lores~~~ol0g-y Management Forest Ecologyand Management80 (1996) 81-94 Germination and seedling growth of Quercu,s ( section ErythrobaEanus) across openings in a mixed-deciduous forest of southern New England, USA Mark S. Ashton *, Bruce C. Larson School of Forestry & Environmental Studies, Yale University, New Haven, CT 0651 I, USA Accepted10 July 1995 Abstract In this study threespeciesof the genusQuercus sectionErythrobulanus (Quercus coccinea, Quercus rubra, Quercus uelurina)wereinvestigated.All occurtogetherascanopytreesin forestsof southernNew England.Acornsof eachQuercus specieswere plantedin plots locatedin five zonesthat representa rangeof forest gap/canopy conditionsthat can occur within a southernNew Englandforest. Thesefive zonesweredemarcatedadjacentto and acrosslarge openingsof two physiographicsites-valley andridgetop.Experimentsweredesigned to monitorgerminationandinitial growthof seedlings for the first threegrowingseasons. During the startof the first growingseason germinationwasmonitored.At theendof the first growingseasonmeasurements of height andnumberof flushesweretakenanddestructivesamples of seedlings made for dry massof root, stemandleaves.At the endof the third growing season height wasrecordedfor surviving seedlings. Comparisons were madeof germinationand growth of seedlings locatedin the different gap/canopy conditions. Resultsdemonstratedclear differencesin patternsof germinationand early growth among speciesand among gap/canopy conditionsof the sites.All speciesshowedan increasedlag in germinationwith reducedamountsof light. Highestgrowth and flushingrate were in the centerconditionsof the openingsfor all speciesduring the fust growing season.Quercus rubra had the greatestheight growth the first growing seasonbut a lower numberof flushesthan Q. uelutina and Q. coccineu. In comparisonwith the other species,Q. rubru had the greatesttotal dry massin most gap/canopy conditionsafter the first growingseason. However, Q. velutinu hadthe greatesttotal dry massin the centerof the ridgetopopening.In almostall gap/canopy conditionsQ. velutina hadgreaterproportionsof dry massallocatedto roots comparedwith the otherspecies. After 3 years,greatestheightgrowthin any of the gap/ canopyconditionswasrecordedfor all threespeciesin the center of the valley site.Underthis conditionQ. rubru hadsignificantlygreatergrowth than Q. uelutina and Q. coccineu. Quercus rubru alsohad significantlygreaterheight growth and survival beneaththe canopyconditionsof the valley site than the otherspecies.On the ridgetopsiteregenerationfailed to establishbeneathcanopyconditionsthat providedlow amountsof light. Quercus uelutina showedgreatestheight growth after three yearsin the centerand edgeconditionsof the ridgetop openingcomparedwith the other species.Environmentalinfluencesthat determinespeciesgerminationand growth performanceare suggested. Keywords: Germination; Light; Quercus Seedling growth l coccinea (Muenchh.); Quercus Corresponding author. 0378-I 127/%/$15.00 6 19% Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDI0378-1127(95)03636-9 rubra (L.); Quercus velutina (Lam.); section Erythrobalanus; 82 MS. Ashton. B.C. Larson/ Forest Ecology 1. Introduction Research in temperate deciduous forests of eastem North America has shown that the size of canopy opening created by a disturbance promotes differences in regeneration survival and growth among tree species (Marquis, 1975; Runkle, 1981; Hibbs, 1982; Runkle and Yetter, 1987; Canham 1988a, 1989; Lorimer, 1989). Studies have also shown that the different microenvironments that exist across the ground surface of an opening (e.g. soil moisture, nutrient status, solar radiation quality and quantity; Reifsynder et al., 1970; Canham, 1988b) influence regeneration survival and growth of tree species within the opening itself (Smith, 1951; Poulson and Platt, 1988, 1989; Smith and Ashton, 1993). The studies imply that both opening size and microenvironmental variation within an opening can lead to differences in tree species composition within southem New England forests. Prior investigations have compared tree seedling survival and growth for species that belong to very different taxonomic groups (Marquis, 1975; Barden, 1979, 1981; Ehrenfield, 1980; Runkle, 1981, 1989; Hibbs, 1982; Canham, 1985, 1989; Collins and Good, 1987; Platt, 1987; Poulson and Platt, 1988, 1989; Connell, 1989; Lorimer, 1989; Collins, 1990). These studies have been carried out in field conditions that monitored recruitment and growth of advance regeneration