ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF THE ORINOCO CLAY by Robert William Day B.S.E., Villanova University (1976) M.C.E., Villanova University (1978) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREES OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL ENGINEERING and CIVIL ENGINEER at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY December 1980 Robert William Day 1980 The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this t-esis document in whole or in part. Signature of Author / Department of ' ivil Engineering ecember 15, 1980 Certified by I CZ'les 9'%dd Thps Su9 sor Accepted by Allin Cornell //'KC. Cha rman, Department Committee ARCHIVES MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY APR 1 1981 LIBRARIES 2 ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF THE ORINOCO CLAY by Robert William Day Submitted to the Department of Civil Engineering on December 15, 1980 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degrees of Master of Science in Civil Engineering and Civil Engineer. ABSTRACT Sediments from the Orinoco River have formed a thick (30-40 m) deposit of soft, highly plastic clay along vast areas of offshore Eastern Venezuela. Whereas conventional practice for the design of oil platforms relies on empirical use of results from simple strength index testing, this thesis utilized the SHANSEP method to develop a more reliable estimation of the in situ undrained shear strength (s )and deformation characteristics of the Orinoco Clay deposit. Radiography of sampling tubes containing Orinoco Clay detected the presence of gas pockets, cracks, and zones of disturbed clay and also served to identify the best quality specimens for sophisticated laboratory tests such as oedometer and K0 Consolidated-Undrained Direct Simple Shear (CK0UDSS) tests. Results of oedometer tests run on undisturbed tube samples from two borings separated by 125 km indicate that the Orinoco Clay deposit at both borings has essentially the same maximum past pressure and is either normally consolidated or slightly overconsolidated. The oedometer and CK0UDSS test data reveal that the Orinoco Clay exhibits normalized behavior, but with two strata having significantly different engineering properties. The lower stratum is more compressible with a normalized undrained shear strength less then the upper stratum. This distinct difference in engineering properties is probably caused by a considerable increase in the content of swelling minerals in the lower stratum. The SHANSEP undrained shear strength profiles at the two widely separated borings were almost identical, whereas su from the strength index tests (e.g. UU Triaxial, Lab Vane, etc.) yielded wide scatter due to sample disturbance, strain rate differences, and anisotropy effects. Because of the very similar engineering properties and SHANSEP s profiles, and corroborated by geophysical data, it is concluded that the 3 Orinoco Clay exists as basically the same deposit around and between the two borings. Thesis Supervisor: Title Charles C. Ladd Professor of Civil Engineering 4 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to my parents for their encouragement in completing this thesis. I would like to especially thank Professor Charles C. Ladd, my thesis supervisor, for his constructive criticism and Instituto Tecnologico Venezolano del Petroleo (INTEVEP) for their financial aid. My thanks also to Enrique Urdaneta Lafee and Aziz M. Malek for their friendship and assistance in the laboratory. 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. TITLE PAGE 1 ABSTRACT 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS 5 LIST OF TABLES 7 LIST OF FIGURES 8 LIST OF SYMBOLS 10 CHAPTER 1. 13 INTRODUCTION 1-1 ORINOCO CLAY 13 1-2 BORINGS El AND Fl 14 1-3 ORGANIZATION OF THESIS 17 CHAPTER 2. SHANSEP METHOD 22 2-1 TV, LV, AND UUC TESTS 22 2-2 SHANSEP METHOD 24 2-3 SUMMARY 27 CHAPTER 3. INDEX PROPERTIES AND COMPOSITION OF ORINOCO CLAY 30 3-1 UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH FROM STRENGTH INDEX TESTS: TV, LV, AND UUC 3-2 INDEX PROPERTIES: NATURAL WATER CONTENT 32 3-3 INDEX PROPERTIES: ATTERBERG LIMITS 32 3-4 IN SITU VERTICAL EFFECTIVE STRESS 3-5 COMPOSITION ANALYSES: 3-6 MINERALOGY SALT CONCENTRATION AND ORGANIC MATTER 3-7 SUMMARY 33 34 35 36 6 PAGE NO. CHAPTER 4. RADIOGRAPHY 4-1 INTRODUCTION: 45 X-RAYS 45 4-2 DESCRIPTION OF M.I.T.'s RADIOGRAPH FACILITY 46 4-3 RADIOGRAPHY OF SAMPLING TUBES CONTAINING ORINOCO CLAY 48 4-4 SUMMARY 52 CHAPTER 5. 5-1 STRESS HISTORY AND CONSOLIDATION PROPERTIES INTRODUCTION: TESTS TEST PROCEDURES FOR OEDOMETER 60 60 5-2 EFFECTS OF SAMPLE DISTURBANCE 62 5-3 STRESS HISTORY 65 5-4 COMPRESSIBILITY AND COEFFICIENT OF CONSOLIDATION 66 5-5 EMPIRICAL CORRELATIONS 68 5-6 68 SUMMARY CHAPTER 6. NORMALIZED SOIL PROPERTIES AND SHANSEP STRENGTH PROFILES 77 6-1 NSP FROM NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CK UDSS TESTS 77 6-2 OVERCONSOLIDATED CK0UDSS TEST DATA 82 6-3 ANISOTROPY 83 6-4 SHANSEP STRENGTH PROFILES 85 CHAPTER 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS REFERENCES 101 107 APPENDIX A. CONSOLIDATION TESTS 109 APPENDIX B. CK0UDSS TESTS 122 APPENDIX C. CK UC AND CK UE TESTS 138 7 LIST OF TABLES TABLE TITLE PAGE NO. 1-1 SAMPLE LOCATION, TYPE AND PRINCIPAL TESTS: BORING El 19 1-2 SAMPLE LOCATION, TYPE AND PRINCIPAL TESTS: BORING Fl 20 2-1 SHANSEP APPROACH 28 3-1. UNIT WEIGHTS AND EFFECTIVE STRESS 37 3-2 CLAY MINERALOGY SUMMARY FOR BORING Fl 38 3-3 CLAY MINERALOGY SUMMARY FOR BORING El 39 5-1 SUMMARY OF OEDOMETER TEST DATA: BORING El 69 5-2 SUMMARY OF OEDOMETER TEST DATA: BORING Fl 70 6-1 SUMMARY OF CK UDSS TEST DATA: CLAY N.C. ORINOCO 90 6-2 SUMMARY OF CK UDSS TEST DATA: CLAY O.C. ORINOCO 6-3 SUMMARY OF CK U TRIAXIAL TESTS: CLAY 7-1 ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF THE ORINOCO CLAY N.C. ORINOCO 91 92 106 8 LIST OF FIGURES .TIE FIGURE PAGE NO. 1-1 BORING LOCATIONS 21 2-1 APPLICATION OF SHANSEP TO UNDRAINED STABILITY ANALYSIS USING CK U DIRECT SIMPLE SHEAR TESTS 29 3-1 NATURAL WATER CONTENT AND STRENGTH INDEX TESTS: BORING El 40 3-2 NATURAL WATER CONTENT AND STRENGTH INDEX TESTS: BORING Fl 41 3-3 EFFECTS OF DISTURBANCE AND STRAIN RATE ON SAMPLE F1557 TORVANE DATA: 42 4 3-4 PLASTICITY CHART: ORINOCO CLAY 43 3-5 SALT CONCENTRATION AND ORGANIC MATTER: ORINOCO CLAY 44 4-1 RADIOGRAPHY OF A SAMPLING TUBE CONTAINING ORINOCO CLAY 54 4-2 OEDOMETER AND STRENGTH DATA ON SAMPLE FlS57 FOR COMPARISON WITH RADIOGRAPH 55 4-3 SAMPLE F1557: RADIOGRAPH PRINT SHOWING SAMPLE DISTURBANCE 56 4-4 SAMPLE E1512: RADIOGRAPH PRINT SHOWING GAS POCKETS 57 4-5 SAMPLE ElS21: RADIOGRAPH PRINT SHOWING HORIZONTAL CRACKS 58 5-1 EFFECTS OF DISTURBANCE ON OEDOMETER TEST DATA: SAMPLE F1557 71 5-2 OEDOMETER TEST DISTURBANCE INDICES: ORINOCO CLAY 72 5-3 STRESS HISTORY: ORINOCO CLAY 73 5-4 COMPRESSIBILITY AND COEFFICIENT OF CONSOLIDATION: ORINOCO CLAY 74 9 FIGURE -TIE PAGE NO. 5-5 EMPIRICAL CORRELATIONS WITH NATURAL WATER CONTENT: ORINOCO CLAY 75 5-6 EMPIRICAL CORRELATIONS WITH LIQUID LIMIT: ORINOCO CLAY 76 6-1 CK UDSS TEST DISTURBANCE INDICES: ORINOCO CIAY 93 6-2 NORMALIZED STRESS PATHS FROM CK 0UDSS TESTS: N.C. ORINOCO CLAY 6-3 NORMALIZED STRESS VERSUS STRAIN FROM CK0UDSS TESTS: N.C. ORINOCO CLAY 95 6-4 NORMALIZED UNDRAINEDCMODULUS FOR CK0UDSS TESTS: N.C. ORINOCO CLAY0 96 6-5 s lavc VERSUS PI FOR NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CL AND CH CLAYS 97 6-6 EFFECT OF OCR ON s /avc 98 6-7 COMPARISON OF UNDRAINED STRENGTH DATA: BORING El 99 6-8 COMPARISON OF UNDRAINED STRENGTH DATA: BORING Fl 100 10 LIST OF SYMBOLS Prefix A indicates a change A bar over a property indicates value in terms of effective stress GENERAL BBC Boston Blue Clay EABPL East Atchafalaya Basin Protection Levee z Depth below mudline INDEX PROPERTIES e Void ratio e Initial Gs Specific gravity of solids LI Liquidity index P.I. Plasticity index which equals w1 S Degree of saturation w Liquid limit w n Natural water content w Plastic limit p Yb Ysw Yt Yw void ratio - w Buoyant unit weight Unit weight of salt water Total unit weight Unit weight of water CONSOLIDATION PARAMETERS cv Coefficient of consolidation for vertical flow 11 C Virgin compression index = -Ae/Aloga Cs Swelling index Ca Rate of secondary compression = Ae /Alog t CR Virgin compression ratio = Av/Aloga vo, K0ho the in situ lateral stress ratio for one-dimensional vertical strain during deposition OCR Overconsolidation ratio = a RR Recompression Ratio SR Swelling ratio t Time t Consolidation time for preshear a vc E: Vertical strain avc Vertical consolidation stress av In situ vertical effective stress av Maximum past pressure or a /lvc STRENGTH AND DEFORMATION PARAMETERS E E Young's modulus Undrained secant E u E5 0 Eu half way to failure s uUndrained s /W Svc shear strength Normalized undrained shear strength where a is the consolidation vertical effective stress prior to undrained shearing (applicable for CKQU strength tests) Angle of rotation of the principal stress during shearing for a CK0U strength test Shear strain 12 y Shear strain needed to reach s Vertical effective stress during shearing (Direct Simple Shear test) Th Shear stress on horizontal plane during shearing (Direct Simple Shear test) Slope of Mohr-Coulomb failure envelope CONSOLIDATION AND STRENGTH TESTS CK0 U K0 Consolidated Undrained shear test CK UC CK U Triaxial Compression test CK0 UDSS CK U Direct Simple Shear test CK UE CK U Triaxial Extension test LV Lab Vane Oed Oedometer test TV Torvane test UUC Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression test 13 1. INTRODUCTION Laboratory soil tests were performed to determine the engineering properties of the offshore Orinoco Clay deposit and the objective of this thesis is to present the results of those tests. The SHANSEP method is utilized to obtain normalized soil properties and the undrained shear strength profiles at two widely separated borings off the coast of Eastern Venezuela. The-engineering properties of the Orinoco Clay are needed for the design of oil platforms. 1-1 ORINOCO CLAY Transgression is defined as a rise in sea level relative to the land which causes areas to be submerged and new deposition to begin in that region. In the past fifteen thousand years, sea level has risen about 100 meters caused by the termination of an ice age and melting of glaciers. In Venezuela, transgression produced a wider continental shelf upon which the Orinoco Clay has been deposited. The Orinoco River (see Fig. 1-1) has a length of 2500 kilometers and transports an estimated sediment load of 108 tons/year (Butenko and Hedberg, 1980). The river deposits most of it's granular soil inland, while the suspended clay particles are carried into the Atlantic 14 Ocean. Salt water causes these particles to flocculate and then the flocs settle to the sea floor. For the past fifteen thousand years, clay deposition has produced a vast and thick "mud wedge", extending up to 60 to 100 kilometers from the shoreline for a distance of about 450 kilometers along the continental shelf, with a maximum thickness of 50 to 70 meters. The swift longshore Guyana Current also transports some of the suspended flocs towards the West where deposition occurs in the placid waters of the semienclosed Gulf of Paria (Fig. 1-1). This offshore clay deposit composed of sediments derived from the Orinoco River has been termed the Orinoco Clay 1-2 BORINGS El AND Fl Jackup exploration and oil production platforms will be constructed in the Atlantic Ocean within the Orinoco River delta and in the Gulf of Paria. The Orinoco Clay deposit will totally support the jackup platforms and to determine their stability to ocean waves, winds, and platform dead and live loads, the undrained stress-strainstrength and consolidation properties of the deposit must be determined. For the oil production platforms, tubular steel piles will be driven through the Orinoco Clay deposit and into the stronger underlying dense sand and stiff clay strata. The oil production platforms will not rely upon 15 the Orinoco Clay to support axial loads, but the clay deposit must resist lateral pile deformations due to horizontal loads from wind and waves acting upon the oil In order to determine the resistance of the platforms. Orinoco Clay to lateral pile deformations, the undrained shear strength (su) and the stress-strain characteristics (e.g. Young's moduli, Eu ) of the clay deposit must be ascertained. Borings El and Fl (Fig. 1-1) were drilled to obtain Orinoco Clay for laboratory soil tests. The water depth and thickness of the Orinoco Clay deposit at each boring are presented below: -Boring Water Depth (f t) Deposit Thickness El 86 149 Fl 78 134 (ft) Orinoco Clay was sampled using cylindrical thinwalled stainless steel tubes. The sampling tubes were two to three feet long and 0.1 inch thick with an outside diameter of 3 inches. Two processes were utilized to penetrate the sampling tubes into the clay. At the top 40 to 60 feet of the deposit, the tubes were hammered into the soil. At greater depths, Orinoco Clay was obtained by using Fugro's "WIP" sampling equipment which consists of pushing the sampling tube into the soil at a constant velocity of about 0.8 inch per second (Fugro, 1979). After the tube samples were hoisted onboard the Fugro 16 drilling ship, some of the clay was used to classify the soil and to estimate the undrained shear strength by * performing Lab Vane (LV), Torvane (TV), and Unconsolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression (UUC) tests. The remaining Orinoco Clay was sealed by pouring molten wax into both ends of the sampling tube. M.I.T. received 17 tubes containing Orinoco Clay for laboratory soil tests: 6 tubes from boring El and 11 from boring Fl. Tables 1-1 and 1-2 present the sampling tube location and type of laboratory tests performed on Orinoco Clay specimens for borings El and Fl respectively. Each table presents the following data: (Column 1) Depth below the mudline of the tube sample. (Column 2) Sampling tube number; for example, E1512 means sampling tube number 12 from boring El. (Column 3) Type of sampler used; either "WIP" or hammered sampler where N is the number of blows (from a 198 pound hammer falling five feet) required to drive the sampling tube one foot. (Column 4) The in situ vertical effective stress at the depth of the sampling tube. (Column 5) The condition of the Orinoco Clay observed * Shannon and Wilson, Inc. Seattle, Washington, manufacture the Torvane device, a hand operated torsional vane shear device. 17 upon extrusion from it's sampling tube. For example, the Orinoco Clay from tube ElSl2 was highly disturbed and neither composition nor engineering tests were perforned. "Salt" (Columns 6, 7, and 8) Composition results. means that the salt concentration of the pore fluid was determined, "Org" refers to an estimation of the organic content of the soil, and "Mineral" pertains to X-ray diffraction analyses to determine the type of minerals present. (Columns 9, 10, and 11) Engineering tests. oedometer (Oed) and Direct Simple Shear Mostly (CK UDSS) tests were performed upon Orinoco Clay specimens. Of the 17 tubes containing Orinoco Clay received by M.I.T., four of the tubes had soil suffering from excessive sample disturbance causing the clay to be too soft to trim for engineering tests. 1-3 ORGANIZATION OF THESIS Chapter 1 has introduced the Orinoco Clay and borings El and Fl. Chapter 2 discusses Lab Vane, Torvane, and UUC tests which generally give unreliable values of the undrained shear strength with large scatter because of sample disturbance, strain rate effects, and anisotropy. The SHANSEP method is presented, which is generally a more reliable method to determine a s profile. 