‘‘1 5 51 5,5 ‘( ,,,j 5,55 SI, 5,3 3, I 5 1 .. sf113 I .,:‘ ‘‘3 SI, I hr 15:5 jr I, 1. r, I’, 3,,j,j i N, I 15 15 «5151,11 ‘ tsr 1,1,31 SS I , ,. ‘ i’ — I (‘I)’ s InI, 5(55555 [)r’k 1k N ,,IIk .5 I , us I ‘(51 3,1 I sinn,, Itslsa I 3,31, ) IS ‘531115 sI,I,Is 1)51, 1 5”, ‘sIs In , , ‘‘‘Is, I 51 , 51, It 5 3sSflS ‘.r1r..rr 5,51,3 kl.l...S I, I,:. ‘515<1 ss ,L 55% ship lt[’F’StiSttrtI. OI’SI ,s st «SI l. 535t1 , , str III I 155 SS 551 .51555155,15 551,535 1(5 Is r,,,rj’’.r l .3.3 5,,5, ,,‘rl ,,; I ‘ss 1 ss 515(5 ‘‘I, ‘515,1 53,3 .1 I 55(55’ 51 1 Il’ .1 I 3,.,., ‘Il V Il5 r,,r,,I 353(3 st,:, .1,,,,), ,I,,, ,11r1’lss)srlJlc i 5S)ls I55,s,’lI.S’IIl .5 rSl5hSjllttlS’fl ‘5_,Ch(t,5iIl i<rtrss!)cj’airr,ssrtt 5, 55.55 .35551 .1115’ 53551 flS’’’l’’5 .555. .15 5)51513 I /,51,’’, •,,, . , ti, _,)rlh uris,,r Is,, k,m, IS I ,,r arr ‘‘3’ ((((13,5 OX} ORI) i’ I 531 I’ 55 )5I s(lsas ‘I 11)1)10 <I) ss ni, II, fl’ 3 1,,{)nI,,,d I 1 hs I,) 13 I 5.. ‘‘, .5,5 , I I”, 13.3,,, ),,,sI ‘ss 1 ’,s,I’,sI,Irr,l,,,rsI)ll,, 5, ‘3 1355115 Si,’ StIIEiiaiIs Jf ‘( li Investment Protection A1’(.;Ls1 kl ç i UN1V1’RS1 I Y PI{Æ’s OXFORD i ‘i i ... d i ( / -7 Oï(/CO ÅIoy. A. I flt[OdtktiOfl (;iu1/zrtl Full Protection and Securitv t ‘ou, esumuit i .:“ Is in’ i] \1), 1, onal i-. o ins .‘)s’,r. ‘ ‘ ‘ ss •,,. i for i I p 0 - .1 ...,.‘,:Sfl. . .. r I . - , ii ,., ... / i i Nu - fl i rSi Ihis eliapter svill analyse receitt Investneni arhii rat Inn n e in in pn i if i sta ndard ni i nvestment proie( tinn In noss n ds ull prnten i inn and s t iii it n attempt of identih ing a possible enteiging n nnsnsus on us s ogn of app iiat inn and interpretarion. I be standard of bul rte Inn nd sen urit is les’ i letluent h appi ed i han other st-andacds. henee arbitratunti praetice n nnt nnimnn and i he inud I ii.erai Lure is rarher seare.’ Iratlitionaliv. ir eiiinvs an undisputed snnpu ni applin at sin in ihi f ni ni phvsical proleetion ni the asnets aud indun iduals nontuen ted with an innen mcnt as WlIl be seen ifl seetton I). lIie protenriun hat titt legal ss stcin a uids in in prevent ni proseeute an i ions tinn hun aten i ur lmpdir t be pbysin al salet ni i invest i naunsidered mnnt an be ds tetislon suf an ex ust i fin tonn ment jun snal d seettrulv: both poluce the hares .und ilie tidkual aduistinsuran nu n in’ n ni in inni t.ute can h engaged in sen urulig di phestnal santu ni a torstuti .:iu il .1. as ss iii h seen n sentunn 1.. ?\ tore reen nu ly, the standard han heen invokt d i ti onin ti toll SSII h a n nad i seope that g es bevond i hn phvsut. al proten t n in gi a med h pOI Re nr inn [ar lot i en an well an titt .isaulabilit ni tlw j ud ut ml s skinn, arni uxpands Ila ninin ahst tdtt kmd ut ntn turutu. hen chn socurn iii uneisi ‘s an iii ment ut i as nuendeni [in si d saiet liii is scearlis ihe .ppinJuulun i titt f1l iuutn tinn tid ut ti sLtt.d.iiC ‘\d’ us tradittonal snpn of applicatlon. [inn, ingal snnliiIt\ uas at tinin’ in n i nkd in sann tinn It i;ulaiors .n i ions nr ni her bc han tonn i hat han vlnldtn d i [in In il ti i inn i i I inn i NI ias.it Vi:: lVIIIIV i. SS( s&tpe - ille VpL’I il ot I ii / O(ti 111)11 te is uet ss lelilatlis aud vet il be in i/I i be e i’i SIC[1uIIi lite Sources seen s.uupC Ol .upprcu.iatiuufl B. UPI! , is (V ss ht h st I 1 tns mot ss is undet take i 01 lias affeeted the stability of ihe l(,tI tt,ttttsssotk lot lite ltstStiiietti, ds ssill ltu Jtl1lyse(l III %CCtiotl I \pand ti tlss ull plotve 11011 aud secut to this Li nd of legal pro :01 i nd Is staitdVud tlss strtLtngl sunihu o at other well-known and more s Ge Sptl’ad si, ot i ml piotse I 11011 ut air aud e i hat uitahle Irratment. Recent 1 Viii 101 Id( iC v lt.o tonii ihis aspee t aud u has at times eonsidercd d .1 LIV v: I in sCeuritI Js h oi bed liv Liv i air aud equitahle treatment, 5 v Ihus. ti n C to ssiiai extent tite stand 1 IjtlUStIOIid[) i hull s .II1d suu.ttrtt tas a nean tg ihat guues evond rhe trad— ;iiis si Ji :iIitc hun not os en, ppu with other standards of i IuoIdcritlh 1 il t t.Lt i Itji sonici tiles Jcbat1 U iii hit ta1 p1 iL I Le, although not .j ut i i i att aud eljuttable I iea tHeOl, ts whether the standard i’ ,u: statt,latd tidegn 11111 III ut (tiStOtildt iluent attotial idVu or rather has to be iuit rpt ir d titide i tiL u mstane es aud applivabie i reatv. Seetion will aia-inpt to iden tI ,ius eluelgtug tendenetes in at bitt ation prauiee as to the von si. taes, il .ttis ousdet of ing full proteetioli a sce ( d ut ity as a standard ofeus tOn.IS i tisst natt mal lass 01 ,ts based a standat on the el applicable treaty. lii is qu si bo has i. usstons on he k ud ot i obligations tltat tise standard itt.1ls: seettou I ss til i. ttiiuc trbutariou IL: s position as to shether it is an iraL ss il ‘t kl itilutjits LO ,uii ltased on the exerelse ufdiligenve. ihlii.ation .0.11. In iii. I.utk asi.. ss i,etler ille dili’eiis espes ted a suheetive standard I i ILIL Lhstal Les ol, ratitei. att ohiee live Vtandald. us latter distinetion ihat ,i State lias in the exercise ofits I tids .u 5’ siseiLlut] pICIOL, htSes. .is i- . - il : tatt SitlO d fl i • ut I V 1 tLSl i 5 in i ti Ot ti ti ittttl.it Ji i. Ol livi n 5 rotee . ull tioti and seu.urirs fl is Ifl1Il pioteettoll aud sevtlnirv’ i a s cr1 po siluitttie [us standard no c be 1 alt .isidti ti to Ille ottltgition ut aceord— oil igat vii ti ahsiaiuiiig rom arbiirarv sp ihu.aiion of ihe i trier obli so tiet 10115 ment ioned alon VtCJl lite stausi .11(1 ur to iii. nuas i,s h hull • ‘on ts i P° hioll li. u.! s iii hull liii ol olistalli .u VI Is leS i 1 It L ‘VII IVSI i il oil lik i i 1, i. liti. Iii. i ungt itti iss md i hat hase dealt ss nu ta question ol full protectlon t til stss ut us ss bass d on a kw itis cstment tre tites, listed below and grouped le ut du uo Iii. soti.lt og ss it it ss lttch the p0 ice tt m standaid is expressed. As tise es shss Iss 1 sodit iii ssltftlt ille siatid. id offull ploteerion aud secur d i .0 .01. bot li iii lespei. I ot be I ruiulation uselfand in iespevt I i: V V-I 0 V & in addition to rhe international law. sometimes international /3. I/ii Sou i’ e rcquiremvms [tv Overview of the Different Formulations seetti ,V, lass, or . ,is I spetfted [w is ,-\rt,Je ‘[be preeise formularions 1)1 full proteetion tilsi it ehiuses in hi l.ttet al tus est ment treanies (Bil’s) dithr markedl. i los shapter vill provide a bniet mel ass of d ilErent kinds offuli proteetion aud seu. urit v elauses togeiher s itli III tusikatitu of investment eases in svit ieh thev have been ins oLed. A itumber of BITs provide that ut Vest ments shall be du. i, orded latt aud esu it— ahie rreatment md shaii enjov full proietion aud ses uros Suu. Is .t lot Inu lation ein be found lit Artiele 2t21(ii ( ieu.h Repiibhu.uSlos ak Reptiba Bl 1H Artiele 2(2) United Kingdontil’ g> pt BI 1.1 ud Articie li 2gb i. ‘nited K ngdoiti Sni Lanka Bl’l A few BITs provide that investments shall enjov full legal EOii.i. 1100 ,uid full legal seettnity like Article 4(1) (Jermanv/Argentina Bli BIT provisions that investments shall be aseorded fait ane! equtiable iteattiient aud shali not be impaired by unreasonable or diseniminatot y rneasures .1 ssl, more particularly, that they shali be aveotded full proteulon ,ttisl se uritr u.an be lound in Articie 3.1 and Artiele 3.2 of the Netherlands!