SM3b/SMOV3b Planning Meeting 11 Oct. 00 STScI AGENDA 1. (15 min.) Review of Planning Process & Schedule (Biagetti) 2. (35 min.) NCS Cool-down Prerequisites (brief discussion of activities) - NCS (Whipple) - FGS prerequisites(Nelan) - STIS prerequisites (Valenti) - ACS prerequisites(de Marchi) - PCS prerequisites 3. (10 min.) Action Item Review & Agenda for next meeting Biagetti STScI BI-WEEKLY SMOV MTGs SMOV Plan SM3 & SMOV3B PLANNING Activity Summaries OCT 11 OCT 18 NOV 01 NOV 15 NOV 29 DEC 13 DEC 27 JAN 10 Due Jan. 10 SMOV Project Review JAN 25 Potential Agendas PCS/TCS/EPS Plans OTA/FGS Plans ACS Plans WFPC2 Plans STIS Plans OCRA * NCS/NICMOS Plans ERO Plans Ops Planning Sim/JIS Preparations PROPOSAL IMPLEMENTATION FEB-OCT 01 MAY-OCT 01 * SMOV3b OPERATIONAL CONSTRAINTS, RESTRICTIONS, AND ASSUMPTIONS DOCUMENT Biagetti STScI LAUNCH READINESS 15 OCT 01 SM3b/SMOV3b Planning Schedule as of 10 Oct 00 Task Name M A M J J A S O N D 2001 J F M A M J J A S O N D 2002 J F M SM3B & SMOV3B PLANNING SMOV3 REQUIREMENTS DEFINITION SMOV3B REQUIREMENTS UPDATE SMOV PLANNING PHASE PLAN DEV & ACTIVITY SUMMARIES PROJECT SMOV REVIEW 1/25 SM3B GROUND TESTING ACS SPECIAL CMD DEV&TEST ASCS SPECIAL CMD DEV & TEST ACS/ASCS/NCS EMI/TV/SCT TESTS IN-BAY SI NOISE TEST DEVELOPMENT SIMs/JISs (est.) ACS SMGT (est.) SMOV PROPOSAL PROCESSING PROPOSAL SUBMISSION PHASE PROPOSAL IMPLEMENTATION SMS GENERATION (1ST SMOV MONTH) SM3B MISSION OPERATIONS (Planning & Exec.) MISSION OPERATIONS PLANNING SM3B SMOV3B PROPOSAL FLIGHT PREPPING (Prep as needed) SMOV OPERATIONS SMOV CLOSURE REVIEW Biagetti STScI 2/20 Biagetti STScI AUTHOR/telephone/email/DATE COMMENTS: ANALYSES & RESULTS: Briefly describe the type of analyses to be performed on the data and how the results of the activity will be used to further SMOV or enable science. Specify precisely any analysis results that need to be known or fed back into the system in order to proceed with subsequent SMOV activities. Provide a time estimate for doing so. Identify any health & safety concerns, including subsequent activities, in the event of a failed activity. DATA REQUIREMENTS: Estimate the amount of data, engineering or science, to be recorded to SSR and dumped. Describe any special requirements for data capture, routing, and analysis. Specify any time requirements that are not met by normal operational conditions. DURATION: In terms of orbits, if requiring specific spacecraft pointings, otherwise, just a time estimate. DEPENDENCIES: State the prerequisites for this test in terms of other SMOV activity titles. If other titles are unknown, briefly describe the prerequisites in terms the state of relevant Observatory subsystems or instruments. IMPLEMENTATION METHOD: (r/t command, proposal, both, don't know) If known, identify any special commanding requirements (i.e., commanding not provided automatically by the operational system.) DESCRIPTION: Brief statement of the purpose, goals, and methodology of the activity. If known, describe any special circumstances or special operations needed for its execution. APPLICABLE SMOV REQUIREMENT: If existing requirement, cite number. If new (proposed) requirement, provide text. ACTIVITY TITLE: ACTIVITY ID: SMOV ACTIVITY SUMMARY FORMAT