Report Calls for Fresh Look at What Happens Outside School

A 5-year-old who devours
education at the U.S. Nateverything she can f ind on
ional Science Foundation in
dinosaurs is not only learning
Arlington, Virginia, which
about the natural world, she’s
spends $65 million a year on
also experiencing the joy of
such activities and requested
becoming an expert. That
the academies’ report. That’s
feeling, says Dennis Bartels,
true not just for children,
executive director of the
Ucko adds, but also for the
famed Exploratorium in San
adults who teach them.
Francisco, California, is no
The idea that people learn
less important to becoming
about science in many ways
scientifically literate than is
may seem obvious, admits
her ability, as she moves
panel chair Bruce Lewenstein,
through school, to define phoa professor of science commutosynthesis or explain Newnications at Cornell Univerton’s laws of motion. Stansity. But too few researchers
dardized tests may be good at Bare-bones education? Museums are only one of many informal settings in which take that into account when
assessing the latter type of people learn about science.
studying the impact of inforknowledge, Bartels says, but
mal science activities. The
they don’t capture what gets students excited snapshots of a person’s understanding of a result, says Lewenstein, is an “uneven body
about science.
topic. Instead of quizzing them on a museum of research” on the subject.
A new report from the U.S. National exhibit they’ve attended or a television pro“Although there is strong evidence for the
Academies comes to grips with a knotty gram they’ve just watched, researchers need impact of educational television on science
problem for science educators, namely, track- metrics that recognize that learning occurs in learning,” the report concludes, “there is subing the science that people learn when they’re countless locations and spans a lifetime.
stantially less evidence regarding the impact
not in school. Part of the solution, according
“People don’t realize that they are learn- of other media—newspapers, magazines,
to Learning Science in Informal Settings: ing science through everyday experiences,” gaming, radio—on science learning.”
People, Places, and Pursuits, is to stop taking says David Ucko, head of informal science Lewenstein says that “what’s been missing
ridges whose size and spacing approximated
those of human fingerprints. Then they compared the vibrations picked up by the sensor
when they slid a glass slide etched with fine
corpuscles, mechanoreceptors in the skin lines across the two types of skin. (To the
important for texture perception.
human touch, the glass has a slight roughness,
“Texture information plays a huge role in Debrégeas says.)
our ability to identify objects by touch,” says
The ridges made the vibrations picked up
Sliman Bensmaïa, a neuroscientist at Johns by the underlying sensor up to 100 times
Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland. stronger, the researchers found. Moreover,
The new paper demonstrates how finger- when the glass slid over the skin at a speed
prints could enhance this ability, Bensmaïa comparable to the typical motion of a person
says. “Their evidence is
scanning his fingers over a
pretty compelling.”
surface, the resulting vibraThe artificial fingertip
tions tended to be in the senused in the experiments
sitivity sweet spot for Pacinconsists of a half-millimeterian corpuscles. “It’s a really
wide sensor covered with
interesting finding because
a dome of an artif icial,
it demonstrates the extent to
rubberlike material with
which the physical and
mechanical properties
mechanical properties of a
similar to those of human
sensor can perform a comskin. The researchers creputation,” says Mitra Hartated two versions of this Key evidence. Investigations with a mann, a biomedical engi“skin”: a smooth version biomimetic sensor suggest that finger- neer at Northwestern Uniand one with parallel prints aid texture perception.
versity in Evanston, Illinois.
Fingerprints can help nab a criminal, but that’s
not why they evolved. In fact, scientists aren’t
entirely sure of the purpose of the tiny ridges
on our fingertips. Some have argued that they
improve our grip on slippery objects, much as
the treads on tires help grip the road. Others
have suggested that they improve our sense of
touch. The two hypotheses aren’t mutually
exclusive, but online in Science this week
1166467), a team of physicists presents
circumstantial evidence for the latter theory.
After a series of experiments with a sensor
designed to mimic a small patch of skin on a
human fingertip, Alexis Prevost, Georges
Debrégeas, and their colleagues at the École
Normale Supérieure in Paris conclude that
fingerprints likely enhance the perception of
texture by increasing vibrations in the skin as
fingers rub across a textured surface. In particular, fingerprints amplify vibrations in the
frequency range that best stimulates Pacinian
30 JANUARY 2009
VOL 323
Published by AAAS
Fingerprints Enhance the Sense of Touch
Downloaded from on January 30, 2009
Report Calls for Fresh Look at What Happens Outside School
Selecting and amplifying the signals important
for texture perception could in principle be
accomplished within the nervous system, Hartmann says. But in this case, it seems to be the
design of the hardware rather than the programming of the neural software that does the trick.
The new results leave open why human
fingerprints are arranged in elliptical swirls.
Bensmaïa notes that the amplification effect
was strongest when the textured glass slid
perpendicular to the ridges, so it’s possible
that the loops ensure that no matter how the
fingers move, some ridges are always optimally oriented. It’s puzzling, however, that
macaque monkeys have ridges parallel to the
long axis of their fingers, Bensmaïa says.