( ieeh aud Slos iL Repuhlic 6 is veli is Artiele 3.1 and Artide 3.2 Nctiterlands, Poland Bli BI’1’ An ex-ample ofa BIT providing that tnvestnlents sltall be aeu.orded twl piotec— tion and seeunitv in aceordanu_e with the pnineiple ol hun and equitable treatlitent 1 ein be seen in Artiele 5. I I:rinee/Argeni ina Bil’! Bli’s providing that investments shall be aeeorded full proieetiou aud seCtH us ( 1 aCCCrdanvC with international 1.1w ane lound in [‘5 praetice sueh United States/Mexieo B1’i’. 9 iii t)es - - 1 11151’t ,tilL 11110 liii 11 \‘V1S li lite irealy heisvein thu (‘/es h ,tnd ihe Sios ak Ri.’ptthli Sss 4 (‘eskoslovenska obi-hodm hauka i/. (( 508,) v .S/ova/ Ru-ptib/zc, 11.-SI I) ( .ise Nu .\R i) 20 embei (>04V ihe t nibuual fouttd t hat titt par ti’s bad lIK otporated 1111110 lik li bli. Si bli iherefone in rsspesi of r1w appliu.auon ut ihe siatidtud uf toll l1i1r uon ,ud si’s 01 1 il i tid refers - frorn ,. - - - - - - OiL/V (til .,, 1 ‘ ‘V’; lIt I i - - - ‘. Sit SIV - LV,, liii t/ I . , (V StIl/V - :‘ ‘V 11 SJj) I V iii ihe woiding of time treatv, pnas 62 i i tq md lot et q. 11w ssord : n’t I r 4 Is I 111111 5 1 taketu rhe Award pana. 6 i. Os iii SI) Oena Hot1/sItnIttdi -1-ab Repuhltca//gij&, Il Slitt ,usi’ NI. 5k 1.6)5 20011. Il, fii0 0 il St I 11. SI i i SISt’ s iz ,‘1ir, bL&tflu I! I (/mi, / 0/ •.i,liI 1 A,i Award, 2” 1mw iflflO. iss,uid i Iiui-l1i)euIttnu Ru,1L/nh,. il. til li ii, Nuir\kb ul, 5 ,Slu.m’n 4 LV 1,1 bO Si’. .1 I I R-n/u/ li’ i 16, V, ti eL/IL : (.IE R ,‘:i SV-IL VilIb Juni ,uid ,Salii &si IflIi’,IllIu’li i, I li’s .V ziss;,,’ 50 .0 200o biiii’kii h.’i i RI7VUL/ 0/ i’JiY&d Piitti .5v a:ii, i- \ut’,st 2uu’ I,V :1. I fl i iti 5 i du! V’lVVO/L/iIl7a 5 il iv / ti 1111 (‘ofrIpa;na 515 -, [(‘Slit 1. ase Nu. AR BiQ”!.i. Awa nd, 20 A Itgis I/’’nicas !tfsrlzoambie,:ti/i 155010 5. 4 I Nu. ARBAF )/00/2, Award, 20 Mm’ 21>0 ta iwc ‘k ii.i ‘• I on / Lut . ot t lii. [orillulat IW is ilit i iauioai I’,, ./;j r , hi I n kl 015’ II,II lItt [1k lii 5 sh,iII lIt Rt OtIk i IJ 11 JULI eqUitJble treat IL, 0. .1 \ liii poRt 11011 .1011 511.111 .0111 ‘et 1/lit’ III> III autorded CJSC be i han ih u tqulIcd 1)5 imt 11.11 (linil .11V 1 all, for istauce, \rtkle ( ie li R puhi 111k LI N ao I An BI a it I mwd States! L ( 2 l. ) \iiijt li tjt’s iu,idoi tI I i’,, I , 111k Artile li titai Roiiitni,, hI I 111 t 1 1,it titie i I) 11111 d Ntatsi 1urLc 1Ii,l) Or \itiL 11 i IIIII dItt /aiie hI l. 1iietitbliip. ( Illuerte antt Nas lgatuin priavldilig l rt.iii .0 ot 1;:l1N Iji,iLI 1\L ilw Imot Idiit pioteetioti aud secutilv fir their Os Inti roptnls. aud sli illcnos tliis tIspIll tiie full pioteutenandsecur in last i. \ \i 01 IIIV IIU.IIL between the nited pezo r 1 nipor i I k fl I. I IL i i 1 .‘ ‘ III 0 att’. LI I),i»lLI ,iII)II1.ItlOIi [1 Jt 11 I ilOet not seem to ci I. V 5 ( ‘I 11 I fl ti 5 11,1 1115 eStnit lit uiviroltment aud I ,ssi.Jtlt il) LIk Ss ‘. i’ ‘L, ZV’Jf / .111 i lo nu 1/ ‘ II frilt 5111 ‘V [k Isfil’. io ud I (1 tobtr 2 i0i Sol’n I !s,f.ii/.s ,f ltd In i 211(1 kR15 111 2. ‘\sv,iid, li iilt 21100. ‘ni. I I’. UssIli, i ( 1k ( Jo liii. questioiis tilat I Ll)ll i Ila’ issard eveli i ,. kl (I ni ‘‘ N. I .0 ( is ,a ing. Ilki (I i thi l0iL t 111)11 1(1 :1 .old ui.u[iI 1 I li. II u.iI V eL’l1i Il) Itit C piaed Jil ‘ni I lii. st (I dii 115 0. 1111.110 ‘\ts lit. 1151 sppIiabL tteat\ desiates trom li 101 ti tIl Il i 1111111111 I il lit V il) tint il SptJLS of ‘legal ‘sot di III. i i la’ t r.’.ii i 511 iii) to prot ide a eltar hasts for dii. tleJt god 0 hi.v t id 1151111 IIt IL it ti i i li. Nt il llil [11)11)1 tit ii th ssoidiiig cl tIk a iplit ,ihlt I reatY in tIie trnerpretatiofl of .o alil ii’ 11111 p1ttetloIl .itid tetul 11V. I iii. svording of the treat 1111’ tri[itin.il re,isotiitig, bot it does not seelu to plav ti Los, 1 Ss 11 KL Stall iaid ot full pltlwtlion and ct 11015 15 cxptcssed in a varier> ot 110 iurmuLu 1011 n tlw Liltilit Ut ifl\C’1 10(111 fIat (5. [hus, il notild be teasoiiable to 1111111 )11 \OldHi0 ot the 111.11k’ ivads to ditlerent interpretatiotls i i!l.11 I i h i mdi id i! tO til iriv at to I la it ho 10 isi ip bi.t weeu full protettion aud 1111115 nit il t 1)11 hiiiti. aud i ni aud I’qIILtJ le IRatmeut on rhe other hand, at .lli lislip It unel I lii. lre.i I lo h.ised obligation atlI tlie standard of anaeb a signiti itp iltil Rit litt 1111 Oil (aril (il i’ 11 1 I i 1 I Litt 151K 111 I I il I li ni 1 i 1 i B. ho ouie traditional phvsa’al securitv is covcred. 1 I Ioweset. tlie trihittial does not oisider ihe formulat en ofthe standard at dett’riii tii,.nt md cotnes 11) I til’ 14)111 lUsi fl 111,11 i be very defitution ofititestniem tnade in ila’ t rt’aty. Itit .ts luditig also intaughles, speaks har ti legal prolettion rather tltan fol .t 5 ph sii.aI t ptotetlloll) ki far liii. !e),in’nJ t rihunal seenis to have rematned JlOll i.oitsideri In tip 111.11 I hi. LII ti 11 il 00 iO iiivestmem determint 5 hit. Stope 0! ipplaai 1011 i f Ille 1)1)1 Igal 011 ol 11111 l 0 teet jon aud seturity, even if niost tle.&tiCs eaintned liert’III have a di III 111011 0! invesIrnent tbat di rei. t Iv or i tid i rett lv i ni. 1 tid 1 s t nti i tti bk’ . 5 Ilie lsiemi’ns tnihunal, lurther, does not .ittai.h [01110 ular 11)11)1)1 1JUlI nI t iii. wordng of thc treaty when it i.onsiders ihe stindaids of legal ploletIlon at il kgal securttv and of [air JULI equitahle tteal ment. respect ivels, ds (4111 sitigle st despite Ille t’act tInn the treaty [lsts iliem a to separate 5 tandatds.’ I A.Iso, ihe Azurix ° 2 aud Oil t be identab axards otisider 11)1111 l} dit obl lgallon rekaling to [air aud el uttahle 1 treatnient and to t’till protel troll .11111 ‘(‘1 mils ut sptte of the i ircumstani.e that the tespei.tls tt’etltles e I ii t lietli a’ iss o ss’pdt dii. obligations. ‘I be Azurix award openly’ reeognh/i’s that tlie two stand,tt ds ppt.ir in tbe treats as separate obitgations. but pro eeds ne\ertlleless ti) appli ihetri .15 If 1 thev tvere .1 tititt t. ‘ , 15. I us i 1 i,,’i. Li Anoihei example of an award tbat (lot’s 1)1)1 seeiti to attai.h i. Spi Ila iniponi anee to he wording ol the lteatv is thi. deetsion reletitir rendered III ti ild! li. liii. trihtiit,tl iiolds t hat standa the ci rd i’til I l i[1e 1 111)11 .11111 ti,’ tilItt extends heyond the protei. tjon Irom phy sii.al i titerli renl i.. I be sLitt ing ix 1111 for rhis reasoning is the wotding ol Ille treats, whii li dtos 1)01 iflefll 11)1) I llt itordi ‘phystcal tuterferetice ii.1 thus does not resti 1 i ihe t SI id oi 1111’ OhIlgal cli ti) proteuton fram pllysieal 2 interi’erenee ’ . ‘liii tribunal theti reh’rs VXLetisi5l’l to arbitral jurisprudence in support of its opinion on Ilie eVlended scc[, cl ha ’ 1 proteetmon, VI 11111)111 colnmenting on t be l.1’I tli.tt 1111’ urisprudeia i. I etu red to in hats connet.tiou is based on treaties thai piesent ti t 1 s riet} ot fot innlat toll’s: proteet jOn J5 .1 specification of taii aud qtnt able real i 11 1 Ic’lit, full plott’t 11011 at .1 separate 24 standard, aud full proteetion at a separate standard .11)11 rett’riIIt li) i. publie international iats’ It tnay t hus be toneluded t hat JI bni al pral tae does 111)1 dt’em I Ix ssoud ihe treatS at decisis e for t be 51 0V of applii..it jon ol lIte sta nda t d ut mli I “ i’ dl 1(11 ii’n.i, ,ihos i. p.i sa. Sc i. Ihol lOrd.. 50-i, .1(1’) I1 ft1’iX u i çefl/snd, ,iI,s wt’ li. II p.s li. 4 18 i.),, de,n.il i l1,’li,IåaI’, .4111)51’ i. 12. 