AGENDA ITEM: C2 MEETING: RSSB Board Meeting DATE: 04 September 2014 SUBJECT: Platform-Train Interface (PTI) strategy: update SPONSORS: Neal Lawson and Colin Dennis AUTHORS: Helen Costello and Emma Pickard 1. Purpose of paper 1.1 In light of the agreement at the July 2014 board meeting to accelerate the timescale for the production of the PTI strategy, the board requested an update on the development of the strategy for the September meeting. This paper provides the update and requests the board to note the progress that is being made towards delivery of the draft strategy to be presented to the board at the November 2014 meeting. 2. Progress to date 2.1. The programme is on target to achieve the accelerated programme for the delivery of the strategy that was agreed by the RSSB board in July 2014. A first draft of the strategy will be available for review at the November 2014 board meeting and the first edition will be submitted for endorsement at the January 2015 meeting. A more detailed timeline can be found in Annex A. 2.2 It is intended that the strategy will be a high level document, setting out a short, medium and long term vision for improving the PTI from a safety, operational performance and accessibility perspective. The strategy will not provide all the answers to the many issues that are associated with the PTI, but will act as a starting point and signpost for other related workstreams and projects. The strategy will be a live document and subject to updates as additional information becomes available and on-going research studies make recommendations relevant to the PTI strategy. 2.3 Detailed information on implementation and delivery will be included within the strategy as an associated action plan. It is intended that these actions will be assigned to the most appropriate parts of the industry to take forward. A proposed governance approach is being developed to illustrate where responsibility will lie for onward delivery, as well as the overarching programme governance approach. 2.4 Opsweb ( is an online resource centre designed for the rail industry to access and share information and resources on operational safety. An area will be created on the site dedicated to PTI; a large amount of information has already been collected and this is expected to grow over time. RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Page 1 of 4 AGENDA ITEM: C2 2.5 In support of the strategy an associated PTI strategy technical report will also be published post-January 2015. This report will summarise the approach to the development of the strategy and provide rationale for the conclusions that were reached in the main strategy document, including acting as a point of reference for all data collected during the programme. 3. Strategy Creation 3.1. The work carried out to date has been progressed through four main workstreams, namely; operations, human factors, data analysis and engineering. Each workstream created a matrix with short, medium and long term objectives set against mitigations identified during industry workshops. In addition detailed data analysis has been completed in parallel to qualitative work undertaken. The PTISG is currently combining all outputs. 3.2 An outline structure for the strategy has been created which includes the following key themes that will take due account of the safety, operational performance, capacity and accessibility issues associated with the PTI: Passenger behaviour Infrastructure and gauge clearance Rolling stock Operations PTI monitoring and evaluation 3.3 Other sections in the strategy will include: policy and planning context, support from the railway industry and, ownership and implementation. 3.5 Between June and October 2014 members of the programme team are attending industry meetings to present on progress, share the outline strategy and gather feedback; Annex B provides the roadshow schedule. The feedback to date on the strategy proposals has been good. 3.6 The programme team is also working on options for the presentation of the strategy and the production of a communications plan for the launch of the strategy. 4. Associated projects 4.1 There are a number of associated projects that are being coordinated as part of the PTI strategy. However it is worth noting that the majority of R&D projects and outputs associated with some of the workstreams are not expected to be completed by the time the first version of the strategy is published. 4.2 The strategy is not expected to have all the answers for issues that surround the PTI, instead it has set in place a whole system approach that will form the foundation from which to build the rail industry’s knowledge. Incomplete projects and research will be referenced and the document will act as a signpost RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Page 2 of 4 AGENDA ITEM: C2 for associated work. The strategy will describe how the outputs of the projects will be brought together in an integrated way. 4.3 It is intended that as projects are delivered the strategy will be updated. It is anticipated that, as a minimum this will be presented to the board as part of the SSRG annual stewardship report. 