ON ATMOSPHERIC ZONAL THE THE OCEAN PACIFIC CIRCULATION OVER 100 S NEAR by CORNEJO ANGEL G. B. de Nacional Universidad S. GARRIDO Ingenieria Lima - Peru IN SUBMITTED OF PARTIAL REQUIREMENTS THE OF DEGREE MASTER FULFILLMENT FOR THE OF SCIENCE at MASSACHUSETTS the INSTITUTE June, OF TECHNOLOGY 1976 ........ Signature of Author.......................... .. . Department of Meteorology June 30, 1976 Certified by .................................. .... •....... Thesis Supervisor Professor Peter H. Stone Accepted by................•.......... ...... ** .... * ... .. Chairman, Departamental Comitee WITHDR MIT ' W '#~> ~__1_1^1_~ 1__1_1___1 11~~_1_~ ON THE ZONAL ATMOSPHERIC THE PACIFIC OCEAN CIRCULATION NEAR OVER 10 0 S by Angel G. Cornejo Garrido Submitted to the Department of Meteorology on June 1976 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. ABSTRACT The dynamics of the atmospheric circulation over the Pacific Ocean near 100S is explored. It is assumed that the latent heat release and the radiative heating are the dominant terms in the diabatic heating. The latent heat release is estimated from climatological precipitation fields and results obtained in numerical simulations. The radiative heating is calculated from parameterized heat fluxes at the ground and at the top of the atmosphere together with results obtained in numerical simulation. It is found that in the area under study the dominant contribution to the diabatic heating is the latent heat release. By using scaling techniques it is found that the vertical advection of heat and the diabatic heating are the leading terms in the thermodynamic equation. This approximate balance permits us to estimate the vertical velocity field, with downward motion in the eastern part of the region and upward motion in the western part. When the vorticity equation is scaled, a serious inconsistency is found. This inconsistency may be due to the fact that the only avalaible actual fields are estimated from data from land stations in spite of the oceanic nature of the area of interest. Despite the presence of the inconsistency, it is still assumed that the "actual" fields are qualitatively correct. A very crude approximation to the vorticity equation yields air temperature and wind velocity fields with features similar to those in the "actual" fields. Bjerknes (1969) described the so called Walker Circulation over the area as a zonal circulation which he postulated to be driven by the zonal gradient of sea surface tempe- 1LII LIYL~.IX-I~-~~-L~ -_LII-II~L__I^ ILyl*llllp~- 3 ratures. However, it is found that the condensation which drives the vertical circulation can not be due to local excess evaporation accompanying higher sea-surface temperatures. Less evaporation is found in the region of higher precipitation due to a reduction in the net surface heating of the atmosphere. This reduction is caused by the increased cloudiness accompanying the precipitation which substantially reduces the solar heating at the surface. This short wave effect dominates the tendency towards increased heating due to the local enhancement of the sea surface temperature. Thesis Supervisor: Title: Peter H. Stone Professor of Meteorology ~IIWL __~ ~I~ ~~rY -PCLm~l~LI TO THE MEMORY OF MY PARENTS XII-~ l-C-~)-X *~I ~PL _._.ll~yylb IY ACKNOWLE7DGES I would like to express sincere gratitude to Professor Peter H. Stone for his guidance, advice and assistance throughout the course of this study. I wish to thank to Professor Henry Stommel for the benefit of several discussions. My sincere thanks are also due to the Staff of the Department of Physics and Meteorology of the Universidad Na- cional Agraria La Molina of Lima - Peru for allowing me to come to MIT to improve my scientific knowledge; and to the Latin American Scholarship for American Universities (LASPAU), an agency of the Government of USA which works for the improvement of the academic conditions in Latin American universities and also made my presence at MIT, possible. To my wife, Doris, to my brothers and sisters, my gratitude for their continuos encouragement. I-lnl^_l XIII II1I11I~ 111 Lsll~ II^LQIYII)I~ _~I ~_11/ -CONTENTS 7 I INTRODUCTION II MATHEMATICAL FORMULATION 12 2.1. Equations of Motion 12 2.2. Latent Heat Release Perturbation 18 2.3. Diabatic Heating Perturbation due to Radiative Flux Divergence 25 2.4. Summary 29 III ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATES AND NONDIMENSIONALIZATION 30 3.1. Order of Magnitude Estimates 30 3.2. Non-Dimensionalization 35 3.3. Summary 52 IV DISCUSSION OF THE DYNArMICS. 4.1. Introduction 4.2. Vorticity Equation Order of Magnitude Estimate LIMITATIONS 54 54 at 500 mb 58 4.3. Dynamics at 500 mb 66 4.4. Vertical Velocity Perturbation Field 76 V QUALITATIVE CONSIDERATIONS 85 5.1. Potential Temperature Perturbation Field 87 5.2. Zonal Velocity Perturbation Field 87 5.3. Meridional Velocity Perturbation 89 5.4. Summary 89 6 VI OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 6.1. Relationship Between Evaporation and Precipi- 93 93 tation Theoretical Basis 6.2. Moisture Transports. 6.3. Height Scale of Water Vapor in the Atmosphere 6.4. Moisture Transports. Results 103 106 110 CONCLUSIONS 113 REFERENCES 119 _U_ I. INTRODUCTION. The interaction between the oceans and the atmosphere is a very complex one. Exchanges of mass, momentum and energy across the interface occur on all space and time scales. interactions for both the air physical consequences of these and the ocean The can be calculated only through the use of cou- pled air-sea models in which each fluid is free to respond to the influence of the other ( Spar and Atlas 1975 ). theles, it is possible to study the atmospheric the physical state of the sea surface models in which using Never- response to non-interactive the sea surface parameters are specified ra- ther than predicted. A map of sea-surface temperatures for the equatorial water from about 160 0 W South Pacific shows that the South American coast is colder than the to the global average for 0 these latitudes and that the Pacific waters west of 160 W are warmer than the global average. Bjerknes (1969) bed in detail, the "Walker Circulation", has descri- a circulation which he postulated, was driven by the gradient of sea temperature along and south of the equator in the Pacific Ocean. He pos- tulated that when the cold water belt along and south equator is well developed, of the the air above it will be too cold and heavy to join the ascending motion in the Hadley circulations. Instead, the equatorial air flows the Hadley circulations westward between of the two hemispheres to the warm west Pacific can take where it part in large-scale moist- adiabatic ascent. The westward extent of the cold water of the equatorial South Pacific depends on upwelling of colder water from below, which depends on the distribution and strength of the easter- lies along the Equator. tional stress of the Upwelling takes place when the fric- easterlies along the Equator on the wa- ter combined with the effect of the rotation of the earth causes water in the surface layer to move away from the Equator. It is replaced by water which "upwells" from below Since the ce layers. increases in this the surfa- water temperature decreases as depth region, the upwelling water is cooler than the original surface water and a band of low temperature wa- ter develops. Several times in the past the normally cold eastern Pacific became anomalously warm. equatorial For instance,during most of 1972, especially after June, sea surface temperatures suggested that equatorial upwelling was unusually weak; positive anomalies dominated the equatorial region from South America to at least the international date line, extending north beyond 10N and with values commonly greater than 3.30 C east of 120oW ( Wooster and Guillen 1974 ). Bjerknes (1969) showed that the great positive water temperature anomaly observed along the Equator in the central and eastern Pacific during the 1964 and 1966 calendar months --ul-a~l~ -L^-L. II-.1L-~--I~--rrmC~-~---L- of January, was accompanied by an anomalous strength of the midlatitude westerlies over the Northeast Pacific. Bjerknes postulated that the anomalous heat supply from the equatorial ocean to the ascending branch of the atmospheric Hadley cir- culation would intensify that circulation and make it mantain more than the normal flux of angular momentum to the midlatitude belt of westerly winds. Bjerknes also suggested that the warmer equatorial water increases evaporation and condensation and consequently rainfall. Rowntree (1972) integrated the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's nine level hemispherical atmospheric model over a period of 30 days ther cool or warm (1 + 3.50C) sea surface temperatures over the tropical eastern Pacific. hypothesis. with ei- His results supported Bjerknes' Ramage and Murakami (1973) cast serious doubts on the validity of Rowntree's results since his model incorporated a wall at the equator which could significantly distort winds and temperature in higher latitudes after eight days (Miyakoda and Umscheid 1973). Recently, White and Walker (1975) experienced trouble correlating the intensity of the Aleutian Low (,- 500 N, 1800 W ) with fluctuations in Canton Island ( 3oS, 170 0 W ) rainfall. Since the rainfall is highly correlated to SSTA (sea surface temperature anomalies), the atmospheric response to these anomalies is probably a local one. Recently, Spar and Atlas (1975) carried out a two week prediction experiment with the ~II -~-LCI_~1WC I*II~LII~ ~L~YIIX _ 1I~_I1_I~~_~1~_I ~_IP- X-~II~(X 10 GISS (NASA - Goddard Institute for Space Studies) atmospheric model to evaluate the influence of sea-surface temperature (SST) variations on the behavior of the atmosphere. was It found that the local effect of the sea-surface temperature on the computed precipitation over the oceanic anomaly itself was only a local enhancement of rainfall over warm water and a suppresion of rainfall over cold water. No systematic re- mote effect of the anomaly on the predicted rainfall was found. Another similar experiment but with a mid-latitude seaHe surface temperature anomaly was performed by Huang (1975). used the NCAR GCM with 6 layers. The experiment had a western cold anomaly and an eastern warm anomaly in the North Pacific with extrema of + 400. He found: 1. that the temperature at a height of 1.5 Km. from the earth's surface wps about 20 C higher in the anomaly case than the control, in the eastern North in Pacific above the not warm SSTA (sea-surface temperature anomaly), but did show too much of a signal above the cold anomaly in the wes-tern Pacific. 