Agenda item MEETING: DATE:

Agenda item
Technical Strategy Leadership Group
18 June 2015
Annual Report from Vehicle/Train Energy SIC
Edgar Goddard, Chair, Vehicle/Train Energy SIC
This paper is for information. It presents a summary of the activities of the
Vehicle/Train Energy Systems Interface Committee (V/TE SIC) and its sub-groups
for 2014/15 as well as the planned activities for 2015/16.
This paper is the sixth annual report to TSLG from the Chair of the Vehicle/Train
Energy System Interface Committee (V/TE SIC).
A particular focus of the SIC’s activities over the last year has been:
Developing the Energy portfolio of the Rail Technical Strategy (RTS)
Additional work on AC/DC changeover
Investigating the electrical corrosion of wheel bearings
Investigation into the effects of applying the Physical Agents (EMF) Directive
in the UK Railway System
Ongoing development of newer and cheaper ways of electrification by
analysing the use of Germanic electrification system but utilising it for 25kV
ac electrification
Continuation of the optimisation of 25kV electrification
Understanding the resilience and weakness of the interface system during
dewirements, following on from RAIB inquiry at the Littleport incident.
The SIC has also provided feedback and input into the development of the
Electrification RUS and a number of R&D projects, not only for the core work, but
also acting as Portfolio Champion for the RTS Energy chapter.
Our proposed priorities for the coming year are:
To explore opportunities to improve the mechanical resilience of the
overhead electrified network, for example through improved train-borne and
infrastructure-borne monitoring systems;
TSLG 18 June 2015 – Annual Report from Vehicle/Train Energy SIC
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To inform the design and specification of new electrification systems
including by working with the FutureRailway team on opportunities to reduce
the cost and complexity of new electrification through our input as Portfolio
To highlight the issues facing rail industry’s electrical supply network
resilience in the face of future energy challenges; and
To provide researched answers on energy issues that need to be included in
the development of the railway system, including intelligent traffic
management systems (FuTRO).
The Vehicle/Train Energy Systems Interface Committee assists the rail industry in
evaluating and managing the key power supply system interfaces as well as
identifying losses (and likely remedies) in the energy transmission system. It
works to promote more efficient energy use and to develop longer term,
sustainable energy strategies.
The V/TE SIC has recently undertaken a review of its subgroups and the work they
do. The SIC had three subgroups: Future Electrification Group (FEG), Future
Energy Technology Group (FETG) and the RTS Energy Working Group (RTS ENE
WG). It was agreed that the FEG and FETG groups should be closed and the work
incorporated into the SIC and RTS ENE WG. This was agreed in March 2015.
V/TE SIC also supports the work of other industry groups including the Sustainable
Development Steering Group and the Traction Electricity Steering Group (formerly
the Metering Steering Group).
SIC Activities
The core activities that the SIC are focusing on are:
Portfolio champions and the Energy Portfolio
Supporting innovation through the Innovation team in RSSB
Understanding the failure mechanisms during dewirements incidents
Resolving the challenge of axle bearing wear
Looking at the physical agents directive and working the railways industry
Continuation to support newer, resilient and cheaper ways of electrification
Input to the network electrification RUS.
Future Challenges
The SIC will focus on the following issues over the coming year:
The cost and resilience of the electrification systems
Addressing the challenges set out in the RTS for the Energy chapter.
TSLG 18 June 2015 – Annual Report from Vehicle/Train Energy SIC
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