Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 ISCC INDUSTRY STANDARDS CO-ORDINATION COMMITTEE (ISCC) Approved Minutes of meeting held on 02 February 2016 Conference Room Simplon, RSSB’s offices, London Present Representing Status Jane Simpson (JS) Mark Phillips (MPh) Laurence Gregory (LG) Mark Molyneux (MMo) Neil Whisler (NW) Malcolm Beard (MBe) Ian Jones (IJ) Paul Hooper (PH) Tim Shakerley (TS) Ian Dougherty (ID) Barny Daley (BD) Vaibhav Puri (VP) Jason Saxon (JSa) David Gill (DG) David Knights (DK) Independent RSSB ROSCOs Passenger Train Operators Infrastructure Contractors NOBOs Department for Transport (DfT) Office of Rail and Road (ORR) Freight Operators Non-passenger Train Operators Infrastructure Manager RSSB Network Rail Network Rail Chairman Energy Standards Committee Chairman Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee CCS Engineer, RSSB Chairman Member Member Member Member Co-opted Member Observer Observer Member Alternate Member Member Alternate Member Guest (for item 4) Guest (for item 4) Guest (for item 6) Infrastructure Manager Suppliers Passenger Train Operators Alternate Member Member Alternate Member Gary Portsmouth (GP) Maria Vigliotti (MV) Marie Marks (MM) Apologies Martin Biggin (MBi) Jim Lupton (JL) Neil Ovenden (NO) Page 1 of 18 Guest (for item 7) Guest (for item 9) Secretary Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 Number Minute 1 Introductions 1.1 Introductions were made for the benefit of new members. 2 Minutes of meeting of 12 November 2015 The minutes for 12 November 2015 were agreed with the following amendments: 2.1 a) b) c) d) e) 3 3.1 5.2d) add ‘making clear which is rolling stock and which is trackside’ to the end of this paragraph. 9.4 – Robin Groth’s name spelt incorrectly. 11.1: ‘from equipment’ should read ‘from poorly designed and/or maintained equipment’. Actions table: Farha Sheikh – name spelt incorrectly. 10.2h): should read ‘Ultimately the Railway Undertaking is responsible for ensuring that the vehicles are compatible and safely integrated with the infrastructure, and the Infrastructure Manager is responsible for ensuring that the infrastructure is compatible and safely integrated with the vehicles that operate on it.’ Review of actions arising from previous meetings’ minutes Refer to the actions table at Appendix B. For Discussion 4 Register of Infrastructure briefing 4.1 Introduction: This item was presented by Jason Saxon (JSa) and David Gill (DG) from Network Rail. Its purpose was to brief ISCC on progress with implementing the Register of Infrastructure (RINF). 4.2 ISCC comments/observations: a) Comment: The value of the RINF is in being able to assess compatibility and identify what routes are open to what vehicles. How far away from that are we? Response: There are only 170 fields in the ERA system – most are the maximum or minimum value and, though some are blank, it is because there is nothing to show. It is 80% populated and it is not possible to populate anything for which there is not a field. For end users and from the point of view of compatibility, the RINF should only be seen as an initial tool for assessing feasibility. Page 2 of 18 ISCC Action Approved Minutes Number Meeting on 02 February 2016 Minute ISCC Action b) Question: Is the information available on different gauges? Response: The only options are interoperable, other and national – so, no. Response: There are on-going discussions with ERA about how the NR/DG information held and the tool itself can be made more useful. ERA is now using an end user group – which starts on 11 February – aimed at ROSCOs and train operators. DG will forward the invitation. c) Question: How does it interact with the national sectional appendix – is there any duplication or interaction? Response: It is the same data – but may be better to use the sectional appendix currently. d) Question: Is there anything about fire performance? Response: Yes – for tunnels. e) Question: Does GM/RT2130 need to be updated to reflect the TSI in terms of categories of infrastructure (table 1)? Response: MM will follow-up. Comment: DG agreed to forward the conversion information. f) RSSB/MM NR/DG Question: What is the position with other member states? Response: Other member states are not as far forward as GB in terms of populating the RINF. The ERA’s position is they are hoping that operators will want to use the RINF and that they will put pressure on the Infrastructure Operators to populate it. 4.3 Decisions: a) ISCC NOTED the progress with populating the RINF. 4.4 Actions: a) RSSB to check what is happening with GM/RT2130 in terms of reflecting the TSI categories of infrastructure (Table 1). RSSB/MM b) NR to forward the invitation (to the ERA’s RINF end user group) to Marie Marks. NR/DG c) NR to forward the conversion information between GM/RT2130 and the RINF categorisation of tunnels for fire performance. NR/DG