2. that the meridional temperature gradients above and further north of the warm SSTA were strongly enhanced. 3. that there was no large temperature change at 4.5 Km. 4. the east-west component of surface wind increased more than 3 m/s over and slightly north of the warm SSTA and de- _I~ __1^_~~_~~1 __^_II_;_~~ creased in the wester North Pacific. 5. the southerly winds were much strenghened in the eastern North Pacific and in the western Pacific closer to continents. 6. the southerly winds were much reduced in the central North Pacific where the strong anomaly temperature contrast existed. The purpose of this Thesis is to explore the dynamics of the zonal atmospheric circulation in the vecinity of the Walker Circulation during the winter of the southern hemisphere (June - July - August), to see if Bjerknes' picture of this circulation is a consistent one. ^---il-^--.Xil.. L11*~ L- _.-~LI I_~X-~CI11 -1I1I .1 .I_ I-.~i-~- II. MATHMATICAL FORMULATION 2.1. Equations of Motion. We start with the time dependent Navier-Stokes equations: Ikt U4 r Y+VVLk_ r +2) n e, Q UQ + L iy +4z (2..!) (2.3) (2.4) 2. ) = O where Q is the diabatic heat source, 9 the potential tempe- rature, f is the Coriolis parameter, x, y, z the zonal, meridional, and vertical coordinates, respectively and u, v and w the corresponding velocity components. Pm and em are cons- tants which are a representative density and potential temperature respectively. The Boussinesq approximation used (Spiegel and Veronis 1959). has been The suffixes represent de- 13 rivatives with respect to the indicated quantities. First we average these equations around latitude circles from 140 0 E to 110oW. We define: b ]=[ where: AV ) dx 2L - a = - 550 longitude (140 0 E) b= 550 longitude (1100W) 2L= a + b = 1100 longitude The averaged equations are: Il- +[ TL- . ZfSL (x2- b - ( 2L C=. ) f I [ k[ (2.) PM OM Of f u (x>6b -u - yI(c-a) (2.7) ilL~^__(___I____I__1- _ L\IQ +[w el - Iw[1G CP T e (x= b)- u E(x=- ( ) Iu !2L [r]V, + [ i~AYLZ X -) 4 = (2. ) (2. o) Now, we make the following substitutions in the NavierStokes equations: e= e] + e' Q= [lQJ Q' and combine the resulting equations with the averaged equa tions (2.6) to (2.10) to obtain equations for the primed quantities, u + + [vL Lu [ 41v'+ [wliM , + SLtr k Pm +-- 2L (2.)i) PX=-6 ----.~ 1- 11 vi S...L +[] [ V ], Ir'+ [w I+ U] , +I [ tr1v [ r\ww Z- Iv, E[[i l.- Lv-, + [w- l - ' z -1 x= b 2L +w 2. +w) e[ LA - I 2 l s 2Lb =- 0.. (1 14?) where we have used the following approximation: C2.146 La1I which is consistent with the Boussinesq approximation. These equations can be written in other ways using the following equalities: tu<; tl-( [UvT ] [_k-= [uI [< +[, v e]= I-vLe] .-v' e'] In this way we get: S4+[ul U, + Cvl U, + [UI +J =I- pn LA' 'zz v'+ Lw ' + [ 4tLz ']Y 4. 1ILW'1Z +1 ,'= bZ3 -= PM (2. Is) -+ ~ b 'w+[Tuly I[slv S I zz P'mg + T ~?r'b'jy i + +[iIvrz T'4 .L f A' IAC' (:2.16) 0' (2.,v) 17 + + e e9 + [1 v' + Ewl e + eI Z = 4= b , x= -L The longitudinal averages [ ] we will assume to be known from the climatological data and we will consider the perturbation quantities ( )' which represent deviations from the average, as the primary unknowns. I ~ Inl_ _pr__~_____~__) 18 22. Latent Heat Release Perturbation. The diabatic heating Q' in the right hand side of equation (2.18) is the driving force of the circulation we will This term is made up of the following contribu - calculate. tions: Q' : release of latent heat of evaporation Q' : turbulent sensible heat flux divergence Q'R : radiative flux divergence Q'M : molecular diffusion and dissipation Newell et al. (1973) (Chapter 9) calculated that the contributions of the latent heat of evaporation and the radiative flux divergence are dominant in the region of the Walker Circulation. This result is also supported by Webster (1972) who concluded that the latent heating was responsible for most of the response near the Equator. will neglect Q'h and Q'M. Consequently we In this section we will estimate the latent heat release, and in the next, the radiative flux divergence. The latent heat perturbation Q'L is related to the perturbation of the precipitation reaching the sea surface as follows. The total latent heat release perturbation Q'TL in a column of unit area and with the total height of the atmosphe- ~m ~I~~ IIIP III Il*-1IIPlli--~-~-~IrY~^III*C--LI-LY_~ L__^_ICILI ^II-iUI--- 19 re is given by: Q' TL = Lv (2.20) P' where Lv is the latent heat of evaporation PW , the density P' , the perturbation of the precipita- of liquid water and tion reaching the ground or the sea surface in cm/day. Now, let us assume that the latent heat release perturbation per unit air volume can be written as: Q'L = y) A (x, where A ( x, y ) and Q'Lv g (z) are unknown functions. are related as follows: Q'TL and (2.21) ) ( g Q'Lv Q'TL (2.22) dz Z=O Substitution of equations (2.20) and(2.21) Lv P' Pw = A g (x, y ) ( z ) in (2.22) yields: dz (2.23) Z=O Although estimation of the function g ( z ) is difficult can use some calculations done by Newell et al. we (1973). The vertical distributions of the latent heat release were based on Northern Hemisphere cloud statistics at middle and high latitudes and on model profiles of vertical motion in the vecinity of the Equator where the cloud statistics not appear to be as reliable. did The zonal average latent heat _ ~----~-~Il----n1--~_-.IL;--~,r~*rr* LI-r~lYIII--I~----_ ~ 20 In our Figure 2.1 the release is shown in their Figure 7.16. corresponding distribution at 100 S is shown and for comparison in the same Figure the graph of the following approximation is also shown: QL = 1.1 QL = 0 (z - _5.5) [ 1 + cos 5.5 o C/day z > 11 Km. z 4 11 Km. where z is the height in kilometers. (2.24) Taking into account the fact that Newell's values were based on model profiles of vertical motion we can say that the function (2.24) is a good approximation. tion Equation (2.24) suggests that we take the func(2.21) g ( z ) in =1 g(z) + as: f ( z- z cos u z 4 2z zuU where z 0 = g(z = 5.5 z > 2z u (2.25) Km. Combining (2.23) and (2.25) we obtain: Lve A ( x, y ) = 2 z P' (2.26) 11~_1 1_____11 _ ~_i _^_Lnl z Km FIGURE 2.1 Latent Heat Release at 10 0 S 14 x Newell et al. (1973) Approximation (see text) 12 10 8 6 4 2 Latent Heat Release oC/day _ __I~1I / __~l l*_ijrs~____^ll__IIII_1L__C__ ------ ^*^I--_ -IIXI1I-~~--_IY~. 22 Substituting (2.26) in (2.21) we obtain: LPw P' ( x, y ) Q Lv g (z ) (2.27) 2 z Then, the latent heat release perturbation per unit mass is: kV QL = PW 2 Z-P P' ( x, y) g ( z ) (2.28) Precipitation values will be taken from Schutz and Gates (1972). That field was obtained from visual interpolation of Moller's (1951) seasonal analysis. A very similar field for the tropical Pacific Ocean can be found in Taylor (1970). He constructed a revised chart of rainfall for the Pacific using conventional data available from about 100 land stations and total cloud cover between 300 S and 30oN summarized for 2.50 squares. Although that last kind of data is obviously not a substitute for rainfall observations it was used to make a general assesment of likely gradients in rainfall and probable regions of minimum and maximum values. So the precipita- tion field we will use is based upon direct measurement at a few widely spaced atoll and islands throghout the tropical Pacific. We will use these values because we have not been a- ble to find a field based on better considerations. The precipitation perturbation field ( P' = P - [P] ) 23 In the same Figure the graph of the is shown in Figure 2.2. following approximation is shown for comparison: P' (x, where: = y) L = AP (y) (y) - AP sin 1 x [--- I(y) ] (2.29) 550 longitude = a + by a = 2.3 mm/day b = 0.14 mm/ (day olatidude) S(y) + L = c + dy c = - 0.52 rad. d = 0.1 rad / olatitude - 550 long. - 50 lat. (140 0 E) % x (2.29 a) 55l1ong. (150 S) < y / 5 0 1at. (1100W) (50 S) In this way the latent heat release perturbation Q'L as given in equation (2.28) is completely defined. The precipi- tation P' and the z - distribution are given in equations (2.29) and (2.25) respectively. P' mm/day 3 Oi- 2 oo J/ 1 /I / / \ o6o/// -+ \ ° _' 60 S -2 100S _ o . - .--- 1 40 S. 0 -3 140 0E 160 180 1 60 140 FIGURE 2.2 : Precipitation Perturbation Function (P'). 120oW 2.3. Diabatic Heating Perturbation due to Radiative Flux Divergence. According to results calculated with the GISS general circulation model, the diabatic heating due to the radiative flux divergence (mainly long wave) is approximately constant from the sea surface up to the 500 mb level in July near 1005 This means that for a Boussinesq fluid, (Stone et al. 1976). the radiative flux is directly proportional to height. Let us call F' the net upward long wave perturbation g the upward infrared perflux at the sea surface level, F turbation flux at the top of the atmosphere and F' the upward long wave perturbation flux at any height. A linear interpolation between the 500 mb level and the sea surfaceyield: z = F' R (z) F T - ( -- z5 ) F T - z F') 5 5 (2.30) where z5 is the mean height corresponding to the 500 mb level. The net upward long wave flux at the sea surface is: F' g - F' b F' a (2.31 (2.31) where F' is the heat lost by the sea as long wave radiation to the atmosohere and space and F' is the flux of long wave a radiation from the atmosphere into the sea. Following Held and Suarez (1974) we approximate: (2.32) T Fb = A + B Fa = A + BIT a where T. and Ta are the sea surface and 500 mb air temperatures respectively and As, Bs, A and B4 are constants. From (2.32) we can write: FP b = B F' a = BI T' a where B T' 8 8 (2.33) are constants given by Held and Suarez, and B4 B = 9.5 ly / (day oC) B = 11.2 ly / (day OC) Substitution of (2.33) F' g = B - T' s a in (2.31) yields: B4 T' a (2.34) We also follow Held and Suarez in approximating F' T where: = B I B ( T' a = 7 ly / (2.35) (day oC) The diabatic heating perturbation Q1 due to the radia tive flux is given by: I ~_X X^1_11~ 27 Q R (2.36) R Z = Combining (2.30) and(2.36) we obtain: 1 Q = z5 Pm (Ft F- ) - (2.37) Substitution of (2.34) and (2.35) in (2.37) yields: [ B T' Q*= T' - (BI + Bt ) ] z z (2.38) In Figure 2.3, the sea surface temperature perturbation field Tt8 as taken from Schutz and Gates (1972) is shown. For comparison, in the same figure the graph of the following approximation is also shown: x a = T' where: T cos A (T --L + k y) ky AT = 1.6 oC k = 0.15 rad / olatitude L = 55 olongitude (2.39) (2.39 a) The 500 mb temperature perturbation T' in equation (2.38) will be calculatedlater as one of the parameters this model will predict. T' oC B .