Effect of Fire Intensity on Understory Composition and Diversity in a Kalmia-Dominated Oak Forest, New England, USA Author(s): Mark J. Ducey, W. Keith Moser and P. Mark S. Ashton Reviewed work(s): Source: Vegetatio, Vol. 123, No. 1 (Mar., 1996), pp. 81-90 Published by: Springer Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/20048654 . Accessed: 24/09/2012 20:10 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . Springer is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Vegetatio. http://www.jstor.org 123: 81-90, 1996. Vegetatio 1996 Kluwer Academic Publishers. ? Effect of fire intensity 81 Printed in Belgium. on understory composition oak forest, New England, USA Kalmia-dominated and diversity in a Mark J.Ducey, W. Keith Moser & P.Mark S. Ashton Yale School of Forestry Received 21 December and Environmental 1994; accepted Key words: Community in revised Studies, 360 Prospect form 5 September structure, Ordination, Street, New Haven, CT 06511, USA 1995 Prescribed burning, Regeneration Abstract This stands following fire of varying intensity. study investigates the understory dynamics of two mixed-oak and and of herbaceous in the in two stands Composition woody diversity species understory were measured 7-8 years after a prescribed burn. On both sites, unburned areas, low-intensity fire areas, and areas where the overstory had been severely damaged were measured. Patterns of species presence and absence following fire were consistent with an initial-floristics model. Most species increased in density and frequency following fire; only Aralia nudicaulis and Quercus alba showed statistically significant decreases in density. Overall, 29 species increased in density following fire, while 8 declined; 29 species increased in frequency, while 6 declined. However, diversity and equitability measures were depressed on themoderately burned sites, due to rapid regrowth of Kalmia to both latifolia. Ordination using binary discriminant analysis suggested species responded individualistically burning and site variation. Introduction Evidence suggests that recurrent fire played a major role in promoting the pre- and post-settlement dom inance of oak (Quercus) forests in the landscape of eastern North America some (Abrams 1992). While and historial studies disagreement remains, ecological suggest that many forested areas, including southern New England, experienced periodic burning with a return frequency of one to over fifteen years (Buell et al. 1954; Day 1953; Little 1974; Russell 1983). The absence of fire or other disturbance has been cited as the a potential apparent cause conversion for oak regeneration of many oak failures forests and to other 1992; Abrams & Downs types (Abrams & Nowacki et al. Host Lorimer 1990; 1987; 1984). However, two factors suggest that fire may play an increasing role in northeastern American forest ecosystems. First is a renewal of interest in prescribed fire as a manage ment ool (Boerner et al. 1988; Crow 1988; Niering et al. 1970; Nyland et al. 1982; Wendel & Smith 1986). Second is the prospect of large-scale climate change due to increases in atmospheric CO2, which could alter vegetation distributions and disturbance regimes (Overpeck et al. 1990,1991). Past warm climates have been associated with episodes of increased burning by Native Americans (Thompson & Smith 1970) and with increases in regional importance of oak (Davis 1985; Watts 1980). A warmer, drier climate could increase rates of both prescribed and accidental fires, helping maintain or increase oak forests (Overpeck et al 1991). Despite the importance of fire to oak forest ecosys tems, a clear picture of the relationship between fire intensity and the dynamics of oak forests has yet to emerge. This is particularly true of the herbaceous and woody understory, which are frequently grouped together in a single layer. This layer is believed to con trol short-term