or the employer may use a lock-out. The survey evidence of Bewley (1999, pp 407) indicates that “only high-ranking executives and specialised professionals have enough bargaining power .. to hold up firms”. So the analysis of threats of disrupting trade is probably most relevant when the employee is associated with a group of workers or a union. First, I consider threats of disrupting trade, then I turn to the effect of outside options. 5 5.1 Threats of disrupting trade The first papers to endogenise the trade decision in the Rubinstein (1982) model were Haller and Holden (1990) and Fernandez and Glazer (1991). They considered a one-sided version, where one player (the union) in each period could choose whether to disrupt trade (strike) in that period; otherwise production took place under the initial agreement. It was shown that there was a multiplicity of equilibria in the model (any wage in the interval [w0, wN] could be sustained as a subgame perfect equilibrium (SPE) outcome) and that strikes with a length in real time can occur in equilibrium. For applications, however, the multiplicity was an important problem, by making comparative statics problematic. The presentation here will thus focus on two subsequent approaches, MacLeod and Malcomson (1993) and Holden (1994a, 1999). In a key paper, MacLeod and Malcomson’s (1993) analysed to what extent incomplete contracts induce efficient investments, and they derived a number of important results in this regard. Here, the focus will be on the properties of their model concerning the circumstances under which a contract price (wage) will be renegotiated. MacLeod and Malcomson use on a symmetric model, where both players could disrupt trade (MacLeod and Malcomson also consider outside options, cf. below). A key assumption is that there is a finite number of periods in the bargaining. This ensures that the game can be solved by backward induction, thus avoiding the multiplicity of equilibria encountered by Haller and Holden, and Fernandez and Glazer.4 As shown by MacLeod and Malcomson (1995), the outcome of this strategic bargaining model coincides with the standard Nash bargaining solution, supplemented by simple conditions for the circumstances under which the initial contract is renegotiated. Specifically, Result 1 (MacLeod and Malcomson, 1993): The subgame perfect equilibrium outcome satisfies w* = w0 w* = w N = 1 (v + r ) 2 if v – w0 > 0 and w0 – r > 0 otherwise5 Thus, MacLeod and Malcomson find that as long as the players benefit from trade under the initial contract, on a period-by-period basis (v – w0 > 0 and w0 – r > 0), the initial 4 MacLeod and Malcomson (1995) show that under the additional requirement that the equilibrium is strongly renegotiation-proof, the equilibrium of the infinite-horizon version of the model essentially coincides with the finite horizon version presented in the main text. However, strong renegotiation-proofness entails Pareto efficiency, which is a problematic assumption in an analysis of whether a strike threat (which clearly is Pareto inefficient, if carried out) is credible. 5 In the specific cases where v – w0 = 0 or w0 – r = 0, there is a continuum of subgame perfect equilibrium outcomes, from w0 to wN. 6 contract will not be renegotiated. However, if one party does not benefit from the initial contract, i.e. v – w0 > 0 or w0 – r < 0, the player that does not benefit may credibly threaten to stop trade. In this case the contract will be renegotiated to the Nash bargaining solution wN. In Figure 2, we observe that the wage is renegotiated down to the wN if v < w0, and renegotiated up to wN if r > w0, while the wage is constant for intermediate values. While this result has a clear intuitive interpretation, it also involves implications that may seem implausible. In a wage bargaining context, it would presumably imply that strike threats almost never are credible: as the employee voluntarily chose to work under the initial contract, one would expect that w0 > r hold. Furthermore, it also implies that the size of the revenues to the firm, v, does not affect whether strike threats are credible, irrespective of how high v are. (However, if strike threats are credible, because w0 < r, v does affect the renegotiated wage.) Compared to the empirical results of A&D and F&G, the MM model is consistent with the finding of a significant positive threshold value α for whether a wage cut takes place. However, the MM model would predict that nominal rigidity has no effect given that a wage cut takes place, λ = 0, which is not consistent with the results of A&D and F&G. Holden (1994a, 1999) Holden (1994a, 1999) also considered a Rubinstein model where both parties could choose whether to disrupt trade. To avoid the multiplicity of equilibria in the infinitehorizon