V/TC&C SIC Vehicle/Train Control and Communication System Interface Committee Defect Recording Analysis and Corrective Action System Sub Group (DRACAS SG) Defect Recording Analysis and Corrective Action System Sub Group (Title TBC) (DRACAS SG) Remit Issue 1 18 June 2013 1 Introduction 1.1 This document defines the working arrangements for the Defect Recording Analysis and Corrective Action System Sub Group (DRACAS SG) in accordance with SIC Protocol, Issue 5. 2 Vision Statement 2.1 To establish a nationwide DRACAS information sharing process framework and I.T. architecture for all control command signalling (CCS) shared systems used on the GB railway, by: a) Promoting collaboration and alignment across projects that implement DRACAS for CCS shared systems, and b) Supporting DRACAS stakeholders to help them take better asset management decisions about shared CCS systems, and therefore achieve business benefits through the ability to make improvements to system reliability, availability, maintainability and safety. 3 Background 3.1 A DRACAS Working Group (WG) was formed in 2008 to address a number of recommendations arising from the Ladbroke Grove inquiry. 3.2 The purpose of the DRACAS WG was to: Understand the potential benefits of implementing a DRACAS for CCS shared systems within the rail industry. Identify a DRACAS to meet the requirements of Railway Group Standard GE/RT8106 for new CCS systems. Understand how CCS DRACAS fits into the overall scope of information sharing across the industry. 3.3 The DRACAS WG has overseen the delivery of RSSB research projects T754, T957, T960. 3.4 In February 2013 work began, as part of the ERTMS programme, to implement a DRACAS for the next ERTMS projects. The DRACAS WG was re-established as the DRACAS SG, with a new remit to reflect its new role as the functional and technical client for CCS DRACAS implementation projects. 4 Purpose and Scope of the Sub Group 4.1 Purpose 4.1.1 The sub group’s purpose is to oversee implementation of an industry-wide DRACAS to the extent of being compliant with the recommended architecture and framework. TR007 Page 1 of 7 Issue 1: 18 June 2013 V/TC&C SIC Vehicle/Train Control and Communication System Interface Committee Defect Recording Analysis and Corrective Action System Sub Group (DRACAS SG) 4.1.2 The group’s purpose is also to monitor the implementation of projects so as to evolve / refine the system architecture (which includes processes) in line with experience gained from the ERTMS programme. 4.1.3 The DRACAS SG will work closely with DRACAS implementation project managers and project teams to ensure that each project is supported in adopting an industry wide approach for the development and implementation of a CCS DRACAS for the railway industry. This support will initially be based on the concepts and ideas developed within RSSB Projects T754, T957, and T960. 4.1.4 The DRACAS SG will support implementation projects by identifying appropriate stakeholder contacts within the Network Rail, train operator and supplier communities and encouraging a participative, inclusive approach to implementing DRACAS within these communities. This support will be particularly important during the development of the Functional Requirements Specification for the DRACAS, and will need to follow through into the Detailed Design and later implementation phases of the DRACAS across these communities. 4.1.5 The DRACAS SG will work closely with ERTMS and GSM-R project teams to ensure that the DRACAS will be able to support their future needs. 4.2 Scope 4.2.1 To be a functional (including processes and people) and technical client for CCS DRACAS implementation projects. 4.2.2 To provide guardianship of the DRACAS architecture and of the principles defined in RSSB Projects T754, T957 and T960. 4.2.3 To assure implementation projects compatibility with the CCS DRACAS vision. 4.2.4 To be the functional and technical reviewer of implementation outputs. 4.2.5 To promote a consistent approach, learning opportunities, the development of synergies with other projects (e.g. ORBIS, cross-industry RCM, T&RS (R2 plus RST systems architecture), LINX, GPS) and the avoidance of unnecessary duplication. 4.2.6 To facilitate benefits of the costed business model (T957) and monitor that they are being delivered. 4.2.7 To provide user engagement and communication about the DRACAS vision and benefits. 4.2.8 To sponsor any further DRACAS research. 4.2.9 To provide authority to modify the architecture. 4.2.10 To be the owner of the DRACAS vision and business requirements. 4.2.11 To be the proposer of changes to relevant GB national rules, including RGSs and NTRs, such as GE/RT8106. 4.3 Outside the scope of the DRACAS SG 4.3.1 User specific readiness and transitional arrangements. 