nutrient flux in some ecosystems (e.g. Gilliam 1988; Peterson & Rolfe 1982; Siccama et al this layer is important because 1970). Successionally, it contains advance regeneration for many tree species and both woody and herbaceous competition for any future recruits. The condition of this layer prior to major disturbances or during understory reinitiation 82 can influence future forest composition dramatically (Oliver & Larson 1990). This study examines the effects of fire on understo ry diversity and composition at two sites in northeast ern Connecticut. We hypothesized that severely burned areas with no overstory would be characterized by a high diversity of both woody and herbaceous species, with little or no loss of species characteristic of the unburned sites. Such a response would closely follow Egler's (1954) initial floristics model of succession. We considered it possible, however, that intensely burned areas where the overstory was killed would show a shift in species dramatic ination of many composition late-successional the elim with herbs, shrubs, and that on burned tree seedlings. We also hypothesized areas, where the overstory remained largely intact, the sprouting ability and shade-tolerance of Kalmia lati folia would allow it quickly to reoccupy the site and exclude other shade-tolerant tive species, woody while species on more would sites, open gain a less competi advantage. slow (approximately 1m min-1 ), and flame length was variable but generally less than 30 cm. While Kalmia foliage is somewhat flammable, flame heights seldom extended to the laurel canopy (Nute 1985; Yale Forest file report). The pre-fire canopy of the Red Front site was dominated by Pinus strobus, Quercus velutina, Quercus alba, and Betula lenta, with a total density of 550 stems ha-1 and a basal area of 32 m2 ha"1. On the lightly burned part of the site, approximately 40% of the density and 30% of the basal area were eliminated by the fire. On the severely burned portion, 70% of the density and 60% of the basal area were eliminated. The Buell Brook site is located on moderately well drained Woodbridge extremely stony fine sandy loam, a mixed mesic Typic Fragiochrept (USDA 1981). The current stand is approximately 90 years old. The stand was thinned in the late 1970's and burned in the final week of April 1984. Burn conditions were similar to those for the Red Front site. The pre-fire canopy of the Buell Brook site was dominated by Quercus rubra, Betula alba, Quercus Acer and lenta, rubrum, with a total density of 1,050 stems ha-1 and a basal area of 39 m2 ha-1. On the lightly burned portion of the Study area site, there extensive studied two sites, both on the Yale-Myers Forest at 41? 55' N 72? 05' W. in Eastford, Connecticut, were Both sides approximately 4 ha in area. Prior to burning, each site had a homogenous overstory stand We structure, with an understory dominated by Kalmia lat in the ifolia, an evergreen ericad which is widespread formed Kalmia both On sites, region (Kurmes 1967). dense thickets known locally as "laurel hells", includ ing stems greater than 5 cm DBH and over 2 m tall. Half of each site was subjected to controlled burning; the Red Front site in 1985, and the Buell Brook site in 1984. On both sites, the burn was hotter than expect was little stem mortality, On the apparent occurred. scarring severely although burned portion, 95% of the density and basal area were elimi nated. Methods We measured understory vegetation and the Red Front burn in August, 4.047 sixteen sites, ically located control, and circular plots were in each of three treatments: moderate severe m2 at Buell Brook 1993. At both burn burn with with heavy light overstory overstory damage. systemat unburned damage, Ferns, 1 ha patch of the burn area, ed on an approximately to extensive mortality in the overstory. leading The Red Front site is located on somewhat exces fine sively