d) Using 4.2(e) fire categories of infrastructure and rolling stock as an example ORR suggested a piece of work needed to be performed to map each RINF parameter to the corresponding requirement in a standard in order to provide a harmonised guide between the two. Page 3 of 18 Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 Number Minute 5 Strategy for Standards Update 5.1 Introduction: This item was introduced by Vaibhav Puri (VP), RSSB’s Head of Standards Policy. Its purpose was to report on progress of the implementation of the Standards Strategy. Three big areas were: 5.2 ISCC Action - National Safety Rules (NSRs) - National Technical Rules (NTRs) - Communications ISCC comments/observations: a) Comment: in 3.4.1 regarding maintaining guidance and influencing provision of TSIs: the various pieces of guidance on RSSB’s website should indicate other pieces of domestic legislation that affect the TSIs. Response: Yes – that is part of the work planned. b) Comment: In appendix B, please add M&EE group. (NW will forward details.) c) Question: What does ‘clean up complete’ mean? It implies that the standards have been updated to align with TSIs. Response: It means that the review has been done. Will change wording to ‘gap analysis complete’. d) IC/NW RSSB/VP Question: What does the yellow indicate? Response: it indicates that the date may not be met. e) Question: Is there a more detailed plan for 3.4.1: what’s changing when? Response: Yes – There is a list of standards that are being identified RSSB/VP and a plan is being put in place. In terms of NSRs, the list can be provided immediately. For NTRs, it is contingent on the analysis to identify problem/priority areas and how to address them. This is likely to be ready for ISCC in March or May. VP will supply list of NSRs asap and update ISCC on NTRs at the earliest available opportunity 5.3 Decisions: a) ISCC NOTED the content of the presentation. 5.4 Actions: a) NW to forward contact details for the M&EE group to be included in Appendix B. IC/NW b) RSSB/VP Page 4 of 18 Change ‘clean-up complete’ to ‘gap analysis complete’. Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 Number Minute 6 Report from the Chairman of the Energy Standards Committee (ENE SC) 6.1 Introduction: This item was presented by David Knights (DK), Chairman of ENE SC. Its purpose was to update ISCC on the activities of ENE SC over the past six months and provide a look ahead at the priorities of the committee. 6.2 ISCC comments/observations: a) Question: Could DfT ensure timely of notification of standards to the ERA? Response: There were some issues with electrification which held up the notification of the energy standards. Hopefully this will not be an issue in the future. b) Comment: It would be helpful if a non-passenger representative could be nominated to attend ENE SC. Response: RDG Freight is considering this but it is difficult to find people; TS will raise again. c) Question: What is happening with the deviations on the three car units? Response: A deviation application from NR proposed a design configuration of the OLE that would have rendered some combinations of vehicles (for example three car units) incompatible with the OLE and thus prevented their operation on the specific route(s). This was seen as not ‘being in the long term best interest of the railway system’ by the SCs and adequate consultation with affected parties had not been undertaken. The deviation application was subsequently withdrawn. d) Question: In 2.2d) of the strategy – a lot more thought needs to go into insulated pantographs. Only series 2, version 6 of the OLE design will be compatible with insulated pantographs – it will not be suitable for use everywhere. There is a wider question about each scheme/project developing their own unique solutions thereby creating further diversity on the network. How will Rail Industry Standards reduce the need for company standards in such areas? Response: There was agreement that pantographs with insulated horns would create further incompatibilities and can only ever be a localised solution. On the wider question, RSSB can only promote the fact that there is a mechanism via Rail Industry Standards (where a common approach is deemed to be beneficial by the industry) to capture good practice or a particular design solution for specific circumstances. This may provide an opportunity to develop and agree solutions to such issues collectively at an industry level. Page 5 of 18 ISCC Action FOC/TS Approved Minutes Number Minute e) 6.3 Action Question: Have any of the proposed TSI amendments come from projects? Response: There is an open point in the TSI that must be addressed next year. This gives an opportunity for improvements to the wording where it may perhaps be ambiguous. Other than that most of the changes proposed are from other member states and not all relevant to GB. NOTED the content of the presentation and ENDORSED the updated ENE SC Strategic Plan. Actions: a) TS to raise the need for a non-passenger train operator representative to attend ENE SC with RDG Freight. 