Remit Control Command & Signalling Standards Committee

Remit for Control Command & Signalling Standards Committee
Control Command & Signalling Standards Committee
Approved by the Industry Standards Coordination Committee - 16 May 2014
This document defines the working arrangements for the Control Command &
Signalling Standards Committee (the Committee). It accords with the
requirements of and should be read in conjunction with:
The Railway Group Standards Code issue four (the Code)
The Standards Manual issue three (the Manual)
The Industry Standards Co-ordination Committee approved statement
for Control Command & Signalling Standards Committee (see the
Manual section 10.4.2).
This document fulfils the requirements of section 6.2.2 of the Manual.
The Committee's coverage
The CCS Standards Committee’s coverage includes all train control and
signalling systems, and communications systems associated with train
It includes consideration of the interfaces between subjects within its coverage
and those within the coverage of other standards committees (for example,
the interfaces between signalling and operations).
The purpose of the Committee is as set out in section 6.1.1 of the Manual.
Sub-committees will be operated as set out in section 7 of the Manual.
The CCS Standards Committee shall have 12 members elected under the
Railway Group Standards Code, representing the following industry
Industry category
Number of members
Passenger train operators
Non-passenger train operators
Network Rail and other infrastructure managers
Rolling stock owners (including rolling stock
leasing companies)
Infrastructure contractors
Suppliers (including rolling stock manufacturers)
This composition fulfils the requirements of section 4.4.1 of the Code.
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Remit for Control Command & Signalling Standards Committee
A list of current members, alternate members, co-opted members and
observers can be found on RSSB’s website ( and in the
Catalogue of Railway Group Standards published by RSSB, as in section 4.4
of the Code.
Alternate members
The arrangements for alternate members are as set out in section A4 of the
Unless advised otherwise communication is only sent to alternates on
Co-opted members
If the members of the committee consider it necessary to ensure an adequate
spread of expertise on subjects within the committee’s coverage the
arrangements for co-opted members, as set out in section A5 of the Manual
(section 4.4.2 of the Code), will be applied.
Observers are not co-opted members of the Committee, but are permitted to
speak at meetings. RSSB Technical Specialists responsible for the technical
content of standards and working instructions within the scope of the
committee, attend as observers.
Representatives of the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) and the Department
for Transport (DfT) may attend as observers as in section 4.4.4 of the Code.
Organisations responsible for representation of the UK rail industry at
European level, other persons who are materially interested in the relevant
standards, and members of the committee may nominate persons as
observers. Acceptance of nominations as an observer is for the Committee as
a whole to decide.
[Section A6 of the Manual]
Chairman and deputy chairman
The Chairman is elected in accordance with section A3 of the Manual.
The name of the current Chairman can be found on RSSB’s website
( and in the Catalogue of Railway Group Standards
published by RSSB.
It is a condition of membership that each member is willing to act as deputy
Chairman of the Committee, if so requested by the Committee.
RSSB has appointed a person as secretary (section 10.1.1 of the Manual).
The secretary is responsible for the circulation of papers before meetings, and
production and circulation of minutes. Minutes of the previous meeting and
other papers for a meeting are to be available not less than five clear business
days before the meeting.
Decision taking on Railway Group Standards
The committee’s decisions relating to the approval of new or changed Railway
Group Standards (RGS) are to be made only in accordance with section 5 of
the Code and section 6.2 & 11 of the Manual.
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Remit for Control Command & Signalling Standards Committee
Decision taking on deviations from Railway Group Standards
The committee’s decisions relating to the approval of deviations from RGS are
to be made only in accordance with section 7.1 of the Code and section 16 of
the Manual.
Section 7.4.2 of the Code permits deviations to be approved by a Standards
Committee Chairman outside of a Committee meeting. The circumstances
where the Chairman of Control Command & Signalling SC may approve a
deviation outside of a committee meeting are:
If that Standards Committee has agreed that this may occur, and
Only in those circumstances prescribed by that Standards Committee:
it is agreed to be urgent by a member of the CCS Standards
the declared deputies may approve on behalf of the Chairman if the
Chairman is not available
for deviations relevant to Infrastructure Manager / Network Rail
issues approval is sought and gained from the relevant train operator
for deviations relevant to train operator issues approval is sought
and gained from the relevant Infrastructure Manager / Network Rail
The Chairman may decline to make the decision in accordance with section
16.3.3 of the Manual.
Frequency of meetings
The Committee has agreed to meet approximately every four weeks generally
on Thursdays, unless the Chairman, after consulting the secretary, considers
there is insufficient business to justify a meeting.
The Committee has agreed that a meeting is quorate if it is deemed by those
present at the beginning of the meeting that there is sufficient competence
and representation to deal with the agenda presented.
Establishing consensus
The Committee takes a decision by consensus. Section 4.5 of the Code
sets out the rules for establishing consensus.Conflicts and
disclosures of interest
The arrangements for dealing with potential conflicts of interest are set out in
section 8.2 of the Manual, and for disclosures of interest in section 8.3 of the
Other rules of procedure
The Committee may regulate its proceedings as it sees fit, subject at all times
to complying with the provisions of the Code and the Manual.
The Committee’s decisions about its regulation are to be recorded in revisions
to this remit.
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Remit for Control Command & Signalling Standards Committee
Liability and insurance
RSSB has arranged insurance cover for members of the Committee in
respect of claims arising out of duties performed in their capacity as
participant members and/or Chairman of the Committee. RSSB will supply
details of the insurance to members on request.
Tom Lee
Head of Control Command & Signalling and Energy DU, RSSB
Chairman, Control Command & Signalling Standards Committee
6 March 2014
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