in situ with no control over microenvironment location or seedling age and size. This makes it difficult to measure differences in survival and growth among species that have similar growth morphology and physiology. Many closely related tree species have therefore been placed within the same ecological or physiological grouping. However, understanding the processes of establishment and growth among related species of congeneric groups is central to future sustainable forest management for eastern North America. For example in southern New England tree species richness and dominance is represented by a few relatively large assemblages in the genera ( Acer, Bet&a, Carya, Fraxinus, and Quercus). The objective of this study was to learn more about differences in the fundamental niche of related tree species that occur together within the same forest landscape. To do this we examined the germi- and Management 80 (1996) 81-94 nation and growth of Quercus section Erythrubalanus (Fagaceae) under certain controlled field conditions. Past studies have documented Quercus species distribution in relation to site (see review in Burns and Honkala, 1991), but these studies have not at-. tempted controlled experiments to more clearly identify the fundamental niche of each species within a site. Our study selected the greatest variety of microenvironments within a forest by choosing particular physiographic sites at which a range of gap/canopy conditions were created. Control of spacing and age among Quercus species within selected forest microenvironments facilitated comparison and observation for differences in their germination and growth morphology. The study tested the hypothesis that closely related tree species have different rates of germination and amounts of height growth and allocation to roots and shoots in different forest microenvironments. All three species chosen for the study (Quercus coccinea (Muenchh.), Quercus rubru CL.), Quercus uelutina (Lam.)) are considered to be intermediate to intolerant of shade (Bums and Honkala, 1991) and dominate the canopy of mid successional stands of southern New England (Abrams, 1990; Abrams and Downs, 1990; Abrams, 1992). Only a few studies have selected specific physiographic sites and then manipulated the forest canopy for control of forest microenvironment. This kind of approach has been used to examine for differences in survival and establishment of several closely related tree groups (Acer, Sipe, 1990; Betula, Carlton and Bazzaz, 1993; Be&a, Wayne and Bazzaz, 1993). Other studies that controlled forest microenvironment have investigated tree species of different successional status (Latham, 1992). Sipe and Bazzaz (1994) reported finding little difference among three species of Acer, but investigations by Wayne and Bazzaz (1993) and Carlton and Bazzaz (1993) demonstrated differences among four species of Betula. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Study site The study was done at the Yale-Myers Research and Demonstration Forest located in northeastern MS. Ashton, B.C. Larson/Forest Ecology Connecticut (41”57’N, 72’07’W). The forest is classified as Central Hardwood-Hemlock-Pine (Westveld, 1956). The pre-settlement forests of this region were diverse in composition and structure (Day, 1953; Hem-y and Swann, 1974), with a natural disturbance regime that comprises hurricanes, tomadoes, ice storms, fire, insect and pathogen epidemics (Siccama et al., 1976; Bormann and Likens, 1979; Foster, 1988). This region was almost completely cleared for agriculture after colonization by settlers (1700- 1900) (Meyer and Plusnin, 1945; Raup, 1966; Cronon, 1983). After 1850 much of the land was abandoned and second growth forest has since developed. The experimental sites were in openings created by removal of the second generation of trees to occupy the sites since agricultural abandonment. The forest topography consists of ridges and valleys that range from 170 to 300 m above sea level. The land surface is gently undulating with slopes rarely exceeding 40%. The bedrock is metamorphic, overlain by glacial till soils that are moderate to well-drained stony loams. Local variation in parent materials and slope can also produce poorly drained and excessively drained sites. The regional climate is cool temperate (summer mean 20°C; winter -4°C) and humid, with precipitation (annual mean 110 cm) distributed fairly evenly throughout the year. 2.2. Experimental design Experiments were designed to identify: (i) differences in germination and