Nordic Society Oikos Trophic Control across a Natural Productivity Gradient with Sap-Feeding Herbivores Author(s): Maria Uriarte and Oswald J. Schmitz Reviewed work(s): Source: Oikos, Vol. 82, No. 3 (Sep., 1998), pp. 552-560 Published by: Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of Nordic Society Oikos Stable URL: . Accessed: 25/09/2012 21:24 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . Wiley-Blackwell and Nordic Society Oikos are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Oikos. OIKOS 82: 552-560. Copenhagen1998 gradientwith Trophiccontrolacrossa naturalproductivity herbivores sap-feeding Maria Uriarteand Oswald J. Schmitz 0. J. 1998.Trophiccontrolacrossa naturalproductivity M. and Schmitz, Uriarte, - Oikos83: 552-560. herbivores. withsap-feeding gradient damage herbivore playin controlling therolethatpredators examining Experiments and ofproductivity effect to plantbiomassarecommonin ecology.The interactive remains however, ecosystems, predationon standingplantbiomassin terrestrial on the and productivity Herewe examinetheroleof predation poorlyunderstood. are thedominant herbivores inflict on goldenrod. Sap feeders damagesap-feeding and does notcarrymanyof in thiscommunity. Sap is poorin nutrients herbivores shouldthenbe sensitive Sap-feeders defense ofgoldenrod. thechemical compounds to theproduction of chemical impervious and relatively to changesin productivity across on goldenrod ofpredation and fertilization theeffect We examined defenses. on of predators We foundthattheeffect and successional gradient. a productivity Someof these withincreasing productivity. herbivore damageincreased controlling proposedby Oksanenwhile hypothesis withtheExploitation resultsare consistent of trophic controlacrossproductivity mechanisms alternative othersseemto reflect siteswhileplant Top-downcontrolwas strongin highproductivity gradients. interactions mayhave obscuredany patternof top-downcontrolin competitive sites. and lowproductivity intermediate Studies, Yale M. Uriarteand 0. J. Schmitz,School of Forestryand Environmental Univ.,370 ProspectSt., New Haven, CT 06511, USA (presentaddressof MU: Section of Ecology and Systematics,Corson Hall, Cornell Univ.,Ithaca, NY 14853, USA []). Many studieshave examinedthe role predatorsplay in food web dynamics(Sih et al. 1985,Brettand Goldman 1996,Polis and Winemiller1996). This body of research indicatesthat theremay be considerablevariationin the influencetop predatorsexert withinand among fieldsites.An importantchallengeis to understandthe (sensu Hunter and Price source of this heterogeneity 1992) in food web dynamics. recognizedby One potentialsource of heterogeneity early theory(Oksanen et al. 1981) is the net primary of a location.Accordingto thistheory,the productivity determinesthe numberof trophic level of productivity levels that persist in a given system.For instance, energy willhave insufficient systemsof low productivity to support herbivoresand consequentlyno predator increases, effectsshould be observed.As productivity enablingherbivorepopulationsto gain a footholdin a system,we should see a correlatedincrease in the degree to which plants are limitedby herbivoreconsumers (Oksanen et al. 1981). In highlyproductive carnivorespersist,limitingherbivorepopenvironments ulationsand helpingplants overcomestronglimitation by herbivoreconsumers.Hence carnivoresexert an indirectmutualisticeffecton plantsvia top-downcontrol of herbivorepopulations. Despite the key role that Oksanen et al's (1981) exploitation hypothesishas played in shaping our thinkingof trophicinteractions,few studies describe how top-downeffectschange across space or time in three trophic level systems(but see Carpenter and Kitchell 1987, Hartvingtsenet al. 1995, Wardle