DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS 31 October/ 7 November 2002 D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications1 of 50 David Gesbert Signal and Image Processing Group (DSB) Course book: Chap. 6 & 7 Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice. Sec. Ed. Th. Rappaport IN256: SP4COM Signal Processing in Wireless Communications UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications2 of 50 Comparing to this intro course, the supporting book is far more detailed. For the sake of clarity, not all book notations are used or followed here. This set of slides contains an introduction to the theory and practice of digital transmission over wireless systems. The substance of the course is adjusted to fit into 4x45min. Important disclaimer UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS • Diversity • Equalization • Demodulation • Wireless propagation modeling 7 November (2hrs): D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications3 of 50 • Pulse shaping and Nyquist criterion • Digital linear modulations • Generic communication chain • Introduction: Motivations and definitions 31 October (2hrs): Outline UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS FDD: Frequency division duplex MOS: Mean opnion score (voice quality) ML: Maximum likelihood estimation i.i.d.: identically independent distribution ISI: Intersymbol interference EIRP: Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power GSM: Global System for Mobile 3G: Third Generation Wireless GPRS: General Packet RadioServices extension of GSM to data MIMO: Multiple input multiple output BER; Bit Error Rate CCI: Co−channel interference D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications4 of 50 TDD: Time division duplex BWA: Broadband wireless access ZF: Zero Forcing inversion TX: Transmit SU: subscriber unit (Mobile) SNR: Signal to noise ratio SINR: Signal to noise+interference ratio SIMO: Single input multiple output RX: Receive MISO: Multiple input Single output MMSE: Minimum mean square error BTS: Base Station Transceiver Definitions and acronyms UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS optimized constraint D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications5 of 50 Broadband MIMO Channel Models Physical Layer Link Layer Transport/Network (TCP/IP) SYSTEM LAYER Using signal processing to optimize performance... Example: Wireless Internet System UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications6 of 50 Examples of applications: Signal processing is a key component in a wide range of communications systems: GSM (SMS, voice), DECT (cordless phones), WCDMA, WiFi, ...and wired systems: DSL, ISDN, and many more.... Goal: “To use signal processing techniques in order to maximize data rates (Bits/Sec), spectrum efficiency (Bits/Sec/Hz), and quality (minimize Bit Error Rate) for transmission over digital communications mediums” (for example: wireless medium) Motivations UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications7 of 50 • Forward Error Coding (or ”channel coding”): Redundancy is added to the source in order to protect from random bit errors occurring during transmission (due to noise). • Source coding and compression: the analog (e.g. speech) or digital source (e.g. internet data) is digitized and/or compressed to occupy the least amount of resource for transmission (time/frequency/power). Redundancy is minimized/eliminated. Signal processing’s main functions at the physical (PHY) layer: Functional Blocks and Definitions UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications8 of 50 • Carrier modulation: The pulse-shaped symbol signal is up converted to the desired carrier frequency. The signal is fed to the antenna. • Pulse shaping: Each symbol is transmitted successively using an analog pulse. • Bit-to-symbols digital modulation: The encoded binary source bi is mapped to voltage-level (possibly complex) symbols sk . Each symbol corresponds to a group of bits is drawn from a modulation constellation. The constellation has only a finite number M of possible symbols (or ’states’) to use (e.g. 2, 4, 8 states etc.). Functional Blocks and Definitions (II) UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications9 of 50 • Low pass filtering: All elements of noise outside the baseband are filtered out. • Matched-filtering: The signal is convolved with the time-reversed version of the pulse signal. • Carrier demodulation (down-conversion): The pass-band signal is captured by the antenna(s) and converted from carrier frequency (e.g. 2GHz) down to baseband (low frequency). Upon reception, the dual operations are performed: Functional Blocks and Definitions (III) UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications10 of 50 • Channel decoding: The error protection code (FEC) is decoded to remove some bit errors. • symbol demodulation: The estimated symbols are converted back to bits. • Equalization: A digital filter is applied to compensate for distorsions brought by the propagation channel. In doing so, the frequency response of the channel is equalized. • Sampling and quantization: the time continuous signal is converted into a discrete time digital signal. Functional Blocks and Definitions (IV) UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications11 of 50 Example: The GSM functional blocks UNIVERSITY OF OSLO 2πjfct = Amr (t) cos(2πjfct) − Ami(t) sin(2πjfct) DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications12 of 50 m(t) remains at low frequencies, while s(t) is centered around a high carrier frequency fc. Example: fc = 900MHz or 1800MHz for GSM. m(t) contains the digital information while A determines the transmit power. A is the amplitude, m(t) = mr (t) + jmi(t) is the so-called (normalized) complex envelope of the transmitted signal s(t). s(t) = < Am(t)e The transmitted signal is real valued: The RF signal model UNIVERSITY OF OSLO symbol modulation 1/Ts sk antenna pulse shaping m(t) p(t) DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS 1/Tb bi binary source Transmitter z(t) Diversity equalization slicer symbol demodulation ^ sk estimated source ^ bi D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications13 of 50 p(−t) kTs Receiver y(t) match−filter noise n(t) channel h(t) antenna The transmission/reception block diagram can be simplified by ignoring up and down conversions to carrier frequency (we also ignore here the coding modules): The Baseband model UNIVERSITY OF OSLO k=−∞ sk p(t − kTs) DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications14 of 50 Where p(t) is said to be the pulse shaping filter. m(t) = ∞ X m(t) carries the digital information by convolving the complex symbols sk with an analog pulse p(t): • We assume a digital linear modulation, with complex alphabet A. Cardinal(A) = M. sk ∈ A, for all k.. • The baseband model is the signal model that uses the complex envelope m(t) to represent the transmitted signal (a simplification to get rid of the carrier terms): Baseband signal model UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications15 of 50 • Other modulations exist that are not digital (like FM) or not linear (like FSK or GMSK used in GSM). • Popular digital linear modulation include M-PSK and M-QAM • The spectral efficiency (SE) of an M-ary modulation is defined by the number of transmitted bits per symbol sk . SE = log2(M ). • A M-ary modulation is a modulation in which each symbol sk takes on one of M possible complex values. Typical digital linear modulation UNIVERSITY OF OSLO 101 110 8−PSK DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS 111 011 010 100 000 001 4−PSK (QPSK) 01 00 D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications16 of 50 11 10 • 4-PSK is a particular example (also called QPSK -quadrature phase shift keying) very popular in mobile wireless systems. • PSK= “Phase Shift Keying”. The information is encoded in the phase of the complex modulation symbol sk . M-PSK modulation UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS −3 −3 −1 1 16−QAM −1 1 3 3 4−QAM (QPSK, or 4−PSK) 01 00 D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications17 of 50 11 10 • 16-QAM and 256-QAM are popular “high speed” modulations for internet access (wireless or DSL). • 4-QAM is identical to 4-PSK (also called QPSK). • QAM= “Quandrature and amplitude modulation”. The information is encoded separately in the in-phase part of the complex symbol (its real part) and the quadrature part (its imaginary part). M-QAM modulation UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications18 of 50 Example: The NRZ (non return to zero) waveform: Once mapped into complex symbols, the data is converted into an analog voltage-level signal waveform. The digital waveform UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications19 of 50 A typical example of pulse shaping filter: The pulse shaping filter UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications20 of 50 A typical “Nyquist pulse” for p(t) is the ”raised cosine”: see p. 286-287. The roll-off factor α determines the bandwidth expansion. p(0) = K, p(kTs) = 0 ∀k 6= 0 In order to avoid Intersymbol interference (ISI), one uses pulse shaping filters that realize the so-called Nyquist criterion (see page 284). The Nyquist criterion UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications21 of 50 Problem: Upon transmission, the signal is convolved with a propagation channel which can close the eye as seen by the receiver. By superposing all possible values taken by mr (t) or mi(t), we can visualize the probability of detection errors. When the pulse shaping filter satisfies the Nyquist criterion, the eye is said to be “open”. The eye diagram UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications22 of 50 • Co-channel interference: interference caused by other cells reusing the same frequency carrier. • Multipath delay spread: When the paths arrive with significantly different delays, it causes intersymbol interference. • Multipath fading: The signal is received as superposition of many different paths with different propagation distances (hence different phases). The fading coefficient is modeled as complex Gaussian (also called ’Rayleigh fading’). • Additive noise n(t). The noise is usually modeled as additive white Gaussian. Wireless communications is a challenging task because of: Limitations of wireless communications UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS Scatterers local to mobile Scatterers local to base