5. Future governance 5.1 The PTISG is a task and finish group that reports directly to the RSSB board. Once the strategy is complete and endorsed by the board, the group will cease to meet. It is intended that future responsibility for the action plan, implementation and updating of the strategy will move under the System Safety Risk Group (SSRG). SSRG has five associated sub-groups, one of which is called People on Trains and in Stations Risk Group (PTSRG); this would be the recommended group to oversee taking the PTI strategy forward. 5.2 Under the proposed governance approach, a PTI strategy working group reporting to PTSRG will be set up to drive forward the implementation of the strategy. This group will also be a task and finish group, ceasing to meet once the action plan is sufficiently progressed and agreement is reached on how the medium and long term actions will be taken forward. Ongoing update of the strategy would be overseen by PTSRG, although the working group is expected to meet for at least two years. The technical workstream leads will continue to support the strategy. The working group will have to work closely with other cross-industry groups such as ISCC, the standards committees, the RTS portfolio groups, etc to deliver the strategy. 5.3 For the implementation to succeed, the industry at the highest levels must continue to support the strategy, including the provision of subject matter experts to the programme group, senior members of the industry to take ownership of the action plan and, where justified, the finance needed to support the development and implementation of the strategy. The RSSB board is asked to note and support this approach. 6. Early deliverables 6.1 Media Campaign 6.1.1 The first phase of the media campaign is expected to launch publically alongside the strategy in January 2015. The campaign will be focused upon the use of social media and will be targeted toward the highest risk group, as defined by the data available. 6.1.2 The output and design of the media campaign will be developed in such a way as to highlight the risk but not create the impression that the station environment is unsafe. RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Page 3 of 4 AGENDA ITEM: C2 6.1.3 To develop the creative conte nt of the campaign, a sub-group has been established with representatives from cross-industry. It is anticipated that the media campaign will not be branded by a specific organisation. The campaign is intended to be launched nationally, to give consistent messages while travelling anywhere on the network and will initially utilise all available social media channels across industry, including the train operators, RSSB and Network Rail. 6.1.4 The aspiration is that the campaign will be the only creative content in circulation and no further media on this topic will be delivered. 6.2 Sharing operational good practice 6.2.1 The programme team is currently working on creating a PTI good practice space on Opsweb; this is expected to go live before January 2015. 6.3 Projects 6.3.1 There are a number of projects that are expected to deliver in time for inclusion in the strategy; see Annex C for a full list of associated projects. 7. Key developments in understanding 7.1 Work undertaken during the creation of the strategy has improved understanding of the risk at the PTI and will form the basis for future work in this area. Work undertaken includes: 8. The human factors team focused on public and passenger behaviours to create a framework with which to aid understanding of hazardous events and the unwanted behaviours associated with each incident. The production of the PTI Special topic report, which was updated in November 2013 and the associated SMIS narrative analysis on PTI events, which produced a richer understanding of accident data. Deep dive at ten selected PTI hotspot stations, including trialling of close call for PTI, enhanced PTI accident forms and, passenger and public observations, surveys and focus groups. Recommendations The RSSB board is asked to: NOTE that the strategy is delivering to schedule. NOTE and SUPPORT the continued industry-wide engagement throughout the implementation stage of the strategy. NOTE the progress made on the media campaign, its alignment with the projected launch of the strategy and the requirement for cross-industry buyin. RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Page 4 of 4 ANNEX A PTI strategy time RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Page 1 of 1 ANNEX B PTI strategy roadshow schedule RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Meeting Date Presenter Status Network Rail Business Change Panel 25 April 2014 Emma Pickard Complete Profiling Passenger Accidents Sub-group (LNW) 09 May 2014 Helen Costello Complete Operations Risk Management Forum (RSSB hosted) 11 June 2014 Neal Lawson Complete East Croydon (Southern) Station visit 12 June 2014 Helen Costello Complete Haymarket (First Scotrail) Station visit 07 July 2014 Helen Costello Complete Penrith (Virgin) Station visit 08 July 2014 Helen Costello Complete Integration Group (Network Rail) 09 July 2014 Emma Pickard Complete York (East Coast) Station Visit 10 July 2014 Emma Pickard Complete London South East PTI Forum (Kent, Sussex, Anglia) 11 July 2014 Emma Pickard Complete ATOC Operations Council 14 July 2014 Emma Pickard / Helen Costello Complete Rail Delivery Group (Stations) Paper submitted to raise awareness July date TBC Emma Pickard Complete RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Page 1 of 4 ANNEX B PTI strategy roadshow schedule RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Meeting Date Presenter Status People on Trains and in Stations Risk Group (PTSRG) sub-group of SSRG 15 July 2014 Helen Costello Complete Virgin Joint Safety Committee Meeting 17 July 2014 Helen Costello Complete First Group's Engineering Director's Meeting 24 July 2014 Bridget Eickhoff / Helen Costello Complete LNE Multi-Operator Meeting 30 July 2014 Emma Pickard Complete Heathrow Express Management Meeting 30 July 2014 Helen Costello Complete Newport (Arriva Trains Wales) Station visit 05 August 2014 Emma Pickard Complete National Freight Safety Group Informed and invited to review strategy 08 August 2014 Maurice Wilsdon Complete Moorfields Liverpool (Merseyrail) Station visit 19 August 2014 Helen Costello Complete Western Route 28 August 2014 Emma Pickard / Helen Costello Scheduled EMT Board Safety Sub-committee 04 September 2014 Helen Costello Scheduled Worcester Foregate (London Midland) Station visit 11 September 2014 Helen Costello Scheduled RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Page 2 of 4 ANNEX B PTI strategy roadshow schedule RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Meeting Date Presenter Status ATOC Safety Forum 22 September 2014 Emma Pickard Scheduled Operations Focus Conference (RSSB hosted) 02 October 2014 Lesley Heath Scheduled Infrastructure Projects (Network Rail) 01 October 2014 Emma Pickard Requested slot via Toby Robins System Safety Risk Group (SSRG) Workshop 17 October 2014 Emma Pickard / Helen Costello Scheduled Industry Safety Meeting (ISM) Date to be scheduled Requested slot via John Abbott National Task Force Operating Group Date to be scheduled TBC ORR Date to be scheduled Requested slot via Donald Wilson & David Keay DFT Date to be scheduled Requested slot via Tim Kendall RAIB Date to be scheduled Requested slot via Simon French Wessex route Date to be scheduled Requested slot via Sharon Vye- Parminter Scotland route Date to be scheduled Requested agenda slot via route RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Page 3 of 4 ANNEX B PTI strategy roadshow schedule RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Meeting Date Wales Date to be scheduled Requested agenda slot via route Ashford International Date to be scheduled Requested Waterloo station visit Date to be scheduled Requested RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Presenter Status Page 4 of 4 ANNEX C Summary of R&D projects associated with the PTI strategy Title Status T1029 Designing a tool to support duty holders in the Due to be published November 2014 and will be included in strategy assessment of platform train interface risk T1062 Platform recess – review of requirements Will be included in strategy T1037 Train passenger footsteps investigation to Data used to inform engineering work on platform heights support research into the reduction in passenger stepping distances and gauging constraints T1059 Evaluating the use of on-train DOO(P) monitors during station departures T1054 Evaluating platform gap fillers to reduce risk at Expected to deliver Dec 2015 the platform-train interface Expected to deliver Dec 2015 T1057 Investigating the risks posed by luggage to In development passengers and staff on trains and stations T1055 Improving accessibility and safety for mobility In development scooter users travelling by rail T1026 Improving platform operational signage In development T866 Investigation of platform edge positions on the GB network Complete October 2011 and used to inform T1037 T764 Evaluation of the benefits of yellow lines on non- Published 2009 high-speed platforms T759 Improving the methods used to provide access to and from trains for wheelchair users Published 2012; Good practice guides published June 2014 T743 Improving the arrangements for train dispatch from Completed 2009 stations RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Page 1 of 2 ANNEX C Summary of R&D projects associated with the PTI strategy Title Status T704 The contribution of alcohol to personal safety and Completed 2010 security risk on the railways T610 An assessment of the cost and benefits of adopting a standard uniform platform height of 1115 mm RSSB Board Meeting Final: 04 September 2014 Completed 2008 and used to inform engineering work on platform heights Page 2 of 2