Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) DOI 10.1007/s00531-012-0747-6 ORIGINAL PAPER Granite magma migration and emplacement along thrusts Eric C. Ferré • Olivier Galland • Domenico Montanari • Thomas J. Kalakay Received: 10 August 2011 / Accepted: 4 January 2012 ! Springer-Verlag 2012 Abstract This paper investigates the influence exerted by brittle tectonic structures in the emplacement of granite plutons in contractional settings. We address both cases where contractional tectonics and magma intrusion are (1) coeval, to study how active contractional tectonics controls the transport of magma, and (2) diachronous, to study the role of pre-existing structures on the transport of magma. In light of new experimental models, we show that magma can rise along thrusts ramps and flats. This phenomenon occurs for both low-viscosity magma (basalts to andesite) and high-viscosity magma (dry granite). The experimental results also allow the evaluation of the role played by magma viscosity in determining pluton geometries. In addition, a review of literature demonstrates a spatial and causal relationship between granites and thrusts and highlights the geometric control of magma pathways in the pluton final shape. The abundance of subhorizontal and E. C. Ferré (&) Department of Geology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901-4324, USA e-mail: O. Galland PGP, Universitet i Oslo, Sem Selands vei 24, 0316 Oslo, Norway O. Galland Géosciences-Rennes (UMR6118 du CNRS), Université de Rennes, Rennes Cedex, France D. Montanari Institute of Geosciences and Earth Resources, Via Moruzzi 1, Pisa, Italy T. J. Kalakay Rocky Mountain College, 1511 Poly Drive Billings, Billings, MT 59102, USA tabular granitic intrusions indicates that the location of inflating granitic sills along thrust flats can be common. We argue that active and pre-existing flats-and-ramps thrusts provide a preferential continuous planar anisotropy susceptible to become a granitic magma migration pathway. Keywords Granite ! Pluton ! Thrust ! Flats-and-ramps ! Analogue modeling Introduction Magma emplacement along thrusts in convergent tectonic settings is an important issue for example to understand earthquakes along subduction zones (e.g., Anma 1997). A number of granite emplacement models have been proposed for different tectonic settings (reviews in Hutton 1988; Clarke 1992; Paterson and Fowler 1993; Pitcher 1993; Ingram and Hutton 1994; Vigneresse 1995; Bouchez 1997; Castro et al. 1999; Petford et al. 2000). The interplay between emplacement mechanisms such as diking, ballooning, and stoping during granite emplacement makes each pluton a unique case. Most studies, however, point to the feedback relationship between felsic plutonism and regional deformation (e.g., Guineberteau et al. 1987; Paterson et al. 1990; Tommasi et al. 1994; Neves et al. 1996; Aranguren et al. 1997; Archanjo et al. 1999; Wilson and Grocott 1999; Vigneresse et al. 1999; Benn et al. 2001; Ferré et al. 2002). Therefore, to better understand granite ascent and emplacement processes it is important to simultaneously consider both the plutons and the crustal discontinuities that surround them. The spatial relationships between faults (or shear zones) and granite plutons has been intensely discussed (Paterson and Schmidt 1999; Schmidt and Paterson 2000; Richards 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 2001; Weinberg et al. 2004, 2005, 2006; Paterson 2006). The main question is whether or not magma migration is controlled by faults (or shear zones) and if such a spatial relationship causes plutons to be statistically located close to faults (or shear zones). This debate has focused mainly on steep strike-slip faults (and shear zones). A good way of addressing the complex processes of interactions between plutons and faults is through analogue modeling. For example, Román-Berdiel et al. (1997), Román-Berdiel (1999), and Corti et al. (2003, 2005) investigated how plutons intruded in extensional to strikeslip regimes, showing how magma intrusion was controlled along faults and how faults were affected by the intrusion of magma. Benn et al. (1998, 2000) simulated the intrusion of plutons in a transpressional tectonic regime. In this latter work, the rates of deformation and intrusion were coupled, such that it was not possible to control independently magma intrusion and deformation. In compression, the ascent of magma is expected to be less favorable than in extension due to the adverse orientation of principal stresses and the horizontal attitude of tension sites that may act as magma pathways (Fig. 1; Petford et al. 1994; Watanabe et al. 1999; Sibson 2003). This leads some authors to surmise that magma cannot rise through crust, while it is being subjected to compression (e.g., Hamilton 1994; Watanabe et al. 1999). However, in examples where the dominant deformation regime is shortening, such as the Andes and Japan, the occurrence of voluminous volcanic activity shows that magma does rise through contracting crust even in places where the overlying crust is very thick (up to 70–80 km in the Andes; Yuan et al. 2000). Nevertheless, the key question remains: how can magma rise in such compressional settings? Recent observations show that active volcanism can be spatially associated with thrust faults, for example, El Reventador (Ecuador; Tibaldi 2005, 2008) and Tromen (Argentina; e.g., Galland et al. 2007b) volcanoes. In deeper systems, a number of field-based structural studies show that granitic plutons emplaced during orogenic shortening commonly exhibit tabular shapes, which appear to be closely related to flats and ramps of active thrusts (e.g., Hutton 1988; Karlstrom et al. 1993; Searle 1999; Blenkinsop and Treloar 2001; Kalakay et al. 2001; Spanner and Kruhl 2002; Aranguren et al. 2003; Musumeci et al. 2005; Naibert et al. 2010). Thus, it is plausible that during periods of crustal compression, thrust faults form preferential magma migration pathways. In addition, pre-existing faults and fractures representing weaknesses in rocks (e.g., Sibson 2003), it is likely that pre-existing and inactive thrust faults also represent preferential magma pathways. To test whether active and pre-existing compressional tectonic structures form preferential magma pathways, we investigate the spatial and genetic relationships between 123 Fig. 1 Stress regime, shear fractures, and tension fractures in the upper crust. a In extension, shear fractures are normal and