7 Report from the Chairman of the Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee (TOM SC) 7.1 Introduction: This item was introduced by Gary Portsmouth (GPo), RSSB’s Professional Head of Operations. Its purpose was to advise the ISCC of activities of the TOM SC during the last six months. 7.2 ISCC comments/observations: 7.3 ISCC Decisions: ISCC: a) 6.4 Meeting on 02 February 2016 a) Question: Does Keith Shepherd still attend TOM SC? Response: Yes. b) Question: Can ISCC see a draft of the implementation plan before it is published? Response: Yes – a copy of the plan will be circulated to ISCC members for noting prior to being issued to the DfT. Decisions: ISCC: a) NOTED the content of the presentation. 8 Standards Activities Report 8.1 Introduction: This item was introduced by Mark Phillips, RSSB’s Director of Research and Standards. Its purpose was to report the highlights of work done in support of the purpose of ISCC as set out in the Railway Group Standards (RGS) Code. The report also provides data, analysis and actions taken on: a) Proposals for change to RGSs b) The work being undertaken by Standards Committees and c) Deviations. Page 6 of 18 FOC/TS Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 Number Minute 8.2 ISCC comments/observations: a) Comment: In 3.2.2 f) engineering conformance certificate – clarification is needed – why are there two certificates? ISCC Action Response: The two certificates in question are for different purposes. One is used to demonstrate conformity to engineering requirements pertaining to On-Track Machines (OTMs) as machines, while the other is around what is needed by vehicles to get registered on the Rolling Stock Library (RSL). b) Comment: New equipment coming in in July – now at Engineering Acceptance Certificate (EAC) stage, but will the new certificate need to be applied in July? There is confusion in the industry about what applies when. c) Comment: GM/RT2453 – still proposes that an intermediate statement of verification will continue to be needed. The standard in most places will still read ‘…. Or ISV’. There is also a problem with the definition of ISVs in the current standard. Any references to ISVs should also be removed for consistency, especially if an amendment is being pursued. Response: VP agreed to establish the position with Hugh O’Neill and report back. 8.3 Decisions: ISCC: a) NOTED the content of the report. 8.4 Actions: a) VP will raise issues regarding what (engineering acceptance/conformity) certificates are required, and when, with Hugh O’Neill at RSSB. 9 Update on Cyber Security work 9.1 Introduction: This item was presented by Maria Vigliotti (MV), Control Command and Signalling Engineer from RSSB. Its purpose was to update ISCC on progress with the Cyber Security strategy and work-stream. MV highlighted that two events are planned to provide engagement and awareness for industry; A ‘hacker’ event in March – where students will demonstrate how to hack systems; and an event to engage with TOC executives in early May. 9.2 ISCC comments/observations: a) Question: The representatives should include ROSCOs. Response: Will be amended. 9.3 Decisions: ISCC: a) NOTED progress with work on cyber security. Page 7 of 18 RSSB/VP Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 Number Minute 10 Industry implementation and HSE consultation on Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) directive 10.1 Introduction: This item was presented by Mark Molyneux from ATOC. Its purpose was to: a) Highlight a potential problem for train operators with proposals contained in the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) EMF Directive Consultation issued in October 2015. b) Provide an update on activities undertaken to date. Provide ISCC with the opportunity to discuss and suggest additional activities to address the issues. ISCC comments/observations: a) Comments and observations were taken with item 11 (below). c) 10.2 10.3 Decisions: ISCC: a) NOTED the issues raised in the paper. 11 Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) directive presentation 11.1 Introduction: This item was presented by David Knights, the Chairman of the ENE SC. Its purpose was to provide information on work done to influence the EMF Directive. 