drained and well drained Charlton-Hollis fern allies, and sedges were tallied by presence and absence on each plot. All other species were counted by stem number. Species identification and nomenclature followed Fernald (1950). Densities were compared loams, comprised of Typic and Lithic Dys trochrepts derived from thin glacial tills (USDA) 1981). The current stand is about 80 years old. The stand was thinned in the late 1970's, and a prescribed burn was conducted during the final week of April 1985. At that time of year, herbaceous ephemerals had leafed out, but bud break was just beginning in peren nials and in the overstory. Fuel moisture was 28% in the morning, but decreased to 18% by afternoon, con was tributing to hotter burn conditions. Rate of spread test (PROC for all species using the Kruskal-Wallis Institute SAS NPAR1WAY, 1988). statistics were calculated separately for Diversity for herbs (not each site and treatment combination, and all species com including sedges), woody species, sandy bined. Simpson's (1949) diversity (D) and equitability 83 (E) were calculated as (Begon et al Species stem density by site and treatment is shown in Table 1.Among the herbaceous species, Aster divari = my D Results 1986): Desmodium catus, =1 um bor?ale, ciliare, Gali virginiana, Fragaria Gaultheriaprocumbens, Mitchellarepens, and Rubens pubescens increased in density on burned sites, while Aralia nudicaulis declined on the Red *=? Front where S is the number of species observed, N is the total number of individuals, and n? is the number of individuals of species i. Shannon-Weaver diversity (J) were calculated as (Begon (H) and equitability etal 1986;Whittaker 1972): site, it was where um hirsutum, Impatiens Uncommon sites include Epilobi Monotropa capensis, uniflora, strobus, latifolia, Pinus Kalmia Betula papyrifera, rubra, Quercus resinosa, velutina, Quercus Kubus idaeus, and Vitis labrusca increased in density on the burned sites, while Quercus alba declined. Sas safras albidum also declined, but the populations were not significantly different. Uncommon species found on Amelanehier burned sites included sp., Betula only H J= abundant. Solidago bicolor, and an unidentified composite, while Cypripedum reginae and Epigaea rep ens were found the woody species, only on unburned plots. Among Pinus s most found only on burned species In S Betula allegheniensis, Cornus populifolia, racemosa, a and the sampling error of S and N were calculated, and the adequacy of the limiting distribu tion was tested, following Fisher et al (1943). The nonlinear equation for a was solved directly using the method with safeguards constrained Newton-Raphson as implemented by Press etal. (1992). Relationships between species, site, and treatment found only on unburned sites. in Table 2. statistics are summarized Diversity Number of species increased significantly with burning only on the Red Front site. No site and treatment com were bination differed Fisher's investigated using Q-mode binary discriminant analysis of the plot frequency data (Strahler 1978). The method involved three stages: test of significance in contingency tables, calculation of standardized resid uals, and principal components analysis. Significance of the 2x2 site contingency table was evaluated using Fisher's exact test (PROC FREQ, SAS Institute 1988). Significance of the 3 x 2 treatment contingency tables was evaluated using the likelihood ratio chi-square test (PROC FREQ, SAS Institute 1988). Where the 3 x 2 contigency between tables treatments were were sparse, made pairwise using comparisons Fisher's exact test, and significance was rejected if no comparison tested as significant using Bonferroni-adjusted proba bilities. Species were retained for further analysis if either site or treatment were probably significant at (1973) standardized residu p < 0.10. Haberman's als were calculated following Strahler (1978). Prin cipal components analysis (PROC PRINCOMP, SAS Institute 1988) was performed using all the treatment residuals and the Red Front residuals; the Buell Brook residuals were redundant. sp., Crataegus tremuloides, Populus Fraxinus americana bution among and species Front site. in diversity In general, measures Carya cordiformis, were baccata Gaylussacia from the density distri significantly a showed significant latifolia, Spirea while and Viburnum acerifolium, assumed a. by Fisher's Fisher's treatment effects only on the Red in number increases were greater and and more changes consistent on the Red Front site than on the Buell Brook site. Species frequencies and significance of site and treatment are shown in Table 3. Results of the prin cipal components analysis are shown in Table 4. The first principal component is positively associated with shaded plots and a preference for themore mesic Buell Brook site over the Red Front site. The second princi pal component indicates a strong association with the Red Front site and, to a lesser degree, with interme diately burned plots. The third principal component, which accounts for only 18 percent of the variance, is associated with a preference for the control plots over the moderately burned plots, and weakly with a prefer ence for the Red Front site. Species scores are plotted in Figure 1. 84 Table 1. Species by site and treatment per hectare, density Red Front Control Species Buell Hill No Overstory Intact Herbaceous Cypripedum reginae Desmodium ciliare Epilobium hirsutum 0 canadense Maianthemum Monotropa uniflora 99,700 0 40,600 5,600 18,400 23,600 152,600 135,100 4,200 48,800 2,600 2,600 4,800 7,400 15,900 1,500 11,300 9,400 770 3,200 4,500 1,900 2,000770 133,000 154 2,000 0 0 0 0 0 150 0 0 composite 000 0 620 310 49,400 0 150 4,800 0 bicolor borealis 0 0 0 Trientalis 0 1,100 0150 150 Kubus pubescens Unknown 00 0 310 61,800 repens 0 4604,300 0 0 0 0 capensis Mitchella Woody Sig. Overstory 02,200 02,300 25,600 0 460 1,400 procumbens Solidago No 0 0 0 0 bor?ale Impatiens 48,800 0 150 0 00 virginiana Gaultheria 0 62,100 repens Fragaria Gallium Intact Overstory 0 nudicaulis Epigaea Overstory species Aster divaricatus Aralia Control 620 3,700 0 1,100 4,200 0 0 770 5,600 17,100 14,400 00 0 460 0 0 species Amelanchier Betula 0 00927 0 Betula lenta populifolia 0 0 Betula papyrifera 0 0 Carya cordiformis Carya 0 620 Betula 8,000 0 glabra racemosa 150 16,700 0 0 150 620 00 0 0 150 00 0 dentata 0 620 0 0 150 0 0 0 000150 0 Crataegussp. 0 000 150 0 Fraxinus 0 310 0 0 0 0 0 1,080 0 0 0 0 Cornus americana Gaylussacia baccata Hamamelis virginiana Kalmia resinosa Pinus strobus Populus Prunus 22,500 ser?tina Quercus Quercus rubra velutina 460 0 0 0 tremuloides Quercus 96,400 0 0 0 150620 150 0 772 0309 1,080 latifolia Pinus 0 150 3,100 1,200 allegheniensis Castanea 00 150 460 0 sp. Acerrubrum 35,700 90,200 76,100 00 0 620 310 0 78,100 4,8000 310 1,200 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 alba 0 150 0 460 460 1,400 620 310 2,300 0 42,800 0Kubus idaeus 460 2,500 2,200 150 2,000 0310 21,800 1,500 1,100 4,300 3,400 2,200 22,200 85 Table 1. Continued. Red Front Buell Hill Control Species No Overstory Intact albidum Sassafras 0 canadensis Tsuga Viburnum 0 Vaccinium corymbosum 0 angustifolium 0 Vitis labrusca p < ** 0.05; p < Table 2. Diversity 0.01; statistics *** 620 620 00 0 0 0 150 1,1000 300 770 00 770 8,500 0.001. p < by site and treatment Control of individuals Number of species a Simpson's D Simpson's E 923 a a Overstory 405 b 2114c Overstory Intact J 0.999 0.638 0.267 1.032 0.827 ab 1494 e 6 ab 1.520 b 8 be 1.131b No Overstory 1.110b 1533 e 9 be 1.268 b 3.466 2.043 2.056 2.690 0.315 0.341 0.257 0.299 1.493 0.462 0.744 227 d lie 1.603 2.551 Shannon-Weaver 1.041 0.623 1.049 0.581 0.504 1.359 0.618 species Number of individuals Number of species a Simpson's D Simpson's E 714 b 8a 185 a 8a 356 d 996 c 15b 