RSSB INS & RST Delivery Unit TITLE: AURAL PRESSURE COMFORT LIMITS IN TUNNELS 1. Reasons for this note There are no formal rules in GB standards setting out limit criteria for aural pressure comfort for staff and passengers travelling on trains in tunnels. This is because Railway Group Standards are in place to control safety and compatibility whilst issues such as pressure comfort are considered the responsibility and choice of train operators. This note sets out the limits applied to pressure changes in tunnels that British Rail derived before 1996 and which have been used to set aerodynamic speed limits in some GB railway tunnels. These criteria were also applied during the most recent West Coast Mainline upgrade when line speeds were increased, and modified criteria were also used to set speeds in the tunnels of HS1. On both routes, some tunnel modifications were introduced to permit higher speeds while still ensuring compliance with the limits 2. Need for aural comfort limits When trains enter and leave tunnels, they generate pressure changes, also called pressure waves, a few percent above or below ambient atmospheric pressure. These pressure waves move along the tunnel at the speed of sound, reflecting at any interface with the open air, such as at portals or at the top of airshafts. On reflection, the pressure waves are modified with waves above ambient pressure returning back into the tunnel as waves below ambient pressure and vice versa. This means that a train moves through a complex superposition of pressure changes as it travels through the tunnel. These waves can superimpose to give relatively large positive or negative pressure transients. For unsealed trains, the pressure variations in the tunnels are propagated directly into the vehicles of the trains, whereas for partially sealed or sealed trains the pressure changes are attenuated by the sealing, leading to slower, modified pressure variations inside the train. Figure 1 shows how pressures are generated by a single train travelling in a plain tunnel and travel back and forth. The upper part of the figure shows a wave diagram, which is a representation of the path of the train nose and tail and the pressure waves generated. The horizontal axis is time and the vertical axis is distance in the tunnel. The waves generated by the train nose are shown as solid lines, whilst those generated by the tail are dotted. Waves coloured red are above ambient pressure and waves coloured green are below ambient. The path of the train nose is shown as a solid black line and that of the tail is a dotted black line. The red dotted line parallel to the path of the train nose shows a fixed location on the train for which the train pressure time history is shown in the lower part of the e:\rssb\aerodynamics notes for rssb\tunnel pressure comfort limits_final.doc 1 of 10 Issue 1 : 5 August 2015 RSSB INS & RST Delivery Unit Figure. It is possible to see how pressure waves shown on the wave diagram and passing this location contribute to the build-up of the pressure time history. Nose wave Tail wave Nose path Tail path Figure 1: Wave diagram and pressure time history at a point on a train Some people are quite sensitive to these pressure changes, particularly when they are suffering with head colds, whilst others may be completely unaware of the effects. The problem is therefore subjective and response can be further affected by any activities being undertaken at the time and also the state of health of the particular individual. A very small percentage of the travelling public with existing aural health issues may suffer permanent hearing damage if pressure changes exceed a certain value. For this reason, the LOC & PAS TSI has requirements limiting the pressure changes generated by TSI compliant trains travelling in tunnels, and requirements are placed on Infrastructure Managers in the INS TSI to ensure that pressure changes do not exceed limit values in tunnels when compliant trains travel on their infrastructure. Thus, to ensure aural medical health and pressure comfort for train travellers, some limits have to be applied to the generated pressures. In the tunnel design process, the tunnel area should be large enough for the intended speed of operation to satisfy both the intended passenger aural comfort criteria and the medical health criterion. e:\rssb\aerodynamics notes for rssb\tunnel pressure comfort limits_final.doc 2 of 10 Issue 1 : 5 August 2015 RSSB INS & RST Delivery Unit 3. Determination of pressure limits Having established that the aural response to tunnel pressure variations is subjective, it is necessary to undertake subjective testing to establish comfort limits. (The medical health limit used