et al. is the succes1995). One determinantof productivity sional state of the field. In our study system,early successionalfieldshave typicallysustainedagricultural Accepted 19 January1998 ? OIKOS 1998 Copyright ISSN 0030-1299 Printedin Ireland - all rightsreserved 552 OIKOS 82:3 (1998) exploitation,have low soil nutrientcontent,and exhibit low productivity.Productivityseems to increase with successionaltime.We used the naturalchangesin productivityacross a successionalgradientto examinethe We studiedthetrophic variationin trophicinteractions. interactionsin goldenrod(Solidago rugosa) communities dominatedby sap-feedinginsectsalong a successional productivity gradient. Oksanen's model assumesthat(a) grazersmove over a largearea, and (b) grazershave highenergydemands. Sap-feedersare immobileduringtheirlarval stagewhen theyare mostdamagingto theplantsand vulnerableto predationso theydo not complywiththe firstassumption of the Exploitation hypothesis.However, their sedentarylarvae and thepoor nutritional qualityof sap necessitatea fairlyproductivehost and make them herbivoreswith"high energydemands" relativeto the nitrogenavailable in the host. Host plants are more nitrogenrich in highlyproductiveenvironmentsand thus more likelyto meet the energyrequirementsof sap-feeders. In summary,sap-feedersin our systemmeetsome of of grazersin Oksanen's model but the characteristics not others. Our observed patterns of variation in do not always suptrophicdynamicswithproductivity alterportOksanenet al.'s (1981) hypothesissuggesting native mechanisms of trophic control across productivity gradientsfor sap feedingherbivores. Naturalhistory timefortwo reasons.First,theirsuccessionaltrajectory is well documented(Lutz 1928,Bard 1952). Second,the natural historyof many of the goldenrodinsectshas been studied(Messina 1978, Messina and Root 1980, McBrien et al. 1983, Abrahamsonand McCrea 1986, McEvoy 1986, 1988,Cappuccino 1987, 1991,Abrahamson et al. 1988, Hamilton 1989, Root and Cappuccino 1992, Abrahamsonand Weis 1996) and it is relatively simpleto manipulatecommunitiesin the field. There are linkagesbetweenthe successionalstage of a field,and the two variablesthathave been linkedto trophiccontrol mechanisms:its productivityand the documentedtrophicstructureof the community.For example,changesin nutrientavailabilityduringsuccession can affectherbivorepopulationdynamics.Studies on carbon and nitrogencyclingin some old-fieldshave shown that nitrogenavailabilitymay change during succession(Inouye et al. 1987, Tilman 1986,Zak et al. 1990). Increased nitrogenavailabilityhas a positive effecton the densitiesof some goldenrodherbivores (Meyer and Root 1996). Both productivityand successional stage may also affectthe lightregimeof a goldenrodstand and, as a consequence,the mechanismsof trophicdynamicsincludingherbivoreand predatorbehavior.Competition for light during succession affectsthe allocation of nitrogento various parts of the plant. This allocation patternaffectsthe foragingbehaviorof both herbivores and predators.Researchon goldenrodphysiologyindicates thatleafnitrogenconcentration is proportionalto lightincidence(Hirose and Werger1987, Schievinget al. 1992). Goldenrodtendsto formdense monocultures in mid- and late-successionalstages or at highlyproductivesites.As a result,lightincidenceto the middle and lower leaves of thick stands is low which cause nitrogento concentratein the canopy of the goldenrod stand. Foragerstryingto optimizetheirnitrogenintake willmostlikelymove to thehigherpartsof theplantas theclonesgetmoredense,but foragingat thetop of the plant is costly. Insects must travel higherthan they would have to in sparse stands, shade may not be readilyavailable,and vulnerability to predatorsmay be