18 Chapter 3 presents index properties and composition analyses of the Orinoco Clay. Chapter 4 discusses radiography, an invaluable tool used to detect those portions of Orinoco Clay within the sampling tubes least likely to be disturbed and hence most suitable for sophisticated laboratory tests such as oedometer and Direct Simple Shear tests. Chapter 5 presents the stress history and consolidation properties obtained from oedometer tests. Chapter 6 presents the normalized soil properties obtained from Direct Simple Shear (CK0 UDSS), K Consolidated Undrained Triaxial Compression (CK UC) and Extension (CK UE) tests and the SHANSEP undrained shear strength profiles at borings El and Fl. Chapter 7 is the thesis conclusion. TABLE 1 -1 Depth No. SAMPLE LOCATION, TYPE AND PRINCIPAL TESTS: Salt (kg/cm ) (ft) Engineering(2) Composition (1)emarks Type BORING El Org. Mineral. Oed. CKoU - - - - - Uniform clay with gas pockets yes yes yes Oed-l DSS-2 DSS-3 form clay with yes yes yes Oed-2 - yes yes yes Oed-3 DSS- 37-40 12 N-3 0.77 Highly disturbed 55-57 15 N-10 1.13 83-84 18 WIP 1.74 98-100 21 WIP 2.08 Other - Effect of salt on wL H - DSS-4 horiontalcrac - TC-3 113-116 24 WIP 2.41 Disturbed 133-136 27 WIP 2.84 Uniform (1) Computed for Ga - 2.72 and (2) Test No: S - 100% clay yes yes - yes yes yes - Oed-13 Oed-14 (see Table 3-1) DSS - Direct Simple Shear; TC - Triaxial Compression; TE - Triaxial Extension - DSS-13- - k0 TABLE 1-2 Depth no. Type. - ov SAMPLE LOCATION, TYPE AND PRINCIPAL TESTS: BORING F1 (1) Remarks Salt (kgycm2) (ft) Composition Mineral. Org. (Engineering)(2) Other CK U Oed. yes yes - - yes yes yes Oed-5 DSS-12 Uniform clay yes yes - Oed-9 DSS-6 0.93 Slightly disturbed with few horizontal cracks yes yes yes WIP 1.20 Disturbed yes yes yes - 18 WIP 1.22 yes yes yes Oed-4 DSS-l1 - 81-83 21 WIP 1.51 yes yes - Oed-8 DSS-10 - 96-98 24 WIP 1.80 yes yes yes Oed-6 DSS-- 111-113 27 WIP 2.09 yes yes yes Oed-1- 126-128 30 WIP 2.38 127-130 57 WIP 2.41 25-27 54 WIP 0.44 27-29 9 N=4 0.48 36-38 12 N-8 0.64 51-52.5 15 WIP 65-67 55 66-68 Disturbed horizont a i few Uniform clay Platy Structure Platy Structure,Disturbed Uniform clay . . - yes yes yes Oed-12 Oed-18 II (1) Computed for Ga = 2.72 and S = 100% (see Table 3-1) (2) Test No; - Oed-16 Very uniform clay - Oed-11 Oed-7 Uniform clay with shell fragments - - DSS = Direct Simple Shear; TC = Triaxial -Compression; TE - Triaxial Extension - S_ E-i t~J 0 SCALE I a 2,000,000 N I TRINIDAD GULF OF PARIA BORING El -. .. H : VENEZUELA RINOCO RIVER.- FIGURE 1-1 BORING LOCATIONS . .. BORING Fl -- '1 ..... 22 2. 2-1 SHANSEP METHOD TV, LV, AND UUC TESTS Several types of engineering tests can be used to determine the undrained shear strength (su) of a clay specimen. Some examples are Torvane (TV), Lab Vane (LV), and Uncon- solidated Undrained Triaxial Compression (UUC) tests. But TV, LV, and UUC test suffer inaccuracies because of such factors as: (1) Sample disturbance: the more disturbed the soil structure, the lower the value of the undrained shear strength. Sample disturbance can be caused by stress relief when making a borehole, by hammering or pushing the sampling tube into the clay stratum, expansion of gas during retrieval of the sampling tube, jarring or banging the sampling tube during transportation to the laboratory, roughly removing the clay from the sampling tube, and crudely cutting the clay specimen to a specific size for a laboratory test. These actions cause a decrease in the effective stress, a reduction in the interparticle bonds, and a rearrangement of the soil particles. An "undisturbed" soil specimen will have little rearrangement of the soil particles and perhaps no disturbance except that caused by stress relief where there is a change from a in situ K condition to a isotropic "perfect sample" stress condition. (Ladd and Lambe, 1963). A disturbed soil specimen will have a disrupted soil structure with 23 perhaps a total rearrangement of soil particles. The results of laboratory tests run on undisturbed specimens obviously better represent in situ properties than laboratory tests run on disturbed specimens. (2) Strain rate: the faster a soil specimen is sheared, i.e. a fast strain rate, the higher the value of su . For Torvane, Lab Vane, and UUC tests, the strain rate is very fast with failure occuring in only a few minutes or less. (3) Anisotropy: clay has a natural strength variation where su depends on the orientation of the failure plane, thus su along a horizontal failure plane will not equal s along a vertical failure plane. Lab Vane and Torvane tests have simultaneous horizontal plus vertical failure planes with an undrained shear strength that rarely equals s u from a UUC test which has an oblique failure plane. Because of sample disturbance, strain rate effects, and anisotropy, considerable scatter in TV, LV, and UUC results usually occurs (for example, see Fig. 3-1). Neglecting anisotropic effects, an average line drawn through the s data points in Figure 3-1 will not equal the in situ undrained shear strength unless there is a fortuitous cancellation of factors: i.e. the increased su due to a high strain rate is compensated disturbance. by an equal reduction in su due to sample In addition, stress-strain curves can not be obtained from TV and LV tests, and moduli from UUC tests are typically much too low. 24 2-2 SHANSEP METHOD Several important symbols and there representative definitions are presented below: avo a OCR - in situ vertical effective stress, which equals (for submerged soil) the buoyant unit weight (Y times the depth below the mudline (z) . - maximum past pressure, obtained from the compression curve of an oedometer test by using Casagrande's method (see page 297 of Lambe and Whitman, 1969).. - overconsolidation ratio, which equals / Clay that is at equilibrium under the mafimmon vertical effective stress it has ever experienced is normally consolidated (OCR = 1.0), whereas clay that is at equilibrium under a vertical effective stress less than that to which it once had is overconsolidated (OCR > 1.0). vertical consolidation stress, for laboratory tests vc such as oedometer and CK0UDSS tests. s a - undrained shear strength, from strength tests such as TV, LV, UUC, and CK 0 UDSS tests. s / - normalized undrained shear strength, where avc is u vcthe vertical consolidation stress prior to shearing. s /a is only applicable for strength tests where tie Ygil specimen is first consolidated to a sheared (e.g. CK0 UDSS, Triaxial tests). The SHANSEP , then vc method (Ladd and Foott, 1974) was developed to obtain the stress-strain and strength properties of soft clay deposits. This method is based upon experience which indicates that the in situ stress-strain and strength properties of many clay deposits are controlled by the stress history of the deposit; for 'example, the undrained shear strength is proportional to the overconsolidation ratio. * An acronym for Stress History And Normalized Soil Engineering Properties. 25 A clay deposit must exhibit "normalized behavior" for SHANSEP to give reliable values of su. Normalized behavior means that laboratory strength tests on clay specimens having the same overconsolidation ratio will have similar normalized stress-strain curves and identical values of su vc. But naturally cemented clays and "quick clays" have their interparticle bonds broken during the consolidation portion of the SHANSEP laboratory strength testing technique and thus su by SHANSEP does not represent in situ strength. Table 2-1 presents the basic components of the SHANSEP method. Figure 2-1 illustrates the SHANSEP procedure to determine the undrained shear strength profile for a uniform clay deposit subjected to a bearing capacity failure. The SHANSEP method has -two distinct parts: stress history and normalized soil properties. Stress History The first step in SHANSEP is to establish the stress history of the clay deposit. a This means that both Q versus depth must be ascertained (Fig. 2-la). and The in situ vertical effective stress versus depth can be computed from the index properties (wn, S, Gs). The maximum past pressure data points in Figure 2-la were obtained from oedometer tests. the j Knowing the -vo profile and estimating profile from oedometer tests, the overconsolidation ratio (OCR = /7vo) can then be calculated (Fig. 2-lc). 26 A reasonably well defined stress history is essential for reliable s values from SHANSEP. u Normalized Soil Properties The second step in SHANSEP is to obtain the normalized undrained shear strength (sU (Fig. 2-lb). vc ) versus OCR relationship This consists of one-dimensionally (K0 ) consol- idating a clay specimen in a Direct Simple Shear apparatus beyond the in situ maximum past pressure and into the normally consolidated region to a preshear vertical consolidation stress (avc ) and then shearing the specimen to obtain s /Gvc for OCR = 1.0. Additional CK0 UDSS specimens are consolidated into the normally consolidated region, but then unloaded, allowed to swell, and then sheared to obtain the normalized undrained shear strength at varying overconsolidation ratios, such as OCR = 2, 4, and 8. This laboratory testing program establishes the su /avc versus OCR relationship plotted in Figure 2-lb. Example of Obtaining s by SHANSEP Method At El. 85, the stress history results in Figure 2-la = 7.2, an-overconsolidated indicate that a = 1.8 and a vo vm clay with OCR = 4.0- Laboratory CK UDSS test data plotted in Figure 2-lb indicate that if a clay specimen has an overconsolidation ratio of 4.0, then s /avc = 0.60. As 27 shown in Figure 2-ic, multiplying 0.6 times a gives an vo. su = 1.08, which is plotted in Figure 2-id. 2-3 SUMMARY The SHANSEP method will be used to determine the undrained shear strength profiles for the Orinoco Clay at borings El and Fl. G s), Knowing the index properties (wn', the in situ vertical effective stress ( vo) versus depth can be computed (Chapter 3). The stress history of the Orinoco Clay deposit is obtained by performing oedometer tests where the maximum past pressure (Fv) can be deduced by Casagrande's method and the overconsolidation ratio can then be calculated (Chapter 5). From Direct Simple Shear tests run on Orinoco Clay specimens, a plot similar to Figure 2-lb of the normalized undrained shear strength (s /3vc) versus overconsolidation ratio (OCR) is presented (Chapter 6). Then by performing the computations illustrated in Figure 2-ic, the undrained shear strength profiles can be drawn for the Orinoco Clay at borings El and Fl. 28 Table 2-1 SHANSEP Approach After Ladd (1971) Stress History And Normalized Soil Engineering Properties Method of Estimating Stress-Strain-Strength Properties of Clay Generation of Data 1. Consolidate samples to appropriate conditions a) If N.C. clay, use avc = 1.5 - b) If O.C. clay, use a > in situ a vm Vc Use K = in situ K, such as K c) Allow secondary compression to simulate 4 x avo "aging". 2. Shear samples under appropriate conditions a) Same stress system (Mode of failure) (Proper a2 and rotation of principal planes) b) Proper strain rate Presentation of Data 1. Use "normalized" parameters such as su and E/3vc; plot vs. OCR = a lavc Utilization of Data 1. Determine in situ OCR and stress system 2. Select normalized parameter 3. Multiply parameter by in situ avo vc EFFECTIVE STRESS O z0I.- 100------ SAND 90 2 4 8 6 ou CKJJDSS TEST DATA 0.8 ou /(vc - / AND su 70 CLAY 0 DEPOSIT -- e v0o 60- _ 50 1t . (a) IN SITU SOIL PROFILE AND STRESS HISTORY EL. Tvo rvm OCR 0.4 FIELD APPLICATION [su /&,o 0.2 7.2 4.00 0.60 1.08 75 2.8 5.3 1.90 0.34 0.95 65 3.8 5.8 1.50 0.28 1.06 55 4.8 6.5 1.35 0.25 1.20 (c) COMPUTATION OF SHANSEP su VALUES FIGURE 2 -1 , (LOG SCALE)- OCR 0 vm (vc AND OVm '0o (b) NORMALIZED UNDRAINED STRENGTH vs. OCR . 1.8 vs. IN SITU lvm /dvo] I 0' su 85 Vs. 4- 0.6 80 UNIFORM wj 1.0 10 z 0 UNDRAINED STRENGTH, su 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 to- I- w ( 60 -I% (d) SHANSEP su PROFILE FOR ANALYSES APPLICATION OF SIANSEP TO UNDRAINED STABILITY ANALYSIS USING CK U DIRECT SIMPLE SHEAR TESTS 30 3. INDEX PROPERTIES AND COMPOSITION OF ORINOCO CLAY Chapter 3 begins the presentation of results from laboratory tests upon Orinoco Clay. Many of the laboratory tests presented within this chapter were performed upon clay specimens of unknown quality. For specific gravity tests, Atterberg Limits, X-ray diffraction tests, and organi6 matter determinations, an initially disturbed clay specimen should not effect the results. However, natural water contents and TV, LV, and UUC strength tests can be significantly altered by sample disturbance. 3-1 UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH FROM STRENGTH INDEX TESTS: TV, LV, AND UUC Figures 3-1 and 3-2 present undrained shear strength (s ) values obtained by Torvane, Lab Vane, and UUC tests. After retrieval of a sampling tube containing Orinoco Clay, some of the soil was used onboard the Fugro ship to perform these strength tests. Notice the wide scatter in results; for example, in Figure 3-1 at z = 130 feet, 2 This scatter is s varies between 0.35 to 0.75 kg/cm . caused by sample disturbance, strain rate effects, and clay anisotropy (Chapter 2). Figure 3-3 illustrates how the strain rate and sample disturbance influence Torvane undrained shear strengths. The Torvane tests on "undisturbed" F1S57 clay specimens 31 (open symbol,A) is sheared of s . indicate that the faster the soil specimen (i.e. a fast strain rate), the higher the value Standard Torvane tests usually have failure in less than 10 seconds, and the very fast strain rate causes about a 20% increase in s for F1S57 clay specimens. Torvane tests on deliberately disturbed (remolded) clay specimens (closed symbol,A) have much lower su values, the reduction u2 in the undrained shear strength is from 0.5 to 0.1 kg/cm2 Figure 3-3 clearly shows that su can be reduced much more by sample disturbance than by differences in strain rate. Figures 3-1 and 3-2 also illustrate the effects of different sampling techniques. It has been stated (Wilun et al, 1972) that "the method of forcing the sampler into the ground has a considerable effect on the sample disturbance; samplers pushed into the soil at a fast uniform rate produce little disturbance whereas samplers driven into the soil with individual blows induce considerable disturbance".* At z = 60 feet in Figure 3-1 and at z = 40 feet in Figure 3-2 there is a distinct discontinuity in the undrained shear strength. Above these depths, sampling tubes were hammered causing sample disturbance with low values of su Below these depths, sampling tubes were pushed into the soil strata at a fast uniform rate by using Fugro's "WIP" sampling equipment causing less sample disturbance and values of su more representative of the in situ undrained shear strength. 32 3-2 INDEX PROPERTIES: NATURAL WATER CONTENT Figures 3-1 and 3-2 also present the natural water content (wn) for Orinoco Clay recorded onboard the Fugro ship, at M.I.T., and at Catholic University Venezuela for borings El and Fl respectively. El (Fig. 3-1), (C.U.) in For boring the natural water content decreases from 7S% at the mudline to 45% at a depth of 55 feet. Below 55 feet, the natural water content increases and is constant with depth at 53 & 2%. Except for results from sampling tubes ES1l2 and E1S24, good agreement exists between the water contents determined by Fugro, C.U., and M.I.T. Sampling tubes ElS12 and ElS24 contained highly disturbed clay with very high natural water contents that probably do not correspond to the wn of the in situ clay. For boring Fl (Fig. 3-2), the natural water content decreases from 90% at the mudline to 63% at a depth of 30 feet. Below 30 feet, the water content is essentially constant at 65 . 