Scope and Sequence Arts, Audio/Video Technology & Communications Cluster: Advanced Fashion Design (Two to Three Credits) Course Name: Course Description: Careers in fashion span all aspects of the textile and apparel industries. Within this context, in addition to developing advanced knowledge and skills needed for success in the Arts, Audio/Video Technology, and Communications career cluster, students will be expected to develop an advanced understanding of fashion, with an emphasis on design and production. Course Requirements: Equipment: This course is recommended for students in Grades 10-12. Prerequisite: Fashion Design. Required: Domestic sewing machine for each student, Sergers, Tray storage for student supplies, Irons, Ironing boards, Large work tables, Computers with internet access (1:5 computer:student ratio), Dressing Area or room with mirrors, Portable dress forms, TV/DVD Player, Digital camera, Color photo-quality printer, Large secure storage space Recommended: Required equipment plus: Steam press, Steamer, Professional dress forms, Laundry facility with sink, Industrial sewing machine, Projector and screen, Rolling clothing racks, Industrial blind hemming machine Units of Study Knowledge and Skills A. Development of Fashion (5) The student understands fashion, textile, and apparel systems. (11) The student develops an advanced technical understanding of fashion, with emphasis on design and production. Student Expectations Resources The student is expected to analyze and summarize the history and evolution of the fashion, textiles, and apparel field. (A) describe how garment development and fashion have evolved from ancient times to present day by: (ii) describing social influences which have affected fashion F IFB TEOF WEB9 WEB10 WEB12 This material is © and available at no cost or at cost for use by Texas Public School Districts, TEA approved Charter Schools and Texas Regional ESCs. Others interested in use of these materials, please contact: 1 Units of Study (11) The student develops an advanced technical understanding of fashion, with emphasis on design Knowledge and Skills and production. Student Expectations Resources (iii) explaining values communicated through WEB14 clothing in specific historical periods WEB21 (iv) showing the influence of historic fashions on WEB29 current-year fashion WEB35 (v) identifying prominent historical designers (B) analyze various types of worldwide fashion production by: (i) describing mass production techniques (ii) describing the development of haute couture B. Fashion History (1) The student applies academic (A) apply English language arts knowledge and skills by F knowledge and skills in fashion, demonstrating use of content, technical concepts, and textile, and apparel projects. vocabulary; using correct grammar, punctuation, and Fashion terminology to write and edit documents; and composing Sourcebooks and editing copy for a variety of written documents such as patterns, brochures, advertisements, press releases, etc. (10) The student applies advanced The student is expected to employ planning and timetechnical skills for efficiency. management skills to complete work tasks. (11) The student develops an (A) describe how garment development and fashion have advanced technical understanding evolved from ancient times to present day by: of fashion, with emphasis on design (i) identifying significant historic fashions from early and production. civilizations to today C. Fashion Image Analysis (11) The student develops an (I) demonstrate basic techniques in personal fashion Color Analysis Kit advanced technical understanding image analysis by: of fashion, with emphasis on design (i) describing techniques used to analyze the WEB8 and production. fashion image of individual clients (ii) explaining factors involved in fashion image consulting such as personal coloring, color harmonies, appropriate fabric textures, body proportion and silhouette, figure, facial and hair analysis, and wardrobe coordination (iii) developing a personal fashion image evaluation for an individual D. Quality Standards for (11) The student develops an (H) produce quality fashion products by: SS Construction advanced technical understanding This material is © and available atof nofashion, cost or at with cost for use by Texas Public School Districts, TEA approved Charter Schools and Texas Regional ESCs. Others interested in use of these emphasis on design materials, please contact: and production. 