model, it was assumed that once a strike or lock-out was initiated, trade could not be resumed unless a new agreement was reached.6 Secondly, it was assumed that if trade is disrupted (a work stoppage takes place), it always involves non-negligible costs to the parties (fixed costs). These costs may be given several different interpretations. Most simply, they can be thought of as the costs associated with a minimum time before work can be resumed after a work stoppage. In Holden (1999), the model is extended to allow for uncertainty as to the wage outcome, and if players are risk averse, the fixed costs may be interpreted as the amount that the parties are willing to give up so as to avoid risk. A non-negligible probability of a lengthy conflict (within an asymmetric information set-up) would have the same effect.7 Formally, it was assumed that when trade was resumed after a disruption, the payoffs of the players were γ(v-w) and γ(w-r), where 0 < γ < 1 measured the costs of a disruption (the specific form of the cost, including whether the cost is a permanent reduction in flow payoff or a temporary cost, is inessential). Figure 3 presents the strategic game, following Holden (1999). At step 3, there is an ordinary Rubinstein alternating offers game, with exogenous payoffs, of two types (zero 6 In Holden (1994b) it is shown that a weaker assumption is sufficient, namely that both players may commit to stop production for two periods (for arbitrary short period length), unless an agreement is made before that. 7 If players’ costs during a disruption of trade depend on who initiates the disruption, being less favourable for the disrupting player (eg lock-out being relatively more favourable for the union than a strike, where unions e.g. incur the cost associated with picket lines), the length of the interval in Prop 2 below would be increased. 7 if no trade, v – w0 and w0 if trade). Steps 1 and 2 determine which types of payoffs prevail in step 3. (In equilibrium, an agreement is reached at step 1 or 2, and step 3 is never reached.) To explain the results, consider first a subgame (at step 3) where a strike or lock-out has been initiated. The situation is then just like in the Rubinstein (1982) model, and the unique SPE outcome is the Nash bargaining solution wN. However, as initiating a work stoppage involves costs, a player contemplating to initiate a work stoppage will not do so if the opponent offers a less favourable contract, which nevertheless gives the player the same payoff as he would have got from initiating a work stoppage. Specifically, the firm will not reject and initiate a lock-out at step 2 if the worker at step 2a offers a wage wL that gives the firms the same payoff as it will get if a lock-out is initiated. wL is given by (5) v – wL = γ(v –wN) which solves for (6) γ γ wL = v 1 − + r > w N 2 2 Likewise, the employee will not reject and initiate a strike at step 1 if the firm offers a wage wS, given by (7) wS – r = γ(wN – r) which solves for (8) wS = γ γ v + 1 − r < wN 2 2 Thus, if the initial contract is in the interval between wS and wL, both parties will obtain lower total future payoff by disrupting trade than if they continue trade under the old contract. In this case threats of disrupting trade will not be credible, and the unique outcome to the wage setting is a prolongation of the existing contract w0. However, if w0 > wL, the firm would get higher total future payoff from initiating a lock-out than from prolonging the initial contract. In this case lock-out threats are credible. The employee will offer a new wage wL. This will accepted by the firm, and no lock-out will be called. Likewise, if w0 < wS, threats of striking will be credible (as a strike would give higher total payoff to the employee than a prolongation of the initial contract. The firm will offer a wage rise up till wS, which will be accepted by the employee. No strike will take place. The result is summarised in: 8 Result 2 (Holden, 1994a, 1999): The SPE outcome satisfies wS = w N − w* = w0 wL = wN + 1− γ (v − r ) 2 1− γ (v − r ) 2 if w0 < wS if wS ≤ w0 ≤ wL if w0 > wL The outcome of the wage setting is illustrated in Figure 4. If players’ payoffs v and r are low relative to w0, implying that the Nash outcome wN is low relative to the w0, the wage is renegotiated down to wL. Compared to the framework for the empirical evidence, Result 2 predicts that there is a positive threshold value for nominal wage cut, α > 0, and that the wage is higher relative to the flexible wage even when the wage is cut, λ > 0. Both these predictions are consistent with the evidence. However, the model also implies the restriction that α = λ. This restriction is consistent with the evidence of A&D, method 2, but not with F&G, who find α > λ > 0. 