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Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL Iss 27 and GERT8000-RBBL ERTMS Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
December 2015
Issue 28
Uncontrolled When Printed
Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL Iss 27 and GERT8000-RBBL ERTMS Iss 2 on 05/12/2015
The following modules and handbooks will be re-issued and
come into force on 5 December 2015:
Module AC
AC electrified lines
Module DC
DC electrified lines
Module G1
General safety responsibilities and personal track safety
for non-track workers
Module M1
Dealing with a train accident or train evacuation
Module M2
Train stopped by train failure
Module M3
Managing incidents, floods and snow
Module OTM
Working of on-track machines (OTM)
Module P1
Single line working
Module P2
Working single and bi-directional lines by pilotman
Module PoSA
Proceed-on-Sight Authority (PoSA)
Module S4
Trains or shunting movements detained on running
Module S5
Passing a signal at danger
Module S7
Observing and obeying signalling indications. Train
warning systems. Reporting signalling failures and
Module SP
Module SS1
Station duties and train dispatch
Module SS2
Module T3
Possession of a running Iine for engineering work
Module T3
Possession of an ERTMS running Iine for engineering
Module TS1
General signalling regulations
Module TS3
Absolute block regulations
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Module TS9
Level crossings - signallers’ regulations
Module TS10
ERTMS level 2 train signalling regulations
Module TS11
Failure of, or work on, signalling equipment - signallers’
Module TW1
Preparation and movement of trains
Module TW5
Preparation and movement of trains. Defective or
isolated vehicles and on-train equipment
Module TW7
Wrong-direction movements
Module TW8
Level crossings - drivers’ instructions
Handbook 1
General duties and track safety for track workers
Handbook 2
Instructions for track workers who use emergency
protection equipment
Handbook 6
General duties of an individual working alone (IWA)
Handbook 7
General duties of a controller of site safety (COSS)
Handbook 8
IWA, COSS or PC blocking a line
Handbook 9
IWA or COSS setting up safe systems of work within
Handbook 9
IWA or COSS setting up safe systems of work within
possessions on ERTMS lines
Handbook 10
Duties of the COSS and person in charge when using a
hand trolley
Handbook 11
Duties of the person in charge of the possession
Handbook 11
Duties of the person in charge of the possession
(PICOP) on ERTMS lines
Handbook 12
Duties of the engineering supervisor (ES) or safe work
leader (SWL) in a possession
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Handbook 12
Duties of the engineering supervisor (ES) on ERTMS lines
Handbook 15
Duties of the machine controller (MC) and on-track
plant operator
Handbook 15
Duties of the machine controller (MC) and on-track
plant operator on ERTMS lines
Handbook 16
AC electrified lines
Handbook 17
DC electrified lines
Handbook 18
Duties of a level crossing attendant
Handbook 19
Work on signalling equipment - duties of the signalling
Handbook 20
General duties of a safe work leader (SWL) working
outside a possession
Handbook 21
Safe work leader (SWL) blocking a line
Signals, handsignals, indicators and signs handbook
AWS and TPWS handbook
The following modules will be withdrawn on 5 December 2015
Module G1
General safety responsibilities and personal track safety
for non-track workers on ERTMS lines
Module M1
Dealing with a train accident or train evacuation on
ERTMS lines
Module M2
Train stopped by train failure on ERTMS lines
Module M3
Managing incidents, floods and snow on ERTMS lines
Module P2
Working single and bi-directional ERTMS lines by
Module S4
Trains or shunting movements detained on ERTMS
running lines
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Module S5
Passing an end of authority (EoA) without a movement
authority (MA)
Module S6
ERTMS cab signalling
Module SP
Speeds (ERTMS lines)
Module SS1
Station duties and train dispatch on ERTMS lines
Module SS2
Shunting on ERTMS lines
Module TS1
General signalling regulations ERTMS
Module TS9
Level crossings - signallers’ regulations ERTMS
Module TS11
Failure of, or work on, signalling equipment on ERTMS
lines - signallers’ regulations
Module TW1
Preparation and movement of trains on ERTMS lines
Module TW5
Preparation and movement of trains on ERTMS lines
Defective or isolated vehicles and on-train equipment
Module TW7
Wrong-direction movements on ERTMS lines
Module TW8
Level crossings on ERTMS lines - drivers’ instructions
Handbook 8
IWA, COSS or PC blocking an ERTMS line
Handbook 18
Duties of a level crossing attendant on ERTMS lines
For details please read this briefing document.
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Module AC Electrified lines
Changes have been made to this module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as block marker, movement authority (MA) and indications on
the driver machine interface (DMI) have been inserted. Some sections have been
changed to show the equivalent of mph in km/h.
Module DC Electrified lines
Changes have been made to this module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Some sections have been changed to make reference to block markers.
Module G1 General safety responsibilities and
personal track safety for non-track workers
Changes have been made to this module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS. A
reference to passing an end of authority (EoA) without a movement authority (MA)
has been inserted. Some sections have been changed to show the equivalent of
mph in km/h.
Module M1 Dealing with a train accident or train
The definition of a train accident has been changed so that a train division is only
treated as a train accident if another line is obstructed. After a train accident the
driver must switch on the hazard warning indication where provided, and only
display a red light forward if this cannot be done. Changes have been made to this
module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS. Terminology such as block marker
and on an ERTMS line have been inserted.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 2 of module M1
1. Definitions
The definition of signal protection has been changed so that it includes both
conventional and ERTMS lines. The definition of a train accident has been
changed so that a train division is only treated as a train accident if another line is
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2. What to do after a train accident
The section has been changed to state that the driver must switch on the hazard
warning indication where provided, and only display a red light forward if this
cannot be done.
Emergency protection
3.1 Providing emergency protection
The section has been changed to explain more clearly that when a train is
completely derailed, the placing of a track-circuit operating clip on the line on which
the train was travelling, is followed by carrying out emergency protection in exactly
the same way as in other situations.
5. Accidental train division
5.3 If the two portions can be recoupled
The additional action to be taken on a train where ERTMS is in operation is now
Module M2 Train stopped by train failure
Changes have been made to this module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as block marker and passing an end of authority (EoA) without a
movement authority (MA) have been inserted.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 3 of module M2
3. Providing assistance
3.6 Temporarily isolating TPWS on the assisting train
The heading has been changed to ‘When the failed train is being assisted’. The
driver’s actions on a train on which ERTMS is in operation have been included.
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Module M3 Managing incidents, floods and snow
The wording of section 4.2 has been changed to be the same as in section 4.1 to
make the intended meaning clear. Changes have been made to this module to
cater for the introduction of ERTMS. Some sections have been changed to show
the equivalent of mph in km/h.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 1 of module M3
1. Preserving evidence after a serious accident
1.3 Entering a driving cab
The wording of section 1.3 a) has been changed to include ERTMS controls,
displays and indications.
4. Floods
4.2 Train running
The wording has been changed to be the same as in section 4.1 to make the
intended meaning clear.
Module OTM Working of on-track machines (OTM)
Changes have been introduced to this module to cater for the introduction of
ERTMS. Some sections have been changed to show the equivalent of mph in
Module P1 Single line working
Changes have been made to this module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Some sections have been changed to show the equivalent of mph in km/h.
Module P2 Working single and bi-directional lines by
Changes have been made to this module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as ERTMS lines and passing an end of authority (EoA) without a
movement authority (MA) have been inserted. Reference to ERTMS forms have
also been included.
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Section headings in bold relate to issue 3 of module P2
1. When working by pilotman must be introduced
1.1 Circumstances
The wording of section 1.1 c) has been changed to describe the situation in which
working by pilotman must be introduced on an ERTMS line.
1.2 Exceptions
The wording of section 1.2.2 has been changed to describe the situation in which
working by pilotman is not necessary on an ERTMS line, and to explain more
clearly the exceptions concerning track circuits that are clear.
4. Working by pilotman to and from the point of
The section has been changed to include the arrangements on an ERTMS line.
Module PoSA Proceed-on-Sight Authority (PoSA)
Changes have been made to this module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as ERTMS lines, passing an end of authority (EoA) without a
movement authority (MA) and indications on the driver machine interface (DMI)
have been inserted. Reference to ‘operating the controls of a PoSA signal’ has
been changed to ‘operating a PoSA control’.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 2 of module PoSA
1. Definitions
Proceed-on-Sight Authority
The driver must now obey signals or the indications on the Driver Machine
Interface (DMI).
ERTMS movement authority at a PoSA
This is a new definition which explains that if a PoSA aspect is displayed to a train
on which ERTMS is in operation, On Sight (OS) will be shown on the DMI and this
has the same meaning as a PoSA displayed to a train on which ERTMS is not in
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2. Observing and obeying PoSA signals
2.1 Train stopped or nearly stopped at a signal at danger
New paragraph added which requires the driver to acknowledge the change to OS
mode before proceeding.
