Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Synopsis This document mandates the requirements for reporting safety related information by means of the Safety Management Information System (SMIS), so that reliable safety data is collected, analysed and made available for use by rail industry parties in the management of risk. Copyright in the Railway Group Standards is owned by Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited. All rights are hereby reserved. No Railway Group Standard (in whole or in part) may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or means, without the prior written permission of Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited, or as expressly permitted by law. RSSB Members are granted copyright licence in accordance with the Constitution Agreement relating to Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited. In circumstances where Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited has granted a particular person or organisation permission to copy extracts from Railway Group Standards, Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited accepts no responsibility for, nor any liability in connection with, the use of such extracts, or any claims arising therefrom. This disclaimer applies to all forms of media in which extracts from Railway Group Standards may be reproduced. Published by: RSSB Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY © Copyright 2013 Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Issue record Issue Date Comments One June 2001 Original document (rapid response). Two February 2003 Superseded issue one by expanding the scope, and reviewing and revising the existing controls. Three October 2007 Reissued to take account of introduction of ROGS 2006 and changes in responsibility for system safety and reporting. Superseded issue two with revision of content in line with Strategy for Standards Management, expansion of Tables A and B to provide additional detail, and inclusion of hazard ranking instructions in Table C for dangerous goods incidents (transferred from GO/RT3425). Four December 2009 Small scale amendment. Reissued to include minor changes to Table A, including new sections on ERTMS, with consequential changes to the Definitions section. Five 05 March 2011 Small scale amendment. Addition of nonmandatory Appendices A and B, detailing suggested SMIS reportable events for yards, depots and sidings to support enhanced reporting to the Safety Risk Model. Consequential changes to clauses, a) ii),, and Definitions section. In Table C, there was the addition of UN 9933 to column 4 alongside UN 8989 and the deletion of the reference to tanks of reportable "nondangerous" petroleum products and gas oil from locomotive fuel tanks from column 3. Six 07 December 2013 Document amended following changes to the definition of SPAD categories within ROGS and consequential updates to GO/RT3119. This resulted in the removal of SPAD Categories B, C and D (Category A SPADs remain defined as such). The term ‘irregular working’ has been replaced throughout by the new term ‘Operational Incidents’. There are other minor amendments throughout the document to account for the above. Amended or additional parts and/or sections of revised pages have been marked by a vertical black line in the adjacent margin. Page 2 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Reporting of Safety Related Information Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Superseded documents The following Railway Group documents are superseded, either in whole or in part as indicated: Superseded documents Sections superseded Date when sections are superseded GE/RT8047 Reporting of Safety Related Information, issue five All 01 March 2014 GE/RT8047 issue 5 ceases to be in force and is withdrawn as of 01 March 2014. Supply The authoritative version of this document is available at www.rgsonline.co.uk. Uncontrolled copies of this document can be obtained from Communications, RSSB, Block 2, Angel Square, 1 Torrens Street, London EC1V 1NY, telephone 020 3142 5400 or e-mail enquirydesk@rssb.co.uk. Other Standards and associated documents can also be viewed at www.rgsonline.co.uk. RSSB Page 3 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Contents Section Description Page Part 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 Purpose and Introduction Purpose Introduction Approval and authorisation of this document 5 5 5 6 Part 2 2.1 2.2 Requirements for Reporting of Safety Related Information Responsibilities of infrastructure managers and railway undertakings Responsibilities of the infrastructure manager (Network Rail) 7 7 7 Part 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 Application of this document Application - infrastructure managers Application - railway undertakings Health and safety responsibilities 9 9 10 11 Appendices Appendix A Events to be reported in yards, depots and sidings (not forming part of NRMI) Appendix B Accidents resulting in death or injury to people in yards, depots and sidings (not forming part of NRMI) 34 Definitions 45 References 48 Tables Table A Table B Table C Page 4 of 48 Events to be reported Accidents resulting in death or injury to people Hazard ranking of dangerous goods incidents 44 12 30 31 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Reporting of Safety Related Information Part 1 1.1 Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Purpose and Introduction Purpose 1.1.1 This document mandates requirements for the reporting of safety related information by means of the Safety Management Information System (SMIS), so that reliable safety data is collected, analysed and made available for use by rail industry parties in the management of risk. 1.2 Introduction 1.2.1 Background Issue six of this standard has been amended to take into account the changes that have been made to the definition of Signal Passed At Danger (SPAD) categories within amendments to Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems Regulations 2006 (as amended) (ROGS) and consequential updates to GO/RT3119 Accident and Incident Investigation. This resulted in the removal of SPAD Categories B, C and D (Category A SPADs remain defined as such). The events that were contained within the deleted SPAD categories have been retained and reallocated to other SMIS event descriptions in order to preserve information and data for continued use in safety analysis. In addition there has been some wording added to the Table A Events section to remind transport undertakings that the final designation and confirmation of a Category A SPAD rests with the lead organisation responsible for the investigation. The term ‘irregular working’ has been replaced throughout by the new term ‘Operational Incidents’. It should be noted that there are no changes to any of the requirements in Part 2 of this Standard. 1.2.2 Principles The requirements of this document are based on the following principles: a) b) RSSB Safety related information should be reported in a timely and consistent manner (also satisfying statutory reporting requirements such as RIDDOR 1995) where relevant: i) To assist the assessment of the severity, frequency and origins of hazards arising from the running of trains on Network Rail Managed Infrastructure (NRMI). ii) To assist the assessment of the severity, frequency and origins of hazards arising from train movements within yards, depots and sidings managed by other infrastructure managers and which are not part of NRMI. Reporting of this information to SMIS is non-mandatory. iii) To assist the monitoring of industry safety performance against objectives. iv) To assist the monitoring of compliance with infrastructure managers’ and railway undertakings’ safety certificates. v) To support the accident investigation, recommendation tracking and risk management processes. Infrastructure managers and railway undertakings should have arrangements in place to receive and process reports of events from: i) Their employees. ii) Their contractors that do not have direct access to SMIS. Page 5 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information iii) Other parties using premises for which the infrastructure manager or railway undertaking is responsible (including tenants and licensees of parts of stations). c) Infrastructure managers and railway undertakings should have robust systems in place to input in SMIS details of accidents and incidents, where necessary having formal arrangements in place for another industry party to undertake this on their behalf. d) Where an accident or incident is investigated and for any reason the event owner does not fulfil the role of lead organisation (as defined in GO/RT3119 Accident and Incident Investigation), arrangements should be made for information arising from the investigation to be transmitted to the event owner for input to SMIS. 1.2.3 Supporting documents Further information on definitions used in categorising safety information and supplementary guidance on RIDDOR 1995 statutory reporting can be found on the report section of the RSSB website, www.rssb.co.uk. This information is maintained currently by the Safety Knowledge & Planning team. 1.3 Approval and authorisation of this document 1.3.1 The content of this document was approved by Traffic Operation and Management Standards Committee on 17 September 2013. 1.3.2 This document will be authorised by RSSB on 01 November 2013. Page 6 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Reporting of Safety Related Information Part 2 Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Requirements for Reporting of Safety Related Information 2.1 Responsibilities of infrastructure managers and railway undertakings 2.1.1 Reporting accidents and incidents to SMIS Infrastructure managers and railway undertakings (as event owners) shall utilise the Safety Management Information System (SMIS) to report events categorised in Tables A, B and C. 2.1.2 2.1.3 Infrastructure managers and railway undertakings (as event owners) shall be responsible for inputting data accurately and correcting errors in event records for which they are responsible. Infrastructure managers and railway undertakings shall provide relevant reports and information to the event owner. Investigations – reporting causation and tracking implementation of recommendations Infrastructure managers and railway undertakings (as event owner) shall be responsible for reporting to SMIS the immediate and underlying causes determined by an investigation. Infrastructure managers and railway undertakings (as event owner) shall input to SMIS a summary report of an investigation and any recommendations, and manage the tracking of implementing recommendations. Infrastructure managers and railway undertakings shall report to SMIS their progress made towards implementing recommendations accepted from investigations. Timescales for reporting Infrastructure managers and railway undertakings shall make an initial report to SMIS within five working days of an event occurring, except for events reportable to Rail Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB) under schedule 1 or 2, where they shall be reported within three working days. Infrastructure managers and railway undertakings shall finalise and formally close the SMIS event record (including details of causation) within twenty working days of the event. Infrastructure managers and railway undertakings (as event owner) shall finalise the record in SMIS of causation details, completed summary report and recommendations arising from an investigation within twenty working days of publication of the investigation report. 