5.2 Work-to-rule/holdout In the models of MacLeod and Malcomson and Holden above, it is assumed that if trade takes place while the parties are bargaining, no costs are incurred. However, as argued by Moene (1988), Holden (1989, 1997), and Cramton and Tracy (1992), even if the players are bound to observe the details of the old contract, it is rarely so specific that it completely determines the parties’ payoffs. Workers may reduce profits by use of a variety of different industrial actions (see eg Blanpain, 1994), for example by strictly adhering to the working rules (work-to-rule). The remuneration of the workers may also consist of some elements that are at the discretion of management, which may be reduced even under the existing contract. In this subsection I consider the consequences of this assumption, following Holden (2002). Formally, this can be captured by assuming that the payoffs during work-to-rule are (1-τ)(v – w0) and (1-ε)w0, where τ and ε are parameters satisfying 0 < τ,ε < 1, reflecting that work-to-rule is costly. It is then straightforward to show that the SPE outcome in case threats of disrupting trade are not credible, is (9) wκ = (1+κ)w0 where κ = (τ-ε)/2. The wage of the old contract affects the bargaining outcome because it determines players' payoffs during a conflict in the bargaining. (8) allows for a simple interpretation: Work-to-rule leads to higher nominal wages (κ > 0) if and only if a work-to-rule is more costly to the firm than to the union, ie. τ > ε (this is the common assumption in the literature, cf Moene, 1988, Holden, 1989, 1997, and Cramton and Tracy, 1992). wκ should then be substituted for w0 in Result 2 above. The empirical framework of A&D and F&G does not allow for the effect of workto-rule, as this would predict an increase in nominal wages also in the case where downward nominal wage rigidity is binding. The implication of work-to-rule would be to change the wage outcome under rigidity to w* = (1+κ)w0 if wF ≤ (1+κ)w0 ≤ wF + α. 9 A similar theoretical framework is the basis for an empirical investigation of the aggregate wage setting in the manufacturing sectors in the Nordic countries (Holden, 1998), where it is found empirical support for the existence of a minimum annual nominal wage growth varying from 1.5 to 3.9 percent, consistent with κ > 0. 5.3 Individual wage setting and outside options Under individual wage setting, one would often expect the firm to have the upper hand, although the employee may use a job offers from other firms to persuade the firm to raise the wage. However, if there is an initial contract that can only be changed by mutual consent, this put important restrictions on the firm’s possibilities. To analyse this situation, we continue to consider a Rubinstein-type framework where players alternate in making offers. We neglect the possibility of disrupting trade, so as long as the players are bargaining, both receive the payoff of the existing contract. However, whenever a player has rejected an offer, the player has the option of terminating the relationship permanently. I assume that the outside opportunity is a relationship with another, yet identical, partner, where the wage is given by the solution without contract, i.e. the Nash Bargaining Solution wN. However, parties incur a switching cost zF > 0 (firm) and zW > 0 (worker). The game thus constitutes a straightforward application of a standard Rubinstein game with outside options, and it follows directly using standard arguments that the outside option principle of Binmore, Shaked and Sutton (1989) applies (as also argued by MacLeod and Malcomson, 1993): the outside options only affect the bargaining outcome if they are better than the “inside” alternative (in this case the payoff of the existing contract). Result 3: Outside options, Binmore, Shaked and Sutton (1989), MacLeod and Malcomson (1993) The SPE outcome is 1 w N − zW = ( v + r ) − zW if w0 < wN – zW 2 w* = w0 if wN – zW ≤ w0 ≤ wN + zF 1 wN + z F = ( v + r ) + z F if w0 > wN + zF 2 Comparing Figures 4 and 5 shows that the characteristics of nominal wage rigidity under outside options are very similar to the characteristics under the Holden (1994,1999) version of disrupting trade. However, the key empirical interpretation is very different. Under threats of disrupting trade, the source of downward nominal rigidity lies in the costs that are incurred by threatening to disrupt trade. In contrast, the source of downward nominal rigidity when outside options are the relevant threat is the switching costs. As argued in Holden (2002), the employment protection legislation is a key institutional variable for downward nominal wage rigidity, as strict employment protection makes it difficult for the employer to replace a worker, which should be associated with a high value of the