1111.4 5 i 115)11/1 i’ .‘liYs’uhln.l. .1115)11’ Il. 5 p.ir.s i I V Netltr1ands/( 21111 RcpuhI 1511 .i sol ‘V 1101 I 1.1 Ild” I ci 11111 Ol 0 Republit/Slcvak R (‘het ’puhlis. 111 I ,ilid 1 liltId Is ullgd,illi l’ pi lii I 1 I. !nited ktati.s cl A rnersi.al’k [Cflt 115.1 BIL 511111 Snstt’ s,I ‘5 I1II 51.5 I’, snill cl’ k nss,’ric,s / I talv 011 ing of ° 21 “ NI til’s Iik )tu uit kl! aud tOtIUJICit iii iv ett sVileil 111!! I>ie noe 1k)! c\ ut the tiejts. e CII tiii” div :ir,i IVSIS ut Ute (. International Standard question starts trom \ttiui.uI Iss.t d CufltCtjliiCS dis USS 55 tetliet the standard ot tull proteerion is an ;;hepr ndei I sttidoJ to h ided on h bast,s ut tbc applivable rreaty and ofthe i an nistauuc is ol la c ase nr whet ber v ustott ars international Iaw plays a role tn deteimtitint; uss ontent sven Culioss rhe appi ed tueat ies li ive ariet v ol fot tnularions regarding ute teLit uuidii u bet sseeti tlte 1 1 urotes tinn ac oruted lw ilte trearv and rhe stand ni piote. tinn e\isuiitg under geilelal international law. li does not seem il i hat i tuese ni nuttlut tons at v gisett a des usuve mlv in arhirratton praetice. In anv v i se. iii at hu i at inn prac 1kV t be va riets ol a pprnavbes taken does not seem to has c subsu uiuu iii onsc qnenues in tespus i ni tbe v oncrete application of the standard. Iluca .tie tbiv i iieoteti dl apptt.teltes ru uhe question: tbat ibe standaid ot ustunuarv i iernat k tid luss rept esenis ille sviling tur the obligations eontained Le tiens, tbau it repieselits div tlnut, nr tlu.tt it is equtvalcnt. iii i International Iaw as a Cciling ‘ I be sttnda ai ni nuiern.ttioitjl lass is sven as a veilittg in the inrerpretative note usstied to .i tide ItSu li ut ilte \A1’ l\ by the Free Irade Commission in 2001: i be note siaws i hat tbe obligation to provids htll sevurity and proreution in the s i I \ dnc s not reciutte i I reatment in as dition to or heyond that whieh is ustntn,irv tnternatinnal law minitnu in standard ofrreatment ot reciutieci b ila ti iens lit inier 1 uretat inn lias heen deemed to be binding by tribunals applying tliv N;\ i I [titt 0 is not nceessarilv relevant in other disputes. 28 international Law as a Floer i i I \ “s i ur li i I in i 5, on J uuls ,tiliiins 0O I (us tulihir ti hrip:?/ww wdfaur.muesi.gvcII .\ . i i 0 Il ) toher 00 pa ru I 0 iii i)!). Ot dt.ti iii’ liii 150t)ttOfl ol ihe NAFI A Ow sr.tuudard under other ireatles. ee also iukrpis1ttIitfl ni )IT.t la I:O i siitu ( on in sunt i i ni: I.’ ,!1J1,’tI’Cui Il. 0, s. i pu Is 1 il’uin I in i vin is i vi roent, iii, tppls in a trett v tbat requires a treatment to les tas ttbl t hatt ditt tegnired by inteinational law. aiErms rhat the nd.u ni I Intet il ti iOit.t i liss is to be u nderstood ds ti tloor for rhe treaty—based i: I’ i i t, s:cudrii I (. InternaIlO,Ia/ Sldni/arlI Cnis i i’ 2 protevtion. ihe trihunal eomtnues notiiiig. ltu)SSe\ ei. liiai ii is not ni niovi Cil significanec whetber international [ass is il linor nr a veiling, hvu tla sandid of international law evolves, and ihe cunte n ot be obligations is ibstaiii ualis similar whether interpreted aveording to ihe ordinat meaning ni thc i reauy s wording or according to the standard nnder interliauionCi I lass, International I.aw as Equivalent p,ti.’ ‘ :1 I i ‘i ull / A ;s:’ ni in :. , reaty ‘Ihe trihunal of AAPI. ti ,S’ri I enke, applying ,t treaty tbtt dnc s tiot nientiuun tbe relarionship bctween the standard of intet nattonal la and treats proies tinn, affirmed that the treatv-hased proteuttuuti is tb same protevtiun alinuds si under international lutw, aud would be applieable es en iii div ahsettue iii i spe ta sLiuse in the treats. ihe tribunal analvses the wording ot lite treat and aifirms tliat the wording f il proteetion pussibly suggests i itigber degree ni resp itsiiuilut than the cttstomarv standard, it Nevertiteless, the trihutnal ends up Cil5 ing thv minimum statidard of vustomary international law, Ihe trihunal in AMli Zairc, applving si riestiv tbat eunsidets ilitei litilu nu as a Floor for rhe treatv proteetion. assu mes Ibut lite tt eu obligit inn has in be vonsistent with i the minimum Iasv.i required by international Also, ehe tribunal in Noble Venture.’ i’ Roma,i,a, applving a t ditt pro vides for treatment no less favourable than requtred by i tatt national iass, a lit ms that it is doubtful wherher the treaty obligation is larger than lite genviil duuy to provide for full protection and seuriiv in eusiuntar iilteFnttiofl.il i.uss. lite arbitral tribunal rendered its decisioit in respeut ni ilte s iolattnn ut i be in I tection aud security standard exclusivelv bs reierenve to the l( s des isiotu in I ELSI and comparing the set of hiuts in tbe two vases, alt bougb tlie aoudiiug in rhe applicable BIIs was quite dilferent —respevtiveh, full Protevttoit and syv ur— ity and no less than international law’ in the treaty hetwc’en tbe I nuted Ntates and Romania, aud the most constant proteeliott anl sueurii md tbe i ull pin— teution aud seeurirv required by international iass iii t be tie.it ht 5 seil t Unired States aud Italy. Even If not in the context ofa treaty on investtnent prntec tinn, i ut, I ti ‘otunmi tribunal recently vonfirmed tlw general at tiltale ttken liv arbiti itunn ptis titt according to wbich lite appli.ation ni thc standard under intertiatitutual lass ssnuld not add rnuch to the proteution accorded by lIte .tpplis ablu rett’.. ‘‘ ‘ .‘ A.oarts v ‘1 uuruu.una, ab) st’ n 1 pa ut 0 I u bud. paras 6’i n ueq. A.41’I v Su, len/ca, .thost’ n. i pris tO Si. .‘ Ibid., p1as (i (0). u 4 ti ‘li Zaurc. above n. iS. pa ras k.IU,. ut... “jo//i’ I ‘‘,i1ur,’,, i’ Romania. abovt i. I 5. i’a u I (,i. ° (l’iuine/ Ib l’u,inu’/ (rou4f i gfrutit)cl. /t,iu,( i I, oJl’u’atice (Furuutn,i,u I), Part ni Awai d. .11) I aiutua rs (1 I u/ I;tnt:in i mo 1). Physical a1cty ulL . ull piuru on and si ni us Lo in undisputed sipe 00 10 çI1SUR Ila (iIol ni persotisand insiallations 0 500 si iii pius ual atr I .is be ass ord rciudered in pi t Ei is si il Iii ,uun an •hIianon ro preserve ihe ptibhe ubed uro uS us 0! pola aud puhli puwers,Js repeatediv ut ULl 1 :Ue1 >uted scope ot opp! ation 1 li nuudjs undei il urit in i la I nu uutunui / \ssatd. e1 r i isi ni iolI 11) i 15 il st I Iii a si pits ti al suoienee as arnicd in the i a s ud (aiisaiit us responsi n 5. il iii to le la .IUI not n 1 LI i isi 0115 stil 100e Icutust ss In n he ploeLl on is duceted mav be aued by otiteris ise 1w .ittrilutalule to i be Store, nr m.iv be caused I.iti li o.un lule to ilinu pdrtui hen tli pius si il d.nuuape is dnc to i hiri part les, il does not seem rhat arbi i i upliri s 0 Oi ta uhir connec jon ol causaliry to ccn.sidci the Store i rot inn pu i IuuhI hus i hi / ntnlan,u / i ubunal alhi nu withotit fnrrher ado, that disorder ° na i’ Evjt sirnply not ices that the i he ti ibun i ut is ii i ruulut dii i u iI t ati ni Oli ol ihi h. nilul .ituotis takt. ,l0ainst Ille investor.” i iru[uiital iii /umsd i .110501) siiIli5 1(1 ,i51i1iW .1 iCrtillil cOlliiectiOIi teiSsiLli tlte iuarnuuil isufils III! tlue Stites h lasinur. in that it iists ,iU.iii Ol i tIt t lie aut tor ras i i not en ii ta e o support the adverse inovements hic in tisat oflfleCt1Oi1.