The loops could represent an evolutionary
upgrade in humans, he suggests. Or perhaps
the monkeys use their fingers differently
when exploring a surface, says Hartmann.
The work may one day lead to improved
prosthetic hands, Bensmaïa adds. “It would be
pretty straightforward to take their device and
put it in a prosthetic hand, and I think that could
enhance tactile feedback quite a bit.”
How Sorghum Withstands
Heat and Drought
Sorghum is no fair-weather cereal. Able to
thrive in hot, semidry places, it feeds more
than 500 million people in 98 countries, primarily in the developing world. Sorghum is
also an important U.S. biofuel. Now, the
analysis of its genome sequence has
revealed clues about how this crop toughs
out subpar growing conditions. Drought tolerance may arise from extra copies of key
genes, and sorghum’s eff icient photosynthetic pathway was gradually cobbled
together from existing photosynthetic genes
and duplicated genes that shifted their function over millions of years, says Andrew
Paterson, a plant geneticist at the University
of Georgia in Athens.
“Having the genome sequence of
sorghum is a significant landmark,” says
William Dar, director-general of the International Crops Research Institute for the
Semi-Arid Tropics in Andhra Pradesh, India.
“We anticipate using a variety of approaches
for harnessing this genome sequence in our
applied crop-improvement programs.”
At 730 million bases, the Sorghum
bicolor genome is 75% larger than that of
rice, the first sequenced cereal, but only a
quarter that of maize, whose genome has
been sequenced but not yet analyzed. Many
plants, including rice and wheat, depend on
C3 photosynthesis, so named because carbon dioxide is initially converted to a threecarbon compound. But sorghum, which
originated in Africa, uses the C4 pathway,
initially making four-carbon compounds.
This pathway involves a special enzyme that
takes up carbon dioxide faster than does
C3 photosynthesis, enabling the plant to
curtail water loss through carbon dioxide–
absorbing pores. As a result, C4 plants do
better than C3 plants in hot climates.
When Paterson and his 44 colleagues
studied the 34,496 putative genes unearthed
in the sorghum genome, they discovered
that the C4 pathway includes genes derived
from several belonging to the C3 pathway,
as well as recently duplicated genes and
genes that date back 70 million years to a
whole-genome duplication. “This all suggests that it took quite a long time to
evolve,” says Paterson.
With respect to withstanding drought,
sorghum has four more copies than rice of
a regulatory gene that activates a key gene
family in a wide variety of plants during
VOL 323
Published by AAAS
droughts, Paterson and his colleagues
report in the 29 January issue of Nature.
Sorghum also has a surplus of genes for
proteins called expansins, which may help
sorghum bounce back from water shortages. In addition, it has 328 cytochrome
P450 genes, which help plants respond to
stress, whereas rice has 228 such genes.
These specializations “bear exploration”
and may be useful for improving other
crops, says Neal Gutterson, CEO of Mendel
Biotechnology Inc. in Hayward, California.
Given the toll global warming is taking
Downloaded from on January 30, 2009
are studies that measure the acquisition of
knowledge across time and outside of the traditional educational media. Such studies
aren’t easy, but they can be done.”
In addition to conducting new types of
research, the report says scientists should
add “excitement” and “self-identification
with science” to the definition of what it
means to learn about science. A 2007 academies’ report, titled Taking Science to School,
used traditional metrics such as whether students understand and apply the scientific
method to explore the natural world, think
about science as a way of knowing, and
engage in hands-on activities. But that’s too
narrow a definition, agrees developmental
psychologist Kevin Crowley of the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, who
worked on the 2007 report.
“Schools have so many requirements on
how to do STEM [science, technology, engineering, and math] education that aren’t
compatible with informal science education,” he notes. “Not only are kids compelled
to be in school, but the adults in their lives
who are most excited about science are often
not their teachers. We need to do a better job
of taking into account those out-of-school
Amen, says Bartels. “As my colleagues like
to say, ‘Nobody ever flunked a nature walk.’ ”
New cereal sequence. Like rice (foreground),
sorghum now has a deciphered genome that’s
revealing its genetic history.
on agriculture, “understanding how major
cereal crops can be made to adapt to conditions of high temperature, high light intensity, and limited water supply, which can be
elucidated from the sorghum genome
sequence, will make a great impact in agriculture,” says Takuji Sasaki, a rice geneticist
at the National Institute of Agrobiological
Sciences in Tsukuba, Japan.
With respect to biofuels, sorghum’s
sequence may help researchers improve
more complex biofuel crops such as Miscanthus and sugarcane. “The small
genome should help [in] identifying candidate flowering time genes that may directly
lead to manipulating biomass production,”
says Thomas Brutnell, a plant geneticist at
Cornell University.
30 JANUARY 2009