growth for each Quercus species across the ground surface microenvironments of canopy openings; and (ii) differences in germination and early growth among species. Measurements determined: (i) germination; (ii) seedling height and number of flushes in the fiit growing season and seedling height after the third growing season; (iii) seedling dry mass and allocation to above- (stem, leaves) and below-ground (roots) portions after the first growing season. The two sites chosen for the experiment were each located in (i) a valley and (ii) a ridgetop. Rectangular canopy openings of 100 m length by 30 m width were created to obtain the greatest range of microenvironments, both across the openings and beneath the adjacent canopies that was representative of the disturbance regime for this forest region. All and Management 80 (1996) 81-94 83 trees felled were’ removed from the opening. The lengths of the canopy openings were aligned eastwest along the approximate axes of the valley and ridgetop. The height of the forest canopy at the valley site was measured as 25 m and composed of Liriodendron tulipifera CL.1 and Q. rubra. The subcanopy of the forest was dominated by Acer saccharum (Marsh) with an understory of Cornus jlorida CL.), Hamamelis virginiana (L.), and Carpinus caroliniana (L). On the northern side, the site was adjacent to the toe of a shallow slope (10%) that had a seepage during most of the spring and early summer months from snow melt. The soil was deep (over 2 m) and classified as a Paxton very stony fine sandy loam (USDA Soil Conservation Service, 1981). The forest canopy height of the ridgetop site was 22 m and composed of Carya glabra ([Mill.] Sweet), Q. rubra and Q. velutina. The subcanopy comprised Acer rubrum (L.) and Tsuga canadensis CL.1 Carr. The soil of the ridgetop site was shallow (less than 1 m) with some bedrock extrusions. This soil was classified as Hinkley very stony loam (USDA Soil Conservation Service, 1981). Though there was no Q. coccinea in the forest canopy at this site it was found on sites similar to this one in other parts of the forest. The area in and around the canopy opening of each site was subdivided into five gap/canopy conditions: (i) the understory adjacent to the southern edge of the opening; (ii> the southern edge of the opening, which receives only diffuse solar radiation and exhibits temperature fluctuations that are moderated by the shelter of the canopy; (iii) the center of the opening which receives direct radiation and has the greatest fluctuations in temperature; (iv) the northern edge of the opening which receives direct solar radiation; (v) the understory adjacent to the northern edge of the opening which can also receive some direct solar radiation (Canham, 1988b). To make valid comparisons of germination and early growth within and among species for this study, acorns were planted at regular spacing in plots. One plot was located in each of the gap/ canopy conditions, from north to south across each gap; understory 20 m to the south of the gap, southem gap edge, center, northern gap edge, and understory 20 m to the north of the gap. Gap edge and 84 MS. Ashton, B.C. Larson/ Forest Ecology understory plots were increasingly shaded from direct radiation. It is important to recognize that these gap/ canopy conditions have boundaries that are hard to delimit. In reality the plots are situated along a microenvironmental continuum. It must also be recognized that the nature of these manipulations precludes considering seedlings in this study as advance regeneration, which is the established seedling or sapling stage (0.5- 1.O m) that naturally experiences gap conditions. 2.3. Description merits of the gap/canopy microenuiron- The soil at both sites was classified as an inceptisol (USDA Soil Conservation Service, 1975). Soil moisture was measuredat each plot by taking weekly samplesof soil at 5-10 cm depth from 1 April 1989 to 30 October 1989. Moisture percentages were determined from the difference in wet and dry weights. During the experiment the valley site showed virtually no deficiencies in top-soil moisture (Table 1). The ridgetop site exhibited more pronounced deficiencies with longer periods of dryness during the months of July and August. Daily photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) was monitored for each gap/canopy condition on sunny days during the spring and summer growing season of 1989. Light sensors(Li Cor 190SA and 19OSZ>were set up to take readings of PPF every 10 s. Ten and Management 80 (1996) 81-94 minute means for each gap/canopy condition were simultaneously recorded over a 14 h period using a data logger (Li Cor 1000). Sensorswere positianed horizontally 30 cm above the ground within the center of each plot. The plots in the understory at all sites had a daily PPF that did not exceed 10% of that in the open on sunny days (Table 1). In these understory microenvironments direct radiation in the form of sunflecks contributed between 13 and 5 1% of the daily PPF received. The low amount of daily PPF recorded for the southern understory condition could be attributed to a subcanopy of Tsug~ canadensis, a deep-crowned conifer. The other understory condition on the ridgetop had only a few A. rubrum trees in the subcanopy. The other conditions that represented edges and centers of the canopy openings had daily PPF that reflected a range of intensities and durations. The center condition of the canopy opening was exposed to the longest daily duration of direct sun for both sites. The daily PPF received in these conditions were equivalent to that received in the full open. The northern edge gap/ canopy condition received approximately between 60 and 80% of the daily PPF received at the center of the opening for each site, of which 90-93% compriseddirect sunlight. The southernedge gap/ canopy condition received approximately between 10 and 20% of the daily PPF received at the center of the opening for each site, of which 14-28% was direct sunlight (Table I >. Table I A summary of PPF measurements and number of droughty days for each of the gap/canopy conditions located at the ridgetop and valley sites. Droughty days were thos days from April to October where soil moisture at S-10 cm depth was < 15% of dry to wet mass of soil (wet - dry/dry x 100%). Values for PPF are means of total amounts received from 4 sunny days in June and July. Percentages represent the proportion of total mean PPF that occurs as direct sunlight at each gap/canopy condition No. of droughty Ridge Valley PPF (mol m-’ day- ‘) Ridgetop (percent direct sunlight) NE 40 00 72 10 3.68 Valley NU, northern NU C SE su 21 28 67 00 00 07 days understory; NE, northern 27.44 35.47 (20 %) 1.82 (90 %) 24.7 1 (95 %) 38.21 (13%) (93 %a) (97%) edge; C, center of the opening; SE, southern 5.45 0.85 (51%) (28 8) 4.70 (14%) edge; SU, southern 2.01 (41%) understory. M.S. Ashron, 2.4. Experimental B.C. Larson/Forest Ecology measurements and data analysis Acorns of each species were collected from four separate parent trees located in different areas of the Yale-Myers Forest and its surroundings. Parent trees on different sites and localities were selected to insure a genetic variability representative of the species populations for this region. After collection, acorns were stratified in moist sand for 6 months, beginning in November 1987. After stratification viable acorns were sorted from those that were weeviled or rotten by floatation in water. An equal number of acorns from each parent source were then mixed together for each species and then planted at 3-4 cm depth into the plots of the two sites on 1 May 1988. Each plot was 2 m X 2 m and manually weeded regularly during growing seasons for the duration of the experiment to avoid competition with other vegetation. For each plot 48 acorns of each species were arranged in four subplots. For each subplot three groups of 12 acorns were planted. Group positions within each subplot were allocated at random to each of the three species. This would be classified as a split-plot design with species nested within subplot. Acorns within each subplot were initially spaced at 10 cm X 10 cm; plots were protected from rodent predation by wire gauze with edges buried approximately 10 cm below the ground surface. All plots were also protected from herbivory by ‘L-m-high chicken wire fencing. Mean acorn mass of those that were planted for each species were: Q. rubra (3.95 g), Q. coccinea (1.87 g) and Q. uelutina (2.05 g). Because other suitable canopy openings were not available site locations were not replicated, therefore ANOVAs were done separately for each site. However, a one-way ANOVA was done to test if the two sites (valley, ridgetop) were different from each other overall. It should also be noted that no one plot for a gap/canopy condition, therefore, had the same radiation regime as somewhere else within the opening. The limitations imposed by this design were reduced by the large number of acorns used for each plot and the extended period of the experiment (3 