ENGINEERING TECHNICAL FIELD NOTES TECHNICAL REPORTS MANAGEMENT DATA RETRIEVAL PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM VOLUME pp NUMBER 12 Notes Field Protecting Steep 7 Terrain During Excavation One-and Operations Delay Costs Involved Alternatives Between Two-Lane Standards 1 1 1.1 National Maintenance 1 111 Forest Washington Office News FOREST SERVICE REST DECEMBER SCMn._ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 1975 fopEST SERVZt USff INTNAK FIELD NOTES ENGINEERING Volume Number 7 12 December 1975 This monthly newsletter U.S. Department of Agriculture-Forest Service and its assumes no responsibility for is Department of Agriculture or use The of this use of trade convenience of The text in procedures reader. intended to Such the exclusion publication does type technicians material should as or policy instructions in the read each is for not the the information or approval personal The except opinions by issue however 20250 of the references. engineers this FOREST SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE of any or approved FSM all and official suitable. recommended publication Washington D.C. an constitute exclusively for engineers. U.S. only. the interpretation which may be of others represents retirees employees. endorsement and must not be construed of own names use employees of the distribution to its recommendation mandatory of the engineering not the author respective Because the or service by other than firm or corporation conclusion evaluation product information for published and publication is operation. shoulder. excavation at ridge during retention place Note in trees Barrier terrain. steep - Typical 2. - Figure 1. Figure PROTECTING STEEP TERRAIN DURING EXCAVATION OPERATIONS John E. Best Six Rivers Engineer Civil Supervisory National Forest construc-tion Region 5 Because of the ever-increasing emphasis on environmental faces inspector sideslopes during on material a challenge real in objectionable may hillside results in spillage techniques steep of excavated some In A when Even carelessness. occurred. still on minor amounts project was up set slopes which would prevent of a one-mile section of the cases were of material employ and minimize or of loss over lost utmost care was exercised the to this of streams. amounts considerable steep of excessively vegetation. existing projects the side of sideslopes through some kill and even down material over the side of material scars the protection of spillage and consequent sedimentation erosion During previous excavation control to operations. Loss excavation steep terrain results vegetation a construction test of loss excavated materials. The project consisted sideslopes Figure averaging shows 1 typical steep terrain. The geology consisted 32-foot wide subgrade. surface. Seismic project very start the contractor was in a even for a pioneer careful we consideration change order and allow the contractor pioneer road provided line. we allowed simply that the trees The change the center the These lower trees supported screen to pioneer slope. fell to leave the because of trees be cost to in by a specification and build timber clearing limits felled not allow any too well clearing the right-of-way near the lower of spillage felled the place the to parallel Government until excavation them. reached limits to the our operation. order resulted in no additional contractor we would since to modify the decided or at for Specifications access to do the clearing and dilemma equipment for percent road with a rippable schists depths. Power shovels would not work cut. 150 steep as be no sidecasting there would that as a full bench and of slates possible blasting and the slopes were too steep rock After stated emphatically the earthwork sidecasting the percent. indicated testing In material. Faced with the problem of obtaining excavated to Gasquet-Orleans Road traversing draws slopes were The plans called for 60-90 catch the excavated operation until grade fig. trees material at or below the clearing limit would provide that would be spilled over the 2. The screen would hold the material reached After the pioneer by that point and it could road was constructed inside be removed without the balance side the during a the excavation going down of the right-of-way the timber was hauled out and scrapers and D-9s began excavation leaving the outside as the grade was brought down. When the grade ridges were removed clearing limits the retention The operation we sideslopes fig. minor amount of material The specification. lengths. Shorter ground longer to because problem the and the trees however through spill was the contractor showed some normal hauling the under ran little and in of violation reluctance filled to with slash and no the a sidecast shorter than the fill depressions in holes for material brush. Draws were a over draws Felling trees of good timber and some resulted in some breakage to only one draw cutting trees to damage the these and created simply spanned were very would have been better lengths these killed in logs in resulted in the one spill mentioned. use of logs irregularities not lower and allowing the were then pulled. trees was quite successful and resulted felt 3. Pre-existing vegetation the reached by undercutting The remaining felled material to fall toward the roadway. ridges on retention financial loss to contractor. The method outlined herein has merit however it might be improved upon as follows 1 irregularities 2 Perhaps at aesthetic values Figure the decision have 3. - at the lower or prevent areas the to be Slopes clearing gaps installation would be a good investment. the end of the making trees eliminate to in critical spillage Before the draws and pre-vent Machine-place the in limit screen. of a chain The in fence link fence could to be salvaged project. to use either carefully picked clean of these methods the dollar costs weighed. leaving 2 no evidence of excavation spillage. and the DELAY COSTS INVOLVED IN ALTERNATIVES BETWEEN ONE- AND TWO-LANE STANDARDS Robert M. Sullivan Planning Engineer Transportation Forest Service Transportation Berkeley formerly Transportation Systems 6 Planning and Analysis Region and Transportation Forest Engineers should be constructed the standard is liberal decision Construction operating and and the relationships often must whether a road decide Too often width standard. on a sound maintenance which of such factors to the 7721.1 approach. analytical costs of selection FSM interpretation of the guidelines given in rather than or an intuitive analyst Planners a one- or two-lane to based on a Group Analysis California can one- be considered or two-lane by an standard are shown below. Cost Relationships 2-lane Construction 1-lane Operating Vehicle 1-lane 2-lane Driver 1-lane 2-lane Safety see closing paragraphs Maintenance 1-lane 2-lane Environmental 1-lane 2-lane For a two-lane road to be economically the feasible single-lane road must be greater than the combined maintenance and environmental comparisons have not been portion of the operating costs protection reliably that is for determined. cost of delay increased the This double-lane paper attributable to congestion roads. 