in the TSIs was obtained on the other hand through technical judgement, discussion and agreement by medical experts, see Section 5). British Rail Research undertook a range of subjective tests in the 1980s and 1990s using a pressure chamber. This had a diaphragm in its ceiling which could be adjusted in real time to produce variations in the internal pressure by varying the chamber’s air volume. Either pressures corresponding to simple pressure time histories, such as ramps, or realistic train pressures measured on trains in tunnels or predicted from theoretical models could be simulated. Volunteers sat in the chamber as the pressures were varied and were then asked to score individual pressure events, such a ramp change or a single tunnel, on a ranking sheet. The British Rail Research results showed that the subjects varied greatly in their responses to the same pressure changes, that response is partly physiological and partly psychological and, critically, that the change of pressure, both in terms of range and the time over which it occurs, is most important. The same pressure chamber was also used by DB to undertake subjective tests, in connection with the introduction of sealed ICE trains on the Neubaustrecke in Germany. Due to the difference in the way pressures change within sealed trains (ie slower changes, generally reduced amplitudes compared with the pressures outside the train), DB pressure comfort limits focused much more on rates of change of pressures than did British Rail’s limits. 4. Pressure comfort limits The following extracts taken from UIC 771-11, 2nd edition, February 2005, adequately describe aural pressure comfort limits applied in different countries. Appendix A - Pressure comfort design criteria for railway tunnels General discussion and examples A.1 - Existing pressure comfort criteria adopted by railway administrations Very few operators have published criteria for their operations and it is believed that there is still a genuine uncertainty in what is the correct choice for their own operating conditions. The following is a list in approximately chronological order of their adoption of those criteria which are well known together with comments on any particular operating conditions relevant to that operator. e:\rssb\aerodynamics notes for rssb\tunnel pressure comfort limits_final.doc 3 of 10 Issue 1 : 5 August 2015 RSSB INS & RST Delivery Unit A.1.1 - Japanese Shinkansen operations Max. change of pressure = 1 000 Pa, (no time period given but suspected to be a few seconds) Max. rate of change of pressure = 200 Pa/s The latter rate of pressure change criterion is thought to have recently been relaxed to 300 - 400 Pa/s. Operating conditions: - high-speed operations: 210, 240, 270 km/h, - sealed rolling stock, - tight bore double-track tunnels. There is no published corresponding criterion for conventional unsealed Japanese stock. A.1.2 - British Railway Operations A.1.2.1 - Inter-City Route Operations Pre-1986: Max. change of pressure = 3 000 Pa within a time period of 3 seconds After 1986, this was revised to: Max. change of pressure = 4 000 Pa within a time period of 4 seconds Operating conditions: - moderate to high-speed operations: 160, 200 km/h, - unsealed rolling stock, - tight bore double-track tunnels. These criteria are based on the very worst case. For example, they cover the worst case of two trains passing in double-track tunnels. A.1.2.2 - Rail Link (London to Channel Tunnel) Recommended criterion: Max. change of pressure = 2 000 Pa within a time period of 4 seconds in single-track tunnels Max. change of pressure = 3 500 Pa within a time period of 4 seconds in double-track tunnels Operating conditions: - high-speed operations: 225-300 km/h, - unsealed rolling stock, - large bore single/double-track tunnels. e:\rssb\aerodynamics notes for rssb\tunnel pressure comfort limits_final.doc 4 of 10 Issue 1 : 5 August 2015 RSSB INS & RST Delivery Unit A.1.3 - U.S. UMTA - Underground rapid transit systems Max. change of pressure = 700 Pa within a 1.7 second period Max. rate of change of pressure = 410 Pa/s (as an average rate over longer periods than 1.7 second) Operating conditions: - low-speed operations: 80-100 km/h, - unsealed rolling stock, - tight bore tunnels, - regular commuter customers. A.1.4 - German Railways "Neubaustrecken" (new lines) Until recently, criteria similar to those of the Japanese Shinkansen services have been used. However, German Railways (DB) now use criteria which are defined by the following three components, all of which have to be complied with: Max. change of pressure = 500 Pa within a time period of 1 second and = 800 Pa within a time period of 3 seconds and = 1 000 Pa within a time period