5%. Once again, good agreement exists between M.I.T. and Fugro data except for tubes F1S54 and F1S55 which contained highly disturbed clay. 3-3 INDEX PROPERTIES: ATTERBERG LIMITS The results of Atterberg Limits performed by M.I.T. and C.U. are plotted on Casagrande's Plasticity Chart, Figure 3-4. For boring El, the plasticity index (P.I.) 33 ranges from 25 to 45%, classified as a CH clay. At boring Fl, the plasticity index above z = 70 feet is generally 40 to 50%, while below z = 70 feet, the P.I. is 50 to 65%. The Orinoco Clay at boring Fl is classified as a CH to CHOH clay and is more plastic then at boring El. 3-4 IN SITU VERTICAL EFFECTIVE STRESS Six specific gravity tests were performed at M.I.T. with an average of the specific gravity of solids (Gs equal to 2.72 and values ranging from 2.69 to 2.74. Table 3-1 presents data for computing the in situ vertical effective stress at borings El and Fl. Each boring was divided into layers where the change in natural water content was approximately constant; then using wnl with Gs = 2.72, a unit weight of salt water (y ) equal, to 64 pounds per cubic foot, and assuming 100% saturation, both yb and y were calculated using the equations presented in Table 3-1. The in situ vertical effective stress. was obtained by assuming hydrostatic in situ pore water pressures: therefore avo equals depth below mudline times buoyant unit weight (yb)' For comparison, Table 3-1 also presents the yt values obtained by Fugro: they weighed a sampling tube containing Orinoco Clay, subtracted the weight of the steel liner and then divided this value by the volume of the sampling tube. Most values computed by Fugro are close to the M.I.T. yt 34 calculations. 3-5 COMPOSITION ANALYSES: MINERALOGY In mineralogy, X-ray diffraction is the process of identifying mineral structures by exposing crystals to X-rays and studying the resulting diffraction peaks. X-ray diffraction (XRD) tests on Orinoco Clay specimens reveal the same basic types of minerals at both borings El and Fl. One-third to one-half of the soil consists of clay minerals. The clay minerals are kaolinite, illite, and swelling minerals (smectite). The rest of the soil contains quartz, mica, and very weathered feldspar grains withsmall amounts of diatom fragments, sponge spicules, and organic matter. Table 3-2 presents the XRD peaks for the clay minerals S9, 515, S55, from Orinoco Clay specimens from boring Fl. etc. at the top of Table 3-2 refer to the sampling tubes from which the test specimens were extracted. The XRD peaks for kaolin are between 40 to 50 for all specimens which indicates that there is about the same amount of kaolinite in all specimens tested. from 100 to 250. For illite, the XRD peaks vary "Total Swelling" refers to the XRD peaks for swelling minerals (smectite). Except for S18, the XRD peaks range from 100 to 225 for samples above z = 70 feet and for samples below z = 70 feet, the XRD peaks are about double with values from 300 to 400. A doubling of 35 the XRD peak does not necessarily imply a doubling in the amount of swelling minerals, but it can be stated that below z = 70 feet the clay contains considerably more swelling minerals. This discovery is very important because swelling minerals have profound effects upon engineering properties. Unfortunately, only four mineralogy tests were performed on boring El specimens and, as shown -if Table 3-3, an increase in swelling minerals below z = 70 feet is not indicated by the scant data. 3-6 SALT CONCENTRATION AND ORGANIC MATTER As shown in Figure 3-5, the salt concentration of the pore fluid for both borings El and Fl decreases with depth from 35 grams/liter at the mudline to 25 + 5 grams/liter at z = 130 feet. The salt concentration woild -be expected to be 35 grams/liter for the entire deposit since the Orinoco Clay has been deposited in salt water. Perhaps the reduction in salt concentration with increasing depth is caused by chemical diagenesis. The pore fluid, incompatible and/or unstable minerals (feldspar grains), organic matter, and carbonates interact with each other to bring the soil into equilibrium, perhaps causing the salt concentration to decrease with time. Figure 3-5 also presents the percentage of the soil mass that is organic matter. The organic matter content is very small, 2 + 0.5%, but it does decrease slightly 36 at depths greater than 100 feet. 3-7 SUMMARY In Figures 3-1 and 3-2 there is considerable scatter in the undrained shear strength from TV, LV, and UUC tests. A distinct discontinuity exists in the undrained shear strength data at z = 60 feet in Figure 3-1-and at z 40 feet in Figure 3-2 caused by different sampling techniques where hammering a sampling tube causes more sample disturbance than Fugro's "WIP" sampling procedure. The Orinoco Clay at boring El is classified as a CH clay and has a P.I. between 25 to 45%. The Orinoco Clay at boring Fl'is classified as a CH to CH-OH clay with a P.I. between 40 to 50% above z = 70 feet, while below z = 70 feet, the P.I. is 50 to 65%. Mineralogy results indicate that the Orinoco Clay at both borings El and Fl contains the same basic minerals; one-third to one-half of the soil being clay minerals such as kaolinite, illite, and swelling minerals (smectite). The rest of the soil consists mostly of quartz, mica, .and weathered feldspar grains. For boring Fl, there is consid- erably more swelling minerals below than above z = 70 feet. UNIT WEIGHTS AND EFFECTIVE STRESS TABLE 3-1 Y Depth (ft) Boring El (t VN (1) (2) Ave. i ai a0 SD (M) 0-55 59 105.2 101.6 ± 8.2 55-75 49 110.0 105.0 t 1.4 -0.129 0.0225 75-140 52 108.4 107.1 ± 5.8 -0.0703 0.0217 0-30 77 98.8 94.2 ± 4.0 0 0.0170 30-140 63 103.6 104.4 ± 9.4 -0.0703 0.0193 Yt= GsYw (1 + wn)/(I + wnGsywysw) avo (tube) pcf - (pcf) Fl Yb Parameters FUGRO Assumed t 0.0201 0 Assuming 100% saturation sw b(z) Assuming hydrostatic in situ pore water pressures Using the above yt equation, with Gs = 2.72, y w = 62.4 pcf, and y Svo(kg/cm2) = a0 + a1Z(ft) = 64 pcf TABLE 3-2 CLAY MINERALOGY SUMMARY FOR BORING Fl Absolute Peak Amplitude Phase S9 (27') S15 (51') S55 (66') S18 (66') S24 (96') S27 (111') S57 (127') W~h co Kaolin 45 45 40 40 40 50 45 Illite 200 120 100 200 250 200 220 Total Swelling 225 200 100 400 400 300 400 TABLE 3-3 CLAY MINERALOGY SUMMARY FOR BORING El Absolute Peak Amplitude (55') (83') S21 S27 (99') (134') Kaolin 50 40 50 40 Illite 150 120 250 120 Total Swelling 270 190 250 210 PhseS15 Phase S18 MIT WN (%) SAMPLES 40 0 50 60 su (TSF, kg /cma) 0 Rfl 70 0.2 0.8 0.6 0.4 e x cD FUGRO t 00 20 20 XV* 40[ 512 104 0 xe 40 some0 x S5 - 00 0 0 am0 a S18 LAB VANE 0 uuc e> 0 80 0 -o 0 x ()p i3 0 K 00 x 100 -S21 100 0 0 S24 0 60 K 0 120 O FUORO * MIT 0 1o S27 0 C -- T WIP 00 80 TORVANE x 6 4.. Id 0 x C -0 C.u. 0 120 K 00 x S 140L -1 - FIGURE 3-1 NATURAL WATER CONTENT AND STRENGTH INDEX TESTS: BORING El 401- 6 0 00 l.0 Mil SAMP LES 50 0 su (TSF, kg/cma) WN N 60 80 T 90 100 0 0.2 0 0 S54 (WIP) S12 401 S15 4- 0 0 APXx 00a_ ___ 00 T 0 SIB I-- o _ 0 1V24 FIGURE 3-2 _ _ _ X0 0 0 C 100 X C 0 S27 140L _ x 0 0 0 3001- O __ 80 0 [S57 e H1 00 1530 LAB VANE 40 80 -21 1201 C 0 60 00 S55 TORVANE uuc e 40 X ,0 WIP 0 60 FUGRO 20 o 0.1 0.6 C 0 20 0.4 00 C x 120 0 0 >O . 00 0 FUGRO x ex' 0 MIT 140 A NATURAL WATER CONTENT AND STRENGTH INDEX TESTS; BORING Fl A 1 C 0.50 A I - 0.40 0.30 A ra) N)J A 0.20 A 0.10 z Sample F1S57 = 129 ft A - "UNDISTURBED" CLAY A - REMOLDED CLAY ONBOARD TV 0 0 20 40 60 80 = 0.48 kg/cm 2 100 TIME TO FAILURE (SECONDS) FIGURE 3-3 EFFECTS OF DISTURBANCE AND STRAIN RATE ON TORVANE DATA: SAMPLE F1S57 0 70 OIN -ET - -f -0 600 O>NG 00 DT 50I 0__ (i.__ 00. __ __ o20 () By C.U.ALL OTHER DATA BY MIT 40 III 200 U) 20 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 LIQUID LIMIT, wL () FIGURE 3-4 PLASTICITY CHART: ORINOCO CLAY 70 s0 so IOU ilu ORGANIC MATTER (%) SALT CONCENTRATION (g/l) 20 15 IC o - 30 25 35 0 2 I 3 I El 0 20 FI O 0 I _ 40 0 00 I__ -1_0_ 0 I 60 0 0 w 80 a 100 l (20 0 0 120 00 FIGURE 3- 5 SALT CONCENTRATION AND ORGANIC MATTER: ORINOCO CLAY '9 M 0 45 4. 4-1 RADIOGRAPHY INTRODUCTION: X-RAYS In 1895, Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen discovered X-rays, which are one form of electromagnetic radiation. Other examples of electromagnetic radiation are radio waves and visible light where a distinguishing characteristic is .the wave length; defined as the distance, measured in the direction of propagation of the wave, between two successive peaks. The approximate wave lengths for X-rays and visible light are 100 millionths and 20 thousandths of a centimeter respectively, while radio waves have wave lengths that vary between a meter to several kilometers in length. The fact that X-rays have wave lengths that are 5,000 times smaller than those of visible light accounts for the penetration through metals by X-rays compared to the reflection or absorption of light waves. X-rays are produced when electrons traveling at high speeds collide with matter. The kinetic energy of a high speed electron is transferred into heat and X-ray photons as it strikes the nucleus of a stationary atom. One mechanism that produces X-ray photons is the cathode ray tube. Photography using X-rays is called radiography. A radiograph is the photographic record produced by the passage of X-rays through an object and onto a white photo- 46 graphic film. If silver halide crystals are placed upon a white photographic film and then bombarded with X-rays, the chemicals will react with X-ray photons causing the photographic film to darken. As X-ray photons travel through a solid medium, some photons will be absorbed and the denser a material the more photons absorbed. For example, a radiograph produced after positioning a man's chest between an X-ray source and a photographic film will distinctly reveal the bones of the chest cavity which are much denser than the surrounding flesh, tissue, and organs. 4-2 DESCRIPTION OF M.I.T.'s RADIOGRAPH FACILITY M.I.T. received radiograph facilities for use in geotechnical engineering research by a N.S.F. equipment grant (number ENG78-10435). The facilities include: (1) a X-ray source generator containing a double beryllium window, (2) a constructed enclosure 12 feet by 8 feet by 7 feet containing lead shielding on all walls, and (3) a dark room to develop the radiographs. The major advantage of radiography is that a photograph of the soil can be obtained before the soil is extruded from it's sampling tube. Worm holes, coral fragments, cracks and gravel inclusions can easily be identified by -using radiography (e.g. Allen et al., 1978). Photons contain energy with zero mass and thus X-rays 47 can not displace or disturb soil particles. X-rays can kill organisms, for example bacteria, fungi, etc. living within the soil mass, but the lethal dose for such organisms is several orders of magnitude greater than that induced during radiography. A sampling procedure using thin-walled cylindrical sampling tubes was utilized to obtain Orinoco Clay. The sampling tubes are stainless steel having a thickness of 0.1 inch with an outside diameter of 3 inches. Tubes were two to three feet long with both ends sealed with approximately two inches of wax. Hitherto, the only means of examining the clay was to extrude it from the tube. Because the sampling tubes are cylindrical, X-rays that strike at the center of the tube (point A, Fig. 4-la) must travel through 0.2 inches of stainless steel and 2.8 inches of soil, while those X-rays that strike at point B (Fig. 4-la) travel through much less soil. The density at point A is much greater than the density at point B and aluminum plates of varying thickness are arranged so that the density across the tube is approximately uniform. vertical lines in the radiograph prints The (for example, see Fig. 4-3) are caused by the varying thickness of the aluminum plates. Some X-ray photons are reflected off the walls and these photons could strike the photographic film from behind. To eliminate this scatter radiation, lead shielding is 48 positioned behind and around the photographic film (Fig. 4-1). The variables for the radiography of sampling tubes are the input voltage and current to the X-ray source, the duration of X-ray bombardment of the photographic film, the distance from the X-ray source to the photographic film, and the developing time of the photographic film. After numerous trials, the following values produced the best radiographs for 3 inch diameter sampling tubes: 4-3 Input Voltage: 160 kilovolts Input Current: 3.9 milliamperes Exposure Time: 5 minutes Distance From X-ray Source: 6 feet Developing Time: 15 minutes RADIOGRAPHY OF SAMPLING TUBES CONTAINING ORINOCO CLAY This'section will present radiograph prints, that have been reproduced as positives using the radiograph as.a negative, of Orinoco Clay within sampling tubes. Light areas represent zones of low soil density and dark areas represent zones of high soil density. The radiograph prints are close to true scale. Sampling Tube F1S57, Sample Disturbance Figure 4-3 is a radiograph print of the top 10 inches of sampling tube F1S57 (depth = 127 to 130 feet). Lead 49 numbers (0 through 9) and letters (A, B, C, etc.) were usually attached at one inch nominal distances along each tube and radiographs taken at 10 inch intervals, which is the size of the photographic film. The top of Figure 4-3 at letter E is the top wax seal, which has a very low density. As the Orinoco Clay was extruded from sampling tube F1S57, Torvane and engineering tests were performed and the results are presented in Figure 4-2. Several important conclusions can be obtained by comparing Figure 4-2 with Figure 4-3. (1) Figure 4-3 illustrates a swirling mass of clay containing large voids. The clay between letters Z to U is highly disturbed with Torvane undrained shear strengths less than 0.1 kg/cm2 . Possibly this highly disturbed clay is cuttings inadvertently left at the bottom of the borehole. Some of the disturbance could also be caused by tube friction during sampling as the clay near the tube wall may become remolded as it travels up the tube. (2) In Figure 4-3, the Orinoco Clay below letter U is uniform in appearance and does- not contain voids. Figure 4-2 indicates that between letters U to S the Torvane undrained shear strength increases from 0.1 to 2 0.5 kg/cm2. Below letter S, the Torvane undrained shear strength is constant at 0.5 kg/cm2 and this value is very close to the Torvane strength obtained onboard the Fugro ship. 50 (3) The Orinoco Clay between letters T-S appeared to be of excellent quality when viewing Figure 4-3 and was used for oedometer test No. 12 (oed-12). The oedometer results indicated that the Orinoco Clay at this depth of 127.7 feet was underconsolidated (OCR = 0.56). The Torvane undrained shear strengths obtained directly above the oedometer specimen were considerably less than the Torvane s value obtained onboard the Fugro ship (0.3 versus 0.48 kg/cm2). The lower Torvane su value of 0.3 kg/cm2 was caused by sample disturbance and the clay specimen for the oedometer test No. 12 was also disturbed resulting in a low maximum past pressure and subsequent low OCR. A new oedometer test was performed on a better quality specimen (Oed-18, see Fig 4-2) and the results indicated a slightly overconsolidated deposit (OCR = 1.15). In this instance, only the radiograph was used to select oedometer test No. 12 specimen, yeti comparing the Torvane undrained shear strength obtained above the oedometer specimen (TVoed) to the Torvane strength obtained onboard the Fugro drilling ship (TVboat would have provided an additional assurance of a good quality specimen. Sampling Tube ElS12, Gas Pockets Figure 4-4 is a radiograph print of a 10 inch portion of tube ElSl2 (depth = 37 to 40 feet). The white specks dispersed throughout the print represent voids. The voids 51 probably. occurred- when air and -hyarogen sulfide gas (H2 S) came out of solution as the in situ confining pressure was reduced to zero during retrieval of a sampling tube. As the dark gray Orinoco Clay was extruded from tube ElSl2, a pungent odor of rotten eggs assailed one's senses. The clay was exceedingly soft, it was closer to a viscous liquid than a solid, and it possessed negligible shear strength (Torvane readings were zero). Tubes ElS24 (depth = 113 to 116 feet), F1S54 25 to 27 feet), and F1S55 (depth = 65 to 67 feet) had similar looking radiographs (voids). (depth = that contained white specks Upon extrusion from the sampling tubes, the Orinoco Clay was highly disturbed with low Torvane strengths and high natural water contents. Sampling Tube ElS21, Horizontal Cracks Figures 4-5a and 4-5b are radiograph prints of tube ElS21 (depth = 98 to 100 feet). The Orinoco Clay at the top of Figure 4-5a was disturbed with very low Torvane undrained shear strengths. The bottom of Figure 4-5a shows numerous horizontal cracks, probably the result of gas coming out of solution. At the top of Figure 4-5b, the horizontal cracks diminish in number with excellent quality soil between letters E through I. Radiograph prints can also reveal the type of soil structure, e.g. in Figure 4-5b the clay has a slightly layered appearance. 