3 costs is attributed to a of construction road. concerned The safety with that and delay on one-lane only vehicle Considering 6 for operating applied by Region figure minute and driver costs operating YEAR ýLRUCKS the in costs as insurance charged against the delay indicates that factor. 30 approximately IN NUMBER OF LOADS PER from the Data of the YEAR that is the correct cost per minute for use in the above should Therefore charges Association figure 25-cents-per-minute 0.251 usually are Truckers Oregon X several fixed and overhead depreciation 40% - LOGGING DELAY FOR EMPTY LOGGING MINUTES PER MILE RUCKS included figure there are 25-cents-per-minute such these include charges. per IN AVERAGE PER MILE However DELAY FOR LOADED MINUTES PER MILE 1AVERAGE X not of 25 cents trucks of logging costs the timber appraisal then ADDED VEHICLE OPERATING COST FOR LOGGING TRUCKS SINGLE LANE VS. DOUBLE LANE PER and using fixed for be 15 - 18 cents per minute. The forest Labor The combined cents/mile operating recreation is lubrication vehicles by delay cost 35 of mph costs for assumed is 8 cents/minute cost is ......... -- 2 cents/minute based on the assumption that these is of the Highways 1 and 3 fuel this International 4 cents/minute this relationship converts is to in suggested Company Textbook costs 1970. approximately 7 which seems reasonable. cars pickups passenger to be 4 cents/minute and maintenance. that fact is the to Analysis of logging 2 cents/minute ................... 3 for follows Maintenance figure for item equal Economic mph as is ......................... $5.00/hr 2-cents-per-minute Winfrey 35 Tires Oil Lubrication are approximately The and other business Fuel 3 cents/mile used and other small vehicles cars pickups passenger administration 1 2 3 The for charge Although not perceived an inconvenience that this and other small that is vehicles figure includes a real cost fuel attributable to used for tires oil recreation generally by the motorist. Conversely the time lost is easily perceived but no 4 real cost is attributed to it. Delay time was estimated The analysis by using the Forest Service Single Lane Simulator model. assumed Traffic was comprised of 20% 20% 30% 30% loaded trucks logging unloaded logging trucks opposing the loaded trucks associated logging and administrative vehicles and recreation vehicles. 15% moving in the same direction as loaded 15% trucks logging opposing Since delay displayed .2 is as a function of traffic volume the assumed distribution of traffic may be follows 2d a o ý cc 0 0 .1 d LL LL .0 71 FT d/2 1200 0600 FACTOR where Factor A Hourly volume average Results less than volume B Hour Factor C Delay time. obtained 100 fig. of the vehicles and for per Simulator the range of traffic hour VPH delay v by daily volume or a specific day assumed from the Single Lane of traffic composition daily Factor divided traffic 1800 B traffic daily is measure and distribution. indicate that volumes is daily volume volume almost in for a given road and which we are interested directly proportional to 1. Com-puter Dimitri P. Petropoulos Stanford University Report EEP-35 Sciences Corporation. 5 as modified by Therefore d The ifthe for delay for V/20 delay for V/5 total daily 0.5V If as .10 on chart .05 on chart above .20 on the chart above above then d/2 and 2d. delay distributed as illustrated is d/24.10Vd4.20V2d2 the distribution were constant over a long 1.3Vd. period then the traffic may be displayed follows Q CC .1 d Q .0 d/2 O delay per vehicle is average a volume of V/10 U M O Q LL LL 0600 1200 FACTOR where Factor A Hourly volume divided Factor B Hour of the day 1800 B by daily volume with constant distribution over long period and Factor then C the same for Delay time total daily traffic volume .10Vd1 or 23% For constant Q CC .2 for the assumed distribution. distribution over a short period the traffic may be displayed as follows U pC 0 d LL .0 than 1.OVd 2d .1 O H 0 .1 less delay would be U Q LL d/2 0600 1200 FACTOR 6 B 1800 where Factor A Hourly volume divided Factor B Hour of day the by daily volume with distribution constant over short period and C Factor then for Delay time the same total volume traffic daily .20V2d or The 54% latter greater than for the assumed Assuming less likely delay than the is not first assumed very sensitive to the distribution of traffic. a total daily traffic volume rDelay loadedl LTruck in Delay Delay Cd V in sec Asso. Admin OPP Delay Asso. Delay Rec. SAME OPP De1a AME OPP Direction SAME which reduces 10 L in dollars is . . X .1 X X 12 X .1 X .1 X .1 X .0 X 1/60 V 15 opposing loaded logging Direction same as loaded trucks. logging trucks. to Delay deyd Since delay .02 empty truck traffic 18 X Cd RecX .0 X .1 Dela 036 the daily cost of delay X sec empty Admin L much and indicate that the error in estimating Truck Cd 2.OVd distribution. two distribution examples seem distribution assumed delay would be truck times of associated are the same logging these categories 7 Delay Delay Pass Pass OPP SAME and administrative have been combined. 60 and recreation If we assume season which would seem a 150-day per year delay dollars in Cd and 150 is rate the present worth of the interest if delay total as CTPW Assume a daily volume vehicles for 150 of 500 vehicles. Cd be on the high side then to we assume costCTPW 10.00 The a 20-year in dollars of cost and an life 8% expressed is 15000d delays for the average different types of con-sidered Figure 2 volume this are shown in Table 1 the values are taken from delay for and are the values from Petropoulos paper rather than those derived Sullivans test figures. to Petropoulos values are based on more test from runs and are be more accurate.