2 Units ofStandards Study for D. Quality Construction E. Textile Art Knowledge Skills (11) The studentand develops an advanced technical understanding of fashion, with emphasis on design and production. Student Expectations (i) outlining general procedures and equipment used in apparel design and pattern development (ii) identifying the processes for constructing custom made garments (iii) describing characteristics of proper fit (iv) applying correct procedures used in garment fitting, pattern making, and pattern alteration (v) constructing custom made garments using appropriate tools, equipment, and supplies (vi) demonstrating safety practices when completing tasks related to garment construction (6) The student applies safety (A) implement personal and workplace safety rules and regulations. regulations (B) employ emergency procedures (7) The student applies leadership (B) employ teamwork and conflict-management skills to characteristics to student leadership achieve collective goals and professional development activities. (10) The student applies advanced technical skills for efficiency. (11) The student develops an advanced technical understanding of fashion, with emphasis on design and production. F. Textile Analysis The student is expected to employ planning and timemanagement skills to complete work tasks. (D) determine textile suitability for specific applications and uses by: (i) comparing processes for dyeing, printing, and finishing used in the textile industry (ii) explaining how finishes affect the characteristics of fabrics (iii) recommending care procedures for various textile products (11) The student develops an (E) determine implications of textile characteristics on advanced technical understanding apparel and fashion by: of fashion, with emphasis on design (i) outlining the textile design process from concept and production. to finished product (ii) differentiating types and methods of textile production Resources WEB27 WEB28 WEB34 WEB38 TF WEB11 WEB15 WEB16 WEB17 WEB23 WEB24 WEB36 Fabric Lab Kit WEB4 WEB20 WEB30 WEB34 This material is © and available at no cost or at cost for use by Texas Public School Districts, TEA approved Charter Schools and Texas Regional ESCs. Others interested in use of these materials, please contact: 3 advanced technical understanding of fashion, with emphasis on design and production. Units of Study G. Advanced Design Techniques 1. Factors Influencing Fashion Design 2. Laws and Ethics 3. Employment Skills Knowledge and Skills Student Expectations (iii) summarizing implications and methods of dyeing, printing, and finishing of textiles (iv) determining textile and apparel labeling requirements (v) determining factors affecting the cost of textile products (11) The student develops an (F) determine design influences on the fashion industry advanced technical understanding by: of fashion, with emphasis on design (i) explaining the role of leading designers in and production. determining fashion trends (ii) analyzing international factors affecting fashion design (iii) determining the impact of technology on the design industry (iv) determining the impact of design decisions on product cost (8) The student demonstrates (A) exhibit ethical conduct ethical decision making and (B) apply copyright laws complies with legal practices (C) model respect for intellectual property pertaining to fashion, textiles, and (D) demonstrate knowledge of acceptable use policies apparel. (E) summarize the rights and responsibilities of employers and employees (F) exhibit ethical practices as defined by the fashion and apparel industries (G) analyze legal aspects of the fashion and apparel industries (7) The student applies leadership (A) employ leadership skills to accomplish goals and characteristics to student leadership objectives by analyzing the various roles of leaders within and professional development organizations, exhibiting problem-solving and activities. management traits, describing effective leadership styles, and participating in civic and community leadership and teamwork opportunities to enhance skills (B) employ teamwork and conflict-management skills to achieve collective goals Resources F WEB29 WEB34 WEB20 F WEB15 This material is © and available at no cost or at cost for use by Texas Public School Districts, TEA approved Charter Schools and Texas Regional ESCs. Others interested in use of these materials, please contact: 4 Units of Study Knowledge and Skills Student Expectations Resources (C) establish and maintain effective working relationships by providing constructive praise and criticism, demonstrating sensitivity to and value for diversity, and managing stress and controlling emotions (9) The student develops employability characteristics. 4. Portfolio (D) conduct and participate in meetings to accomplish work tasks by developing meeting goals, objectives, and agendas; preparing for and conducting meetings to achieve objectives within scheduled time; producing meeting minutes, including decisions and next steps; and using parliamentary procedure, as needed, to conduct meetings (E) employ mentoring skills to inspire and teach others (A) participate in training, education, or certification for employment (B) demonstrate positive work behaviors and personal qualities needed to be employable (C) demonstrate skills related to seeking and applying for employment to find and obtain a desired job, including identifying job opportunities, developing a resume and letter of application, completing a job application, and demonstrating effective interview skills (D) maintain a career portfolio to document work experiences, licenses, certifications, and work samples (E) demonstrate skills in evaluating and comparing employment opportunities (10) The student applies advanced The student is expected to employ planning and timetechnical skills for efficiency. management skills to complete work tasks. (11) The student develops an (G) create a portfolio of fashion designs by: advanced technical understanding (i) demonstrating fashion figure drawing of fashion, with emphasis on design (ii) applying design elements and principles to and production. create fashion drawings (iii) demonstrating the properties and characteristics of color (iv) using computer-aided techniques to create fashion designs 9H:AGDF EFDTS F FDDC FS PPFD WEB3 WEB34 WEB39 This material is © and available at no cost or at cost for use by Texas Public School Districts, TEA approved Charter Schools and Texas Regional ESCs. Others interested in use of these materials, please contact: 5 and production. Units of Study H. Patternmaking Knowledge and Skills Student Expectations (v) selecting appropriate textiles to use in specific designs (vi) assembling portfolio components to present fashion designs (1) The student applies academic (A) apply English language arts knowledge and skills by knowledge and skills in fashion, demonstrating use of content, technical concepts, and textile, and apparel projects. vocabulary; using correct grammar, punctuation, and terminology to write and edit documents; and composing and editing copy for a variety of written documents such as patterns, brochures, advertisements, press releases, etc. (B) apply mathematics knowledge and skills by identifying whole numbers, decimals, and fractions applied to measurement and scale; demonstrating knowledge of basic arithmetic operations; using conversion methods such as fractions to decimals and inches to points; and applying measurement to solve a problem (3) The student understands and The student is expected to employ critical-thinking and examines problem-solving methods. interpersonal skills independently and in teams to solve problems. (4) The student applies information The student is expected to use personal information technology applications. management, email, Internet, writing and publishing, presentation, and spreadsheet or database applications for fashion, textiles, and apparel projects. Patternmaking software programs such as Garment Designer HTMSP WEB23 (6) The student applies safety regulations. I. Advanced Clothing Construction (A) implement personal and workplace safety rules and regulations (B) employ emergency procedures (10) The student applies advanced The student is expected to employ planning and timetechnical skills for efficiency. management skills to complete work tasks. (11) The student develops an (H) produce quality fashion products by: advanced technical understanding (i) outlining general procedures and equipment of fashion, with emphasis on design used in apparel design and pattern development and production. (ii) identifying the processes for constructing custom made garments Resources WEB6 WEB13 WEB22 WEB25 WEB28 This material is © and available at no cost or at cost for use by Texas Public School Districts, TEA approved Charter Schools and Texas Regional ESCs. Others interested in use of these materials, please contact: 6 Units of Study J. Fashion Show Production: discussion for this unit should begin early in the year and should be referred to throughout the school year (11) The student develops an advanced technical understanding of fashion, with emphasis on design and production. Knowledge and Skills Student Expectations (iii) describing characteristics of proper fit (iv) applying correct procedures used in garment fitting, pattern making, and pattern alteration (v) constructing custom made garments using appropriate tools, equipment, and supplies (vi) demonstrating safety practices when completing tasks related to garment construction (1) The student applies academic (A) apply English language arts knowledge and skills by knowledge and skills in fashion, demonstrating use of content, technical concepts, and textile, and apparel projects. vocabulary; using correct grammar, punctuation, and terminology to write and edit documents; and composing and editing copy for a variety of written documents such as patterns, brochures, advertisements, press releases, etc. (B) apply mathematics knowledge and skills by identifying whole numbers, decimals, and fractions applied to measurement and scale; demonstrating knowledge of basic arithmetic operations; using conversion methods such as fractions to decimals and inches to points; and applying measurement to solve a problem (2) The student applies professional (A) adapt language for audience, purpose, situation, and communications strategies. intent such as structure and style (B) organize oral and written information (C) interpret and communicate information, data, and observations (D) give formal and informal presentations (E) apply active listening skills (F) listen to and speak with diverse individuals (G) exhibit public relations skills (3) The student understands and The student is expected to employ critical-thinking and examines problem-solving methods. interpersonal skills independently and in teams to solve problems. Resources WEB5 WEB6 WEB13 WEB22 WEB23 WEB25 WEB28 WEB29 This material is © and available at no cost or at cost for use by Texas Public School Districts, TEA approved Charter Schools and Texas Regional ESCs. Others interested in use of these materials, please contact: 7 Units of Study Knowledge and Skills Student Expectations Resources (4) The student applies