Deans Regulations Made by the Vice-Chancellor and President of Monash University 1. These regulations are made in accordance with the powers vested in the vicechancellor and president by Statute 3.3 – Deans. Part I – Dean’s roles and responsibilities 2. Each dean shall be responsible, with respect to his or her faculty, for: 2.1 exercising a general superintendence over its academic and administrative affairs; 2.2 being responsible, through the Provost, to the vice-chancellor and president and whenever required by the Provost or the vice-chancellor and president, providing a written report of the academic affairs and/or the administrative affairs of the faculty; 2.3 the academic leadership, and the governance and management of his or her faculty; 2.4 representing the faculty and the university to the external community; 2.5 establishing appropriate structures and mechanisms for the efficient and effective governance of the faculty; and 2.6 whenever required by the Academic Board, providing a written report on the academic affairs of the faculty. Part II – Faculty governance 3. For the purpose of regulation 2, each dean for his or her respective faculty: 3.1 must establish an executive group (however designated) for the purpose of advising the dean on the management of the faculty; 3.2 must ensure that appropriate structures and mechanisms, including the appointment of individuals or committees, are in place for the governance of the faculty to undertake the following functions: 3.2.1 develop and promote excellence in learning and teaching in the faculty; 3.2.2 evaluate teaching quality in the faculty; 3.2.3 student selection and admission; Deans Regulations 3.2.4 managing student progress and discipline; 3.2.5 curriculum development, approval, implementation, review and renewal; 3.2.6 develop proposals relating to coursework courses and units of study and admissions, pathways and scholarships to the faculty; 3.2.7 undertake coursework course reviews; 3.2.8 develop processes for determining the results of the performance of all candidates enrolled in the faculty; 3.2.9 develop, implement and monitor relevant academic performance indicators for the faculty; 3.2.10 develop a faculty research strategy and monitor its implementation; 3.2.11 set and monitor faculty targets aimed at achieving research excellence and impact; and 3.2.12 monitor progress on industry engagement and commercialisation of intellectual property at faculty level; 3.4 is an ex officio member of any committee established pursuant to subparagraph 3.3; 3.5 may appoint the relevant faculty deputy dean or associate dean or other suitable person as chair of a faculty committee appointed pursuant to subparagaraph 3.3, but in any event must ensure that any individual or committee appointed pursuant to subparagraph 3.3 reports through the dean to the corresponding sub-committee of Academic Board (where one exists); 3.6 must establish an advisory mechanism or mechanisms appropriate for the faculty, which include student representation and, where appropriate, external representation; may direct any committee established under these regulations to meet at intervals determined by the dean and to provide a report to the dean of such meetings as required by the dean. 3.7 Part III – Deans’ accountabilities 4. In addition to any specific accountabilities set out in a dean’s individual employment contract and subject to any directions given by the vice-chancellor and president, each dean, with respect to his or her faculty, is accountable through the Provost to the vicechancellor and president for: 4.1 leading and managing the academic and operational affairs of the faculty (including staffing and staff management, administration, budgeting, resource and workload allocation, working conditions and occupational health and safety matters) in accordance with university statutes, regulations, policies and procedures; Page|2 Deans Regulations 4.2 working collaboratively with other senior university managers to serve the interests of the university; 4.3 overseeing financial management and resource allocation within the faculty, including being responsible for the faculty meeting its enrolment, budget and revenue targets and associated planning objectives and targets; 4.4 preparing required faculty plans and budgets which align with the university’s strategic directions and monitoring the achievement of these plans and budgets. End Notes 1. These Regulations were made by the Vice-Chancellor and President of Monash University on 16 December 2013 and came into operation on 20 December 2013. Page|3