D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications23 of 50 Remote scatterers Wireless propagation diagram UNIVERSITY OF OSLO xxxx xxxx DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS co-channel Tx user Tx ISI Rx co-channel Rx user noise fading D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications24 of 50 Tx CCI Rx CCI Diagram of limitations UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications25 of 50 h(t) = α0(t)δ(t − τ0) + α1(t)δ(t − τ1) + .. + αK (t)δ(t − τK ) y(t) = Am(t) ∗ h(t) + n(t) where the channel h(t) is composed of K paths, each with a attenuation coefficient: The complex envelope of the received signal is y(t): Assumptions: We place ourselves after frequency down-conversion so we can use the complex envelope for representation of the received signal. The received signal model (baseband) UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications26 of 50 z(t) = y(t)∗p(−t) = Am(t)∗h(t)∗p(−t)+n(t)∗p(−t) = Am(t)∗h(t)∗p(−t)+n0(t) The received signal is filtered using a time-reversed pulse shaping filter to maximize energy at sampling time kTs and reduce noise: Receiver matched-filtering UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS With hef f (t) given by: k=−∞ sk hef f (t − kTs) + n0(t) D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications27 of 50 hef f = A ∗ p(t) ∗ h(t) ∗ p(−t) z(t) = ∞ X The effective channel hef f (t) takes into account all filtering effects (transmit and receive filters and propagation) between the data symbols and z(t): The effective channel UNIVERSITY OF OSLO 1 τ1 α τ2 α2 τ3 α3 multipath channel h(t) DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS energy time delay t τ4 α4 energy effective channel h eff (t) time delay t D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications28 of 50 Effective channel UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS or equivalently k=−∞ D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications29 of 50 sk hef f (n − k) + n0(n) sk hef f ((n − k)Ts) + n0(nTs) ∞ X k=−∞ z(n) = z(nTs) = ∞ X After sampling (at the symbol rate Ts), the filtered received signal is: Discrete time signal model UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications30 of 50 • Diversity techniques: For example using multiple receive antennas to reduce fading probability. • An equalizer: to eliminate the intersymbol interference (ISI). In addition to filtering with time-reversed pulse shaped, the receiver compensates for the channel imperfection using: Advanced Signal processing at the receiver UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications31 of 50 ŝn = z(n) ∗ heq (n) = sn + n0(n) ∗ heq (n) = sn + n00(n) At the output of heq , we have symbol estimates ŝn: Hef f (f )Heq (f ) = 1 hef f (n) ∗ heq (n) = δ(n) or equivalently, in the frequency domain: The equalizer is a digital filter heq (n) implemented at the receiver which tries to suppress ISI. In the frequency domain, the filter “equalizes” the response of the effective channel hef f (n). Channel Equalization UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications32 of 50 E|sn − z(n) ∗ heq (n)|2is minimum We look for heq , filter of chosen size P , such that: Example: minumum square error equalizer: As a compromise, we can use “optimal filters”. In practice, we use a finite length filter for heq , so it is impossible to completely invert the effective channel. MMSE Equalization UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications33 of 50 where Rz = E(zzH ) and rzs = E(zs∗n), and with z = [z(n), z(n − 1), .., z(n − P + 1)]T . Rz h∗eq = rzs We can show that heq is found from: To find the coefficients of the MMSE filter, we stack all the coefficients of heq in a vector heq = [heq (0), heq (1), ..., heq(P − 1)]T . The MMSE Solution UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications34 of 50 • Time: by retransmitting the data at multiple time instants, or by spreading the message over time using FEC coding. • Frequency: using frequency hopping over multiple frequency carriers • Space: using multiple antennas Various diversity domains: ⇒ this improves the Bit Error Rate (BER)! The idea of diversity is that if one observes the same signal/information through several independent channels, the probability that at least one channel is of acceptable quality is increased. Diversity Techniques UNIVERSITY OF OSLO 50 100 150 350 400 450 500 D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications35 of 50 200 250 300 Time in Milliseconds The Power of Diversity DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS −125 0 −120 −115 −110 −105 −100 −95 −90 UNIVERSITY OF OSLO Signal Level in dB D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications36 of 50 The Power of Diversity (BER vs. SNR)) DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS UNIVERSITY OF OSLO D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications37 of 50 Diversity using multiple antennas DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS UNIVERSITY OF OSLO s Phases estimation 2 1 h h (1) Antenna selection (2) y D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications38 of 50 2 2 w =h* 1 w =h*1 Weights phases estimation Receive Diversity DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS UNIVERSITY OF OSLO Receive Diversity