° 0 as oua ut ila tiasons lot not orls1dcrInV isle State lj I li ss ru ur i ruhu ni I ni ugl il II ive mci i1ioid the abser ice of ru is ei li umstaflce aliegation i hat the Store bad played thor role. i hr elaumani i ressarilv an argument for alhrming s ti ki tar in thr iss aid is horut les ene nu r,teniCnt Is a rrerequislte for the State’s L i li ni e. ut the , ‘I’s 0. :01 Oss. ,,‘, ‘ I i0 jUS I i’.iLi. ti’ s05 i I1S p.ira. liii .0’’ i. ‘il i uuipuuu$) i. i ti lure\.uUr ni 0 Iii oiis.lite n to le e\piaiiued in lighi ot ihe obligation i ti sinidird ni toll proterti ti and sesuritv: the obligation is not utsu i ig daunagi bot ti eei i se due diligcncc, nr take ihe neces i, i II lii 10111 at i i Ur 05111 is ut uVula nr i, in order nu pies ein damage. 1 hus, lite obligation rnay lo is diii i tur Spi s i is i ni ila ou ugnu ni ihe danuage. Whenever it falis within tite g iliL tUl I to Iliot nu in utulirfirinri, 1juni to rio so is a breah ofihe obliga i n u I ull 11511Cr 111111 nsl ser ni i i’ I ‘n i,’, i, .uhs i I itsos 1’ :0, ‘5/ In Forms of Behaviour ål/Igene 1). !!‘1’itii/ i/i [i Ihe rhreshoid iii ronsidering the standaud 055 lolatrul is i tilsi i luugh slikt 05 st iii be seen below, Ille obligition to provide i ull protes 11(111 i ni sri nint is us hat hr il if rhe Store hos taken some measlires ni s igii ita i ihat Jo tuni se m uturr uso’Iable md the rnom for sovereign .uppIeeiatlon us uluuite ss de. Ihus. tribunals tend to OeriI)i rite masut is takt ti bs be States us ssl li i liii to meet ihe obhgation. As ss iii be seelu heiosi ti is ihe la k ot me,isiu res ti to’. cm harmtui eseuts, the laek ni meastires tO 10101. Ille sutuatiun plint to Ille tiauflutrui event, or rhe laek ol i mposut inn ni sa ni tions i hat iead to a s unlat inn nu dir st aud ord, as in the l’hna aard. Il measures havr bren taken, thr thiesluold lot riui s tioning ihem seems to be quiie lngh ‘Ihi / uiotunnu’/ ass ord, ss ssi Il be sre s h loss, assumes that the measures talen ma se etiesi tonen rilv ti ibu s h,uv i auused intolerable eonsequenees. A notabie exception to the triburtals general Iluellilarlon 11)1 to just sitt t be qualitv ottiw measures taLen is the inao iiv iii il1’1 r.S I.a,in/. \s ss iii be seell. however, tIis part ni ihe award svis nriiiiied by tite iflhiliiuir ni liii uiisunai l)ur li I ti) par.. 01. LI)’) u In 1.iii/a, .ihsr’ i i p,,,, iiIi si o ahiuse i 0, psu. tI 11111 poni 484; Iiirnr/ “fl ‘sS I’ 10 11 0 i ‘ur ii Is :uni i ni i i fl i ‘1 il ‘ i 0’ si - Arhitral i ribunols olten diseuss iL’ quesu inn il liii itature <il u be oblug ti o is itus ing our of thn standard ol full proteetion md ser itt’iis. lite i hat I pu is ,iihu 1’ sin tude, as ss iii be seen beloss, is i hat t he sianda rd reuju des i Sota to XC i si i tur dihgenee don to ensure the safetv ol ilie ut vist tHeOl s. I li Is us ut ti i rett kU lii is bei og an obligat din at mea fl s nr ohi igatioll ot india 1. Os p1 bli a .11 0 ised tion ofresuir, also refdrred 10 Os stri, i lahilii I his means tht.u ute Stue dci mii to have diseharged us obligation even il liii’ iiueasuues 1,1 ken to piotre! liii tilsi st ment have not a.hieved the desired plnteri inn, as king as il hos ar ted dihuge stls While the qualitv of the ohligaiion at noe nfeonduet .uud not ot ri sult is i xplu eitly .tfiirmed in mosi awards, inueb tema Ins to be spen ilid beinie lite om tOr’ eOfltent ol thn ohligation is idr’nrifiable. .\s ille .155 ord in ille 1:, usufluuiin .usc puus it. the general lassihation ol oblig.iiioiis ohlmgatioius inn oI resnll iii oil tions of conduet, useful as it mav be tor sal toits plimposes is 10 suhist 11111 r lItt is. applieation in the eoncrete eireumsian.cs ot a gis’n \Vhai seems to be esiabhislued is that a Staie is tatudet to ohi gal nuru ut i Iuo. md does not gram an lnsurance .Igainst dam.ugr thai mas ifici t tlur tilsi srmr Isl,° nr a warranty rhat property shali ncvcu In 00v i ur nmstuilrs hr’ uo uiptrri nr stilut I iaiailuu v par.. 1’) SI. .ibo ihus I U?,)1I)llli i .6 Si. li 15. tor lI Il?,. i l:1/it. i b i’ n i. p1 .u 5 44 ihe Stutte is not under a disturbed, n 6 to a . .t is ln /nil Prni is tI in tite el ti ilit tpet lit a \e’sle siiie 1 i i “ f/im atu/ ,Se urny NI’ .10,1 ‘5. area 0 ss Itit li the ;‘_ ‘.il.. li ii I ,iit.i, hivt il. 4, 10101. governtllent Ut 1 /aiic dues :0 .i ,trd seetli ti) have assumed a strid 5 tle ut Ille II iI100JI iniirtned tilege taral iiess that the State is under \i:n bl it iuii ni tigilante 0’ Inund tlin th ohhatton was violated by mere i i hr’ es ni ing t’al tt ni ihe damagi eausd’. I his line ni reasoning tt agn li inn os in suppni i i stort Iiahilit i be tribrinal aliirtncd that it did not intend )IiOatit)ll of reslilt nr of iie State is inu i Jil ta li, jeio,ie on ss het het lit i ti inund ihat dir Niate ssa tesionsihle 1kr us unabilitv to prevent OslOs i. st iii t eqllefls et ni er ein t. it i ir i ribrinril Ltd IIIIied tLit the itblia not ni ilie N1tt is a du rhiipetie obligattoti. il ssnuld Lise been mote dorrect to irfiut ihat tiw State ss is iesponsihle fot not hit ing taken sulfieient nieasures for be prnter i on ni i be nsestnient, u,iu her i tatt nu not havitug been abie to preVent ett ut ute titt ilinstantes ut ube ase. lorverer n is dtiult to on to ddei tbtte itenletli’ .n Ilerpulsuralir tuppirtiuig ihe viesv ola stridt liability; ‘si lit bad i et nrii iied i be ex Istetice ni the damage a nu bad ou r I li 5 iii ippa i r 111k li I .iu ued i hat it bad taLen .inv nteasln et to tCVCtlt ii. fat tn sial lisitt ti i hat i hr siandaid ni full ptnie don md security is not an nulpeulsate ab ilamage iii. i ni. i aert an investuttent. but att obli big.atiun duligetite in tereuttun atis suh damage, iL reniaLns to be I I. I ss I , ‘ I) i ,, I ni 0/i/i tror rtdfltJatd ritt ‘\ artis t in in it rr giitdeliuies as to i be t nnt’nt ni ihe dnc diligenre obligation, il ‘si; ltt in ru .is ute uhligatuitt to t,ike .iI ntejsures neressar to ensure ihe tdts t\ ut Ille lirt’\tllietlt. in partustulat. ubete i’ nu rlearlv prevaulung view as to the t.ii u re ii r I;, ittd.t i!. ss het lier it is uhiet ute nr subjective. lite latter view seems i i e takt i [i i be i ruhti mii iii I mdi i ( an Jr Rrpuh/i i hat siated that ute meas eircumstan(eS) rirt s in b ta tn stell i huse reasnutable under the 8 9 li s, hu Os t ti rot