-Thus using those figures CTPW .03 22.4 .02 19.4 25.8 22.8 1560 j 1500 I $33500/mile. Therefore eliminating standard is volume using delays is double-lane vpd a daily for $33500/mile. standard for of 500 vehicles This figure high is a per year the present standard most of the terrain high. Assuming extremely 150 days double-lane the in enough consider to 6 Region more reasonable than rather however volume daily a the worth of single-lane use of the the volume of 500 of 250 vehicles gives delay times shown in Table 2. the average Using those figures CTPW 036 10.4 .02 9.0 12.0 10.8 i 1500 2601 / $7800/mile. This delay cost under most of the conditions encountered than the extra cost of applying The the validity results traffic the of the above results are considerably ADT volume at which the double-lane in rests error on the validity indicate they which two lanes are recommended a single-lane feasible. 8 Region of the model. that in the FSM accommodate road can in 6 would be less standard. value 7721.1 or which However of average far even if daily below is set is economically 6-0 TURNOUT AVERAGE 100 648 SPEED 160 VOLUME OF TRAFFIC IN DIRECTION VOLUME 1 w y x -. Q N OF TRAFFIC IN DIRECTION . 120 ._ . U 2 .. . -- . O . py Q p _ ro O . - 140 0 Q u I W 9 MPH LOGGING TRUCKS 31 FPS 21 LOGGING TRUCKS EMPTY 38 FPS 26 MPH PASSENGER CARS 38 FPS 26 MPH % OF LOADED LOGGING TRUCKS 20% OF TOTAL VOLUME VOLUME % OF EMPTY LOGGING TRUCKS 20% OF TOTAL 180 Z O W LENGTH SPACING DESIRED I TURNOUT 200 5280 - ROAD LENGTH NO OF TURNOUTS ---- 77 100 oo 0 80-60 ---- --- FIGURES TAKEN FROM PETROPOULOS WRITEUP INTERPOLATED M. 40 SULLIVAN IiTTEiI 20 VEHICLES/HOUR 100 Figure 1. - Average delay for a daily 300 200 volume of 500 vehicles. PASSENGER CAR SAME LOADED LOGGING TRUCKS 20% OF ADT HOURLY VOL.- ADT ASSUMED HOUR HOURLY LOGGING 20% OF AVG. ASSUMED ADT NO. IN SECS DIRECTION DIRECTION LOADED TRUCK 30% OF ADT FROM LOADED TRUCK 30% OF ADT AS TRUCKS ADT AVG. DELAY VOL. FOR DISTRIBUTION EMPTY DELAY NO. SECS IN NO. 0700 - 0800 .0 25 5 8 5 0800 - 0900 .0 25 5 8 5 7 8 0900 - 1000 .1 50 10 16 10 14 1000 - 1100 .1 50 10 16 10 14 1100 - 1200 .2 100 20 36 20 31 1200 - 1300 .2 100 20 36 20 31 1300 - 1400 .1 50 10 16 10 1400 - 1500 .1 50 10 16 1500 - 1600 .0 25 5 1600 - 1700 .0 25 5 500 100 1.00 Table 1. - Average delay per 9 AVG. AVG. DELAY DELAY IN SECS NO. IN SECS 7 9 8 8 9 15 17 15 19 15 17 5 19 30 36 30 41 30 36 30 41 14 15 17 15 19 10 14 15 17 15 19 8 5 7 8 8 8 5 7 7 22.4 mile PASSENGER CAR OPP. 7 100 19.4 by vehicle type for 7 150 500 ADT. 8 8 22.8 8 9 7 9 150 25.8 ... ---LOGGING ROAD LENGTH 5280 NO OF TURNOUTS 9 TURNOUT LENGTH 100 TURNOUT SPACING 648 AVERAGE DESIRED SPEED LOGGING TRUCKS 31 FPS 21 MPH EMPTY 38 FPS 26 MPH TRUCKS PASSENGER CARS 38 FPS 26 MPH % OF LOADED LOGGING TRUCKS 20% OF TOTAL VOLUME % OF EMPTY LOGGING TRUCKS 20% OF TOTAL VOLUME VOLUME OF TRAFFIC IN DIRECTION VOLUME OFF TRAFFIC - ... - . .... ....... .... ........ 50-ION 1 - IN DIRECTION 0 Z . - 2 CAR OPPOSITE FROM - ....... ---- PASSENGER -_ .. - 60 .. ........ LOG TRUCK LOADED _ LOADED D LOG TRUCK G ER CAR PASSENGER SAME LOG TRUCK AS LOADED T SLOG EMPTY DIRECTION TRUCK II W -- 30- - -- ---ý-- PLOTS TAKEN 20- IL- __ 10 20 j 40 50 ý--- 70 80 90 100 2. - Delay time 110 LOGGING TRUCKS SAME DIRECTION LOGGING TRUCKS LOADED LOGGING TRUCKS TEST RUNS BY 130 120 140 R. SULLIVAN M. 150 160 vs. traffic volume DIRECTION HOUR DISTRIBUTION LOADED LOGGING TRUCKS 20% OF ADT ASSUMED ADT TRUCKS 20% OF ADT LOADED TRUCK 30% OF ADT DELAY DELAY EMPTY AVG AVG. NO. IN SECS NO. 0700 - 0800 .0 12 2 0800 - 0900 .0 13 3 4 3 0900 - 1000 .1 25 5 8 5 1000 - 1100 .1 25 5 8 5 1100 - 1200 .2 50 10 16 1200 - 1300 .2 50 10 1300 - 1400 .1 25 1400 - 1500 .1 25 1500 - 1600 .0 1600 - 1700 .0 1.00 2. 190 SECS IN PASSENGER CAR FROM LOADED TRUCK 30% OF ADT AVG. NO. IN SECS OPP. DIRECTION AVG. DELAY NO. IN SECS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 8 7 9 7 8 8 8 9 10 14 15 17 15 19 16 10 14 15 17 15 19 5 8 5 7 8 8 8 9 5 8 5 7 7 8 7 9 13 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 12 2 4 2 3 3 250 Table AS LOGGING DELAY VOL. FOR 180 curves. CAR SAME HOURLY 170 ICES/HOUR PASSENGER HOURLY VOL. ADT ASSUMED INTERPOLATED PASSENGER CAR OPP. DIRECTION FROM LOADED LOGGING TRUCKS E7 FROM VEH Figure AS 1 60 LOADED WRITEUP POINTS O PASSENGER CAR -- EMPTY - -- 30 - - - -- 10 A -- I - -... FROM PETROPOULOS DATA INDIVIDUAL -- - Average 4 50 delay 10.4 2 50 per mile by vehicle 10 3 3 7 9.0 type for 75 4 10.8 250 ADT. 3 75 4 12.0 That a single-lane road can handle obvious vehicle hour 100 every the - than minutes. there on the will indicates that of congestion is safer roads. It has been even than double-lane hundred intuitively per volumes of 200 or one vehicles per - although at this point. that suggested roads because is hour become blocked not would be very high standard less safe significantly roads single-lane more tend to travel drivers safety is may carefully roads. seems certain that from an economic are implicitly at day per vehicles which may favor using the double-lane a question as to whether single-lane roads are single-lane several even and function vehicles about 10 to factor double-lane actually be 1 of 100 excess in equivalent is Figure road the cost only other however It six single-lane admittedly The per day vehicles 200 and that we the limit at 100 in setting and of a on the factors of convenience value a very high putting hazard which may or may not a single-lane road can handle point of view per day certainly vehicles safety exist. Editors Note The article was reviewed by With this article we have introduced a new procedure. Ron Tangeman of Region 10 he presents his impression of the techniques used and their The application Washington wish to set technique Roads. make Mr. Forest I of National and the is Manager value standard of this make for a engineers Third would lands when articles. do well establishing standards distribution and be encountered reliability split in the consider to Forest for used here real world of the criteria the looks it analysis Development suspiciously serves currently to well used to set standards. technique road development the analysis desk assuming can be determined is instead to relatively from 11 it on enables data the that of on arbitrary standards. its own traffic simple time vs. First based investments tailored that delay threefold. being as and documented road distribution characteristics studies. readers comments on whether they would selected future point about the measured evaluated the traffic unlikely to Sullivans to Forest forth in this article Service road see the procedure with this Although theoretical problems. Office will appreciate continue The managers Forest to unique traffic volume counts and Forest Second volume volume curves