greater(Loeffler1992). This studywas conducted at the Yale-Myers ExperimentalForestin Union, Connecticut,USA in old fields dominated by goldenrod (Solidago rugosa) but also inhabited by Poa pratensis,Aster novaeangliae,Trifoliumrepens,Daucus carota and Phleumpratense.Herbivorous insects include the generalist grasshopper Melanoplusfemurrubrum, the grass specialistgrasshopthe specialist goldenrod per Chorthippuscurtipennis, beetle Trirhabdavirgata,the generalistsap-feedingspittlebugPhilaneusspumarius,the sap-feedingplant bugs Leptoternadolobrata(grass),Lyguslineolarisand Lopidea media(goldenrod).Thereare also assortedpentatomid bugs and various chrysomelidbeetles. Predators includethe jumpingspidersPhidippusrimator,various Methods small lycosids,i.e. Schizocosa sp., Pirata sp., the nursExperimentaldesign ery web spider Pisaurina mira, and the crab spider Misumenavatia. We conducteda seriesof experiments in threefieldsof Goldenrod is a native,clonal rhizomatousperennial increasingsuccessionalage: field1 was plowed in 1995; (Cronquist 1980, Werner et al. 1980) with a highly field2 was last cultivatedin 1985; and field3 in 1979. diverseinsectfauna ( > 100 species) (Root 1996). This These fieldsrepresentearly-,mid-and late-successional plant is highlysuccessfulin disturbedenvironments, stages in thisexperiment.Field 3 had the highestprocommonlydominatingold fieldsthroughouttheNorth- ductivitywhile field 2 had the lowest. Field 1 had easternUnitedStates.Goldenrodfieldsprovidean ideal surprisingly high plant biomass, perhaps owing to the systemfor studyingtrophicdynamicsin successional competitivereleasecreatedby plowing. OIKOS 82:3 (1998) 553 made et al. 1980,Mumtazand Menzer1986,Louda and We usedstandard0.1 m x 1 m tallenclosures (Belovsky1986,Ritchieand Rodman 1996),is rapidlydegraded(Miyamotaand of aluminumscreening (Joneset al. 1986). Tilman 1992, Schmitz1994) to createexperimentalMikami1983)andis notphytotoxic The inmid-June. changewiththedevelopmental at eachofthethreefields Trophicinteractions communities in all threefields.We stageof insectsand plantphenology(Belovskyand wereplacedrandomly exclosures treat- Slade 1993,Schmitz1997).Insectemergence at oursite withone of thefollowing stockedtheenclosures alone is concentrated at two time periods:early insects ments:(1) no insects("Control"),(2) herbivores and predators emergein late May or earlyJunewhilelate insects and (3) bothherbivores ("Herbivores") periods, 10 times. emerge thesetwoemergence in July.To reflect was replicated Each treatment ("Predators"). werestockedtwice:onceat thebeginvia a trophiccas- theexperiments If top-downcontrolwas occurring (Hairstonet al. ningoftheseason,in earlyJuneand againin lateJuly to classicaltheory cade,thenaccording startedto emerge. thatHerbivore whenthe late summerherbivores 1960,Oksanenet al. 1981)we expected werecountedat regularintervals plotswouldcontainless plantbiomassthanControl Insectsin exclosures on to ensure that herbivoreand predatornumbers inflicted plotsbecauseofthedamagethatherbivores used Manyoftheinsects inthefields. densities the plants.We also expectedthatin Predatorplots, matched of herbi- to stock the cages earlyin the season declinedin wouldreleasesomeof thepressure predators We conducted resulting abundanceor diedlaterin thesummer. density, herbivore voreson plantsbyreducing to montheexperiment throughout fieldsurveys weekly plots. plantbiomassthanin Herbivore in higher cageswerestockedat thedensities itor how the abundanceof variousinsectschanged The experimental thesummer. werefoundin field throughout and predators thattheherbivores in late Sepwe sampledthe threefields The plantsin each cage wereharvested surveys.Beforestocking, Non-goldenhad flowered. afterthegoldenrod the tember anddetermined