steeply dipping, while tension fractures are near-vertical (dikes). b In compression, shear fractures are reverse and gently dipping, while tension fractures are near-horizontal (sills). Magma ascent is expected to be less favorable in compression than in extension due to the adverse orientation of principal stresses and the horizontal attitude of tension sites that may act as magma pathways plutons and thrusts (or low-angle reverse shear zones). In this paper, we present an integrated approach combining recent results of analogue modeling and a brief review of case studies of plutons that were emplaced in compressional settings. The experimental results come from two complementary techniques that simulate the injection of either low-viscosity or high-viscosity magma in deforming crust (Galland et al. 2006, 2007a; Mazzarini et al. 2010; Montanari et al. 2010a, b; Musumeci et al. 2005). The experimental results are subsequently compared to the structures of representative field examples of plutons that were emplaced along thrust faults. The consistency between the experimental results and the field-based structural data allows us to propose a general model of granite emplacement in actively shortening orogens (although it would also be applicable to previously deformed regions). Our model is constrained by the geometry and kinematics deduced from analogue Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) experiments, the temporal constrains provided by case studies and the low aspect ratio of many granitic plutons inferred from gravimetric studies (e.g., Vigneresse et al. 1999). This model shows that flats-and-ramps of thrusts can be fundamental migration pathways for magmas of various viscosities. Experimental models of intrusions along thrusts In order to investigate the emplacement of granitic magma in convergent tectonic settings, we resorted to experimental modeling. Former attempts have been carried out to study the emplacement of very viscous magma in transpressional tectonic regimes. For example, Benn et al. (1998, 2000) performed experiments in which a stiff silicone intruded into a deforming crust. However, in their experimental apparatus, the rates of intrusion and deformation were coupled. Therefore, it was impossible to study the mechanisms of magma emplacement by considering independently the rates of deformation and injection; obviously, diachronous deformation and intrusion could not be addressed either to study the effect of pre-existing faults on magma transport. In this paper, we present results from two complementary experimental approaches of intruding magma into a shortening crust, where intrusion and deformation rates were independent. Indeed, with the two different deformational apparatuses used and described in the current paper, it was possible to run experiments with oil injection only, deformation only, and coeval and diachronous deformation and injection. This a major difference with the experiments of Benn et al. (1998, 2000). In geological systems with both active magma intrusion and tectonic deformation, it is relevant to estimate the relative contribution of intrusion with respect to that of deformation. Thus, we define the dimensionless ratio R = (mpV)/(L0Q), where mp, V, L0, and Q are the piston velocity, the initial volume and length of the model, and the volumetric flux of oil injection, respectively. When R is large, tectonic deformation dominates the process, whereas, when R is small, intrusion dominates the process. In the first approach (Model 1), the models simulate the emplacement of lowviscosity magma (100–105 Pa s), whereas in the second approach (Model 2), the models simulate the emplacement of a more viscous magma (about 1017 Pa s). In the following sections, the scaling for each experimental technique and the experimental results were briefly developed. Model 1: Low-viscosity magma Model 1 (Figs. 2, 3; Tables 1, 2) consisted of cohesive fine-grained silica flour and low-viscosity molten vegetable oil simulating brittle host rocks and low-viscosity magma (100–105 Pa s), respectively. After the experiments, the vegetable oil solidified at room temperature in the models. The scaling and the experimental method have been described in detail by Galland et al. (2006) and used by Galland et al. (2007a). The Model 1 was performed at the Modeling Laboratory of Geosciences Rennes, University of Rennes 1, France. The silica powder is sufficiently fine-grained (20 lm) to prevent oil percolating through it. After compaction, its density is 1,300 kg m-3. In a Hubbert-type shear box (e.g., Schellart 2000), Galland et al. (2006) demonstrated that the silica flour fails according to a Coulomb criterion: the true cohesion is *300 Pa and the angle of internal friction is 38". The vegetable oil is solid at room temperature and a Newtonian fluid when molten. At a temperature of 50"C, we measured a density of *900 kg m-3 and a viscosity of 2 9 10-2 Pa s (in a rotary viscometer). Model 1 simulated processes in the shallow upper crust. For scaling upward from model to nature (e.g., Ramberg 1981), the length ratio l* between experiment and nature was taken from 10-5 to 10-4 (10 mm : 0.1–1.0 km) and the density ratio q* ranged between 0.5 and 0.7 (Table 1). The cohesion of the model rock is properly scaled down if C* = q*g*l*, where g is the acceleration due to gravity. This dictated that cohesion of model crust was in the range 50–6,500 Pa. Silica powder, with its cohesion of *300 Pa, is therefore appropriate for the models. The viscosity of the magma is properly scaled if the viscosity ratio g* = C*h*/vm*, where h and vm are the thickness of the intrusion and the velocity of magma, respectively. Values from Table 1 provide values for g* ranging between 5 9 10-11 and 6.5 9 10-4. The viscosity range for basalt to rhyolite magma being 100–105 Pa s, this imposes that the scaled viscosity of the model magma should be in the range 5 9 10-9–65 Pa s. In nature, the viscosity of rhyolitic magma actually increases with solidification to much higher values but then the magma is no longer able to flow; therefore, the range considered here is realistic. The viscosity of the vegetable oil being 2 9 10-2 Pa s, the vegetable oil is an appropriate material. Notice that the range for model magma viscosity is very large. This has little effect as long as the viscous stresses are small with respect to cohesion (Galland et al. 2006, 2007a), which is the case with such values. The experimental setup