4.3.2 DRACAS change management. 4.3.3 System reliability management. TR007 Page 2 of 7 Issue 1: 18 June 2013 V/TC&C SIC Vehicle/Train Control and Communication System Interface Committee Defect Recording Analysis and Corrective Action System Sub Group (DRACAS SG) 5 Activities of the Sub Group 5.1 Work plan 5.1.1 The DRACAS Group will develop and maintain a work plan with DRACAS implementation project(s) and ERTMS PCB, in accordance with this remit. 5.1.2 The work plan shall be agreed and endorsed by the V/TC&C SIC. 5.1.3 The work plan will include, but not be limited to, the following activities: 5.2 a) Agreeing SMART objectives for the DRACAS Group. b) Agreeing documents for PCB as prepared by implementation project(s). c) Presentation of papers, jointly with project teams, to ERTMS PCB. d) Establishing the future governance requirements as a GB national rule (GE/RT8106). e) Development and delivery of a stakeholder engagement plan. f) Overseeing the development of the functional requirements definition for the analysis tool capability within DRACAS. Conditions under which the sub group will cease activity 5.2.1 The DRACAS SG will cease activity when the V/TC&C SIC decides that either: a The objectives and work plan are complete, or b The DRACAS SG is no longer required. 6 Membership of SIC / Sub Group 6.1 Membership will be sought from the following DRACAS stakeholders: 6.1.1 6.1.2 Train operators a Passenger Train Operators b Non passenger Train Operators c Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) Infrastructure managers a 6.1.3 RoSCos 6.1.4 Suppliers 6.1.5 a DRACAS supplier b CCS system supplier c Railway Industry Association (RIA) Projects a 6.1.6 TR007 Network Rail ERTMS DRACAS project team (sponsor and/or project manager) Stakeholder bodies a V/TC&C SIC (governing body) b ERTMS PCB Page 3 of 7 Issue 1: 18 June 2013 V/TC&C SIC Vehicle/Train Control and Communication System Interface Committee Defect Recording Analysis and Corrective Action System Sub Group (DRACAS SG) c National ERTMS Programme (Network Rail) d RSSB e National Skills Academy 6.1.7 Members may nominate an alternate to carry out committee duties when they are unavailable and will provide contact details of the alternate to the committee secretary. 6.1.8 If members are unable to attend they will inform the secretary at the earliest opportunity and confirm the attendance of their alternate. 6.1.9 A member may be removed by the SIC if he/she is absent from three out of six consecutive meetings. 6.1.10 The DRACAS SG Chair may invite guests and participants to attend as required to inform the work and decisions of the Sub Group or for specific projects. 6.1.11 Other relevant parties that will be kept informed and involved in meetings, as necessary, including but not limited to: 6.2 Department for Transport (DfT) Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) GSM-R Project (Network Rail) RSSB New Systems Remote Condition Monitoring Project (Led by Vehicle/Vehicle SIC, RSSB) Standards Committees Other System Interface Committees Train Specification Review Group (TSRG) Other DRACAS stakeholders Other transport undertakings Disclosure of Interests 6.2.1 If a member, or a person for whom that member works, has a direct or indirect personal interest in a matter to be discussed by the committee, as distinct from a common interest of the industry category as a whole, the member shall declare that interest to the Chairman of the committee of which they are a member at the earliest opportunity: a) On the first occasion at which the matter is discussed, or b) If a member is not aware of an interest at that time, at the next committee meeting after which they become aware of that interest, regardless of whether the matter is being discussed at that meeting. 6.2.2 When a member declares an interest, the other members shall decide whether that member may continue to participate in discussions on the matter concerned or whether that member shall be excluded from the meeting while the matter is discussed. TR007 Page 4 of 7 Issue 1: 18 June 2013 V/TC&C SIC Vehicle/Train Control and Communication System Interface Committee Defect Recording Analysis and Corrective Action System Sub Group (DRACAS SG) 7 Specialist Skills and Knowledge 7.1 The skills considered essential for the work of the group are: a) Experience of CCS asset management (configuration/performance), including CCS failure management requirements. b) Data and process management skills. c) Knowledge of DRACAS principles and processes. d) Experience/knowledge of similar information management systems in other industries. e) Experience/knowledge of similar information management systems in other railway authorities (focusing initially on ERTMS applications). f) Knowledge of other information management