of 10 seconds However, these maximum changes refer to single-train operation only, not to the two train passing situations that can arise in double-track tunnels. Operating conditions: - high-speed operations: 240, 280 km/h, - sealed rolling stock, - large bore tunnels. A.1.5 - Other Railways Italian Railways (FS) have recently stated their criterion for new lines will be: Max. change of pressure = 1 500 Pa (no time period stated) Max. rate of change of pressure = 500 Pa/s Operating conditions: - high-speed operations, - sealed rolling stock, - moderate-size bore tunnels. SNCF: for the Atlantique high-speed line, which has only few tunnels, SNCF dimensioned the tunnel cross- sections to limit pressure changes (including when two trains cross) to approx. 5 kPa/3 seconds. Experience has shown that this criterion is not sufficient, particularly for high speeds where the dP/dt gradient becomes preponderant. e:\rssb\aerodynamics notes for rssb\tunnel pressure comfort limits_final.doc 5 of 10 Issue 1 : 5 August 2015 RSSB INS & RST Delivery Unit SNCF is currently studying new criteria including a gradient restriction to approx. 500 Pa/s; this target does require a minimum isolation of the trainsets. Eurotunnel adopted the early BR criterion for general pressure changes and a special criterion to cater for the small regular pulses generated when passing the Pressure Relief Ducts. Max. change of pressure = 3 000 Pa within a time period of 3 seconds (individual pressure pulses) Max. change of pressure = 450 Pa (or frequently repeated pressure pulses) A.2 - Example choice of criteria - BR philosophy for unsealed trains (Abstracted from “Pressure comfort criteria in rail tunnel operations” by R G Gawthorpe in: Proc. 7th Int Symp on the Aerodynamics and Ventilation of Vehicle Tunnels (Brighton, UK, 27-29 November 1991). BHR Group Ltd, Elsevier 1991, pp 173-188). No single definition of comfort criterion can be considered universally appropriate at all times by all people for all situations. Different people on different days under different railway operating circumstances appear to demand differing standards of comfort. Nevertheless, it is important that a consensus standard can be assumed for a particular type of service. Previous studies reported in the above-mentioned publication suggest that there are four different train operating circumstances each requiring a separately considered comfort standard. The four categories attempt to differentiate between three key operational situations: 1. different types of service (e.g. long-distance Inter-City/short distance commuter); 2. different numbers of pressure pulses experienced on the journey (e.g. up to, say, 4 tunnels per hour/over 4 per hour); 3. different standards of comfort for the service (e.g. conventional/enhanced). It is assumed that, in the context of pressure comfort, these two standards are achieved with "unsealed" and "sealed" rolling stock. Rolling stock of the "sealed” variety prevent the full pressure transients external to the train reaching the passenger environment. Examples of such operations are the Shinkansen services in Japan and the ICE train operations on the DB Neubaustrecke routes. Standards relating to such "sealed" stock will not be considered further here in this leaflet. The four comfort standards suggested in the BR study are: A - Conventional Inter-City (I-C) and regional services with up to, say, 4 tunnels per hour (less than 10% of route length). Normal "unsealed" rolling stock. B - Inter-City services with large numbers of tunnels (for example, 30% of route length) and "unsealed" rolling stock. C - Sealed train operations - not considered further here. D - Rapid transit, Metro or Urban Underground services with large numbers of station stops/intermediate tunnel sections. Normal "unsealed" rolling stock. e:\rssb\aerodynamics notes for rssb\tunnel pressure comfort limits_final.doc 6 of 10 Issue 1 : 5 August 2015 RSSB INS & RST Delivery Unit The difference between Type A and Type B is simply the number of tunnels or alternatively the relative length of route within tunnel. The consequent large number of pressure transient events in Type B would generate more discomfort unless action is taken and therefore it demands a correspondingly tighter pressure criterion. Examples of Type A operations are those with BR Mk 3 or Mk 4 coaches on the British InterCity routes, SNCF TGV-Atlantique and Corail services, Eurofima coach operations. Examples of Type B operation are the proposed BR/SNCF Channel Tunnel TMST Services on the future BR Rail Link to London, and existing Eurofima services on the Italian Direttissima. Type D and Type B operations are to some extent similar. Both use unsealed