consisted of a rectangular box (0.6 9 0.4 9 0.2 m) with a 75-mm-thick layer of compacted silica flour (Fig. 2a). For experiments on magmatic intrusion, a steadily moving piston caused horizontal shortening and vertical thickening of the silica flour (0.075 m thick), while a pump steadily injected molten oil through an orifice (0.005 m in diameter) at the base of the box (Fig. 2a). A first electric motor controlled the preset 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) Fig. 2 a Sketch of the experimental setup of Model 1 (low-viscosity magma, see text for explanations). b Photograph of LV1 model. Both straight and arcuate thrusts can be observed. The white straight line shows the location of the cross-section in (c). c Photograph and corresponding line drawing of cross-section of LV1 model (location shown in b). Internal horizontal markers (continuous lines) are offset by faults (dashed lines). The solidified intrusion (red) lies at the base of the model. Numbers indicate the sequence of thrust development from 1 oldest to 5 youngest speed of the piston and a second motor controlled that of the pump. In Model 1, we ran experiments with varying values for R. In experiment LV2, there was only intrusion but no deformation, so that R = 0 (Table 2). The resulting intrusion was an axi-symmetrical sill with a flat bottom, emplacing at the base of the box, connected to steeply inclined sheets (Fig. 3a). The thickness of the intrusion was typically 1–3 mm. The overburden was slightly uplifted due to the overpressure of the oil. This geometry is a typical saucer-shaped sill that forms in non-deforming sedimentary basins (Galland et al. 2007a, 2009; Polteau et al. 2008). In experiment LV3, there was only deformation but no injection, so that R = ? (Table 2). In this experiment, 123 shortening resulted in thrusts rooted of the base of the piston (Fig. 3b). In map view, thrusts had straight traces, which means that lateral friction on the model was negligible. The first thrust formed close to the piston. As deformation proceeded, the following thrusts formed successively away from the piston. Each thrust was separated by a constant gap of 0.05–0.06 m, resulting in a thrust wedge of constant surface slope (Fig. 3b). Such a geometry is typical of thrust wedges in a laterally homogeneous crust (e.g. Dahlen 1990; Smit et al. 2003). In experiments with coeval deformation and injection (LV1, Fig. 2b, c), the value of R = 7.5, that is, it was intermediate between the two former end-members (Table 2). Those experiments consisted of two successive Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) Fig. 3 a Sketch of experiment LV2 with diachronous deformation and injection. Deformation was first, and injection was second. The basal intrusion (red) branched into a complex zone were porous oil flow occurred (hachured red). This porous injection overprints early formed backthrusts. b Sketch of experiment LV3 with a first stage of coeval shortening and injection, and subsequent injection only Table 1 Experimental parameters and scaling ratios for Model 1 (low-viscosity magma) q (kg m-3) C(Pa) vm (m s-1) Nature 2,000–2,700 7 10 –10 Model 1 Ratios 1,300 0.48–0.65 300 3 9 10-6–3 9 10-5 8 h (m) g (Pa s) 10 –1 1–100 100–105 10-3–10-2 10-3–1 10-3–10-2 10-2–10-5 2 9 10-2 2 9 10-7–2 9 10-4 -2 See text for definitions of physical parameters stages: a short first stage of shortening without injection to load the models, followed by a second stage with both shortening and injection. During the first stage of the experiment, the first thrusts to form were straight forethrusts against the piston. Subsequently, as deformation proceeded the oil was injected. Then, the next thrust to form was strongly arcuate in the middle of the models; the domain between the straight and the arcuate thrusts formed a poorly deformed plateau (Fig. 2b, c). Such a structure is significantly different from that of experiment LV3 (Fig. 3b). The oil formed a flat-lying asymmetric sill intrusion; it was much thicker (0.01 m) than in experiment 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) Table 2 Values of experimental parameters for Model 1 -3 vp (10 -1 ms ) -6 Q (10 3 -1 m s ) R Shortening (%) 33 LV1 0.27 0.78 7.5 LV2 0.00 0.27 0 0 LV3 0.17 0.00 ? 33 LV4 0.22, then 0.00 0, then 0.35 ? then 0 33 LV5 0.18, then 0.00 0.78, then 0.78 5.3 then 0 33 See text for definitions LV2 (Fig. 3a). Its leading edge away from the piston coincided with the root of the arcuate thrust fault (Fig. 2c); in addition, the oil migrated along the arcuate thrust. The sizes and shapes of the plateaus were identical to those of the sills (Galland et al. 2007a). The latter showed that the final geometry of the experiments depended on R: models with high values of R led to small plateaus and sills, and vice versa. In models with small R, oil erupted along the lateral ramps of the arcuate thrusts (Fig. 2b; Galland et al. 2007a). An important question is whether the transport of magma is affected by pre-existing faults. This can happen, for example, for magma rising after the main orogeny (see examples in ‘‘Examples of plutons emplaced along thrusts’’ section). In order to test the effect of pre-existing faults on magma transport and emplacement, we performed an experiment (LV4, Fig. 3c) where (1) the model was deformed first (R = ?) and (2) oil was injected after deformation stopped (R = 0; Table 2). After deformation, the model was similar to that with deformation only, that is, a classical thrust belt with straight thrust faults (Fig. 3c). This means that oil intruded into an already developed, but inactive, thrust wedge. After the second stage with injection only, the intrusive body exhibited a strongly asymmetric shape. It consisted of a basal sill of a few millimeters thick, which branched laterally and upwards to a backthrust zone (hachured on Fig. 3c), toward the piston. This zone consisted of a mixture of oil with silica flour, but was different from the intrusion observed, for example, in experiment LV1 where the intrusion was almost pure oil. We thus interpret this zone as a network of oil paths that followed an intensely damaged host due to a wide backthrusting zone. Notice that the dip angle of back-thrusts is steeper (*45") than that of fore-thrusts (*30"). In consequence, the intrusion in LV4 is steeper than in experiments LV1 and LV5. The difference in dip angle is caused by the asymmetric nature of the model and by a slight rotational component of the experiments. The rates at which magmas are transported are known to vary through time. Good examples are periodic volcanic eruptions occurring in active tectonic areas (e.g., El 123 Reventador Volcano, Ecuador; e.g. Tibaldi 2005): during the volcanic episodes, the magmatic rates become temporarily much faster than the tectonic rates, leading to R ? 