2.2 If you see anything wrong with the PoSA signal
The title has been changed to ‘If you see anything wrong at the PoSA signal’.
Instructions have been added for a PoSA aspect without a DMI OS indication or an
OS indication on the DMI without a PoSA aspect to be regarded as an irregularity.
ERTMS information has been added to the title of the RT3185 signal failure or
irregularity form which has been re-issued.
2.3 During the movement
Explanation added that if a train on which ERTMS is in operation receives full
supervision (FS) mode before the next signal, the driver no longer needs to
proceed at caution.
2.4 If there is a level crossing in the section
The reference to proceeding at caution on the approach to a level crossing has
been taken out because section 2.3 tells the driver to proceed at caution through
the whole section. Section 2.4 now tells the driver what has to take place before
passing over the level crossing.
2.5 Using the driver’s reminder appliance (DRA)
The last bullet point has been revised to allow a driver to reset the DRA when they
have authority to start the train.
3. Conditions of use for the PoSA
An addition has been made to the last bullet point for the signaller to tell the driver
of a train on which ERTMS is in operation to wait until OS is received.
5. Failures of signalling equipment where a PoSA
signal is provided
The title has been changed to ‘Failures of signalling equipment where a PoSA
control is provided’.
5.1 Allowing a train to approach a defective main aspect on a
TCB line
The title has been changed to ‘Train approaching a defective main aspect signal’.
PoSA signal has been changed to PoSA control. The section has also been
changed to make it clear what to do for a train on which ERTMS is in operation.
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5.2 Authorising a train to pass a defective or disconnected stop
The title has been changed to ‘Passing a defective or disconnected stop signal or
EoA when an MA cannot be issued’. The section has been changed to deal with
trains on which ERTMS is in operation.
5.3 Authorising a train to pass a signal not displaying a main
The section has been changed to make it clear that it does not apply to trains on
which ERTMS is in operation.
5.4 Failure of track circuits
A cross reference to module TS10 ERTMS ERTMS level 2 train signalling
regulations has been added.
9. Using PoSA signals where a closed circuit
television (CCTV) or remote control (RC) level
crossing is in the route
The title has been changed to ‘Using PoSA controls where a closed circuit
television (CCTV) or remote control (RC) level crossing is in the route’.
9.1 Before local control is taken
The reference to proceeding cautiously over the level crossing has been taken out
because section 2.3 tell the driver to proceed at caution through the whole section.
Section 9.1 now tells the driver what has to take place before passing over the
level crossing.
10. Using PoSA signals where an obstacle detection
(OD) level crossing is in the route
The title has been changed to ‘Using PoSA controls where an obstacle detection
(OD) level crossing is in the route’.
10.1 Before local control is taken
The reference to proceeding cautiously over the level crossing has been taken out
because section 2.3 tells the driver to proceed at caution through the whole
section. This section now tells the driver what has to take place before passing
over the level crossing.
11. Using PoSA signals where a level crossing
worked by a crossing keeper is in the route
The title has been changed to ‘Using PoSA controls where a level crossing worked
by a crossing keeper is in the route’.
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Module S4 Trains or shunting movements detained
on running lines
Changes have been made to this module to cater for ERTMS and its associated
equipment. Terminology such as block marker, ERTMS lines and passing an end
of authority (EoA) without a movement authority (MA) have been inserted.
Reference to the different train radio systems has been removed to allow for the
withdrawal of CSR and NRN radio. The term ‘train radio’ is now used.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 4 of module S4
1. Contacting the signaller - standard
1.3 When speaking to the signaller
New item added about reaching a clear understanding with the signaller if a train is
detained without an MA when not at a signal or block marker.
1.4 When speaking to the driver
The section has been changed to state that the signaller may tell the driver to wait
for the signal or MA.
2. Contacting the signaller - non standard
2.3 Non TCB lines
The title has been changed to ‘During poor visibility’. This item now applies to lines
which are not signalled by TCB or ERTMS.
Module S5 Passing a signal at danger
The title of the module has been changed to ‘Passing a signal at danger or an end
of authority (EoA) without a movement authority (MA)’.
The module is no longer separated into parts A, B and C. Changes have been
made to this module to cater for ERTMS and its associated equipment.
Terminology such as block marker, ERTMS lines and passing an end of authority
(EoA) without a movement authority (MA) have been inserted. ERTMS forms have
also been included. Some sections have been changed to show the equivalent of
mph in km/h.
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Section headings in bold relate to issue 5 of module S5
1. When a signal can be passed at danger
The title has been changed to ‘When a signal can be passed at danger or an EoA
passed without an MA’.
1.1 Signaller’s authority
Bullet 2 is a new item about defective or disconnected equipment that prevents an
MA from being sent. All the other bullets have been renumbered. The final bullet
now refers to Modified Working as well as Working by Pilotman.
2. Signaller’s precautions before authorising the
2.2 Setting the route correctly on a panel or workstation
b) Calling the route
Reference to keeping the route closed and the inability to issue MAs has been
2.4 If the interlocking is out of order
Reference to any conflicting routes being closed has been added.
3. Authorising the movement
3.1 Instructions from the signaller
A new item has been added that requires the signaller to tell the driver of a train on
an ERTMS line without lineside signals, information about any permissible speed
lower than the ceiling speed, temporary or emergency speed restrictions.
3.3 Passing a signal at danger for shunting purposes
The title has been changed to ‘Passing a signal at danger or an EoA without an
MA for shunting purposes’. The section now caters for a train on which ERTMS is
in operation. When shunting movements have been completed, an MA must be
received or the signaller must give authority before the train can continue its
4. During the movement
4.5 Signaller protecting the movement
The instruction to the signaller not to work any lever has been changed to any
signalling control.
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Part C Driver passing a signal at danger without
9. Driver’s actions
Part C has been abolished and Section 9 is now titled ‘Driver passing a signal at
danger or an EoA without authority’.
9.1 Passing a signal at danger
This section has been retitled to ‘Passing a signal at danger or an EoA without
authority’. It has been changed to include actions necessary if an EoA is passed
without authority.
10. Signaller’s actions
Part C has been abolished and Section 10 is now renumbered as section 9.3. It
has been changed to include passing an EoA without authority, an ERTMS trip and
any other unauthorised movement. Reference is also made to the ‘ERTMS Train
trip or unauthorised movement’ form which should be used for ERTMS fitted trains.
Module S7 Observing and obeying signalling
indications. Train warning systems. Reporting
signalling failures and irregularities
Changes have been made to this module to cater for ERTMS and its associated
equipment. Terminology such as block markers, ERTMS lines and passing an end
of authority (EoA) without a movement authority (MA) have been added Form
RT3185 has been re-issued.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 1 of module S7
1. General duties
1.1 Obeying signals
The title has been changed to ‘Obeying signals, the ERTMS driver machine
interface (DMI) and block markers’. It has also been split into two sections dealing
with whether or not ERTMS is in operation on the train. For trains on which
ERTMS is in operation the driver must obey the indications on the driver machine
interface (DMI) but if lineside signals are also provided the driver must stop as
soon as possible if an MA has been received that extends beyond a signal at
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1.2 Signal cleared for the wrong route
The title has been changed to ‘Train signalled towards a wrong route’. Reference
to signal has been taken out to cater for ERTMS.
1.4 Signal not showing or not showing correctly
The title has been changed to ‘Entering an ERTMS area from a siding’. This
section has been transferred from Rule Book module S6 ERTMS. The previous
section 1.4 is now 1.5.
2. Starting a train after stopping at a signal
The title of this section has been changed to ‘Starting a train after stopping’.
2.1 Train stopped or nearly stopped at a signal at danger
This has been moved to section 1 and renumbered as section 1.6, It deals with
starting a train which has been stopped at a signal.
2.2 Train stopped on the approach to a signal that is showing
The title has been changed to ‘Train stopped on the approach to a signal or end of
authority (EoA)’. It now includes reference to a train stopping before the end of its
movement authority. It has been renumbered as section 2.1.
2.3 Train stopped before the whole train has passed a signal that
is showing ‘proceed’
This section has been renumbered as section 2.2.
4. Observing signals when the train or shunting
movement is required to reverse
The title of this section has been changed to ‘When a train or shunting movement
is required to reverse’.
4.1 Authority for the movement to be made
The section has been split into two sections dealing with whether or not ERTMS is
in operation on the train. For trains on which ERTMS is in operation, the movement
can only take place when an MA is received or, if there is no signalled route, the
signaller has given permission for the movement.
7. Reporting signalling failures and irregularities
7.1 Signalling equipment
What is considered to be a failure or irregularity in the operation of ERTMS has
been added as well as reference to MA.
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7.2 Boards and indicators
Boards associated with the operation of ERTMS have been added to the list of
equipment a driver should tell the signaller about if they are missing or unlit. The
section has been changed to include boards and indicators that are difficult to see.