2.2 Responsibilities of the infrastructure manager (Network Rail) 2.2.1 Maintenance of SMIS asset registers The infrastructure manager (Network Rail) shall maintain the SMIS asset registers with current information. 2.2.2 Hazard ranking of dangerous goods incidents The infrastructure manager (Network Rail) shall allocate a unique reference number and hazard rank dangerous goods incidents according to the instructions and matrix in Table C, and distribute the information to the railway undertaking(s) concerned. RSSB Page 7 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 2.2.3 2.2.4 Reporting of Safety Related Information Availability of information held in the Fault Management System (FMS) The infrastructure manager (Network Rail) shall make information held in FMS available to railway undertakings and other infrastructure managers. Availability of daily incident log The infrastructure manager (Network Rail) shall make the daily incident log available to railway undertakings and other infrastructure managers. Page 8 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Reporting of Safety Related Information Part 3 Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Application of this document 3.1 Application - infrastructure managers 3.1.1 Scope The requirements of this standard apply to reporting the categories of events listed in Tables A, B and C. This standard applies to: a) Events occurring on NRMI and at stations. b) Events that do not occur on NRMI or at stations but which cause, or have the potential to cause, an increase in risk on NRMI or at stations. c) Events that do not occur on NRMI or at stations, but about which information is needed for monitoring trends and assessing the risk of events reported in accordance with a) and b). d) Enforcement action taken by any enforcing authority concerning issues relating to: i) Operations and activities on or affecting NRMI. ii) Operations and activities on or affecting stations. iii) Operations of trains and rail vehicles on or affecting NRMI. The use within Tables A and B of the suffix letters ‘SO’ (station operator), bracketed after ‘infrastructure manager’, is intended to clarify reporting roles for incidents occurring at stations, and to distinguish this role from the management of the operating infrastructure as carried out by Network Rail. The events listed in non-mandatory Appendices A and B, relate to the reporting to SMIS of incidents occurring in yards, depots and sidings that do not form part of the NRMI. Reporting of this information to SMIS is non-mandatory. Data held in SMIS is intended for use by infrastructure managers and railway undertakings in carrying out their responsibilities for the management of risk. Information must be provided in a way that protects anonymity and commercial confidentiality. Release of SMIS data to parties outside the SMIS scope is only permitted to meet statutory requirements or when any person or organisation is authorised to receive it by a rail industry party. As anonymity and commercial confidentiality is to be preserved, in any case where it may be possible to identify an organisation or individual, data must not be released without the consent of that organisation. 3.1.2 Exclusions from scope The only exclusion from the scope specified in clause 3.1.1 for infrastructure managers is that this document does not apply to the initial advice of an event (for example, information given by a train driver or signaller), the requirements for which are detailed in GE/RT8000 Rule Book or GO/RT3053 Working Manual for Rail Staff, Handling and Carriage of Dangerous Goods. 3.1.3 General compliance date for infrastructure managers This Railway Group Standard comes into force and is to be complied with from 01 March 2014, except as specified in section 3.1.4. RSSB Page 9 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information After the compliance dates or the date by which compliance is achieved if earlier, infrastructure managers are to maintain compliance with the requirements set out in this Railway Group Standard. Where it is considered not reasonably practicable to comply with the requirements, authorisation not to comply should be sought in accordance with the Railway Group Standards Code. 3.1.4 Exceptions to general compliance date There are no exceptions to the general compliance date specified in clause 3.1.3 for infrastructure managers. 3.2 Application - railway undertakings 3.2.1 Scope 3.2.2 The requirements of this standard apply to reporting the categories of incidents listed in Tables A, B and C. This standard applies to: a) Events occurring on NRMI and at stations. b) Events that do not occur on NRMI or at stations but which cause, or have the potential to cause, an increase in risk on NRMI or at stations. c) Events that do not occur on NRMI or at stations, but about which information is needed for monitoring trends and assessing the risk of events reported in accordance with a) and b). d) Enforcement action taken by any enforcing authority concerning issues relating to: i) Operations and activities on or affecting NRMI. ii) Operations and activities on or affecting stations. iii) Operations of trains and rail vehicles on or affecting NRMI. The events listed in non-mandatory Appendices A and B, relate to the reporting to SMIS of incidents occurring in yards, depots and sidings that do not form part of the NRMI. Reporting of this information to SMIS is non-mandatory. Data held in SMIS is intended for use by infrastructure managers and railway undertakings in carrying out their responsibilities for the management of risk. Information must be provided in a way that protects anonymity and commercial confidentiality. Release of SMIS data to parties outside the SMIS scope is only permitted to meet statutory requirements or when any person or organisation is authorised to receive it by a rail industry party. As anonymity and commercial confidentiality is to be preserved, in any case where it may be possible to identify an organisation or individual, data must not be released without the consent of that organisation. Exclusions from scope The only exclusion from the scope specified in clause 3.2.1 for railway undertakings is that this document does not apply to the initial advice of an event (for example, information given by a train driver or signaller), the requirements for which are detailed in GE/RT8000 Rule Book or GO/RT3053 Working Manual for Rail Staff, Handling and Carriage of Dangerous Goods. Page 10 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Reporting of Safety Related Information 3.2.3 Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 General compliance date for railway undertakings This Railway Group Standard comes into force and is to be complied with from 01 March 2014, except as specified in section 3.2.4. After the compliance dates or the date by which compliance is achieved if earlier, railway undertakings are to maintain compliance with the requirements set out in this Railway Group Standard. Where it is considered not reasonably practicable to comply with the requirements, authorisation not to comply should be sought in accordance with the Railway Group Standards Code. 3.2.4 Exceptions to general compliance date There are no exceptions to the general compliance date specified in clause 3.2.3 for railway undertakings. 3.3 Health and safety responsibilities 3.3.1 RSSB Users of documents published by RSSB are reminded of the need to consider their own responsibilities to ensure health and safety at work and their own duties under health and safety legislation. RSSB does not warrant that compliance with all or any documents published by RSSB is sufficient in itself to ensure safe systems of work or operation or to satisfy such responsibilities or duties. Page 11 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Table A Reporting of Safety Related Information Events to be reported The contents of this table are mandatory. Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Animals on the line Any case of: a) Cattle or a horse or other large animal b) A flock of smaller animals on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI. Animals struck by trains Any case of a train striking: a) Cattle or a horse or other large animal. b) Any other animal where damage is caused to the train necessitating immediate temporary or permanent repair and while the train is on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI. Breathing apparatus malfunction Any case involving the malfunction of breathing apparatus during testing immediately prior to use or while in use. Animals – on the line Infrastructure manager Safety Risk Model (SRM) Safety performance reporting Train – striking animal Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Breathing apparatus – malfunction Legislation Bridge strikes Any case of a bridge being struck by a vessel or by a road vehicle or its load and the bridge either carries or traverses a running line or a siding that is NRMI. Buffer stop collisions Any case of a train or rail vehicle striking buffer stops on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI. Buffer-locking of vehicles Any case involving the locking of the buffers of two or more vehicles while on a running line or a siding that is NRMI, except where a derailment occurs (which is separately reported under this standard). Bridge – strike Infrastructure manager – where work is associated with NRMI Infrastructure manager (SO) – where work is associated with station and NRMI not affected Infrastructure manager Train – striking buffer stop Railway undertaking Train – buffer locking Railway undertaking Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting SRM Safety performance reporting Page 12 of 48 Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Collapse of a building or structure Any case involving the unintended collapse or partial collapse of: a) A building or structure (whether above or below ground). b) Any floor or wall of any building (whether above or below ground) used as a place of work. c) Any false work. Collisions Any collision: a) Between trains or rail vehicles on a running line, including a collision: i) With an open door or other projection from another train, for example a displaced load on a freight rail vehicle. ii) While the line is blocked, due to a previous accident or emergency. iii) Occurring within a possession, including work sites within a possession. iv) Occurring during a