0, although the compressional stresses are still active. To test this effect, we performed an experiment (LV5, Fig. 3d), during which oil injection flow rate was varied during two stages (Fig. 3b). (1) First, shortening and injection were coeval and constant, resulting in a similar structure to that of experiment LV1, with an arcuate thrust bounding a poorly deformed plateau. During this stage, R = 5.3 (Table 2). At the end of this first stage, we had no access to the internal structure of the model. (2) Second, shortening was stopped while injection went on; this corresponded to a fast injection of magma with respect to tectonic timescales, that is, volcanic eruption, while stresses were assumed to be still active (R ? 0). This second stage ended only a few seconds after it started, with the eruption of the oil along the trace of the arcuate thrust. In crosssection, the intrusion exhibited a more complex shape than in experiment LV1. It consisted of a cm-thick basal sill at the base of the poorly deformed plateau, connected to a mm-thick inclined dike (Fig. 3d). The leading edge of the thick basal sill coincided with the root of the arcuate thrust. By comparison with experiment LV1, we infer that this thick basal sill formed during the first stage of the experiment. In contrast, we infer that the thin inclined dike formed during the second stage of the experiment. Notice the remarkable superposition of this thin inclined dike with the arcuate thrust. The eruption point is not visible on this cross-section as it occurred a few centimeters away from the central cross-section. Model 2: High-viscosity magma The second study (Fig. 4; Tables 3, 4) consisted of sand/ silicone models, where a basement of quartz-sand layers, and a low-viscosity mixture of silicone and oleic acid represented brittle host rocks and high-viscosity granitic magma, respectively. Models were constructed with initial dimensions of 0.6 9 0.45 m and a thickness of 0.05 m. Geometrical, rheological, kinematical, and dynamical similarity ensured scaling to the natural process under investigation (Hubbert 1937; Ramberg 1981), with a length ratio of l* * 1 10-5 (10 mm in the model represents *1 km in nature) and a velocity ratio of v* * 6.5 10-3 (the *20 mm/h of model shortening corresponds to a natural shortening rate of *27 mm/year, see Table 2); density of analogue materials imposes a density scale ratio of about 0.5 (Table 3). The analogue magma is a lowviscosity Newtonian fluid with a viscosity of about 7.102 Pa s, resulting in a scaled viscosity of about 1017 Pa s (Table 3), suited to simulate a high-viscosity crystal-rich magma being emplaced at shallow crustal levels. The Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) Fig. 4 Deformation and emplacement patterns of Model 2 experiments (high-viscosity magma). a Schematic model 3D view showing the position of the injection point in relation to the thrust wedge. b Final top-view photograph of the reference model (GITD 03) performed with coeval shortening and magma injection. c Cross- section and line drawing (d) of model GITD03. e Cross-section of model GITD19 with injection subsequent to the shortening phase. f Cross-section of model GITD12 with deformation post-dating magma injection. Here, late-formed thrusts exploit magma/countryrock contact Table 3 Experimental parameters and scaling ratios for Model 2 (higher viscosity magma) q (kg m-3) Nature 7 2,700 Model 2 10 1,300 Ratios V/(m s-1) C(Pa) 65 -6 0.48 6.5 9 10 h (m) g (Pa s) 8.6 9 10 -10 1,000 1017 5.6 9 10 -6 0.01 6.5 9 10 -3 700 -5 1 9 10 7 9 10-15 See text for definitions of physical parameters Table 4 Values of experimental parameters for Model 2 -6 vp (10 -1 ms ) Q (10 -6 3 -1 m s ) R GIDT 00 5.6 0.004 ? GIDT 03 5.6 0.004 46 GIDT 06 0.0 0.004 0 GIDT 19 5.6 then 0 0 then 0.004 ? then 0 GIDT 12 0 then 5.6 0.004 then 0 0 then ? See text for definitions scaling and the experimental procedure have been described in detail by Del Ventisette et al. (2006) and used by Montanari et al. (2010a). As in Model 1, a piston moving at a constant speed deformed the models, and the experiments consisted of (1) a first phase with shortening only and (2) a second phase with coeval shortening and constant flow injection of the analogue magma. The experiments were performed at the Tectonic Modeling Laboratory of the CNR-IGG (Institute 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) of Geosciences and Earth Resources) and of the Earth Science Department of Florence University (Italy). Magma injection during thrusting was performed by means of a special apparatus consisting of a piston and a magma distribution system made up of pipes and a fixed injection point (10 mm in diameter) on the basal plate of the deformation apparatus (Fig. 4a). A reference experiment with no injection (exp. GITD 00, R = ?) was performed, resulting in a classical thrust wedge, in which thrusts had straight traces. Moreover, in static conditions (i.e., without deformation, exp. GITD 06, R = 0) the experimental magma intrusion resulted in an almost circular shape in map view (Montanari et al. 2010a). In the case of syn-deformation magma intrusions (exp. GITD 03), the sand/silicone models (simulating highviscosity magma) were characterized by a strong spatial correlation between thrusts and related folds and synkinematic pluton geometries (both in map view and in cross-section, Fig. 4b–d and Montanari et al. 2010a). Magma preferentially migrated away from the injection point and ascended along thrust surfaces, showing that the intrusion was strongly controlled by deformation structures. The model magma accumulated in the low-pressure area developing within the thrust-related anticline (Fig. 4c, d). The cross-sectional shape of the model plutons was asymmetric and controlled by the interplay between compressive structures, with the intrusion long axis controlled by magma migration along a major fore-thrust and the short axis oriented according to a minor back-thrust (Fig. 4c, d). The exact shape of the model pluton would have required tomographic analysis to be determined, and this option was not available in the experimental setup. However, it