The signaller is now required to report these to operations control. In addition,
when this concerns a limit of shunt signal or indicator, or a stop board, if possible
the signaller must tell the driver before allowing a movement towards it.
7.4 Signals becoming difficult to see because of trees, foliage or
other obstructions
The title has been changed to ‘Signals, lineside boards or signs becoming difficult
to see because of trees, foliage or other obstructions’. Consequently lineside
boards and signs that are becoming difficult to see should be reported to the
signaller at the first convenient opportunity.
7.6 Reporting a signal/AWS/TPWS failure or irregularity
This section has been renumbered as section 7.7. The title has been changed to
‘Reporting a signal/AWS/ERTMS/TPWS failure or irregularity’. An RT3185 form
needs to be completed for an ERTMS irregularity.
A new section 7.6 has been added which is called ‘ERTMS failures or irregularities’
This section tells the signaller what to do if a driver reports an ERTMS failure or
A new section 8 has been added to explain what actions have to be taken if a train
fails to transition to or from ERTMS at the signalling system boundary. The
requirements differ for the transition to ERTMS depending on whether or not
lineside signals are provided.
Module SP Speeds
There have been changes to the definition of emergency speed restrictions (ESRs)
and temporary speed restrictions (TSRs) as a result of the inclusion of reference to
ERTMS in this module. This is because many speed restrictions can be
incorporated into the ERTMS signalling equipment. Some changes and additions
have been made to the arrangements for indicating conventional speed restrictions
to align this module with the current Railway Group Standard GK/RT0075. Section
4.2 has been changed to cater for the removal of the 20 mph maximum speed
over an ESR before the equipment is in place. The applicable speed is given to
the driver by the signaller. A new requirement has been added to section 5.2 for
the signaller to tell the drivers of subsequent trains, if a warning board or indicator
has been reported as difficult to see. There have also been some changes to the
restrictions on locomotives running light or hauling short trains. Some sections
have been changed to show the equivalent of mph in km/h.
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Section headings in bold relate to issue 4 of module SP
1. Definitions
The definitions for ESRs and TSRs have been revised to cater for ERTMS lines
with or without lineside signals.
2. Permissible speeds
2.2 Locomotive running light or hauling trains
The restrictions contained in the first table only apply to locomotives running light
or hauling coaching stock vehicles. They do not apply when hauling freight
Reference to the restrictions not applying to trains worked by class 67 locomotives
has been revised to cater for any class of locomotive when exemption is given in
company specific instructions.
3. Temporary speed restriction (TSR)
3.1 Driving over a TSR
This section now includes reference to controlling the speed to no more than that
shown on the driver machine interface (DMI).
3.2 Normal arrangements
The title has been changed to ‘Normal arrangements with lineside equipment’.
Reference to a warning board and associated AWS magnet not being provided
where the speed restriction is the same as or higher than the approach speed has
been removed. In most situations a warning board and associated AWS magnet
will now be provided a short distance on the approach to the speed indicator.
3.3 Where there is a fixed AWS magnet
This section is re-numbered and is now section 3.4, section 3.4 is section 3.5,
section 3.5 is section 3.6, section 3.6 is section 3.7 and section 3.8 is section 3.9.
A new section 3.3 has been added and is headed ‘Arrangements on ERTMS lines’.
This explains that on ERTMS lines without lineside signals, lineside boards and
AWS magnets are not provided but the restrictions must be programmed into the
ERTMS signalling system so that they are shown on the DMI.
3.9 When a TSR is to be moved
This is now section 3.12, section 3.10 is section 3.13 and section 3.11 is section
3.14. Two new sections have been added. Section 3.10 is titled ‘TSR at a location
where trains can reverse or change drivers’ and explains when an additional speed
indicator is provided at a location where trains can reverse or change drivers.
Section 3.11 is titled ‘TSR across an ERTMS transition’ and explains that an
additional speed indicator will be placed at the End of Cab Signalling board.
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4. Emergency speed restriction (ESR)
4.1 Signaller’s actions
This section has been changed to include a requirement to tell the driver about an
emergency speed restriction on an ERTMS line until the signalling equipment is
supervising the restriction.
4.2 Driver’s actions
This section has been changed to cater for the removal of the 20 mph maximum
speed over an ESR before the equipment is in place. The applicable speed is
given to the driver by the signaller.
4.3 Normal arrangements
This has been changed to include a requirement that on an ERTMS line the speed
restriction has to be input into the signalling equipment so that it will supervise the
5. Defective or missing ESR or TSR equipment
5.1 Speed restriction boards or indicators missing or incorrect
A new requirement has been added for the driver to tell the signaller if a speed
shown on the DMI is different from that shown on lineside equipment or published
in the WON.
5.2 Speed restriction boards or indicators that are, or are
becoming, difficult to see
A new requirement has been added for the signaller to tell the drivers of
subsequent trains if a warning board or indicator has been reported as difficult to
Module SS1 Station duties and train dispatch
Section 3.2 has been changed to include the requirement for the guard, where
necessary, to assist platform staff in carrying out the ‘train safety check’. The
requirement to close the local door, where appropriate, has been amended to say
‘close the local door’ as trains should not leave a platform with doors open.
Changes have also been made to this module to cater for the checks required by
staff during train dispatch on trains fitted with ERTMS. Section 3.4 has been
changed to include the requirement for the guard or platform staff to check that the
driver has received an MA or the signallers permission to pass a signal at danger
or an EoA without an MA before giving the ‘ready-to-start’ to the driver.
Terminology such as ERTMS lines and passing an end of authority (EoA) without a
movement authority (MA) have been added.
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Section headings in bold relate to issue 3 of module SS1
2. Safety at station platforms
2.6 Moving a train where permissive platform working is
This section has been changed to include a requirement for the driver to have
received an MA to proceed beyond the platform before making any further
movement after coming to a stand in a permissive platform.
3. Train dispatch
3.2 The ‘train safety check’
This section has been changed to include the requirement for the guard, where
necessary, to assist platform staff in carrying out the ‘train safety check’.
3.3 The ‘ready-to-start’ signal
The requirement for drivers not to move their train without the signaller’s
permission if they receive the ‘ready-to-start’ signal and the platform starting signal
is at danger, now includes reference to not having an MA to proceed beyond the
EoA on an ERTMS line.
3.4 Checking the platform starting signal
This section has been changed to include the requirement for the guard or platform
staff to check that the driver has received an MA or the signaller’s permission to
pass a signal at danger or an EoA without an MA before beginning the train
dispatch procedure.
An additional requirement has been added that requires the guard and platform
staff to carry out these checks again before giving the ‘ready to start’ signal to the
The requirement for the driver to check the platform starting signal is showing a
proceed aspect or an OFF indicator is illuminated before starting the train has
been changed to include checking that an MA has been received or that the
signallers permission has been obtained.
3.8 Dispatching a DO train from an unstaffed platform
The requirement for the driver to check that the platform starting signal is showing
a proceed aspect before dispatching a DO train from an unstaffed platform has
been amended to include checking that an MA has been received.
The requirement for the driver to obtain the signallers permission to pass a signal if
it cannot be cleared has been changed to include the situation where an MA
cannot be issued.
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Module SS2 Shunting
Changes have been introduced to this module to cater for the introduction of
ERTMS. Terminology such as block marker and shunt entry boards have been
inserted. Some sections have been changed to show the equivalent of mph in
Module T3 Possession of a running line for
engineering work
Changes have been introduced to this module to cater for the introduction of
ERTMS. Terminology such as ERTMS lines, block markers, passing an end of
authority (EoA) without a movement authority (MA) and keeping the route closed
have been inserted. Some sections have been changed to show the equivalent of
mph in km/h. Clarification has been given to giving up a possession around an
engineering train. The possession can only be given up if the train is standing at a
location where the train detection is by track circuits and not by axle counters.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 5 of module T3
4. Train movements
4.1 Passing the protecting signal
The title has been changed to ‘Movements towards the possession’ which also
takes into account where ERTMS is in operation.
4.6 Leaving the possession
The section has been changed to include ‘signalling the train normally’ which is a
more accurate description of what is required.
5.7 AOCL and ABCL not switched off
The section has been changed to make reference to a competent person and not
a level crossing attendant as there are no instructions in the level crossing
attendants handbook for ABCL and AOCL level crossings.
5.8 AOCL and ABCL that has been switched off
The section has been changed to make reference to a competent person and not
a level crossing attendant as there are no instructions in the level crossing
attendants handbook for ABCL and AOCL level crossings.
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7. Giving up the possession
7.1 Giving up the possession around an engineering train
The section has changed to clarify that the possession can be given up around an
engineering train if the train is standing at a location where the train detection is by
track circuits and not by axle counters
9. Driver’s duties
9.6 During the movement
The new title of Rule Book module S5 has been added.
