2 May 2013 Put yourself on the map:

2 May 2013
Put yourself on the map:
Mapping the capabilities for rail industry’s future – call for participation
Can you help to target innovation funding for the greatest benefit of UK businesses
and the rail industry?
All parts of the GB rail industry can contribute to the Rail Technical Strategy,
supporting a 30-year vision for a world-class national rail system, building and
deploying the most beneficial innovation, technology, people, principles and
To get there, industry needs to develop a ‘route map’ for investment by Government
and business in the existing and potential capabilities of the GB rail supply chain.
The rail industry’s Enabling Innovation Team (EIT), together with the Railway
Industry Association (RIA) and the Technology Strategy Board are now working with
Arthur D Little (ADL) and Atkins to map these capabilities and markets for the rail
sector – including heavy rail, metro, light rail and tram.
The emerging ‘route map’ will provide an indication of the opportunities and priorities
to develop capabilities that help fulfil industry’s vision. EIT has secured dedicated
funding to explore opportunities for technology transfer from other sectors and to
support a strong supply chain as an important enabler for both the GB rail industry
and economic growth.
An important part of the project involves companies and organisations mapping their
capabilities, as a key part of the UK landscape.
EIT director David Clarke explains: ‘We need to know what capabilities we have in
UK, where UK capability is already world class, or has the potential to become world
class. This will help us understand how to prioritise our support and innovation
funding and to make the case for additional funding.’
‘In order to do this a call for participation has been launched, relying on an extensive
cross industry survey and a series of roundtables in the coming weeks and months.’
How to participate:
Complete the survey by Friday 17 May latest.
The survey can be found on the FutureRailway website at the following link:
Register for one of the upcoming ‘roundtables’
Interest can be registered via the survey or contacting the project team at:
14 May, London, Focus theme: Customer interface
23 May, Glasgow, Focus theme: Infrastructure and services
28 May, Bristol, Focus theme: Systems and modelling
4 June, Derby, Focus theme: Vehicles
Rick Eagar, ADL Project Director, said:
‘The supply chain and stakeholders are the driving force behind the development of
the rail industry, their inputs and engagement are absolutely critical to the project’s
success. We look forward to hearing from as many companies as possible about
what they can bring to the future railway.’
Benefits of participation
 Contribute towards the further development of the GB rail innovation strategy
and the prioritisation of future funding.
 Ensure that your organisation’s capabilities are incorporated into the route
map and EIT’s capability database
 Stay informed about further initiatives and programmes from EIT to support
the existing and potential GB rail industry supply chain.
Enquiries from companies about the capability mapping project, contact EIT:
Media enquiries, please contact the RSSB press office, on
020 3142 5333 / 5332 / 5331 or email pressoffice@rssb.co.uk
Notes to editors:
1. About EIT: The Enabling Innovation Team has been set up by the rail industry to
accelerate the uptake of innovation. Our mission is to offer support to practical crossindustry demonstrator projects, building on the work of the Technical Strategy Leadership
Group, but also seeking out innovative ideas and proposals from across the industry. Our
approach is to: understand the challenges that industry faces; connect potential innovators
with these challenges; and, where necessary with potential funding. The EIT is hosted by
RSSB, and reports into TSLG, and is supported by the Rail Delivery Group, Planning
Oversight Group, and RSSB’s Board as well as the Department for Transport.
2. About RIA: The Railway Industry Association (RIA) represents UK-based suppliers to the
railway industry. Its 170+ member companies include manufacturers, maintainers,
contractors, consultants and providers of specialist services.
3. About the Technology Strategy Board: The Technology Strategy Board is the UK’s
innovation agency. Its goal is to accelerate economic growth by stimulating and supporting
business-led innovation. Sponsored by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
(BIS), the Technology Strategy Board brings together business, research and the public
sector, supporting and accelerating the development of innovative products and services to
meet market needs, tackle major societal challenges and help build the future economy.
For more information please visit www.innovateuk.org.