shunting operation. b) In a siding that results in a running line being physically obstructed. c) In a siding that is NRMI. Congestion at stations Any case where planned procedures or arrangements have been activated in order to control risks arising from an incident of undue passenger congestion at a station, unless that congestion has been relieved within a period of time allowed for by those procedures or arrangements. Building – unintended collapse etc. Infrastructure manager – where NRMI affected Infrastructure manager (SO) – if at a station and NRMI not affected Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Train – collision If as a consequence of a category A SPAD see ‘Signal Passed at Danger’ section Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting RSSB Infrastructure manager, unless collision in station and no category A SPAD involved, in which case railway undertaking responsible Station or on-board train – congestion Infrastructure manager (SO) Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Page 13 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Dangerous goods incidents and irregularities Any case of: a) A dangerous goods incident or irregularity involving a train or rail vehicle and reportable in accordance with Section F of GO/RT3053, except those cases where the train or rail vehicle is involved in a collision or derailment or is on fire, which are separately reported under this standard. Dangerous goods/substances – rail borne Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting b) An event that causes the release, or has the potential to do so, of a biological agent or other substance hazardous to health. c) An uncontrolled or sudden release of a flammable liquid or gas. Dangerous goods/substances – other Derailments Any derailment a) Of a train or rail vehicle on a running line, including a derailment that occurs: i) While the line is blocked due to a previous accident or emergency. ii) Occurring within a possession, including work sites within a possession. iii) Occurring during a shunting operation. b) In a siding that results in a running line being physically obstructed. c) In a siding that is NRMI. Train – derailment If no other event is involved – railway undertaking. The infrastructure manager allocates a unique reference number and hazard ranks dangerous goods incidents according to the instructions and matrix in Table C. Event responsibility is then passed to the relevant railway undertaking. Infrastructure manager – for NRMI only. Infrastructure manager (SO) – for events at stations, but not affecting NRMI. The infrastructure manager allocates a unique reference number and hazard ranks dangerous goods incidents according to the instructions and matrix in Table C. Event responsibility is then passed to the relevant infrastructure manager. Infrastructure manager Page 14 of 48 Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Displaced and insecure loads on, or excessive or improper loading on, trains or rail vehicles a) Any case of: i) A load, fastening, or sheet, etc or ii) Equipment on a train or rail vehicle becoming insecure or displaced, irrespective of the loading gauge being infringed, while on a running line or siding that is NRMI. b) Any case of a train or rail vehicle, while on a running line or a siding that is NRMI, being: i) Excessively loaded (such as load width, height, length or weight) or ii) Improperly loaded. Diving operations Any case in relation to diving operations involving the: a) Failure or endangerment of any associated equipment. b) Damage to or failure of the dive platform. c) Trapping of or explosion near a diver. d) Uncontrolled ascent or omitted decompression likely to put the diver at risk. Door failures, doors open or on catch on trains a) Any case of: i) An open door or ii) A door not properly secured (such as on the catch) while the train or rail vehicle is on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI. b) Any case involving the external doors of power operated door or central door lock fitted stock, where risk to persons (such as passengers and staff) arises, while the train or rail vehicle is on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI. Electrical short circuits Any case of electrical short circuit or overload attended by fire or explosion which results in the stoppage of the plant involved for more than 24 hours or which has the potential to cause the death of any person. Train – displaced/insecure load Railway undertaking Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Diving operations Infrastructure manager – where work is associated with NRMI Legislation Train – door failure/open/on catch Railway undertaking Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Electrical short circuit/overload Infrastructure manager – where NRMI affected Infrastructure manager (SO) – if at a station and NRMI not affected Legislation RSSB Page 15 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Escalator, lift or passenger conveyor runaway Any case involving the runaway of an escalator, lift or passenger conveyor at a station. Escalator/lift/passenger conveyor etc. – runaway Infrastructure manager (SO) Legislation Environmental events Any case involving: a) The contamination of NRMI or a station (except where the contamination arises from events separately reported under this standard) by spillages of: i) Any product listed in GO/RT3053/1. ii) Oil and diesel fuel oil greater than 20 litres. iii) Petrol greater than 100 litres. iv) Low hazard products with polluting potential. b) Damage to a designated or protected site. Environmental Infrastructure manager Legislation Excessive speed of trains or rail vehicles Any case of a train or rail vehicle exceeding: a) A permanent, temporary or emergency speed restriction of a running line, or b) The permitted speed of the train or rail vehicles. Train – overspeed Railway undertaking SRM Safety performance reporting Failures of cranes, lifting machinery, etc Any case involving the collapse of, the overturning of, or the failure of a load-bearing part of a: a) Lift, hoist, crane or derrick. b) Mobile powered access platform. c) Access cradle or window-cleaning cradle. d) Excavator. e) Pile-driving frame or rig. f) Fork-lift truck. g) Lifting machinery. Crane etc – collapse/overturning/failure Infrastructure manager – where NRMI affected Infrastructure manager (SO) – if at a station and NRMI not affected Legislation Page 16 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component Failures or defects in axles, wheels, tyres and other equipment on trains or rail vehicles Any case: a) Involving the failure of an axle of a rail vehicle while the rail vehicle is on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI. b) Of a seized or hot axle box on a rail vehicle while the rail vehicle is on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI, including confirmed hot axles detected by: i) Lineside detectors or ii) On-train detectors. c) Involving the failure of any wheel or tyre on a rail vehicle. d) Involving wheel flats on a rail vehicle while the rail vehicle is on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI and requiring the rail vehicle to be taken out of service. e) Of a wheel impact load detector, or similar equipment, recording an impact of greater than 349kN for a rail vehicle on a train while the rail vehicle is on a running line. f) Of failure of any part of a train or rail vehicle that is likely to cause an accident to that or any other train or to kill or injure any person while the train is on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI. g) Of defect on or failure of a train or rail vehicle classified as a high risk defect in accordance with GE/RT8250 and: i) While the train or rail vehicle is on a running line or in a siding on NRMI, or ii) Discovered while the train or rail vehicle is undergoing repair, maintenance or inspection at, for example, a maintenance depot. h) Of defect on or failure of a train or rail vehicle necessitating the train being taken out of service in accordance with GO/RT3437. a) b) RSSB c) d) e) f) g) h) Train – axle failure Train – hot axle box/wheel impact load detections Train – wheel failure Safety related defect (train/rail vehicle/plant machinery etc) Train – hot axle box/wheel impact load detections Safety related defect (train/rail vehicle/plant machinery etc) Safety related defect (train/rail vehicle/plant machinery etc) Safety related defect (train/rail vehicle/plant machinery etc) SMIS event owner Usage Railway undertaking Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Note – radio system failures of onboard train equipment should be reported as a radio systems failure Page 17 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Failures or collapse of freight containers Any case involving the failure of a freight container or any of its load-bearing parts. Safety related defect (train/rail vehicle/plant machinery etc) Railway undertaking Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Failures of permanent way or works The following are to be reportable if they are likely to cause an accident to a train or endanger a person. This may be measured by the need for repairs before rail traffic can resume its normal speed, or before premises or structures can be used again: a) Any case of failure of: i) A tunnel, bridge, viaduct or culvert. ii) A cutting or an embankment, such as bank slips (only reportable if a running line is obstructed or the line is closed by subsidence or slippage or a supporting embankment). iii) Any other structure. iv) The overhead electrified line equipment or conductor rails and associated equipment. b) Any other portion of the permanent way or works not included above, on or affecting a running line or a siding that is NRMI. Permanent way or works – failure Infrastructure manager – for failures affecting NRMI only Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting c) Any case of failure of any part of a station, including platforms. Permanent way or works – failure Infrastructure manager (SO) – for failures at stations, but not affecting NRMI Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Page 18 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Failures of pipelines Any case involving the: a) Accidental escape of anything from, or inrush into, a pipeline which has the potential to cause death, major injury or result in the pipeline being shut for more than 24 hours. b) Accidental ignition of anything in a pipeline. c) Damage to or failure of any part of a pipeline which has the potential to cause death, major injury or result in the pipeline being shut for more than 24 hours. d) Substantial and accidental change in position of a pipeline. e) Accidental change in the subsoil in the vicinity of a pipeline. f) Failure of a pipeline isolation device, equipment or system which has the potential to cause death, major injury or result in the pipeline being shut for more than 24 hours. g) Any failure of equipment involved with pipeline works which has the potential to