switching costs zF. 10 Within the empirical framework of A&D and F&G, Result 2 and Result 3 have the same predictions, and the discussion applying to Result 2 above applies here too. The model can explain α > 0 and λ > 0, but it also imposes the restriction α = λ. 6 Adverse productivity effects of a cut in nominal wages In empirical literature on downward nominal wage rigidity, like Akerlof, Dickens and Perry (1996), the source for the rigidity that is focussed is usually fairness considerations. The survey evidence reported by e.g. Shafir, Diamond and Tversky (1997) and Bewley (1999) suggest that a nominal wage cut may have an adverse effect on productivity. Thus, the firm may abstain from cutting the wage, even if the situation otherwise would suggest a cut. To capture the adverse effect on morale, I assume that total revenues are reduced by c > 0 if a wage nominal wage cut takes place. Trade is nevertheless still efficient, as I assume v – c – r > 0. The set-up and analysis is simple. Firm sets wage unilaterally. The firm will profit from cutting wage if v – c – r > v – w0, i.e. if the gain in lower wage costs outweigh the costs associated with lower productivity. If w0 < r, the firm must raise the wage so as to retain the worker. Otherwise, the wage is kept constant. Result 4: Firm sets wage under adverse productivity effect of nominal wage cut w* = w0 if r + c ≥ w0 ≥ r r otherwise The result is displayed in Figure 6 below. Compared to the empirical evidence, this model can explain the threshold value α > 0. However, it cannot explain why downward nominal wage rigidity may affect the wage given that a cut occurs, i.e. that λ > 0. 7 Contract renegotiation with adverse effects on productivity of a cut in nominal wages Although the contract and fairness explanations are alternatives, they can easily be combined. Given the additional evidence supporting both explanations (contracts do exist, and may be efficient; survey evidence does support the existence of fairness considerations relative to a nominal wage cut), combining the two explanations seems an obvious thing to do. Thus, in this subsection I extend the Holden (1999) model displayed in Figure 3 to incorporate fairness considerations. Specifically, to capture the adverse effect on morale, I assume that total revenues are reduced by c > 0 if a wage nominal wage cut takes place. Trade is nevertheless still efficient, as I assume v – c – r > 0. To analyse the effects of this extension, consider first the subgame taking place at step 3, given that the firm has initiated a lock-out, with the aim of cutting nominal wages. As before, the outcome is given by the Nash bargaining solution (but now taking into consideration that the gain for the firm from reaching an agreement is reduced): (10) w = arg max (v – c – w)(w – r) 11 which solves for 1 (v − c + r ) 2 The critical value for the initial contract, denoted wLQ, for which the firm at step 2 is indifferent between initiating a lock-out, inducing a renegotiation to wC, or prolonging the initial contract, is given by (11) wC = (12) v – wLQ = γ(v – c - wC) which solves for γ γ wLQ = v 1 − + ( r + c ) 2 2 LQ Thus, if w0 > w , a threat from the firm of initiating a lock-out to enforce a nominal wage cut is credible, as the firm obtains higher total payoff from doing so than from prolonging the existing contract. However, in contrast to the case with no adverse effect on productivity of a nominal wage cut, the actual wage that will be implemented is not equal to this critical value. Rather, the wage implemented, denoted wLC, is the wage offered by the employee at step 2a that gives the firm the same payoff as it would get by initiating a lock-out, given by (13) (14) v – wLC - c = γ(v – c - wC) which solves for γ γ wLC = ( v − c ) 1 − + r 2 2 LQ LC Note that w – w = c > 0. Intuitively, the results may be explained as follows. Initiating a lock-out to enforce a nominal wage cut involves two types of costs for the firm, the fixed costs of a work stoppage, and the adverse morale effects of a nominal wage cut. Thus, the firm will only do this if the initial wage is a lot above the wage that would result after lock-out, ie wLQ is “high”. However, given that initiating a lock-out is in fact credibly (w0 > wLQ), the adverse productivity effects lose their strategic effect, because they will be incurred irrespective of lock-out takes place, as long as the nominal wage is cut. In fact, these costs weaken the worker position, as they make the firm less eager to reach an agreement. (15) Result 5: Contract renegotiation with adverse productivity effects of a nominal wage cut The SPE outcome satisfies 1− γ wS = w N − if w0 < wS (v − r ) 2 w* = w0 if wS ≤ w0 ≤ wLQ 1− γ wLC = w N + ( v − r − c ) if w0 > wLQ 2 12 The result is displayed in Figure 7 below. If