52 Figures 4-5a and 4-5b clearly demonstrate the value of using radiography to select zones of good quality soil Only a small portion of the Orinoco for laboratory tests. Clay within sampling tube ElS21 was suitable for the sophisticated engineering tests. All the Orinoco Clay above letter E was extruded and used for index tests, then the good quality clay between letters E through I was extruded and used for oedometer, triaxial, and CK0 UDSS tests. 4-4 SUMMARY Radiography is an invaluable tool that can be used to detect those portions of soil within the sampling tubes least likely to be disturbed and hence most suitable for sophisticated laboratory tests such as oedometer and Direct Simple Shear tests. The radiograph prints presented within this chapter clearly show several important features: (1) Zones of disturbed Orinoco Clay due to: (a) possible cuttings inadvertently left at the bottom of the borehole and/or highly remolded soil (Fig. 4-3), and (b) expansion of gas pockets as the gas comes out of solution upon release of in situ confining pressures (Fig. 4-4). (2) Zones containing horizontal cracks, presumably caused by expanding gas (Fig. 4-5) 53 (3) Different soil structure; for example, very uniform (bottom of Fig. 4-3) or slightly layered (middle of Fig. 4-5b). The radiograph prints clearly indicated the proportion of "good-excellent" quality clay to that of disturbed soil. Thus radiography enables the geotechnical engineer to locate the best quality clay before extruding the soil from the sampling tube. This aids in planning a soil testing program and reduces the likelihood of performing meaningless laboratory tests on severely disturbed soil. 54 RADIOGRAPH FILM ALUMINUM B PLATES TUBE SAMPLE NOTE: TARGET AREA SURROUNDED BY LEAD SHIELDING X-RAYS X-RAY HEAD (a) ELEVATION VIEW RADIOGRAPH FILM 10 IN. TUBE SAMPLE 6 F ALUMINUM PLATES . X-RAYS EJ X-RAY (b) PLAN VIEW FIGURE 4-1 HEAD NOT TO SCALE RADIOGRAPHY OF A SAMPLING TUBE CONTAINIUG ORINOCO CLAY MARKINGS I w 2 su (kg/cm ) TUBE WAX 127.01(1) N 0.2 0.4 0.5 0 uuc (2) EST. TVO= 2.40 0 0.3 0 TORVANE STRESSES IN kg/cm 2 (3) ONBOARD 127.51- 0.1 NOTE: VOID 01- 0 ENGINEERING TESTS TV=0.48 0 444 UUc No. 4 w a L, u, su =0.14 >0 0z WN=72.2 % (I) OED No. 12, wN= 6 4 .8 % vm =1.35, CR=0.25 128.0O 66 OED No. 18, WN= .5 % Ivm=2.75, CR=0.36 z FIGURE 4-2 OEDOMETER AND STRENGTH DATA ON SAMPLE FlS57 FOR COMPARISON WITH RADIOGRAPH- E U51 M~ FIGURE 4-3 SAMPLE F1S57: RADIOGRAPH PRINT SHOWING SAMPLE DISTURBANCE (from Ladd, et al. 1980) uL FIGURE 4-4 SAMPLE ElS12: RADIOGRAPH PRINT SHOWING GAS POCKETS (from Ladd, et al. 1980) FIGURE 4-5a SAMPLE ElS21: RADIOGRAPH PRINT SHOWING HORIZONTAL CRACKS (from Ladd, et al. 1980) FIGURE 4-5b SAMPLE ElS21: RADIOGRAPH PRINT SHOWING HORIZONTAL CRACKS (from Ladd, et al. 1980) 60 STRESS HISTORY AND CONSOLIDATION PROPERTIES 5. 5-1 INTRODUCTION: TEST PROCEDURES FOR OEDOMETER TESTS Seventeen oedometer tests were performed on Orinoco Clay specimens in the M.I.T. geotechnical laboratory, five from boring El and twelve from boring Fl. The procedures used for all oedometer tests are the same as those described in Lambe (1951), except as noted below: (1) The oedometer tests were performed with a load increment ratio equal to 1.0, except near the presumed maximum past pressure where it was reduced to approximately 0.5 in order to better define the maximum curvature-of the compression curve. (2) The maximum past pressure was obtained by using* Casagrande's method (Casagrande, 1936) for compression curves based on vertical strain (Ev) versus vertical consolidation stress (7vc), where the vertical strains are those corresponding to the end of primary consolidation (Ladd 1973). The load increments were applied for a time interval of sufficient duration to enable the determination of the end of primary consolidation. Oedometer Orinoco Clay specimens were cylindrical, 2.5 inches in diameter and approximately 1.0 inch in height. During testing, the clay specimens were continuously surrounded by distilled water in the oedometer apparatus. 61 Some of the dissolved salt in the pore fluid of the clay specimen will diffuse into this distilled water. To investigate whether or not a change in the pore fluid salt concentration will effect engineering properties, two Atterberg Limits were performed on ElS15 clay specimens where the liquid limit was 63% for an original specimen having a pore fluid salt concentration of 29 grams/liter and when the pore fluid salt concentration was diluted to 1 gram/liter, the liquid limit was essentially unaltered (64%). Since a significant reduction in the pore fluid salt concentration does not alter liquid limits, then the small change in pore fluid salt concentration during an oedometer test should not effect the result's. Table 5-1 summarizes all oedometer results for boring El and Table 5-2 for boring Fl. Both tables present the following data: (Column 1) Depth of oedometer specimen and sample tube number. (Column 2) Oedometer test number. (Column 3) The natural water content and the Atterberg Limits for each oedometer test as measured from test specimen trimmings. (Column 4) Two sample disturbance indices; TV(oed/boat) is the ratio of Torvane undrained shear strength obtained directly above the oedometer specimen to that recorded onboard the Fugro ship during sampling operations, and also 62 the vertical strain (e ) during recompression to ' (Column 5) The in situ vertical effective stress ( vo) using the equations presented in Table 3-1. (Column 6) Best estimate (along with a range) of the maximum past pressure determined by the Casagrande method. (Column 7) Virgin compression ratio (CR), defined as the slope of the vertical strain versus log consolidation stress in the normally consolidated region. Swelling ratio (SR), defined as the average slope, over one log cycle, of the rebound curve starting from the maximum consolidation stress. (Column 8) Average coefficients of consolidation (c determined from the dial reading versus log time and square root time curves, in the normally consolidated region. (Column 9) The rate of secondary compression (Ca defined as the slope of the secondary compression line from a log time curve, in the normally consolidated region. (Column 10) An assessment of the quality of each oedometer specimen (excellent, good, fair, or poor) based on it's disturbance indices, TV(oed/boat) and Ev at avo' and the general appearance of the compression curve sharp break at a 5-2 (e.g. , etc.). EFFECTS OF SAMPLE DISTURBANCE This section will discuss how sample disturbance effects oedometer results by comparing Oed No. 12 and 63 Oed No. 18 (specimens from sampling tube F1S57). discussed in Chapter 4, Oed No. As 12 was disturbed and had significantly different engineering properties than Oed No. 18, yet the clay specimens were within two inches of each other From Table 5-2, the ratio (see Fig. 4-2). TV(oed/boat) for Oed No. 12 is 0.63, while for Oed No. 18 the value is 1.06. Figure 5-1 presents the compression curves and values of the coefficient of consolidation for Oed No. 12 and Oed No. 18. By comparing these two oedometer tests, we can observe the effects of sample disturbance: (1) An increase in the measured vertical strain for disturbed specimens. The vertical strain during recom- pression to -vo is 11.3% for Oed No. 12, but only 5.5% for Oed No. 18. (2) A reduction in the maximum past pressure for disturbed specimens. . 1 Oed No. 12 has a while for Oed No. 18, F 2. = 2.75 kg/cm2. 2.4 kg/cm2, the results of Oed No. consolidated clay deposit - 2 = 1.35 kg/cm2 Because a = 12 indicate an under- (OCR = 0.56) but the results for Oed No. 18 indicate a slightly overconsolidated deposit (OCR = 1.15). (3) Sample disturbance caused a reduction in the virgin compression ratio (CR). The value for CR is 0.245 for Oed No. 12 and 0.355 for Oed No. 18. Sample distur- bance has caused a 30% reduction in the virgin compression 64 ratio. (4) During recompression to %vo' the coefficient of consolidation (c ) is less for disturbed specimens. At -4 2 2 avc = 0.75 kg/cm2, Oed No. 12 has a c but Oed No. 18 has a cv = 11.5 x 10 = 3 x 10 -4 2 cm /sec. cm2/sec, Sample disturbance does not effect c. in the normally consolidated region where both Oed Nos. 12 and 18 have cv = 2 x 10 4 cm 2 /sec. (5) Oed Nos. 12 and 18 have rebound curves that are almost parallel. The swelling ratio (SR) was not altered by sample disturbance. It must be reemphasized that Oed No. 12 was disturbed and this caused the significant difference in engineering properties between Oed No. 12 and Oed No. 18. An excellent quality specimen was used for Oed No. 18, and the results of this test better represent the in situ soil properties (e.g. - , CR, etc.). Figure 5-2'presents the oedometer disturbance indices TV(oed/boat) and ev at 'vo for all oedometer tests .performed at M.I.T. As previously discussed, disturbed specimens will have a TV(oed/boat) ratio less than 1.0, a high value of ev at avo, and a low value of av OCR. with a subsequent low In Figure 5-2, the undisturbed or slightly disturbed specimens are open symbols (e.g. [, 0) and the disturbed specimens are closed symbols (e.g.E,@0). The radiographs enabled what appeared to be good quality specimens to be chosen for oedometer tests, yet the disturbance indices 65 presented in Figure 5-2 indicate that 5 out of the 17 oedometer tests were performed on disturbed specimens. 5-3 STRESS HISTORY Figure 5-3 (similar to Fig. 2-la) presents a plot of in situ vertical effective stress (Fvo) versus depth for borings El and Fl using the equations presented in Table 3-1. A specific gravity of 2.72, a degree of saturation of 100%, and hydrostatic pore water pressures were used to compute jvo at both borings El and Fl. The difference between the two Ivo profiles is caused by the different natural water contents at each site, e.g. at z = 40 feet, wn = 54% at boring El and wn = 60% at boring Fl. Maximum past pressure data from Tables 5-1 and 5-2 are also plotted in Figure 5-3. The open symbols for borings El and Fl suggest that these deposits both have the same maximum past pressure profile and the dashed straight line is a reasonable linear fit points. through the data Considering only the oedometer tests upon excellent-good quality specimens, the overconsolidation ratio is approximately 1.0 for boring El and 1.15 for boring Fl. A normally consolidated deposit (OCR = 1.0) is what would be expected for the offshore Orinoco Clay since the mudline has always been below sea level and the deposit has a recent depositional history. An overconsolidation ratio of 1.15 at boring Fl is difficult 66 to explain since essentially the same geologic conditions are believed to exist at both borings El and Fl. Since boring Fl is exposed to larger ocean waves than boring El (see Fig. 1-1), the very small amount of overconsolidation could be caused by wave induced cyclic shear stresses (Madsen, 1978). However, the author doubts that these shear stresses could create a uniform OCR of 1.15. The author has no rational explanation for the slightly overconsolidated clay at boring Fl. 5-4 COMPRESSIBILITY AND COEFFICIENT OF CONSOLIDATION Figure 5-4 presents the virgin compression ratio (CR), swelling ratio (SR), and normally consolidated coefficient of consolidation (cv) versus depth for borings El and Fl. Considering only the excellent-good oedometer data, the virgin compression ratio, swelling ratio, and coefficient of consolidation have significantly different values above than below z = 70 feet. Suggesting a distinct boundary at z = 70 feet is only for convenience, since a transition zone of engineering properties probably exists between z = 60 to 80 feet. Appendix A contains the laboratory data from consolidation tests and a summary of oedometer results is presented in the following table: 67 STRESS HISTORY AND CONSOLIDATION PROPERTIES Boring Fl Boring El -1 z<70 ft t z>70 ft z<70 ft I z>70 ft Slightly Overconsolidation Normally Ratio (OCR) Consolidated Overconsolidated Virgin Compression iriCor0.19 0.30 0.22 0.33 Swelling Ratin(R)0.03 0.05 0.04 0.08 2x10 4 5x10 2x10 Ratio Ratio (CR) (SR) N.C. Coefficient of Consolidation 2 (c ) in cm /sec 7x10 As shown in the preceding table, the values of CR, SR, and cv are almost identical at both borings El and Fl but different above and below z = 70 feet. In Table 3-2, mineralogy data for boring Fl indicate considerably more swelling minerals below z = 70 feet. The doubling of the swelling ratio (SR = 0.04 versus 0.08) below z = 70 feet is caused by the increase in swelling minerals. Also, the author believes that the higher compressibility (CR = 0.22 versus 0.33) and lower normally consolidated coefficient of consolidation (cv = 5 x 10-4 versus 2 x 10-4 cm2/sec) is caused by the increase in swelling minerals below z = 70 feet. 68 5-5 EMPIRICAL CORRELATIONS Figures 5-5 and 5-6 compare data obtained from the oedometer tests versus some empirical correlations published in the literature: Nishida (1956), DM-7 and Peck (1967). (1971), and Terzaghi There is considerable scatter in both figures, but the data are distributed symmetrically above and below the empirical correlations. Thus, the empirical correlations derived for the most part from land based clays are also applicable for the offshore Orinoco Clay. SUMMARY 5-5 As shown in Figure 5-3, the Orinoco Clay at boring El is normally consolidated (OCR = 1.0) and at boring Fl it is slightly overconsolidated (OCR = 1.15). Similar geologic conditions exist at both borings El and Fl which suggests that both deposits should be normally consolidated. The author has no rational explanation for the slightly overconsolidated clay (OCR = 1.15) at boring Fl. At both borings El and Fl, two distinct zones of Orinoco Clay exist, one above and the other below z = 70 feet. The virgin compression ratio for the Orinoco Clay above z = 70 feet is 0.19 at boring El and 0.22 at boring Fl, while below z = 70 feet the Orinoco Clay is much more compressible, CR equals 0.30 at boring El and 0.33 at boring Fl. A considerable increase in the swelling minerals is probably the cause of the different consolidation properties below z = 70 feet. TABLE 5-1 All stresses in kg/cm2 z(ft) (Sample) SUMMARY OF OEDOMEIER TEST DATA: (A) BORING El TESTS PERFORMED AT MIT Oed. WN PI WL LI TV(Wd/Boat) (ev at 5 ) Est. 