D e c m

Uncontrolled When Printed
Document comes into force 06/12/2014
Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
December 2014
C hang es to mod ul es and hand books:
W o r k i n g o f o n - t r a c k m a ch i n e s ( O T M )
S i ng l e l in e w or ki ng
Pa s s i n g a s i g n a l a t d a n g e r
SS 2
Shu nti n g
T1 0
TS 1
Po s s e s s i o n o f a r u n n i n g l i n e f o r e n g i n e e r i n g w o r k
D u t i e s o f a d e s i g n at e d p e r s o n ( D P ) a n d p e o p l e w o r k i n g o n r a i l
ve h i c l e s
Ge ne r al si g nal l i ng r e g ul at i on s
TS 4
E l e c t r i c t o ke n b l o c k r e g u l a t i o n s
TS 7
N o - s i g n a l l e r t o ke n r e g u l a t i o n s
TW 7
W r o n g - d i r e c t i o n m o ve m e n t s
Ge ne r al du t i es an d t r ack sa fet y fo r t r ack w or ker s
D u t i e s o f t h e l o o ko u t a n d s i t e w a r d e n
D u t i e s o f a p o i n t s o p e r at o r a n d r o u t e - s e t t i n g a g e n t - m o v i n g
an d s ecu r i ng po in t s by ha nd
Ge ne r al du t i es of an i n di vi du al w or ki ng al on e ( IW A )
Ge ne r al du t i es of a co nt r o ll e r of si t e s afet y ( C O S S )
IW A , C O S S o r P C b lo cki ng a l in e
IW A o r C O S S s et t i ng u p s afe sy s t em s of w or k w i t h in po ss es s io ns
H B10
D uti e s o f th e C O S S a nd per so n i n ch ar ge w he n us i ng a h and
tr ol l ey
H B11
D ut i e s o f t h e p er s on in cha r ge o f t he p os s es si on (P IC O P )
H B12
D ut i e s o f t h e e ngi n eer in g s up er v i so r ( E S )
H B13
D ut i e s o f t h e p er s on in cha r ge o f t he s i di ng po ss es s io n
(PI C O S)
H B15
H B16
D uti e s o f th e ma chi ne con tr ol l er (MC ) an d o n- tr ack pl an t op er ato r
AC e le c t r if i e d li n e s
H B17
D C el ec t r i f ie d l i nes
H B18
D ut i e s o f a l evel cr os s in g at t en dan t
H B19
RS/5 21
W o r k o n s i g n a l l i n g e q u i p m e n t - d u t i e s o f t h e s i g n a l l i n g t e ch n i c i a n
S i gna l s, ha nd si gn al s , i n di cat o r s and si g ns Ha nd bo ok
Int r oduction of new hand books:
H B20
H B21
Ge ne r al du t i es of a s afe w o r k l e ade r ( S W L) w or k i ng o ut si de a
po ss es si o n
S a f e wo r k l e a d e r ( S W L ) b l o c k i n g a l i n e
I ssue 2 7
Uncontrolled When Printed
Document comes into force 06/12/2014
Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
The following modules and handbooks will be re-issued and
will come into force on 6 December 2014:
Module OTM
Working of on-track machines (OTM)
Module P1
Single line working
Module S5
Passing a signal at danger
Module SS2
Module T3
Possession of a running Iine for engineering work
Module T10
Duties of a designated person (DP) and people working
on rail vehicles
Module TS1
General signalling regulations
Module TS4
Electric token block regulations
Module TS7
No-signaller token regulations
Module TW7
Wrong-direction movements
Handbook 1
General duties and track safety for track workers
Handbook 3
Duties of the lookout and site warden
Handbook 4
Duties of a points operator and route-setting agent moving and securing points by hand
Handbook 6
General duties of an individual working alone (IWA)
Handbook 7
General duties of a controller of site safety (COSS)
Handbook 8
IWA, COSS or PC blocking a line
Handbook 9
IWA or COSS setting up safe systems of work within
Handbook 10 Duties of the COSS and person in charge when using a
hand trolley
Handbook 11 Duties of the person in charge of the possession
Handbook 12 Duties of the engineering supervisor (ES)
Uncontrolled When Printed
Document comes into force 06/12/2014
Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
Handbook 13 Duties of the person in charge of the siding possession
Handbook 15 Duties of the machine controller (MC) and on-track plant
Handbook 16 AC electrified lines
Handbook 17 DC electrified lines
Handbook 18 Duties of a level crossing attendant
Handbook 19 Work on signalling equipment - duties of the signalling
Signals, handsignals, indicators and signs Handbook
The following handbooks are new and will come into force
on 6 December 2014:
Handbook 20 General duties of a safe work leader (SWL) working
outside a possession
Handbook 21 Safe work leader (SWL) blocking a line
For details please read this briefing document.