information The student is expected to use personal information technology applications. management, email, Internet, writing and publishing, presentation, and spreadsheet or database applications for fashion, textiles, and apparel projects. (6) The student applies safety (A) implement personal and workplace safety rules and regulations. regulations (B) employ emergency procedures (7) The student applies leadership (A) employ leadership skills to accomplish goals and characteristics to student leadership objectives by analyzing the various roles of leaders within and professional development organizations, exhibiting problem-solving and activities. management traits, describing effective leadership styles, and participating in civic and community leadership and teamwork opportunities to enhance skills (B) employ teamwork and conflict-management skills to achieve collective goals (C) establish and maintain effective working relationships by providing constructive praise and criticism, demonstrating sensitivity to and value for diversity, and managing stress and controlling emotions (D) conduct and participate in meetings to accomplish work tasks by developing meeting goals, objectives, and agendas; preparing for and conducting meetings to achieve objectives within scheduled time; producing meeting minutes, including decisions and next steps; and using parliamentary procedure, as needed, to conduct meetings (E) employ mentoring skills to inspire and teach others (10) The student applies advanced The student is expected to employ planning and timetechnical skills for efficiency. management skills to complete work tasks. (11) The student develops an (C) perform operations for various roles in the fashion advanced technical understanding industries by: of fashion, with emphasis on design (i) identifying tasks that employees may perform and production. (ii) following procedures identified for performing tasks This material is © and available at no cost or at cost for use by Texas Public School Districts, TEA approved Charter Schools and Texas Regional ESCs. Others interested in use of these materials, please contact: 8 Units of Study (11) The student develops an advanced technical understanding of fashion, with emphasis on design and production. Knowledge and Skills Student Expectations Resources (iii) applying resource management procedures when completing assigned tasks (H) produce quality fashion products by: (i) outlining general procedures and equipment used in apparel design and pattern development (ii) identifying the processes for constructing custom made garments (iii) describing characteristics of proper fit (iv) applying correct procedures used in garment fitting, pattern making, and pattern alteration (v) constructing custom made garments using appropriate tools, equipment, and supplies (vi) demonstrating safety practices when completing tasks related to garment construction Resources: Books 9H:AGDF CFFAC EFDTS F FDDC FS HTMSP IFB PPFD SS TEOF TF Websites WEB1: WEB2: WEB3: WEB4: 0132238446, Prentice-Hall, 9 Heads: A Guide to Drawing Fashion , 3E 0078767954, McGraw-Hill, Clothing: Fashion, Fabrics and Construction , 5E 0870054384, Fairchild Books, Elementary Fashion Design & Trade Sketching , 2E 1590706285, Goodheart-Wilcox Company, Fashion! , 2006 0764124730, Barron's Educational Series, Fashion Design Drawing Course , 1E 1563674475, Fairchild Publications, Fashion Sketchbook , 5E 0932538002, Design Enterprises of San Francisco, How to Make Sewing Patterns , RE 0130108553, Prentice-Hall, Inside the Fashion Business , 7E 1563672529, Fairchild Publications, Portfolio Presentation for Fashion Designers , 2E 1590708261, Goodheart-Wilcox Company, Successful Sewing , 2008 0060958200, Harper Publishers, The End of Fashion , 2000 0873496167, Krause Publications, Transforming Fabric: Thirty Creative Ways to Paint, Dye and Pattern Cloth , 2004 Council of Fashion Designers of America html Fashion Institute of Technology American Textiles Manufacturers Institute This material is © and available at no cost or at cost for use by Texas Public School Districts, TEA approved Charter Schools and Texas Regional ESCs. Others interested in use of these materials, please contact: 9 Units of Study Knowledge and Skills WEB5: WEB6: WEB7: WEB8: WEB9: WEB10: WEB11: WEB12: WEB13: WEB14: WEB15: WEB16: WEB17: WEB18: WEB19: WEB20: WEB21: WEB22: WEB23: WEB24: WEB25: WEB26: WEB27: WEB28: WEB29: WEB30: WEB31: WEB32: WEB33: WEB34: WEB35: ndex.html WEB36: WEB37: WEB38: WEB39: Student Expectations Resources Butterick Patterns Garment Designer The Color Association of the U.S. The Costumer's Manifesto Nasco FCCLA Houston Fiber Artists American Fiber Manufacturer's Association Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising U.S. Trade Commission McCall Patterns Rit Dyes The Home Sewing Association Sew News Magazine Simplicity Patterns Textile Institute Textile World Magazine Global Textile Network Utah Educational Network Victoria & Albert Museum Handweavers Guild of America Women's Wear Daily This material is © and available at no cost or at cost for use by Texas Public School Districts, TEA approved Charter Schools and Texas Regional ESCs. Others interested in use of these materials, please contact: 10