and classification and calculations can be made traffic be can at the are available. The main drawback volume curves such family of standard values Forest traffic the standard as shown curves in in form. curves to obtain Figure similar to curves for use and turnout using the range spacing the Single Lane delay times for the road being each analysis of delay analyst would then be able to the analyst from the time-consuming delay the 2 currently 2 covering Figure be generated The is time traffic vs. these are not readily available. composition roads could book technique this applying volume speed Development and published to and somewhat Simulator process between free of generating the - Ron analysis Tangeman Region 12 on model would This and would greatly simplify and enhance process. variable experienced interpolate analyzed. expensive of the A 10 COSTOF ROAD MAINTENANCE ON THE FOREST MT-- HOOýATIONAL Mike d Picket Mec Industrial Engineer anical Engin as Equipment 7 5 Region I Reuben Kurtti Engineering Analyst Mt. Hood National Recently the San Dimas Equipment Hood National computerized cost Forest Forest 6 Region Northwest Pacific Region data on all road maintenance work San Dimas and the other at the Missoula SDEDC learned that the R-6 had collected and Center Development performed on the Forest These data were of value to two ongoing Equipment 1974. at Center Development t/ Mt. Cisneros EDC. was It Development that felt summarized properly the resulting summary would be of value maintenance engineers The activity across the FSH 7709.15. program management in the tables Service Transportation shown Cost figures project are are not included. costs projects these data were Forest to one Service road nation. code numbering system used 13 of the proposed Forest if FY in is the same as that in Section System Maintenance and general All unit costs Handbook and administration have been rounded off to The methods and equipment used by different forests to do figures. make the tabular data as meaningful as possible task same vary considerably. To used to perform each task is listed. The Mt. Hoods service equipment typically three significant the the trucks typically heading referred are 11/2- or 2-ton whether the equipment The data large show is that the minimum/maximum and could in some to stakeside as Rates trucks. forest cost equipment breakdowns or even tasks Maximum cases be caused in 13 Used Equipment the usage vary and depend on or used under contract. usually varied unit costs by unforeseen errors under for equipment Service-owned of specific range. trucks posting considerably shown in events such activity through a the table are actual as codes. adverse weather Sometimes high maximums by long are caused distances. For travel example two signs needed work if and they were 20 miles apart the average unit cost would be much higher needed repair in a 5-mile section of road. signs The flood repair efforts extraordinary work for and a loader prior to repairing Differences in terrain vs. cause roads the fill road designs can maintenance factors costs and when performing the in the environment to of performing a task in as absolute they at data is can In fact locations. from absolute. But even though the are the known only should summary be valuable to of road that might be incurred listed tasks. simply to give typical the grade handled soil etc. different and therefore minimum/maximumcosts Service roads defining far easily Forests can look at an open forest managers on all 155 National maintenance costs that were incurred on a single Forest. The value in under not too level i.e. a steep mountainous Now cost of dump several require a grader itself conditions vs. which make these data on Forest maintenance engineers 30 code 114 spot surface a flood repair project could country rocky be considered not amount a considerable in activity a slide with if spot. gently rolling many For example a slump or remove differences in the expense there are data to 1974 sometimes required a given activity. repair aggregate-surfaced trucks FY in than managers a feel for circumstances. 14 what happened in book this on road sharing a not too typical of place FY ACTIVITY CODE NO. 100-199 101 ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1974 ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS TOTAL FY 74 EXPENDITURES S TOTAL NO. OF UNITS Mt. Hood AVG. COST PER UNIT$ National MAX. Forest UNIT COST $ MIN. EQUIPMENT USED IN TYPICAL PROJECT UNIT COST $ per-aggregate TRAVELED WAY 3015 Blading non- 65 lane mi 46.40 85.50 16.80 A motor grader and a Some-times sonnel roads transporter. water a tank truck was also used. 103 Dust abatement 317 1 mi lane 317.00 1 - A and tank pickup with non-aggregate distribution truck capability. roads 105 Spot surface pair non- re- 503 60 cu yd of 8.38 8.38 was only There a pickup a end loader roads grader were 109 Slide removal 1064 520 cu yd of non-aggregate 2.05 3.20 1.57 An end Blading aggre- 50479 1069 lane 47.20 223.00 mi surfaced 8.72 A motor sonnel Logging out surfaced 8829 277 mi roads used. a dump 31.90 235.00 a were used. grader and a transporter. water also used. One or two transporters. aggregate- an and a motor loader truck times 111 dump truck truck and a pickup. times a motor grader and matl tank 110 one project Some-roads per-gate Some-roads aggregate matl trucks were personnel Sometimes end loader was used. an FY ACTIVITY CODE 112 NO. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Dust abatement 1974 ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS TOTAL FY 74 EXPENDITURES $s 32211 TOTAL NO. OF UNITS 254 lane mi Mt. AVG. PER Hood COST UNIT$ 127.00 National MAX. Forest UNIT COST $ 602.00 continued MIN. $ 9.13 aggregatesurfaced EQUIPMENT USED IN TYPICAL PROJECT UNIT COST One or two roads tank and water surface pair aggregate- re- 33764 8840 of roads tons 3.82 97.702 -- One or a distribution distributor Occasionally a and miscellaneous roller Spot with motor grader with a scarifier. surfaced one or two trucks capability 114 personnel transporters pumps were two dump or used. trucks one or more personnel aggregate surfacing transporters motor a end loader. and an grader Sometimes a crawler tractor was used. 115 Surface ment replace- surfaced 119 Slide 23184 tons 7.35 47.50 2.20 rock roads dump end loader grader a a trucks motor personnel trans-porter and a tank truck. 31974 13302 of aggregate- One or two an roads removal surfaced 3156 of aggregate- cu debris yd 2.40 9.34 -- An end dump one or two loader and one or trucks more personnel Sometimes a transporters. motor grader or several other miscellane-ous pieces of equipment were used. FY ACTIVITY CODE 120 NO. ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS TOTAL FY 74 EXPENDITURES ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Spot 1974 $5 80098 premix patching paved TOTAL NO. OF UNITS 3660 of tons Mt. AVG. PER Hood COST UNIT$ 21.90 National Forest MAX. UNIT COST $ 112.00 continued MIN. EQUIPMENT USED IN TYPICAL PROJECT UNIT COST - mix $ One or more personnel transporters surfaces liquid asphalt and equipment applicating one or more dump Sometimes a trucks. motor grader re-moving end loader or an old was trans-activity also 122 for material used. equip-133 Chip seal paved 152965 136 lane mi 1130.00 -- -- This surfaces A or distributor commonly done trucks in conjunction power broom with trucks activity ment for and/or one one or more dump porters is a roller more personnel an a end loader several pump a tank and transporters. restoring aged pavement. It also used is in conjunction with 131 activity for surface and protection rideability. 123 Surface of paved faces overlay sur- 31774 10 lane mi 3180.00 - -- One or more dump trucks one or more personnel transporters roller a a distributor motor grader paver equipment and a power a transport-ers broom or flusher. a FY ACTIVITY CODE 124 NO. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION removal Rock 1974 ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS TOTAL. FY 74 EXPENDITURES 2410 TOTAL NO. OF UNITS 372 mi Mt. Hood AVG. COST PER UNIT$ 6.48 National MAX. Forest UNIT COST $ 111.00 continued EQUIPMENT USED IN TYPICAL PROJECT UNIT MIN. COST $ Every project included from paved 0.93 pickup truck. About surfaces also included a a half motor grader end loader and dumc or an truck. 125 Sweeping material 3621 357 lane mi 10.10 130.00 2.17 One transporters surface end loader. or an 126 Level with surfaces 33247 3279 of premix tons 10.10 10.90 9.51 One more dump trucks or one or more personnel premix surface paved 00 more personnel or a power broom and either a motor grader from paved a distributor transporters a roller a motor grader a equipment paver trans-porters and a power broom 127 Fog seal paved surfaces. as part 4168 Used of 77 tons of 54.10 62.40 - asphalt or flusher. One or more personnel transporters 126 with 131 and 133 or a a tank distribution distributor broom and a power were available. Occasionally a truck capability an end loader roller or other miscel-laneous was equipment 128 Sand blotting 702 90 tons sand of 7.80 11.20 - A dump truck with used spreader. FY ACTIVITY CODE 129 NO. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Slide removal 1974 ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS TOTAL FY 74 EXPENDITURES $5 16365 TOTAL NO. OF UNITS 10676 cu Mt. Hood AVG. COST PER UNIT$ 1.53 National MAX. COST Forest continued UNIT MIN. $ 27.20 EQUIPMENT USED IN TYPICAL PROJECT UNIT COST $ 0.35 A dump truck one more or mis-Rock Some-on paved yd of matl surfaces personnel and transporters one or two end loaders. Sometimes or flusher 131 Asphalt zation stabili- 66241 with 1405 of pulvimixer tons asphalt in place 47.20 84.90 10.40 A truck tank a grader liquid with and dump one or two times trucks pumps. cellaneous roads and equipment trucks transporters Sometimes were used. and increasingly trans-Rock additive Asphalt zation stabili- 945 with motor grader in on 25 tons of 37.80 37.80 37.80 in Every were project included place place porter roads truck a a two About half personnel roller with used. also used motor graders. liquid asphalt for lime spreaders and-cement 132 pickup scarifier a roller a stabilizer in place broom power a was used. and tank a distribution capability. 133 Asphalt zation pugmill stabili- with mix 62927 440 tons of 143.00 in 162.00 133.00 One personnel place end 9342 tons of mix more dump or equipment an liquid asphalt 6.74 a a tank truck distributor broom power an transporters loader and/or trucks transporter pugmill a roller paver a or including grader a aggregate plant. Sometimes or mixing a sand FY ACTIVITY CODE NO. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1974 ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS TOTAL FY 74 EXPENDITURES TOTAL NO. OF UNITS Mt. Hood AVG. COST PER UNIT$ National MAX. Forest UNIT COST $ continued EQUIPMENT USED IN TYPICAL PROJECT UNIT MIN. COST $ 133 and miscellaneous spreader cont were used. Some-times and pumps increasingly additional or 210 cement 640803 SHOULDER equip-way Grade or re- 2010 41 shoulder 49.00 424.00 7.04 mi graveled A motor times travel paved Bring gravel shoulders 3699 to 734 tons of 5.04 18.50 4.81 aggregate miscellaneous ment was used. A dump end truck an other three or trucks trans-shoulders or grade a and 212 tank a and end loader other loader a or pickup. stabilizer a trailer and grader side truck normally a 211 used. were stake-shape Some-shoulders Subtotal 200-299 feeders for lime Repair sloughed 10647 on 5012 tons 2.12 6.38 0.98 One personnel a transporter motor grader. or two personnel dump truck porters a gravel-surfaced another truck roads stakeside of matl such as a and a crawler tractor. 223 Surface on paved shoulder overlay 1946 3 shoulder mi 649.00 649.00 There was only one project pickup a dump truck a motor grader an end loader a and a tank truck with distri-bution capability were used. FY ACTIVITY CODE NO. 224 ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Sweeping mate- 1974 ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS TOTAL FY 74 EXPENDITURES 448 from paved rial TOTAL NO. OF UNITS 34 shoulder Mt. AVG. PER Hood COST UNIT$ 13.20 National Forest MAX. UNIT COST $ 166.00 continued MIN. EQUIPMENT USED IN TYPICAL PROJECT UNIT COST $ 3.43 mi A personnel or two a broom. power an dump Subtotal 301 a 18750 trans-302. Clean and shape ditches. be bined re- 10763 mi 50.50 632.00 6.09 com- removal removal 9971 4485 of motor graders cu yd 2.22 5.61 personnel porters were also used. One two end loaders or dump truck and one debris 1824 1135 of cu yd 1.61 11.50 0.72 An end end loader a or transporters. and a pickup Sometimes truck. debris trucks end loaders. more personnel from ditches without two or Sometimes end haul Slough One and one or two with Slough with 213 ditch one or more stakeside from ditches 303 loader were used. truck DRAINAGE Can 302 and Some-times end and shoulder 300-399 one transporter motor graders grader was used. All of the a motor haul 304 Machine ing of clean- culverts 22855 2130 culverts 10.70 195.00 1.78 projects one or two combinations personnel a dump included backhoe/loader one or more transporters truck. and Sometimes stake-side used a motor grader and truck were a FY 305 NO. ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS ACTIVITY TOTAL FY DESCRIPTION FXPINIATURI ACTIVITY CODE 1974 Hand of cleaning S5 18098 culverts 74 S TOTAL NO. OF UNITS 3490 Mt. Hood AVG. COST PER UNIT$ 5.19 National MAX. Forest UNIT COST $ - continued EQUIPMENT USED IN TYPICAL PROJECT UNIT MIN. COST $ - culverts One or more personnel or a stakeside transporters truck. 306 Culvert repair 12557 184 culverts 68.20 - - One or more personnel end loader an transporters Some-times and a dump truck. a stakeside with a crawler and Clean re- 6368 68 structures 93.70 83200 - One truck wrench tractor or a or more personnel transporters drainage and an end loader. One more personnel tures a dump truck pair special struc- a motor were used. grader 307 power French drain per-forated pipe gabion crib bid walls. 308 Culvert replace- 18783 32 culverts 587.003 - -- ment or one or two transporters backhoe/loader combina-tions one or two dump and a motor grader. trucks Sometimes 309 a stakeside stake-interceptor truck 1104 Maintaining dips 232 dips 4.76 21.70 2.98 A was also used. motor grader and side truck. on nonpaved pickup roads crawler or a Sometimes a end loader and tractor were used. FY ACTIVITY CODE NO. 300-399 ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 402 ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS TOTAL FY 74 FXPINDITURES s TOTAi.. NO. OF UNITS Mt. Hood AVG. COST PER UNIT$ National Forest MAX. UNIT COST $ continued MIN. EQUIPMENT USED IN TYPICAL PROJECT UNIT COST $ DRAINAGE Subtotal 400-499 1974 102323 ROADWAY Brush cutting 22161 machine mi 137 162.00 630.00 50.90 All the projects brush brushed used and a cutter a utility truck. 406 Brush disposal 296 5 mi 59.20 83.90 42.70 burning 412 Slide and slump repair of 27321 13880 of fill cu yd 1.97 6.00 - Every project included pickup or stakeside One two or dump a truck. trucks one or more personnel matl transporters slopes loaders and a one or two end motor grader a stakeside truck. About half the time crawler tractor a was also used. Subtotal 500-599 501 49778 ROADSIDE Logging out 7541 189 mi 39.90 159.00 9.20 A personnel stakeside a transporter truck. motor grader or an loader were used skidding. or a Sometimes for end FY ACTIVITY CODE NO. 1974 ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS IOTAL FY 74 FXIINDIIURES ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION TOTAL NO. OF UNITS Mt. AVG. PER Hood COST UNIT$ National MAX. COST Forest UNIT $ continued MIN. EQUIPMENT USED IN TYPICAL PROJECT UNIT COST $ 515 505 Stump removal 585 56 stumps 10.40 60.20 9.16 An end loader a and stakeside a dump a truck crawler tractor truck or a pickup. 8126 Subtotal 600-699 STRUCTURE 700-799 TRAFFIC SERVICES 702 0 - person-place stake-markers repair of Shop 2549 63 signs 40.50 87.50 remove signs Only a personnel transporter was used. and install 703 and Repair re- 2998 383 markers 10.60 41.50 - hazard Every project used nel transporter or a a side truck. 705 Restriping center edge 708 19364 of and 293 mi of 66.10 96.00 60.90 8084 plowing 325 lane mi 24.90 347.00 - the projects County two lines Snow All of a line included striping truck personnel and transporters. One or two motor graders and either pickups or a Some-times end was stakeside an used. 712 Construction new signs of 9607 495 signs 19.40 55.10 - None. truck. loader Some-new FY ACTIVITY CODE NO. 713 TOTAL FY74 EXPENDITURES ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Installation ROAD MAINTENANCE COSTS 1974 TOTAL NO. OF UNITS ys 7982 of Mt. Hood AVG. COST PER UNIT$ 274 signs 29.10 National MAX. Forest UNIT COST $ continued COST - 95.20 EQUIPMENT USED IN TYPICAL PROJECT UNIT MIN. $ A stakeside truck. times a pickup signs backhoe/loader truck or combination was used. 714 Construction 8583 of 166 51.70 63.30 - None. 10.504 - A dump barricades barricades 59167 Subtotal SPECIAL 800-899 802 rock Hauling 49963 to 6397 cu yd -7.81 loader. stockpile tractor 928910 Total Indicates 2This activity 3Costs 4There SCosts the value varied in could not FY 74 was greatly depending were very few projects of be determined. flood predominantly general administration on the completed size of under and program damage the fill this and frequently the culvert activity management was included installed subsurface and they were long hauls with are not included. repair. in. chip seal rock. truck and an end Sometimes a was also used. OFFICE NEWS WASHINGTON OPERATIONS Harold L. Strickland Assistant Director INFORMATION CENTER TECHNICAL The Technical Information TIC Center a is part Sensing -which System and in The will the the flow The periodicals WO acquires access ready paper and pamphlets. to information access provide both hard to resources in the field technical published and microform copies of current In addition to publications in Information Engineering both the Washington stored in TIC area and throughout nation. objective of will VICE TICs and from the inform then Requests for Regions through the staff Engineering reference service need answer an urgent titles on a certain topic a request necessary libraries in for TIC personnel their requests sent to answer requests to the Regional may send directly TIC can be bibliographies will requests if is of to the TIC the staff request. WO complete publications or do for requests they need to they can ask from the National a government publication 26 is for publications the requestor. initiated the staff first draws upon material To Coordinators. directly TIC. locate and send them information from the information Information requests Coordinator to for or computer-based searches. If requestors of books or documents TIC the area is Information cognizant information not have specific Once field make sections of publications If to is projects and the Engineering of the Technical throughout WO. TIC reports REFERENCE SER The of staff concerning These components of information Office function specific technical data specific with those projects. Washington the staff has the contain facilitate information. books Engineerings Technical - associated staff of in this system are the Remote Publications System. Other components and information bank now in the Information Center an planning stages Information TICs resources. Agricultural Library needed or other the originating agency is contacted who engineers information recommend information an end product receives micro-fiche. A book publication weeks. If