Uncontrolled When Printed
Document comes into force 06/12/2014
Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
Module OTM Working of on-track machines (OTM)
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 5 of module OTM
5 Working within possessions
5.1 Maintaining clearance from other lines
The first bullet has been changed to include a safe work leader (SWL) who could
be performing the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). The second
bullet has been changed to include a safe work leader (SWL) who could be
performing the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS).
Module P1 Single line working
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession.
Following successful trials, the rules have been changed to enable trains making
wrong-direction movements during single line working or trains proceeding through
a temporary block section, to pass over points, switch diamonds or swing-nose
crossings at a speed not exceeding 50 mph as opposed to the current limit of 15
Section headings in bold relate to issue 4 of module P1
3 After the forms have been dictated
3.7 Securing points
3.7.3 Remote points
This section has been changed to reflect that trains can traverse power-operated
points at a speed greater than 15 mph.
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Document comes into force 06/12/2014
Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
6 Pilotman instructing drivers
6.2 Additional instructions for wrong-direction movements
c) Other information
This section is now headed ‘Points and crossings arrangements’. This section has
been changed to allow trains to travel at up to 50 mph over all power-operated
points, switch diamonds and swing-nose crossings if they have been secured and
padlocked. The pilotman has to tell the driver what speed has to apply. (This also
includes crossovers leading to and from the single line), The previous heading
‘Other information’ is now section d).
7 Pilotman’s duties during single line working
A new section 7.3 has been added for the pilotman that states that, when a set of
power-operated points have been released for the signaller to move them, when
they are again secured, the first train over them in the wrong direction must be
treated as the first train.
8 Signaller’s duties during single line working
A new section 8.3 has been added for the signaller that states, when a set of
power-operated points that have been secured need to be moved, the pilotman
must be told.
14 Withdrawing single line working
14.2 e) Obstructed line
This section has been changed to include a safe work leader (SWL) who could be
performing the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS). In the first bullet a
new handbook 21 Safe work leader (SWL) blocking a line has been added.
Module S5 Passing a signal at danger
Following successful trials, the rules have been changed to enable trains making
wrong-direction movements during single line working or trains proceeding through
a temporary block section, to pass over points, switch diamonds or swing-nose
crossings at a speed not exceeding 50 mph as opposed to the current limit of 15
Section headings in bold relate to issue 4 of module S5
Briefing Leaflet
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Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
4 During the movement
4.1 Points and crossings
This section has been changed to inform a driver that during temporary block
working or when making wrong-direction movements during single line working,
points or crossings can be traversed at up to 50 mph.
6 Temporary block working
6.2 Arranging temporary block working
This section has been changed that requires all points to also have a padlock
when they are secured, to allow movements up to 50 mph.
6.4 Authorising a train to enter the temporary block section
This section has been changed to tell the signaller to arrange for the driver of the
first train to enter the temporary block working section to be given additional
6.6 During the movement
This section has been changed to tell the driver of the first train to enter the
temporary block working section what needs to be done.
Module SS2 Shunting
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession.