~-,._I_ 1~ 0 *N a 100 /o / N ,/ o .N / /0 ,-1 N a- x o 10 S 0 --- _______- 140 E 6O -4------------4 -. 160 * 14oS 4-- 180 Ir- 160 r 140 FIGURE 2.3 : Sea Surface Temperature Perturbation Field (T)8 ~ ~ - 120 W l 29 2.4. Summary In this Chapter we deduced the set of equations we will use in the present calculations. The driving force is the diabatic heating Q' in the therAs we said before the main contri- modynamic equation (2.18). butions to Q' are the latent heat release (Q'L) and the heating due to radiative processes (QR). The latent heat release contribution was estimated in equation (2.28) and the corresponding heating due to radiation in equation (2.38). We can see that QL is proportional to the precipitation P' and that Q1 depends on the sea surface temperature T'. Both P' and T' , as given by equations (2.29) and (2.39), are periodic functions of x with a wavelength equal to the length of the This fact indicates that the pertur- domain of x (longitude). bation parameters will also be periodic. Hence all the boun- dary terms in equations (2.15) to (2.19) cancel out. Summarizing, we specify from the climatological data the sea surface temperature and the precipitation perturbations. These perturbations give rise to perturbations in the atmosphere temperature and wind fields. The zonal average fields [ ], also have to be known, since they condition the atmosphere's response to P' and Tt. s 30 III. ORDER OF MAGNITUDE ESTIMATES AND NON-DIMENSIONALIZATION. 3.1. Order of Magnitude Estimates. The equations we are going to use in this paper have been Let us write them again: derived in Chapter II. 1 v t + 141 kA' -+ I T vI+LUl+ t I ILA' U I )L., Z + I~I C +1~, + 1I- [wi + [vv 7' + I -2 L M'~TJy+IMIIT'z E +=- '- + 0, F+[] ,V"x=6 +T 2 Gm + eI'+ [V] e', II G e+ &eW x=b a'e'], + [w o']z +- A 2L + 4 1 t YL C% X=b x'=-a A-Z - C, (%Z. \CV 31 Although actual data is very scarce in the studied area, we use the fields published by Newell et al. (1971) and Oort in order to estimate the magnitude and Rasmusson (1971) the different terms in the equations. of All the fields exept the vertical velocity were deduced from land stations data. The vertical velocity field was obtained from the continuity equation. Due to the lack of data we have to use longitudi- nal averages around the earth instead of the averages for the area from 140 E to 110 0 W. The following values, taken from the above sources, will be used in the estimation of the magnitude of the terms in equation (2.15). U' x v' j 3 m/ s [ul s- 1 5 0.08 x 10 /' [w] 2 m/s " -, 0.3 cm/s [v] , 2 m/s u 0.3 x 10-3 s-1 ut - 5 s -1 0.16 x 10-5 w' ~ 1.5 cm/s [U]zN 0.5 x 10- u't N 0.04 x 10- 5 m/s 2 [u] . 5 s-1 2.5 x 10 - 5 s-I ^ f 1.3 x 10 - [u'w']z 0.1 x 10 - 5 m/s 2 p u'zz ra 0.01 x 10 - 5 m/s [u'v'] Pm where we have taken P / N 104 cm2 /s as: 3 s- 1 2 0.2 x 10- 5 m/s p t " 8 x 10 - 5 m/s 2 32 We obtain the following estimates in 10- 5 m/s2 units for the u- momentum equation (2.15): W' + (o.04) IV' - Lul U+ Ev + Lk L (c.32) Co.24) r (Q) Lo.o) + U. Illy' + I kLl l + , w'll 1 (0.75) - I{P F7 Pm (o.0ol) (5) (C.,2) (o. 1) C() ,(3=1 (3.0) For the estimation of the terms in the v- equation the following values will be used: v1^ 0.04 x 100.13 X V'N x m/s 2 5 10- 5 S- 1 v' N 3 x 10-5 s- [v 5 s-1 I s 20 x 10- 5 s-1 U'N 3 m/s Again we have taken J) as: SI 104 cm2/s Pm Z v' 5 x 10- 5 m/s 0.03 x 10 - 5 m/s 2 - 5 m/s 2 10 x 0.1 t [v'v'] vN 0.2 x 10- 5 S- i y [v]y -, 0.07 x 10 p I [w'v'], 2 0.03 x 10- 5 m/s The results in 10- 5 m / S2 are: + [u] v t vf t x + [v] +[v] v~ + [v] y V' + [] v' z z y (0.4) (0.04) p' + --- ym v zz + [v'V']y y (0.01) (5) (0.15) (0.4) (7.5) (3.2) u v + --- x-a X2L (0.06) (0.03) (0.1) (0.3) (0.01) + [v'iw'] w' = - f u' For the thermodynamic equation we will use the following values: v 4 x 10 - 4 0' " 0.001 x 10- 5 oK/s 0' 0' s 0.05 x 10- 5 oK/m x [9]z t 3 x 10- 3 oK/m 9' " 0.13 x 10 - 5 oK/m [v'Q']y ' 0.04 x 10 - 5 oK/s t Y [9] Y 0.2 x 10- 5 °K/m ox/m [w'']z N 0.01 x 10 - 5 OK/s The results in 10- 5 oK/s are: + []9 z w' + F[] y v' + [w] G' + [v] G' 91t + [u] G' z y x (.0oo) (0.15) (0.26) 1 -- Q' + [v' 9'] (0.4) (5) (0.1) 1 x b (3.3) + [w' 9']z + - S2L -a (0.04) (0.01) (0.02) 34 For the continuity equation, the estimates in 10 - + I x=b 2L X=-CA. -0 5 s- I are: (3.4) 0.o3) (o.os) (o.2) find We could not get an estimate of w' z because we could not enough values in the literature. If we retain only leading terms and the diabatic heating term (Q'), the equations become: I (f - [u]) + f u' - v' p (3.5 a) (3.5 b) = p-- 0 =O Pm u' x + + v' y ' [ w' z = Q' - 0 (3.5 c) (3.6 a) 0' P = g7 (3.6 b) We have assumed in equations(3.5) and (3.6) that the drives for the perturbations are cyclic so that the boundary terms are zero. 35 3.2. Non-dimensionalization. In this section the equations of the model will be written in terms on non-dimensional parameters using proper scaa - Then the equations will be simplified taking into les. ccount the magnitudes of the coefficients of the non-dimensioob- nal terms and these results will be compared with those tained in Section 3.1. SIn Chapter II we discussed the different diabatic ting sources we will consider. hea- The total diabatic heating Q' is given by: Q' = + Q Q (3.7) where: L Q Pw Ap(y) 2 Pm Zu z - z [1 + cos T ( + )] sin [1- 1 (y)] Zu (3.7 a) z 4 2 z and I Q1R Pm z5 [B s T's - T'a (Bj + Bt ) ] z z 55 (3.7 b) The different constants and functions in equations (3.7 a) and (3.7 b) have already been defined in that Chapter. ~_^I~ -IX---LI1111_II_-I 36 Let us now write equation (2.18) again but taking into account that the boundary term is zero as we discussed in Section 2.4: [l e (L + + I L] e e] v'' + QR ) + [ 'e'], u =U u* x=L x* V =Vv* y-Ay* v' z = H z* w' = W1 =- ' E . 'e'I (3.8) Let us write: W = W w* f* f = f 1 u' = UI u = VI v1 S= , 1 P' = P P1 then assuming no time dependence equation (3.8) becomes: S+ A Lr +w , -X A [X ay EN [eAl A - 1.w 1 ae, + -e<, [e], H \, A 4 A+* H Nt e.i4 W e 4 H - X I(QL t~Q~,+ ( 4Cb (3.9) Taking into account what we said in Section 2.4 about the the hydrostatic and continuity equations boundary terms, (2.19) and (2.10) (2.17), become: L P,1 em H aZ" _, t -,I U* + 3x A ' A _ A *yy$ + A ( 3.o) 8 4.. -, __,_ x == (13.1i) az11 %= 0 l In these equations we will assume: V W A H (3.13) U 1 W V1 H P (3.14) pm9G g From Newell et al. magnitudes: U " 2 m/s (3.15) (1971) we write the following order of 38 L1 fV A N 500 longitude = 5 x 10 6 100 latitude = 106 m. m. -1 OK 500 ) (3.16) 12 x 103 m. = H tv12 Km. V1 N 2 m/s # 1.4 x 10 - W em t 32001K Pn 1010 3 4 mb/s = 0.32 cm/s 3 grm/cm grin/cm 3 Then from equation (3.13): WA = (3.17) 0.27 m/s After dividing equation (3.9) by E) W 1 / H W L, O V , 0 R3H Gk , A O c r @1 [i'"] H we obtain: 9 ij ±e+ L Q +! KI CP - vS, Oa 72t ~[W; Gy%I (3.18) 39 In equation (3.18) we have not considered the term containing [e]y because its magnitude is very small at these latitudes as it is possible to deduce from data in Talijard et al. (1969) or Schutz and Gates (1972) (see Figure 4.1). Now let us scale the diabatic heating source in equation Taking into account that zu, (3.9). z5 we can write equation (3.7) in the following form: L A (y) - z + cos Q"1 Q -[B sT' - T'a (B +B I (y)] + L u 2 m Zu +F x u) ] sin [11 -+ ( )] z 4 z5 (3.7) We will see in Chapter IV that the leading term in Q' is the latent heat contribution. The function A P (y) has already been defined in (2.29 a) by the following expression: A (y) = a + by where: a = 2.3 mm / day b = 0.14 mm / (day olatitude) -Let us write the last equation in another way: b a ( 1 + A ---- y*) A (y) p 4 (3.19) 40 b A - < 1 a where (3.19a) Substitution of equation (3.19) in (3.7) yields: Lv W a b Q'= - z - ( 1 +--A [ 1 + cos 1( Z x u)] sin CD--+(y)] L zu a Zu 2 Pv y*) 1 + [ Bs Pm z5 z ' - T'( Bj + B ! )] z5 (3.20) Notice that this expression takes its maximum value at z= z Approximately: LPW a Qmax = b x ( 1+-A y*) - a Pm u sin [n- L + j (y)] (3.20a) Equation (3.3) suggests that the only term in equation (3.8) capable of balancing the diabatic heating source term Q' is so taking into account equations (3.18), ( 3.20 ) [9*]z* wi, and (3.20 a) we choose the following scale: H W1 Lv ~w H 1 un a (3.21) Pm zu or using (3.16): WI 0.28 cm/s (3.22) ~LL1_LI~--Y~LI From (3.14): 1 L1 H U = (3.23) 1.17 m/s If we use (3.16), (3.22) and (3.23) in equations (3.10) and (3.11) we can find the order of magnitude of the different terms. They are: = G* (3.24) G4 (I) (j) u t.: U A 3F U, A 3 (3. 2 ) =4 (4) (1) Now let (2.15) and tion by fo Section 2.4 we obtain: us scale (2.16). V1 the horizontal momentum equations After dividing the scaled and taking u - equa - into account what we said about the cancellation in of the boundary term, 42 U, U ?aA V V,fo L, ax' f, A U U+ W foA VI -, io L,V, en au J0, ay" jO A &1 + - Vj oH H all ap: aX C U1 Ut V \ io H2 v LA r 11, ~A+ 'i.. h I- 3. 26) After dividing the scaled v - equation by fo UI and as in (3.26) neglecting the boundary term we obtain: vI4 U VI U1 o L, -1Y. vI U1 U1 -fA ay (3x%U arz xI u, 1=_ %= - fxuo oH 2) 82 , A fo U,~G U, o14 tI,. IT -"+iV 'U oH 1 -T,y + V* VI CI (3,27) 4 111111_~1 43 Let us now define the non-dimensional number w 1e Ai W G 3 x 10 2 then equation (3.18) becomes: U H L 4 A] e, + YXA H ,CX (%Q' 1~4 Qk) + I[ (%[w} B-e axc W L, aeO Ce I y vI V . 8II (3. 8) where we have made use of (3.13). Let us now expand Of and W* in the following series: 1 o =-+ + eg = e E 1 (1) + e* S(2) * + (3.29) W*= 1 since Wo Ee + 3x10 Ee w(1) -2 + W(2) + 44 In equation (3.28) we have the following coefficients: U v- 4.5 x 10 - H L ' 2 4.5 x 10-2 " (3.30) (3.30) ' W 3 x 10 - Ee 2 A EG the coefficient V 2 x 10-1 V A e/ but taking into account that the term V V e [v* 9*y depends on the correlation between v* and @* we will assume 1 1 that this term is of the order Ce at the most. Substituting (3.29) in (3.28) and taking into account (3.30) we obtain: ): 0o( [e*]z* I IW® 1 p (Q + Q1) (3.31) i~_l___l~ _1~L ~~~ ___~_X1~ O(EG ): UH [u*] + [*] + [w*] . + [v*] 0. (1) = W L1 V VI W W eTy (3.32) I Let us rewrite (3.31) in a more complete form using the foIlowing scales: T T'= Tis st, a a la Substitution of these scales in equation (3.20) Q'=- L a a+ j((1 + -Aba x sin [1 -+ L (B t + B "6 (y)] - BI ) yields: z-z y* ) [ 1i+ cos '( u ) ] z z B u s z5 L (J 85 T*a la ®s a [ (3.33) _Idl___J~L____IIYI_^ - -1111 L~-~-~(~-( . ..._yll~ 46 Combining (3.33), .f (3.31) and (3.21) we obtain: I+b Z a. 5 sI Lv % Ay') I + CoS IT + 1p, ) - %w %lx 6inii i fr'10'1 o G* O B5 s a IL- 1Z (3.34) (9 Now consider the horizontal momentum equations. Let us define the Rossby Number, E. U f A = h 7 -2 1C2 x then equation (3.26) can be written in the following way: U, A cv L, V, aLl, U-91 Ul V cv IiA91 uv A U v - -- ~V IA)1 j~6r HUV1 ____ fo LV, U' W l, V, foU2 ~)2 U, U Ux 1 T YJ+ X 9,, 'AJJ (3.35) (., III____L*l* rlf~_~_..