11.2 ISCC comments/observations: a) Question: The approval strategy for new plant did not have this in before. Now it is implemented it would be helpful to have some guidance on how. Have asked Plasser to evaluate this for Amey but, with VP’s help, would like to introduce EMF assessment into the CSM RA process. b) Question: Is it known how much of the equipment will need a site specific risk assessment? Response: Specific pieces of large equipment (eg welding machines) are likely to need it but are also likely to already have precautions in place. Anything with a large magnet or a large current will need to be looked at. Even for equipment that does not need it, there will still be the task of writing down that it is okay; doing nothing is not an option. c) Question: Could ORR describe how they are going to approach this in a pragmatic way? Response: Darren Anderson and Dawn Russell are the ORR contacts but the overall approach has not yet been decided. d) Question: have there been any conversations about exemptions? Response: No – but the legislation does provide for seeking an exemption. Page 8 of 18 ISCC Action Approved Minutes Number Meeting on 02 February 2016 Minute e) Question: What could we do better next time? Response: The considerable differences of opinion that existed across Europe have resulted in a less than ideal outcome for the UK, who favoured a less prescriptive style of legislation. Response: The consultation on the draft UK implementing regulations was delayed until after the UK general election. The timing of a referendum on Europe has the potential to make this a bigger issue than it already is; it also depends on the style of regulation. f) Question: When will the RSSB guidance be published Response: Before 01 July 2016. g) Question: Who is the industry owner for EMF? Where do HSE issues fit? Response: We all have an individual duty as employers; we can ask RSSB to support and help us to make it more efficient to comply but the duty rests with us. 11.3 Decisions: ISCC: a) NOTED the issues raised in the paper. b) ORR agreed to address the question raised at 11.2(c) and report back to the next meeting 12 Requirements Management Database (RMDB) Demonstration 12.1 Introduction: This item was presented by Marie Marks, Head of Stakeholder and Standards Management at RSSB. Its purpose was to demonstrate the implementation of the RMDB. 12.2 ISCC comments/observations: a) Question: Will it include TSI clauses? Response: Possibly in the longer term, but not initially. b) Question: When will it be available to stakeholders? Response: RSSB needs to get a critical mass into the RMDB before it can be made available externally. It has made the decision not to stop current work in order to populate the RMDB (and re-write existing standards) so it is likely to be at least two to three years before stakeholders have access. c) Question: When topics are published (rather than standards), how will the standards cut-off and briefing process work. Response: Instead of a number of standards needing to be briefed, it will be a number of topics. This should aid the briefing process as there will be no need to identify which parts of standards have changed. It is intended that this will still be done on a three monthly cycle. Page 9 of 18 ISCC Action Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 Number Minute 12.3 Decisions: ISCC: a) NOTED the content of the presentation and the implementation of the RMDB. 13 CSM RA: how it fits in the regulatory framework 13.1 Introduction: This item was removed from the agenda and will be tabled next time. 14 Any other business 14.1 AOB item 1: ORR review of safety guidance documents. PH mentioned that he would like to submit a paper for comment to ISCC on this in March. MM to add to forward agenda. 14.2 AOB item 2: Infrastructure authorisation: staged approach PH offered to present on this at the May ISCC meeting. MM to add to forward agenda. 14.3 AOB item 3: UIC training on ETCS NW advised that he had attended a UIC meeting in Germany with regulators from various countries. A training package will be available on ETCS in March and NW agreed to provide a presentation. MM to add to forward agenda. Items proposed as ‘not for discussion’ None proposed. 15 Next meeting 15.1 15 March 2016 at The Helicon in Moorgate. Page 10 of 18 ISCC Action Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 ISCC Appendix A: Forward Agenda Items A.1 Report from Chairman of Plant (PLT) Standards Committee – March RSSB/NH A.2 Report from Chairman of Control Command and Signalling (CCS) Standards Committee and EOSRG – March and September RSSB/TL A.3 2016 ISCC survey results (March) JS A.4 ISCC’s remit and purpose (March) JS A.5 2016 proposed annual report from ISCC’s chairman to RSSB Board (March) JS A.6 Presentation on progress with European Train Control System (ETCS) – March 2016 ORR/PH A.7 Strategy for Standards (update) May 2016 RSSB/VP A.8 Presentation on the use of CSM RA and how it fits in the regulatory framework – May 2016 (action no. 2015-11-12 – 15 refers) ORR/PH A.9 Report from Chairman of Infrastructure (INS) Standards Committee –May and November RSSB/BE A.10 Report from Chairman of Rolling Stock (RST) Standards Committee – May and November RSSB/HO’N A.11 Presentation on Infrastructure Authorisation – staged approach - May 2016 ORR/PH A.12 Presentation on UIC training package for ETCS. IC/NW A.13 RSSB Standards and Deviations Update report - July 2016 and January 2017 RSSB/MP A.14 Report from Chairman of Energy (ENE) Standards Committee –and July 2016 and January 2017. RSSB/DK A.15 Update on cyber security work –July 2016 and January 2017 RSSB/MV A.16 Report from Chairman of Traffic Operation and Management (TOM) Standards Committee – July 2016 and January 2017 RSSB/GP Page 11 of 18 Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 ISCC Appendix B: Actions Table Action Number Description of action (updates in blue) 2015-08-12 - 01 RSSB to produce a short briefing note and, subsequently, a more detailed guidance note setting out: a) how to use the CSM-DT b) how not to use it and c) how to best navigate through this complex area. Owner Status RSSB/GB Open – to be reviewed in June 2016 ORR/PH Closed RSSB/BE Closed Timescale to be advised. Update: 09-09-2015: David Griffin reported that the short briefing note should be available by 11 September 2015. Update: 12-11-2015: It’s not likely that any draft revisions of the CSM RA GNs will be ready before around June 2016. There is now an internal working group looking at all material relating to Taking Safe Decisions, CSM for Risk Assessment and CSM for Monitoring, with the aim of ensuring that they are consistent with each other and are as effective as possible. The revision of the six CSM RA GNs will form a key part of the strategy that’s being developed, but we’ll also be looking at other potential communications channels such as the website, briefing/training, videos, etc. There will be a need for a MFSC to be convened at some point, but it is unlikely to be required before June 2016. 2015-11-12 - 01 Check whether the recommended solutions suggested in the TSI implementation issues log were applied on the recently authorised switches and crossings project on the West Coast Main Line, and confirm whether the solutions worked. Update: 02-02-2016: Yes applied – but project added solution into the log. 2015-11-12 - 02 Draft an entry for the TSI implementation issues log addressing the potential very narrow interpretation of Traffic Codes being used to rule projects out of scope. [Post meeting note: BE has drafted an entry and forwarded to Paul Hooper for agreement.] Update: 02-02-2016: yes wording is accepted - closed Page 12 of 18 Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 Action Number Description of action (updates in blue) 2015-11-12 - 03 Confirm timescales for production of the complete list of NTRs for ERTMS and whether the work will be broken down by on-board and trackside. ISCC Owner RSSB/VP Status Closed [Post meeting note: Email sent 11/01/2016 with details. Closed] 2015-11-12 - 04 Discuss with ROSCOs (LG), NoBos (MB) and NR (MPe) how to hold effective lessons learned in terms of RSSB/MPh the standards and deviations processes for both infrastructure and rolling stock projects. Closed [Post meeting note: meeting went ahead on 07 December.] 2015-11-12 - 05 Respond to the DfT Newsflash consultation asking for comments on the draft list of projects at an advanced stage: by 01 December 2015. Update: 02-02-2016: Date passed – closed. All Closed 2015-11-12 - 06 Brief constituency about the list of projects to be notified as being at an advanced stage in accordance with the Interoperability Directive. All Closed DfT/IJ Closed RSSB/HO’N Open RSSB/MM Closed Update: 02-02-2016: Completed – closed. 2015-11-12 - 07 Ask Jason Saxon to present to ISCC on the process for populating the RINF. [Post meeting note: J Saxon presentation on the agenda for 02 February 2016.] 2015-11-12 - 08 Report back on the scope and focus of RSSB’s interest in the review of deviations for the Sheffield tram-train project. Update: 02-02-2016: A risk paper has been prepared by the Rolling Stock team, and shared with all SC Chairs for comment. A finalised version will be available on 5th February. Open. 2015-11-12 - 09 Send a link to the final draft of RIS-2700-RST as published on the consultation and stakeholder register. Update: 02-02-2016: RST SC approved draft forwarded to ISCC on 01 February 2016. Closed. Page 13 of 18 Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 Action Number Description of action (updates in blue) 2015-11-12 – 10 Let ISCC know how workshop comments were managed and dealt with in relation to general consultation comments received during the formal consultation of RIS-2700-RST. ISCC Owner Status RSSB/HO’N Closed DfT/IJ Closed All Closed All Closed Update: 02-02-2016: More than 1000 comments were received on the first draft of RIS-2700-RST. Two workshops were held, ensuring that those parties who objected were represented. In December 2016, draft 2d of the amended RIS was sent to those parties who had objected to the first draft (10 in all), with a response deadline. Four responded to say they now supported the standard, there was no response from the other six. RST SC were satisfied with this process and approved draft 2e for publication on 15th January 2016. 