9.8 When a possession is to be given up around an engineering
The phrase ‘obey all signals’ has been replaced by ‘the conditions under which the
train may proceed’ which is a more accurate description of what is required.
Module T3 ERTMS Possession of a running line for
engineering work
The module title has been changed to ‘Possession of an ERTMS running line for
engineering work where lineside signals are not provided’ to indicate that this
module must only be applied on ERTMS lines where signals are not provided.
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession.
Changes have also been made to this module to recognise that some level
crossings are now operated with the aid of obstacle detection (OD).
Form RT3198 ERTMS has also been amended to include reference to obstacle
detection (OD) crossings and the role of the SWL.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 2 of module T3 ERTMS
2. Taking the possession
2.2 Taking the possession around one or more engineering trains
This section has been changed to include the SWL. An SWL working inside the
possession will perform the same duties as an ES.
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3. Arrangements at level crossings
The section has changed to cross reference to module TS9 Level crossings signallers’ regulations as the TS9 ERTMS module and the national module have
now been merged.
5. Movements over level crossings
5.1 When these instructions apply
This section has been changed to include the SWL.
5.7 AOCL or ABCL not switched off
The section has changed to cross reference to module TS9 Level crossings signallers’ regulations as the TS9 ERTMS module and the national module have
now been merged. The section has also been changed to make reference to a
competent person and not a level crossing attendant as there are no instructions in
the level crossing attendants handbook for ABCL and AOCL level crossings.
5.8 AOCL or ABCL that has been switched off
The section has changed to cross reference to module TS9 Level crossings signallers’ regulations as the TS9 ERTMS module and the national module have
now been merged. The section has also been changed to make reference to a
competent person and not a level crossing attendant as there are no instructions in
the level crossing attendants handbook for ABCL and AOCL level crossings.
7. Giving up the possession
7.1 Giving up the possession around an engineering train
The section has been changed to make it clear that a possession can only be
given up with an engineering train standing at a block marker if track circuits and
not axle counters are the means of train detection at that location.
9. Driver’s duties
9.1 Authority for movement of engineering trains
c) Engineering Supervisor (ES)
The section has been changed to include the SWL.
9.5 During the movement
a) Making the movement
The section has been changed to include the SWL.
The section regarding stopping at a handsignal has been amended to only include
a handsignal that is being displayed.
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The section has changed to cross reference to module S5 Passing a signal at
danger or an end of authority (EoA) without a movement authority (MA) as the S5
ERTMS module and the national module have now been merged.
The section has changed to cross reference to module TW7 Wrong-direction
movements as the TW7 ERTMS module and the national module have now been
b) Passing a block marker within the possession
This section has been changed to include an SWL.
c) Level crossings
The section has changed to cross reference to module S5 Passing a signal at
danger or an end of authority (EoA) without a movement authority (MA) as the S5
ERTMS module and the national module have now been merged.
The section has changed to cross reference to module TW7 Wrong-direction
movements as the TW7 ERTMS module and the national module have now been
9.6 When a possession is to be taken around one or more
engineering trains
c) Arriving at the specified block marker
The section has been changed to include the SWL.
Module TS1 General signalling regulations
Two new bell signals have been introduced for use in connection with ‘signalling’ a
line blockage for the protection of staff. Changes have been made to this module to
cater for the introduction of ERTMS. Terminology such as block marker, closing the
route and movement authority (MA) have been inserted. Some sections have been
changed to show the equivalent of mph in km/h Form RT3180 has been changed
to include block markers.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 9 of module TS1
1. Working at signal boxes
1.2 Recording times in the train register
This section has changed to make reference to track circuit block lines and ERTMS
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2. Bell signals
2.1 Standard code of bell signals
Two new bell signals have been introduced for use in connection with a line
blockage for the protection of staff.
3. Signal box equipment
3.5 Using reminder appliances
3.5.1 On a signal control
The title of this section has changed to ‘On a signalling control’ to cater for
ERTMS. Reference to route setting positions (RSP) has been added and the term
‘protecting a portion of line’ has been amended to read ‘protecting a route’.
3.5.5 Removing a reminder appliance
Reference to ‘clearing a signal’ has been amended to say ‘signal a train’, the term
‘lever’ has been amended to read ‘signalling control’.
3.6 Checking that signals and points are working
The term ‘lever’ has been amended to read ‘signalling control’.
4. Working of signals
The title has been amended to read ‘Working of signalling equipment’.
4.1 General
The section has been changed to make reference to closing a route.
4.4 Replacing a stop signal to danger after it has been cleared
The title of this section has changed to ‘Replacing a stop signal to danger after it
has been cleared or withdrawing a movement authority (MA)’.
4.4.1 In an emergency
Reference has been added to closing a route in an emergency. ‘Obstruction of the
line’ has been amended to read ‘obstruction of the route’. Reference to moving any
points protected by signals has been amended to say ‘points in that route’.
4.4.2 Except in an emergency
The equivalent requirements for ERTMS lines have been included for each
4.10 Working signals at converging junctions
Lines signalled by the ERTMS regulations has been added to the exceptions.
Page reference has been amended for diagram TS1.1.
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8. Ground frames
8.1 Release for a movement into a siding
ERTMS signalled lines has been added to the types of lines where trains can be
shunted into an intermediate siding.
8.5 Defective ground frame indication
The section has been changed to include the equivalent requirements for ERTMS
10. Train movements
10.1 Additional running lines - stopping or cautioning trains
The title has been changed to read ‘Additional running lines’.
10.3 Movements to running lines already occupied
Reference to shunting movements taking place under the authority of a
position-light or shunting signal has been amended to say ‘under the authority of
the signalling system’.
11. Working trains carrying passengers over goods
lines or goods loops
11.3 Additional instructions for TCB goods lines or goods loops
The title has been changed to ‘Additional instructions for TCB or ERTMS goods
lines or goods loops’.
11.4 Additional instructions for a goods loop not on a TCB line
worked from one signal box
The title has been changed to ‘Additional instructions for a goods loop not on a
TCB or ERTMS line worked from one signal box’.
11.5 Additional instructions for a goods line not on a TCB or
absolute block line worked from two or more signal boxes
The title has been changed to ‘Additional instructions for a goods line not on a
TCB, ERTMS or absolute block line worked from two or more signal boxes’.
12. Dealing with trains that cannot be relied upon to
operate track circuits
12.3 Operation over a TCB line
The title has been changed to ‘Operation over a TCB or ERTMS line’. Additional
text has been added to state that the signaller must not allow a train to follow
another train until it has passed an EoA (or its overlap if provided) at which the
route has been closed. The section now includes the previous mention of a ‘place’
for the train to stop has been changed to read ‘location’.
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12.4 Operation over a non-TCB line
The title has been changed to ‘Operation on other than TCB or ERTMS line’.
13. Safety of personnel
13.1 Personnel asking for trains to be stopped
13.1.3 Providing protection from trains
Reference to the signaller who controls the signal has been amended to read
‘controlling signaller’ and reference to signal protection has been amended to read
‘signalling protection’.
A new paragraph has been added concerning absolute block lines to refer to
sending the ‘block line for protection purposes’ bell signal.
If a crossing keeper is affected by the line blockage because a block indicator has
been placed to ‘train on line’ the signaller must tell them.
13.1.4 When the activity is completed
Reference to signal protection has been amended to read ‘signalling protection’
and reference to ‘line blockage form’ has been amended to read ‘form RT3180’. If
a crossing keeper has been told about the line blockage they must also be told
that normal working can be resumed.
13.2 COSS, IWA, PC or SWL blocking a line
13.2.2 Agreeing the arrangements
Reference to clearing the protecting signal for an unaffected route has been
amended to read ‘set the route for an unaffected line’. Diagram references and
page numbers have been amended.
New diagrams TS1.3, TS1.5 and TS1.7 added to reflect working on ERTMS lines.
All other diagram numbers have been changed accordingly.
13.2.3 Blocking the line
The text below the heading for absolute block lines has been changed to make
reference to sending the ‘block line for protection purposes’ bell signal.
13.2.8 First train over the affected portion of line when the work
has affected the safety of the line
The requirement for the signaller not to allow a second train to pass over the line
that was affected by a line blockage has been added for ERTMS lines.
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15. Out-of-gauge loads
15.3 Out-of-gauge loads on track circuit block lines
The section title has been changed to ‘Out-of-gauge loads on track circuit block
and ERTMS lines’.
18. Trespassers, animals or minor obstacles on the
18.1 Trespassers
The requirement to advise another signaller if they control the signal controlling the
entrance to the section has been amended to read ‘if the entrance to the section is
controlled by another signaller’ to cater for ERTMS.
18.2 Animals, trespassers who may endanger trains, or minor
The requirement to advise another signaller if they control the signal controlling the
entrance to the section has been amended to read ‘If the entrance to the section is
controlled by another signaller, you must tell that signaller’ to cater for ERTMS.
