Academic Board Regulations Made by the Monash University Council Version incorporating amendments as at 12 July 2013 Part I - President and vice-presidents 1. Election 1.1 1.2 1.3. 2. The members of the Academic Board must from time to time elect 1.1.1 one of their number to be the president of the Academic Board; and 1.1.2 up to two of their number to be vice-presidents of the Academic Board. To be eligible for election as president a member must 1.2.1 be nominated by two members of the Academic Board; 1.2.2 be a member of the academic staff; and 1.2.3 hold the rank of professor. To be eligible for election as vice-president a member must 1.3.1 be nominated by two members of the Academic Board; 1.3.2 be a member of the academic staff; and 1.3.3 hold the rank of associate professor, reader or above. Powers and duties 2.1 The president is2.1.1 chair of the Academic Board; and 2.1.2 a member ex officio of any committee of the Academic Board. 2.2 A vice-president must assist the president in the execution of his or her powers and duties, as directed by the president. 2.3 Where 2.3.1 the president is unable to attend a meeting of the Academic Board; Academic Board Regulations 2.3.2 the president is, for a brief period, unable to fulfil the responsibilities of the office;or 2.3.3 there is a casual vacancy in the office of president – the vice-president, or where there are two, the vice-president nominated for the purpose by the vice-chancellor, will be acting president at any meeting, during the brief period or until the casual vacancy is duly filled, as the case requires. 3. 4. Term of office 3.1 Subject to this section, the term of office of president and vice-president is two years commencing 1 January following election. 3.2 A member who has held office as president or vice-president, other than to fill a casual vacancy, is eligible for election to that office for no more than one further term of two years. 3.3 After the expiration of his or her term of office, a president and a vice-president shall remain a member of the Academic Board until 30 June in the following year. Casual vacancy 4.1 A casual vacancy in the office of president or vice-president occurs where 4.1.1 the president or vice-president sends a signed statement of resignation to the vice-chancellor; is absent from the university for a period exceeding three months; ceases to be a member of the staff of the university; dies; or 4.1.2 the term of office is terminated by a formal resolution of the Academic Board passed by two-thirds of the members present and voting. 4.2 Where a casual vacancy occurs in the office of president or vice-president, the members of the Academic Board must elect an eligible member to fill the office for the balance of the term. 4.3 Where a member of the Academic Board, other than an ex officio member, is elected to the office of president or vice-president, a casual vacancy occurs in the office of member of the board previously held by the member. Page|2 Academic Board Regulations Part II - Term of office of Academic Board members 5. Term of office 5.1 Subject to subsection 5.2, the term of office of a member of the Academic Board (other than an ex officio member) is two years commencing 1 July following election or appointment. 5.2 The term of office of a student member of the Academic Board is one year commencing January in the year following election. 5.3 A member of the Academic Board is eligible for re-election or appointment subject to remaining qualified. 6. Casual Vacancy – elected member 6.1 A casual vacancy in the office of a member of the Academic Board appointed or elected under subsection 3.3 or 3.4 of Statute 2.2 occurs where a member - 6.2 6.1.1 sends a signed statement of resignation to the president of the board; 6.1.2 is absent from three consecutive ordinary meetings of the board without special leave granted by the board at or before the last of those three meetings; or 6.1.3 ceases to hold any qualification required for membership under subsection 3.3 or 3.4 of Statute 2.2 - or where for any reason a vacancy in the office of an elected member occurs otherwise than by the expiration of the member’s term of office. Where 6.2.1 at an election under subsection 3.4 of Statute 2.2 no member, or an insufficient number of members, is elected; or 6.2.2 an election under subsection 3.4 of Statute 2.2 should have been but has not been held - a casual vacancy is deemed to have occurred in each office of member of the Academic Board not so filled. 6.3 Where a casual vacancy occurs three months or less before the expiration of the term of office of a member of the Academic Board, it shall not be filled. 6.4 Where a casual vacancy occurs more than three months before the expiration of the term of office of a member of the Academic Board, it must be filled by an appropriately qualified person appointed, in the case of – 6.4.1 a member appointed under subsection 3.3 of Statute 2.2, by the faculty; 6.4.2 an academic staff member elected under subsection 3.4.1 of Statute 2.2, by the relevant faculty board; Page|3 Academic Board Regulations 7. 6.4.3 a director elected under subsection 3.4.2 of Statute 2.2, by the directors referred to in that paragraph; and 6.4.4 an undergraduate student, by nomination of the presidents of the University student associations; and 6.4.5 a coursework graduate student or higher degree by research student, by nomination of the Monash Postgraduates Association. 6.5 Where a member of the Academic Board resigns office and the resignation is to take effect at a later date, a person may be appointed under subsection 6.4 before that date to fill the vacancy when it arises. 6.6 A member appointed to fill a casual vacancy is entitled to hold office 6.6.1 for the balance of the term of office of the member replaced; or 6.6.2 in the case of a deemed casual vacancy under subsection 6.2, as if duly elected at the election concerned. Vacancy on expiration of term of an elected member A vacancy on the expiration of an elected member's term of office must be filled by an election held before that expiration. Part III - Meetings and proceedings 8. Secretary The Academic Board may appoint an officer of the university to be secretary to the board. 9. Meetings 9.1 An ordinary meeting of the Academic Board must be held at least four times each year. 9.2 A special meeting of the Academic Board must be held 9.2.1 when so directed by the vice-chancellor; or 9.2.2 on the written request of the chancellor or ten members of the board. 9.3 The secretary must give at least seven days notice of a meeting of the Academic Board to each member of the board, specifying the time, place and agenda of the meeting. 9.4 If not less than two-thirds of the members of the Academic Board agree, a meeting of the Academic Board may be held by a method of communication, or a combination of methods, approved by the chair for the purposes of that meeting. Page|4 Academic Board Regulations 9.5 10. A member of the Academic Board who participates in a meeting held as permitted by subsection 9.4 is present at the meeting even if he or she is not physically present at the same place as another member participating in the meeting. Resolutions without Meetings 10.1 If a majority of the members of the Academic Board sign a document circulated by, or on behalf of, the chair containing a statement that those members are in favour of a resolution in terms set out in the document, a resolution in those terms shall be taken to have been passed at a meeting of the Academic Board held on the day on which the document is signed or, if the members do not sign it on the same day, on the day on which the last member signs the document. 10.2 If a resolution is taken to have been passed under subsection 10.1, each member must be advised as soon as practicable and given a copy of the terms of the resolution. 10.3 For the purposes of subsection 10.1, two or more separate documents containing a statement in identical terms, each signed by one or more members, shall together be taken to constitute one document. 11. Quorum 11.1 A quorum at a meeting of the Academic Board is one-third of the members. 11.2 A quorum at a meeting of a committee of the Academic Board is as follows 11.2.1 two members, where the committee has three members; 11.2.2 four members, where the committee has four to ten members; 11.2.3 five members, where the committee has eleven to fifteen members; and 11.2.4 one-third of the members, taken to the nearest whole number, where the committee has sixteen or more members. End Notes 1. Table of amendments from 1 November 2011 (as incorporated into this version): Amendment Sections amended Commencement Date (promulgation) Academic Board Regulations (Amendment) (No. 9 of 2013) Section 6 12 July 2013 Page|5