leir t titt ss het bru t h St at e hat arted in gmud faith nr n0t. 1iiii atfuti ts lIse eXlstUnde ut d sliduitg su,ale ti .1,’! ii.e :tiPtit ,i lii tiie si i higenst ho ti .111 old suhjeeiive triterlon to an i .l.t orur. ta iti.i i 0 il 5 taid ut iglians e I )uue 1 Itgetire n said in tOOSlSt of uhe reason 5 rik 1, aisle tiasiiir ni pi eseutt inn ss bih a stell aluninustered goserntfleflt could be t’ per at 1 in t \t I titt undtt similat titt umstanres. Ihe mijot uty of the tribunal i ho ’rinui ti 5 i ulot UflS uunius ersu il ss a, questionung tite procedtire i it il’ .5, ut i i. sel il ittet it ut Nu i I .1 i’ La ut .u n arnied acu ion undertaken to .00! I ut .lr :lsa ustlipleil h irstiurgetits. All tup nuallagers of AAPLs ritt bad lost control. ‘i’’ I i . appreclario 11 i), 1 l h t;’i/ Sa/d iii were susper red of partueipat ung in i be miii ter 111)11. i be ar i’ iarnt ss dest i-i ed du ing rhe armed adtion; ute trubu nal inn nr 1 i hat i itere ss .is tti) I litt li isit e er st. ll e 5 at to what efTeetively caused lite destrur tiott, i lossever, titt’ ti ihu nal tnnsideird ihat the government should have tiied pearehul rnmnlllnlcatinn to gei titt sus peet eiements exduded front the inesunu s stall helore underuakini, a nnlitavs counter—insurgencr 1—urther. t iw tribu usa1 ioutnd th.ut Ille gitt erut metri ,buuld have instituted judteual investugations against tise susperted persouts. Il buld have uurderuaken necessary measuues to get i b’un iidthie idrutt, )u Ille Par i thi reasoning, ute State’s responsibihity is deemed establtsbed, 51 A considered dissenting opinion pnint s ottu t hat ute dispiuued ar. inn ss at a straregie ausd highlv setssitive secttruu opei at iltut to regaln roiti ml ni titt atea of’ unsurgenev. taking piac in a situau not ni ttat nina 1 eutlergeut 5 .A.s urt1inr to the dissenring opinion, tlse governuneuti svas under a suunpeli ittg sut ei eitt tinn to undertake a milirary nperau ion to utga n rom rol ni i be are,u. litt, I mo og and modalitues <il’ Lise operation, ihus ihe nuinotitv ni lise iributsal, tnust hai st ithin the goverusment’s exelusuve ditt rei inn, and the assattl shouId not qut si hin lik exercise by t he state ol urs own sovereigul puerogat is et. 30 vereign If lite exercise of due dihgence is a quesu ious ni vemtf itig u be abiltis ni titt’ meas ures taken to rear,h the airn, as tlse unajolits us i be ,IAI/ rase due’, i ht e is t ise risk of interherence wit h sovereign appre iat inn ..is poi med not iii titt’ ti i stilt lulg opinion. ibid., tid.. tr . n tO pila. 106 I ti ‘‘I’ I?j’uOO. .111, i il,Iit’r ar nilt IllitrIls I ui.i.. tii,s. II SI, abost pa litt i i.. i’ ‘I ,unsn,hi.i.it 1. li. I li’; ‘..‘ Lt.i’ianrir, i 5 .u ..: ‘. ‘ i iii ,‘‘s ti’. : ‘ lite prevailiutg .uppuoaeit ifl ;jrI)itrjtuo)ul puarulte seeutts in tore be ti, litetu il) examine wherher thc measures taLen [ix’ ille State obvlnusi devu,uu. tioiit .1 ni soutahle stausdard, rather tisan suggesting .uhuernat ter, more eflei. lite nteasurr lise lntertsariouta Court l of Justuce (I( rnuthmnss dt, ihe Smaie t njoys a J) nseasiure ofsovereign .uppretuai.in in ut decisuituu n L,SI. in I I ,sen il ilie autitnrluit s were Ikiuusd to have tolerated the otrupatiott ol titt’ b ssorkers. be pit’ teetinn accorded ro ute iutvesu menu wa ulli iutuutd til be hiuts ute st.. i,i.ird. Furthermore, even uf the legal system it,ud tear ted .itter .iuu undiun1tiettis i i time, rhe proteetiots stas not deented to be beloss liii’ suattdaid, het aust’ ila i’ stat a mechanisnt its 54 plate. ‘lite tribu nal in .Saluka v (.zt’clt Ri’ ’n/’1iu’ intind thai ute nbhigat inn 55.1k 1111 1 hreached if the State’s hehavinnr \SJS not tnualiv iuuireasutiable aud rinitistinable by turne rational legal poliev; ibat nte,utiul’es i,tketi stud liol ii.itl%s cmi ille li:i,is legislatnu ‘s dusereuuun if uhuev weue itit intalis devnid ut legal tIllitt mIl’. 115s1 ola s - in • Ibid., lrashin V O I: 11 I’ I V fl fl V /00 lufilk /ot li, ‘I VJ’ touod 1//1(0 is jul otkO ‘O.I !( 1 to i , dill lik SUf LIt pUi)lIC d lildililLsi and tlicir rcaI had 0110001V mdci huonws soscrcgn fipprociation is Osti000l iLo ,loThorItIcs hull, V0Il il tiait, 5 h ouid ,&ve boco, thrc ss is 101 t)Iddil( 0 with paratneters lmmd 1110 [41 l10C.0 this elilpioS Iii cos, dVSO, tho heat iIIscstmcnl trom unlasvtul 1111 n i 111 ti c 111 1115 I’ oIl ti tttt Ii1 illIldal hipahiLIns 10 0\0l 1,0 000 1111 bevond I h sleal Safet ot Ild, I Is) I CpI’JII’LI In [Ild au U 1,11 k ioi ‘JS( hall 1l11r rs dcl VIl/li fl)\ omI11 V. t,l1L 5 Idi [[IL III d1 iotmd th 1111 11 IhilIldi fl l1 lliTl 1 / V V i 10111 V t ,\iqnt V slid 111 I 11101 dlii 51 TIL li :ppIIeaLi0II lik pL I Il’ ,k\ i 0 1,1 IILII d u 1 JIL mc.ooics to p101 11 I1OtIIJI u- I [IL . 0 \\ Il) pI ib VV tillOt hc s V 1V11 V lii V• I 1 V li I li V 511 i pik LV1 , ol ot Il sil ‘‘ I VI it I I 51.11, l i. IV V pl Il \s i 1 Is Li 1IV Lo 1111V I ‘1 11)1)0, .0 toll ol I li, ‘11k LIII V, I, 5 II1\C5IlIlLiII . 1 ,Oj, ‘I tOLlI))’t 11,01’ ol ilo .t tio •j,, notild not ,s,’.O ,,, ti II, 111)1,11 511 111115 1(1111 ,1L [IS 111 I bui tO II’, tor 1110 V 1515 i tilsI .1)10 I llt./L.Old. hit, II IIC III I ot III inss iint’ni, ibtd 51 51 1llII prIlpolIlons and II OdS and n was due To .ind piiblis (IIdLVI ‘iIii’so’ .1., dail V based on an lnv,’sl addod aiirhin ‘i i .fi I I .lp)sal1 51 Ss) Iii III’ ti I is V.1tI1d ttd l Ull 1)1(110511011 ,i1I,I VIVlVVl, V II I V 111111 lI ti 11(15 111,11(1 IS 1101 VI) il, (HVIl stat V, , 1 I il 1,1 liVS i 151 110. 1111111,11115 I Oil) 5 I, si 1.1 5 ,ii 01 V,i,Csi 5 10 I •VV.. I I li ‘. 1151 I I 111.111,1 II II 1,5 ‘I OL VVVV VI ,I1l V sIflhl,l{Id ,iild I To jO iI is 011110) SI 1. VI. III I 5 5 VII V VV,VV.[lI, n VVlI,,ViL .VIVU.V ,V,,,L,V•VV’,VIV V’ CVI V ,1V siaiIJald. Iii III I’\LIIOIL 1111’ 1 Il ddisi I) ull pl000tlull and sceurilv tIllul ri 50 fl i S,IIOI tt I To 11150511110111, WI10I OdS others sthct flSSdl(l5 LI) 1101 taLe ati 0\10S5 0Slti011 00 ItIlilOSItOV UILiiIOoil 111111111051)11 applilahion d tlic standird. Ihe oottsidci cd toC1 1101 with (4110 ot lir ,iiud equitahlc 1V 111111 i I 011 k[ t ‘ t 0 i V V ViVVVV I V 1111 V V V fl ti V V V V V(I\ ‘f/ h din Il s k i V• [[[ Ith 1 V V 0, 1111 i V .110 fl Vt1IS N, ru hL I til ILV, 1111 V ,, V jtltt ns ti In lflI/4 i’, II tiL 1110 10 Ild 10111 p1 V V L.II 11101 1 cl 0 i ,iO’1o V 5 fl V i’. Applo ztinn buv,u l/i al S/ct Scope ofApplication Restricted to Phvsical Safet , ( / .11105) V 1111V’ i , 1. ‘4 a’ t5ii. .1 ( ptr Is j/ ’ 1 ti,b/i ,aitosl I JVjJV)) I LV_ V fit i V )li V, 45 iS I .1 tVluoL,it i ,iootoi .1 “1 I. 1/ I. il. I . In 501110 ass a rds, SUL h as i fl Sa/til a i’ 1 xo d Rty1uh/zL ,° ti 10 t rihu ita is LII rhat the standard du’s not i t’fer 10 110(11011 .ldtfl5t ,l 11’ Li ud ni itni dli 0k 111, bot oniv to t ho npai 11110111 agatnst t ho ph sic dl Integl us nI tn i us (stoloril and ag.tilIst IfliUrterslloC by 1150 ot torc. iindispiiiol soc ))t .ip ari tIL 5 l 1 refers. essentiallv. to en ti strtfc .111d pils ieaI VIt1Ic.ik0VtV Ihus, lit Ilt’mi’tI 1 . .Iexuo ihe tribtin.tI tounl i hat ihe t 11)11 1)1 .idniin— istratlve 0111 its at, a 000se(ltIL’IKe ni ,tdverse nl(ketflLnis d[4.11t151 lik ifil I 51015 acilvity WaS a violatioti by 1110 State of uS 0 )ll.itl0fl to tait and t l4llltdlfll( treatnient, 1 md not a s iolaon cii ilie staridatd JVIVTI1I pioleetion .iiisl 50(0111 SlmilarivV [110 tribllflai in J 05 lusseol fllOasllres tluat 1c1 lit t1 tatlure ro ensure stablu and predietable 1111 0051. 