20. When a track circuit fails to clear or shows
occupied for some other reason
20.6.6 If the track circuit is showing occupied then clear at
The section has been changed to include the possibility of a track circuit affecting
an MA which has been issued.
21. Train an unusually long time in section
The requirement to advise another signaller if they control the signal controlling the
entrance to the section has been amended to read ‘if the entrance to the section is
controlled by another signaller’ to cater for ERTMS.
Module TS3 Absolute block regulations
Two new bell signals have been introduced for use in connection with a line
blockage for the protection of staff.
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Section headings in bold relate to issue 5 of module TS3
3. Method of signalling
3.6 Blocking back
The title has been changed to ‘blocking the section’. A new Part ‘C’ has been
added which describes how a line blockage for the protection of staff, as shown in
module TS1 General signalling regulations section 13, is to be signalled. Two new
bell signals (2-2-2) for requesting the line blockage and (1-2-2) for when the line
blockage has been completed have been added.
Module TS9 Level crossings - signaller’s regulations
Changes have been made to this module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as block marker, end of authority (EoA), movement authority
(MA), and keeping the route closed have been inserted.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 3 of module TS9
2. General
2.5 Protecting signal controlled by another signaller
The title has been changed to ‘If another signaller is involved’.
4. ABCL and AOCL crossings
4.3 Failure of trains and the passage of trains during darkness
The third bullet has been changed to make reference to a competent person and
not a level crossing attendant as there are no instructions in the level crossing
attendants handbook for ABCL and AOCL level crossings.
6. CCTV, MCB and RC level crossings controlled by
the signaller
6.6 Passing a protecting signal at danger
The title has been changed to ‘Passing a protecting signal at danger or EoA
without an MA’.
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7. OD level crossings
7.5 Passing a protecting signal at danger
The title has been changed to ‘Passing a protecting signal at danger or EoA
without an MA’.
8. Level crossings worked by a crossing keeper
8.3 Signal protecting the crossing to be passed at danger
The title has been changed to ‘Signal protecting the crossing to be passed at
danger or an EoA to be passed without an MA’.
Module TS10 ERTMS level 2 train signalling
The text has been changed to include lines where signals are provided. The
classes of train permitted to work permissively on a platform line has been
extended to include Multi Purpose Vehicles (MPVs) when operating as a railhead
treatment or inspection train.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 2 of module TS10 ERTMS
1. Definitions
1.2 Lineside marking of RSPs
A new definition for ‘signals’ has been added.
2. Principle
Additional text added to describe when, on an ERTMS fitted line where signals are
provided, ERTMS allows a signal to show a proceed aspect.
3. Method of signalling
3.1 Issuing MAs
The title has been changed to ‘Operating signals and issuing MAs’.
3.1.2 Closing routes
The title has been changed to ‘Changing signal aspects or shortening an MA’. The
section has also been changed to include reference to closing the route before
allowing a movement that would change a signal aspect or shortening an MA.
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3.1.3 Obstructing or occupying an overlap
The section has been changed to include reference to signals. Reference to RSPs
have been changed to EoAs.
3.3 Permissive working
3.3.2 Types of permissive working
The classes of train permitted to work permissively on a platform line has been
extended to include Multi Purpose Vehicles (MPVs) when operating as a railhead
treatment or inspection train.
3.3.4 Additional regulations for permissive working on platform
The section has been changed to include reference to lines where main aspect
signals are provided.
3.4 Emergency permissive working
The section has been changed to include passing a signal at danger if the train is
not fitted with ERTMS or is operating in a level compatible with lineside signalling.
Module TS11 Failure of, or work on, signalling
equipment - signallers’ regulations
Changes have been made to this module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as block marker and movement authority (MA) on an ERTMS
line have been inserted.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 1 of module TS11
1. General
1.1 Definitions
Route setting barring has been included in the definition of ‘equipment
disconnected’. The definition of ‘equipment restricted’ has been amended to
include ‘on an ERTMS line, a route setting position (RSP) restricted to prevent the
signaller from issuing an MA beyond it’. ERTMS equipment added to definition of
signalling equipment.
1.4 Signaller’s responsibilities
The section has been changed to include ‘route setting position (RSP)’ to the list of
equipment that the signaller must operate the lever for when authorised by the
signalling technician.
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1.6 Telling the driver at a previous signal
The title has been changed to ‘Telling the driver at a previous signal or block
marker’. The equivalent requirements for ERTMS lines have been included for the
circumstances where the signaller needs to tell a driver at a previous block marker
about the inability to issue an MA at the block marker ahead.
7. Train approaching a defective main aspect on
TCB lines
The title has been changed to ‘Train approaching a defective main aspect on TCB
or ERTMS lines or approaching an EoA without an MA’.
7.2 If a controlled signal has returned to danger for no apparent
This section has been renumbered as section 7.3. A new section 7.2 is titled ‘Train
approaching an EoA without an MA’.
8. Train approaching a defective signal on other
than TCB lines
The title has been changed to ‘Train approaching a defective signal on other than
TCB or ERTMS lines’.
9. Allowing a train to pass a defective or
disconnected stop signal
9.1 Passing the signal at danger
Reference to Rule Book module S5 Passing a signal at danger or an end of
authority (EoA) without a movement authority (MA) has been amended to reflect
the revised title.
9.3 Unable to clear a stop signal but all track circuits are showing
The section has been changed to add reference to ERTMS lines and also Rule
Book module TS10 ERTMS ERTMS level 2 train signalling regulations.
10. Defective position-light or shunting signal or
defective stop board or limit of shunt indicator
This section has been re-numbered as section 11. A new section 10 has been
added which is titled ‘Allowing a train on which ERTMS is in operation to pass an
EoA when it is not possible to signal the movement’. Three new sections have
been added.
Section 10.1 is titled ‘Unable to issue a Full Supervision (FS) MA to the train’ this
caters for the situation on an ERTMS line where the signaller is unable to issue an
FS MA to a train, allowing them to issue an on sight (OS) MA.
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Section 10.2 is titled ‘Unable to issue any MAs to the train’ which caters for the
situation on an ERTMS line where the signaller is unable to issue an FS or OS MA
and is allowed to authorise the driver to proceed obeying lineside signals or to
pass the EoA without an MA.
Section 10.3 is titled ‘Unable to issue an MA but all track circuits are showing
clear’ this caters for the situation an ERTMS line where the signaller is unable to
issue an MA but all track circuits for the route are showing clear.
11 Defective banner repeating signal
This section has been re-numbered as section 12.
12 When trains are to approach a defective signal
forming one of a group
This section has been re-numbered as section 13.
13 Defective points
This section has been re-numbered as section 14 and the sub-sections are
re-numbered accordingly.
14 When a train or vehicle fails to operate track
This section has been re-numbered as section 15 and the sub-sections are
re-numbered accordingly.
15 Track circuit showing occupied when clear
This section has been re-numbered as section 16 and the sub-sections are
re-numbered accordingly. Reference to module TS10 ERTMS ERTMS level 2 train
signalling regulations has been added.
16 Automatic warning system (AWS) equipment
This section has been re-numbered as section 17 and the sub-sections are
re-numbered accordingly. Previous sections 17 to 20 have been renumbered 18 to
Module TW1 Preparation and movement of trains
A new instruction has been introduced for the driver to agree with the signaller, the
actions to be taken following an abnormal brake application, to find out whether a
train is divided and whether any other line is affected.
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The section headed ‘dead locomotives’ has been changed to permit two class 20
or class 73 locomotives to be formed as dead locomotives on the rear of the train.
A new note has been added to explain that on a train on which ERTMS is in
operation, the DRA must be used as shown in train operating company
The section headed ‘Drivers reminder appliance (DRA)’ has been changed to
make it clear that the DRA is reset when the platform starting signal is cleared, and
not when a ‘ready-to-start’ signal is received.
The section headed ‘permissive working’ has been changed to explain that
permissive working allows a second train to be signalled onto a running line that is
already occupied.
The existing instruction not to exceed 40 mph during poor visibility on a line where
AWS is not provided has been changed to explain that this applies on a line where
AWS is not provided as shown in Table A of the Sectional Appendix.
The section headed ‘preparing a train’ has been changed to allow power-operated
doors to be tested before entering passenger service instead of before entering
service, as long as this is permitted in train operating company instructions.
A new instruction has been added that the driver of a train on which ERTMS is in
operation must not enter train data if there is a train standing between that train
and the signal or block marker ahead.
The section headed ‘proceeding at caution’ has been changed to state that running
at caution requires a driver to proceed at a speed that not only takes into account
the distance that can be seen to be clear, but also to allow the train to be stopped
short of any train, vehicle or other obstruction.