is important to keep in mind that fluids migrate along the r2 axis. In map view, the intrusions were elongated parallel to the strike of the thrusts and anticlines more markedly when deformation rates dominate over injection velocity (Montanari et al. 2010a); the models were characterized by an increase of the intrusion aspect ratio (length/width) increasing the relative importance of shortening over magma injection (Montanari et al. 2010a). In the experiment GITD 03, with coeval deformation and injection, the value of R was 12 (Table 2). To test the role of simultaneity between magma injection and deformation to determine the final geometry of the intrusions, we also performed two additional new models. In the first one, magma injection started only after the end of deformation (exp. GITD 19, Fig. 4e), while in the second, deformation occurred only after magma injection was stopped (exp. GITD 12, Fig. 4f). Values of the dimensionless ratio R for these two model are given in Table 2. The crosssectional shape of the pluton in the model GIDT 19 was quite symmetric and bound by the compressive structures, exhibiting a delta-like geometry. This geometrical 123 arrangement clearly suggests that the presence of the preexisting compressive structures determined the localization of the analogue magma intrusion, the latter being bound by thrust and back-thrust faults. Pre-existing compressive structures acted as barriers for lateral magma migration, allowing the uprising of magma toward shallower levels. In cross-sectional view, the Model GIDT 12 (Fig. 4f) with deformation post-dating magma intrusion, clearly exhibits characteristic features related to magma injection into a static, undeformed model (please compare with Figure 2 in Montanari et al. 2010a). The circular dome formed above the intrusive body (in cross-section in Fig. 4f) and related to the sand being uplifted by the intruding analogue magma is still visible at the surface. The pre-kinematic shape of magma intrusion is clearly deformed by shortening of the models performed after the end of the magmatic phase. The final cross-sectional shape of the analogue pluton was asymmetric, evidencing the fore-thrust localization related to the presence of magma acting as a weakness zone. The pluton was also clearly deformed in accordance with the late shortening of the model. In this experiment, the magma experienced greater degrees of transport and uprising in comparison with the other previously described models, with the top of the intrusion being near the surface. This feature developed mainly during the injection phase and only to a lesser extent during the successive shortening of the model. In both models, even with significantly different geometries and arrangements, a geometrical correlation between shear zones and magma intrusions still remains. It is important to note that in both experiments, the elongation of the intrusions parallel to the thrust fault did not develop, demonstrating that only simultaneous deformation and intrusion of magma leads to elongation of the intrusive body parallel to the thrust plane. This feature characteristic may provide an additional way to discriminate in the field between syn-kinematic magma intrusions and post-kinematic intrusions. Summary of modeling results The Model 1 and 2 simulated the emplacement of magmas of very different viscosities (mafic to andesite magma versus granites). The resulting intrusions thus exhibited distinct overall shapes: low-viscosity magma intrusions were very thin and tabular, whereas high-viscosity magma intrusions were more rounded. Such differences are in good agreement with theory (Rubin 1993). Although each experimental method simulated the emplacement of magma of very different viscosities, they provided similar results, sharing the same modalities and geometries of magma emplacement during thrusting. (1) Fluid injection resulted in gently dipping to flat-lying intrusions. (2) When the magma reached a pre-existing or a Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) still active thrust, it migrated upward and followed the thrust, at times accumulating within the thrust-related anticline. (3) When a thrust formed after the magma has started intruding, it nucleated within the intrusion or even at the boundary between the pluton and the country rocks. Such consistency suggests that whatever the viscosity of magma intruding into a shortening crust, the transport of magma may be strongly influenced by the presence of thrust faults, whether active or not. In addition, the comparison between these two experimental series highlighted that high-viscosity magmas are able to migrate along thrusts and emplace within thrust-ramp anticlines exhibiting elongated geometries parallel to the strike of structures, whereas decreasing the viscosity of magma facilitates its upward migration. In this latter case, magma may come to the surface by uprising along thrusts as evidenced in nature by the development of several volcanoes at active-convergent margins (e.g., Gonzalez et al. 2009). Examples of plutons emplaced along thrusts In the following, we briefly review representative examples of syn-kinematic and post-kinematic granite plutons, of different age and composition, that were emplaced along thrusts. Many other examples of granite plutons that could also be interpreted as emplaced during thrusting were not included in this review due to space limitations but share the same characteristics (e.g., Hutton 1988; Karlstrom et al. 1993; Searle 1999; Blenkinsop and Treloar 2001; Spanner and Kruhl 2002; Aranguren et al. 2003; Musumeci et al. 2005). The early proterozoic Chilimanzi granites, Zimbabwe Craton (Fig. 5a) Biotite-hornblende tonalite-granodiorite-granite plutons were emplaced at 2,620 Ma (D2) after an early continental collision event (D1) dated at 2,670 Ma (Dirks and Jelsma 1998). Granites s.l. intruded, under greenschist facies conditions, a crust with D1-inherited nappe-thrust geometry. Figure 3b of Dirks and Jelsma (1998) diagrammatically shows that the emplacement of granite sheets parallels D1-flats with ascent paths probably provided by D1-ramps. This is an example of post-kinematic granite emplacement along thrusts and ramps where magma was guided by pre-existing structures. The palaeozoic Wyangala granites, Lachlan Fold Belt, Australia (Fig. 5b) The Wyangala biotite tonalite-granite plutons were emplaced around 415 Ma (Cycle II) shortly after an early continental collision