cause death, major injury or result in the pipeline being shut for more than 24 hours. Pipe line/pipe line works – failure etc. Infrastructure manager – where NRMI affected Infrastructure manager (SO) – if at a station and NRMI not affected Legislation Failures of pressure systems Any case involving the failure of any part of a pressure system where the failure has the potential to cause death. Pressure systems – failure Legislation Failures or collapse of scaffolding Any case involving the complete or partial collapse of any scaffold, including any slung or suspended scaffold. Scaffolding – collapse Infrastructure manager – where NRMI affected Infrastructure manager (SO) – if at a station and NRMI not affected Infrastructure manager – where NRMI affected Infrastructure manager (SO) – if at a station and NRMI not affected RSSB Legislation Page 19 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Signalling systems incidents* Any case of: a) Failure of the signalling system that endangers or has the potential to endanger the safe passage of trains on a running line or siding that is NRMI. b) Failure of the signalling system, on a running line or siding that is NRMI, alleged to be ‘wrong side’ but: i) Which cannot be reproduced. ii) Which are subsequently proved to be ‘right side’. c) A signal being obscured by foliage. d) A ‘wrong side’ failure of signal post telephones, for example, caused by concentrator failure leading to miscommunication. e) Any other failure of the signalling system reported by a driver either on form RT3185 or other means. f) A block marker or cab transition sign missing or being obscured by foliage. g) A shunt entry board missing or being obscured by foliage. h) Failure of balise. i) A stop aspect or indication not being displayed in sufficient time for a train to be stopped safely at the signal because it was returned to danger automatically or in an emergency. j) A stop aspect or indication that previously showed a proceed indication, was displayed because it was returned to danger or displayed in error. k) An in-cab signalled movement authority is withdrawn, in an emergency or in error, and the movement authority is exceeded. Signalling Systems Railway undertaking – for incidents concerning on-train equipment Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Responding to drivers Infrastructure manager – for all other incidents * The events listed above are those that fall outside the definition of a SPAD, as defined in this standard Page 20 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Failures of track/train control systems Any case of failure of the following track/train control systems affecting a running line or a siding that is NRMI: a) Automatic Warning System (AWS). b) Automatic Train Protection (ATP). c) Train Protection and Warning System (TPWS). d) Mechanical train stops. e) Tilt Authorisation and Supervision Systems (TASS). f) European Train Control System (ETCS). Control System (Track/Train) SRM Safety performance reporting g) Track circuit actuators (TCA). Control System (Track/Train) Infrastructure manager, except the failure of on-train equipment only which shall be reported by the railway undertaking. These include: AWS failure codes 4, 10 and 11 TPWS code 16 & 17 Train borne TASS equipment defective Tilt authority received or ‘speed supervised’ indicated on a nonTASS fitted line. ETCS balise inconsistency alarm ETCS transition failure ETCS system failure alarm ETCS DMI failure ETCS inappropriate mode displayed ETCS odometer failure alarm Railway undertaking Fires affecting permanent way, works or signalling equipment Any case of fire: a) Arcing or fusing affecting the permanent way or works at a station or on a running line or a siding that is NRMI. b) Arcing or fusing of signalling equipment regardless of its effect on the functioning of the equipment of a running line or siding that is NRMI. c) Including a fire in adjacent properties or buildings affecting the operation of a station, a running line or a siding that is NRMI. Permanent way, works or signalling – fire RSSB Infrastructure manager – for fires affecting NRMI only Infrastructure manager (SO) – for fires at stations, but not affecting NRMI Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Page 21 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Event category Fires and smoke on trains or rail vehicles a) Any fire or severe electrical arcing in or on any part of any train or rail vehicle that occurs or is discovered while the train or rail vehicle is on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI. b) Any cases of smoke or fume penetrating the passenger accommodation of a train. Flooding of the permanent way Any case which is likely to endanger people or cause an accident: a) Flooding of a running line or a siding that is NRMI. b) A flood warning or alert affecting a running line or a siding that is NRMI. Headlights or tail lamps missing Any case of: a) Headlights, or b) Tail lamps not being illuminated or missing on a train while on a running line or a siding that is NRMI. Interventions and activations of track/train control systems Any intervention or activation of the following track/train control systems (that is not the result of a failure of such system) on a train while on a running line or a siding that is NRMI: a) Automatic Warning System (AWS). b) Automatic Train Protection (ATP). c) Train Protection and Warning System (TPWS). d) Mechanical train stops. e) Tilt Authorisation and Supervision Systems (TASS). f) European Train Control System (ETCS) emergency brake interventions or train trips (refer to SMIS guidance). Page 22 of 48 Reporting of Safety Related Information SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Railway undertaking Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Railway undertaking SRM Safety performance reporting Railway undertaking SRM Safety performance reporting a) Train – fire (incl. rail vehicle fire) b) Train - contaminated by smoke or fumes Permanent way – flooding a) Train – other safety-related defect b) Train – tail lamp unlit/missing Control System (Track/Train) Operational Incidents RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Operational Incidents Incidents affecting, or with the potential to affect (this list is non-exhaustive): a) The safe operation of trains on a running line or a siding that is NRMI, or b) The safety and health of persons, such as staff, passengers or public, on NRMI or at stations and related to: i) Infringement of electric traction current isolation instructions. ii) Infringement of rules or instructions relating to possessions or protection of the line. iii) Infringements of the rules or instructions relating to work undertaken on or near the line. iv) Infringement of signalling instructions or block regulations. v) Other signalling or handsignalling errors compromising safety. vi) Infringement of rules or instructions relating to train operation and marshalling. vii) Objects left on line by employees or contractors where these events are not reportable under another category in this standard. viii) Runaway vehicles (including On-Track Plant – OTP) Level crossings – failures of equipment Any failure of equipment at a level crossing that could endanger users, and where the level crossing is on a running line or a siding that is NRMI. Operational Incidents b viii) will be recorded as ‘Train – Runaway’ Infrastructure manager – for NRMI only Infrastructure manager (SO) – for incidents at stations, but not affecting NRMI Railway undertakings for vi) and viii) SRM Safety performance reporting Level crossing – equipment failure Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting RSSB Page 23 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Level crossings – misuse of equipment and near misses with persons, road vehicles, etc Any case: a) Of a near miss between a train and a person, road vehicle, etc at a level crossing. b) Of an emergency brake application of the train or rail vehicle being made, to avoid striking a person, road vehicle, etc at a level crossing. c) Involving the misuse of level crossing equipment. Level crossings – trains irregularly running onto crossing Any case of a train running onto a level crossing when not authorised to do so, and where the level crossing is on a running line or a siding that is NRMI. Near misses with persons, road vehicles, etc Any case of: a) A near miss between a train and a person, road vehicle, crane, low-flying aircraft etc on or near a running line. b) An emergency brake application of the train or rail vehicle being made, to avoid striking a person, road vehicle, crane, aircraft etc on or near a running line. Objects in contact with overhead electric lines Any case of plant or equipment, including that operating within a possession: a) Unintentionally coming into contact with an un-insulated overhead electric line. b) Causing an electrical discharge from such an electric line by coming in close proximity to it. Occupational ill-health Any case of an IM/RU’s employee or contractor’s employee diagnosed as suffering from an illness, disease or condition that is related to work undertaken on NRMI or at stations. Level Crossing/LC equipment – misuse/near misses Infrastructure manager SRM Safety performance reporting Train – running over LC (when unauthorised) Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Near miss – train with person (not at LC) Near miss – other (not trains with person/LC user) Infrastructure manager SRM Safety performance reporting Object – contact OHLE/fallen or blown onto line Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Person – occupational ill health Employer Legislation Page 24 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Personal accidents Any personal accident to: a) Any person while on NRMI or at stations. b) A passenger while on board a train. c) An IM/RU’s employee or contractor’s employee while travelling by road vehicle between sites of work. Platform overruns Any case of a passenger train overrunning a station platform. Road vehicles, aircraft, etc on the line, or damaging equipment at level crossings Any case of an aircraft or a vehicle of any kind: a) Landing on, running onto or coming to rest on NRMI. b) Damaging a running line or a siding that is NRMI. c) Causing damage which obstructs a running line or a siding that is NRMI. d) Causing damage to any railway equipment at a level crossing on a running line or a siding that is NRMI. Radio system failures a) Any case involving the failure of on-train equipment: i) Cab secure radio (CSR)/driver only radio systems. ii) NRN. iii) GSM-R. iv) Other radio systems used for transmission of safety messages. b) All other radio system failures. Person – personal accident See Table B Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Train – over-running station platform Railway undertaking SRM Safety performance reporting Non-rail vehicles (incl. Vehicle on line) Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Radio Systems Failure Railway undertaking SRM Safety performance reporting To be recorded by the infrastructure manager in a separate system (not SMIS) and information to be made available to RUs and other IMs on request. Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting RSSB Page 25 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Route crime (trespass or vandalism) Any case of: a) Objects, including stones, thrown or missiles fired (for example by catapult, gun, etc) except those where the train is struck which are separately reported under this standard. b) Objects placed on NRMI by vandals, including railway materials or equipment, except those where the train strikes the object which are separately reported under this standard. c) Vandalism or other unauthorised interference with railway infrastructure or equipment, with the potential to compromise safety on NRMI, including the theft of detonators, cables, etc, except cases of arson which are separately reported under this standard. d) Unauthorised persons on or near NRMI or within the infrastructure manager’s boundary fence, except those where such a person is struck by a train or rail vehicle and which are separately reported under this standard. e) Vandalism wholly in a train on NRMI, except cases of arson which are separately reported under this standard. a) Person – vandalism b) Person – vandalism c) Person – vandalism d) Person – trespass Infrastructure manager – where NRMI affected Infrastructure manager (SO) – if at a station and NRMI not affected Responding to train drivers e) Person - vandalism Railway undertaking SRM Safety performance reporting Signals passed at danger (SPAD) Train – signal passed at danger Category A: Initial event owner is infrastructure manager, who will create initial event and complete risk ranking. If after the risk ranking the event does not meet one of the following criteria, the event may be transferred to the relevant railway undertaking. It should be noted that the final designation/confirmation of an incident as having been a SPAD event rests with the Lead Organisation responsible for the investigation, in accordance with Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Signal passed at danger means any occasion when any part of a train proceeds beyond its authorised movement to an unauthorised movement; “unauthorised movement” means to pass (a) a trackside colour light signal or semaphore at danger, order to STOP, where an Automatic Train Control System (ATCS) or train protection system is not operational; (b) the end of a safety related movement authority provided in an ATCS or train protection system; (c) a point communicated by verbal or written Page 26 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage the requirements of GO/RT3119 Accident and Incident Investigation. Infrastructure manager when: Risk ranked 18 or higher Collision or derailment occurs Risk ranking Part 2 accident vulnerability ranking of B to G inclusive Defined as multi-SPAD or will be because of the incident Early evidence suggests infrastructure may be a cause Driver disputes that a category A SPAD has occurred (unless there is objective evidence eg SSI, OTMR) Railway undertaking: All other category A SPADs authorisation laid down in regulations; or (d) stop boards (buffer stops are not included) or hand signals, but excludes cases in which – (e) vehicles without any traction unit attached or a train that is unattended run away past a signal at danger; or for any reason, the signal is not turned to danger in time to allow the driver to stop the train before the signal. Track buckles A track or rail buckle, which requires the immediate stoppage of traffic or the immediate imposition of speed restriction, affecting a running line or siding that is NRMI. Rail – buckle Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Track faults and broken rails All track faults and broken rails. To be recorded by the infrastructure manager in a separate system (not SMIS) and information to be made available to railway undertakings on request. Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting RSSB Page 27 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Train divisions Any case of a train becoming unintentionally divided while it is on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI. Trains striking obstructions or being struck by objects Any case of a train or rail vehicle: a) Striking any object or obstruction irrespective of the damage or injury caused, or b) Being struck by any object irrespective of the damage caused or which causes injury to any person on the train or rail vehicle while the train is on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI. Train – division Railway undertaking Train - striking or being struck Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Trains striking road vehicles or gates/barriers at level crossings Any case of a train or rail vehicle striking or being struck by: a) A road vehicle. b) A gate or barrier at a level crossing that is on a running line or in a siding that is NRMI. Train - striking road vehicle or gate at LC Infrastructure manager SRM Safety performance reporting Warning boards missing or lights out, etc Any case reported by a train driver of: a) The lights of the warning boards for a temporary or emergency speed restriction on a running line being missing or not illuminated. b) A reflective type board being obscured or contaminated such that its visibility is impaired. c) The AWS equipment associated with a temporary or emergency speed restriction on a running line reported missing. d) The warning boards for temporary or emergency speed restriction reported missing or incorrectly positioned. e) The warning boards for temporary or emergency speed restriction displaying an incorrect or no speed. Warning boards Note: ERTMS cab signalled lines no longer requires ESR and TSR warning boards to be provided. Infrastructure manager Responding to train drivers Page 28 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Usage Other warning board incidents To be recorded in a separate system (not SMIS) and to be made available to railway undertakings on request. Infrastructure manager SRM Safety performance reporting RSSB Page 29 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Table B Reporting of Safety Related Information Accidents resulting in death or injury to people The contents of this table are mandatory. Any injury resulting from an event described in Table A should be entered into SMIS as part of that event and not as a separate one. It is the event owner’s responsibility (as shown in Table A) to enter these injuries. Event category Workforce accidents – all physical injuries or incidents of shock occurring on the mainline railway a) Accident to members of workforce employed by / contracted to infrastructure manager. b) Accident to members of workforce employed by / contracted to railway undertaking. Passenger or public injuries Movement accidents – injuries involving the operation of trains, but excluding any arising in train accidents and other events a) Boarding/alighting accidents – person injured when boarding or alighting from a train and falling: i) From train to station, or from station to train. ii) From train to tracks, or from station to tracks. b) Accidents wholly on board trains – accidents to members of the public, such as passengers, wholly on and within the confines of a train with no external influence during the running of the train. c) Person struck by train i) Any injury resulting from being on or going onto the line. ii) Any injury while wholly on station (not involving going onto line). d) Accidents resulting from the opening or closing of train doors at stations. Non-movement accidents – injuries not involving the operation of trains a) Accidents at a station: i) Any injury resulting from being on or going onto the line. ii) Any injury while wholly on station (not involving going onto line). b) Accidents on the track or lineside. Page 30 of 48 SMIS event owner Usage Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Railway undertaking Infrastructure manager (SO) Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Railway undertaking Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Infrastructure manager (SO) Infrastructure manager (SO) Infrastructure manager Infrastructure manager (SO) Infrastructure manager Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting Legislation SRM Safety performance reporting RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Table C Hazard ranking of dangerous goods incidents The contents of this table are mandatory. Hazard ranking processes shall use the Hazard Ranking Matrix shown in Table C, as follows: a) Identify the dangerous goods involved from the column divisions across the top of the matrix. b) Identify from the ‘nature of incident’ line the component(s) of the incident. More than one of the component lines between 1 and 32 can apply. c) If any of the incident components are in line 1 to 20 inclusive, refer to lines 33 to 42. Answer the questions raised by each line. If the answer is ‘Yes’, then add these values to the ‘score’. ‘No’ answers score 0. d) Total the value scored on the matrix. e) Rank the incidents as follows: SCORE 2 - 15 16 - 30 31 - 50 51 - 100 100 + RANK 1 2 3 4 5 Note: The hazard rank identified should then be included in any companyrequired dangerous goods reporting processes (such as ‘Rail Notices’). RSSB Page 31 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Table C Reporting of Safety Related Information Hazard ranking of dangerous goods incidents (continued) The contents of this table are mandatory. Explosives. 011*,012*, 013*, 015*, 016* Tanks Class 3(A), 4.3, 5.2 & 6.1 (A) (excl. UN1051 & 1649) Tanks 2.2, 3(B), 5.1 & 8 (excl. UN1052 & 1744) All Class 4.1, 6.1(B) & 9 Tanks 4.2 Packaged Goods of 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3(A), 3(B), 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1(A), 8, UN8989 & UN9933 Tanks UN1051 & 1649 Explosives 014* Irr. Fuel Flasks Tanks 2.1 & 2.3 Tanks UN1052 & 1744 20 10 6 Class 7 (excl. Irr. Fuel Flasks) 16 8 4 8 4 2 8 4 2 25 10 25 10 8 20 18 20 18 6 18 12 18 12 4 18 8 18 8 2 10 20 23 25 10 16 18 20 4 8 13 15 3 4 8 10 3 20 25 15 15 8 10 20 8 Go to Line 41 4 10 - Page 32 of 48 3 18 23 10 12 8 12 15 6 Go to line 41 4 8 6 3 18 23 8 12 8 15 4 Go to line 41 4 8 6 3 15 20 8 10 6 4 15 2 Go to line 41 4 4 6 NATURE OF INCIDENT CONFIRMED HOT AXLE BOX - no derailment BRAKE DRAG – observed by H.A.B.D. or by staff/public OTHER BRAKE INCIDENTS - includes defects noticed predeparture and burst pipes in movement DERAILMENT ON OR HAZARDING A RUNNING LINE OTHER DERAILMENTS – not on or hazarding a running line COLLISION – on or hazarding a running line COLLISION – not on or hazarding a running line ALL OTHER MECHANICAL DEFECTS - excluding line numbers 1-5 & 9-12 including loose equipment LEAKAGE - SLIGHT) incl. ¨ - MINOR) gas ¨ - MAJOR) escape ¨ - TOTAL) not including cryogenic venting FIRE - SMOKE (INCL. N.F.F.) FIRE - SMALL (INV. PROD.) FIRE - MAJOR (INV. PROD.) FIRE - NOT INV. PROD. INSECURE LOAD – no loss of goods INSECURE DOOR – no loss of goods BUFFER LOCK - no derailment OUT OF GAUGE - no consequence RAN CRIPPLE "E" INCORRECT TOPS/ERIC INFO INCORRECT MARKING MARSHALLING ERROR DISCHARGE CAPS HANGING DOWN Go to Line 3342 YES YES YES Line No. 1 2 3 YES YES YES YES YES 4 5 6 7 8 YES YES YES YES 9 10 11 12 YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Explosives. 