^L L~I_-LI~*IIE~- 47 where: UI V1 - A Ev ' LI 1 1 Ev UVI N 5 x 10 W W .4.5 V AU A UH U W V 7 x 10 -Ev - 3 x 10- E 3 x 2 9 x 10- 3 A H gH Gm fo LI V1 1 /v 1.5 4.2 x 10 - 2 /N v U U 1 WI 1- "6 x 10 -3 r E The friction term will be estimated assuming: J~ 10 4 cm2 /s (3.36) ~II-~I ~L L9L-~ 48 In this way we obtain: -4 -f0 2 V/ 3 to 4 (3.36) jJC Let us now make the following expanssions in series: (u*,1' 1, p*) 1 = u ( 1 , v(1) (uo, vo , pO) + ev ( + L + (2) (2) (2) (u , , ... ) ( (3.*37) Substitution of (3.37) and (3.29) in (3.35) but taking into account (3.36) and that o( 6 Eo N 3 x 10-2 " v we obtain: ): gH fv L a PO 0 V 9m (3.38) xa o ( v)-: 3H tI" u~l Yey / o L, V 1 + U r "Ilr, * Gm DX'' (.3C3) 49 Now consider the v - momentum equation (3.27). If we take into account the definition: U A' f then equation (3.27) becomes: v, A a ] v, A V VV atz U, U a " W (, -{o ay+ U, U ax U, L, , v v T"1 k"z. L U IS' U L , + A U, em 3y A v, U, U j Ui J0o 2 i, " Z1,2 ] V, V, ki .2i,' . u, u (3.40) The following magnitudes can be calculated for the coeffi - cients in (3.40): v, - A_ U1 ev LI 1 UI 2.8 x 10-2 1 U 1.9 x 10 -2 v + ~I___ LI __1I/____11_I___(_II___YLIYII 50 A L 1 V U Ev N t.9 x C Nv 10- 3 gH O, o 1 m v VI U1 fo V 14 x 10 U V U A LI (3.41) H IV U1 3 6 x 10 2 1 4 /V -2 /2 t d 1.4 x 10-2 N Cy Substitution of (3.37) and (3.29) in (3.40) but taking into account (3.41) we obtain 0 ( f 0 U, ) : u -- g fo A UI 9m o0i 0 ( ): 0 y* (3.42 ) ___lliYL___Y^____1__LL___II_-YI. ly_. i .I..__il V, A ax U, L, C' SH G, + v V 2ay* I~i -3 U, U V UU 1x i , + AV L4 U -T*W-' x]z ir (3.413) Now consider the hydrostatic equation (3.24). Substitu- tion of (3.29) and (3.37) in it yield: O( ) 0 ( v (3.44) Sz* ):C apl,~ G(1) Finally consider the continuity equation (3.25). '(3.45) Again, substituting (3.29) and (3.37) in it, we obtain: 0 o( E, V Lau3y" -, ax' + - - U A 3{" + - az' (3.46) ~ICLIL~ -~LI"Y ~er~lc~ruur~---r~~ r~-lur* --- I.rirr~ ri.~--------.~g~sl ~li Y-rr~h--L^r 52 33. Summary In this Chapter we have obtained two simplified sets of equations using two different approachs. In Section 3.1 the order of magnitude of the terms in the equations was estimated from data published by Newell et al. (1971). In Section 3.2 the equations were written in terms of non-dimensional parameters and after some formal expansions in series were made, we obtained a new sumplified system of equations. The se- ries expansions (3.29) and (3.37) are power series of the following non-dimensional numbers. The Rossby Number: U f A and e =E W1 B As long as the Rossby Number is small we have geostrophic balance in the momentum equations (see (3.38) and (3.42)). e The number can also be written in the following form: e c = (WI /W) indicating that it compares the relative temperature perturba- I^L-.lllI~L__l~rm~-LI I L.^.rP----~-a*~----L- ---lirrr 53 As tion with the relative vertical velocity perturbation. long as that number is small, the vertical advection and the diabatic heating are in balance (see (3.31)). Both sets of equations are very similar. fference is in the u - momentum equation. di- The only In Section 3.1 we obtained the following equation: 1 (f - [u]y) vi - (3.5 a) P'x and in Section 3.2, the geostrophic approximation was obtained for the v' - field (equation 3.38 ). detail these approximations later. We will discuss in more Meanwhile we will assume that equation (3.5 a) is the correct one, a fact that is su- pported by the discussion in Section 4.2. Notice that in the derivation of Section 3.1, the error was of the order of approximately 10% and in Section 3.2 error was of order Ev or Eg (- 14%). the -I IIC -1I IM __i ^l--r~-- l..-*-- -c---- 1~YCI*IC , ,-i- 54 IV. DISCUSSION OF THE DYNAMICS. LIITTATIONS. Introduction. 4.1. In Chapter III we have deduced the set of equations which is the system we will try to solve in this Chapter. For convenience let us write again that system. wa L = - w [] 2 m Zu Cp b (1 +--y) a - (Bi + Bt ) f u' = = - ) v' - [u] Py = u' + X y p I x ?m5 m 5 z /--z p (4.1) .(4.2) (4.4) ' m v' T' a ] [Be T' 8 (4.3) - SPm p' u ) 1 x sin (fI--+ 2'(y)) + L ( z-z [1 + cos TI ( + w' Z = (4.5) where the constants have already been defined in Chapter II. Now let us try to solve for the unknows of this system of e- 55 They are T', w', a v', p' and 9. Actually G' and T' a are related so we have five equations and five unknowns. quations. The function [9]z can be obtained from the data published by Talijard et al. (1969) or Schutz and Gates (1972). That function is shown in Figure 4.1 where we can see that it is approximately independent of latitude and directly proportional to height. [] , From that Figure we can obtain: 5 0 K/Km. (4.6) In order to solve the system of equations (4.1) we can first obtain the (4.3). vorticity equation from (4.2) and Using (4.5) we obtain: - ( to (4.5) [u]y) yy v' - [u] y V'y = f wz ' (4.7) Now, from equations (4.2), (4.7) and (4.1) we can.obtain an equation where the unknowns are p' in the left hand side and T' in the right hand side. In principle this last equation a can be combined with equation (4.4) to obtain T'. Then we a can solve for the other unknowns. Equation (4.7) is an approximation of the complete vorticity equation obtained from (2.15) and (2.16). tion is: This equa- 6 4 z Km. 6 ,/// 5 5° ---- 50s S10° 290 FIGURE 4.1 300 S I 1 2 310 320 330 Zonal Average Potential Temperature Field I 340 [9e] [9] OK /L [ ,A]\/) WZ - ELVIwz + L"3z w-,'t [Y-y ] Iz + (4,8) where: and V' where we have neglected the boundary terms as we discussed in Section 2.4 and considered steady state conditions. Due to the way the approximate vorticity equation (4.7) was obtained, that approximation may not be a good ornefor the following reason. When we deduced equation (4.7) by cross di- fferentiation of equations (4.2) and (4.3) we eliminated pressure. the Now, the pressure gradient components are leading terms balancing the Coriolis components in the approximations (4.2) and (4.3). When the pressure is eliminated by cross di- fferentiation, the derivatives of the Coriolis force compo nents are no longer balanced by the corresponding derivatives of the pressure. Thus, the derivatives of the other terms we neglected in the approximations (4.2) and (4.3) may become important in balancing the corresponding derivatives of the Coriolis terms. Then a estimation of the different terms in the complete vorticity equation (4.8) is in order at this point. 58 4.2. Vorticity Equation Order of Maenitude Estimates at 500 mb. As before,the magnitude of the different terms in the vorticity equation (4.8) is very difficult to estimate due to the lack of enough data in the studied area. published by Newell et al. (1971) However,the fields and (1973) suggest that we take the following values: [v] O0 (4.8 a) (w] , 0 Then, the vorticity equation (4.8) becomes: H + - ruj,) u ( + w4 Yc&1) )+ , 5/zz - l' - y + 'lz- Wu 1',V + (4.9) In order to estimate the magnitude of the different terms in the vorticity equation we have to know first the zonal average field [u]. From visual interpolation of Newell's analy- sis of the zonal velocity field we obtain Figures 4.2 and 4.3. In Figure 4.2, we have the zonal velocity average [u] as function of height at three different latitudes. 4.3 the [u] a In Figure field obtained using finite differences is shown. The following approximation can be obtained for the [u] field near 500 mb ( N 5.8 Km.): * e / ----- 50s 0 15°S .. Ir 4 2 0 -2 015 0 -4 -8 -6 [u] m/s FIGURE 4.2. Zonal Average of the Zonal Velocity Component ( [u] ) )4 ~ , dd 4) Height z Km / 'I / II / /(/ 12.5°S /, // / 7.5 °s / 0/ / ** ~/ Approximations at 500mb (N 5.8 Km) [u] -4 FIGURE 4.3 -8 -12 -16 (10-6 s - ) -20 Meridional Derivative of the zonal average of the Zonal Wind. o 61 2 [u] = mu + ( e y2 + du Y + nu) u u y + ru (4.10) where: mu = 6 x 10-1 m/ (s Km 2 ) . n n sKn nu = - 5.9 m/ (s Km) ru = 9.86 m/s Cu = 7.2 x 10 - 8 s i Km- 1 lat- (4.11) d u = - 1.22 x 10 - 6 - lat1 e = 0.86 x 106 81 f -6 s -1 = -3.04 x 10 u Km- The vertical velocity perturbation field w' is going to be estimated from equation (4.1). That equation can be wri- tten in the following way: IX w' = F1 (y, z) sin (f + H I T' a X + 1 (y)) + G1 cos (1,-+ k y) + (4,12) 62 where: LV I a b (1 +--y) [1 + cos FI(y,z) 2 m u Cp (z - Zu) Zu [1] (4.13) Bs AT SoP z5 [] (B)I + (4.14) BI ) (4.15) Pm p '5 [9] z The following w' - derivatives are needed in equation (4.9): F1z(y w' = , x (fT--+ z) sin (4.16) L x W y = F1 (y, z) + I (y)) sin( + G (y,Z) cos (L- + (y))- L x - k G1 sin (IT-+ L where: G3 (y, z) = - k y) + HI T'a ay (4.17) (y) F 1 (y,z) Now, let us estimate the magnitude of the terms in the vorticity equation (4.9) at 500 mb. (4.14), (4.15), Using equations (4.13) (4.16) and (4.17) we can find the following 63 values we will need. = d y day z5 = 5.8 Km ( z5 ) = 10- 2 d I [u] = - 0.87 d- 1 (4.18) G1 = 21.84 m d 1 4 1.05 x 10 - m 1 d 1 - I - 6 1,1 x 10 G3 (0, z 5 ) =(100S) 10oS I [u]z = 97.7 d - 1 f = [u] = - 3.46 x 105 m d 1 -4 Ply (O, z 5 ) = - 1.24 x 10 d =- 0 - 6 m- 1 d-1 P = 2.07 x 10 500 mb) I 1 (0, z 5 ) = -204 m d Fiz (0, = m -1 d H 1 = - 26.15 m 0C1 d- I d2.04 x 10 - 4 -4-1 = - 2.16 d - From data in Talijard et al. (1969) we can find the T' a (500 mb temperature) field. T' a , The following values are typical: 1.50C (4.19) T' ay I x 10 - 6 oC/m From (4.18) and (4.19) we have: H I 39 m d-1 j - T' a (4.19 a) H 1 - 2.6 x 10 n T' ay 5 d From (4.18) and (4.19 a) we can also write: -v 0.19 F H 1 T' a H1 T' I H ay 1 T'ay H T' a I N 1 (0, z 5 ) 5 0.13 G3 (0, 3 0.21 F y (0, z5) 5 z z5 ) G Thus, at 500 mb level, equations (4.12) and (4.17) can be a- pproximated as follows: x w' n F1 (y, z) sin (IT--L X sin ( V-- (4.20) x w~ ~ Fy(y,z) sin (IT~ -+ L - k G1 + 6(y)) + G3 (y,z) cos (0L0+(y))L + k y) (4.21) L We can now estimate the magnitude of the terms in the 65 Using Newell's maps for the zonal verticity equation (4.9). and meridional fields and the values in (4.18) we obtain: [u] v' 5u I [u] u, /v xy Sv'r f [u] 9 x 10 2 2.2 x 10' ' S d -2 d- 2 2 - 2 x 10 w' u'yzz 1.4 x 10 -3 d -2 + 8.37 x 10 +837 xd1-4 -2 [u]yy yy v' 2 [u]y w,' d- w/ lu 2 1.5 x 10 P'v xzz + - 2.1 x 4.8 x 10 - 2 d- 2 9 x 10- 3 2x 10 - 2 - -2 (4.22) 10-3 d-2 d We could not estimate the last two terms in equation (4.9) for lack of data. However, zonal averages around the earth are available from Oort and Rasmusson (1971). data we have: 0 [u' v' y [u' v' zy AJ 7.5 x 0- 3 d- 2 - 7.5 x 10 From that All these values suggest that we approximate the vortici- ty equation (4.9) as follws: w' ( P-Jyy[u]y) v'= (f - [u]y) w',z + [u] zyWy' + [U]zy z (4.23) 4.3. Dynamics at 500 mb. We will try to find T' using the simplified a vorticity equation (4.23). Combining (4.2), (4.23), (4.16), (4.20) and (4.21) we obtain: Pm G(,rz) L L + N(, iz) sn(jr+ ?Y) .