Based on approved minutes Control Command and Signalling Standards Committee (CCS SC) 16 March 2016 Record of Decisions Minute No. Section and topic Applications approved by Chairman outside Standards Committee None Deviations against Railway Group Standards: New applications 16/CCS/03/051 16-027-DEV: Provision of platform stop markers for: a) Class 800 ‘Super Express Train’ (SET) and all its sub-classes; AC b) Class 365 ‘Electrical Multiple Units’ (EMU) and all its sub-classes; c) Class 387 ‘Electrical Multiple Units’ (EMU) and all its sub-classes. [GIRT7033: Lineside Signs] [Lead Standards Committee: CCS SC] Great Western Railway are proposing a trial of new designs of platform stop markers (PSMs) over a trial route between Paddington and Hayes only for EMU and Tilehurst to Didcot for SET, for a minimum of six months. The purpose of the trial is to check the suitability of the signs under operating conditions. The Committee approved the application subject to subject to additional requirements being considered in the trial, and support from TOM SC. 16/CCS/03/052 16-028-DEV: Severn Beach single line working system including SERC ground frame connection not including track circuit detection indications at the control point (24036) AC [GKRT0077: Ground Frames and Shunters' Releases] [Lead Standards Committee: CCS SC] Network Rail (NR) is installing a new ground frame (GF) with shut-in facilities at MP13, midway along the Severn Beach branch from Holesmouth Jc (Avonmouth). The GF connects with new sidings to service a SERC waste recycling plant. The Committee approved 16-028-DEV subject to the agreed changes and support from TOM SC. For further information, please contact [] Key: Approved / supported* A Approved / supported* (subject to conditions) AC Deferred D Rejected R For noting N Withdrawn (by submitter) W *An ‘s’ suffix is applied when acting as a supporting committee Page 1 of 5 Based on approved minutes Minute No. Section and topic 16/CCS/03/053 16-029-DEV: Woking Junction Signal WK171 on the Down Slow Line, braking distance for start reduce AC line speed (21797) [GKRT0075: Lineside Signal Spacing and Speed Signage] [Lead Standards Committee: CCS SC] Network Rail (NR) is planning to remove a long-standing 40mph temporary speed restriction (TSR) on the Down Slow line at Woking Junction by changing the 60 mph permanent speed restriction (PSR) to 40mph. It is proposed to retain the permissible speed warning indicator (PSWI) and its associated AWS magnet in the existing position (re-labelled from 60 to 40mph). This would mean that the distance from the PWSI to the 40 mph PSR is non-compliant with GKRT0075 Table X4. The Committee approved 16-029-DEV with minor changes to the certificate. Supporting Deviations and Proposals Not Included in the Pack CCS SC noted the supporting deviations and proposals not included in the pack. N Minutes of Previous Meetings The draft minutes of the meeting held on 18 February 2016 were approved at the meeting. The Record of Decisions from the meeting held on 18 February 2016 was approved. AC General 16/CCS/03/053a Other Standards’ Committees Record of Decisions CCS SC noted PLT SC, RST SC and TOM SC Records of Decisions. N Verbal update from CCS TSI MG meeting on 09 March 2016 T Lee updated the Committee that at the CCS TSI MG meeting on 09 March 2016 the group went through the content of the CCS TSI which is expected to be published. The TSI Issues Log was discussed and updated. N 16/CCS/03/057 CCS Project Progress Plan CCS SC reviewed the standards plan and noted updates. N 16/CCS/03/058 CCS Document Reviews CCS SC noted the CCS document review plan. N 16/CCS/03/059 CCS SC Project Progress Plan CCS SC noted the CCS SC schedule. N European Issues 16/CCS/03/056 Changes to Standards Page 2 of 5 Based on approved minutes Minute No. Section and topic Remits and Proposals for Standards Change None Multifunctional Standards Committee 16/CCS/03/062 Update on EMF Directive Multifunctional Standards Committee J Gardner gave a presentation updating the Committee on the EMF Directive MFSC. Standards Update 16/CCS/03/063 Project 15-034: Revise GKRT0094 Issue 1 to incorporate requirement changes The Committee approved a planned publication date of March 2017 for GKRT0094: Train Voice Radio Systems, issue two and RIS-0794-CCS Rail Industry Standard for GSM-R Train Voice Radio, issue two. A 16/CCS/03/064 Project 15-012: Guidance on the use of software based systems for railway applications The Committee approved a revised publication date of March 2017 for the Guidance Note due to a change in technical lead for the project. A 16/CCS/03/065 EMC Standards Projects 14-014 a) and b): National Rules for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC): Update on GERT8076 & RIS-0776-CCS The Committee approved the development of two standards, GERT8076 setting out infrastructure susceptibility limits; and RIS-0776-CCS setting out the EMC assessment process. A Project 15-002: Clearance Point Distance Overprescriptive and Beyond ERA Requirements The Committee approved GKRT0028: Infrastructure Based Train Detection Interface Requirements, issue three, RIS-0728-CCS: Rail Industry Standard for Infrastructure Based Train Detection Requirements, issue one and the associated Impact Assessment for industry consultation with minor changes. AC Consultation of Standards Pre-Consultation 16/CCS/03/066 Post Consultation None Page 3 of 5 Based on approved minutes Minute No. Section and topic Approval of Standards Review of RGS documents 16/CCS/03/067 Review of GERT8048: Positioning of Lineside Telephones, issue two The review recommended that the content in GERT8048 issue two and GEGN8648: Guidance on Positioning of Lineside Telephones, issue one should be republished as a Railway Industry Standard (RIS). CCS SC approved the outcome and agreed a two-stage approach to republish as a RIS and then make more extensive revisions to align with the assessment process set out in RIS-0737-CCS issue one Signal Sighting Assessment Requirements. A 16/CCS/03/068 Review of GKRT0044: Permissive Working, issue three The review recommended that the content of GKRT0044 should be reviewed and republished as a RIS in accordance with the standards strategy. The Committee approved the recommendations subject to the submission of a proposal the recommendations out in more detail. Project 08-003 would be incorporated in this. AC 16/CCS/03/069 Review of GKRT0057: Lineside Signal and Indicator Product Design and Assessment Requirements, issue one CCS SC noted the 12 month review of GKRT0057: Lineside Signal and Indicator Product Design and Assessment Requirements, issue one and approved the recommendations from the review, to publish an amendment to GKRT0057 issue one to address the enquiry relating to the chromaticity requirements for red colour light signals and to establish a standards project to further review the requirements, rationale and guidance in GKRT0057. A 16/CCS/03/070 Review of GKRT0058: Lineside Signal Aspect and Indication Requirements, issue one CCS SC noted the 12 month review of GKRT0058: Lineside Signal Aspect and Indication Requirements, issue one and approved the recommendations to withdraw GKRT0058 issue one, republish the content of GKGN0658 issue one in a new Rail Industry Standard (RIS) incorporating the comments received from Network Rail. A Documents for Approval None Recently Authorised Standards None Research 16/CCS/03/071 Research & Development Client Report The committee noted the Research and Development Client Report Page 4 of 5 N Based on approved minutes Minute No. Section and topic Any Other Business None Date of Next Meeting Thursday 14 April 2016 (cut off 24 March 2016) Page 5 of 5