011*,012*, 013*, 015*, 016* Tanks Class 3(A), 4.3, 5.2 & 6.1 (A) (excl. UN1051 & 1649) Tanks 2.2, 3(B), 5.1 & 8 (excl. UN1052 & 1744) All Class 4.1, 6.1(B) & 9 Tanks 4.2 Packaged Goods of 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 3(A), 3(B), 4.2, 4.3, 5.1, 5.2, 6.1(A), 8, UN8989 & UN9933 Tanks UN1051 & 1649 Explosives 014* Irr. Fuel Flasks Tanks 2.1 & 2.3 Tanks UN1052 & 1744 2 10 10 4 4 2 10 6 3 8 2 15 25 2 TOTAL SCORE Class 7 (excl. Irr. Fuel Flasks) 2 10 10 4 4 2 4 2 3 3 2 15 25 2 2 8 6 4 4 2 2 4 2 3 3 2 15 25 2 2 5 5 4 4 2 2 2 2 3 2 15 25 2 4 4 4 4 8 8 8 8 HAZARD RANK SCORE 2 -15 16 - 30 31 - 50 51 -100 100 + NATURE OF INCIDENT ACTIVATED H.A.B.D - N.F.F. LOCO FIRE ) vehicle involved VEHICLE FIRE ) not carrying OTHER ) DGs VEHICLE OVERLOADED SUSPECTED INCIDENT - N.F.F. TRANSIT VENTING - CRYOGENICS IN BUILT UP AREA ON OR ADJACENT TO A PASSENGER LINE ON OR ADJACENT TO AN ELECTRIFIED LINE IN A TUNNEL OR ON A MOTORWAY BRIDGE BETWEEN 0600 - 2200 STAFF/PUBLIC INJURED IN INCIDENT FATALITIES RESULTING FROM INCIDENT EACH ADDITIONAL VEHICLE AFFECTED INCORRECT TOPS/ERIC INFO. OR VEHICLE MARKING ERROR DIFFICULTIES RAISING EMERGENCY RESPONSE ALPHA CODE OR EMERGENCY SERVICES Go to Line 3342 NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Line No. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 RANK 1 2 3 4 5 * Compatibility group letter as provided by the consignor/sender (GO/RT3053 refers). RSSB Page 33 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Appendix A Events to be reported in yards, depots and sidings (not forming part of NRMI) The contents of this table are non-mandatory. Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Animals struck by trains Any case of a train striking: a) Cattle or a horse or other large animal. b) Any other animal where damage is caused to the train necessitating immediate temporary or permanent repair and while the train is on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site. Bridge strikes Any case of a bridge being struck by a vessel or by a road vehicle or its load and the bridge either carries or traverses on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site. Buffer stop collisions Any case of a train or rail vehicle striking buffer stops on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site. Buffer-locking of vehicles Any case involving the locking of the buffers of two or more vehicles while on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site, except where a derailment occurs (which is separately reported under this standard). Collapse of a building or structure Any case involving the unintended collapse or partial collapse of: a) A building or structure (whether above or below ground). b) Any floor or wall of any building (whether above or below ground) used as a place of work. c) Any false work. Train – striking animal Infrastructure manager Bridge – strike Infrastructure manager Train – striking buffer stop Railway undertaking Train – buffer locking Railway undertaking Building – unintended collapse etc. Infrastructure manager Collisions Any collision between trains or rail vehicles in a depot/yard/siding, including collisions: a) With an open door or other projection from another train, for example a displaced load on a freight rail vehicle. b) While the line is blocked, due to a previous accident or emergency. c) Occurring within a possession, including work sites within a possession. d) Occurring during a shunting operation. Train – collision If as a consequence of a category A SPAD see ‘Signal Passed at Danger’ section Infrastructure manager This should not include those collisions that result in a NRMI running line being physically obstructed. Page 34 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Reporting of Safety Related Information Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Dangerous goods incidents and irregularities Any case of: (Where a train is involved) a) A dangerous goods incident or irregularity involving a train or rail vehicle and reportable in accordance with clause 1.2 of Section F of GO/RT3053, except those cases where the train or rail vehicle is involved in a collision or derailment or is on fire, which are separately reported under this standard. Dangerous goods/substances – rail borne If no other event is involved – railway undertaking. The infrastructure manager (Network Rail) allocates a unique reference number and hazard ranks dangerous goods incidents according to the instructions and matrix in Table C. Event responsibility is then passed to the relevant railway undertaking. (Where no train is involved) b) An event that causes the release, or has the potential to do so, of a biological agent or other substance hazardous to health. c) An uncontrolled or sudden release of a flammable liquid or gas. Dangerous goods/substances – other Infrastructure manager Derailments Any derailment of a train or rail vehicle within a depot/yard/siding site, including a derailment that occurs: a) While the line is blocked due to a previous accident or emergency. b) Occurring within a possession, including work sites within a possession. c) Occurring during a shunting operation. Train – derailment The infrastructure manager (Network Rail) allocates a unique reference number and hazard ranks dangerous goods incidents according to the instructions and matrix in Table C. Event responsibility is then passed to the relevant infrastructure manager. Note that this section refers to events in yards, depots and sidings, where the infrastructure manager may be other than Network Rail. Infrastructure manager This should not include those derailments that result in a NRMI running line being physically obstructed. Displaced and insecure loads on, or excessive or improper loading on, trains or rail vehicles a) Any case of: i) A load, fastening, or sheet, etc or ii) Equipment on a train or rail vehicle becoming insecure or displaced, irrespective of the loading gauge being infringed, while on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site. Train – displaced/insecure load Railway undertaking b) Any case of a train or rail vehicle, on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site, being: i) Excessively loaded (such as load width, height, length or weight) or ii) Improperly loaded. RSSB Page 35 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Environmental events Any case involving: a) The contamination of a depot/yard/siding site except where the contamination arises from events separately reported under this standard by spillages of: i) Any product listed in GO/RT3053/1. ii) Oil and diesel fuel oil greater than 20 litres. iii) Petrol greater than 100 litres. iv) Low hazard products with polluting potential. Environmental Infrastructure manager Train – overspeed Railway undertaking Crane etc – collapse/overturning/fai lure Infrastructure manager b) Damage to a designated or protected site. Excessive speed of trains or rail vehicles Any case of a train or rail vehicle on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site exceeding: a) A permanent, temporary or emergency speed restriction, or b) The permitted speed of the train or rail vehicles. Failures of cranes, lifting machinery, etc Any case involving the collapse of, the overturning of, or the failure of a load-bearing part of a: a) Lift, hoist, crane or derrick. b) Mobile powered access platform. c) Access cradle or window-cleaning cradle. d) Excavator. e) Pile-driving frame or rig. f) Fork-lift truck. g) Lifting machinery. Failures or defects in axles, wheels, tyres and other equipment on trains or rail vehicles Any case: a) Involving the failure of an axle of a rail vehicle while the rail vehicle is on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site. b) Of a seized or hot axle box on a rail vehicle while the rail vehicle is on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site including confirmed hot axles detected by: i) Lineside detectors or ii) On-train detectors. c) Involving the failure of any wheel or tyre on a rail vehicle. d) Involving wheel flats on a rail vehicle while the rail vehicle on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site and requiring the rail vehicle to be taken out of service. e) Of a wheel impact load detector, or similar equipment, recording an impact of greater than 349kN for a rail vehicle on a train while the rail vehicle on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site. f) Of failure of any part of a train or rail vehicle that is likely to cause an accident to that or any other train or to kill or injure any person while the train is on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site. g) Of defect on or failure of a train or rail vehicle classified as high risk defect in accordance with GE/RT8250 while the train is in a depot/yard/ siding. Page 36 of 48 a) b) c) d) e) f) Train – axle failure. Train – hot axle box/wheel impact load detections. Train – wheel failure. Safety related defect (train/rail vehicle/plant machinery etc). Train – hot axle box/wheel impact load detections. Safety related defect (train/rail vehicle/plant machinery etc). Railway undertaking Note – radio system failures of onboard train equipment should be reported as a radio systems failure RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Reporting of Safety Related Information Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Failures or collapse of freight containers Any case involving the failure of a freight container or any of its load-bearing parts. Safety related defect (train/rail vehicle/plant machinery etc) Railway undertaking Failures of permanent way or works The following are to be reportable if they are likely to cause an accident to a train or endanger a person. This may be measured by the need for repairs before rail traffic can resume its normal speed, or before premises or structures can be used again: a) Any case of failure of: i) A tunnel, bridge, viaduct or culvert. ii) A cutting or an embankment, such as bank slips within a depot/yard/siding site (only reportable if a running line is obstructed or the line is closed by subsidence or slippage or a supporting embankment). iii) Any other structure. iv) The overhead electrified line equipment or conductor rails and associated equipment. b) Any other portion of the permanent way or works not included above, on a line or in a siding within a depot/yard/siding site. Failures or collapse of scaffolding Any case involving the complete or partial collapse of any scaffold, including any slung or suspended scaffold. Permanent way or works – failure Infrastructure manager Scaffolding – collapse Infrastructure manager RSSB Page 37 