event (Cycle I) of Middle Silurian age (Tobisch and Paterson 1990; Paterson et al. 1990). For the Yarra pluton specifically, the structural data of Tobisch and Paterson (1990) is consistent with magma ascent in a steep, ductile, reverse shear zone, followed by thrusting during granite cooling. This is an example of syn-kinematic granite emplacement along a reverse shear zone. The neoproterozoic Rahama granite, Nigeria-Brazil transaharan belt (Fig. 5c) In northern Nigeria, the Rahama biotite-hornblende monzonite-monzogranite pluton was emplaced at 580 Ma (D3) after an early collision event (D1) dated ca 640 Ma (Ferré et al. 1997, 2002). Magma emplacement occurred under upper amphibolite facies conditions in a crust that had a D1-inherited nappe-thrust structure. Granitic magmas were drained along reverse inclined shear zones interpreted as thrust ramps. Initial intrusion-related fabrics are overprinted by late, but still magmatic, strike-slip, and reverse shear deformation. In Brazil, which is the southern extension of the same orogen (e.g., Caby 1989), similar tectonic and plutonic events prevailed with granites emplaced both in frontal and lateral thrust ramps (Corsini et al. 1991). The late cretaceous: miocene granites of the Hidaka Belt, Japan (Fig. 5d, e) Peraluminous S-type tonalites intruded the Hidaka belt, Hokkaido, along two structural discontinuities: along a basal décollement and along a ramp to roof thrust of a duplex (Shimura 1992; Toyoshima et al. 1994). A model of granitic magma ascent along ramps and granite emplacement along flats is illustrated in Fig. 14b of Shimura (1992) and Figure 13 of Toyoshima et al. (1994). This example is geochronologically less well-constrained but also demonstrates the emplacement of granitic magma is guided by thrust faults. The miocene granites, High Himalaya, Tibet (Fig. 5f) S-type biotite ± tourmaline leucogranite sills were emplaced around 24–22 Ma after a major collision (Harrison et al. 1997). Anatexis is explained by shear heating and wet melting along a thrust flat with a shear stress of about 30 MPa. The sills, situated above the South Tibetan Detachment (STD) and below the Main Central Thrust (Searle 1999), predate the STD. The cross-section in Figure 3 of Murphy and Harrison (1999) displays subhorizontal granite sheets (sills) connected to oblique deformed granite dikes, which may be interpreted as feeders. This is a clear example of syn-kinematic magma emplacement along thrust flats and ramps. 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) b Fig. 5 Geological examples of granite plutons of various ages emplaced in thrust systems. a The Early Proterozoic Chilimanzi granites, Zimbabwe Craton (Dirks and Jelsma, 1998); b the Palaeozoic Wyangala granites, Lachlan Fold Belt, Australia (Tobisch and Paterson 1990; Paterson et al. 1990); c the Neoproterozoic Rahama granite, Nigeria-Brazil Transaharan Belt (Ferré et al. 1997, 2002); d, e the Late Cretaceous to Miocene granites of the Hidaka Belt, Hokkaido, Japan (Shimura 1992; Toyoshima et al. 1994); f the Miocene granites, High Himalaya, Tibet (Harrison et al. 1997); and g the Late Cretaceous granites of southwest Montana, USA (Kalakay et al. 2001) The late cretaceous granites of southwest Montana, USA (Fig. 5g) Biotite-hornblende granite plutons were emplaced between 85 and 55 Ma during thrusting in the Sevier orogen (Kalakay et al. 2001). Thrust ramps are interpreted as part of the magma plumbing system. Buckling at the hanging wall of the thrust flat provides space for the intrusion. Deformation at the hanging wall of an inflating laccolith is necessary to accommodate magma but may not be driven only by magma pressure (Scaillet et al. 1995; Acocella 2000). The development of a ramp anticline might also provide space for magma input. In summary, the fact that many granite plutons are emplaced along thrusts is a direct consequence of magmatism occuring during or shortly after shortening (e.g., Harrison et al. 1997; Grocott and Taylor 2002; Oberli et al. 2004). More specifically, early continental plate collision is characterized by horizontal shortening, expressed in the middle and upper continental crust by thrusts and folds (DeCelles and DeCelles 2001). In contrast, late convergence during post-lithospheric thickening can be accommodated by crustal extension or even orogenic collapse (Malavieille 1993; Vanderhaeghe and Teyssier 2001). Many orogenic belts experience episodic plutonism from early to late stages of their development (e.g., Grocott and Wilson 1997; Harrison et al. 1997; Ferré and Leake 2001; Paquette et al. 2003). A model of magmatic intrusion in flats-and-ramps The idea that plutonism would be less likely in contractional settings comes from the preconception that compression is expected to prevent the ascent of magma through the continental crust (e.g., Hamilton 1994; Watanabe et al. 1999). However, the literature review in the second part of this paper shows that granites may in fact intrude into a shortening continental crust. Further, many granitic plutons exhibit tabular shapes, either horizontal or inclined. The experiments discussed in this paper simulated the emplacement of magmas of various viscosities, and all the resulting intrusions exhibited horizontal to inclined tabular shapes. The similarity between geological observation and experimental results strongly suggest that the experiments properly simulate the emplacement of granites during crustal shortening. In the experiments as well as in geological examples, many intrusions exhibit flat-lying geometries. This is due (1) to the compressional state of stress where r1 is horizontal and r3 vertical, controlling the opening of horizontal tension or shear fractures (Hubbert and Willis 1957; Sibson 2003) and (2) to the strong mechanical interface between the basal plate of the model and the model crust (Figs. 2, 3, 4; Galland 2005; Musumeci et al. 2005; Galland et al. 2006, 2007a). In nature, we also expect the compressional stresses to control the horizontal spreading of magma (e.g., Menand et al. 2010). In addition, the rheological boundaries, such as the brittle-ductile transition, represent strong rheological barriers for ascending magma (Hogan et al. 1998; Gerya and Burg 2007; Galland et al. 2009; Mazzarini et al. 2010). Numerical simulations indeed show that the brittle-ductile transition in a compressional tectonic setting is strong enough to prevent the ascent of magma, which spreads laterally to form flat-lying