received A journal or pamphlet has been obtained the publication it be returned the publication secured it for sent to is WO the the TIC to hard copy or in on loan within for his requestor are indexed it sent with the is of two to three a period been purchased or a has copy has been free Publications retention. and stored catalogued of a publication. copy of a section in TIC. can be a reprint or Xerox This repro-duced copy of an item A on microfiche the whole document If the can be hard copy. of books bibliography information and necessary either the on a certain topic written articles each to obtain items. After the requestor furnish from a book. from a journal or of a chapter article available is as 4 WO and library forms requirement that 3 The document. the processes a request for information the requestor If 2 with consult also one of the following 1 obtaining in areas of interest. in their When TIC in TIC in specialists resources assistance for item is included a bibliography he receives may ask the list of TIC to of them. or photocopies publications the in com-puterized compre-hensive of a computer-based Results data bases TIC of one or more search generally the best means of providing Upon receiving such a request staff performs the search in-house or arranges through one of a number information -NTIS services. National 400000 of government Some of these have done it or commerical Service through from government-sponsored Published searching. non-profit to are Information Technical reports generated available for can A search. of a particular topic. coverage the is searches 29 in which research are fields of interest be ordered. also com-puterized -NASA and Technical Scientific data research of Forest base topics. of over Many Facility one million documents of these are pertinent Service Engineering for of documents Information example to has a on aerospace information the extensive needs collection on remote sensing. Transpor-tation -HRIS Highway Research research projects Research Board Information Service contains and almost descriptions 35000 27 at of the 10000 current abstracts of highway research HRIS publications. through documents -RECON in their provides we access fields ERDA at Administration can U. a is a awareness current service of interests. Energy S. system interact and The Energy Data on-line has by means of a bases RECON among Nuclear Abstracts Resources Development Engineering with the data directly and Research which to Included terminal. computer Water also which users are regularly informed of recently-published data bases are Center Information Safety Base. REMOTE SENSING INFORMATION CENTER The Remote support all of activities the Center has been established Forest recently-established Committee and remote sensing. This Management concerning Information Sensing the to facilitate the flow the center will facilitate TIC in of order to in Remote Service technical and acquisition Sensing information retrieval of remote sensing material. The TIC staff publications currently be preparing to according will publication TIC is Besides NASA the contacts - among Remote Sensing services and Scientific others - Information to areas Subject handle queries Technical the American and Analysis Remote and the International Michigan source. originating on remote sensing which covered will in list each identified. depends on outside also a bibliography Society at in the area of remote sensing. Information Facility of Photogrammetry the Environmental Sensing TIC the staff the Center Research Institute of in Institute. PACFORNET In addition them the to TICs PACFORNET PSW Science resources Coast Pacific is a network Literature in engineers Forest Research Service Services Library 5 6 10 have R-5 PSW available to PACFORNET. which of Library Geotechnical include and Materials Lab Pleasant Hill CA Library Forest Science Lab Juneau Berkeley Forest Forestry Library University and Network of libraries components Berkeley Computer Regions Information of California Resources University Seattle Berkeley 28 Library of Washington PACFORNET Through The the following Monthly received Alert a new of list PACFORNET at are available services publications libraries. PAC-FORNET Document any publication. request the another directly the not If publication available at borrowed is The document source. to through which users can service delivery or a copy from sent is requestor. PACFOR-NET Reference service staff answers and technical. needed If which through the questions both general specific they do not have the information other sources. they contact computer-based searches both Literature which on a references PACFORNET service units manual and provide the specific topic. may be user with Forest PACFORNET North Service Forest P.O. Box 245 Berkeley FTS FTS CA Resources Seattle 449-3687 document WA FTS New searches assigned In addition people in Alaska AR-10 98195 206-543-7484 delivery for literature Library of Washington University 94701 449-3688 of Oregon Washington and Alaska PACFORNET South U.S. list by mail or phone accessed Hawaii California and a number in will be December. may contact PNW P.O. Box 909 Juneau AK 99802 907-586-7301 To use Center Library D.C. the information Inez Fitzgerald Technician 20250 resources in Technical Engineering TIC phone or Information Staff Unit 703-235-1424. 29 Forest write Technical Specialist Service or Information Joyce USDA Sarkisian Washington CONSULTATION AND STANDARDS Charles R. Weller Assistant Director DISPOSITION OF FPCLICENSED PROJECT FACILITIES AT EXPIRATION OR SURRENDER OF LICENSE When or is Forest FPC license Power Commission a Federal abandoned members Staff Engineering recommendations or Regional the for expires surrendered is are often called upon dams and of disposition voluntarily provide to input to other project works. Some authority be considered order to should a licensee we do if connection in with Remember the and may incur have no and legal so. are responsible licensee We the licensee. to perform work to - we want done what indicate and the FPC not are directed to the financial liability FPC which should are the following. Recommendations We many items among typical these actions provide design design drawings. sufficiency. recommendations of consequences for not for or acquisition removal of the dam. 1 con-ducting brings with Acquisition safety of the When the The dam. Power Safety Act much may become legal and financial Service Forest and inspections Dam it maintenance is and Commission custody responsible repair of dams. these