initiatives in the rail industry. g) Detailed knowledge of the DRACAS architecture defined in T960. h) General appreciation of the business context of GB/EU railways and interfaces. i) Understanding of the issues and experience in managing shared systems. j) Knowledge of existing and emerging standards and legislation relevant to DRACAS. k) Communication/influencing skills – for presenting to high level committees etc. l) Knowledge of safety management systems. m) Knowledge of ETCS and GSM-R. n) Knowledge of reliability principles. o) Knowledge of PAS 55 Optimal management of physical assets 7.2 Where required, supporting expertise, which may include supplier or stakeholder representation, will be requested by the DRACAS Group. 8 Delegation of Authority 8.1 Decision Making 8.1.1 Where strategic industry oversight is required recommendations and decisions are subject to endorsement by the V/TC&C SIC. 8.1.2 The committee shall endeavour to reach a consensus on decisions. If consensus cannot be achieved the meeting shall clearly document why a consensus could not be achieved and report the matter to V/TC&C SIC. 8.1.3 The DRACAS SG will complete all activities as instructed and endorsed by the V/TC&C SIC. 8.2 Reporting / Recommendations 8.2.1 The DRACAS Group is represented by the Chairperson, who will attend the V/TC&C SIC and ERTMS PCB meetings to present the sub-group report bi-annually or on request from the V/TC&C SIC or ERTMS PCB. The chair or a nominated representative will be responsible for reporting on the work of DRACAS SG. 8.2.2 The DRACAS Group will have standing representation on the ERTMS PCB. TR007 Page 5 of 7 Issue 1: 18 June 2013 V/TC&C SIC Vehicle/Train Control and Communication System Interface Committee Defect Recording Analysis and Corrective Action System Sub Group (DRACAS SG) 8.2.3 DRACAS SG will also be represented on Network Rail’s DRACAS development project. 9 SIC Funding and Budget Management 9.1 There is no specific funding for this sub-group. 10 Process to elect and appoint new members / chairpersons 10.1 The members shall nominate and elect a Chairperson from the membership of the group, subject to the approval of V/TC&C SIC. 10.2 The membership of the group shall be determined in consideration of the specialist skills, knowledge and stakeholder representation as set out in this remit. 10.3 Where industry representation is required the constituency organisation will be approached to nominate a representative. 11 Organisation and Operation of Meetings 11.1 Meeting Frequency 11.1.1 The meeting will operate to a pre-agreed agenda (nominally six meetings per calendar year, though this shall remain under review). 11.1.2 If there are insufficient agenda items to be discussed at any single meeting the Chairperson will, with consultation, cancel the meeting with six working days’ notice. 11.2 Meeting Quorum 11.2.1 A meeting quorum consists of the following industry members: Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC) x1 Network Rail (NR) x1 Rail Safety & Standards Board (RSSB) x1 ERTMS DRACAS project team x 1 RoSCos x 1 11.2.2 If the meeting is not quorate absent members will have two weeks after the draft meeting minutes have been distributed to make an objection to any decision taken in the meeting. If no objections are made the decision will stand. 12 Administration 12.1 Reporting Structure 12.1.1 The DRACAS WG will ensure that the V/TC&C SIC is kept informed of progress through a written report, issued a minimum of twice per calendar year. Subsequent reports can be produced on the request of the SIC. 12.1.2 The DRACAS WG will operate on a consensus basis to achieve their purpose, in line with the SIC Protocol Issue 5. 12.2 Minutes 12.2.1 The draft minutes will be sent to the Chairperson for approval within 10 working days of the meeting. TR007 Page 6 of 7 Issue 1: 18 June 2013 V/TC&C SIC Vehicle/Train Control and Communication System Interface Committee Defect Recording Analysis and Corrective Action System Sub Group (DRACAS SG) 12.2.2 Draft minutes will be uploaded to the RSSB extranet following approval from the Chairman. 12.2.3 The draft minutes will be approved by members at the next meeting. 12.2.4 Approved minutes will be uploaded to the RSSB extranet. 12.3 Meeting Documentation 12.3.1 A draft agenda will be sent to the Chairman for approval 10 days in advance of the meeting. 12.3.2 The agenda and meeting papers will be distributed to members via a notification email and the RSSB extranet five working days in advance of the meeting 12.4 Remit Review 12.4.1 The remit shall be reviewed annually as a minimum and/or at the request of sub group members. 12.4.2 Where changes are proposed they shall be referred to the V/TC&C SIC for endorsement. TR007 Page 7 of 7 Issue 1: 18 June 2013