surveys sweepnet usingindependent foreach site.In rod plantswereclippedto groundlevel.Goldenrod and predators of herbivores densities and plantsweredug out of the soil to includerootsand fieldsweresampledin themorning thesesurveys, shoots, structures, becauseinsectsaremostactiveat rhizomes.Goldenrodbelowground in thelateafternoon whileall non-goldenwereseparated area at leavesandflowers thistime.We swept30 timesovera 0.5-iM2 randomlocationsin each of thethreefields.We con- Table1. Numberofindividuals ofeacharthropod speciesand at leasttwicea relativeabundances(in parentheses) thesummer, in throughout ductedsurveys stockedin exclosures fields.Densiinsectdensi- early(1), medium(2), and late(3) successional was madeto homogenize week.No effort each sweepnetsampleswithin wereobtainedbyrepeated tiesacrossfieldsbecauseour intentwas to determine ties field. and trophicdyin productivity thenaturalvariability namiceffectsarisingfromexistingfieldconditions. Insectsstockedin early Field 1 Field2 Field3 Insectsthatwerepresentin morethan 50% of the summer surveysampleswerestockedin each of thecages at Leafchewers 2 (12%) Table 1 liststhespeciesthat 0 (0) 0 (0) larvae Trirhabda theirnormalfielddensities. 1 (0.9%) 1 (0.6%) caterpillar0 (0) Lepidoptera in eachof thefieldsand wereusedto stockenclosures at which Phloem-feeders abundances theabsoluteand relative provides dolobrata 1 (14%) 2 (18%) 4 (23%) Leptoterna theywerefoundin eachfield. 1 (14%) 2 (18%) 4 (23%) sp. Adelphocoris 3 (43%) 3 (27%) 3 (17%) Leafhoppers in of eachtreatment In additionto the10 replicates of Xylem-feeders a secondset of replicates each field,we fertilized spumarius 2 (29%) 3 (27%) 3 (18%) Philaneus (plantsonly)with20:20:20NPK at Controlexclosures (nymphs) the Predators increases 10 g m-2 yr-l. Thislevelof fertilization 1 1 0 of the fieldand does not have direct Orbweaver productivity 1 1 2 Salticidspider on planttissue(Schmitz1997).Thisset effects negative I 2 Field 3 Field in late sum-Field Insects stocked the degreeof of exclosureswas used to determine mer those that We expected on plants. resourcelimitation wouldhavehigherbiomass Leafchewers plotstreatedwithfertilizer femurru- 1 (14%) 2 (22%) 0 (0) Melanoplus than those leftuntreatedand that this increasein brum limitation Chorthippus thedegreeof nutrient biomasswouldreflect 0 (0) curtipennis1 (14%) 0 (0) limitsa site,the 1 (11%) 1 (12%) 0 (0) of the field.The moreproductivity Chrysomelidae more its biomasswill increasewhenprovidedwith Phloemfeeders 1 (14%) 1 (11%) 0 (0) Pentatomidae in theformof fertilizer. additionalnutrients 2 (28%) 2 (22%) 1 (12%) Lopideasp. All controlcages weresprayedwitha pyrethroidXylem-feeders 2 (28%) 3 (33%/o) 4 (50%/6) Philaneusspumarius insectlarvae everytwo weeksto eliminate insecticide (adults) This insectifrom from years. previous eggs emerging Predators on goldenrod growth(Root 1996), cide has no effect 1 1 I Salticidaespider in animalsor plants(Onkawa does notbioaccumulate 554 OIKOS 82:3 (1998) (A) 80 70 w c 60 0 FD w 50 U LEAFCHEWERS 40 30 U PHLOEM FEEDERS was the (Fig. 1). Philaneusspumarius,a xylem-feeder, most abundant herbivorein the late successionalfield during late summer,although densitiesin the three fieldswere similarin earlysummer.Similarly,phloemfeeders(e.g. Miridae) became less abundantin the late fieldtowardsthe end of the summer,althoughdensities were similarin all threefieldsin July. XYLEM FEEDER ~~~~~~~~~0 o(0)20 on goldenrodbiomass Effectof trophicstructure in unfertilized plots 10 0 According to the exploitationhypothesis,herbivores should decrease the biomass of naturallyoccurring SUCCESSIONAL STAGE vegetationin the absence of predators.Predatorscan increasevegetationbiomass by reducingherindirectly (B) bivore and releasingpressureon vegetation. foraging 60 (n The strength of thiseffectshouldvaryacrossproductivw a: 50 ity gradients.We comparedthe biomass of vegetation 0 in Control, Herbivores,and Predator treatmentsto W LEAFCHEWERS IN~~~~~~~~ on obtaina measureof theeffectof trophicinteractions FEEDERS M PHLOEMA vegetationbiomass. FEEDERS O:1XYLEM 020 effecton goldenTrophic structurehad a significant IIL rod shoot biomass in the middle and late successional o0 fieldsbut not in the early ones (Fig. 2A, Table 2). 