the initial wage is in the interval [wS, wLQ], the firm does not benefit from forcing a cut in nominal wages. However, if the revenues and costs v and r are low relative to the initial wage, implying that wN also is so low that w0 > wLQ, the firm benefits from enforcing a cut is nominal wages. The firm can then enforce a cut down to wLC. Compared to the empirical framework, this model is consistent with both the existence of a threshold value α and a higher wage relative to the notional wage given a cut takes place, λ. Furthermore, α > λ > 0, consistent with the evidence of F&G. 7.1 Outside options with adverse productivity shocks of a nominal wage cut Similar results hold if the outside option case described above is extended to allow for adverse productivity effects of a nominal wage cut in the same way. As before, the payoff of the firm from keeping the worker at the initial contract is v – w0, while the payoff from replacing the worker is v – wN – zF. Thus, the firm can credibly threaten to replace the worker if v – w0 > v – wN – zF, which is equivalent to w0 > wN + zF. The issue is then whether the worker can and will make a counteroffer that the firm prefers compared to replacing the worker. The firm will accept a counteroffer from the worker of w’, given by v – w’ – c = v – wN – zF, as this gives the firm the same payoff as it obtains by replacing the worker. w’ can be solved for w’ = wF + zF – c. The worker will benefit from making this counteroffer if this gives higher payoff than finding another job, i.e. if w’ > wN – zW. Thus, comparing the requirements for w’, there is a counteroffer which the worker benefits from and the firm will accept if and only if zF + zW > c, i.e. if the total costs associated with a separation are greater than the costs associated with a nominal wage cut. The result can be summarised in Result 6: Outside options under adverse productivity effect of a nominal wage cut The SPE outcome is 1 w N − zW = ( v + r ) − zW if w0 < wN – zW 2 w* = w0 if wN – zW ≤ w0 ≤ wN + zF 1 wN + z F − c = ( v + r ) + z F − c if w0 > wN + zF and zF+zW ≥ c 2 separation if if w0 > wN + zF and zF+zW < c The outcome will be similar to the one described in Figure 7, associated with α > λ > 0. 7 Concluding remarks Empirical studies of downward nominal wage rigidity conducted by Altonji and Devereux (1999) and Fehr and Goette (2000) document the existence of substantial downward nominal wage rigidity in both the US and Switzerland. There is evidence for the existence of a threshold value (α) for a wage cut, so that a “notional” wage cut smaller than this threshold value will not be realised. The estimates of the threshold value α are in the order of magnitude 20 to 30 percent. Altonji and Devereux and Fehr and 13 Goette also find evidence that the downward nominal wage rigidity affects the actual wage even when the wage is cut, so that the wage cut is smaller, and the actual wage greater (the difference is denoted λ), than what would have been the case without downward nominal wage rigidity. In this paper, I show that simple models of downward nominal wage rigidity based on fairness considerations explain the existence of a positive threshold value α. However, if a wage cut takes place, then there should be no effect on the nominal wage, i.e. λ = 0, in contrast to the empirical evidence. I then show that common contracting models can explain that both α and λ are positive, however they also suggest that α = λ, on which there is conflicting evidence. 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Figure 3. The wage bargaining game of Holden (1999) Negligible time 1a 1b 1c 2a 2b Firm: Offer w1 Employee: Employee: Employee: Firm: Reject/ Strike ? Offer w2 Reject/ Accept Accept 2c 3 Firm: Lock-out? Alt. off. barg. Starting at step 3, there is an alternating offers game of the Rubinstein (1982), with two alternative exogenous payoffs, zero if strike or lock-out, otherwise the payoffs of the initial contract. Steps 1 and 2 determine which type of payoffs prevails. In equilibrium, an agreement is reached at step 1 or 2, so that step 3 is not reached, and no strike or lock-out is realised. 18 wL=(1-γ/2)v +(γ/2)r w wN = (1/2)(v+r) wS=(γ/2)v+(1-γ/2)r w0 wN Figure 4: Outcome of wage bargaining in Holden (1994, 1999). See also explanation in Fig 2. wN = (1/2)(v+r) + z w wN = (1/2)(v+r) wN = (1/2)(v+r) - z w0 z -z wN Figure 5: Outcome of wage bargaining with outside options. See also explanation in Fig 2. 19 w w=r w0 w0 - c w0 r Figure 6: Firm sets wage unilaterally, adverse productivity cost c > 0 of a nominal wage cut. wLQ = (1-γ/2)v +(γ/2)(r+c) w wLC = (1-γ/2)(v-c) +(γ/2)r wN = (1/2)(v+r) wS=(γ/2)v+(1-γ/2)r w0 -(1-γ/2)c wN Figure 7: Outcome of wage bargaining under adverse productivity effect c > 0 of a nominal wage cut. See Fig 2. 20