'Uvo Test No. Est. Uvm CR (Range) (SR) Normal 6 (10~ cm Consolidated /sec) Ca(Z) Remarks 55.7 (S15) 1 48.1 32.5 58.0 69.5 1.75, (6.50) 1.12 1.3 (1.1-1.5) 0.190 (RR-0.031) 7.1510.15 0.55 Good 83.3 (S18) 2 63.1 42.7 74.0 74 0.94 (10.50) 1.74 1.6 (1.5-1.7) 0.260 (RR-0.060) 3.0010.30 0.83 Poor 99.3 3 52.7 64.8 1.14 2.08 0.300 2.95±0.05 0.94 Good 31.5 62 (6.50) (S21) 2.2 (2.1-2.3) 6 (RR=0.05 ) 133.8 (S27) 13 54.6 39.4 76.5 44 1.04 (6.40) 2.83 2.9 (2.8-3.0) 0.300 (0.053) 1.9010.40 1.04±0.35 Good 133.9 (S27) 14 53.5 39.4 76.5 42 1.04 (6.40) 2.84 2.8 (2.7-2.9) 0.300 (0.051) 2.80±0.50 0.6010.07 Good (B) 75 (S16B) 56 41 70 66 125.5 (S25C) 52 38 65 66 145.5 (S29D) 55 40 73 55 TESTS PERFORMED AT CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY, 1.56 2.65 3.11 CARACAS 1.35 (1.3-1.4) 0.32 (0.038) 0.60t0.20 - Fair 1.8 (1.7-1.9) 0.25 (0.077) 3.00±2.00. - Poor 3.0 (2.7-3.3) 0.30 (0.046) 5.001.00 - Fair TABLE 5-2 All SUMMARY OF OEDOMETER TEST DATA: BORING Fl stresses inrkg/cm 2 Normally Consolidated TV(Oed/Boat) (ev at -a.) Est. 4v z(ft) (Sample) Oed. Test No. WN UL PI LI 27.2 (S9) 5 63.5 46.6 81.8 61 1.27 (4.2) 0.46 0.55 (0.45-0.65) 0.205 (0.035) 4.7310.95 0.55±0.10 Good 36.6 (S12) 9 63.3 43.7 80.0 62 1.43 (4.8) 0.64 0.75 (0.70-0.80) 0.230 (0.045) 5.43±1.09 0.67±0.03 Excellent 51.6 (S15) 11 66.2 57.5 96.5 47 0.75 (5.3) 0.93 1.00 (0.90-1.10) 0.245 (0.055) 5.18±1.36 0.53±0.11 Fair 66.7 (s18) 4 64.1 47.9 80.7 65 1.09 (6.4) 1.22 1.50 (1.40-1.60) 0.305 (0.060) 4.73±0.96 0.54±0.08 Excellent 81.5 (S21) 8 67.0 104 64.9 43 1.07 (8.0) 1.50 1.85 (1.70-2.00) 0.315 (0.075) 4.00±0.55 0.89±0.08 Good,"Platy" Structure 96.3 (S24) 6 62.5 51.2 87.5 51 1.06 (5.1) 1.79 2.40 (2.30-2.50) 0.255 (0.060) 7.10±2.22 111.4 (S27) 10 66.5 48.3 90 51 0.82 (6.3) 2.08 2.00 (1.90-2.10) 0.310 (0.070) 3.10±0.75 0.75±0.05 Poor 111.8 (S27) 17 68.3 56.4 93.0 56 1.22 (5.2) 2.09 2.20 (2.10-2.30) 0.325 (0.080) 3.50±0.45 1.0010.24 Good 126.2 (S30) 7 59.8 101.8 67.8 38 0.68 (11.3) 2.37 1.60 (1.50-1.70) 0.260 (0.090) 2.33±0.51 0.75±0.11 Poor 126.5 (S30) 16 65.0 55.4 96.0 44 0.97 (4.9) 2.37 2.80 (2.70-2.90) 0.330 (RR=0.075) 2.55±0.35 0.820.03 Excell.-good 127.8 (S57) 12 64.8 57.1 99.0 40 0.63 (11.3) 2.40 1.35 (1.25-1.45) 0.245 (0.085) 2.15±0.13 0.84±0.15 Poor 128.0 (S57) 18 66.5 57.1 99.0 43 1.06 (5.5) 2.40.- 2.75 (2.65-2.85) 0.355 (0.0900) 2.08±0.48 1.0510.18 Excell.-good Est.UVM (Range) CR (SR) Remarks Cv(10:4cm2/s1ec) Ca(Z) 0.5310.13 Excellent 'Platy"Struc. .4 0 71 5 __ m2.75 _vm 10 . 15 U, 20 SYM. TEST No. (%) wN TV (TSF) is 66.5 0.51 12 64.8 0.30 0 0 2 0 0.1 c- 0.2 5 0.2 12 10 1~- bi1 0 C(n z 0 E u c*00) 0 E 1 z 8 -8 w 0 uL 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 CONSOLIDATION STRESS, Tc FIGURE 5-1 5 10 (kg/cm2 ) EFFECTS OF DISTURBANCE ON OEDOMETER TEST DATA: SAMPLE F1 S57 TV (OED)/(BOAT) 0.4 0.6 0.8 01 1 1 1.0 1.2 1.4 I I I E6 1.6 0 2 (%) AT Mo 4 6 8 10 OCR a (m 1214 BORING EXCELLr GOOD FAIRPOOR El 0 0 U cu Fl .4 0.6 0.8 1T.o 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 __ 0 - 0-~ -- - 0 400 0 1.75 60 - 0 0 -4 Is.) (- - 0 0100 - -- --- -- 120 - 0 - - 0 0 * ----- 0 00 00 - o 0(2 TESTS) 0(2 TESTS) I FIGURE 5-2 OEDOMETER @0 T I I TEST DISTURBANCE INDICES: I ORINOCO CLAY (r.0 AND Tvm (kg /cm?) 0 0.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 BORING BY EXCELLGOOD cu _ TEST MIT 0 l MIT 0 40 60 3- _ _O(FI) 100 o (E1) 120 140 I FIGURE 5-3 I STRESS HISTORY: ORINOCO CLAY FAIRPOOR _ 20 4 0F a. 0 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 U _ _ _ SRa C /(I+e) CR= Cc/(1+e) 020 0.30 025 EXCELL7 GOOD FAIRPOOR El 0 U Ft 0 . BORING -- 20 ----- - 0.40 0.35 005 4 n 0.J0 4 C, (10 cm/sec) 10 5 0 NOTE: AVE. FROM AND LOG t METHODS IN N.C. RANGE 0 0 - - - 40 - 0 - VF 0._00 __ 60 0 -.1 C 0 - N% - 80 00 --- 1 0--+ - t -- 'I___ __1 120 0 0 0 . -0---- 04 0 ~JJ a4 1~ FIGURE 5-4 - II COMPRESSIBILITY AND COEFFICIENT OF CONSOLIDATION: ORINOCO CLAY 0.6 0.5 - BORING EXCELL.GOOD FAIRPOOR El 0 a Ft 0 O3 0.4 0 NISHIDA (1956) z 0* vi 0.3 uw w 0 0 20.2 0 20 40 60 80 100 NATURAL WATER CONTENT, FIGURE 5-5 wN 120 140 (%) EMPIRICAL CORRELATIONS WITH NATURAL WATER CONTENT: ORINOCO CLAY 160 76 DM-7 (1971) E 0 0 'O 80 00 U: z 00 -J 0 2 0uD O 50 0 w c- 60 80 70 BORING EXCELL.GOOD FAIR POOR El 0 a F 0 0 0 90 100 110 TERZAGHI AND PECK (1967) 90 too 120 a. 0.8 0 0.6 D.4 50 60 70 80 I10 LIQUID LIMIT, WL () FIGURE 5-6 EMPIRICAL CORRELATIONS ORINOCO CLAY WITH LIQUID LIMIT: 120 77 6. NORMALIZED SOIL PROPERTIES AND SHANSEP STRENGTH PROFILES Stress history results showed that both borings El and F1 have an identical and well defined maximum past pressure profile (Fig. 5-3). Because the Orinoco Clay is normally consolidated at boring El (OCR = 1.0) and only very slightly overconsolidated at boring Fl (OCR = 1.15),.the CK0 U Direct Simple Shear testing program first concentrated on obtaining properties (NSP) for normally consolidated the normalized soil Orinoco Clay. Overconsolidated CK0U Direct Simple Shear results will be presented next, followed by a brief discussion of how anisotropy effects undrained strength, and then this chapter will be concluded by comparing the SHANSEP su profile and TV, LV, and UUC data. 6-1 NSP FROM NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CKIUDSS TESTS 0 The Direct Simple Shear apparatus was built by Geonor and a description of the device was published by Bjerrum and Landva (1966). The test procedures used for all CKIUDSS tests are the same as those presented in Appendix B of Ladd and Edgers (1972), but using cylindrical Orinoco Clay specimens having an area of 35 cm2 and a height of about 2.5 centimeters. A CK 0 UDSS test has two parts: consolidation and shearing. (1) In the consolidation portion, the clay specimens were one-dimensionally (K0) consolidated beyond the in situ 78 maximum past pressure and into the normally consolidated region in accordance with the SHANSEP technique. To assess the quality of a clay specimen, a compression curve can be drawn to determine the vertical strain (e ) during recompression to -a vo and the maximum past pressure by Casagrande's method. These "disturbance indices" (Fig. 6-1) will be compared with oedometer disturbance indices (Fig. 5-2). (2) The shearing portion consists of shearing the clay specimen along a horizontal plane at a strain rate of about 4% of the specimen height per hour while varying the effective stress (av ) to maintain a constant height and hence constant volume. The failure plane is assumed to be horizontal and the maximum value of the applied horizontal shear stress (Thmax) is equal to the undrained shear strength. Nine normally consolidated CK UDSS tests were performed, three upon boring El specimens and six from boring Fl. By using the radiographs, the very best quality Orinoco Clay specimens were selected for these CKQUDSS strength tests and all TV(DSS/boat) ratios are equal to or greater than 1.0 (Fig. 6-1). For some CK UDSS tests, a was only slightly greater than the in situ FvM, which made it difficult to determine the virgin compression curve and hence am by Casagrande's method. Figures 6-2, 6-3, and 6-4 present data from the shearing portion of the normally consolidated CKQUDSS strength tests, which are discussed in the following 79 subsections. a) Normalized Stress Paths The stress paths in Figure. 6-2 are plots of the stresses (Thand v) on the horizontal plane normalized by dividing them by the preshear a. equals At the start of shearing, a vc and Th equals zero and thus all normalized stress paths start at Ev vc = 1.0 and Th Vc = 0.0. As the hori- zontal shearing force is applied to the clay specimen, deformation occurs, av decreases until Thmax is reached, and then both Th and Ev decrease due to strain softening. The normalized stress paths fall into two groups, those for clay specimens above (open symbols: &,0, and below z = 70 ft (closed symbols: A,E , etc.). etc.) Notice that for specimens below z = 70 ft, there is a lower normalized undrained shear strength (s /1 = 0.20) and a lower friction angle at maximum obliquity (T = 200). b) Normalized Stress-strain Curves As illustrated in Figure 6-3, the normalized stressstrain curves fall into two groups, above and below z = 70 ft. As stated in Chapter 2, normalized behavior means that laboratory strength tests on clay specimens having the same overconsolidation ratio will have similar normalized stress-strain curves and identical values of s /avc independent of the magnitude of E vc and vm. v CK UDSS 80 Test Nos. 2 and 3 from boring El at z = 56 ft have the same in situ maximum past pressure but Test No. 2 has a preshear i vC = 2.26 kg/cm2 while Test No. 3 has a preshear 2 avc = 4.57 kg/cm , yet these tests have identical normalized stress-strain curves. Similarly, CK0 UDSS Test Nos. 10, 8, and 9 were performed on clay specimens below z = 70 ft at boring F1 having different in situ maximum past pressure and preshear -vc values but identical normalized stressstrain curves. Although there is some scatter (e.g. compare Test Nos. 12 and 6), generally at both borings above and below z = 70 ft there are unique normally consolidated normalized stress-strain curves irrespective of the in situ maximum past pressure and Evc and therefore the Orinoco Clay exhibits normalized behavior. The normalized stress-strain curves indicate that all CK 0 UDSS tests have a large strain (yf = 11 + 4%) before reaching the undrained shear strength. Beyond Thmax, most stress-strain curves remain relatively horizontal up to about 18% strain. c) Secant Moduli Data Figure 6-4 presents a plot of secant values of E u/s u versus the applied shear stress level Th/s u The normal- ized moduli are slightly higher for those DSS tests run on specimens above z = 70 ft. The Orinoco Clay (P.I. = 35 to 55%) moduli data plot between Boston Blue Clay and 81 EABPL clay results. The data presented in Figures 6-2, 6-3, and 6-4 are summarized in Table 6-1 and in the table below: Normalized Soil Properties From CK UDSS Tests on N.C. Orinoco Clay 0 Boring El z<70 ft su a rn.o. E so /S u Boring Fl z>70 ft z<70 ft z>70 ft 0.23 0.19 0.24 0.20 260 200 260 200 340 215 290 + 20 - 270 + 40 - As discussed in Chapter 5, the compressibility and swelling ratio increase below z = 70 ft. The reason for the difference in consolidation properties is an increase in the amount of swelling minerals below z = 70 ft, which is probably also the reason for the reduction in both i at maximum obliquity and su vc Figure 6-5 presents a comparison of su/vc from CK 0 UDSS tests upon normally consolidated Orinoco Clay and other CL and CH clays [Ladd and Edgers (1972) and Ladd et al., (1977)]. The Orinoco Clay data above z = 70 ft fit in well with published test results but the data below z = 70 ft are lower than other CH clays. As mentioned, the considerable increase in swelling minerals below z = 70 ft is probably part of the reason for this unusual behavior. 82 6-2 OVERCONSOLIDATED CK0UDSS TEST DATA To obtain overconsolidated CK UDSS strength data, 0 Orinoco Clay specimens were K consolidated in a Direct Simple Shear apparatus into the normally consolidated region, then unloaded (allowed to swell) and then sheared to obtain the normalized undrained shear strength at varying overconsolidation ratios such as OCR = 2, 4, and 8. Six CK 0 UDSS tests were performed on Orinoco Clay specimens, all at depths greater than z = 70 ft. The results are summarized in Table 6-2. Normalized undrained shear strength (s / vc) versus overconsolidation ratio (OCR) data from the six CK0UDSS tests are presented in Figure 6-6. Several important conclusions are evident from this figure: (1) For the Orinoco Clay below z = 70 ft, the s /a u vc versus OCR relationship plots very close to that of Boston Blue Clay. (2) CK0 UDSS Test No. 5 was performed upon a very disturbed Orinoco Clay specimen resulting in a high value of s /7vc (0.383). Therefore, consolidating highly disturbed Orinoco Clay specimens well into the normally consolidated region does not necessarily restore the in situ soil structure. (3) CK 0 UDSS Test No. 7 was consolidated to Evo rather than using the SEANSEP consolidation technique. The higher su/c vc value (0.276) was probably caused by the decrease in 83 water content during recompression to avo' The Orinoco Clay sU VC versus OCR relationship plotted in Figure 6-6 can be expressed mathematically as: su vc = (0.20) (OCR) 0.72 (Orinoco Clay, z>70 ft) .... 1 No overconsolidated CK 0 UDSS test were performed upon specimens above z = 70 ft, but it has been stated (Atkinson and Bransby, 1978) that equation 1 can be approximated without performing overconsolidated tests. Knowing s _______U/ vc for normally consolidated clay and the consolidation parameters CR and SR, then: su/ vc = (su1/avc for N.C. clay) (OCR) (1 - SR/CR) *..2 Above z = 70 ft at boring Fl, s /Uv u c = 0.24 for normally consolidated clay, SR = 0.04, and CR = 0.22. Substituting these values into equation 2, the relationship is: su/ivc = (0.24) (OCR)0.8 2 (for Orinoco Clay at boring Fl, z<70 ft) Normally consolidated and overconsolidated CK 0 UDSS laboratory data are presented in Appendix B. 6-3 ANISOTROPY This section is presented to illustrate the effects of anisotropy upon F1S57 clay specimens. Table 6-3 3 3 84 summarizes the results of one CK0 UE and three CK0 UC tests. The stress paths, stress strain curves and other laboratory data are presented in Appendix C. Test Nos. TEl, TC4, and CK0 UDSS No. 9 were all performed upon excellent quality normally consolidated F1S57 clay specimens and sheared at about the same strain rate. Since these tests do not suffer from sample disturbance nor strain rate differences, we can observe the effects of anisotropy by comparing these three tests. Anisotropy Effects ** * Test Test No. 00 TC4 CK0 UC CK UDSS CKOUE s/U No. 9 30-600 TEl 9o0 CY f E 5 0 /s U M.O. 0.23 3.4 390 270 0.20 12.5 225 200 0.16 9+ 130 270? As shown by the above table, the Orinoco Clay exhibits a stress-strain-strength behavior that depends on the applied stress system and the rotation of principal stresses. The strength from the CKQUC test is an upper bound strength * 6= angle between the major principal stress direction at failure and the vertical direction. su= 0.05(at-t-a3)Cs for DSS :te-zts. for triaxial tests and s = Thmax 85 due to the vertical loading with no rotation of principal stresses. The strength from the CK 0 UE test is- a iowor bound strength due to anisotropy and increased pore pressures caused by a 90 degree rotation of principal stresses with a2 = a3 at the start of shearing and a1 of shearing. a2 at the end The CK0 UDSS test has an su/E1,c value that is the average of the CKIUC and CK UE results and this "average" strength is deemed most appropiate for bearing capacity and stability analyses. -- 6-4 SHANSEP STRENGTH PROFILES a) Boring El Fugro TV, LV, and UUC strength data (from Fig. 3-1); TV data recorded in the M.I.T. geotechnical laboratory; and the SHANSEP undrained shear strength profile are presented in Figure 6-7. The SHANSEP s profile was obtained from the following data: (1) Stress History: As shown in Figure 5-3, the in situ vertical effective stress is about equal to the maximum past pressure determined from oedometer tests. The Orinoco Clay at boring El is normally consolidated (OCR = 1.0). (2) Normalized Undrained