0 Herbivores significantlydecreased goldenrod shoot EARLY MID LATE biomass onlyin the late successionalfield.The effectof SUCCESSIONAL STAGE increasedgoldenpredatorson herbivoressignificantly in and late-succesthe midbiomass both rod shoot of relative abundanceof threefeeding guilds Fig. 1. Patterns in fieldsdominated in early,middle,and late successional by sional field. Flower biomass varied significantly in early(A) and latesummer (B). goldenrod response to trophicstructurein the mid-successional but not in the earlyor late fields(Fig. 2B, Table 2). In rod plants were harvestedand their biomass pooled this case the introductionof predators significantly together.All plantmaterialwas driedat 60'C for48 h, increasedgoldenrodflowerbiomass above the herbivore treatment.Belowgroundbiomass did not signifithenweighed. cantly differamong trophic treatmentsfor all three fields. EARLY MID LATE Statisticalanalysis on goldenrodbiomass Statisticalanalyses of all data were performedusing Effectof fertilization SYSTAT forWindowsversion5 (Wilkinson1992). We effecton goldenrodshoot Fertilizerhad a significant of fertilization used MANOVA to testfor significance biomass in the earlyand mid fields(Fig. 3A, Table 2), and trophicstructureon goldenrodshoot, flowerand but not in the late-successionalfield.Flower biomass root biomass. We conductedplanned comparisonsbedid not respond to fertilizationin any of the fields tween all possible pairs of Control, Herbivores and (Table 2), and the response of belowgroundbiomass in Predatortreatments. We also compared differences in the mid-successionalfieldonly (Fig. was significant the biomass of all non-goldenrod plants, mostly 3B, Table 2). plots.The biomass grasses,includedin theexperimental of non-goldenrodplants was pooled forthis analysis. Otherplantbiomass The biomass of non-goldenrodplants in the plots was not significantly affectedby trophicstructureor fertilization (Fig. 2C, 3C). Otherplant biomass variedfrom Patternsof herbivoreabundance 8% in the late-successionalsite to 45% in the mid-successionalfield.Non-goldenrodvegetationincludedboth phloem-feeders The relative abundanceofleaf-chewers, the summer grassesand otherforbs. and xylem-feeders changedthroughout Results OIKOS 82:3 (1998) 555 (A) EARLYSUCCESSIONAL FIELD 50 40' MID-SUCCESSIONAL FIELD LATESUCCESSIONAL FIELD 40' 40' 30' ~20'2 ~20, 10, 0 CONTROL 00 HERBIVORE PREDATOR (B) EARLYSUCCESSIONAL FIELD l0, 12 u 1o 10( CONTROL HERBIVORE PREDATOR __ 0 (C) 2 CONTROL HERBIVOREPREDATOR of lo- b~~~~~~~~ 0 2' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~12 a a HERBIVORE PREDATOR LATESUCCESSIONAL FIELD MID-SUCCESSIONAL FIELD o CONTROL 0 EARLYSUCCESSIONAL FIELD 2 CONTROL HERBIVOREPREDATOR 0 CONTROL HERBIVOREPREDATOR LATESUCCESSIONAL FIELD MID-SUCCESSIONAL FIELD 10, 2 0 .. CONTROL HERBIVOREPREDATOR 0 CONTROL HERBIVOREPREDATOR 0 CONTROL HERBIVOREPREDATOR oftrophic structure on S. rugosashoot(A), flower Fig.2. Effect (B), and(C) non-goldenrod plantbiomass.Meansandstandard errorsin early,middle,and late successional fieldsare presented. Different lettersdenotestatistically differences significant (ANOVA,p < 0.05). Discussion Classical food chain theory(Oksanen et al. 1981) predictsa straightforward relationshipbetweenproductivityand the existenceof