0115 Il) 111110110 tIul,l[1IS til 1ll11\ 0 hanges, arht rat v 1nc)dthC.at not of ret4ltlalot 5 it tililesS I Irk vtctlal i Og [‘lii 111db eXpt’Ctdtiofls, i11000SiStCflt administrative ,11 ts. c onhlnuing iegisiatis liangt’s undor the oN igation o au ord ing iaii .111(1 0(40 itahie tue.tl ment, i nd not [Il t.00 neettun witlu the standard of full pluteoticln aud SOs 1Itlt\.°’ .\lso Ille irihunal 111 i’ I’O/d?/d 11)111101 111,11 .1 1115 OsI lbbc’111 LIlllldlO’ stabie is part 01 1111’ obligatiun ot talt .nud 0(4IlltflhiC tedtllleilt, I lot iii! t’ti ‘101111)11 ,l’)oI 65 seeuruty, ‘ille itubunal tound t hat 1110 I ttVestOrs rights had 11(011 1. ioiad, Iludt fl WaS ahundanr1 elear that tise treatment aoorded 1(1 11 s5ts itnfati dikt 111(41111ahie, that its coiltractual i ughis 55/OtO bro i ,hed atbitrarik ,111c1 for pIliltiLdi 1 tldtlunaliSt i rcaSclns. t hat the 1115 stur 11.111 hull 0\p (Seol 0) fl 11 I)11i1.ifli’t)LlS .1011 shueking eolldUet;”° bot 00110 ut this 50.11. outtstdt’rs’d to be .i hreaeli ut 11111 fl teetion aud seeUrity. ‘Ille 0I1l reiireuuee 111.1010 10 11115 standard ut tlis’ ,iss aroi relates to allegations ol harassnaent th.u tiie tribunal, In uses er iound 1101 11) be suhstantiau,d. li 11)0 alieged itarassmeuit had heen repeated, tinn th), IL oould possibiv have been iiabuluty under Ille standard ut full piuieuion .itid s&c u ruls for failure to prevent ti. As alreadv 50011 III respeet ol tlie relat cnshup betsveeti ille I leal prules 11011 ,i1ii international iass, .1151) (Olbneetiofl li) wttli ihe toll ni .11 Itlo nulleOt .tIlplII tuon, the wording of i be treatv not (10(5 50(111 to etiti.i1 a rule. ss iuik phw Ihus, the nlajority of the treaties applied in the nietitiotnd ,aSeS abost’ (onIdluk 1111 oblu gation to ensure Inn kI I proteu .15 Ild seo fl 10115 .1 SI’pJ ratt’ 111)1 1011. 1111.’ Il L’,lls igat applied 111 Ille last mentioned eotusiders tle St,111d,1ld ut hull prole ease 5 1101) Ille Ohli[4atiutl Il) .10 0d t.ttr ,tiid UOILIII.1l1l1’ IleJtfllufli. 1 specJhcatioul LIt , 1 Sa/uk ISt .11)1)1 il i’n/dUhi, .thI 50 i.. /UIAVIi /1/1 510. pari 1(1 )/J,/ I Ihid.. urt III 1’ /‘SJ’ti’ jV . ihid., pai,11 .120.2)1 lhld. para 2 14 /‘u// /o11 awn i,it/ Securtiy Seope of Applieation bcyond Physkal Safety o/ lite hçi/ Itlem ass aids deem ute stamlaid ut full piote Hun aud sesuriuv to extend heyond he mci ph skal salet ut be i msi ment. \arious degrees may be detected in his C\is nsloii ut tItC 55 ut applis at ton li 4JLZ()1/1() Ihe aditiot al scopt ut alis auun Itas some tantifisations that go heyond the mere s Seis ds ut poii sseu s. I his sunsei ns, pai tisulark, the availahility ofthe udis ia I aud adniinist at is e ss stem to prutes t the intet ests ut the investor. I hus, hs rtbuual in na i I ept lou nd ihat one of the violations of the obli ted ss u li full protest iun aud ses urity was the sir<umstance that imposed an sanstiuns against chose who had unlawfully seiicd the Staie bad not gat mils sonites fors not hee i s iolated t5 \lso in I mul i JI(xuo tbs riibuital atlirt ted that the availability of tbe judi s lal ss sis in ss as an s lenient ut i be full pi otes t ion aud ses urity to be enjøyed by ihe jus s slui In i his spes itis ase, howes er, in telation to tbe investor’s attempt to i s ei se i h 5 adm mii Isim at i se measures t hat atlested thc ins et,u ment, the trihunal louud that il e lsgal ss stem ssas suffisteutls as atlable aud the standard bad there Sunilai is bom the argumentatiun of ihe des ision in F’SI il seems that the Intsruational ( om t ut tistise sonsidered th asailabiltty of a legal meehanism to s sitt i h lass I uluess ut ulte iequisttion ut ihe plant as an element of the full pioti ion and ss ui uts to be eutjoed h 5 the it vestot. I loweser, in the speeific cir umstaus es t be i. ourt thuud that the legal msshanisrn was present and that, even ti t be tinie ta Len to obtat n a ds sision 16 mo ti bs was undoubtedly mo long it sould not h Isemed as a denial ut justiss aud ihe obligation was not breaehed:’° Also ths i ibunal in i snu/et i ( zt /1 Rspubiie afhrmed that the State has a duty to ksep ths tidis tal ss siem as atlable aud to pruperlv examine claims and decide assurding n doins stis aud intet national law. I be tribunal fhund that titar duty bad not besu siolaisd in tltus spesitis sase imiLti Is be ti ibttnal in Ssi!uka i ( iih Repuh/zc aflirmed tbe obligation to makc asailabls appsal mes hantsms agaiust polise searebes, and administrative des tstuu s alles ting i be tus est ment, It alsu hat id t hat i he obligation bad not been iolatsd in t Us 5lW us s ase, 2 1(5 i ÇJslI sunt I sli stil It1(//’t ute/i ut sum ss au s go bs md tlte iesiuirentent ihat tIts State makes availahle its judi aud sdi iim ti atmse ss sts ut so tltat the insestur san protest its interests, and s ial 5/, .51)055 fl 9 55 15 /fl abos mm li i / 515 ‘15555(5 ,iboss’ .9 pu, I ‘I. 9.0 I 1. Iispuh/is Ihoss ss 0 psss. Sli. / la i / F. /lpp/lLarion beyond PIlys1cz/Sil/efy Ii expressly affirm that the standard off ull pr testion and seeuutty es.teuds to the srahility of tbe investrnent elimate and the Iet.al trainework, As already seen above, the award in 5i 5 uns’u v Ars’utu,ia has ,t spes ial basis fui afhrming tbat tbe standard ut protestion mteuds to ihe legal sesuut5 ut the ius est— ment aud means, substamially, tbe ss’rtaitlts ut tbe legal system. In parttsular, the wording of tbe applicable treaty explienly reters to /egsu/sesurit), as oppu5sd to ths otber treaties applied in tbe urisprudenee ibat is examined here, Anothcr award that atfirms tbis large ondt rstandiug ut tbe standaid is MI i (zech Repuh/zc. ‘Ihe majority of tbe trihtinal af{irmesl ihat tbe Suate is under the obligation ro ensure that neither by amendrnent ut us lasss nor b aet tons ut its administrative hodies is the agreed aud approved ses uritv aud puotestioi ut ilse investment wuthdrawn ur devalued, 74 It must be temembered, hossessi, ils st this award is aeeompanied by a disseming opinion. Also, it niust be nottsed ihat the CME tribunal comes to a desision opposits’ to ihe des ision taLen, on i be same facts and substantially between the samt’ parties, by tfse tribunal in ihs i azu/s i i czech Repuhlic sase. For thc sake of c omplemeness, hossever, it must be pututed out that the Lauder award is decided on be Ids’ts, aud that it s annot be takt it as i position in prtns.iple ut’ the tribunal agai nst tbe extenston ut ths’ sma ndaid ut isill protection aud securiry to the legal sceurity. ‘lite it ibunal found in laudu r that the amendntenrs made to the media legislation wete not a tbreat to the lusest ’ It remains open wbetber, bad the amendments been des’med astualls 7 ment. to affect the investmenr, the trihunal would hase sonsideied de standard d full protection and security hreas hed. Also, in (.