2015-11-12 - 11 Report on how safe integration is being managed and clarify DfT’s role as the body that is funding the work in general. Update: 02-02-2016: Need to follow-up with ORR. ROGS and CSM will apply – but no point doing double process. One overall hazard log Stagecoach are in the lead as the proposer under CSM. 2015-11-12 - 12 Encourage projects to approach SC Chairmen/committee members early regarding potential deviations. Update: 02-02-2016: Completed – closed. 2015-11-12 - 13 Provide comments to HO’N regarding the alternative format for reporting from SCs to industry. Update: 02-02-2016: Completed – closed. 2015-11-12 - 14 Identify what is being done about the recent spate of damage to vehicles from trackside equipment. [Post meeting note: MPe provided lessons learned briefing on 14 December 2015. Closed.] NR/MPe Closed 2015-11-12 - 15 Provide a presentation on the use of CSM RA and how it fits in the regulatory framework. ORR/PH Closed ORR/PH Closed [Post meeting note: On agenda for 02 February 2016] 2015-11-12 - 16 Arrange a presentation on progress with European Train Control System (ETCS) at a future meeting. Update: 02-02-2016: Added to the forward agenda for March. Closed. Page 14 of 18 Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 Action Number Description of action (updates in blue) 2015-11-12 – 17 Clarify the work being done by Dr Shackleton. ISCC Owner Status RSSB/MM Closed RSSB/MPh Closed [Post meeting note: Dr Shackleton is retained on the basis of 12 days per year (9 days for Standards and 3 days for research). Some of his costs for this financial year have not yet been paid as they referred to an old purchase order number.] 2015-11-12 - 18 MPh to discuss DfT representation at SCs with Robin Groth. [Post meeting note: MPh raised the issue with Robin Groth. DFT doesn't have resource to attend all the meetings we would like but will focus on those where they can best add value.] 2016-02-02 – 01 RSSB to check what is happening with GM/RT2130 in terms of reflecting the TSI categories of infrastructure (Table 1). RSSB/MM Open 2016-02-02 – 02 NR to forward the invitation (to the ERA’s RINF end user group) to Marie Marks. NR/DG Open 2016-02-02 – 03 NR to forward the conversion information between GM/RT2130 and the RINF categorisation of tunnels for fire performance. NR/DG Open 2016-02-02 – 04 NW to forward contact details for the M&EE group to be included in Appendix B of the Standards Strategy. [Post meeting note: completed – closed.] IC/NW Closed 2016-02-02 – 05 Change ‘clean-up complete’ to ‘gap analysis complete’ – in dashboard supporting the Standards Strategy. RSSB/VP Open [Post meeting note: completed – closed.] 2016-02-02 – 06 TS to raise the need for a non-passenger train operator representative to attend ENE SC with RDG Freight. FOC/TS Closed 2016-02-02 – 07 VP will raise issues regarding what (engineering acceptance/conformity) certificates are required, and when, with Hugh O’Neill at RSSB. RSSB/VP Closed [Post meeting note: completed via email on 01 March 2016 – closed.] Page 15 of 18 Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 Action Number Description of action (updates in blue) 2016-02-02 – 08 MM to add the following presentations to the forward agenda: a) ORR review of safety guidance – March b) ORR presentation on Infrastructure Authorisation – staged approach - May 2016 c) UIC training on ETCS – Neil Whisler – May 2016 [Post meeting note: all now on the forward agenda. Closed.] Page 16 of 18 ISCC Owner RSSB/MM Status Closed Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 ISCC Appendix C: Future meeting dates: Mar 2016 Apr 2016 May 2016 Jun 2016 Jul 2016 Aug 2016 Sep 2016 Oct 2016 Nov 2016 Dec 2016 Jan 2017 Feb 2017 Mar 2017 Apr 2017 May 2017 Jun 2017 Jul 2017 Aug 2017 ISCC 15 -- 18 -- 14 -- 15 -- 17 -- 24 -- 21 -- 16 -- 12 -- RSSB Board 03 05 30 01 03 APPROVED ______________________________ Jane Simpson, Chairman Marie Marks, Secretary, ISCC Page 17 of 18 Tel: 020 3142 5575 Date_____________________ Fax: 020 3142 5669 Email: Approved Minutes Meeting on 02 February 2016 Appendix D – attachments to minutes Attachment 1 Populating the Register of Infrastructure (presentation, briefing note and overview) Attachment 2 Strategy for Standards (paper and dashboard) Attachment 3 Report from ENE SC (presentation) Attachment 4 ENE SC revised strategic plan Attachment 5 Report from TOM SC (presentation) Attachment 6 Standards Activities Report Attachment 7 Update on Cyber Security (presentation) Attachment 8 HSE EMF Consultation (paper) Attachment 9 EMF directive (presentation) Attachment 10 Requirements Management Database (RMDB) (presentation) Page 18 of 18 ISCC