top-downcontrolvia a trophic cascade. However,thereis certainskepticismthat topdown controlwill occur in natural terrestrial systems because of the heterogenousrangeof factorsthatlikely interactionsremitigatethe strongconsumer-resource quired to produce trophiccascades (Strong 1992,Polis and Strong1996). We observedtop-downcontrol,man- 556 ifestas a tropiccascade in goldenrodshoot biomass,in our experimentalsystembut only in the late-successional field.Our resultsindicatethat the likelihoodfor trophiccascades is dependenton factorsin additionto productivity includingresourceavailability,plant competition and plant diversity,which influenceinsect abundance and predator-prey interactions. We found differences in the relativeabundance of phloem-and xylem-feeding guilds among fieldsof differentsuccessionalage. This can be explainedby differences in productivity betweenfields.Fertilizationdata OIKOS 82:3 (1998) and predation on herbivores on plantbiomass(g) in early,middle,and late Table2. Summary effects offertilizer, herbivory, biomassforSolidagorugosa.Non-goldenrod plants shootand belowground successional fields.Data areseparated intoflower, are clumpedintoone measure. Dependent variable Responsevariables S. rugosaflower S. rugosashoot p Early-successional field F df Trophicstructure Herbivore-Control Predator-Herbivore 9.76 Fertilization field Mid-successional NS NS NS 1,17 Trophicstructure 3.45 Herbivore-Control Predator-Herbivore6.58 Fertilization 103.27 Late-successional field 2,29 0.045 NS 1,20 0.018 1,18 0.0001 6.11 Trophicstructure Herbivore-Control 11.94 Predator-Herbivore7.87 Fertilization 2,27 1,18 1,18 NS F 0.006 0.00647 0.00028 0.011 3.44 4.94 df p S. rugosabelowground F df p Non-goldenrod plants F df NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 2,29 0.046 NS 1,20 0.037 NS NS NS NS 1,18 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 4.19 NS NS NS NS 0.0192 p NS NS NS NS show mineral nutrientslimit plants in the late field accounted for 45% of the total plant biomass. Herbimuch less than in the younger-agedfields (Tilman vores at this site are generalistor may have preferred 1986). As a resultplants in late-successionalfieldsare otherplants over goldenrod.In late-successionalfield, likelyto be of highernutritionalquality. High plant the introductionof predatorsreleased herbivorepresnutritionalqualityhas implicationsfor the patternsof sure on goldenrod shoot biomass. Spittlebugs acherbivoreabundance. For example,xylem-feeders have countedfora largeproportionof the herbivoresat this the highestdaily consumptionrates of any herbivores: site; theyare knownto have a strongeffecton golden100-1000 times their body weight (Mattson 1980). rod relativegrowthand photosynthetic rate(Meyerand Xylem,however,is verylow in nitrogen( < 0.01%) and Whitlow1992, Meyer and Root 1993). xylem-feeders It is also possible that in the presenceof predators, requirelarge quantitiesof plantmaterial. A highlyproductiveenvironment may be able to sup- herbivoresavoid moving up to the canopy of the such as spittle- goldenrodstand where theycan bask in the sun and port a higherdensityof xylem-feeders site. Higher densitiesof develop and feed more efficiently. bugs than a low productivity Consequently,the xylem-feeders may resultin a decreasein thenumberof riskof predationdrivesthemto starvation.The vegetaphloem-feeders (Maddox and Root 1990). In our exper- tion at the late-successionalsite was dense and the imentwe foundevidencethatxylem-feeders weremost insectenvironment more shaded. A shaded understory abundantat highlyproductivesites. decreasesthe abilityof insectsto move to otherplants The impact of predators also may have manifest withoutincreasingtheirmetabolicdemands.Other rethemselvesin different