The requirement to tell the guard about single line working when more than one
running line is available, only applies if the train is to pass over the single line in
the wrong direction.
The section headed ‘train radio equipment’ has been changed to remove the
existing instructions concerning CSR and NRN radio, which will no longer be in
use. The altered rule is written with reference to GSM-R only, which is referred to
as the ‘train radio’.
The section ‘when other trains are put in danger’ has been changed to state that
the driver must switch on the hazard warning indication where provided and only
display a red light forward if this cannot be done.
Changes have also been made to this module to cater for the introduction of
ERTMS. Terminology such as block marker, end of authority (EoA), movement
authority (MA) and ERTMS lines have been inserted. Some sections have been
changed to show the equivalent of mph in km/h.
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Section headings in bold relate to issue 9 of module TW1
1. Abnormal brake applications
A new instruction has been introduced for the driver to agree with the signaller, the
actions to be taken to find out whether a train is divided and whether any other line
is affected.
2. Assisting failed locomotive-hauled trains in the
2.1 General
The section has been changed to include the instructions that apply when the
assisting locomotive is one on which ERTMS is in operation.
4. Brake system requirements
4.4 Coaching stock vehicles with isolated brakes
The section has been changed to correct an error which required all the conditions
for movement to be met even though one was not applicable to locomotive-hauled
4.5 Isolated vehicle brakes
The section has been changed to refer to the current term train document rather
than the older term train list.
7. Dead locomotives
7.1 General
The section has been changed to make it clear that the brake timings must be
compatible throughout any type of train conveying dead locomotives, including the
locomotives. This is at present only shown for trains of coaching stock.
7.3 In a passenger train (loaded or empty), postal or parcels train
The section has been changed to permit two class 20 or class 73 locomotives to
be formed as dead locomotives on the rear of the train, but for all other types, only
one dead locomotive is permitted.
7.4 In a freight train
The section has been changed to permit two class 20 or class 73 locomotives to
be formed as dead locomotives on the rear of the train, but for all other types, only
one dead locomotive is permitted. The section has been changed to make it clear
that the automatic brake must be fully operative on any dead locomotive on the
rear of the train. A new instruction has been added to explain that a locomotive not
fitted with an AFT cock can be formed on the rear of a train, but cannot be hauled
dead and must be under power but not providing traction power.
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10. Driver’s reminder appliance (DRA)
10.1 When entering or leaving the driving cab
A new note has been added to explain that on a train on which ERTMS is in
operation, the DRA must be used as shown in train operating company
instructions. The section has been changed to make it clear that the DRA is reset
when the platform starting signal is cleared, and not when a ‘ready-to-start’ signal
is received.
15. Locomotive assisting in the rear of a train
15.1 Before the movement begins
The section has been changed to include the instructions that apply when the
assisting locomotive is one on which ERTMS is in operation.
15.2 Assisting locomotive leaving the train
The section has been changed to include the instructions that apply when the
assisting locomotive is one on which ERTMS is in operation.
16. Locomotives at both ends of the train or in
16.2 Trains hauled by locomotives in tandem
The section has been changed to include the instructions that apply when ERTMS
is in operation on the leading locomotive.
16.3 TPWS
The title has been changed to ‘If a locomotive is not the leading one’ and the
section has been changed to include the instructions that apply when ERTMS is
required to be in operation on a locomotive that is not the leading one.
20. Permissive working
20.1 Definition
The section has been changed to explain that permissive working allows a second
train to be signalled onto a running line that is already occupied.
20.5 Setting-back movements where permissive working is
The section has been changed to include the instructions that apply when ERTMS
is in operation.
20.6 Emergency permissive working
The section has been changed to make it clear that this applies on a TCB or
ERTMS line.
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21. Personal equipment
A change has been made as the title of form RT3185 now includes ERTMS
22. Poor visibility
The existing instruction not to exceed 40 mph on a line where AWS is not provided
has been changed to explain that this applies on a line where AWS is not provided
as shown in Table A of the Sectional Appendix.
23. Preparing the train
The section has been changed to allow power-operated doors to be tested before
entering passenger service instead of before entering service, as long as this is
permitted in train operating company instructions.
A new instruction has been added that the driver of a train on which ERTMS is in
operation must not enter train data if there is a train standing between that train
and the signal or block marker ahead.
25. Proceeding at caution
The section has been changed to state that running at caution requires a driver to
proceed at a speed that not only takes into account the distance that can be seen
to be clear, but also to allow the train to be stopped short of any train, vehicle or
other obstruction.
26. Propelling movements
26.1 Authority for propelling
The section has been changed to state how far a propelled shunting movement
can proceed on an ERTMS line.
26.3 Before the movement starts
The section has been changed to include the instructions that apply when a
propelling movement is made with ERTMS in operation.
31. Single line working
31.2 Single line working where more than one running line is
The section has been changed to state that the requirement to tell the guard only
applies if the train is to pass over the single line in the wrong direction.
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36. Stopping or stabling a train
36.1 Train shunted clear of the line or entering loop lines on other
than track circuit block (TCB) lines
The title has been changed to ‘Train shunted clear of the line or entering loop lines
on other than track circuit block (TCB) or ERTMS lines’.
39. Train radio equipment
39.1 Using the train radio safely
The section has been changed to remove the existing instruction concerning NRN
radio, which will no longer be in use. The altered rule is written with reference to
GSM-R only, which is referred to as the ‘train radio’.
39.2 Communicating with the signaller
The section has been changed to remove the existing instructions concerning CSR
and NRN radio, which will no longer be in use. The altered rule is written with
reference to GSM-R only, which is referred to as the ‘train radio’.
39.4 Using the NRN radio
The instruction has been deleted, as NRN radio will no longer be in use.
39.5 Radio area boundaries
The section has been renumbered 39.4. The section has been changed to remove
the existing instructions concerning NRN radio, which will no longer be in use.
39.6 Making an emergency call
The section has been renumbered 39.5. The section has been changed to remove
the existing instructions concerning NRN radio, which will no longer be in use.
39.7 Receiving a cab secure radio (CSR) stop message
The instruction has been deleted, as CSR radio will no longer be in use.
39.8 Railway emergency group call (REC)
The section has been renumbered 39.6. The section has been changed to include
an instruction that applies to a train on which ERTMS is in operation.
43. Trains put in danger
43.1 When other trains are put in danger
The section has been changed to state that the driver must switch on the hazard
warning indication where provided and only display a red light forward if this
cannot be done.
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44. Vehicles labelled for repair or with a NOT TO BE
MOVED board attached
44.2 Vehicles labelled for repair
The section has been changed to describe more correctly the meaning of a ‘For
repairs’ label.
Module TW5 Preparation and movement of trains:
defective or isolated vehicles and on-train
The section headed ‘automatic warning system’ has been changed to provide
separate instructions depending whether AWS is required to be in operation during
the journey or not and all instructions apply when AWS is defective as well as
The section has been changed so that a vehicle has to be taken out of passenger
use when all doors are defective on one or both sides, as well as the nearest door
on the next vehicle, or when a door only used as an emergency exit at the leading
end of the leading vehicle or trailing end of the trailing vehicle is defective. The
section has also been changed so that permission must be given by the train
operator’s control for a vehicle to enter or continue in public use if all doors are
defective on one or both sides, but the nearest door on the next vehicle is
available for use, or when a door is defective at the leading end of the first
passenger-carrying vehicle, or the trailing end of the last. Diagrams of typical
arrangements of defective doors have been included.
The section headed ‘drivers reminder appliance’ has been changed to provide
separate instructions depending whether the DRA is required to be in operation
during the journey or not.
All references to ‘cabs which are required to be used’ have been changed to ‘cabs
which are required to be driven from’ which describes more correctly what is
The section headed ‘emergency bypass switch’ has been changed to show that a
train can enter service with the EBS raised in any driving cab. When a competent
person is provided, that person must travel in the rear driving cab of the rear unit.
The section on ‘headlight marker lights and tail lamps’ has been changed to make
it clear that a traction unit must not enter service from a maintenance depot with
any headlight, tail light or marker light not working.
The section headed ‘train protection and warning system’ has been changed to
provide separate instructions depending whether the TPWS is required to be in
operation during the journey or not.
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The section headed ‘train radio equipment’ has been changed to remove the
existing instructions concerning CSR and NRN radio, which will no longer be in
use. The altered rules are written with reference to GSM-R only, which is referred
to as the train radio. The driver reporting the defective radio at the first convenient
opportunity, is now instructed to stop specially if necessary to do so.
A new section for ERTMS on train equipment has been added.
Changes have been made to this module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as block markers, ends of authority (EoA), movement authority
(MA) and ERTMS lines. Some sections have been changed to show the equivalent
of mph in km/h.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 5 of module TW5
1. Reporting defective or isolated on-train
1.1 Driver reporting a defect
The section has been changed to include ERTMS equipment and to AWS and
TPWS equipment being in operation on the train or not. The wording in section 1.1
b) concerning reporting a defect with the train radio at the first convenient
opportunity has been changed to require, if necessary, stopping specially to do so.