11 ab 824 e 916 ce 13b 12 ab 1.703 ab 1.262 a 2.505 1.587 1.299 2.867 2.219 1.887 2.913 0.202 0.145 0.244 0.198 0.162 0.191 Shannon-Weaver H 0.921 0.550 1.413 Shannon-Weaver J 0.443 0.264 All b 2.150 ab 1.300 0.522 0.542 2.191b 1.085 1.950 ab 1.525 0.423 0.614 2318 d 2449 d species Number Number Fisher's of individuals 1108 a 14 a 1.881a 2.255 583 c 3110b 26 b 1119a 12 a of species a a 17ac 21bc 3.889 b 3.278 b 3.186b 21bc 3.155 b Simpson's D 3.453 2.530 5.914 4.128 3.717 5.171 Simpson's E 0.288 0.181 0.227 0.243 0.177 0.246 Shannon-Weaver H Shannon-Weaver J Row entries followed 1.464 0.589 by the same 1.305 0.495 letter are not significant Discussion No common herbaceous following Control Intact 6 ab 0.537 H Fisher's Overstory 4a Shannon-Weaver Woody Buell Hill No species Number Fisher's 20,100 4,000 0 Red Front Herbaceous Sig. Overstory 01500150 150 0 2,300 0 00 Intact 00 2,300 460 acerifolium Vaccinium 0 No Overstory Overstory 620 1,400 latifolia Spiraea Control disturbance, or woody species disappeared and few showed a clear pattern 2.094 1.868 0.643 0.659 different at p < 1.712 0.562 2.082 0.684 0.05. of decline. On the contrary, most species increased in density following disturbance. This observation sup ports an initial floristics model of understory composi 86 Table 3. Species in percent frequency by site and treatment Red front Species Control Buell Overstory Intact Amelanchier Aralia 0 6 sp. nudicaulis 94 88 Aster divaricatus 0 0 Betula allegheniensis Betula lenta 0 63 Betula papyrifera 0 0 Betula populifolia 0 0 Carex Carya cordiformis Carya glabra Castanea 0 0 94 25 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ciliare 0 6 13 0 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 06 31 19 0 19 0 0 6 0 0 repens Epigaea 0 0 punctiloba Desmodium 25 0 reginae Cypripedum Dennstaedtia 0 0 6 0 sp. Crataegus 0 0 racemos a Cornus 0 81 19 6 0 Fragaria virginiana 6 0 88 13 Fraxinus americana 0 0 0 13 Galium 0 0 hirsutum Epilobium procumbens Gaylussacia baccata Hamamelis Kalmia 0 virginiana Impatiens Mitchella uniflora Pinus resinosa 0 0 Pinus strobus 0 19 0 6 0 0 rubra Quercus velutina 0 13 0 0 19 38 13 25 0 0 albidum 0 0 19 Kubus pubescens 94 0 0 0 6 Quercus 6 13 69 0 0 aquilinum alba 94 19 0 0 ser?tina Quercus Sassafras 0 13 tremuloides idaeus 0 13 81 0 cinnamomea Kubus 0 0 0 Osmunda Pteridium 6 0 0 canadense Monotropa Prunus 0 94 lucidulum repens Populus 94 0 94 latifolia Lycopodium 0 6 0 6 capensis Maianthemum 50 256 0 0 bor?ale Gaultheria 50 69 69 0 19 13 25 6 hill Significance Overstory Intact 25 0 0 dentata Control Overstory 19 13 sp. No 0 100 0 31 38 0 0 0 0 0 56 0 38 6 31 6 0 0 6 19 0 6 13 0 0 50 0 6 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 0 13 0 25 94 0 13 0 100 0 56 56 0 0 0 13 0 19 0 44 63 44 0 25 0 No Site Burn Symbol Overstory 0 31 6 0 44 0 0 44 0 6 6 6 6 0 31 6 0 0 94 0 75 81 0 19 0 100 6 25 56 0 13 0 25 0 44 19 19 100 56 88 13 6 AN BL CX P.S. DP DC FV GB GP P.S. MC MR P.S. PS RS QA QR P.S. QV RI P.S. RP 87 Table 3. Continued. Red front Species No Overstory Intact No Overstory Intact Overstory Site bicolor 0 13 0 0 0 latifolia 0 13 0 0 0 0 38 69 75 13 0 0 0 0 0 50 69 39 0 00 6 0 13 0 00 0 13 0 0 0 0 88 borealis Vaccinium Viburnum < 0 composite 0 13 60 6 angustifolium corymbosum acerifolium 0 0 19 Vitis labrusca P.S.p 50 6 1313 Tsuga canadensis Vaccinium 69 * 0.10; p < ** 0.05; p < : p < 0.01; Table 4. Principal 0.001. front lot Red Control -0.296197 0.865139 0.524589 0.690784 tion for the oak forest community, although a rapid the herbaceous relay cannot be precluded. Among species, exceptions to the rule are Cypripedum reginae and Epigaea repens. Cypripedum is characteristic of wet habitats (Gray 1950), and may not survive well in xeric of a severe environment burn. In neither case is there a statistically significant differ ence in either frequency or density. Carya cordiformis Fraxinus appear only the americana, on