(4.24) where: G (y, z) = f (y) K (y, z) = G (y, M (y, z) = [u] z G 3 (y, z) N (y, = -k G1 [u] z z) -[u]y z) Fiz (y, z) + [u]z Fly (y, z) + [u]zy F1 (4.25) 67 From (4.24) we can obtain: (G, f\ , Q) PG r rO L =-_t_-.Y(,t, n L : n ) si ( + r , -C )) -x + - N(,T) Cos (46)L + - (1)) (4.26) Combination of (4.26) and (4.4) yields: Om L 3 it 4 M jjz G(, .) 3z G (2) Si, - t (, ) Cos Q xL + - (Y) - N ( Q1+ "( )) 2) Co 0:r: 91 L i , (,) CoS M (9, TZ) SI n (if AI SL ( xL + )(s)) Tr + i (%) (,'-) Cos + (IT4 ty)} (4.27) 68 where: + [ Kz z) = - K1 (y, G y G y + NZ G z) = + - -[N z G y y G G N1 GG y y (y ' GY G --- [ = YZ 2 -K K G NI (y, z) GG G G GG N_-z- z NG y (4.28) ] 2 G ] 2 where for simplicity, G, K, M and N represent the functions G (y, z), K (y, z), M (y, z) and N (y, z) respectively which were defined in equations (4.25). We can evaluate equation (4.27) at the average height of the 500 mb level ( 5.8 Km) and obtain the 500 mb poten- tial temperature perturbation field. Consistent with the Boussinesq approximation we take: t'v Tt 69 In order to test our assumptions (4.19) we will calculate the y - derivative of the temperature. From (4.27) we can write: 01= K IM(y,) cos ( + (y)) + x x + M1K(Y,z) sin (iT -+'(y)) + N1 y (y,) - k a (y,') -L sin cos(--L + k y)- IgL L + k y) (4.29) where: KIM (y, z) = K1y (y,z) + W (y) MI (y,z) (4.30) MiK (y, z) = M 1 y (y, z) - '(y) K1 (y, z) Using all the information we have discussed in this Chapter we can now calculate the 500 mb temperature and its y- derivative at y = O (10OS). The results are: x x T' a = - 0.55 cos ( i - + c) + 0.20 sin ( 1 -+ L L c) - x - 0.03 cos i- oK (4.31) ~~____II _ _I _I~s _~IIIXI__ L____1IJYllle 70 T' = 6.66 x 10 7 X cos ( ' -+ ay c ) + 5.3 x 10- X 7 sin (1 -- X 10- 8 + 2.52 x cos (r -) L + c) L L x + 5.04 x 10- 8 sin (ft -) L K/m. (4.32) These results are in agreement with our earlier assumptions (4.19). We will also test the hypothesis that (4.23) is a good approximation to the vorticity equation (4.9) as the data in Newell (1971) had suggested. In order to do that, let us calculate the first term in the left hand side of (4.9) which had been estimated as relatively small. Eu] u = [u] We have: (v~ xx - (4.3 xy) (4.33) Now, from (4.23), (4.25), (4.20), (4.21) and (4.16): S=xx L2 Gy(Z) K(y,z) sin (11- + 6 (y)) L L x + M(y,z) cos (V -+ L + x (y)) + N(y,z)sin (L- +k y) L (4.34) The second term in the right hand side of (4.33) will be From the continuity equation we can calculated as follows. write: - = U' x - V' w' Y or: = UI' xy - (v' yy + w' (4.35) ) zy The vertical velocity perturbation term in (4.35) can be We have: derived from (4.16). -W= F (y,z) sin (I - + (y)) L 6' (y) x F cos (I-- z L (4.36) The first term in the right hand side in (4.35) can be ob - tained from (4.23), (4.25), (4.20), (4.21) and (4.16). have: KMK(y,z) V G (z) x sin (-+'(y)) + L X + x KM(y,z) cos (i--+ S(y)) L + N2 (y,z) sin (i--+ L k y)+ x + S(y,z) cos ( -+ L k y) (4.37) where: K z) - 2 Vi(y) M (y, (y, z) = Kyy (y, MKM (y,z) z(y,)+ 2 (y, N2 (y, z) = N (y, S (y, z) = 2 k N '(y) z) - [6 (y)]2 K(y,z) Ky (y,z) - [6'(y)]2 M (y,z) z) - k 2 N (y, z) (y, (4.38) z) Having found analytical expressions for v' zy in yy and w' (4.37) and (4.36) respectively, the term u'xy in (4.33) can now be calculated using (4.35). Due to the fact that the y - derivatives of the [u] field are known only near 10 S (see Figures 4.2 and 4.3), we can only make calculations near that latitude. With the information we have so far we can obtain the following results at y = 0 (100S) and z = z 5 (5.8 Km.): x X [u] v' xx = - 4.18 x 10 - 4 sin (Ti - 3.71 x 10- 4 sin i1 - -+ L c) - 2.3 x 10 day 2 3 cos (Tf- + c) L (4.39) 73 x x = -7.2 sin (1c- + c) + 26.2 cos (1-- + c) [u] u' xy L L X x + 1.8 sin 1- + 3.7 cos f-L L (10 day - 2 )(4.40) The last result is not in agreement with what we have estimated in (4.22). Two possible reasons may explain this lack of agreement. The first is that we should have included the last two terms in the right hand side of equation (4.9) in the approximate vorticity equation (4.23). However, as we said before, even their order of magnitude is difficult to estimate due to the fact that almost all the studied area is oceanic and the data considered in Newell et al. (1971) comes from land stations only. This last fact suggests the second reason, namely, that the fields published by Newell et al. are not reliarle in the studied area. At this point we emphasize that Newell's data was the basis for the estimation of the magnitude of some derivatives of the perturbation quantities in (4.8) as well as the average fields (4.8 a and 4.10). This second reason is supported by Zipser (1974). A- mong the several shortcomings he found in Newell's book there is one that concern us. He pointed out the fact that errors or biases in key Southern Hemisphere stations are permitted to destroy the analysis over large areas. For example, the wind maximum over Australia in June - August should extend far into I~-L~~---~--l~ ~__. .~__-l.~i-~- -1__^1 --PIX~II~ 74 the Pacific. Due to the inconsistencies found by Zipser, he concluded that the analysis in Chapter 3 of Newell's book should be viewed with skepticism and should be used with the greatest selectivity. Then the present calculations, suggest that instead of 4.23, a good approximation to the vorticity equation (4.9) may be the following: [u] ( v - u' xx ) + G () v' xy. y x + M(y,z) cos (IT-+t(y)) L = K(y, z) X sin (l--+W(y))+ L x + N(y, z) sin (--+ k y) ( 4.41) L Equation (4.41) suggests the following: 2 v' xx -- L2 v (4.42) From (4.35) and (4.36) we can also write: U' = xy yy - ' (y - F 1zy ,z) sin (t x - + L (y) F 1 z(y,z) cos (IT L 6 (y)) - + 7 (y)) Substitution of (4.42) and (4.43) in (4.41) yields: (4.43) 75 + [u] v' yy + M2(y,z) 2 [u] G(z)- cos (- + )) J v' = K2 (y,z) sin (-+ 2 L + N(y,z) sin L I(y)) + (4.44) (W--+ k y) L where: K2 (y, z)= K (y, z) - [u] F 1 zy (4.45) M2 (y, z) =M (y, z) -[u] 61 (y) F1 (y, z) In principle, equation (4.44) may be solved for v', then equation (4.3)would give the pressure field. field we may find Having the pressure the zonal velocity and the .temperature fields from (4.2) and (4.4) respectively. The main difficulty in trying to solve equation (4.44) is the estimation of the zonal average field ([u]). As we have discussed earlier in this Section, the serious shortcommings of Newell's data which is the only source for winds we have been able to find, do not permit reliable estimates of the zonal average fields to be obtained. The same troubles found in the discussion of the dynamics at 500 mb occur at lower heights. As a result of the discussion in this Section the field that has been obtained in a satisfactory form is only the 76 vertical velocity perturbation field w' which, assuming (4.19) is satisfied by the unknown T' a field, is given by equation (4.20). For convenience let us write again this re- sult: x ' = F (y, z) sin (11 - L + 5 (y)) (4.20) The results obtained for this parameter are discussed in the next Section. 4.4. Vertical Velocity Perturbation Field. This field as estimated from equation (4.20) is shown in Table 4.1. Although some inconsistencies have been found maps in Newell et al. (1971) and (1973), in the we think that main large scale features are present in those fields. the Local errors may invalidate the use of those fields in detailed quantitative calculations as in Section 4.3 but some qualitative conclusions may still be obtained from them. In Newell et al. (1973) we can find the vertical velocity field estimated using two different approaches. In the first, they used the thermodynamic equation with the same balance as we considered in our equations (3.6 a) or (3.31), namely, the vertical motion advection term and the diabatic TABLE -- L- 4.1 4.1 r Field at 500 mb ( SN 5.8 km) Vertical ------ ----. ~ ~ Velocity Perturbation _..J_ I J I I __. Deduced from Equation 140 0 E 150 160 170 180 (4.20) (10 - 4 mb/s) 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 0 W 0.2 1.3 1.9 2.0 1.4 0.3 0.3 1.2 1.6 1.0 1.0 0.3 0.9 1.2 1.1 50 s 0.3 -0.8 -1.7 -2.1 -1.8 -0.9 10 S 1.0 0.1 -0.8 -0.9 -1.7 -1.4 -0.6 150s 1.1 0.7 0.0 -0. 6 -1.1 -1.2 -0.9 -0.4 78 heating are in balance. The diabatic heating rate involves contributions from latent heat and radiative processes we did in Chapter II. as They also used the climatological pre- cipitation rates in order to estimate the total latent heat release in an atmospheric column and the same vertical tribution as we did in Chapter II. diative heating rates, due to With respect lack of to the ra- enough data in Southern Hemisphere they used Northern Hemisphere dis- the data for the appropiate season and we used Held and Suarez's (1974) parameterizations of the long wave fluxes at the sea level and at the top of the atmosphere as well as the result ob- tained by Stone et al. (1976) that the radiative flux divergence is approximately constant from the sea surface up to the 500 mb level in July near 100S (see Section 2.3). Thus the only difference between Newell's procedure and ours is in the way of estimate the radiative heating contribution. However, as we will see later in this Section, our estimates indicate that the diabatic heating perturbation correspon ding to the latent heat release (Qj) is larger than the corresponding to the radiative heating (Q ). Newell et al. (1973) only give magnitudes of the zonal averages of the latent heat release and radiative heating contributions but no zonal distributions tes. with which we could compare our estima- What we can do is compare our vertical velocity field with Newell's, which is shown in our Figure 4.4. This com- 4 / S.', / !/ ////S ////!/ JC I". lj..~i1I Tw'. FIGURE 4.4 / / YN o M , - J4 ", i 2 .85 .. . i .z:. .. ...... I.. / " ' 'V *VU - II if .L. 'V 4 r 1T . d., .'". / K' Vertical Velocity Field at 500 mb obtained from the Thermodynamic Equation by Newell et al. (1973). 