The Effects of Border Adjustment Policies on Developing Countries Knut Einar Rosendahl Statistics Norway and RFF (Visiting scholar) Presentation May 5th 2009 Trade and Climate Change: Development Aspects of Climate Change Policies of OECD Countries 1 Introduction • Purpose: Examine effects on welfare welfare, trade and carbon leakage of unilateral U.S. carbon policies – Focus on p policies towards Energy-intensive gy sectors ((EIS)) Sensitive to carbon policies Significant international trade volumes – Compare different climate policies policies, ii.e., e cap cap-and-trade and trade system with: 1. 2. 3 3. 4. Full auctioning Output based allocation to EIS Export exemption/rebate for EIS Import tariffs for EIS – Based on embodied carbon (with/without indirect emissions from power production) 5. Full border adjustment (Export exemption and Import tariffs) 2 Introduction (cont.) (cont ) • Method: – Global economic model divided into 16 regions(/countries) and 12 sectors/goods g Mostly energy producing and energy intensive sectors – Supply and demand in each region and sector is modeled, and so is bilateral trade between regions Based on GTAP7 database for 2004 • Assumptions: p – No change in policies in other countries No cap on emissions in Annex B • NB! Results are preliminary 3 Welfare effects in the U U.S. S of different climate policies (20% cut in emissions) Per cen nt -0 0,1 1 -0,11 , “out”: Outputbased allocation -0,12 “exempt”: Export exemption “tariff”: Import tariff tariff tariff_dc -0,13 auction btax out btax_dc -0,14 exempt -0,15 “btax”: “ “exempt” t” & “tariff” “_dc”: Only direct emissions 4 International welfare effects of different U U.S. S climate policies (20% cut in emissions) 0,2 “out”: Outputbased allocation 0 -0,2 “exempt”: Export exemption Per ce ent -0,4 “tariff”: Import tariff -0,6 auction -0,8 out exempt “btax”: “ “exempt” t” & “tariff” tariff_dc -1 tariff btax_dc _ btax “_dc”: Only direct emissions ld w or FR th A O SI A IN D N C H th A O O th A M ER BR A EX M PE C O th FS U O S R U .N Z Au st N JP U R th E O EU R C AN -1,2 5 International welfare effects of different U U.S. S climate policies (20% cut in emissions) 0,2 “out”: Outputbased allocation 0,15 0,1 “exempt”: Export exemption 0 “tariff”: Import tariff -0,05 -0,1 auction out exempt -0,15 “btax”: “ “exempt” t” & “tariff” tariff_dc tariff -0,2 btax_dc btax “_dc”: Only direct emissions ld w or FR th A O SI A th A O IN D N C H th AM ER O BR A EX M PE C O S th FS U O R U .N Z Au st N JP U R th E O EU R -0,25 C AN Per ce ent 0,05 6 Effects on carbon leakage of different U U.S. S climate policies (20% cut in emissions) 30 auction “out”: Outputbased allocation out exempt 25 tariff_dc tariff “exempt”: Export exemption btax_dc 20 15 “tariff”: Import tariff “btax”: “ “exempt” t” & “tariff” 10 “_dc”: Only direct emissions 5 or ld W FR th A O SI A IN D N C H th A O O th A M ER BR A M EX C PE O th FS U O S RU .N Z Au st JP N th EU R O EU R 0 C AN Per cen nt btax 7 Effects on carbon leakage of different U U.S. S climate policies (20% cut in emissions) 8 auction “out”: Outputbased allocation out 7 exempt tariff_dc 6 tariff iff btax_dc 4 “tariff”: Import tariff 3 “btax”: “ “exempt” t” & “tariff” 2 “_dc”: Only direct emissions 1 or ld W FR th A O IN D N CH th AS IA O O th A M ER BR A M EX C PE O th FS U O S R U Au st .N Z JP N th EU R O EU R 0 C AN Per ce ent “exempt”: Export exemption btax 5 8 1 Effects on U U.S. S production of different U U.S. S climate policies (20% cut in emissions) “out”: Outputbased allocation 0 auction -1 “exempt”: Export exemption out exempt Per ce ent tariff_dc tariff -2 “tariff”: Import tariff btax_dc btax “btax”: “ “exempt” t” & “tariff” -3 “_dc”: Only direct emissions -4 -5 OtherManuf&Serv PaperPulpPrint Chemical Minerals IronSteel NonFerrousMetal 9 Effects on Chinese exports of different U U.S. S climate policies (20% cut in emissions) “out”: Outputbased allocation 2 Per cent 0 “exempt”: Export exemption -2 “tariff”: Import tariff auction -4 out exempt tariff_dc tariff -6 btax_dc btax “btax”: “ “exempt” t” & “tariff” “_dc”: Only direct emissions -8 PaperPulpPrint Chemical Minerals IronSteel NonFerrousMetal 10 Some conclusions • Total welfare effects are significantly affected by impacts in fossil fuel (FF) markets – FF exporters lose and FF importers gain – FF effect is strengthened by tariffs and reduced by output-based all. • Majority of leakage takes place in other OECD countries – Coordination of OECD policy reduces leakage problem – Border adjustment policies more effective than output-based all. • Trade in energy-intensive goods is significantly affected by choice of climate policy 11 Effects on Indian exports of different U.S. U S climate policies (20% cut in emissions) 4 “out”: Outputbased allocation 2 0 -4 “tariff”: Import tariff Per centt -2 “exempt”: Export exemption auction out exempt -6 tariff_dc tariff btax_dc -8 btax “btax”: “ “exempt” t” & “tariff” “_dc”: Only direct emissions -10 PaperPulpPrint Chemical Minerals IronSteel NonFerrousMetal 12 Effects on Other Asian exports of different U U.S. S climate policies (20% cut in emissions) 3 auction 2,5 out exempt 2 tariff dc tariff_dc tariff btax_dc 1,5 Per cent btax “out”: Outputbased allocation “exempt”: Export exemption 1 “tariff”: Import tariff 0,5 “btax”: “ “exempt” t” & “tariff” 0 “_dc”: Only direct emissions 05 -0,5 -1 PaperPulpPrint Chemical Minerals IronSteel NonFerrousMetal 13 1,5 Effects on Other African exports of different U U.S. S climate policies (20% cut in emissions) “out”: Outputbased allocation 1 “exempt”: Export exemption Per ce ent 0,5 0 “tariff”: Import tariff auction -0,5 “btax”: “ “exempt” t” & “tariff” out exempt tariff_dc tariff -1 “_dc”: Only direct emissions btax_dc btax -1,5 PaperPulpPrint Chemical Minerals IronSteel NonFerrousMetal 14 5 Effects on Brazilian exports of different U U.S. S climate policies (20% cut in emissions) auction 4,5 out exempt 4 tariff_dc tariff 3,5 btax_dc btax Per ce ent 3 2,5 “out”: Outputbased allocation “exempt”: Export exemption “tariff”: Import tariff 2 “btax”: “ “exempt” t” & “tariff” 1,5 1 “_dc”: Only direct emissions 0,5 0 PaperPulpPrint Chemical Minerals IronSteel NonFerrousMetal 15