‘,SOB v Slovak Repubii tbe trihunal found ibat the Stats sondsis t ut the interpretation ut the terms of the sontlast deprived the insestor ut aus mean ingful proteetion f’dr its loan aud titsis hieasbed tItt’ s oiuumii ment to giant full proteetion and security. 76 Recently, rbe trihunal in l/vendi v tlrentuua Il rendeted an ass amd that estsrm sively examnines the seope of applisation ofthe full protestiou aud ss’surits tansi ard. As already mentiormed in sestion B above, the tribunal metetresi to pus’s ious arbitral praetice and made an antithetis interpletation ut the ttsat5 basesl on its wording to support us opinion that the standamsl apply to 5 mny ai ut meas ure which deprive an investor’s invesiment ut protest iou aud t’u II ses si ru s. ‘sus li aetions ur measures need not ibreaten phvsical possesston ur lIte is gallv piums’stsl (lvii’ i’ ( ass/i fl 5 Rs’pu/s/zs ahsss< ss Su’rns’n si’ ligs ntiim, ibost ti , (il Si.) I pira sa “. terms ofoperation of the investmem.” Assording to uhe tuihunal, the staudaid can apply to more than physisal sesurity ut an iitss’sts>i oi us piopsu ts, s.ause either could be subjeet to haiassment witbout bs’titg pltssmsalls bai uu,d ut ss ijsd, ‘lite Award does not identify an> furihei tbe spes ifis suutent ui iltis siaiidamsl Iii ‘ 6 , I sjiS(/5’7 i ( ass/i 1/spiSs/i ahost ss 1(1 s,sma il I ( ,5QJ v 5/om sil’ Rspmsh/u, ,iIii,c ss ‘ s,st ,i I ISvs’ndm i .4 tssmustma, .iho ss 5 pa s,s. a I’s :0v s Li uoro dl ty ar mer ca .ts (j1V ivkuss V .IbLV V uIts / all Jroh 1w i ani 50 on, li il i tu’ aud 11111v arttt sards v/e 111 to ipplivd rhv standard ut full pietevtien aud seu.ur os vis .is those lov nr orivd Rbes Os v it i hougit they make no express e, t itr unnv toll, i heso us .tpplicd dro standard as i ti was .iid t1 ni.tblv ([uRtI000t. liws sviii be exain r0 nu ut ro t.ft ihunai liv ti div! iu nrvntloii ut siolatten et i.’, Oil sv. 1,1 li st.lnd,IId, an i dmvd .ih ihe dotltins and Omis— iOt ru liv tijrv as a violat ren i pr i m. Iple et fatt and ev]u itable lK I ho v arg(Vd sv of iblig liv ion rchning to full proteetlon aud 01k \%% Otlirnivd hs mliv trrhuiial by i 00 tpp!wd le the favts of the case, nett mdv by- hroadlv dehited as an nv:Vr XtOn I rrtiu syv (11115, dl lOvVyl m{l\ .11v it to urO ,idJtvt.uitl V VIS 11v . V , V vVv V otlwr Standards v rtrrrvnr’ nu v enipat v(lIVSidCf ujt- to air o is obsv i ed i tron u II ah v, werdrirg ho vn ihe t reat les applied tI tI v mil (ti s for vin mo has plaVv e i srgn I i tiv ani rele in the dcli nitien irv p: om .ippln .uiruii ui ute uandard auard i iii rendered in .Sanit’ns i’ II ‘ull Is ass ud i har gis v’s PR iv ular nuderation to the word Ing vil tltv ti ar \invv Illu lU I betssevn ( rman .und Argemina provides, as mv nr oirr (IV tror lvg.ui syv u lit I liv werdrng v div’ ei her treaties upon which the d i: ro:t 1011v vi bor v .um v based .u v nei v .ubl. \X’h ile i be treaties applied :n ir i E uro,! tur uiuv l5 nv.’ jjr’vls ihu tsso obliatiens as separ i v nivauv s ll kv! 111 i ho ‘i1i and in liv ‘trond, Il awards v,onsider the 11 .tt nOt full pr otv4 to iii is a sjiOv divat lot oft be ebligation avv ord lVair aud VI L(U1ldi iv r ()‘verlap liii ull mr/lit J,VSVtilfllt)11 V i liv rirg it iii ro ranr full 0v tron aud sov its in has uneertarn an border tn i, ru )thv ples rsiuns irsrIaiis veniauilv’vl in nvvslnldnt treaties. By tar ihe mest .rnpor 1,1111 IVI ro, nisiv’ ihar rvvIulrius a ,1rei til vil itdtii.ii iou IS that biir aud equit ,ibtv ilvatrruv i, Alsu, ute pr srsIeils on rvirnbrirsetncn el damages dnc to aetions voirthat i Sv 0v vasroti rlls hvert vonsrdered as overlapping wit h tise obligatjon to i pmoit v uten a rrd SOv 11111 iii Il! i ViSS , ‘ i ‘us - ‘1 1 i, V stri 5 i1’\ 1. 0, i .0 I ‘i , 1 paris .1 e}n, inlS. it has by v n pi iv tt is i fin ru ivd in in bli rat et I r.tv rive, idr exaniple by the irihtrnai III i lit i (I 1111 ltd 11111 I liv I h1 tgi tlu at off ull pie tevt jon ,i ud sov i trity may be v n tvv’ :f il jls Siv.ll s elv’iivv et dam.ge evvurrv’d and gees bevend poliee Om ‘lvr ml v Ild IS nmivdint il) svnr’v’ lite mvvstirmv’tri 80 vliVIiOllIlteltt, Simultaneouslv. .sivl lv et’ nr ‘v d aud vn vnmphasiivd ti .11 i hete is an i mer Vreiationsh ip wit h In, ut I ti) ‘ti .ltO f,rii .urd t’v ttitablv’ treatnlv’tlt, aud found rhai ihe State Luled 1 tv lt( i I App/icatton In 3vm1 PI’yia ni Sa/i ty 14 le provide lair aud eqttttable treatniv’mtt .i id thv’i’vluo,’. ssli liii 5,11)1v lv IlOtIS, alse breavhed tlre ebhgatien et i iii pruutev [Oil .111v! sOv iltit 5. 1 1 1v i riflUrLuu that the two standards dro oloselv interrelated, aud referivd re cai lier ti ibunals that had found that the obhgation et full proteuron aud sov ni svas hrvav liei in hecaun’ i be i uvest ment ss as suhev i to nu ni arr .tlld I 1 nov ti itable ti eat mvi in ,ts ull i Ilv OcczvIenia/ i’ L’utlul(/Or 0,150. til’, veliversy is’. teund 1,11 i bi (‘,lv i vil I til i Iriev in’n aud seeuritv causes a breavlu et ihe ta:r aud equtiable tleatlnerll si,irivlatvl, is 111 Wena i I’ypi. I he tribunal in Azu,,x turther potlitevi Ottn hat i ru i lIv applivahiv treary hetsseen rhe Uutted States aud Argv’trtuua ilie tsso obIiatiuns ei (ull piu teetion aud seeurltv aud tatt aud ev uiiabie 1 ite.lililent arv’ sup.0.llv’. ds liv i uS v’rv’ III tbe treats apphed in th alorenreul ioned () cidinial award. I be i ribnitu,rl uuutrved thar, neveriheless, div viulai jens of the fri li ptet don arrd sev ur tts stand.i id is utnsi&red absorbed in dsv’ uufair aud iurquiiablv tlv’armelit in iliv 0 :11v’ ilal award. IheAzurzxasvard alse dues so, agdin 111 s iite ei the werduug et tiiv’ trydis, 1 which consaders i be wo stauvlards .is sepdrate. 5 ‘ihe line oftlioughi ut tlie atureineuttriuvd 0’ Idt lltlijWarvi Is ili.t ito, stahtliiv ef the Iegal aud hu.siues.s l’rarnesserk is an essetu ial element of titt oblrgatiert to avcord ro the invesi mcmi, tatr and vvjuitable treatmv ni. I Ihe ti nbumr.iI v’stahlislsed that thcre bad been .i Vaelation til [ho tall aud ev u 1 it.able ire.li 111cm ellilgat eie .und aihrmed rilat li becomes 01001 to elrqumre ss Iretlier to .tddii toll tirery’ SS dS .1 breav i ot mil pretevt ion aud seL ti ru y, as a treat I ueni i hat is mor 1,11 r aud ev vrrtai le ,itttr i— maticaliy entaiis an abseuv e et full pretev don aud St v 11111 ei the 1115v sir st nt Aceording , - to tbe ti ibunal in Ou’u tv/et: full l’ I n,tdur’, .rItvrat ion ut div’ iy a i ,uiyj busiuess ens trolimeut in ssltkli ute 1115 estineilt 55,15 111,1(1v’ tsa s i,dai null el liv’ ike stanvIrds, as bodi tan aud equitaiolc tl’varuremii .itid i dl p11 11ev en i driv! tCv tiun u I v uar ,pu r ‘I i is ‘ ‘VI pres hull, userlaps 5511 t rio .‘l’tiy lit t,,ri dl v” snIvi by i syv tor ti I nsrt ’d Si ro s miv! 1’ 5 Is i 1v’ rvles ivin iitt rshin,sttv n trtv r unv i ti V securiry require rbat the State pr ovides stability and prv div tahilin In l!