Algorithms DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications39 of 50 • Sub-optimum techniques: Equal gain combining, switching. — Non Linear: max likelihood detection — Linear: MMSE combining • Optimum techniques • The signal is received over p antennas, i.e. Z(n) = [z1(n), z2(n), .., zp(n)]T • The channel on the i-th antenna (i = 1, .., p) has no ISI (i) (hef f (n) = hef f δ(n)). The channel is said to be “flat fading”. Assumptions: UNIVERSITY OF OSLO Z(n) = Hsn + N (n) DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications40 of 50 E|WoT Z(n) − sn|2 minimum Problem: Find Wo such that where Z(N ) collects the signals received on p antennas. sn is the (1) (p) transmitted symbol sequence. H = [hef f , .., hef f ]T is the channel vector of size p. N (n) is the white noise vector over p antennas. Received signal model: MMSE Antenna diversity combining (I) UNIVERSITY OF OSLO (1) (2) DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS Notice how this equation is similar toD.the previous MMSE equalizer! Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications41 of 50 Rz = E(Z(n)Z(n)H ) rzs = E(s∗nZ(n)) where σv2 is the variance of noise samples. Wo = [(HH H + σv2I)−1H]∗ Rz Wo∗ = rzs (HH H + σv2I)Wo = H Wiener-Hopf equation: MMSE diversity combining (II) UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS — Joint space-time coding D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications42 of 50 — Space to Time Diversity algorithms — Space to Frequency Diversity algorithms • Without Channel Feedback: Easier in FDD systems or TDD with high mobility • With Channel Feedback Smart antennas Exist at BTS for RX side. How do we reuse them in TX side? Transmit Diversity Algorithms UNIVERSITY OF OSLO 1 2 2 w =h* w =h*1 1 h h 2 y DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications43 of 50 • In case of broadband channels, MRC can be applied at each subcarrier. Otherwise, space-time filter must be used for w. • Same formulation for MRC than in receive processing. s Weights phases estimation TX diversity with feedback UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications44 of 50 • Idea is to create random fast fading in a domain where interleaved-coded information can recover from it. • The particularity of all these techniques is to rely on coding to work! • Space-Time Coding techniques • Transformed Domain Techniques TX Diversity without Feedback UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS source source source .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. space-time encoder Z decoder t DeInt/FEC f D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications45 of 50 power power equalizer Transformed Domain Techniques UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications46 of 50 • The idea is to send multiple signals at the same time into the channel matrix, then estimate and invert the matrix to separate the signals at the receiver. • The goal is to ’open spatial parallel channels’ by using the fact that the channel becomes a matrix. • A MIMO channel is obtained by using multiple antennas at transmitter AND receiver. MIMO=Multiple input , Muliptle output Spatial Multiplexing using MIMO UNIVERSITY OF OSLO b3 b6 ... b2 b5 ... DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 ... b1 b4 ... A3 A2 A1 Modulation and mapping * * * * * * * * * * * * A3 A2 A1 * ** * * * * * * * ** * * * * ** ** ** ** ** ** * * * **** * * * * ** C3 C2 C1 *** ***** * * * ** **** ** *** *** ****** *** *** *** *** * *** *** ** ** ** * **** **** ** C3 C2 C1 b3 b6 ... b2 b5 ... b1 b4 ... b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 ... D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications47 of 50 * * * * * ** * ** * *** * * ** * * *** * * * *** ** * *** ** * * * * ** B3 B2 B1 * * * * ** * * * **** * * * * * ** * * *** ** * * * ** * * * * ** * B3 B2 B1 Spatial Multiplexing Example UNIVERSITY OF OSLO SIGNAL PROCESSING Zero Forcing Solution: DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS MMSE Solution: D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications48 of 50 ŝ = HH (HHH + Rn)−1z ŝ = H−1x z1 h11 h12 .. s1 = z h .. h 2 21 22 s2 + n : : : : : MIMO Spatial Multiplexing UNIVERSITY OF OSLO modulation modulation coding * * * * * * * modulation weighting/mapping * * * * * * * * * modulation weighting/mapping MIMO coding MISO coding SIMO coding DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS 0010110 0010110 0010110 0010110 SISO demodulation * * demodulation * * weighting/demapping * * * * * * decoding decoding decoding decoding 0010110 TX−RX Diversity TX−RX Space Time Coding MIMO Spatial Multiplexing TX Diversity Space Time Coding TX Diversity MRC 0010110 RX Diversity RX Beamforming Conventional System (time only processing) 0010110 0010110 D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications49 of 50 weighting/demapping ** * * * *** * * * ** ** * * * *** * * * ** * * * * demodulation * * demodulation ** * * * *** * * * ** ** * * * *** * * * ** Space time Processing Algorithms General Smart Antenna Algorithms UNIVERSITY OF OSLO DEPARTMENT OF INFORMATICS D. Gesbert: IN256 Signal Processing 4 Communications50 of 50 An early MIMO laptop prototype (1999), Iospan Wireless Inc. Ca. MIMO-in-a-Laptop UNIVERSITY OF OSLO