The rule requirement of sounding the horn before entering a shed or building has
been changed.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 3 of module SS2
5 Safeguards while shunting
5.7 Entering a shed or building
The rule requirement of sounding the horn before entering a shed or building has
been changed. There is no longer a requirement to sound the horn if this is
authorised in your company instructions.
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Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
10 Additional instructions for shunting within a
10.2 Before giving a signal to move
An SWL working inside a possession will perform the same duties as an ES, this
section has been changed so that the shunter has made sure the driver has
obtained permission from the ES or the SWL to make the movement.
Module T3 Possession of a running line for
engineering work
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 4 of module T3
2 Taking the possession
2.2 Taking possession around one or more engineering trains
This section has been changed so that the SWL is also included.
5 Movements over level crossings
5.1 When these instructions apply
This section has been changed so that the SWL is also included.
9 Driver’s duties
9.1 Authority for movement of engineering trains
This section has been changed so that the SWL is also included. Diagram T3.3
has also been changed to include an SWL.
9.5 Indicating each work site
This section has been changed so that the SWL is also included.
9.6 During the movement
This section has been changed so that the SWL is also included.
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Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
9.7 When a possession is to be taken around one or more
engineering trains
This section has been changed so that the SWL is also included.
Module T10 Duties of a designated person (DP)
and people working on rail vehicles
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 3 of module T10
3 Duties of people working on rail vehicles
3.7 Walking to or from a failed train on a running line
The section has been changed to include a safe work leader (SWL) who could be
performing the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS).
7 DP walking with a group to or from a failed train
on a running line
7.1 Deciding which line to block
The section has been changed to include a safe work leader (SWL) who could be
performing the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS).
Module TS1 General signalling regulations
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession.
In the section ‘Agreeing the arrangements’ the text has been amended to refer to
signals being kept at danger to protect the activity including the signals on a single
or bi-directional line.
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Document comes into force 06/12/2014
Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
Section headings in bold relate to issue 8 of module TS1
13 Safety of personnel
13.2 IWA, COSS or PC blocking the line
The whole of this section including the title has been changed to include a safe
work leader (SWL) who could be performing the same duties as a controller of site
safety (COSS).
13.2.2 Agreeing the arrangements
The text has been amended to refer to signals being kept at danger to protect the
activity including the signals on a single or bi-directional line.
Module TS4 Electric token block regulations
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession.
Section headings in bold relate to issue 3 of module TS4
3 Method of signalling
3.6 Releasing a token for protection of work
3.6.3 When the token is no longer needed to protect the work
The section has been changed to include a safe work leader (SWL) who could be
performing the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS). Instead of listing
all roles, it has been simplified to just say “If the token has been delivered to you”.
Module TS7 No-signaller token regulations
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession.
Briefing Leaflet
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Document comes into force 06/12/2014
Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
Section headings in bold relate to issue 4 of module TS7
3 Method of signalling
3.3 Releasing a token for protection of work
3.3.3 When the token is no longer needed to protect the work
The section has been changed to include a safe work leader (SWL) who could be
performing the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS). Instead of listing
all roles, it has been simplified to just say “....make sure the token has been
replaced.....” without listing the roles.
Module TW7 Wrong-direction movements
Following successful trials, the rules have now been changed to enable trains
making wrong-direction movements during single line working or trains proceeding
through a temporary block section, to pass over points, switch diamonds or
swing-nose crossings at a speed not exceeding 50 mph as opposed to the current
limit of 15 mph.
4 During the movement
4.1 Points and crossings
The section has been changed to allow the pilotman to give specific instructions to
pass over points or crossings at a higher speed.
4.3 Train speed
The section has been changed to align the train speed which is allowed in Rule
Book module P1 Single line working.
RS/521 Signals, handsignals, indicators and signs
Section 4.2 Stop boards has been changed to make it clear that permission to
pass this stop board can be given before a movement stops at the stop board.
Changes have also been made to this module following the introduction of the role
of a safe work leader (SWL). An SWL working inside a possession will perform the
same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). The explanation of a work-site
marker board in section 4.4 now includes an SWL.