/’r i 55 p1, lise rwe siauvlaids of protiotturut haul 3 L’t< alrtavls 1 by ut dv iii witb COliv ut :eitrlv aud b 11 ttd s’ioiatd, 55 11111 til sl)o i s ing ss li lvii .1v i lurt’ (1... v vi wiiieh obhgatious. lite deseiipiieu vii hr, tavt.s lIt 111.11 v,,,e vufll.lln hV huS 0 .0 relatiug ro phvsica i secut it, ’ ie avail.uhnl 5 t r li e,al ss ti’t siv irr trt ry trr0l I 1. prevent ion er prost i ut ton ei ll) sk a 1 via magv’.’ ds syv il ny as fl ila I i 115v g Whiie the ft’rmer 1551) torms et bv’hay mur ichtte ne Ille ti avhr tinui,il I ti[ A valien ot fitlu pleteutioll .untd 5v’v’LlritI’ tlie l(i[lvn ialI ss itlun 10’ ,tfvd rrl I is hv,\v meurioued v .sp.tudevl Svope ihat tu equttahie i icat nieni, Aj,so, i by i rom Ihu j /V Ila, V’ 10,1., I treativsapplied is Lutis attd ()u’kiu Otar ‘‘ V i iS I’n/I Iiott rio anå Sec lirity protes tto i aud xxiii iii aud to asxotd fair aud cqtmahle iteatmeut as two separate itittd a ds I 1t s lose tcLit iship hstsscen ihe cxi ‘udcd itaudatcl of full protet.tion aud ss’s ut ti a ttd ht. oltitgatiott to at. s otd la i 1 kl equttable i reatmeni is pointed (titt a Ro i ti i ht. I iI 6 i In la y ass ard, i hat lii ds t hat only exceptionally will the standatd ix is latt. d to a hroads’r attihit than tht. phvsical set.urit as ihe afore metitiotis d ( idi part tal ass atd had postuLits d aud, in sush ase, there would be 89 ‘Ihe award ss’i i st. slattoti to t he latt aud squiu ble treatmeut obligation. alL i itis’d i li is in pent. tal teruss aud did not seem to attach particuhir import ant.c x ihs d flerettse in ssoidiiig hetweeu ihe treaty applied in the C/vl[ award (ss hen. I til g 0k st mii aud se ur iii is i spes i Rat ton of fai r aud equitable treat ment) a tid i Le ti eats appltsabk t ti i be I’I’ 6 case (whers the two standards are sepatats obhpations). it , 5 I a i I fl! 6 il i ti fl th thi s i ,tt t ,‘ s’ni t Psl In i md 6 I’) 6 tid OS 4$) i oiis’t,tm, i bt. / /‘i ,tlsj’,s tt, i’ pi s’qsttt,thIs in armeni. o in tite 6 I lit. uitits dii to dtst ttiguisht ix lweeu mc two staudards is evidern a ahxads tnent toned ass ard iti is nu ut i Aii’,ir,na ihat, also based on the word ing ol i ti u s xpl is 1tI appites i be ila uda i d of proteetion to the legal secur iii i at us r iL in to i be ilis sisal ses ut iti of ihe tnvestment, Renegotiat ion of the t,ontl at. Is loi titt. soL put pose ol tedusiug ihe prise aud without any declaratxn of puitits t utets st, delaied ga> ment wi hout auy basis on the contract or titt. applis aLle is piilattott. ot dstiiai of ass ess to administrative files for fihing an appeal all tix se lot mi ol behaviour att.’ deeiued to violate both the standard of fair aud s qu table tit. atmeut aud ihat ol full g otection aud securityY° ‘The treaty, hovves st pto idt. i lot la ti aud equitahle trent ment aud full protection aud legal es urtii is tss x patats’ taudamds; ihe ti thttt ni faiis to elaborate on the distinc tioi iii ihis licat lx tiiss’tI tlie two standatds, \lso, ihs’ ( SOl1 asvaid utade nefeteuse to I. ii aud equitable tieatment and full gi i ites i ton ti d ses ut it i ogs’t lxi d t in spilt.’ of t be appi icable treaty ihat provides lot tiso spat ut. obhigatmous. I Rcpublic lailed to distitsguish ilie litt. pat ti il ass itd issmts’t.i in ( ‘mil i ( timli piotss ti in aud ss’sutiti lioni otlxi staitdirds, aud saw tbe same astiotis and in is tions titt sted to t enios e tIme iss tinn aud Iegal protest ion of the investment as 9 discrim’ i basis lot ths slatin lot expropi lam aud equitahle treatrnent, i natt. ni ms’as ut. i aud lithl plots’s i mon aud ses itntty’ t5 ‘lite overlap between the st, nsl,ii si’, i gossihhs s’xplaiuesl in viess of titt.’ applisabie Bl’l’ that considers the bl i ‘at toti to stisuts’ Itmll gi oles i mon aud 5sst ty ,ts a specification of the standard latt aud s’ 1 itti,ibls tts’atms’nt i t i i la. App/zcaiio;i in vond Phyzcal Safety i 49 ‘ihe Vivendi vArgenrina llaward, finally, suhoidiuated tbe siaudaid ol liii! gro tection and security to tbe prinsipie off iii and equmtabie tieatmeut. lhe standard is said to apply to auy ast on measitre ss hit. li depnis ss an iusestor’s i nye Imt. in of protection aud sesunity, provided mi son.slitittes also uulaii aud mmit.t.i uiablc 96 ‘Ihis is exphisitly hast.d on ute spesilis siotding of thse ticaty, whit.b ireatment. suhjec in the obligation to gi ovide full protes t mon aud set. ut iii to titt. gitt s ipit. ol Idir and equitabie treatinent. Aften haviug aisesset.I tIiis iutenielatiouship [ss tsses’n the two standards, the assard ignoted the standard ol full ptoteslion aud st.’surtty aud nteasured the State’s hehaviour i. xc lusis el> agamnst i be gi ineipls’ ol fai i aud equitabie treatment. ’ 9 ‘Ihe ovenlap of tbe i wo standards, in 50115 lusmon, fiuds a justifit. attoti in lite wording of tbe i reaty ouly in ille (All’ aud in titt. i ene nde lI san. I lit. otbsn awards have simply disregarded that ute respesi Re i teaties listed lIte mo stand— ardi ni two separate obligatton i and hast. ti e,iied i bent as et.iuivaient,” As already seen, soine awards openly alhrm i hat, il tite t titt. iple ol Liii aud equitable treatment bas heen violated, ubers’ is uo ued to t. stablisb in at.it.iimton a violation of tIte provision on full gi miles tion aud ses unimy. (‘Itbei ,mn ands do not state this expressiy but nei de ,frc’ro in assordause witb this appioat. It, i atlmug a spectfic elaboration mitt what exat. ml> diii mnpuisbes omie stattdatd ftoum lite otbsn rnakes tbe standard offuli protestion aiit.I secui ity tedutidaut, as it is imot imistbie to identify whish asnons or ontissioims uta> sonslitutt. violatmoii i ltene I on ,in indepetident basis. i ih i is) ,t i i il Aiion en combai Anorher situation whcre oscaslonally awatds base sboss n tmnsc’nt,tint in lite choice of wbich treaty’ provision to apply, is when ube pbysisal damtiags to the investor is dnc to armited action. In tbess sast.’s, ihert.’ may be a hnl, to thc pios i sions that thc treaties rnay contain on damages dutc to at. iion in t.ombau. ‘lhuis, the majority in AM I’n /a,re’ afhrntt.’d that tlte hahihts ol Ris ,Si,us bad a basis eirher in the provision ot full protestlon aud st.’sittmt’, ot in titt. pitvision on not amid comhat, or in hothd 9 Ihese aiiei uatist.’ bases sin rs snttmsmlesl ni ute separare opinion by Arbit rator (dolsong, w bo considt.’tesl litt. i os ision on not and combat as a /ex ipecea/ea ilmau ni susb ahsorhs ibe tuic on I ull giots st mon aud ses unmuy. na i I le’ U Z i ‘lit,! ,ttl,td, dhti’,! n 8 1 Ihid.. pamas. 7 +18 i, +6 aiisl ,‘i trt i, i iii ti AIso I’N( I AD, mhts mi. I V i , l t sit iii I 6 ti I ttitds r rhc sann hs adi ng ,ts i hi’ ta il mr ml mcli il il,) li i i i I) I’ pi I titt I tI tim & i i i ti s t t i i tHUlam Ss!tps ni ths siattdatd in isl,tuttr ta pit I pis i ,ttn t I distuih,tnsc’ but 1111(1555 ,tko lhi’(insit,i i i li i i sI i i i ihid., nu, +0 i’! q. 11w papt i I mils ittsl thor t st i hr I. i Oil 1111) hs is”c iii lis in) I mii i ,titd sslutiihlt iisairic iii ihoss n Is p im i li Dii i’s’ titt, ,mnsl rItt i If I sssnttrv