the control only woody are both plots, species to characteris tic of pioneer communities (Burns & Honkala 1992). Their occurrence only on the unburned sites probably reflects low frequency and small sample size. Overall, these results are consistent with those of Swan (1970), who found few decreasing species after fire in oak stands in New York. The common pattern of changes in density borealis, among Maianthemum and Sassafras canadense, not while albidum, Trientalis related resource tables Fraction always sig which gradients or gross to disturbance are not topography. necessarily of Variance burn Severe burn explained 0.491694 -0.628737 61.16% 0.446211 -0.178390 22.70% -0.078814 16.14% -0.593972 At first glance, the diversity statistics appear to support our initial hypothesis that moderate burning would be followed by rapid domination of the site by Kalmia. Qualitatively, there was a structural change from an irregular layer of large Kalmia, characterized by gaps and a heterogeneous forest floor light environ ment (Kittredge & Ashton 1990), to a uniform, planar layer with few the number However, gaps. of species present on the different treatments suggests thatKalmia did not exclude species. Rather, the decline in diver sity and equitability appears to be related to the large relative proportion of shoots represented by Kalmia. there were In general, uals on of the common woody less and may are larger be than preventing as present stages individ burns on seedlings these sites. of both red and black oak are less frequent, vigorous, and have lower dense Kalmia of the moderate severe or 1995). the moderate Kalmia which sapling and more species, on However, species attaining Seedlings more species, controls. some from nificant, suggests that these species may be responding local of the frequency residuals Moderate -0.143557 0.414725 open, VA Variable Component the relatively 0 Eigenvectors Principal Symbol refers to figures. Symbol of the standardized components Burn Overstory Solidago Unidentified to Significance Control Spiraea Trientalis and hill Buell Control burns the unburned survival rates under the burns than on either the controls (Moser et al. 2-5-7 i AN 2-h * C 0 c 1.51 a E o O IS Q. O C 1 AR RP * Sb< 05+ MC o "Q?" tf c C\J :%IDP --GL -0.51" MR .1.. GP RS -1.54 1st Principal Component MC 1.54 RS c CD c o 1? ?O CO Q. ? c c CL "2 CO AN -ftt -iQVjj. BL FV QA 01 PS MR GL ..RR.. -0-5 -^A-GP AR CX -H QR -1.54 -1 1 0 1st Principal Component Fig. I. a and b. Species Binary discriminant analysis illuminates several attributes of the herbaceous layer community on these sites. The first principal component appears to reflect principal components scores. the species' relative ability to take advantage of a high light, relatively xeric environment, while the second and third principal components each explain only a 89 small fraction of the variance. There is little appar ent clustering in the ordination. These factors suggest that species distribution on these sites reflects their individual physiological traits, with light and moisture relations playing a key role (Smith & Huston 1989). In addition, some of the increase in plant abundance could be due to increases in nutrient availability (Gilliam 1988), although the time since the burn would indicate this effect is likely to be small. There does not appear to be a guild of understory plants which is confined to unburned habitats. A moderate burn on these sites does not appear to initiate succession in the understory in the classical sense. This is similar to the pattern of behavior report ed for communities in Florida by Abrahamson (1984a, the moderate burn does appear to 1984b). However, have caused changes which persist over the time scale of the return interval in some presettlement oak forests (Buell et al 1954; Day 1953; Little 1974; Russell 1983). 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