1.5 Giving instructions to the driver
The section has been changed to include ERTMS equipment as an item for which
the conditions in the module cannot be varied.
4. Automatic warning system (AWS)
4.1 Entering service from a maintenence depot
The section has been changed to show that this applies only when AWS is
required to be in operation, and that it applies when AWS is defective as well as
4.2 Entering service from somewhere other than a maintenance
The section has been changed to include instructions which apply when AWS is
not required to be in operation during the journey. The wording of the existing
instructions has been changed to show that they apply when AWS is required to be
in operation during the journey. All the instructions apply when AWS is defective as
well as isolated.
4.3 Isolating the AWS when in service
The section has been renumbered 4.4. The section has been changed to show
that this instruction only applies when the AWS is required to be in operation.
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There is a new section 4.3 ‘If the AWS becomes defective when in service’ which
contains instructions that apply when this happens, both when AWS is required to
be in operation and when it is not.
4.4 After isolating the AWS
The section has been renumbered 4.5 and the title changed to ‘If the AWS is
defective or isolated’. The section has been changed to show that this instruction
only applies when the AWS is required to be in operation. All the instructions apply
when AWS is defective as well as isolated.
6. Door defects on passenger vehicles
6.1 Vehicles which must be locked out of use
The title has been changed to ‘Vehicles which must be placed out of use’. The
section has been changed so that a vehicle has to be taken out of passenger use
when all doors are defective on one or both sides, as well as the nearest door on
the next vehicle, or when a door only used as an emergency exit at the leading
end of the leading vehicle or trailing end of the trailing vehicle is defective.
The section has also been changed so that permission must be given by the train
operator’s control for a vehicle to enter or continue in public use if all doors are
defective on one or both sides, but the nearest door on the next vehicle is
available for use, or when a door is defective at the leading end of the first
passenger-carrying vehicle, or the trailing end of the last. Diagrams of typical
arrangements of defective doors have been included.
6.2 Locking and labelling defective doors
The section has been changed so that doors can be made inoperative as an
alternative to locking, and an indication shown as an alternative to labelling. The
title has been changed to ‘Taking defective doors out of use’.
7. Driver’s reminder appliance (DRA)
7.1 Entering service from a maintenance depot
The section has been changed to show that this applies only when the DRA is
required to be in use.
7.2 Entering service from somewhere other than a maintenance
The section has been changed to show that this applies only when the DRA is
required to be in use.
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8. Driver’s safety device (DSD) and driver’s vigilance
8.4 When in service
The wording of section 8.4 a) has been changed to show that this section applies
when AWS or TPWS is working correctly and includes the conditions that apply to
each situation. The title has been changed to ‘If AWS or TPWS is working
correctly’. The wording of section 8.4 b) has been changed to show that this
applies when both AWS and TPWS are not working correctly for any reason, and
not just when isolated. The title of section 8.4 b) has been changed to ‘If AWS and
TPWS are not working correctly’. New sections 8.4 c) and 8.4 d) have been
introduced to show the condition that apply when ERTMS is working correctly or is
not working correctly.
11. Emergency bypass switch (EBS)
11.2 Entering service from somewhere other than a maintenance
The section has been changed to show that a train can enter service with the EBS
raised in any driving cab. When a competent person is provided, that person must
travel in the rear driving cab of the rear unit.
11.3 Operating the EBS when in service
The section has been changed to show that when a competent person is provided,
that person must travel in the rear driving cab of the rear unit.
12. External orange hazard lights
The title has been changed to ‘ERTMS on-train equipment’ and previous sections
12 to 27 have been renumbered 13 to 28.
A new section 12.1 is titled ‘Entering service from a maintenance depot’.
This states that a train cannot enter service if ERTMS is not working in any cab
that is required to be driven from with ERTMS in operation.
A new section 12.2 is titled ‘Entering service from somewhere other than a
maintenance depot’. This shows the instructions which apply when ERTMS is not
required to be in operation during the journey and those that apply when ERTMS is
required to be in operation during the journey.
A new section 12.3 is titled ‘When in service’. This shows the instructions which
apply when ERTMS becomes defective when it should be in operation and those
that apply when ERTMS is not required to be in operation.
A new section 12.4 is titled ‘If ERTMS is not in operation when it should be’. This
shows the instructions which apply when ERTMS has become defective and
ERTMS would normally be in operation during any part of the journey.
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A new section 12.5 is titled ‘If a train fails to transition to ERTMS’. This shows the
instructions which apply when ERTMS has failed to transition to ERTMS when
entering an ERTMS area where lineside signals are provided.
13. Headlights, marker lights and tail lamps
This is now section 14.
13.1 Entering service from a maintenance depot
This is now section 14.1 and the section has been changed to make it clear that a
traction unit must not enter service with any headlight, tail light or marker light not
16. On-train data recorder (OTDR)
This is now section 17.
16.1 Entering service
This is now section 17.1, a note has been added to explain that the OTDR
includes the recorder legally required on traction units on which ERTMS is in
operation when operating on ERTMS lines.
17. Public address system on DO trains
This is now section 18.
17.1 Entering service
This is now section 18.1. The section has been changed so that doors can be
made inoperative as an alternative to locking, and an indication shown as an
alternative to labelling.
21. Track circuit actuators (TCA)
This is now section 22.
21.3 When in service
This is now section 22.3. The wording of new section 22.3 b) has been changed
so that it gives a more correct instruction to the driver.
23. Train protection and warning system (TPWS)
This is now section 24.
23.1 Entering service from a maintenance depot
This is now section 24.1. The section has been changed to show that this applies
only when a cab is required to be driven from with TPWS in operation.
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23.2 Entering service from somewhere other than a maintenance
This is now section 24.2. and has been changed to include instructions which
apply when TPWS is not required to be in operation during the journey. The
section of the existing instructions has been changed to show that they apply when
TPWS is required to be in operation during the journey.
23.3 When in service
This is now section 24.3 and has been changed to include instructions which apply
when TPWS is not required to be in operation. The conditions that apply when
TPWS is defective during any part of the journey when it would normally be in
operation have been transferred from this section to a new section 24.5 ‘If the
TPWS is defective’.
23.4 Failure to activate
This is now section 24.4.
24. Train radio equipment
This is now section 25.
24.1 Entering service
This is now section 25.1. The section has been changed to remove the existing
instructions concerning CSR and NRN radio, which will no longer be in use. The
altered rule is written with reference to GSM-R only, which is referred to as the
train radio.
24.2 When in service
This is now section 25.2. The section has been changed to remove the existing
instructions concerning CSR and NRN radio, which will no longer be in use. The
altered rule is written with reference to GSM-R only, which is referred to as the
train radio. The driver reporting the defective radio at the first convenient
opportunity, is now instructed to stop specially if necessary to do so.
25. Vehicles with locked wheels, wheel flats,
shifted tyres or dragging brakes
This is now section 26.
25.4 Moving vehicles with wheelskates
This is now section 26.4. The section has been changed to clarify the intended
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Module TW7 Wrong-direction movements
Changes have been made to this module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Some sections have been changed to show the equivalent of mph in km/h.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 5 of module TW7
1. When a wrong-direction movement can be made
1.1 Authority for a wrong-direction movement
The term signalled route has been added to cater for ERTMS.
2. Signaller’s responsibilities
2.1 Making sure the line is safe
The term signalled route has been added to cater for ERTMS.
2.3 Clearance distance
A bullet has been added to cater for T3 possessions on ERTMS lines where
lineside signals are not provided.
4. During the movement
4.2 Level crossings
The wrong-direction speed board used on ERTMS lines where lineside signals are
not provided has been included.
Module TW8 Level crossings - drivers’ instructions
Changes have been made to this module to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Some sections have been changed to show the equivalent of mph in km/h.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 6 of module TW8
4. ABCL and AOCL crossings
4.1 If a train is not required to stop at the crossing
The section has been changed to include the ERTMS terminology ‘driver machine
interface’ (DMI). An additional board is used on ERTMS lines called a sighting
board and this has been included.
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5. Open crossings
5.1 If a train is not required to stop at the crossing
The section has been changed to include the ERTMS terminology ‘driver machine
interface’ (DMI).
Handbook 1 General duties and track safety for
track workers
Changes have been made to this handbook to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as ‘end of authority’ and ‘movement authority’ have been
inserted. Some sections have been changed to show the equivalent of mph in
Handbook 2 Instructions for track workers who
use emergency protection equipment
Where metres are used, the equivalent distance in yards has been added. Some
sections have been changed to show the equivalent of mph in km/h.