Shear Strength: From laboratory CK0 UDSS strength tests upon normally consolidated specimens: 86 From 0 to 60 feet, s / = 0.23 From 80 to 140 feet, s = 0.19 0/vc As previously discussed, the engineering properties do not have an abrupt change at z = 70 ft and a transition zone in engineering properties probably exists between z = 60 to 80 ft. A linear transition in the SHANSEP strength profile was used between z = 60 to 80 ft. The table below (similar to Fig. 2-1c) presents some repres- 2 entative calculations (stresses in kg/cm ): SHANSEP DSS Strength Profile (Boring El) Depth (ft) avoo 20 0.40 60 OCR su UFvc ujv s 0.40 1.0 0.23 0.09 1.22 1.25 1.0 0.23 0.28 80 1.67 1.69 1.0 0.19 0.32 140 2.97 3.02 1.0 0.19 0.56 u In Figure 6-7 above z = 60 ft, most undrained shear strength data from TV, LV, and UUC tests are less than the SHANSEP strength profile because the sampling tubes were hammered, resulting in increased sample disturbance and lower values of su. Below z = 60 ft, almost all the LV and UUC data are greater than the SHANSEP strength profile. This is because the sampling tubes were pushed into the soil strata using Fugro's "WIP" sampling 87 equipment resulting in much less sample disturbance with higher LV and UUC data due to strain rate effects and anisotropy. b) Boring Fl In Figure 6-8, two SHANSEP undrained shear strength profiles are presented. The lower SHANSEP profile was obtained from the following data: (1) Stress History: The Orinoco Clay at boring Fl was assumed to be normally consolidated (OCR = 1.0). (2) Normalized Undrained Shear Strength: From laboratory CK UDSS strength tests upon normally consolidated specimens: From 0 to 60 feet, s /_c= t~vc From 80 to 140 feet, s / 0.24 c = 0.20 with a linear transition between z = 60 to 80 feet. table below presents some representative calculations (stresses in kg/cm 2 Lower Bound SHANSEP Strength Profile (Boring Fl) Depth (ft) avo OCR 20 0.34 1.0 0.24 0.08 60 1.09 1.0 0.24 0.26 80 1.47 1.0 0.20 0.29 140 2.63 1.0 0.20 0.53 su vc su The 88 The upper SHANSEP strength profile (Fig. 6-8) corresponds to an OCR = 1.15. This su profile was computed by substituting OCR = 1.15 into equations 1 and 3 to obtain s /3 = 0.27 for Orinoco Clay above z = 60 ft and su/vc 0.22 for Orinoco Clay below z = 80 ft. However, since the reason for the slight overconsolidation (OCR = 1.15) at boring Fl is unknown, the author recommends using the lower SHANSEP strength profile for stability and bearing capacity analyses. From z = 20 to 40 ft (hammered samplers), most TV, LV, and UUC data are below the SHANSEP strength profiles. Even though below z = 40 ft better quality specimens were obtained because of pushed samplers, about half of the LV and UUC results plot below the SHANSEP strength profiles, probably because these tests were performed on more disturbed specimens resulting in lower su values. c) Comparision Between SHANSEP Strength Profiles at Borings El and Fl Comparing the SHANSEP profiles at borings El and Fl, the SHANSEP profile in Figure 6-7 plots midway between the two SHANSEP profiles in Figure 6-8. Hence, borings El and Fl have very similar undrained shear strength profiles. But by comparing only TV, LV, and UUC data (e.g. compare Fig. 3-1 and 3-2) this important conclusion is not so evident due to the very large scatter in the results of these 89 conventional strength tests. Thus, because the SHANSEP method has considered the effects due to sample disturbance, strain rate differences and anisotropy, more reliable su profiles were obtained by this procedure, which also indicated that both borings El and Fl have an almost identical undrained shear strength versus depth. TABLE 6-1 All stresses in kg/cm 2 - z(ft)Zf Test UP WN(%) No. (Boring) oample) PI(Z) SUMMARY OF CK UDSS TEST DATA: N.C. ORINOCO CLAY Eat. vo c at0 vo At Maximum Th - vc te(day) Y aa) _(1) Est. U £ at v T 0 h a v At Maximum Obliquity o 17T E50 _1 h 00 Remarks Y aU M (L (9) 46.6 0.4 13.2 0.99 10.9 0.238 0.576 22.5 275 27 0.170 27.7 36.8 (Fl) 6 (S12) 61.0 43.7 0.64 0.74 3.1 15.2 2.02 0.91 15.2 0.243 0.599 22.1 270 27.5 0.193 25.0 55.8 2 45.0 1.13 11.6 0.226 0.576 21.4 340 30 0.173 26.9 (E) (sS5) 33 0 1.16 1.7 1.7 11.6 0.229 (El) 0S15) 21.1 33.0 340 1.16 32 21.2 0.98 0.165 26.2 142 029059 11 30 32 0152. 18) 45.9 1.2 9.3 .86 7.3 0.240 0.635 20.7 310 23 0.114 24.7 (F) (s1) 9 1.74 125.0 2.86 10.7 0.204 0.603 18.7 260 25.7 0.110 21.3 1GO.5 VEY 96.5 (Fl) 8 (S24) 61.0 48.9 1.79 2.06 6.0 15.7 4.98 1.66 8.1 0.200 0.666 16.7 310 22 0.145 19.3 2nd shear of No. 7 128.1 9 65.6 2.40 5.2 2.86 12.5 (Fl) (S57) 0.204 57.1 2.78 8.2 0.607 1.07 18.6 225 27 0.098 20.1 EXCELLENT 14 .13 51.8 2.84 8.0 13 (El) (S27) 39.4 0.193 2.90 14.7 0.605 17.7 215 25 0.098 18.7 GOOD 67.6 (1) from dashed line in Fig. 5-3 (2) estimated from CK UDSS test 0.99 0.593 FAI I . ( ) EXCELLENT Z.0.82) E (2 ) D ) 0 GD 3)(2) FAIR (2) TABLE 6r-2 All stresses In SUMMARY OF CK UDSS TEST DATA; At Maximum wN(%) z(ft) (Boring) (Sample) PI(%) 96.5 7 61.0 £vo y at Est. vo Est. (S24) 48.9 2.40 98.8 5 60.2 2.07 (1) 2.11(2) E50 lh h VC v vm c£ v at 5 (OCR) vc 6.0 (%) a vc 5.3 0.276 0.709 470 0.383 1.018 280 s vc u (%) a 1.72 6.0 1.79 (F) 42.8 vm At Maximum Obliquity h Th -y oo_5 (S21) CLAY kg/cm 2 Test No. (El) 0,C. ORTNOCO 2.40 (Est) (1.4 Est) 16.3 Not Reached 2.02 2)12.0 4.00 21.4 28 0.23 1 ._(1.98) 99.8 4 57.0 2.10 8.5 (S21) 32.0 2.13(2) 62.9 2.41 63.4 (2) 2.77(2 19.1 Recompression to aIO tC 0.84 days Poor sample .)3 (a = 2.dy = __c 2.50 14.6 (El) 0.42 Remarks 0.337 0.986 180 21 0.32 0.36 Fair sample (5 z 2.0)(3) 5.00t - ______(2.00) 128.3 (Fl) 16 (557) 9.3 16.4 2.29 11.0 0.328 190 1.073 19 0.31 0.32 4.55 (Fl) 17 (S57) 64.2 61.0 F7 . 2.42 2.78(2) 8.5 1.16 16.3 13.5 23 0.545 125 1.348 18 0.54 0.41 (Fl) 18 (Fl(57) (S57) 62.9 545 54.5 2.42 278(2) 2.78 6.7 9. 9.4 (1) Based on test No. Oed-6 (2) From dashed line in Fig. 5-3 (3) Estimated from CK UDSS test Fair sample 1.9/3) (avM - c 0.59 .3 4.53 (7.70) days 0.1dy Fair sample(3 ) ::: 1.7) (a t = 3.0 days 4.9'1)t (3.91) 129.1 0.31 t_=.da (1.99) 128.9 2.1 days 15.2 0.875 1.829 80 17 0.86 0,49 days Excellent saple (a-vM -: 2.5)(3) t _ 1.0 c == 1.0 1.0 t days H TABLE 6-3 All stresses in kg/an SUIVARY OF CK U TRIAXIAL TEST DATA: N.C. ORINOCO CLAY 2 At Maximum q z (ft) Test (Boring) (Sample) 99.1 TC3 w,(%) Est. Gvo E PI(%) Est. ; (1 inn Evc 57.4 2.08 at a0vo at 5 vc 7.0 vc K C q ( ) (S21) 39.0 2.11 14.6 vC Eso 0vc 5 U q Remarks aVC (%) 3.52 4.8 (El) At maximum Obliquity 0.269 0.621 25.7 410 13 0.257 27.1 Good Sample Large Au at start of shec tc - 2.8 days 0.625 '.0 I,.j 99.5 TC2 51.5 2.09 6.0 3.48 6.2 (El) (S21) 31.5 2.13 12.7 0.61 128.7 TEl 60.1 2.41 2.5 3.01 6.2 (Fl) (S57) 57.1 2.77 4.1 0.60 129.3 TC4 61.8 2.43 3.7 2.90 (2) 2.6 (Fl) (s57) 51.9 (1) From dashed line in Fig. 2.79 5-3 5.7 0.60 (2) Extent of reliable data 0.277 0.617 26.7 300 NOT REACHED Good Sample tc - 2.7 days 0.175 0.510 20.1 130 NOT REACHED tC NOT 0.260 0.715 21.3 390 Excellent sample t - 1.7 days ACCURATE. FAILURE PLANE DEVELOPED AT c - 2 to 3% = 2.2 days ev (%) AT Mvo TV (DSS)/(BOAT) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.4 1.2 1.6 0 2 4 6 8 BORING El OCR a im /do 10 1214 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 ~1~~ ~ 1.2 1.4 1.6 - FAIR- EXCELL.- GOOD 0 POOR U 20 0 0 2,5 0 40 00 0 03 0 3- Law. 80- '.0 U) -U- 0 0 300 --100 - - - - - - 0 -- -- - 120 - - -- - - -- - 0 140 -- FIGURE 6- I1 CK UDSS TEST DISTURBANCE INDICESs ORINOCO CLAY - 1(t) TEST No. 27.5 36.8 55.8 56.0 67.6' 82.0 96.5 128.0 SYM. BORING 12 6 2 3 a 0 0 I v 10 A 8 a * 0 9 13 134.0 0 ww Pi (%) (%) 62.5 46.6 61.0 43.7 45.0 33.0 47.0 33.0 59.4 47.9 59.2 43.9 61.0 48.9 65.6 57.1 51.8 39.4 Fl Fl El El F1 Fl FI FI El_ 1 n 4 I I 0.9 1.0 26' 0.3 Th oVcO. 2 0.1 ENVELOPES AT MAXIMUM OBLIQUITY 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 rv / fvc FIGURE 6- 2 NORMALIZED STRESS PATHS FROM CK UDSS TESTS: h.C. ORINOCO CLAY 0.3C 0.30 0. 5 -rn .0-- R5 -Jjpv- 1 I -a-- 0a-~o-- ZIrZIIF~~I Th ov c 0. ti'.0 z (ft) TEST BORING SYM. - 0.0 5 - 0 a 4 WN P1 4%) 4%) No. 0.10 w injinp mm, t k I-- i 0.2 0 r u-V - 27.5 12 A Fl 62.5 46.6 36.8 6 0 Fl 61.0 43.7 55.8 2 El 45.0 330 560 676 3 I 0 0 V El Fl 470 33.0 594 47.9 820 10 A Fl 59.2 439 6. 128.0 8 9 0 Fl Fl 6[0 48.9 65.6 57.1 134.0 13 6 I 5.8 1E 8 39.4- 10 SHEAR STRAIN, FIGURE 6-3 - 12 14 16 Is 20 y (%) NORMALIZED STRESS VERSUS STRAIN FROft CK UDSS TESTS: N.C. ORINOCO CLAY 96 z (ft) TEST SYM. BORING No. 1000 27.5 36.8 55.8 12 6 2 a 3 F1 o 56.0 67.6 82.0 96.5 3 0 11 7 A I El El Fl Fl F1 10 128.0 8 9 134.0 13 800 Fl Fl El w " P, (%) (%) 62.5 61.0 45.0 46.6 43.7 33.0 47.0 59.4 59.2 61.0 33.0 47.9 43.9 48.9 65.6 51.8 57.1 39.4 N 17 _________ afnL- I 4 It II 7 400 0 BC (PI=21 %) 200 100 IF____SP 1 0 ____ so 0 0.2 ____ 0.6 0.4 0.8 Lo Th/su FIGURE 6- 4 NORMALIZED UNDRAINED MODULUS FOR CKUDSS TESTS:. N.C. ORINOCO CLAY * 0.35 1 0.30 w 0 C) 0.25 0 lb N1 00 0 I. 0.20 - - FROM LADD 8 EDGERS (1972) AND LADD ET AL. (1977) -0 0.15 _- i < 7d ORINOCO x z>70 0.101 .. 0 J CLAY 1_ _ 20 40 1 60 80 PLASTICITY INDEX, PI (%) FIGURE 6-5. Fu /v- I VERSUS PI FOR NORMALLY CONSOLIDATED CL AND CH CLAYS 1__._. 100 98 1.61 Me. ORGANIC (P1=34%) 1.4 EABPL (P1=75 %10) ,1 12 ORINOCO CLAY DEPTH N.C. z<70' O.C. - - o BBC (PIZ21 %) z >70' 0 I, W. / ORINOCO CLAY 'I, / 0 0.' 0 (0.200) (OCR) .7 2 (2 TESTS) RECOMPRESSION TO W. y I- I 2 4 OCR a rm/rc FQURE 6-6 EFFECT OF OCR ON Su /vc 6 8 UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH, su (TSF, kg/cmt) X LEGEND FUGRO: LAB VANE 20 ------ - - -_ -- 0 40 - -- - -_-- - - - - -_ - -_-- - - FROM tvm PROFILE (OCRaI.0) a X - -WIP SAMPLES I III in 80 + 0 -- ++ - - --X) ++ 00 + 6 D0 x -- 100 120 - x + ---- x 0 x 0 - + x 141 FIGURE 6 - 7 COMPARISON OF UNDRAINED STRENGTH DATA: BORING El 0 * TORVANE X SUUc 0 MIT: TORVANE + SHANSEP DSS 4x 60 1.0 0.9 0.6 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 UNDRAINED SHEAR STRENGTH, Su (TSF, kg/cma) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 - 0.8 1 09 - LEGEND FUGRO: LAB VANE 20 - Xix 40 T + + meA_ p SAMPLES X UuC 0 MIT: TORVANE + SHANSEP DSS + + + 60 c0\ 4f1+ X- 0 TORVANE X X 1- + (0: + C0 FROM H 03 03 im PROFILE (OCR 1. 15) so MINIMUM FOR N.C. CLAY (OCRaI) X 100 -- 0 4 - + x+ X0 +. + + X 140LFIGURE 6-8 COMPARISON OF UNDRAINED STRENGTH DATA: BORING Fl 0 101 7. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The Orinoco Clay is a thick deposit (30-40m) of soft, highly plastic CH-OH soil encountered throughout vast areas of the Gulf of Paria and the Orinoco Delta. Undisturbed tube samples of Orinoco Clay obtained from borings El Paria) and Fl (Gulf of (Orinoco Delta) were utilized for laboratory soil tests in order to determine their engineering properties, and a major objective of this thesis has been to present the results of those tests. The engineering properties of the Orinoco Clay are needed for the design of oil platforms to be built in offshore Venezuela. (a) Results of Classification Tests and Composition Analyses The Orinoco Clay at boring El is classified as a CH Clay and has a P.I. between 25 to 45%, whereas the clay at boring Fl is classified as a CH to CH-OH clay with a P.I. between 40 to 65%. Table 7-1 summarizes the plasticity index and natural water content data. Mineralogy results indicate that the Orinoco Clay at borings El and Fl has the same basic composition, the principal clay minerals being kaolinite, illite, and swelling minerals (smectite). The rest of the soil consists of quartz, mica, and weathered feldspar grains with small amounts of carbonates and organic matter (about 2%). 102 b) Radiography Sampling tubes containing Orinoco Clay were radiographed and the radiograph prints detected the pres- ence of gas pockets, cracks, zones of disturbed soil, and different soil structures. The radiograph prints clearly indicated the proportion of "good-excellent" quality clay to that of disturbed soil. Thus radiography was an invaluable tool used to locate the best quality Orinoco Clay specimens before extruding the soil for sophisticated laboratory tests such as oedometer and CK UDSS tests. c) Stress History and Consolidation Properties The results of seventeen oedometer tests showed that borings El and Fl both had an identical and well defined maximum past pressure. But due to different natural water contents, the computed in situ vertical effective stress assuming hydrostatic pore pressures and 100% saturation is less at boring Fl. At boring El, the in situ vertical effective stress is about equal to the maximum past pressure and thus the Orinoco Clay at this location is normally consolidated (OCR = 1.0). At boring Fl, the deposit is slightly overconsolidated, OCR = 1.15 (see Fig. 5-3), perhaps caused by wave action, The consolidation properties (i.e. CR, SR, c ) are very similar at both borings, but with different values above and below z = 70 ft. Below z = 70 ft, the Orinoco Clay is more compressible, probably caused by a significant 103 increase in content of swelling minerals. d) SHANSEP Stress-Strain-Strength Parameters The SHANSEP strength testing program concentrated on obtaining normalized stress-strain-strength properties from CK UDSS tests because this type of test yields an "average" strength (due to anisotropy) which is deemed most appropriate for stability and bearing capacity analyses. At both borings El and Fl, the DSS tests yielded similar normalized soil properties (see Table 7-1) but once again with different values above and below z = 70 ft. This different behavior is probably also caused by the increase in content of swelling minerals below z = 70 ft. e) Comparision of "Conventional" and SHANSEP Undrained Strength Profiles Figures 6-7 and 6-8 compare su data at borings El and Fl obtained by "conventional" practice and the SHANSEP method. The former includes results from Lab Vane, Torvane, and UUC tests, and these tests yielded wide scatter due to sample disturbance, strain rate differences, and anisotropy effects. Above z = 60 feet at boring El, the sampling tubes were hammered, causing increased sample disturbance and hence a majority of the TV, LV, and UUC strengths were less than the SHANSEP strength profile (Fig. 6-7). Below z = 60 ft in Fig. 6-7, almost all of the LV and UUC data show higher su values. These higher strengths from "pushed" 104 samples probably result from a combination of: better sample quality; the fast strain rate; and consideration of anisotropy (pecular mode of failure in LV tests and vertical loading with no rotation of principal stresses in UUC tests). From z = 20 to 40 ft (hammered samples) at boring Fl, most TV, LV, and UUC data are below the SHANSEP strength profiles (Fig. 6-8). At depths greater than z = 40 ft, about half of the LV and UUC data plot below the SHANSEP strength profiles, probably because these tests were performed on more disturbed specimens resulting in lower s values even though better quality specimens were obtained because of pushed samplers. Comparing the SHANSEP strengths at borings El and Fl, the s profile in Fig. 6-7 plots midway between the two SHANSEP lines in Fig, 6-8. This is because of the identical maximum past pressure at both borings and similar normalized undrained shear strengths from strength tests. But, comparing only "conventional" TV, LV, and UUC data (e.g. compare Figs. 3-1 and 3-2) this important conclusion is not so evident due to the very large scatter in the results. Because of the similar SHANSEP strength profiles at both borings El and Fl, they could be used at other sites. Suppose a decision is made to construct an oil platform between borings El and Fl. Geophysical survey data reveal that the Orinoco Clay is continuous between borings El and Fl and if an in situ test, e.g. a piezometer probe, gives 105 approximately the same results at borings El, F; and new site, then the SHANSEP strength profile in Fig. 6-7 (which is the average of the two profiles in Fig. 6-8) can be used at the new site for preliminary oil platform designs. 