80 parison will indicate the reliability of our estimates of the diabatic heating contributions, particularly the radiative one, since the latent heat release has been estimated using the same data as Newell et al. Figure 4.5 shows the vertical velocity field as obtained by Newell et al. (1973) using the thermodynamic equation (see Figure 4.4) at 100 S and 500 mb level. From that Figure the zonal average can be estimated. We obtain: [w] = - 0.65 x 10 - 4 mb/s Having estimated the zonal average we can obtain the vertical velocity perturbation field. The results are shown in the following Table 4.2 TABLE 4.2 Vertical Velocity Perturbation Field at 500 mb in 10- 4 mb Deduced from Newell et al (1973) (see Figures 4.4 and 4.5) 10oS 140E 155E 176E 176W 124W 110W 1.65 0.65 -1.35 -1.35 0.65 1.65 w 10 - 4 mb/s 2 1 0 180 160 0 120 100 0W Zonal Average -1 -2 FIGURE 4.5 : Vertical Velocity at 100 ( C in 10- 4 mb / s )deduced from Fig. 4.4 c 82 Now we are in position of compare our estimate of the vertical velocity perturbation field (Table 4.1) (Table 4.2) at 100 S. similar. This fact with Newell's We can see that both fields are very indicates the reliability of our esti- mate of the radiative heating contribution, namely, this contribution is smaller than the corresponding to the latent heat release. In the second approach, Newell et al. used the continuity equation to find the vertical velocity field. sult is shown in our Figure 4.6. Their re- Both Newell's calculations (Figure 4.4 and 4.6) have similar features but there are also significant differences in amplitude and in variations of the patterns with longitude particularly in the studied area. As we said before in this Section, we will compare our the estimates of the latent heat release perturbation with radiative heating perturbation field and see what diabatic heating contribution is the main driving force of the circulation we are studying. From (2.28), (2.25), (2.29) and (4.13): x Qj = Cp []z F1 (y, z) (IT - sin Besides, from (2.38), (2.39), + (y) (4.46) (4.14) and (4.15): x Q = c [9]z R P z- G cos 1L (1 - + k y) + H T1 Ia (4.47) .--,--},- -- - ' _ _ _ , 444 ,., .-- ,-,; .v"- -.- ..., ... '4' _ " 7 5 , --.- )o 4- f_ It ____ I- ,' 7'-~ mbsec-1 5CX0mb -AUGUST JJN FIGURE 4.6 ,. ft". /,,J XY 777r,,r 4 fy 1: /, ii JY .- --- " 5 ." * ,17 4 XXIII,. rf- LA44/i to 5 ' 1, " " 5 - Vertical Velocity Field at 500 mb obtained from the-Continuity Equation by Newell et al. (1973). . D ^.l-_L_ ~l.~.l_ .11..1_---^ .I 84 Now, the z-dependence of the function F 1 (y, z) in (4.46) is given by the function g( z ) in (2.25) and Figure 2.1. Then we can see that F 1 (y, z) has its maximum value at a height z = z u = 5.5 Km. F 1 (0, At this height we have: zu ) = - 205.5 m d - I (4.48) From (4.14), G is constant and its value is: G1 = 21.8 m d- 1 (4.49) With respect to the term H I Ta in equation (4.47), we have found in (4.19 a) the following typical value : H 1 T' a 39 m - (4.19a) 1 This value is based on a typical value of T' v 1.5 0 C found in the literature (Talijard et al. (1969)). Now, both con- tributions in the right hand side of equation (4.47) are out of phase so that considering their amplitudes (4.49) and (4.19 a), Q1 . it seems that Q1 is much smaller than According to what we have just seen , we can write: where where given in I means amplitude. means amplitude. 85 V. QUALITATIVE CONSIDERATIONS. We shall not go further into quantitative calculations due to the limitations we have discussed in last Chapter. However, a qualitative physical picture of the atmospheric circulation at these latitudes can be obtained assuming that the true climatic fields are similar to those published by Newell (see Section 4.4). As we will see later, fields with several main features similar to those in Newell's book at low heights, can be obtained by the following approximate balance in the vorticity equation (4.9): v' = f wz (5.1) indicating that the horizontal convergence is due only the & effect. to Notice that this balance is independent of the zonal average fields whose reliable estimation has not been obtained. From (5.1) and (4.16) we can obtain: f v' =--F x 1 z (y, z) sin ( -- + f (y)) (5.2) L Assuming that [U] << f in (4.2) we can obtain f2 ' = -Pm x F1F M I 1 ( y, z) L cos ( 1- + I (y) L (5.3) 86 @ f2 L ' =- P1z z (y,z) cos (I- + u' = (5.4) L 1T' L (y)) x Fiz (y,z) + f F1y (y,z)] cos (t--+ [2 L - F 1z (y,z) (y) sin (11 -+ L . (5.5) (y)) For convenience let us write again the functions and constants involved in the estimation of the different parameters in this Section: Lv Pw a b Fiz (y,z) = 2 z 2 c [Q1 u pz3 a = 2.3 mm / day b = 0.14 mm/(day olatitude) = 2.4 x 10-11 m 1 8s- 1 p = 0.24 cal / (gr OK) NW= = 5 OK / Km 3 1 gr / cm a L Zu = 5.5 Km []Iz (1 +- - u y) sin IIT( z ) u V = 590 cal / gr m = 320 OK (y) =c+ d y c = - 0.52 rad d = 0.1 rad / olat. L = 550 longitude ~IL~ _I__1I~LI 1_~~ ~_ -^IC~I~.CI-*III~LIII 87 y = 10 - 3 gr / cm 3 In the following Section we will compare the fields calculated in base of (5.1) with "actual" values in the literature. 5.1. Potential Temperature Perturbation Field. Tables 5.1 and 5.2 show the Potential Temperature Perturbation Fields estimated using (5.4) and the actual field deduced from data in Talijard (1969) respectively. Both fields have similar features. Negative values near the western boundary and positive in the center. from all the limitations of the approximation (5.1) Aside we are using, let us remember that near the boundaries we have large errors in using equation (2.29) for the perturbation of the precipitation field as we can see in Figure 2.2. This fact may explain the large differences between the values in Tables 5.1 and 5.2 near the boundaries. 5.2. Zonal Velocity Perturbation Field. Tables 5.3 and 5.4 show the u' field estimated using equation (5.5) and the "actual" field deduced from visual interpolation of Newell's data which is shown in Figure 5.1 & 4 TABLE 5.1 Potential Temperature Perturbation Field at z = 1.5 Km (850 __ mbh) frnm - -- - -- --- - - eania+inn (q i -.A)- (Ot7 140E 150 160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110W 5S -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.1 -0.1 10S -0.3 -0.4 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 -0.2 -0.3 15S -0.3 -0.5 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0.1 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.0 -0.3 TA B LE .5.2 Potential Temperature Perturbation Field at 850 mb from TaliJard et al. (1969) ( ) ~OK) (OK- 140E 150 160 170 180 170. 160 150 140 130 120 110W 5S -1.5 -1.3 -0.1 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.3 10S -2.2 -2.2 -0.6 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 15S -2.0 -2.4 -1.4 0.0 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.5 I 89 Comparing the fields we can see several differences and some similarities, although some displacement exists between the similar features. For instance Table 5.3 shows a maxi- mum in eastward velocity located near 160 0 W and Table 5.4 shows the maximum at 1800W. 5.3 Meridional Velocity Perturbation. Table 5.5 shows this field as estimated from equation (5.2). We will not attempt to test this field lack of data. due to the Newell's maps do not permit us estimate va- lues for this field. 5.4. Summary In this Chapter, we assumed that the fields in Newell et al. (1971) and (1973), although having some inconsisten- cies, are qualitatively correct. Then, a very crude approxi- mation to the verticity equation (4.9) have been tested. That approximation is equation (5.1) which has produced fields in the lower atmosphere that have several features similar to those in Newell's, but also notable discrepancies. _ _i !'_ "I '.. *I _ _ _- / i- .. - O -" .-:WT 1,,, ff, "T _ -. r - - +'"\, . n , - - -',p - -H 4 - U) -7 5-r - -AUGUST )y 1- . ,1' ,: ---- I 0 12. iloo . - .- -- ,-s- -LI -e Nwl .. . .I 0 .. . ' I." L 4 t'. : Zn FIGURE 5.1 Zonal Velocity Field at 850 mb (after Newell et al. (1971)). c Fl at 80 ( - I I, ~ 1 ~"..r , ; .s+| A,-o);I " F1 V 77, ..... . 40 7I -7..5/>4 /JUNE -., et I 7' A4 ., ..,,, -A- 'TABLE AB 5.3. .3 Zonal Velocity Perturbation Field Estimated from equation (5.5) at 1.5 Km (850 mb) ( m/s) 140E 150 160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110W 5S 1.8 2.0 1.6 0.7 -0.5 -1.5 -2.0 -1.9 -1.2 -0.1 1.0 1.8 I0S 0.6 1.3 1.6 1.4 0.7 -0.2 -1.0 -1.5 -1.5 -1.1 -0.3 0.6 15S -0.5 0.2 0.8 1.1 1.1- 0.7 0.1 -0.5 -1.0 -1.2 -1.0 -0.5 TABLE 5.4 Zonal Velocity Perturbation Field deduced from Newell et al. (1971) at 850 mb mb (m/s) (1971) at 850 140E 150 160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110W 5S 2.1 2.1 -0.4 -1.6 -2.9 -2.1 -1.2 -0.4 0.2 0.8 1.4 2.1 103 -1.0 -1.5 -2.0 -1.7 -0.4 -1.1 -0.7 -0.1 0.4 1.0 1.5 2.0 15S -3.6 -2.6 -1.8 -0.9 -0.1 0.2 0.4 0.7 1.0 1.3 1.6 1.8 __ TABLE L ?_A 5.5 . Meridional Velocity Perturbation Field as Estimated from Equation (5.2) (m/s) 140E 150 160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110W 5S 0.0 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.3 -0.1 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 10os 0.3 -0.0 -0.3 -0.5 -0.5 -0.4 -0.1 0.2 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.3 15S 0.5 0.2 -0.1 -0.3 -0.5 -0.5 -0.4 -0.1 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 VI. OBSERVATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS. 6.1. Relationship Between Evaporation and Precipitation. In this Section we will see that the pattern of the sur- face evaporation field is different from the precipitation pattern, suggesting that at low levels advection plays an transporting moisture from one place to important role in another. From Schutz and Gates (1972) we can obtain the surface evaporation perturbation field. Table 6.1. The results are shown in The precipitation perturbation field can also be obtained from Schutz and Gates. The results are shown in Table 6.2. The evaporation field (Table 6.1) shows that in the eastern part the evaporation is larger than in the western. Be- sides, our results (Table 4.1) as well as Newell's (Figure 4.5)-indicate that the vertical motion is downwards in the eastern part so that the large evaporation there may flow westward to the west Pacific where it can take part in largescale ascent. This hypothesis is supported by the precipita- tion field (Table 6.2) which shows larger values in the west Pacific. The condensation which drives the vertical circula- tions can not be due to local excess evaporation accompanying higher sea surface temperatures, because a deficit accompanies the higher SST. TABLE TABLE 6,;1 6.1 Actual Surface Evaporation Perturbation Field from Schutz and Gates-~-~(1972) -, ( mm / day ) 140E 150 160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110W 68 -1.6 -1.7 -0.0 0.2 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.9 0.9 1.0 1.5 1.1 10S -0.2 -0.5 -0.3 -0.2 -0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.3 14S -0.1 -0.2 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.3 6.2 TABLE Precipitation Perturbation Field from Schutz and Gates foa ----------Prec -i- n F (1972) ( mm / -- dIv J 140E 150 160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110W 6S 5.8 1.3 2.4 1.5 1.5 0.6 -0.8 -1.7 -1.9 -2.1 -2.6 -2.8 10S -2.7 1.2 2.5 2.5 '2.3 1.8 0.6 -1.0 -1.5 -1.8 -2.4 -2.7 14S -2.6 -0.6 1.1 1.7 1.7 1.5 1.0 0.2 -0.6 -1.0 -1.6 -2.1 95 As we will see later in this Section, the lower evaporation in the region of higher precipitation, is due to a re duction in the net heating of the atmosphere by the surface. This reduction is caused by the increased cloudiness accompanying the precipitation which substantially reduces the solar heating at the surface. This is shown in Table 6.3 which gives the surface solar radiation perturbation field deduced from Schutz and Gates (1972). That effect dominates the ten- dency towards increased heating due to the local enhancement of the sea surface temperature. In order to lend credence to the hypothesis we stated in the last paragraph, let us estimate the heat balance surface. at the The main components in the heat budget are: S : flux of solar energy reaching the sea surface Fb : heat lost by the sea as long wave radiation to the atmosphere and space Fho : flux of sensible heat into the atmosphere LE o : heat lost by evaporation. Eventually the evaporated water will condense in the atmosphere at a certain level over the sea and the latent heat of transformation will heat the atmosphere F : flux of long wave radiation from the atmosphere into the sea. where L is the latent heat of vaporization and E o the moistu- 4 40 TABLE 6.3 Surface Solar Radiation Perturbation Field (S') (From Schutz and Gates (1971) ( lv / day ) 140E 150 160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 0 W 60s -16.7 -37.7 -35.7 -28.7 -28.7 -24.7 -8.7 48.3 57.3 49.3 22.3 -0.7 10S 25.6 -11.4 -27.4 -31.4 -34.4 -27.4 -14.4 18.6 38.6 48.6 22.6 -1.4 14 0 S 55.9 10.9 -11.1 -25.1 -28.1 -27.1 -19.1 -10.1 17.9 33.9 22.9 -8.1 97 re flux at the sea surface level Assuming a steady state condiS Fa abF b Fho LEo tion, e.g. the temperature of the body of the water is not | I S + F • • • i -ILE a - PFb - Fho ho ii changing, we have: =0 or: Fho + LE (6.1) = S + F a - Fb Following Held and Suarez (1974) we write: Fb = A s + Bs Ts F a =A +BIT (6.2) a where T s and Ta are the sea-surface and 500 mb air temperatures respectively and A s , Bs, Al and B4 are constants: B s = 9.5 1 y /(day o0) (6.3) Bi = 11.2 1 y /(day oC) The solar radiation (S) received at the sea surface will be taken from Schutz and Gates (1972). 98 From equations (6.1) and (6.2) we can write: = ho + LE - B - A T + B4 + At (6.4) T For zonal average conditions we have: + B4 [Fho + LE ]AV = (S] + Ai [Ta] - A - Bs [T ] (6.5) Then the perturbation balance is: (Fho+ LE)' = S' T' +B - B (6.6) T' where: (Fho + LEo)' s' a =(Fho + LE) - = s = Ta = s - [Fho + LEo]AV (6.7) [s] [ a] a - [Ts are the perturbations of sensible plus latent heat fluxes, of surface solar radiation, of 500 mb temperature and of sea surface respectively. Equation (6.6) gives the heating of the atmosphere by energy flow from the surface in terms of solar radiation, and sea surface and 500 mb temperatures. The surface solar ra - diation perturbation field (S') has already been obtained from Schutz and Gates (1972). The sea surface temperature 99 perturbation field (Ts) can also be obtained from Schutz and Gates and the 500 mb temperature perturbation field can be deduced from data in Talijard et al. (1969). ding to Roll (1965), Budyko (1974), Besides, accor- the flux of sensible heat Fho is much less than the latent heat flux LE o . The relative contributions of the different terms in the right hand side of equation (6.6) are given in Tables 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5. ble 6.3 will be written again for convenience. Ta- Values co - rresponding to 10S are shown in Figure 6.1. Before we draw some conclusions from equation (6.6), let us test it. Neglecting the flux of sensible heat (Fho) in the left hand side we can calculate the evaporation field (Eo ). grmin. We take the latent heat of vaporization (L) as 590 cal/ The results are shown in Table 6.6. Notice that the surface evaporation field in Table 6.6 is very similar to the same field taken from Schutz and Gates (1972) shown in Table 6.1 as it should be because both fields have been calculated from the same equation, namely the heat balance at the surface. The following conclusions can be obtained from equation (6.6) neglecting the flux of sensible flux, and Figure 6.1 or Tables 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5: 1. The signals corresponding to the sea-surface and 500 mb temperature contributions are of similar amplitude and out of phase so that their combined contribution tends to be 4 TABLE 6.3 Surface Solar Radiation Perturbation Field (S') 140E (from Schutz__ and Gates (1972)) ~__~1~1~__~_ _I ___ ___I_~~ ______ 150 160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 1100W -37.7 -35.7 -28.7 -28.7 -24.7 -8.7 48.3 57.3 49.3 22.3 -0.7 6S -16.7 104S 25.6 -11.4 -27.4 -31.4 -34.4 -27.4 -14.4 18.6 38.6 48.6 22.6 -1.4 14S 55.9 10.9 -11.1 -25.1 -28.1 -27.1 -19.1 -10.1 17.9 33.9 22.9 -8.1 TABLE B8 T' ( ly / day ) 8 6.5 (see Equation 6.6) 140E 150 160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 W 63 -10.4 0.9 6.6 11.4 11.4 8.5 5.7 3.8 -2.8 -5.7 -15.2 -24.7 10S -18.0 -6.9 0.7 5.4 .7.3 11 .1 9.2 8.3 1.6 0.7 -11 .7 -19.3 14S -20.9 -12.3 -3.8 3.8 3.8 11.4 14.2 12.3 7.6 1.9 -8.5 -16.1 - ---T1C--- ----O ~~- - ----~- C LCC * rr~ ~D, -*~ TABLE TABLE B T' _ a ( ly / day ) 6.4 6.4 ( see Equation 6.6 __ ___ 140E 150 160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 0 W 6S -7.8 -6.7 -3.4 4.5 7.8 9.0 9.0 6.7 1.1 -3.4 -9.0 -15.7 IOS -5.6 -3.4 1.1 11.2 14.6 13.4 11.2 6.7 -1.1 -9.0 -17.9 -25.8 143 2.2 4.5 9.0 13.4 14.6 13.4 11.1 3.4 -5.6 -15.7 -26.9 -34.7 TABLE 6.6 Surface Evaporation Perturbation Field Obtained from Equation (6.6) ( mm / day 140E 150 160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 W 68 -0.2 -0.8 -0.8. -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.1 0.9 1.0 0.9 0.5 0.1 IOS 0.6 -0.1 -0.5 -0.4 -0.5 -0.4 -0.2 0.3 0.6 0.7 0.3 -0. I 14S 1.3 0.5 -0.3 -0.3 -0.4 -0.4 -0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 -0.4 . 0.0 4 4 ly / day SSum 60 S' + B T'a + (-B 8a T') Solar Radiation (S') 40 ------ B T' a S(-B T' ) ) _ / . * - C -20 160E FIGURE 6.1 180 160 140 120W Magnitudes of the terms in the right hand side of equation (6.6) at 10S. 103 small is 2. Then, the form of the evaporation perturbation field E' 0 given mainly by the surface solar radiation perturbation field S'. The influence of the sea surface temperature (T) on the evaporation is dominated by the solar radia tion effect. Thus, as we said before in this Section, the lower evaporation in the region of higher precipitation (western part) is due to a reduction in the net heating of the atmosphere by the surface. This reduction is caused by the increased clou- diness accompanying the precipitation which substantially reduces the solar heating at the surface as Figure 6.1 or Table 6.3 shows. 6.2. Moisture Transports. Theoretical Basis. In this Section we will deduce the analytic expresions for the transport of moisture by the zonal and meridional wind in order to test further the relationship between evaporation and precipitation suggested in Section 6.1. Consider an air volume as indicated in Figure 6.2. u. Let and uW be the zonal velocities at the eastern and western boundaries respectively and v. and v. the meridional velocities at the northern and southern boundaries respectively. Let us approximate that these velocities are constants. La- ter we will discuss the reasons for this approximation. Let 104 rE, rw, rN and r S the corresponding air water content in grams of water per cm 3 . q' qW'qN and qS will be the specific humidity in grams of water per kilogram of air near the respective boundaries. N VN FIGURE 6.2 Moisture Transports (see text). The input of moisture by the zonal wind at the eastern boundary (RE ) is given by: RE = r (z) uE 1 dz (6.8) 0o The output. of moisture by the zonal wind at the western boundary (RW) is given by: H Rw = ( ) u 1 dz The convergence of moisture is given by: - Rw (6.9) 105 H H CM = r r E (z)dz - E 1 (z)dz] What we can get easily are not the r's but the.q's. (6.10) Both are related as follows: r = (6.11) pm q m is the air density in Kg / cm 3 . where Substitution of (6.11) in (6.10) yields: H M = H m [E I qw (z) dz] E (z)dz - uw (6.12) 0 In the next Section we will show that approximately: q (z) = q0 exp ( - z/h ) (6.13) where h is a height scale which will be estimated in the next Section and go is the specific humidity at the surface. Substituting (6.13) in (6.12) and letting H-woo we ob- tain: CM = P 1 [ E q0o hE - Uw qo 0 (6.14) hw] where hE and hW are the scale heights at the boundaries. If all this moisture falls as rain the precipitation would be: PMx =lM PW 1L M Pw L [ qhE - W q0W hw] (6.15) 106 where 4 is the water density. In a similar way the precipitation due to the convergence by the meridlonal wind is given by: Pm P = M [vs q0os hs - vN qON hN] (6.16) where q0S and q0N are the surface specific humidities at the southern and northern boundaries respectively. If the convergence in (6.14) is negative, then that divergence must be compensated by evaporation from the surface. .6.3. Height Scale of Water Vapor in the Atmosphere. In equation (6.13) the height scale h of the specific humidity is needed. We are going to approximate that h is the same as the scale height of the saturated water vapor content of the atmosphere, i. e. the specific humidity is not much less than the corresponding to the saturation. The Clausius-Clapeyron equation gives the latent heat L12 necesary to change reversibly one unit mass of substance from phase 1 at temperature T and pressure e8 to phase 2 at the same value of T and e . Mathematically: de L12 2 V) 1- where v I and v 2 are the specific volumes of phase I and 2 1 2 107 respectively. For the liquid-vapor transition, the Clausius-Clapeyron equation is usually approximated by ignoring the specific volume of the liquid phase v1 and using the perfect S _ d T law Thus: for v 2 . de gas e R L v T2 V Assuming that Lv is constant we can integrate the Clausius- Clapeyron equation: v e8 = e 0 exp 1 [ -- R 1 - (-- T )] T0 where T0 is the triple point temperature (273 OK) and eo the corresponding pressure. L V and R are V the latent heat of vaporization and gas constant for water vapor respectively. The relationship between es and the corresponding specific humidity qs is: R s P d qs where pd and R are the dry air pressure and gas constant for air respectively. Combining all these equations we get: 108 = qs q 4 L o R -Rv exp [ --- Pd Rv 1 (-- T 1 )] --To The following values are given in standard Tables: = R R e = 6.11 mb T = 273 OK = 586 cal. / gr. = = 461.5 kj ton-1 oK-1 E = 0.621 2.501 x 106 kj ton- then: eo -- = q exp [ - 5420 0 T Pd Let us define T' - where T = T + T' T then: qs = e, -Pd 1 (T 5420 OK exp 2 [ T T'] 1 To I 109 or: e ---- exp qs [ 0.073 T'] Pd The longitudinal averages of temperature can be found in Newell et al. (1971). For these temperatures we can calcula- te the saturation specific humidity qs. The results at 100 S are: p (mb) T' (K) q 1000 26.1 25.5 950 22.8 21.1 900 19.6 17.6 850 16.9 15.3 700 8.6 10.2 500 -6.3 4.8 From these values we can say that the scale height saturated water 3 Km. (gr./kr.) vapor pressure at this latitude or 300 mb. Then we take h = for the is about 3 Km. in equation (6.13). Besides, the approximations we have made in this Section permit us to take: h = hW = hN = hS = h. In Section 6.2 we considered the horizontal velocities as constants in height in calculating the moisture transports. That approximation is justified taking into account that under the approximations considered in the present Section most of the moisture is at low heights. 