while costly are exempt they the for these responsibilities implemented fully more regimented and for responsibilities becomes from the in Federal Dam Safety Act. 2 Removal of the dam can downstream also create liabilities from - for environmental of sedimentation and character-istics damages for to release property damages due to radical changes in stream flow of flood If resources control. the recommendation is for acquisition of the dam every effort should be mechanically-operational made to have the condition dam before inspection records should incident to operation put in and structurally-sound calculations and from the owner. The recurrent costs As-built drawings transfer. be requested and maintenance of the dam as well as any oper-30 ational Carefully siltation to sites deposits be evaluated disposal of sediment and for and problems engineers as well a decision as should be alert the opportunities host the feasibility to environmental of organizational financial considerations provide of removing removal. on disposition of licensed to reservoir debris resulting from removal factors incident cost management and resource arriving at in of view point engineering the annual budgets. in aspects are only one of the jurisdictional However inclusion for to agreements pertaining delivery out from the consider engineering legal and level of the proposed actions timing The water be priced should professional which are inherent in which need project structures. input the regarding these decisions. REGIONAL FPCCOORDINA TORS Regional coordinate Office matters staff members pertaining designated Power Name Region/Area % currently Federal to R-8 Tom Smith R-9 Dave 414 224-3706 R-10 Bill NA Karl Davidson SA Paul Buffam Phil Yovetich R-2 Jack Mead R-3 Bob Bates R-4 Bill R-5 Jim Allen R-6 Rozynek Dick Bryant Hedrich 907 215 404 Kinworthy Foresters Regional Phone No. 406 303 505 801 415 503 404 R-1 by Commission licensed to projects are Staff RL 585-3601 E 234-4405 RL 766-3656 RL 399-6261 E 556-6924 WM 221-3019 E 526-3367 LWM 586-7266 E 596-1620 Area Planning Staff 526-3734 Area Env. Coord. TECHNOLOGICAL IMPROVEMENTS Heyward T. Taylor Assistant Director REGIONAL EDT BOARD MEETINGS During October both Region 8 and Region 9 held Regional Equipment Development and Test Board meetings for FY 77 planning. Farnum Burbank Chief Equipment attended Development Engineer attended R-8 meeting program the and to obtain to the R-9 meeting and Donald provide first-hand an overview a better 31 of the FY understanding Sirois Staff Engineer 76 Service-wide of field EDT needs. The EDT Regional Board meetings and needed forum a useful provide field input to the program. The meetings for NFS SPF and Research Staffs to come together to new solved by equipment or improved include from National realistic that for goals or state many In Forests. information additional down from other federal cooperators key can be used to attendance is broadened to agencies as well as supervisors these individuals the identify as with bring true problems and add insight proposed projects may be discuss problems that if the local cases providing or methods. materials from board meetings Extra benefits can be obtained for are an excellent opportunity Service-wide the to them and help set of the scope problems. The more setting involved of the for goals becomes field the EDT in helping the program of need establish areas to more the field will benefit and the from the program. We the believe that improvements have been EDT program more responsive For more information see Section made but more improvement needs to field making over the past several years for is needed. 7120 of the manual. CHANGE TO AUGUST FIELD NOTES Volume Interactive Correct the last paragraph Presently 10. Road Design System The IRDS was designed consequently Number 8 IRDS this article has been introduced system specifications of 7 page 19 to field by engineers comments personnel and from favorable. 32 to the read as follows in Regions adheres field 12 34 6 9 strictly have to been field and users consistently CHANGE NOTICE I - UPS jl AERIAL TRAMWAYS Description TOWS LIFTS and SKI - and Terminology EM-7320-1 -- June 1975 A THIS PAGE INSERT CONTENTS On Figure Change To read I I I 7 page page On 67 page The figure Mark I Figure W 60 vii. 2 tabular mast-type towers. system tubular mast-type towers. has 59 and Figure numbers with 60 and captions upper page 91 Change To read were reversed illustration respective under Horsepower as Figure in 59 copy make-up. and lower one as captions. wl On 4 ý system has to indicate ý I front of the in 6 caption line Figure ý M yýM- ý6iNM line 2 U.S. and metric horsepower 500 foot-pounds U.S. and metric horsepower 550 foot-pounds .. .. CHANGE NOTICE GPO 896-712 INVITATION TO READERS OF FIELD NOTES reader Every is a potential FIELD NOTES. of an article for author item or short article you would like to share with submit Material the to it FIELD NOTES submitted respective technically The 7113. several submitted illustrations Office pages be Allen Groven R-3 Bill for Strohschein direct information invite you to Office should glossy to publication. The items are preferred. and black field white are Ted Wood R-9 Norbert Smith R-5 Jim McCoy R-10 Bill Kjell R-8 Ernest questions WO Bakke all submit should personnel Coordinators and to All photos. R-4 R-6 FSM sentences be typed double-spaced whom Coordinator short by timely Service-wide several or news be reviewed current is engineers to short articles or should publication the interest drawings original McCabe Bill R-2 should and of however and material R-1 Coordinators see that submitted may vary from Region has an Information both questions Office for the Washington to should to informative of material length typewritten material Each accurate we publication. for to the Washington Regional you have a news If Service engineers Vischer Al Colley Quinn format concerning editing publishing dates and other problems to Forest Service Engineering USDA Staff Attn Gordon L. Washington D.C. Telephone This publication Station one. ask the your Form issues or Rita E. Wright 20250 Area Code 703-235-8199 distributed from the and Area Headquarters. number back is Office Manager If Washington 7100-60. Office directly to Regional all you are not now receiving a copy and would or the Regional of copies sent to your office use are also Office Editorial Services Washington Rome available from the Information Form 7100-60 Washington for Office Coordinator this purpose. to like increase Copies of and can be ordered on