106 TABLE 7-1 ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF THE ORINOCO CLAY Boring Fl Boring El z < 70 ft i z > 70 ft z < 70 ft z > 70 ft INDEX PROPERTIES Natural water content 75-45% 53% 90-63% Plasticity 30-38% 38-45% 40-50% 65% 1 50-65% IndexI STRESS HISTORY AND CONSOLIDATION PROPERTIES OCR Normally Consolidated OCR = 1.0 Slightly Overconsolidated OCR = 1.15 CR 0.19 0.30 0.22 0.33 ± 0.01 SR 0.03 0.05 0.04 0.08 N.C. c C.v cm2/sec -4 7 x 10~ -4 2 x 10~ 5 x 10 NORMALIZED SOIL PROPERTIES (N.C. -4 -4 2 x 10 CK 0UDSS TESTS) 0.23 0.19 0.24 0.20 ~ at M.O. 260 200 260 200 E 340 215 s /9 u vc /s 290 ± 20 1270 ± 40 SHANSEP STRENGTH PROFILES (FIGS. 6-7, 6-8) z < 60 ft -s** s /a U vc * ** 0.23 z > 80 ft I0.19 z 0.27 Linear transition for strength profiles Upper bound strength profile < 60 in Figure i z > 80 ft 0.22 ** between z = 60 to 80 ft. 6- 8 for OCR = 1.15. 107 REFERENCES Note: ASCE = American Society of Civil Engineers ASTM = American Society for Testing and Materials JGED = Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division JSMFD = Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Division ICSMFE = International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Allen, L.R.; Yen, B.C.; and McNeill, R.L. (1978), "Stereoscopic X-Ray Assessment of Offshore Soil Samples", Offshore Technology Conference, Vol. 3, pp. 13911399. Atkinson, J.H. and Bransby, P.L., The Mechanics of Soils, McGraw-Hill, London, 1978, pp. 329-336. Bjerrum, L. and Landva, A. (1966), "Direct Simple Shear Tests on Norwegian Quick Clay", Geotechnique, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 1-20. Butenko, J. and Hedberg, J, (1980), "The Distribution of the Orinoco Soft Clay", Report by INTEVEP in Venezuela, July, 161 p. Casagrande, A. (1936), "The Determination of the Preconsolidation Load and Its Practical Significance", Proc. lst Int. Conf. Soil Mech. and Found. Eng., Cambridge, Mass., p. 60-64. DM-7 (1971), Design Manual - Soil Mechanics, Foundations, and Earth Structures, U.S. Naval Facilities Engineering Command Publication, Washington, D.C. Fugro Gulf, Inc. (1979) "Geotechnical Investigation Golfo De Paria, Offshore Venezuela", Report to INTEVEP in Venezuela, Report No. 79-005-5, December, 82 p. Ladd, C.C. (1971), "Strength Parameters and Stress-Strain Behavior of Saturated Clays", M.I.T. Research Report R71-23. 108 Ladd, C.C. (1973), "Settlement Analysis for Cohesive Soils", M.I.T. Research Report R71-2, No. 272, 115 p. (revised 1973). Ladd, C.C.; Azzouz, A.S.; Martin, R.T.; Day, R.W.; and Malek, A.M. (1980), "Evaluation of Compositional and Engineering Properties of Offshore Venezuelan Soils, Vol. 1", M.I.T. Research Report R80-14, No. 665, 286 p. Ladd, C.C. and Edgers, L. (1972), "Consolidated-Undrained Direct-Simple Shear Tests on Saturated Clays", M.I.T. Research Report R72-82, No. 284, 354 p. Ladd, C.C. and Foott, R. (1974), "New Design Procedure for Stability of Soft Clays", JGED, ASCE, Vol. 100, No. GT7, pp. 763-786. Ladd, C.C.; Foott, R.; Ishihara, K.; Schlosser, F.; and Poulos, H.G. (1977), "Stress-Deformation and Strength Characteristics", Proc. 9th ICSMFE, Tokyo, Vol. 2, pp. 421-494. Ladd, C.C. and Lambe, T.W. (1963), "The Strength of 'Undisturbed'Clay Determined from Undrained Tests", ASTM, STP 361, pp. 342-371. Lambe, T.W. (1951), Soil Testing for Engineers, John Wiley and Sons, New York. Lambe, T.W. and Whitman, R.V. (1969), Soil Mechanics, John Wiley and Sons, New York. Madsen, O.S. (1978), "Wave-Induced Pore Pressures and Effective Stresses in a Porous Bed", Geotechnique, Vol. 28, No. 4, pp. 377-393, Nishida, Y. (1956), "A Brief Note on Compression Index of Soil", JSMFD, ASCE, Vol. 82, No. SM3, pp. 1207-1 1207-14. Terzaghi, K. and Peck, R.B. (1967), Soil Mechanics in Engineering Practice, John Wiley and Sons, 2nd ed., New York, 729 p. Wilun, Z.and Starzewski, K. (1972), Soil Mechanics in Foundation Engineering, Vol. 1, John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 187-190. 109 APPENDIX A CONSOLIDATION TESTS This appendix presents typical laboratory data from oedometer tests performed on Orinoco'Clay specimens. Six representative consolidation test data and compression curves (Figs. A-i to A-6) were chosen to further illustrate the effects of sample disturbance. SAMPLE TEST NO. COMPRESSION CURVE QUALITY FlS30 16 Fig. A-i Excellent FlS30 7 Fig. A-2 Poor F1S57 18 Fig. A-3 Excellent FlS57 12 Fig. A-4 Poor ElS27 14 Fig. A-5 Good ElS18 2 Fig. A-6 Poor Additional laboratory data from oedometer tests is presented in Appendix B of Ladd et al. (1980). CONSOLIDATION Project Type of Test srAA4b4i Location Fl S*s /rATvCEF Soil Type ORI__oCO C.L.AV Initial w(%) 65--o Gs Void Ratio e S/6(%) /,7 2.72. /o/ _t( h r Ev(%) / WP(%)YO. .P. 1.(% 0,/0 o.-o z.oZ,5 1.00 O.4/ -3o 2. .15,0 2.00 . .co.9 /.7,v7 o 2.oo 1'3 . ?q7 /.'/'4 /.-1/ /.9ZZ~ /LL3L 1.33 zo.k913 1,1741 2.0 0-7 /3.3 0 8 /' O.53 2.00 O.47 0.5~0 2.5"0 a.5' e /6.7 7 22.KI 20./0 15-. C;- /.3/5~ /.1 1/ /-/9L/ 1.317 No.oe&-/k Tested by x.ib. Date Z A3j. I/,o /.'tp a Sample Height 6..3, Sample Diameter WN(%)-.o WL(% ) 9,o Corrections APPA19ATv! Primary _vc TEST t(hr) - q.1 /2,.3 0LL... )5 5-j/ Units: &vC Total Ev(%) ec /. ?/? 0. 000 /.7/7o /.4 /. 72q 2.37 L/-./2. 21.r-C /(. zq.o /z.9zs /-312 / /5.7? /,3/3 23.o z .SiZ.. V1.7 ./ /9. S;77 15.4 0 .0/ 2.20c /- o_,? '.2 3oAl -. ( 9 33 q,.'lo0 /. 41s. GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M. I. T. frogkt I - ______ c Coef.of Consol. C (%) e 7/c Jv e_"om6 -ss Cr ,Lpry L 5ec Remarks _ C> .8_~ O7 97-~SL - _ -- %_1?_ _ Remarks F---Si4 WkrER E. v SASEb Co too L6M to. -/lmc- cux0vf CONSOLIDATION Project AITE VE P Soil Type -- / ,Ao 0 CLA Y Initial w/(%) 5-1.' Void Ratio e /.C95 Type of Test srAb, 'A Fps o Location Tested by A, w. 1. Date An r/977 e-#.. S imple Height Z.35 S 3mple Diameter - s-, Gs 2'72 WN(%) -5. P WL(%) /0/. Correc t ions A rf/T ATu-s COe/O/Z /,(ry 4 S(%)9-5. wp(%)7V'/o RI.(%)LL.g Units: SVc Ih/ cv <-22 s .e Primary t(hr) VC 0.2 O) Z Ev(%) ,0 /.0 5 01370 0./ .52. /10/ Total t (hr) e 0.10 2.t/T 6/.45, J. / 2.00 3,5T0 2.b 2.S 22.S /_._00 /2.00 3.00 0./0 f.. C/: 2.4 . L.~' S? /.1.3. 1._ /q . 5.117 6,0784.i/ /1./0 /.29 5z.q2. /4.-09 2129 1.1/24 Z/e9L I?.iz. 2,,az. 22-/62 29.406 0.397 2.1q59 q o.8z /9.?Y?. 70.q7 /9/o1 I.fJ! 2.4/a7 30.2V/ 26.3i( 2 q-07,27o GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M. I. T. e /9, (195 2.2S Coef. of Consol. _cc((%) o.'/z? /5.20i /./f3 ."23 No. oel>- 7 o0o00o 0 /. /.395 2, 5 /1.8 7 2.06' -5.6o 6- /4c Ev(%) /-5.6' 0 0.99 /.7s 2.So TEST Remarks ogt ) C _____ _5 H H H /.65_ /./?7 / 4___7 ._34.o 2.z. O.7 /-0'? 0.3526.9 o.7 0.9_ /. / ? F 35 -- 7 Remarks 3A6 Z 31 / /. - y z.I 10 __ ____ E Cu ' oAj . d FoPA Lo6- T/ME CONSOLIDATION Project Soil Type Type of Test :rAtbqb No. o0b- lo Tested by 8. LO.b. F1 55-7 Location Sample Height Sample Diameter Gs z.7z WN(%)6..bWL(%) 99.o Cor rections AeeAtA-rus S(%) /00(. w p(0/%/-? P.RI.(%) 5-Un its: ovc kJ/ Cv vcp opwog o /TrC Ca-Al Initial w(%) (o- Vold Ratio e /-71 Primary t ( hr) ____c ._ O2__ 0.0 O.g 2L f-J /.7'1/ 00 Q /o300 3,21' .7/3 /./2 C 6.'G1. IZ.00 0.80 3.oo .57 o.50 2. 0 1. 2 . /2- 8 2/.272 , _ ev(/) /.3f 7.27 . c; 7 _ Total o_oo /.7 0.23 00 Ic_0:.9__ t (hr) e E(%) _0.0 TEST 13.07 2..z 7 e /.7Zg V /317 _ 0_to '.S . ''.33 /f-. 5-0Z ,9$ /.9' 2?.Oo /o..1 GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M.I.T. __ e e CorE'cW55d,3 .Ty cA/s.-c ogt Remarks ______ Hu -- -- _2-_x /.6S5 I. '1 _ _.. 0 0__|_. 1-.,3 zt /4,5~.39 /1,1*5 ~ 6.2.5 I 10 1 /-29?. 1 .2-01) ) 7e. ZG . - /2 5 1 e/.oT .7-12 ol.4 .02.q /.235/.//1 /2.3q 23.7S /./3- /7./31 1.1_s /- 4- Coef. of Consol. C.(%) /-'/5? /.799 Date iKI W/ -q x xt /-337 /1 b Remarks Ev 645Eb ON (1 TU OF-b-Q2 FoM -o- -T/MA CONSOLIDATION Gs 6Y.8, Void Ratio e /.767 0,0 / ----_ 0.co0 /.7?1 /.?4. 0.19 0? .91 0,10 0, 2-g 5 0. 5 /.17 /.33 /.0 t(hr) 0 3.0X2 /.?49 6.Zo O./i9 /. 2.33 2.6 Z..Ie0 /-7o9 yr cc/) e Ev(%) _ _ _ __ g7-4. 6P /I.q6 ,q(s7 /3 9 g 1.6!- - 2 - qq- 7_ . x /0 /.?.-.-.2. 2. 93 1, qs. ?__56 20.g2-, /19L 0.5 R_ 3 Z.Z el Z 3 . /9 6( 6. F3 .1 l ,1/7 z /2.7Y7 /6.02< 1q 2q.67 2 1 21.-2 /.0 6.73q 0.987 42-25 /./q3 06 3, /q //0-1102~O-5 /2.~~~~2 / 3,oV"7 /.Yo( 21.00 GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M. I. T. /2.i7g 2 2., 21 /o?/ /32. -_6x V4 0g,x.9 --.-3 15._ _.? r /0,- 1y I? 1o /.5 R logt {.796 2.1/ ./7 Cvc .- Coef. of Consol. Total e ci--' . gWArOs (OAR55/C.1rY Units: wp(%).Y/.l PI.(%) 5-7. S(%) 9?7Ev(%/) A wN(%)4/..d. wL(%) 11.o Correc tions 2.,?z Primar t(hr) Z.o 00 e Sc mple Diameter Initial w(%) fvC Sample Height Location 1r 7 Date No. ocb-r.. Tested by R. w.b. Type of Test sfAAIUWf /'U TE vr P Project 9 /A/oc.o Soil Type C tA TEST /.- -o 1 | . ' l3 5 _ Remark s Ev B ASE b ON C ()S kVrI 16 Fgbeim Lo&- riE CONSOLIDATION Type of Test srAlTbA#> Location Et. s 2.7- tF7vcP / Project Soil Type Ogimo-o TEST No. oEt- Tested by Date R- W. b Sample Height 2.09 C'". Sample Diameter Initial w(%) Corrections APPARATUS WN(%) 53 WL(%) 7.72.3 wp(%)3.L./ PI.(%) 3T-/ Units: &vc kP / cA S(%) Primar y_ t(hr) E(%) Total ____ 0./o - 6.1s~ 0.03 0.000 6. 3 e o 2.P97 jf /.?S 3.50 . 3-3 ' .7C. .7 C.oO 2-33 /2.00 / .61 .3.07 3.oo /.oo 7-.0s 0.! o 0.10- 4.7-o /5 /.S2/ 1473 0.95'2. /-0,3 1,.6 7 /.18 I 9-54'S 1,33) .oOO ---- 17.0 . / 9 0.0 . 0.764 z.. 1. /.'z? /-.35/, e(%) t (hr) /.~S77 /.57(. o.6z. 1.00 - Z.72. . Void Ratio e /-7? dVC 4 1J 20.1 /'/.5 75.3 '/8,7 239.o 27. F GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M.I. T. 9.5j /6.637 2q.03 zo. y. 5b'e 2./o1 Coef. of Consol. Vr logt ______ e C (%) . MPCSs B/Ty C rSIA Remarks /.577 /.5 /-5S7 /.025/. i 9.,( a~. -39 -1 /.331 ./s' H H /I IS/? *J .95- - / -I 3.3 X/O 3./ 0,6 0. :'3 S- /.O-/o /.Zo3 J1IL. Remarks .- x/0 2.3-x10 _ __ EV A e..oK vES. oM J100 FRoM LoG' TIAi CONSOLIDATION Type of Test 6r-ANbArb E I. I Location 1"TE 'F P Project Soil Type 0 -4#Noco initial w (%) is.i Gs Void Ratio e S(%) Primor OVC t(hr) b,00 0.2 -- 1.00 Q.j 2.00 0.9i .3: .?:r._ .00 _ 0.2 e o.7 2.,00 01,/1 0.(2. < /3.T3 /i .- 1 E(%) o.820.Z 3?-,L2. 6.-H2. 1 -75 to. 99(. . / 2.'. 2. 0. 1 //. 6./ q.q 25.3 /,oo b.6/ 22.9 o.S2 41 .G /8./0 XI.T3 __ R.w.b. Tested by Date .Tuy, 117? _ e GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M. I. T. ?2. C/c 7 Units: Svc Ca(%) C %) Coef. of Consol. It - C j% Remarks -_000__ .C - 2.3 9,00 ._. Total t (hr) 0 0.42. 21,93 _ 2 o.oco 1/5 //.-. 0.oO ,) P. , P.l.( w p(%/) . 3,52. 4.2. /0.1s 6. 5'/ No. oED- Sample Height /,143 Sample Diameter 6.3Y/2. cn COMP,?-e5,8,6/ry 2.?2. WN(%) L l WL(% ,) 7.o Corrections 4PPAgArOS __-- d. 0, So l Ev(%) TEST __-/ ul -- . '/ 3 -. )( 10-4 - . / 3 15 1 ? ) 5 -- /4.029 x /9.(0 7 .3- 3_0 - 22.52.- 17. Remarks g v 13AS66 ,, i J F -R 116 0 5 .0- 10 z (24.0) 15 I- 20 (2 5.7(2 3.0)- 25 3 0.1 0.2 0.5 2 1 STRESS CONSOLIDATION &vC Sample No.=FIS30 WN(%) = 65.0 Depth = 126.5 ft W L(%) = 96.0 Soil Type= wp(%) = 40.6 Orinoco Clay o At t or ) hr e At ( hr 5 10 (kg/cm 2 ) Estimated vo= 2.37 &m =280±0.10 CR=O.330 RR=O.075 P..(%) = 55.4 Gs=2.72 e =l.75 S(%)=101.1 Remarks ev(%) based on dIoo from log timecorrected for apparatus compressibility GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M.I.T. COMPRESSION CURVE TEST NO. Oed-16 FIGURE A-1 117 5 10 z 15 w' >0 3 0.1 0.2 0.5 CONSOLIDATION Sample No.= FIS30 Depth = 126.2 ft Soil Type= Orinoco Clay o At tp or eAt (19.1) hr hr ' ' ' ' '' a5 1 STRESS 2 &vC wN(%) =59.8 wL(%) 101.8 wp(%) =34.0 P. I.(%) =67.8 5 10 2 (kg/cm ) Estimated 0: =2.37 &vm=1.6±0.1 CR=0.260 SR=0.090 Gs=2.72 eo=1.695 S(%)=95.7 RemarksEv(%) based on dio0 from log times corrected for apparatus compressibility GEOTECHNICAL LABORAT ORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENG . M. I. T. COMPRESSION CURVE TEST No. Oed-7 FIGURE A-2 118 0 5 10 z 15 I- 20 25 301 0.1 I I 0.2 I I I 0.5 Depth = 128.0 ft Soil Type= Orinoco Clay o At tp or e At (7.4) hr hr I 2 1 CONSOLIDATION Sample No.=FIS57 I STRESS &vC w N (%) = 66.5 w L(%) = 99.0 w p(%) = 41.9 L I I I- 5 10 2 (kg/cm ) Estimated :o= 2.40 &vm= 2.75±0.10 CR=0.355 SR=0.090 P.1.(%) = 57.1 Gs=2.72 eozI.8OS(%)=100.6 Remarks=ev (%) based on d1oo from log time corrected for apparatus compressibility GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M.I.T. COMPRESSION CURVE TEST NO. Oed-18 FIGURE A-3 119 -ir 5 FmTT - ____I ______ 0 ________ ___________ _________ _________ 10 __I z ______ 15 I w. ____ ____ 20 25 j ________ 301 0..1 2 I 0.2 I II I 0.5 Sample No. = FIS57 Depth = 127.8 ft Soil Type= Orinoco Cloy o At tp or * At (18.2) hr hr 2 1 CONSOLIDATION STRESS ov 5 10 2 (kg/cm ) Estimated WN(%) w L(%) 64.8 990 &VO= w (%) 41.9 CR=0.245 RR=0.085 2 .4 0 &vm=I.35±0.10 P.l.(%) 57.1 Gs=2.72 e =i.769S(%)=99.7 d, 00 from log timebased on Remarks= corrected for apporotus compressibility GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M.I.T. COMPRESSION TEST NO. CURVE Oed-12 FIGURE A-4 120 0 5 F-S 10 z 15 w 20 25 30' 0 .1 I -I I I 0.2 i .L.LL 0.5 1 CONSOLIDATION 2 STRESS Sample No.= EIS27 WN (%)= 53.5 Depth = 133.9 ft w L(%) 76.5 wp(%)=37.I Soil Type= Orinoco Clay o At tp or . At (75.3) hr hr i 1 I1 1 1 5 10 I 2 -vC ( kg/cm ) Estimated 2 &v.=2.84 avm= .80±0.10 CR=0.30 SR=O.051 P..(%)= 39.4 Gs=2.72 e =l.58 S(%)=92.3 Remarks = based on d, 0 0 from log time corrected for apparatus compressibility GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M.I.T. COMPRESSION CURVE TEST NO. Oed-14 FIGURE A-5 121 0 5 6-2 10 r(2 2.) z 15 w. 20 25 (21.8)~ 3n I 0.1 0.2 I I I 0.5 Sample No.= EISI Depth = 83.3 ft Soil Type= Orinoco Clay 0 At tp or 0 At ( hr ) hr STRESS &vc w N (%) 6 3 .1 wL(%) =74.0 wp(%) 31.3 P. .(%) =42.7 Si I I 5 (kg/cm I I - 10 2 ) Estimated &o=1. 7 4 &vm=1.60±0.1 CR =0.26 RR =0.06 Gs =2.72 eo- Remarks = based on dI 0 0 S(%)from /t curves corrected for apparatus compressibility GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M.I.T. 2 1 CONSOLIDATION I i I COMPRESSION TEST NO. CURVE Oed-2 FIGURE A-6 122 APPENDIX B CKQUDSS TESTS Appendix B presents representative laboratory data from four CK0UDSS strength tests. CK0UDSS test tests One normally consolidated (No. 9) and three overconsolidated CKQ0UDSS (Nos. 16, 17, and 18) are presented in tables and figures as follows: (1) Tabulated laboratory data. (2) Normalized stress paths for all overconsolidated CK0UDSS tests No. (Fig. B-1) and the stress path for Test (Fig. B-2). 9 (3) Normalized stress-strain and pore pressure curves (Figs. B-3 to B-6). (4) Normalized undrained modulus (Figs. B-7 to B-10). Additional laboratory data from CK0UDSS tests is presented in Appendix C of Ladd et al. (1980). 123 Sheet I of 2 SHEAR TEST DIRECT - SIMPLE PROJECT HN7rvEP TYPE OF TEST IK-v7U55 SOIL TYPE OR/NOnco TESTED LOCATION Fl s"7' BY tc(Day) e w Ini ial 6 1 -7 ? /12 TIME (Hr.) Th STRAIN (/0) /;30 ___ -0c. CQ .J-L. .. ! I.coc 0.002. /.cc, /.coo 0C000 0-.oc /._000 0c 4.000 0.02. 0.O0c /- Oc c /.000 0.049 .OCl /-.000 6.0 .3 0.o /. 0.2 -. coo /,000 n.2.e.2 c?. o.g o. ZI/ . 1l:Th is 0./5 2. ___ /2-'0'7 ___ ___ ~f ' a.C58 .?z. ____ 0.7o .9oZ. 0.0 o.s5-of. 0.0 .G92 0./'q c.I!'z 2.... .z ______ ____ 7-:0( P'2.'1 0.00- C c .o* .l ouZ. 0.'/ 5-0O. f 0.c0S' c.9? 0."9i( 015 o.;35 .C-77d o 0.5-21. p.4/1/ ;I./S /.J/? 05Jbc .s? 4;, / 2 . SOIL MECHANICS DEPT. OF CIVIL MASSACHUSETTS 0.c .2 o-G p.9li 0.os'1 c.1 0.095 o.35" ni'? j2j 217 c.9?f (9 c10.<,/ cX/'2. o.5-00 2.j1j c.n1. O. ~ O-./2./ C~t 6-.2 __ ____ 0.9/4, o.12o 0..C3 ro0.02.. 0 .,(,0 /39 /'______ O. o./C3 07 . .. I__-8 LABORATORY ENGINEERING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY /2./ Is- jlf o0.