110 6.4. Moisture Transports. Results. In this Section, we shall calculate the convergence (divergence) of moisture in different parts of the studied area and compare the results with the precipitation (evaporation) values. As we discussed in the last Section, the horizontal velocity we will use in calculating these transports shall be taken from a characteristic low height. In the present cal- culations we take the velocities at the 850 mb level. The horizontal velocity we will cOsider is that we obtained in Chapter V. In that Chapter we only obtained the perturbation fields while in this Chapter what we need is total fields. Due to the lack of better data we will take the zonal average of the zonal velocity [u] as given by Newell et al. (1971) and which is show in Figure 4.2. Then at 850 mb ( z ~ 1.5 Km ) and 100S, we have: [u] t - 4.5 m / s The zonal average of the meridional velocity is more diffi cult to estimate. However, data in Newell et al. (1971) ggests that the value at 850 mb is near to zero. su- Now, as the perturbation field values are also near to zero (see Table 5.5), the error in the estimation of the total meridional velocity field is very high. Thus, no calculation will be made with this velocity component. 111 In addition, we will approximate that the air is saturated at the surface so that a knowledge of its temperature means knowledge of its specific humidity. The first air volume we will considered is that with the following boundaries: 5N, 150 S, 1400 W and 160 0 E. The fo- llowing values can be found: E (140 0 W) W (160 0 E) u 5.7 m /s 3.2 m / s T 26.70C 27.00C Qo 22.7 gr / Kg 23.1 gr / Kg h 3 Km 3 Km There is convergence in this area. (easterlies) According to (6.15) the precipitation we would obtain amounts to: PMx = (6.17) 2.5 mm / day From Schutz and Gates (1972) we can obtain an average value for the precipitation in that area. P = The result is: 3.85 mm / day (6.18) Then, the zonal convergence of moisture is comparable to the observed precipitation. The meridional transport may also contribute. Now, let us consider the area between 110 The following values can be found: "ba J 0W and 140 0 W. 112 E (110oW) w (1400w) u 3.9 m / s 5.7 m / s T 24.00C 26.70C qo 19.2 gr / Kg 22.7 h 3 Km 3 Km Divergence is found in this area. (easterlies) Its value, acording to (6.15), is: = PMx -4.8 mm / day The average evaporation from the surface in the area can be found from Schutz and Gates (1972). E = We find: 5.55 mm / day Thus, the surface evaporation can compensate the zonal divergence of moisture in this area. 113 CONCLUSIONS 1. The problems we found in Chapter IV in estimating the zonal average fields which are needed to calculate the perturbation fields show that wore information is needed in the studied area to obtain reliable fields for use in quantitative studies. As the studied area is essentially of oceanic nature, that information is difficult to obtain. However, Meteo- rological Satellites data may be helphul in the deduction of air temperatures (Staelin et.al. (1969)) and horizontal velocities (Ramage (1975)). The same is true for the determination of the distribution of the precipitation, which is the main drive for the zonal circulations. 2. We have checked a position that the balance assumed Newell et al. in the thermodynamic equation holds. by The resulting approximation equation,(3.31) permits us estimate the vertical velocity (see Table 4.1). 3. An essentially geostrophic balance has been obtained for the horizontal momentum equations. However, the term [u]y v' may be important in the u - momentum equation. That decision depends on a more reliable determination of the zonal average fields (see 1 of these conclusions). 114 4. With respect to the vorticity equation, it seems that the y - dependence is important (see Section 4.2). A finer conclusion will again depend on a more reliable estimate of the average fields. However, fields similar to those in Newell et al. (1971) and (1973), which we assume are qualitatively correct, were obtained under the approximation (5.1). 5. As we saw in Section 4.4, the main contribution to the diabatic heating source comes from the latent heat release. The horizontal distribution of the latent heat release perturbation function Q1 was estimated from the climatological rainfall data and the vertical distribution, from nu- merical simulations (see Chapter II). The condensation which is the primary drive for the vertical circulations can not be due to local excess evaporation because the area of lower evaporation, e.g. the western part, is that of higher precipitation. (see Tables 6.1 and 6.2). The lower evaporation in the region of hi- gher precipitation is due to a reduction in the net heating of the atmosphere by the surface caused by the in creased cloudiness accompanying the precipitation which substantialy reduces the solar heating at the surface. This effect dominates the tendency towards increased heating due to the local enhancement of the sea surface tem- 115 perature (see Section 6.1). As the eastern area has re- latively higher evaporation, lower precipitation and downward motion (see Section 4.4), the excess evaporation there has to flow westward to the west Pacific in order take part in large-scale ascent. to Estimates of the zonal convergence support this affirmation (see Section 6.4). Eventually the moisture will condense forming clouds and releasing latent heat. This physical picture points out the fact that once the Walker Circulation has started, the sea-surface temperature plays a secondary role. The tendency towards increased heating due to the local enhancement of the sea surface temperature is dominated by the heating (cooling) of the atmosphere by the surface due to short wave radiation (see Section 6.1). This statment is different from Bjerknes's hypothesis (see Chapter I) who postulated that the heating (cooling) of the atmosphere by the warm (cool) sea surface is the driving force of the circulation. 6. The sea-surface temperature perturbation field as taken from Schutz and Gates (1972) is shown in Table 6.7. This pattern may be important in initiating the circulation according to the following picture. The excess evaporation which would accompany higher sea surface temperatures initially would produce local TABLE TA B LB 6.7 6. Sea Surface Temperature Perturbation Field (or, I Y $ (From Schutz and Gates (1972) -- 140B 150 160 170 180 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 0W 63 -1.1 0.1 0.7 1.2 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.4 -0.3 -0.6 -1.6 -2.6 10S -1.9 -0.7 0.1 0.6 0.8 1.2 1.0 0.9 0.2 0.1 -1.2 -2.0 14S -2.2 -1.3 -0.4 0.4 0.4 1.2 1.5 1.3 0.8 0.2 -0.9 -1.7 117 excess condensation, precipitation and cloudiness. The latent heat release would drive a vertical circulation similar to that discussed in paragraph 5 of these conclusions, with relatively upward motion in the center and downward motion near the boundaries. The higher precipitation and increased cloudiness in the center would reduce evapora tion there. The excess evaporation near the eastern boun- dary would be transported to the west by the zonal wind and would take part in large-scale ascent. Again conden- sation would take place and so on. 7. The scaling of the continuity equation (3.25) or the estimates of its terms (3.4), indicate that the Walker Circulation is not a planar one in the longitude -height plane but a three dimensional Circulation where variations along the longitudinal, latitudinal and vertical directions are important. 8. As we saw in Chapter I, Rowntree (1972) has used a version of the nine-level hemispheric model of the atmosphere developed at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory described by Miyakoda et al. (1969), to test Bjerknes'. hypothesis that fluctuations of ocean temperatures in the tropical east Pacific are responsible for major variations in the atmosphere both locally and in middle latitudes. In 118 the model, shortwave and longwave radiation is calculated using climatological cloud coverage which is only a function of latitude and height (see Appendix I of Miyakoda et al. (1969)1 In light of our result that zonal dependence of cloudiness and short wave radiation are essential features of the Walker Circulation, Rowntree's model has a serious limitation for simulating the atmospheric response to sea surface temperature anomalies in tropical latitudes. 119 REFERENCES Bjerknes, J,. 1969: Equatorial Pacific. Atmospheric Teleconnections from the Mon. Wea. Rev., 97, 163 - 172. Climate and Life, p. 217 - 220 Aca- Budyko, M. I., 1974: demic Press. Held, I. M., and M. J. Suarez, 1974: back Models of the Icecaps. Huang, J., 1976: Simple Albedo Feed- Tellus, 26, 613 - 625. Mid Latitude Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly Experiments with NCAR General Circulation Model. Proceedings of the WMO/IAMAP Symposium on Long Term Climatic Fluctuations. Norwich 18 - 23 August 1975, 399 - 406. Miyakoda, K. and L. Umscheid Jr., 1973: euatorial "Wall" on an Atmospheric Model. 101, Effects of an EMon. Wea. Rev., 603 - 616. Miyakoda, K., J. Smagorinsky, R. F. Strickler and G. D. 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