rolling stock on routes causing large numbers of pressure transients. However, a more restrictive pressure limit is justified for Type D operations due to the fact that daily commuters may be using the service and could expect a less severe environment than the less regular travellers using the services of Type B. The criteria have evolved as a result of subjective assessments during either on-board train tests on the route concerned, or train tests simulating a future train service on a new route, or in laboratory simulations in a pressure chamber of a particular train type and route. A.2.1 - Extreme case criteria "Pressure transients in short tunnels" suggests the following pressure criteria for the three types of operation: Type A Maximum pressure change 4.0 kPa in any 4 s period Type B Maximum pressure change 3.0 kPa in any 4 s period Type D Maximum pressure change 1.0 kPa in any 4 s period These criteria are based on the consideration of the rare worst case pressures that can occur as distinct from lower pressures experienced "normally" in these tunnels. A.2.2 - Normal case criteria In the definition of the extreme case pressure criteria in point A.2.1, the worst case situation only has been considered. Such a worst case situation may be extremely rare (as, for example, for a double-track tunnel where two trains have to pass within the tunnel and at a particular location in the tunnel). Owing to this rarity, it is then reasonable that the defined limiting pressure change might be severe. It would certainly be a value that was not acceptable as the normal case pressure change which may occur on most journeys through the tunnel. Thus, criteria can be chosen corresponding to those in point A.2.1 but this time in terms of the normal operating case: Type A Maximum pressure change 2.5 kPa in any 4 s period Type B Maximum pressure change 2.0 kPa in any 4 s period Type D Maximum pressure change 0.7 kPa in any 4 s period e:\rssb\aerodynamics notes for rssb\tunnel pressure comfort limits_final.doc 7 of 10 Issue 1 : 5 August 2015 RSSB INS & RST Delivery Unit Pressure criteria based on the maximum peak-to-peak change of pressure within a set period are recommended for tunnels covered by this leaflet. A period of 3 or 4 seconds has been found to be a suitable value based on experience of unsealed train operations and from test work described in "High-speed tests with ICE/V passing through tunnels, and the effects of sealed coaches on passenger comfort", "Approximating unsteady friction at high Reynolds Numbers" and "Pressure transients in short tunnels"1. It is suggested that the criteria of Table 1 could be used for single-track tunnels. These criteria are appropriate for single-track tunnel operations where passengers are exposed to the same pressure change every time the train passes through the tunnel. For this reason, the values are noticeably lower than those given above in point A.2.1 — page 15, where for double-track tunnels the worst case is a rare event. Journeys with 10 to 30% in tunnels should adopt values which take account of other special features of the service, e.g. duration of journey, prestige status of service. Table 1 : Pressure comfort criteria for single-track tunnels (BR proposal) Type of train operation 5. Pressure criterion Conventional Inter-City (I-C) and regional services with up to 4 tunnels per journey hour or tunnels less than 10% of route length 2 500 Pa in any 4 s period Inter-City services with over 30% of route in tunnel 2 000 Pa in any 4 s period Medical health criterion The following extract taken from UIC 771-11 gives some background to the medical health criterion limiting pressure changes in railway tunnels, and used in the TSIs. F.2 - Medical health criterion A medical working group undertook an extensive study (ERRI Report C 218/RP5) to evaluate the allowable limit, from a medical health point of view, of pressure changes experienced on board trains. The limit applies to both sealed and unsealed stock. For sealed stock, the limit needs to be satisfied to account for safety of personnel in the event of sealing failure (e.g. a broken window). The limiting pressure condition for medical health was evaluated with a view to stipulating that future operations within the "Interoperable" category must not generate pressures outside the train (as well as inside the train) which infringe the limit. The recommended medical health criterion to adequately safeguard the health of the railway travelling public from air pressure changes in tunnels is stated below. 