-1 __~___ 1.90g' 0.0. . n I &-.11 9g 0./5-4 ____2...O30 0. 0.??2. c.9tC C.c5s 0.?3 &,C92 o.97 e,/2.(. Q.1 n.1 0. 0 -9q5 a./?Q 7L41. -- .97? _& /IW .Cc a SYYI 5002. G c.ot _.2___ a-.7? .9 9 __0 _ L 1000 / o.o 4 9 o.v/5" |.1 - -%O. _ Q.17.9 0.0 vm5 m 1.000 0.05's~ ._ 0r3 o. SHEAR Stress 5. 0.000 0.000 /o _22: A-1 Rate (%/ Hr.) 7. drOc 0002-.. 005 6.005 0.023 0.12.. 1. / I . o 0,00- 4. 0.0001 0. A" F o e. 000 DURING Controlled Strain 11.399 ?.3 1 _vm ff/.) ?fal/%.CL0 t,(Day) -,- 1-07 I - Presheor IFinal hc H/.( ) 2.. 0 7 o S,/ J 95-. e4,u (Stressos in ktc/) 7 fvc 1. DATE DEVICE (EOA4O R-14-6 CONSOLIQATION 2-OCR NO. Q . 0. < REMARKS: 0 3 L;"- r- 80 124 Sheet 2 of 2 SHEAR (continued) DIRECT - SIMPLE 4 '^10CO <-A"TYPE OF TEST PROJECT /WrveP SOIL OR TIME Au 3. =vc avc STRAIN (Hr.) C (%) 0.2-4 3.'9 C.l'1 1Q a1 .S,'? r'.3I 8. 1 , S .5'2 1,-7 1' 70 0.6. -zoo __ _ _ /5:5o f2 I9.or., o7.7 _ 2_ __ / ._ ;.o'9 ___.' ___.? 2 4 0 ., 2.i7 o.'3! .'70 o./3. 2 .4/ . 2.7.073 . . 0./34 143-970 o.,i' .Zg.2.1 Z0./3q7 iV.2.5 SOIL 2.*3 0.IQ02 2..2' Q.C9T MECHANICS DEPT. OF CIVIL MASSACHUSETTS __ 0-4'? 0.15q CA7 /eL 2.?'/C n.o,1197 12..0 3.f O.? 0.o7 .__ 0*5 -fg 0. . Oo Z 0 ./,6 _ 4 ,_ ____ _ .217 ____ 0 . 2.G ____ LABORATORY _ o-4'3 a5/9 0_ _ ____ -I$0 c? 2 1 __ 0.34' o. 0-3Z.0 .370 1 0.02 . cW 2-'0 . o.z REMARKS. TECHNOLOGY _ _ _ _.__ I 0./ _ _ __ __ o./ o _._ _ 0.1____54 C 0.0. /9 _- c.?zo 0 -'Z70 ENGINEERING INSTITUTE OF _ _ 0.507 o ____ _ ,o? a , _. ___ 20q S C.-4 . ?-W20 _.4__ 0.Z2. .0.(,( 3 .- _____ o.(oc o o.104 c.C o.3' 0.-370C.G 0.490 0-72-0 o.4.o - _____ c1r, 0.02.5 O-2 0_2..4/ 0._ 0 o.33(2 0.q12 _r._C 0.7(.3 2?0 0. __.___ o.5-; _0.0 _0 _ z.ooL 0.f,/aZ3 0. ? __ O.2.a2. _ _ _.- 0.4/ 40n'z . 0.. .94 _ __ .2.0.0 3.(. _ __.__. t.a,, C;.0 00.: -9 31 0G29 C-.93 _ _ ____._ . / .,4 x 0-146._;57 6. 0.2o _ c.2.eV 0_90 0.0 0.44?/.Zo . .. -j3 0o otO 0.3'2.. 6 .2; 7 - /..32 _. o.09 _ 0 .. _ _.__ 90"/ 0.70 .- z. 3q 0. Oo., 1:o / .'2? z.T,3R /IT: 3(_0 0, .l q / - vm 0. o2.0 . -4 00.2j 0 0 __L vm U 0,700 0.1j19 /O.2A ./34 C.3/1 _____ i. lh 0.820 0.7 o.Zf'- l o.0 /_?7L/1 ?.l13 7z.4 S. '7 2. LNO. __ __.:__ __ __ __d _ 125 Sheet I of I. SHEAR TEST DIRECT - SIMPLE PROJECT ILTIE/P TYPE OF TEST C SOIL TYPE9L . ".o TESTED DEVICEGE COR DAT E 2- vc Thc TIME STRAIN Hr.) (1/0) ,/'Ls Th in o -. t .i3( 0,7;i 1221 / 2.ol.74 '_ O.32.( ././ -0.215 *, //3i a.29? Z. /O 7 214r / .rh.. c /.- ao 4 l 2 / -0.o1 /,109 0- 0-010 0So,4 __-j.T 4 .C015' ,/77 0.32.-7 -0.072 ... n-.07n --. 04t at - o I.' 17'./T -77 no 07 0./6' y 7.45 .24 .. reI 0.2zTZ 127,407 /0. 20C T SOIL MECHANICS DEPT. OF CIVIL MASSACHUSETTS 0. t7l .- o.3Zj 85 0.905'C 0,jo5 -30q LABORATORY ENGINEERING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY . _ _ c> -5c 20 -2 5. n 4'_. 6-5 4 0.,7-1 1'^./60 n - IqO 7so 0-72 151o e4/9 7 , -,./27 c).4 17 10- cof 0, _7 /t-_It 1.3-5/2 ")/34 .. 3o a ^_Ze7 r, 2 ^O, 0- S j. 2 IO I? o. / 7q,3. 24. /0Z- 2.0. i . , _7 / 111 . -- Q0A _s__ __6; O.92o q ./3 3 0.0( O-- 272 0.',116 / 0. I , 3 n.067 7 ? /,/ Y o.sCo7 10.t4 A,072 I 0. I0-o29 _.5. . /,// -ej . 000Oi' /.4 . 1., /.//g' C 77 -- O._ 1-cq Z. - jF - ? Q..' -m-,7 /.0 -67 ,. . / -. r m 0-o .c /.ooo j O m .. 2 ./7 /4 0? 7 0.313 0.?z.o-17 oS97 7-11.1y' o."3.//. 023 S .10 .? H. 31? /. /.ooo 0.-17Z- .- -V %'11 _ o~c - 0.207 0.27 S. b Rate 0/%/ Hr.) 7 0 - .00G. -3, 1 -.. / 1 0o~c no ccou - (Day) DURING SHEAR Controlled Strain '--'' Stress -1v 0 - ./57 0. -3( 1 - A&L CO(Oo O.oo0 n, 24 ( ,m) -p 'Fe n,025, 6.nzo o-OSS 0.6 0 _ 2 '/-7 3.1(0 Psin ihi ar -0,9 /4 71, 1 V.D / . 6 Preshear Final H S,%/o _ C(%).- erf.) /X:. fc(Day) w */ Ie ) (Stresses in CONSOLIDATION 7 LOCATION BY OCR NO. /Z. 3 REMARKS: 10.n q.C .2 .5 . 126 Sheef I of I DIRECT - SIMPLE SHEAR TEST PROJECT INE\E/? TYPE OF TEST C SOIL TYPE C4 TESTED BY A a Tvc fc(Day) W,% (i. 2 /- Preshear Final -- / TIME 27, -171 . I STR AIN Th (%) Fc (Hr.) o.olg O.0 4 0.0 ?( o~n 0.3:';4 I / O.. I o4 Vm --- . !.40 -/?V ___ 0.i 'j14 -216 1* IT 1 . /il , /_&, /./4/ .4 o.2 173 - 3 - 1,j -c M : . .3q0 / 3V4f f SOIL MECHANICS DEPT. OF CIVIL MASSACHUSETTS 0 9 1. /2? (,0 Ir" 0/1 -1~ 7, _ n0 2.3 9 _ . .3 Z o .3)31 C 9 c. n.IK 0.1 2 0f 9o/(. LABORATORY ENGINEERING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY a. 3 0 .3, 13% 0.0 ,D 34;2 0,/3? - j 6, 0.4O 0 -11 21 0.09-2Z j. 17'.lo~~~~~~~~~ ~/ .s .0Ms //N . .y. __ c iM %41?/3 /, 05 .4 3 /cM 2 350 .43 ___ 2 D f.,9? 72. 7 . .. -- y o /,9 0-40r 0.09) 1 3/-.9-,/ >.(,/95- 0OP7 3.77K& 0. 40-4 -o. . /.Q .. 7 Sit o.//c3 . 777 i -z / - ?i Afl? 1 0 229 6 . /4'2- 6 .4'-, f- 0. . .1 40.\I 7, D3 I 79 - 0-d-i/. CO ioo /C,,, - c.- ,. 0-14 I "V C~r.. 0C-coo ___ - _76 3- h_ /C3 1.02L. -. 0V 7-3 7o i-C. 6.2(5 n / F _ vc /- tc(Day) /A 0' DURING SHEAR Controlled Strain Stress (C.) /,ooo c-0*6 -o-i;, ._/ _ Ep/.) 4-:.. fc(%/)- - /ceo _o - DATE Rate (% / Hr.) A_ avc o-coco 3.1 OCR DEVICE I% I~I7I. u.I4 c ~ -oo '7 _hC_ H 6 Initial NO. (Stresses in CONSOLIDATION 7 LOCATION utD- .39 0~ -, /2/ 3/ q o i REMARKS: Pg 1 . _ /3/ 127 Sheet I of DIRECT - SIMPLE lMT)JE PROJECT c SOIL TYPE TYPE OF TEST TESTED A NO. BY rhc - -M/7% S6 Presheoar 70o ) ^ 2.0 ----- DURING SHJEAR Controlled StrainStress i ( STRAIN Hr.) T1 (s%) /L:. 0'e, il 0.1 a (:4r o. 4 7Z2 S/./5/ n. . -0.-S 0. "1 - 0.194 0-3S4 - ~o5 o.37 ___/, 3. 0.54/ IW_3_ 0./ 'o O.?? 7./7/ 3 /3: , r 31 _ - oL~ 7 7 .5- 1 7 /6, 5.7Y- 196 e N / a. L,41I2. 0O RS oo - a .. -e-6, 41 j/,7~ 7't 5 - -O.'Y /0 S ( -0 ./I .03 (N ,7 II c 11 L o,~, ___ 0. . 2/0 3 _ .23 () . 4 0.010 0; 115 o .0 0-41 c 5 _a 2ol o40f 1,0 t 385 LABORATORY ENGINEERING INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY _ 0at TYo, I.191 REMARKS: 19 1 3 01 _ 7 -i23i1 2L -41 1 64. / . 2-71 - 0 5 / 1__._1 1 /0 / 1 9 0 .. 0.,21 O.o'f Z Yi 2 / { '1 4).?/ / 6. 5 7 -6.9 /','7 22.3, 0 - T'f-D - 0,q / I o Z'3., Y.2 r>.71 11. '171Q SOIL MECHANICS DEPT. OF CIVIL MASSACHUSETTS a,6 012 r .1, 7 /72 /Ii/n _____ -t-3 & -. . _ _ 2 .. pOJ/g 6- jl6 . ./ 7" b.0. /7 3 .i. -su . - o .Q /? 7 . /. 47 _ o/3. o oll . /MS $ 57 # _ - .331 In g 32 0./q= .4c,5 LnA 4 6 ./6'/ -1./ - o. 772 4_7 _ - / L -6, 6. 7' /,___o- _ _ c., jal 1 n. /42 /. o r.,13 3 ____ . movm - .9 6't g.47c - .3012 ./. 2 o ; 0.537 Y o.5' -o.330 /,332 t -/. ? .2. 36 lo 0 IF n c z '. jq 0.N -o.u /,4q Oqo 0.0339 t h vm O.C94 0.06a 0. O7 Fvc T T M .A 3.? V%/ Hr.) Rate Fina l. TIME (DARy) OZ.)tDING H D.4, . Igo vm - c(Day) w % e S,% 7-~70 ) (Stresses in 4vc Initial OCR 1 DEVICE GEO102C. DATE CONSOLIDATION 7 LOCATION SHEAR TEST I~ __ Test No. Sample No. Depth wN (f t) (%) &Vc 6vm OCR Symbol (kg/cm 2)(kg/cm2 7 FIS24 96.5 61.0 1.72 2.40 1.40 0 5 EIS21 98.8 60.2 2.02 4.00 1.98 0 4 EIS21 99.8 57.0 2.50 5.00 2.00 A F S'1 I11(.1 4. 1..1 l.f 0 115 7. v _ ____ I9 .E o '1 6a. 1.0-;, FIS _________ 1o GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR., M. 1.T. 0.4 0.3 H t'J 0 rh 0.2 0.1 0 '1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 :0 mn to. v NORMALIZED STRESS BORING - vm PATHS SOIL TYPE FROM CKOUDSS TESTS. ORINOCO CLAY 1.0 Test No. Sample Fic,97 S 0.4 liii' 0.3 Illlli Depth D%) No. ( Ii ll I Illllllllilllllilllllllllll itoi 4ij{ In, li-ti If' "ii, Ii' iiii:J~ I. iii Ii 0.2 IDI Fl, lID th~ ii' li-n ~i1ii" 'In i-Li Ii, Jilt I' ! ill' , fiT Fi~ "I III L Ii 0.1 14 I - --- 0.1 0.2 0.3 GC P1 144 ill $it If', 'i-f, ~ti fin ifl~ 1I 14t 444 NORMALIZED ii L1 iii 0.5 0.4 / I'; i;;,144441 In, 'Ut .1 ill' I I' ff1-I Iii~ ~I Ii ftD t in K -lilt itt IJiF I,, liii ii'ii 0.7 till Ii' I'l LI liii 0.8 STRESS PATHS FROM CKOUDSS TESTS O^-w( to 4 'flu liii If"iL 0.6 I 44 iy~ Hi vm Soil Type C I 4,- Ii 'if 4:4 ff1' it" ih~ Im1 Ii it,'' hi lilllllllll "''Il II ii-: ILI- t1 44 DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M.I.T. Illll i~If" 'Jai ,11if av Boring OCR Symbol GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY 14~ -- 0 ii tEL. '11 0 Ovm . //. 44; 6vmn &vc d(,OE470 -o- 1~i'Li I~1j iii-f II~i I 'if:1 iD-f ~'IfI Th -Ti wN (A 0.9 iii~ 1.0 130 *........................---- ----- - - - itsr ----- - - - - ------- ~~ 4: 77~ -7- 0 vh t: cVC , ... .....-.- ..... ..... . -- ---- -- .0 1. ------ ... ... .. -- .. .. . . . .. .. . .. .... C .2 :. .. .. . ... .. ..... :7 - 7 Au rc. n . .. ...... .... .... 5~. 2..4 ..-.. 0 0 5 10 15 SHEAR Sample No. Depth(.) Soil Type C /2.L 00 STRAIN 20 40 X' (%) wN &vcN(%) ('z' A 12 t c(Days) -L> wL(%) & Svm(4/ OCR /o c wp(%) GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M. I. T. I ) Estimated &*o(A // NORMALIZED STRESS CK.UUDSS TEST VS NO. ) -. STRAIN 7 FIGURE B-3 131 I 0.&1 4jK.p -.. 7Lt- Th I', ---ii7: T-T ---- -T Ti yT F ET ---- ---- t H:p . - -- - ...- -.. ..... . .. ... ......... 4 -..-. 7-p ... b.777t :-- ... ... A .... .. . . . .. .. ... . -.7i VC -... ... .. ... ......... .......... 'A .. 7~~_ ::: 77: :71 . ... __ _ 0 0 10 5 15 SHEAR Sample No. r+)t FWs7 O--o w p(%) GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M.I.T. STRAIN 0 .cI w L(%10' /zF Soil Type C C WN(%)i 20 A avc( Y (%) /,-z a vm(/ )2210 tc(Days) C-9 )M OCR /?PC Estimated aGo/ U / NORMALIZED CKoUDSS STRESS TEST VS NO. ) 2/ STRAIN ___ FIGURE B-4 132 - - -- -----T K , H - -- - - --- +-- H Th C 5 ~vc 77-- 7 p * :4 - :=. - rz:* O.z 0 5 0 10 F 15 -..F .... 20 - _A_ t--7 -.... u .. . .. . . o-.v c 7 . ... ... ....... .. .. . ... . ... . ..... . -.. .) .4 0 5 10 15 SHEAR Sample No. Depth(#) Soil Type 20 STRAIN 2r (%) 'S 7 wN(%) k' - wL(%) o&vm(6 /~2 /4 - w p/(%) _ ( d 40 3w - Estimated ) tc(Days) R ) 2l avo(k C-Q GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M.I.T NORMALIZED STRESS CK.UDSS TEST VS NO. STRAIN /7 FIGURE B-5 i 7/ 133 .. ..... .. . .... . . tr 1::. :j 7 7": 7- . ....I .... t .... . .. .. ... .. . I ---- --------------. .... . .. ....I... : 7:-_: ----- .... ..... t77:::777- ........... ....... .. ....I--.- .... ...... .... .... .... .... .. .... -:1:7 7 "-t-=7.' --------- =7 Th O'vc 0.4 Z-4 7--- :r7= J:7- at ---------- ------------------- ---............... ------ ----- -- .7+ 0.2. :7.: HH..= tt, 0 5 0 0.0 ........ :% _"1::: . 10 4C ...... ......... ...... .. ......... ...... 1' -11' ......... ......... ......... ........ '-7 7:t: .I .... ........ ... ........ 1 ........ 1.. --: ..... ....... .. ....- --------..... :.. . - --j .. ..... .... ......... . ........ ......... I -------......... . .......... . --.. .: -: ......... ---- ------------- : ..... .... .. ...... .... ...... ......... . ....... ....... ... ......... -7 .. .... ...... z.:: ..... :-:1 7= 7 .. ........ .... ......... 0 -30 ... ....I .... ......... ..... c'vc 20 .... .... ................ --------......... . .................. . .......... -------.... ......... .. .... ... ...... . ...... - -,::::: . ......... ......... .... ..... .. Au -0-,j 15 ... 7-7. ....... .... ...... --------- ---- ..... ......... .. . ... .... ... ......... .... ......... -------- 5 10 15 SHEAR Sample No. Depth (;4 Soil Type c14 (0,4-4f- ---------.... .. .. 20 STRAIN ... .... -W 7a a' (%) WN evc(/z4 wL(%) a:vm( wp(%) Estimated &vo(/C 4er 2-T tc(Days) 0CR GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M. 1. T. NORMALIZED CKOUDSS STRESS TEST VS -7. 7 0 STRAIN NO. FIGURE B-6 134 2000 411 i i fi i ii H I,+ ii I iI I 1000 Soo 600 400 Eu su 200 I (IN +11 100 z I II ! 1 1 it 11 ! 1 j 1 , 80 60 0 40L 1-; 0 w 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.8 1.0 rh /Su~ 0 Ix Test No. 0 ___ Sample /-_ No. _S-7 Depth wN v WN V6 /.)'G5~ Symbol OCR o . - 0- 0 z (D NORMALIZED MODULUS FROM BORING TYPE zl SOIL CK.UDSS TESTS c < C-Q FIGURE B-7 135 2000 1111fi-1-11 I !! ;I I I I I I I I I I L I I I i I I I ii 1000 I I 1 1. ~*jiI Ij II II 800 600 400 Eu Su 200 I I III 'I II 100 z i I 11 MI I I 80 60 - 0 CL 40 L 0 0 0.2 0.4 1.0 0.8 T'h /Su 0 Test No. w 0.6 wN No. Sample 5'i7 /S Depth /2 .3 v VC WN (o). OCR 6 2-;J,0 Symbol -Q 0 0 NORMALIZED BORING f. MODULUS FROM SOIL TYPE CKoUDSS TESTS O ke- e FIGURE B-8 136 2000 II I I I I I I I I) I I i 1 ii i I iI I I +i1.11 i IL 7tI 1000 800 600 400 Eu su - 200 0 I II 100 z w 111 I ~ I I i 80- - 60 0.- F 40 a. - 0 0.4 0.2 0 .a 0 0.8 0.6 1.0 Th/Su Test No. Sample 17 F-/__D-~7 Depth No. WN g VC OCR Symbol /'/ SAI --- co ca V.2 _/2. / 0. w 4 NORMALIZED BORING MODULUS LL FROM CK.UDSS TESTS SOIL TYPEC4 O - CFIGURE B-9 137 2000 ~I[F I II I I I 1000 I I L! 17 -1, tt+-t I ..; I II!iili ii IF i~ 4+4 I j I i I I 'I .' 800 600 400 Eu su 200 !I I ! I i II I I I i i I I ',Ii 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 I z ; L I II I I I 1 1 1 !-q 1 1 I M N 100 C9 ltII I i i! II ; i i , I l ! ; i I j ! I i i , ! I I i i ! ! 1 1 7 i I : ; i I I 80 60 U0 40 0 0.2 0.4 0 1.0 Th /su 0 uJ 0.8 0.6 rest No. Sample No. /___ Depth wN v WN YC OCR Symbol 770 0 /2./t. ( . __/____ I.- 0 a: 0 NORMALIZED BORING F1 MODULUS FROM CKoUDSS TESTS cLCla~4 SOIL TYPE C'a FIGURE B-10 138 APPENDIX C CK UC AND CK UE TESTS 0 0 Appendix C presents laboratory data from CK UE and CK UC tests. The following data is summarized in this appendix: (1) Figure C-1 presents the stress paths for all triaxial tests. (2) Figure C-2 presents the stress-strain curves for all triaxial tests. (3) Laboratory data from CK0UC Test No. TC4 is presented in the next two tables. Additional information concerning pertinent test procedures can be obtained from Appendix D of Ladd et al. (1980). z (ft) 0.3 0.2 TEST SYM. BORING No. WN Pi (%) (%) 99.1 99.5 TC3 TC2 0 A El El 57.4 51.5 39.0 31.5 128.7 TEl O Fl 60.1 57.1 I'l.3 TV 9 Fli 61.8 519 I24.5 , 27. - 0.I q crvc 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 -0.1 FIGURE 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 OF q= 0.5 ((V -0.2 0.4 - Oj) . p=0.5(&,+- C-i STRESS PATHS FOR CK UC AND CK0 UE TESTS: N.C. ORINOCO CLAY 0.9 1.0 140 0. 0. z (ft) TEST 99.1 99.5 128.7 1 .3 TC3 TC2 TEl Tc SYM. BORING 0 a El El Fl F1 No. . v c7 iO 0 V wN (%) pf (/) 57.4 51.5 60.1 GIA. 39.0 31.5 57.1 g.9 -0. 4 -0. 6 0 I 2 3 4 5 6 AXIAL STRAIN , e 0 (%) FIGURE C-2 STRESS VERSUS STRAIN FOR CK UC AND CK UE TESTS: N.C. ORINOCO CLAY 7 141 Sheet I of 2 CONSOLIDATED - UNDRAINED Project /AWfF E? Soil Type C & , TRIAXIAL Type of Test C .OLocation FISS7 TEST No. TC'L OCR /LQ Tested by A w. .A/Lf Date Stresses in UB 26. / ,i w (%) Initial 16 4 7 77 T./9 7 71/ avc &hc 0.80.1% /.q 0. S(%) 0.0q C Vol M%~ .7&/ C0 % 0 .;"/ 11 ( v- 0 vc V_ / 0.74 A . o .7 /S-g y o,4 tc (Day) (h) '??37 1.1 1 . 23 .9 h) .*S 9 .'-oo /0 /. - 27; & S 2-0t 2,11 . 77 Iq 11 Eu qf c .77 0,7'17 /7f 5 0 -o 0 ' o.794 5,32 Z.&91 1 1.29 29 7 4 .2q76 o ? /-37 .' 0-20? . 37 0 4.o)7 2' 0,(711.3E .. w:7 -D .2 ____ y _____ .9j o. 0. : '.? , ). 74 n -25 n7 .7 1 .1149 0,Z6 1,t '7 :A; 7~' n. -% !s ,5177 5 -T1 76" 2. 1 t 1 m.7 q-io o 177 g. z-.o T.3 7 02c~o .5 0 , 24 -41,4 1.L.Sl >-2 6S C q -,197 1.7-.A34 0517 121:1-4 GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M. I.T. 10 -- &v- O.2 n. 6,1 G2 .s40 / 0-l 10 1? . rTl 0 -~ Q .( Q 7 --5 -,13\ C 7 .2-,9 32 0 5 0 -. 1 9 1 A . 14. 7 9 q A 4 .4z I0 o-5o 9 n. psa(I "1 4,3, C, 5 ( . 02 114 - O. &h I 8 ./4g u-a &vc 4,9 /.71 .O 111 11/c 7 o. 7 2.-1. g /,477 0oa Qo .qi 0-ooi /-7// q~s .44G.1) -0-3 0.472 0.00 7 - ( . /J? / .4 /.7. 7 7 23 NcJ O 2 , g.82 -) 7jL C,.j'.j 4/- / wp M 3 7.4. PI.(%M2.,1L WL(%M V. CONSOLIDATION DATA 2 3 4 5 6 Step Time Strain Rate (%/ hr) Remarks TV O.4r L(cm) A(cm2 ) V (cc) e 61- Preshear B (%)B M ..72.T C " / .70-2 0.477 ,7 L- 6 S OC41 ILA" e-4 e.ota- Lk~s 142 Sheet 2 of 2 CONSOLIDATED -'UNDRAINED Project Aj!VP Soil Time (hr) ea . (%) TRIAXIAL TEST (continued) Type of Test ~ ( A (Au-A (Ov'-G6h) &vc A C. 373 4:__ 2.rco Ojfj A-2o I..'7 o.'o To 4 0.u ZE ,M 9 793t W, q n 2. f 7,. ' No. 7C4 - &h a6vc- CA- uc. _c .3' 3% /.?60 (. .;a /. . / 92 6.01 O 4 _f / 0,S v 5.(% .7 &-15-.( e's /7 a- n, 0. n. -;- I o. 179/ _ _,_ GEOTECHNICAL LABORATORY DEPT. OF CIVIL ENGR. M.I.T. A-(SLLDA~ A -2-1