Handbook 6 General duties of an individual
working alone (IWA)
Two new sighting distance charts have been added to reflect the distance in
metres and the speed in km/h. Some sections have been changed to show the
equivalent of mph in km/h.
Handbook 7 General duties of a controller of site
safety (COSS)
Changes have been made to this handbook to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as block markers, ends of authority (EoA), ERTMS lines and
keeping the route closed have been inserted. Two new sighting distance charts
have been added to reflect the distance in metres and the speed in km/h. Some
sections have been changed to show the equivalent of mph in km/h.
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Handbook 8 IWA, COSS or PC blocking a line
Changes have been made to this handbook to cater for the introduction of
ERTMS. Terminology such as block markers, ends of authority (EoA), ERTMS
lines and keeping the route closed have been inserted. New diagrams have also
been added for ERTMS lines. Some sections have been changed to show the
equivalent of mph in km/h. Form RT3181 has been changed to include block
Handbook 9 IWA or COSS setting up safe systems
of work within possessions
Changes have been made to this handbook to cater for the introduction of
ERTMS. Terminology such as block marker, end of authority (EoA), ERTMS lines
and keeping the route closed have been inserted. New diagrams have also been
added for ERTMS lines. Some sections have been changed to show the
equivalent of mph in km/h.
Handbook 9 ERTMS IWA or COSS setting up safe
systems of work within possessions on ERTMS
The title of this handbook has changed to reflect that the instructions now only
apply on ERTMS lines where lineside signals are not provided.
The document has also been changed to include reference to a safe work leader
(SWL) following the introduction of the role. The SWL when working outside a
possession will perform the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an
SWL working inside a possession will perform the same duties as an engineering
supervisor (ES). An SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession.
Changes have also been made to the ES granting permission to the COSS or IWA
to start work in a work site by telephone. The new arrangements allow the ES or
SWL to brief the COSS or IWA prior to the work taking place. When permission
has been given for the work to start, an authority number must be issued and
recorded. This arrangement is only permitted where it has been planned and
published in advance and the COSS or IWA and the ES or SWL are aware of what
is to happen. Network Rail form RT9909 has now been changed to safe-work
briefing form (RT9909). The Engineering Supervisor’s Certificate has been
changed to Work-site Certificate (RT3199 ERTMS).
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Handbook 10 Duties of the COSS or SWL and
person in charge when using a hand trolley
Changes have been made to this handbook to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as block marker, end of authority (EoA) and keeping the route
closed have been inserted.
Handbook 11 Duties of the person in charge of the
possession (PICOP)
Changes have been made to this handbook to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as block marker, end of authority (EoA) and keeping the route
closed have been inserted.
Handbook 11 ERTMS Duties of the person in
charge of the possession (PICOP) on ERTMS lines
The title of this handbook has changed to reflect that the instructions now only
apply on ERTMS lines where lineside signals are not provided.
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The Engineering Supervisor’s
Certificate has been changed to Work-site Certificate (RT3199 ERTMS).
Changes have also been made to this handbook to recognise that some level
crossings are now operated with the aid of obstacle detection (OD) equipment.
Handbook 12 Duties of the engineering supervisor
Changes have been made to this handbook to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as block marker, end of authority (EoA) and keeping the route
closed have been inserted. Some sections have been changed to show the
equivalent of mph in km/h.
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Handbook 12 ERTMS Duties of the engineering
supervisor (ES) on ERTMS lines
The title of this handbook has been changed to reflect that the instructions now
only apply on ERTMS lines where lineside signals are not provided and also to
include the role of the safe work leader (SWL).
The SWL when working outside a possession will perform the same duties as a
controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a possession will perform
the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An SWL cannot work as a
COSS inside a possession.
Changes have also been made to the ES granting permission to the COSS or IWA
to start work in a work site by telephone. The new arrangements allow the ES or
SWL to brief the COSS or IWA prior to the work taking place. When permission
has been given for the work to start, an authority number must be issued and
recorded. This arrangement is only permitted where it has been planned and
published in advance and the COSS or IWA and the ES or SWL are aware of what
is to happen. Network Rail form RT9909 has now been changed to safe-work
briefing form (RT9909). The Engineering Supervisor’s Certificate has been
changed to Work-site Certificate (RT3199 ERTMS).
Changes have also been made to this handbook to recognise that some level
crossings are now operated with the aid of obstacle detection (OD) equipment.
Handbook 15 Duties of the ‘machine controller
(MC) and on-track plant operator
Changes have been made to this handbook to cater for the introduction of
ERTMS. Terminology such as block marker, end of authority (EoA) and keeping
the route closed have been inserted. Some sections have been changed to show
the equivalent of mph in km/h.
Handbook 15 ERTMS Duties of the ‘machine
controller (MC) and on-track plant operator on
ERTMS lines
The title of this handbook has changed to reflect that the instructions now only
apply on ERTMS lines where lineside signals are not provided and also to include
the role of the safe work leader (SWL).
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The SWL when working outside a possession will perform the same duties as a
controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a possession will perform
the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An SWL cannot work as a
COSS inside a possession.
Handbook 16 AC electrified lines
Changes have been made to this handbook to include the ERTMS terminology
block marker.
Handbook 17 DC electrified lines
Changes have been made to this handbook to include the ERTMS terminology
block marker.
Handbook 18 Duties of a level crossing attendant
Changes have been made to this handbook to include the ERTMS terminology
block marker and signalled route.
Handbook 19 Work on signalling equipment duties of the signalling technician
Route setting barring has been included in the definition of ‘Equipment
disconnected’. The definition of ‘Equipment restricted’ has been amended to include
‘on an ERTMS line, a route setting position (RSP) restricted to prevent the signaller
from issuing an MA beyond it’. ERTMS equipment added to definition of signalling
equipment. A final additional bullet has been added at the end of 4.1 c) to prohibit
the release of a control which would allow a movement authority to be issued which
is prevent by a track circuit or axle counter failure.
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Handbook 20 General duties of the safe work leader
(SWL) working outside a possession
Changes have been made to this handbook to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as block marker, end of authority (EoA) and keeping the route
closed have been inserted. Some sections have been changed to show the equivalent
of mph in km/h. Two new sighting distance charts have been added to reflect the
distance in metres and the speed in km/h have also been added.
Handbook 21 Safe work leader (SWL) blocking a line
Changes have been made to this handbook to cater for the introduction of ERTMS.
Terminology such as block marker, end of authority (EoA) and keeping the route
closed have been inserted. Some new diagrams have also been added for ERTMS
lines. Some sections have been changed to show the equivalent of mph in km/h.
Form RT3181 has been changed to include block markers.
RS/521 Signals, handsignals, indicators and signs
Changes have been made to this handbook to reflect the use of ERTMS signalling in
conjunction with lineside signals and the switching off of CSR and NRN radio
2. Colour light signals
2.5 Flashing yellow aspects
A new final paragraph has been added to explain that flashing yellow aspects will not
be displayed to trains on which ERTMS is operating.
4. Other signals and indicators
This section has been renumbered as section 5.
5. ERTMS boards
This is now section 4. There is a new section 4.2 headed ‘ERTMS lines where
lineside signals are provided’. This explains where intermediate block markers are
provided in a signal section, a signal can show a single yellow aspect to a train on
which ERTMS is in operation, when the line is not clear to the next stop signal.
Previous section 5.2 is now section 4.3 and section 5.3 is now section 4.4.
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8. Speed restriction signs
8.1 Temporary speed restriction signs
A new paragraph has been added to explain that on ERTMS lines with lineside
signals, if a temporary speed restriction starts within the ERTMS signalled area but
ends outside it, an additional speed indicator will be provided at the ‘end of cab
signalling’ board.
8.2 Emergency indicator
A new paragraph has been added to explain that an AWS magnet will not be
provided in AWS gap areas.
10. Radio signs
As CSR and NRN radio systems are being switched off this section now only shows
GSM-R radio.
RS/522 AWS and TPWS handbook
Changes have been made to this handbook to reflect different on-train equipment,
and to explain more comprehensively the meaning of a flashing ‘temporary
isolation/fault’ indicator light on the TPWS control panel.
1. Automatic warning system
1.3 Train equipment
A new paragraph has been added to explain the indications given by the AWS
isolation/fault indicator.
2. Train protection and warning system
2.3 Train equipment
This section has been changed to explain that the on-train equipment carries out a
self-test at start-up, and that the enhanced version also tests itself while in service.
A flashing ‘temporary isolation/fault’ indicator light can mean that this test has not
been completed successfully. This will happen if the train is standing over an active
TPWS loop when the cab is opened. The enhanced version will also apply the train
brakes if the start-up test is not completed successfully.
This section has been changed to reflect that AWS and TPWS full isolation switches
may be separate, or combined.
Briefing Leaflet
Page 50
Uncontrolled When Printed
Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL Iss 27 and GERT8000-RBBL ERTMS Iss 2 on 05/12/2015