fields.In early- searchhas shown that the riskof predationcan affect ways in different successional plots, neitherthe introductionof herbi- the foragingbehaviorof herbivorousinsectsand limit vores nor the introductionof predators changed movementin the top of plants (Porter 1982, Loeffler goldenrodshoot biomass. Insectsstockedin earlysuc- 1992, Beckerman et al. 1997, Schmitz et al. 1997). cessional cages were generalistherbivoresthat may Spiders,the experimentalpredators,are vulnerableto have preferredgrasses over forbs,particularlyin the desiccationand tolerantof shadedenvironments. Hence presenceof predators.In mid-successional stagespreda- spider predators would have an advantage in latetorsincreasedgoldenrodshoot biomass withrespectto successionalsites,and thepredationeffecton herbivore herbivore-only cages and herbivoreshad no effecton plant consumptionwould be strongerat thesesites. goldenrod shoot biomass. Herbivores,however, did The effectof trophicstructureon flowerbiomass in decrease other plant biomass in both herbivoreonly the mid-successionalfieldcan be explainedby the parand herbivore-predator treatmentsin the mid-succes- ticularnutrientlimitationsspecificto flowering. Flower sional fields.This suggeststhat the patternof plant productionrequirestranslocationof K to the infloresabundancewithtrophicmanipulationin thisfieldarose cence (Abrahamsonand McCrea 1986). This fieldwas from herbivore-mediatedgoldenrod-non-goldenrod the one that increased biomass most when fertilized plant interactions.Non-goldenrodforbs in this field (almost 100% increase),demonstrating strongnutrient OIKOS 82:3 (1998) 557 (A) EARLYSUCCESSIONAL FIELD i 50 60' MID-SUCCESSIONAL FIELD ~~~b b 50, a 00 | 20- 40 | 20- 10, 0 0 (B) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~E~ 20 10 UNFERTILIZED EERTILIED 0 EARLYSUCCESSIONAL FIELD 10, UNFRIE 04- FERTID MID-SUCCESSIONAL FIELD 12 1 10, 10 10, 6'0 6-6 2. 20 UNFETLZED FERTILE 10- UNFERTILIZED 0 FERTILIZED MID-SUCCESSIONAL FIELD UNFERTIIZED FERTILIZED LATESUCCESSIONAL FIELD 0 20- 0 6' Fig. 3.Effect offertilization onS.rugosa FERTIZD 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 EARLYSUCCESSIONAL FIELD (C) UNFERTIED LATESUCCESSIONAL FIELD 12- 00 LATESUCCESSIONAL FIELD 40' 30~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<3 Ii , 50 shoot (a), root (b), and (c) non-goldenrod plant biomass. Means and standard errors in early,middle,and late successionalfieldsare presented.Differentlettersdenote statistically significant differences (ANOVA, p<0.05)- limitation.If the plants must live in a resourcepoor environment theymightbe forcedto lowerflowerproductionwhenfaced withthe added stressof herbivory. This fieldwas also richin the forbsAsternovaeangliae and Daucus carota with floweringphenologies that parallelthatof goldenrod.The added effectof competition between plants for resources at floweringtime mighthave createdthe patternswe observedin flower phenologywithtrophicstructure. The effect of fertilizationon goldenrod shoot 558 biomass increasedfromthe early-to the mid-successional fieldand thendecreasedin the late-successional field.These resultsare not surprising whenone considers the natureof the disturbanceintroducedto createa successionalgradient.The early-successional fieldwas plowed in 1995, but had not been used foragriculture in thelast 15 years.Typicallyearly-successional fieldsin thisarea are colonized aftermanyyearsof agricultural use; thus soil resourcesare depleted.This was not the case in thisstudy.Furthermore, manyof thegoldenrod OIKOS 82:3 (1998) plantsin the earlysuccessional plotsgrewfromrhi- References zomesthathad remained viableafterplowingand did Abrahamson,W. G. and McCrea, K. D. 1986. 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