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Document comes into force 06/12/2014
Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
Handbook 1 General duties and track safety for
track workers
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
Handbook 3 Duties of the lookout and site warden
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
Handbook 4 Duties of a points operator and
route-setting agent - moving and securing points
by hand
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
Handbook 6 General duties of an individual
working alone (IWA)
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
Briefing Leaflet
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Document comes into force 06/12/2014
Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
Handbook 7 General duties of a controller of site
safety (COSS)
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL. Form RT9909 has now been
changed to safe-work briefing form (RT9909)
Handbook 8 IWA, COSS or PC blocking a line
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
The text in the sixth bullet of section 1.2 ‘Agreeing the arrangements’ has been
amended to refer to signals being kept at danger to protect the activity including
the signals on a single or bi-directional line.
Handbook 9 IWA or COSS setting up safe systems
of work within possessions
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
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Document comes into force 06/12/2014
Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
Changes have also been made to the ES granting permission to the COSS or IWA
to start work in a work site by telephone. The new arrangements allow the ES or
SWL to brief the COSS or IWA prior to the work taking place. When permission
has been given for the work to start, an authority number must be issued and
recorded. This arrangement is only permitted where it has been planned and
published in advance and the COSS or IWA and the ES or SWL are aware of what
is to happen. Form RT9909 has now been changed to safe-work briefing form
(RT9909). The form has been changed from Engineering Supervisor’s Certificate
to Work-site Certificate (RT3199).
Handbook 10 Duties of the COSS and person in
charge when using a hand trolley
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
Handbook 11 Duties of the person in charge of
the possession (PICOP)
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL. The form has been changed from
Engineering Supervisor’s Certificate to Work-site Certificate (RT3199).
Briefing Leaflet
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Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
Handbook 12 Duties of the engineering supervisor
The handbook name has been changed to ‘Duties of the engineering supervisor
(ES) or safe work leader (SWL) in a possession’. Changes have been made to this
module following the introduction of the role of a safe work leader (SWL). The SWL
when working outside a possession will perform the same duties as a controller of
site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a possession will perform the same
duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An SWL cannot work as a COSS inside
a possession. The document has been changed to also include reference to an
Changes have also been made to the ES granting permission to the COSS or IWA
to start work in a work site by telephone. The new arrangements allow the ES or
SWL to brief the COSS or IWA prior to the work taking place. When permission
has been given for the work to start, an authority number must be issued and
recorded. This arrangement is only permitted where it has been planned and
published in advance and the COSS or IWA and the ES or SWL are aware of what
is to happen. Form RT9909 has now been changed to safe-work briefing form
(RT9909). The form has been changed from Engineering Supervisor’s Certificate
to Work-site Certificate (RT3199).
Handbook 13 Duties of the person in charge of
the siding possession (PICOS)
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
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Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
Handbook 15 Duties of the machine controller
(MC) and on-track plant operator
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
Handbook 16 AC electrified lines
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
Handbook 17 DC electrified lines
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
Handbook 18 Duties of a level crossing attendant
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
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Supersedes GERT8000-RBBL 26 on 06/12/2014
Handbook 19 Work on signalling equipment duties of the signalling technician
Changes have been made to this module following the introduction of the role of a
safe work leader (SWL). The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS), an SWL working inside a
possession will perform the same duties as an engineering supervisor (ES). An
SWL cannot work as a COSS inside a possession. The document has been
changed to also include reference to an SWL.
Handbook 20 General duties of a safe work leader
(SWL) working outside a possession
Following the introduction of the role of a safe work leader (SWL) this handbook
has been produced for the general duties that need to be performed by the SWL
outside a possession. The SWL when working outside a possession will perform
the same duties as a controller of site safety (COSS). An SWL cannot work as a
COSS inside a possession.
Handbook 21 Safe work leader (SWL) blocking a
Following the introduction of the role of a safe work leader (SWL) this handbook
has been produced for the duties that need to be performed by the SWL when
blocking a line.
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Briefing Leaflet