1 See UIC 779-11 Bibliography - page 85 e:\rssb\aerodynamics notes for rssb\tunnel pressure comfort limits_final.doc 8 of 10 Issue 1 : 5 August 2015 RSSB INS & RST Delivery Unit The maximum pressure change (peak-to-peak), to which train passengers and crew are subjected, must not exceed 10 kPa within any part of the time taken by the train to pass through any particular tunnel. The following proviso was added: A small minority of people with certain conditions of the ear should follow medical advice, in the same way as is normal practice with air travel, before undertaking highspeed train travel. 6. Pressure sealing Pressure sealing trains is a way of either ensuring a higher standard of aural pressure comfort or permitting trains to travel at higher speeds in tunnels. The following extract taken from UIC 771-11 gives information about pressure tightness and base line pressure comfort for trains with different levels of sealing. F.3 - Pressure tightness Pressures experienced inside the train during transit through a tunnel, as a result of the generated train borne pressure histories on the outside of the train, depend on the characteristics of the external train borne pressure history and the structural construction of the train. The internal pressure tends to follow the external pressure fluctuation, and for trains with some degree of sealing the internal pressure will be attenuated and have a time delay when compared with the external pressure. The pressure tightness coefficient, , gives a measure of how the internal pressure varies in response to the external pressure fluctuations, i.e. it defines the degree of pressure tightness (or sealing) of a train. There are two different pressure tightness coefficients that are commonly used, the dynamic pressure tightness coefficient, dyn, and the quasi-static pressure tightness coefficient, tstat. dyn is the true pressure tightness coefficient experienced by the moving train-tunnel system and thus describes the true dynamics of external and internal pressure fluctuations. The dynamic pressure tightness coefficient, dyn, is used to describe the degree of sealing for trains in all three new tunnel design tools. To carry out accurate measurements of the dynamic pressure tightness coefficient, dyn, of a train, a full-scale test is required. Hence, sometimes the quasi-static pressure tightness coefficient, stat, which is usually measured in a constant external pressure environment for one stationary coach, is used to estimate the dynamic pressure tightness coefficient, dyn. stat is often 2-3 times higher than dyn. An equivalent leakage area, Seq, is sometimes used as an alternative specification of pressure tightness. The dynamic pressure tightness coefficient, dyn, is defined as: dyn p( t ) dpint / dt in which: p(t) = differential pressure, (pext - pint), at time t pext = pressure external to the train, varies with time (= pext(t)) pint = train internal pressure, varies with time (= pint(t)) e:\rssb\aerodynamics notes for rssb\tunnel pressure comfort limits_final.doc 9 of 10 Issue 1 : 5 August 2015 RSSB INS & RST Delivery Unit dyn is always positive and varies from 0 to ∞ such that, for a completely unsealed train, dyn = 0, and for a train which is perfectly sealed, dyn = ∞. It should be noted that the extreme value due to complete tightness is difficult to achieve. Furthermore, dyn usually has two values: dyn (pext > pint) and dyn (pext< pint) as leakage paths will, in general, have different characteristics depending on whether the internal pressure is greater or less than the external pressure. F.4 - Base-line pressure comfort criteria The following base-line pressure comfort criteria have been recommended for unsealed and sealed train operation in tunnels (ERRI Report C 278/RP1): Unsealed trains (generally dyn < 0.5 s) The pressure experienced by a passenger on board a train should not exceed a change of: - 4.5 kPa within a period of4 s for the worst case involving two trains passing in a doubletrack tunnel in a critical crossing situation - 3.0 kPa within a period of4 s for a single-track tunnel Sealed trains (generally dyn > 0.5 s) The pressure experienced by a passenger on board a train should not exceed a change of: - 1 000 Pa within a period of 1 s - 1 600 Pa within a period of 4 s - 2 000 Pa within a period of 10 s The criteria in this case are both for single-track tunnels and for the case involving two trains passing in a double-track tunnel in a critical crossing situation. A useful discussion of the pressure tightness coefficient and the equivalent leakage area is given in: Chiu, TW & Johnson, T. ‘The Need for a Standardised Definition of a Sealing Parameter’. Conference on ‘Cost-Effectiveness of Pressure Sealed Coaches’, Utrecht, The Netherlands 12-13 October 1999. e:\rssb\aerodynamics notes for rssb\tunnel pressure comfort limits_final.doc 10 of 10 Issue 1 : 5 August 2015