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Signalling systems incidents*Any case of: a) Failure of the signalling system that endangers or has the potential to endanger the safe passage of trains within a depot/yard/siding site. b) Failure of the signalling system, within a depot/yard/siding site, alleged to be ‘wrong side’ but: i) Which cannot be reproduced. ii) Which are subsequently proved to be ‘right side’. c) A signal being obscured by foliage. d) A ‘wrong side’ failure of signal post telephones, for example, caused by concentrator failure leading to miscommunication. e) Any other failure of the signalling system reported by a driver either on form RT3185 or other means. f) A block marker or cab transition sign missing or being obscured by foliage. g) A shunt entry board missing or being obscured by foliage. h) Failure of balise. i) A stop aspect or indication not being displayed in sufficient time for a train to be stopped safely at the signal because it was returned to dander automatically or in an emergency. j) A stop aspect or indication that previously showed a proceed indication, was displayed because it was returned to danger or displayed in error. k) An in-cab signalled movement authority is withdrawn or shortened, in an emergency or in error, and the movement authority is exceeded. Signalling systems Infrastructure manager * The events listed above are those that fall outside the definition of a SPAD, as defined in this standard. Page 38 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Failures of track/train control systems Any case of failure of the following track/train control systems identified within a depot/yard/siding site: a) Automatic Warning System (AWS). b) Automatic Train Protection (ATP). c) Train Protection and Warning System (TPWS). d) Mechanical train stops. e) Tilt Authorisation and Supervision Systems (TASS). f) European Train Control System (ETCS). Control System (Track/Train) g) Track circuit actuators (TCA). Control System (Track/Train) Permanent way, works or signalling – fire Infrastructure manager, except the failure of on-train equipment only which shall be reported by the railway undertaking. These include: AWS failure codes 4, 10 and 11 TPWS code 16 & 17 Train borne TASS equipment defective Tilt authority received or ‘speed supervised’ indicated on a non-TASS fitted line ETCS balise inconsistency alarm ETCS transition failure ETCS system failure alarm ETCS DMI failure ETCS inappropriate mode displayed ETCS odometer failure alarm Railway undertaking Fires affecting permanent way, works or signalling equipment Any case of fire: a) Arcing or fusing affecting the permanent way or works within a depot/yard/siding site. b) Arcing or fusing of signalling equipment regardless of its effect on the functioning of the equipment within a depot/yard/siding site. c) Including a fire in adjacent properties or buildings affecting the operation of a depot/yard/siding site. Fires and smoke on trains or rail vehicles Any fire or severe electrical arcing in or on any part of any train or rail vehicle that occurs or is discovered while the train or rail vehicle is within a depot/yard/siding site Interventions and activations of track/train control systems Any intervention or activation of the following track/train control systems (that is not the result of a failure of such system) on a train while in a depot/yard/siding site: a) Automatic Warning System (AWS). b) Automatic Train Protection (ATP). c) Train Protection and Warning System (TPWS). d) Mechanical train stops. e) Tilt Authorisation and Supervision Systems (TASS). f) European Train Control System (ETCS) emergency brake interventions or train trips (refer to SMIS guidance). RSSB Infrastructure manager Railway undertaking Train – fire (incl. rail vehicle fire) Control System (Track/Train) Railway undertaking Page 39 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Operational Incidents Incidents affecting, or with the potential to affect (this list is non-exhaustive): a) The safe operation of trains within a depot/yard/siding site, or b) The safety and health of persons, such as staff, passengers or public within a depot/yard/siding site and related to: i) Infringement of electric traction current isolation instructions. ii) Infringement of rules or instructions relating to possessions or protection of the line. iii) Infringements of the rules or instructions relating to work undertaken on or near the line. iv) Infringement of signalling instructions or block regulations. v) Other signalling or handsignalling errors compromising safety. vi) Infringement of rules or instructions relating to train operation and marshalling. vii) Objects left on line by employees or contractors where these events are not reportable under another category in this standard. viii) Runaway vehicles (including On-Track Plant – OTP) Level crossings – misuse of equipment and near misses with persons, road vehicles, etc Any case: a) Of a near miss between a train and a person, road vehicle, etc at a level crossing. b) Of an emergency brake application of the train or rail vehicle being made, to avoid striking a person, road vehicle, etc at a level crossing. c) Involving the misuse of level crossing equipment. Level crossings – trains irregularly running onto crossing Any case of a train running onto a level crossing when not authorised to do so, and where the level crossing is within a depot/yard/siding site. Near misses with persons, road vehicles, etc Any case of: a) A near miss between a train and a person, road vehicle, crane, low-flying aircraft etc within a depot/yard/siding site. b) An emergency brake application of the train or rail vehicle being made, to avoid striking a person, road vehicle, crane, aircraft etc within a depot/yard/siding site. Objects in contact with overhead electric lines Any case of plant or equipment, including that operating within a possession: a) Unintentionally coming into contact with an uninsulated overhead electric line. b) Causing an electrical discharge from such an electric line by coming in close proximity to it. Operational Incidents b viii) will be recorded as ‘Train – Runaway’ Infrastructure manager Page 40 of 48 Railway undertakings for vi) and viii) (It is possible for an organisation to be involved in an event in both roles during depot/yard/siding working) Level Crossing/LC equipment – misuse/near misses Infrastructure manager Train – running over LC (when unauthorised) Infrastructure manager Near miss – train with person (not at LC) Near miss – other (not trains with person/LC user) Infrastructure manager Object – contact OHLE/fallen or blown onto line Infrastructure manager RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Reporting of Safety Related Information Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Occupational ill-health Any case of an IM/RU’s employee or contractor’s employee diagnosed as suffering from an illness, disease or condition that is related to work undertaken within a depot/yard/siding site. Personal accidents Any personal accident to any person: a) While within a depot/yard/siding site. b) While on board a train within a depot/yard/ siding site. Road vehicles, aircraft, etc on the line, or damaging equipment at level crossings Any case of an aircraft or a vehicle of any kind: a) Landing on, running onto or coming to rest within a depot/yard/siding site. b) Damaging a line or a siding within a depot/yard/siding site. c) Causing damage which obstructs a line or a siding within a depot/yard/siding site. d) Causing damage to any railway equipment at a level crossing within a depot/yard/siding site. Radio system failures Any case involving the failure of on-train equipment: a) Cab secure radio (CSR)/driver only radio systems. b) NRN. c) GSM-R. d) Other radio systems used for transmission of safety messages. Route crime (trespass or vandalism) Any case of: a) Objects, including stones, thrown or missiles fired (for example by catapult, gun, etc) except those where the train is struck which are separately reported under this standard. b) Objects placed on a line or siding within a depot/yard/siding site by vandals, including railway materials or equipment, except those where the train strikes the object which are separately reported under this standard. c) Vandalism, or other unauthorised interference with railway infrastructure or equipment, with the potential to compromise safety within a depot/yard/siding site, including the theft of detonators, cables, etc, except cases of arson which are separately reported under this standard. d) Unauthorised persons within the infrastructure manager’s boundary fence, except those where such a person is struck by a train or rail vehicle and which are separately reported under this standard. e) Vandalism wholly in a train within a depot/yard/siding site, except cases of arson which are separately reported under this Standard. Person – occupational ill health Employer Person – personal accident See Table B Non-rail vehicles (incl. Vehicle on line) Infrastructure manager Radio Systems Failure Railway undertaking a) Person – vandalism b) Person – vandalism c) Person – vandalism d) Person – trespass Infrastructure manager e) Person - vandalism Railway undertaking RSSB Page 41 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Signals passed at danger (SPAD) Train – signal passed at danger Category A: Infrastructure manager responsible for the depot/yard/siding concerned Train – division Railway undertaking Train - striking or being struck Infrastructure manager Train - striking road vehicle or gate at LC Infrastructure manager Signal passed at danger means any occasion when any part of a train proceeds beyond its authorised movement to an unauthorised movement within a depot/yard/siding site; “unauthorised movement” means to pass (a) a trackside colour light signal or semaphore at danger, order to STOP, where an Automatic Train Control System (ATCS) or train protection system is not operational; (b) the end of a safety related movement authority provided in an ATCS or train protection system; (c) a point communicated by verbal or written authorisation laid down in regulations; or (d) stop boards (buffer stops are not included) or hand signals, but excludes cases in which – (e) vehicles without any traction unit attached or a train that is unattended run away past a signal at danger; or for any reason, the signal is not turned to danger in time to allow the driver to stop the train before the signal. Train divisions Any case of a train becoming unintentionally divided while it is within a depot/yard/siding site. Trains striking obstructions or being struck by objects Any case of a train or rail vehicle: a) Striking any object or obstruction irrespective of the damage or injury caused, or b) Being struck by any object irrespective of the damage caused or which causes injury to any person on the train or rail vehicle while the train is within a depot/yard/siding site. Trains striking road vehicles or gates/barriers at level crossings Any case of a train or rail