intrusions (Watanabe et al. 1999). Therefore, both compressional stresses and rheological boundaries naturally enhance the formation of flat-lying intrusion in contractional tectonic settings. This is corroborated by geological and geophysical observations of flat-lying magmatic bodies at the brittle-ductile transition in orogens such as the central Andes (e.g., Yuan et al. 2000) or the Spanish Hercynian Belt (e.g., Tornos and Casquet 2005). In the experiments, parts of the intrusions exhibit gently dipping segments that closely follow the thrusts faults (Figs. 2, 3, 4). The consistency between the location of intrusions and thrusts occurred when thrusts were active (exp. LV1, Fig. 2c; exp. GITD 03 Fig. 4c, d, and GIDT 12 Fig. 4f) as well as when thrusts were inactive (exp. LV4, Fig. 3c and LV5, Fig. 3d; exp. GITD 19, Fig. 4e). In such settings, faults, such as thrusts, represent zones of weakness compared to their intact country rock (e.g., Sibson 2003), which may provide preferential pathways for magma. In nature, such consistency between thrusts and intrusions, and even between thrusts and active volcanoes in the Andes, has been described (Kalakay et al. 2001; Lageson et al. 2001; Musumeci et al. 2005; Tibaldi 2005, 2008 Galland et al. 2007b). We therefore infer that thrust faults in nature may potentially control magma transport and ascent along dipping sheets. The intrusion shapes in our models are not consistent with the classic inverted teardrop shape of plutons that would result from diapiric intrusion processes (e.g., Cruden 1988). They are not consistent either with subvertical magma intrusion geometries as often represented for batholiths. In contrast, our experiments suggest that the 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) transport and emplacement of magma along flats and ramps exhibit large-scale lateral transport from the source of the magma to its final emplacement level. This result has major implications for inferring the locations of magmatic sources in orogens, as well as in subduction zones. In the experiments, the final shapes of model intrusions and thrusts varied with varying deformation and injection rates (Musumeci et al. 2005; Galland et al. 2007a; Montanari et al. 2010a). In fact, we observe systematic differences between experiments of injection with and without active deformation. In Model 1, injection without active deformation resulted in thin intrusions (1–3 mm thick; exp. LV2, LV4 and second stage of LV5; Fig. 3). In contrast, injection during active deformation resulted in cm-thick intrusions at the base of the uplifted plateau. In Model 2, the silicone migrated vertically when deformation was not active (exp. GITD 19; Fig. 4e), whereas it accumulated at the core of the thrust-related anticline when deformation was active (exp. GITD 03; Fig. 4c, d). We thus infer that the tectonic uplift of the thrust hanging wall favors magma accumulation and intrusion thickening at the base of the hanging wall (Musumeci et al. 2005; Galland et al. 2007a; Montanari et al. 2010a). Indeed, Galland et al. (2007a) showed that when thrusts form above intrusions, the tectonic uplift of the thrust’s hanging wall triggers a drop in the magma pressure. Such an emplacement mechanism is thus different from the laccolithic emplacement model, where overpressurized magma makes it own room by lifting up its overburden (e.g., Corry 1988; Galland et al. 2009). This is consistent with field observations (Kalakay et al. 2001; Roig et al. 1998; Musumeci et al. 2005), where intrusions have been emplaced at the core of growing anticlines. However, we cannot rule out that magma overpressure contributes to the uplift of the thrust hanging wall. In a contractional orogenic setting, the evidence needed to distinguish between pre-, syn-, or post-kinematic intrusions may not be preserved due to overprinting by magma moving along the ascent pathway. In all three cases, preexisting planar anisotropies (faults, bedding planes, or foliations) provide a path along which magma can be injected from a feeder dike and upon which magma internal pressure may assist in pushing the country rocks, hence creating additional room. Magma emplacement can be achieved through a single pulse or through multiple pulses (e.g., Michel et al. 2008; Bons et al. 2001, 2010). The multiple pulse case represented in Fig. 6a, b illustrates successive steps in the process of pluton growth. The orientation of the feeder dike is not necessarily determined by the regional stress field (large ellipses) but can be locally controlled by pre-existing faults. The experiments Pre-kinematic, syn-kinematic, and post-kinematic emplacement One of the fundamental uncertainties related to natural plutons is whether granitic magmas ascend along preexisting thrusts or, alternatively, whether thrusts form in response to granite pluton emplacement. Understanding the interplay between felsic magmatism and deformation is fundamental to explain the evolution of thrust-and-fold belts. Even with modern radiometric dating methods, the time relationships between felsic plutonism and orogenic deformation are not always clear; it is therefore highly important to obtain constraints from field observations. Here, we present a brief summary of arguments that could be used as field criteria for determining the pre-, syn-, or post-kinematic nature of plutons. 123 Fig. 6 Three kinematic models illustrating the geometric relationships between granitic plutons and thrusts and the prevailing state of stress in the crust. a Folding followed by pre-thrusting emplacement of a pluton. b Syn-kinematic emplacement in thrust discontinuities (flats). c Post-kinematic emplacement in inherited thrust discontinuities Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) discussed here did not consider episodic magma emplacement but do not preclude it either. In the case of magma emplacement before thrusting, the intrusion locally modifies the mechanical strength of the crust into which it is intruded. The model magma, while being still liquid, lubricates the developing thrust plane and leads to greater strain, a phenomenon already associated with tectonic surges by Hollister and Crawford (1986). Because of the rheological heterogeneity due to the intrusion, the deformation pattern is expected to be modified around the intrusion, such as the arcuate thrusts observed in models 1 and 2 (exp. LV1 and LV5; Figs. 2, 3d; Galland et al. 2007a), as well as in nature (e.g., Kalakay and John 1997; Lageson et al. 2001; Tromen Volcano, Argentina; Galland et al. 2007b). Finally, experiment GITD 12 (Fig. 4f) shows that pre-kinematic injection resulted in a non-elongated intrusion that has been squeezed during shortening. The fact that the intrusion is not elongated parallel to the thrust is an argument that the magma did not intrude along the fault. Three kinematic models illustrating the geometric and temporal relationships between granitic plutons and thrusts are presented (Fig. 6). In the case of magma emplacement contemporaneous with thrusting (syn-kinematic in Fig. 6b), viscous-plastic shear along the hanging wall can be frozen in marginal plutonic rocks and host rocks in some cases. Evidence for syn-emplacement shear may also continuously have been locally eroded but preserved in mylonitic wall rock-granite xenoliths. The metamorphic aureole surrounding this type of pluton is expected to present a syn-kinematic fabric, that is, with elongated porphyroblasts. Overall, the models 1 and 2 show that synkinematic intrusions exhibit elongated and asymmetric shapes along the main thrusts. In addition, in the case of syn-kinematic intrusion models, magma is likely to accumulate under thrust-related anticlines in the hanging wall. Thus, both elongated asymmetric shape and magma accumulation in the thrust’s hanging wall are good criteria for identifying syn-kinematic plutons. Finally, because the least principal stress r3 is subvertical, we expect magma to preferentially migrate along flats. In contrast, in the case of magma emplacement after thrusting (post-kinematic in Fig. 6c), the experiments show that the presence of pre-existing planar anisotropy (faults) should exert a strong control on the final shape and orientation of the granite pluton. This is corroborated by our experiments (Figs. 2, 3, 4). However, the experiments show systematic differences between syn- and post-kinematic intrusions. In Model 1, for example, post-kinematic intrusions are much thinner than syn-kinematic intrusions (Figs. 2, 3). In contrast with syn-kinematic intrusions (in both models 1 and 2), there is no tectonic uplift accommodating tectonic shortening for post-kinematic intrusions, so that we do not expect magma accumulation in thrustrelated anticlines, as for syn-kinematic intrusions. Therefore, we expect post-kinematic plutons to be thinner than syn-kinematic plutons. In models 1 and 2, we observe that post-kinematic intrusions are steeper than syn-kinematic intrusions (compare Figs. 2, 3d with c, 4c with e). The major difference between syn- and post-kinematic intrusions is the ambient stress: the minimum principal stress r3 for syn-kinematic intrusions is vertical, whereas this is likely to not be the case for postkinematic intrusions. It is well-known that fluids, such as magma, are preferentially transported in conduits that are as perpendicular to r3 (e.g., Sibson 2003). For syn-kinematic plutons, we thus expect magma to propagate horizontally or along gently dipping planes, such as fore-thrusts. In contrast, for post-kinematic plutons, we expect magma to propagate along steeply dipping planes or even strike-slip faults. Therefore, subhorizontal plutons and plutons elongated parallel to main thrust faults in the field are likely synkinematic intrusions, whereas steep or vertical plutons are likely post-kinematic intrusions. Furthermore, the metamorphic aureole is most likely static, that is, porphyroblasts do not exhibit a linear shape-preferred orientation. Conclusions Discussions regarding pluton emplacement processes illustrate the complexity of the issue and the main goal of this contribution is not to provide a universal solution to this long-standing problem. Our review of numerous plutons in contractional orogens shows that they tend to be spatially associated with thrusts. In a similar manner to the debate on spatial relationship between plutons and vertical shear zones (Paterson and Schmidt 1999; Schmidt and Paterson 2000; Weinberg et al. 2004), one could argue that many plutons in contractional orogens do not preferentially occur near a thrust. Yet, the three proposed models for prekinematic, syn-kinematic, and post-kinematic granite emplacement should be regarded while considering the important feedback relationships established between deformation in shear zones and magma emplacement (Neves et al. 1996). We conclude that thrusts provide convenient ascent paths to granitic magmas and also offer an alternative to the two ascent models of diking and diapirism. In the dike ascent model, magma is driven upwards along a propagating crack by an upward-decreasing pressure gradient. In the diapiric model, magma is driven upwards by the difference in density between magma and host-rock. Both models have limitations related to the increase in viscosity due to crystallization. The model in this contribution provides an inclined pathway for magma to ascend along a major crustal structural discontinuity. 123 Int J Earth Sci (Geol Rundsch) An upward-decreasing pressure gradient is still needed to drive magma up along thrusts, but the pressure of magma just needs to be equal to lithostatic pressure to keep the pathway open. Also, local dilational jogs along the thrust plane may play a role in providing additional room for magma. Further, the emplacement of granitic plutons along flats accounts for the rather tabular aspect ratio of most felsic intrusions (Vigneresse 1995). The proposed flat-andramp granite emplacement model (Fig. 6b) also emphasizes the role played by pre-existing mechanical anisotropies in guiding magma emplacement, as aspect often overlooked in recent studies. Acknowledgments This contribution is dedicated to the memory of Wally Pitcher (1919–2004) who, by his remarkable intuition and balanced judgment, influenced our views on granite emplacement so durably. Part of the experiments were performed at GéosciencesRennes in collaboration with Peter R. Cobbold, Erwan Hallot, and Jean de Bremond d’Ars who are kindly thanked for their insights. We are indebted to the Editor in Chief Dr. Wolf-Christian Dullo, the Subject Editor Dr. Marlina A. Elburg, and the two reviewers Dr. Ryo Anma and Dr. Paul Dirk Bons whose comments contributed to clarify our views. References Acocella V (2000) Space accommodation by roof lifting during pluton emplacement at Amiata (Italy). Terra Nova 12:149–155 Anma R (1997) Yakushima: an island arc pluton above a subduction zone. 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