vehicle striking or being struck by: a) A road vehicle. b) A gate or barrier at a level crossing that is within a depot/yard/siding site. Page 42 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Reporting of Safety Related Information Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Event category SMIS component SMIS event owner Warning boards missing or lights out, etc Any case reported by a train driver of: a) The lights of the warning boards for a temporary or emergency speed restriction within a depot/yard/siding site being missing or not illuminated. b) A reflective type board being obscured or contaminated such that its visibility is impaired. c) The AWS equipment associated with a temporary or emergency speed restriction within a depot/yard/siding site reported missing. d) The warning boards for temporary or emergency speed restriction reported missing or incorrectly positioned. e) The warning boards for temporary or emergency speed restriction displaying an incorrect or no speed. Warning boards Note: ERTMS cab signalled lines no longer requires ESR and TSR warning boards to be provided Infrastructure manager RSSB Page 43 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Appendix B Accidents resulting in death or injury to people in yards, depots and sidings (not forming part of NRMI) The contents of this table are non-mandatory. Any injury resulting from an event described in Appendix A should be entered into SMIS as part of that event and not as a separate one. It is the event owner’s responsibility (as shown in Appendix A) to enter these injuries. Event category Workforce accidents – all physical injuries or incidents of shock occurring within a depot/yard/siding site: a) Accident to members of workforce. b) Accident to workforce contracted to railway undertaking. c) Accident to workforce contracted to infrastructure manager. Public injuries – injuries involving the operation of trains, within a yard/deport/siding, but excluding any arising in train accidents and other events: a) Accidents wholly on board trains – accidents to passengers wholly on and within the confines of a train with no external influence during the running of the train. b) Person struck by train – any injury resulting from being on or going onto the line. Page 44 of 48 SMIS event owner Employer Exception: If working on a site controlled by Network Rail (under NR Safety Management System), then Network Rail will enter the event as per SMIS Guidance Note 1. Railway undertaking (if the contractor is a SMIS using organisation they should input their own workforce accidents) Infrastructure manager (if the contractor is a SMIS using organisation they should input their own workforce accidents) Exception: If working on a site controlled by Network Rail (under NR Safety Management System), then Network Rail will enter the event as per SMIS Guidance Note 1. Railway undertaking Infrastructure manager RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Reporting of Safety Related Information Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Definitions RSSB Safety Knowledge & Planning maintains a comprehensive list of current definitions on the RSSB website at www.rssb.co.uk. In addition, the following terms referred to in this document are defined as follows: Accident An accident is an unplanned event giving rise to death, ill-health, injury, damage or other loss. It includes suicides and suspected suicides. Block Marker An ERTMS mandated sign indicating on the infrastructure a limit of movement of the train. Cab Transition Signs ERTMS mandated signs used to indicate the approach to ERTMS controlled infrastructure and the locations on the infrastructure of a border between ERTMS and another signalling control system. Dangerous goods incident and irregularity Dangerous goods incident and irregularity (DGI) are circumstances involving the carriage of dangerous goods and specified non-dangerous goods as identified in Section F of GO/RT3053 Working Manual for Rail Staff, and subject to hazard ranking as described in Table C. Enforcement action For the purpose of this standard, means improvement notices, prohibition notices and prosecutions by any enforcing authority. ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System: mandated by the publication of the Control Command Signalling Technical Specification for Interoperability on the Trans European Network. ETCS European Train Control System: specifically the control command component parts of the ERTMS. Event An accident, incident or other occurrence that affects or has the potential to affect system safety or safe inter-working. Formal investigation A formally structured investigation of an accident or incident, led by an infrastructure manager, railway undertaking or a person independent of all the parties involved in the accident or incident, applying processes mandated in GO/RT3119 Accident and Incident Investigation. GSM-R A digital radio system (Global System for Mobile communications – Railways) based on the GSM mobile communication standard adapted for use on European railways. Immediate cause An unsafe act or condition which causes an accident or incident. RSSB Page 45 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information Incident An incident is an unplanned, uncontrolled event that, under different circumstances, could have resulted in an accident. An incident is also known as a near miss. Indicator A visual display device at or near the lineside that provides information relating to the operation of a train. An indicator may be provided in conjunction with a Signal to qualify or amplify the instruction conveyed by the Signal. Lead organisation The railway undertaking or infrastructure manager responsible for managing the processes of formal or local investigations defined in GO/RT3119 and identified by applying criteria defined in Appendix A.2 of that document. Local investigation An investigation of an accident or incident, for which a formal investigation is not required, by an infrastructure manager or a railway undertaking, using its defined company procedures and requirements in respect of remit and results. Major injury As defined in RIDDOR, Schedule 1 and accompanying guidance. Occupational ill-health Any case of ill-health that is suspected or known to have resulted from the affected person’s work activity or work environment, other than ill-health caused by personal accident or assault. This term applies only to cases of occupational ill-health diagnosed or certified by a medical practitioner and includes cases of reportable disease. Operational Incident Incidents affecting, or with the potential to affect, the safe operation of the mainline railway, in accordance with Table A. It may also be applied to yards, depots and sidings, in accordance with Appendix A. The SMIS system contains a full list of definitive Operational Incident types. Passenger A person travelling or intending to travel. Personal accident An uncontrolled, unplanned event that results, or could in similar circumstances result, in an individual being injured or shocked. This includes: a) Assaults, whether or not physical harm was caused b) Ill-health that is attributable to a single event while at work, including inhaling, swallowing or otherwise absorbing any substance, or from suffering lack of oxygen, except where a reportable disease is involved. Possession A system of protecting work in accordance with Module T3 of GE/RT8000 Rule Book. Premises As defined in RIDDOR, Schedule 1 and guidance thereto, this includes any place and any vehicle. It will therefore include all railway vehicles, track, stations and land. Public A person other than a passenger or member of the workforce. Page 46 of 48 RSSB Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Reporting of Safety Related Information Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 RAIB investigation A formally structured investigation into the circumstances of an accident or incident that is supervised by the Railway Accident Investigation Branch (RAIB). Reportable disease Any case of disease listed in Schedule 3 of RIDDOR, contracted while carrying out a specified work activity. RIDDOR Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995. Shunt Entry Board An ERTMS sign used to mark the location from which a shunting movement can begin. SMIS Safety Management Information System: a computer database containing details of events reported by or on behalf of infrastructure managers or railway undertakings. SMIS event owner The infrastructure manager or railway undertaking responsible for inputting the event into SMIS, as set out in Tables A, B and C. The same organisation is the ‘person in control of the premises’ as used in RIDDOR, and would normally be the lead organisation for investigating an accident or incident (as defined in GO/RT3119). SMIS scope Infrastructure managers, railway undertakings, RSSB, other rail industry parties and enforcing authorities having a duty either to report events to SMIS or a requirement to extract or analyse SMIS data. Station For the purpose of this standard, means a railway passenger station served by Network Rail Managed Infrastructure (NRMI). Underlying cause Any factor(s) that led to the immediate causes of accidents or incidents, or resulted in such causes not being identified and mitigated. Workforce All persons working for an infrastructure manager or railway undertaking on rail-related activities (either as direct employees or under contract). Yard, depot or siding (as shown in non-mandatory Appendices A and B) Any location that is connected to but away from the running lines comprising NRMI, where train maintenance, stabling, marshalling and/or servicing (including refuelling) takes place under the management of other infrastructure managers. RSSB Page 47 of 48 Uncontrolled When Printed Document comes into force and supersedes GERT8047 Iss 5 on 01/03/2014 Amendments to this document are published on RSSB Standards Catalogue http://www.rssb.co.uk/railway-group-standards Railway Group Standard GE/RT8047 Issue Six December 2013 Reporting of Safety Related Information References The Catalogue of Railway Group Standards gives the current issue number and status of documents published by RSSB. This information is also available from www.rgsonline.co.uk. RGSC 01 RGSC 02 Railway Group Standards Code The Standards Manual Documents referenced in the text Railway Group Standards GO/RT3119 GO/RT3437 GE/RT8250 GE/RT8000 GO/RT3053 RT3185 Accident and Incident Investigation Defective On-train Equipment Reporting High Risk Defects Rule Book Working Manual for Rail Staff: Handling and Carriage of Dangerous Goods Reporting a signal / AWS / TPWS / ATP / TVM failure or irregularity Other references Railways and Other Guided Transport Systems Regulations (ROGS) 2006 (as amended) Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) 1995 Other relevant documents Railway Group Standards GO/RT3350 GO/GN3519 Page 48 of 48 Communication of Urgent Operating Advice Guidance on Accident and Incident Investigation RSSB