years). After the start of the experiment germination was recorded for the first 50 days. Measurements of height and number of flushes were made, and destructive samples were taken on germinated seedlings and Management 80 (1996) 81-94 85 at the end of the first growing season (October 1988) to determine dry mass. Flushes were recorded by the number of times a seedling set bud and then reflushed during the first growing season. Measurements of height were again taken on surviving seedlings at the end of the third growing season (October 1990). An ANOVA procedure of the Statistical Analysis Systems (SAS) Institute Inc. (Ray, 1982) (with gap/canopy condition, and species as main effects) was carried out on log transformed data for first growing season measurements of height and number of flushes. Measurements of height after three growing seasons were done in the same way. Mean dry mass of 12 seedlings was calculated for each species by gap/canopy condition at the end of the first growing season. For a species, individuals were selected from each subplot equally and at random for each gap/canopy condition. The same ANOVA procedure of the SAS Institute Inc. was used on the log of seedling dry mass for the whole seedling and on the ratio of above-ground mass (stem, leaves) to below-ground mass (roots). 3. Results 3.1. Acorn germination For all three species, germination at understory and southern edge positions lagged behind that in the centers and northern parts of the openings (Fig. 1). However, in all gap/canopy conditions most germination had occurred by the 30th day after planting. The northern understory condition of the valley site had a noticeably lower amount of germination for all Quercus species. The southern understory condition of the ridgetop site also inhibited acorn germination (Fig. 1). Over the duration of the experiment no acorn predation from rodents or herbivory from deer was recorded. 3.2. Height, flushing, growing season and dry mass gain after one Analysis of variance for height growth and number of flushes showed most F values were significant (P < 0.001) among gap/canopy conditions (Table 2). No significant subplot effect was shown 86 MS. Ashton, B.C. Larson/Forest Ecology and Management 81-94 QUERCUS COCCINEA - FWGETOP QUERCUS COCCINEA - VALLEY - 80 (1996) N.EiXE 0 2 m 5 ii 10 0 0 10 20 TIME 30 (DAYS) 40 0 10 20 TIME 30 40 i 50 (DAYS) Fig. 1. Number of acorns germinating successfully for Quercus species across gap/canopy conditions for each site over a 50 day period afttr planting. Successful gtrmination was determined by emergence and survival of the radiclt. S. UNDER, southern tdemhzy plot; S. EDGE, southern edgt plot; CENTER, plot at the center of the.opening; N. EDGE, northern edge plot; N. UNDER, nor&em understory pkk M.S. Ashron, B.C. Larson/Forest Ecology within gap/canopy condition and is not treated further. Differences between species within gap/ canopy condition were analyzed and evaluated at the 5% level of significance using Tukey’s Studentized Range (Table 3). For each species best height growth occurred in the center of both sites (Fig. 2). In almost all gap/ canopy conditions greatest height was exhibited by Q. rubru. On the ridgetop, Q. velurina had mostly greater height than Q. coccinea. This was not the case for the gap/canopy conditions in the valley. For all species the highest number of flushes were associated with gap/ canopy conditions that received the largest amounts of daily PPF (Fig. 2). The lowest mean number of flushes was observed for seedlings growing in the southern understory condition of the ridgetop site. In almost all gap/canopy conditions and Management 80 (1996) 81-94 87 Q. velufina had a higher number of flushes than Q. coccinea, which in turn had a greater number of flushes tlpn Q. rubru in most cases. Analysis of variance for total mass and shoot:root ratio had F values which were significant (P > 0.001) among gap/canopy conditions (Table 2). No significant subplot effects were demonstrated within each gap/ canopy condition. Differences between species within each gap/canopy condition were evaluated in the same manner as height growth and number of flushes (Table 3). Seedlings in the centers of canopy openings gained greater mass than those of corresponding edge and understory conditions (Fig. 2). Comparison among species demonstrated Q. rubru had significantly greater mass than Q. velutina and Q. coccineu in most conditions. However, an exception was in the Table 2 F values and significance (’ P < 0.05; * * P < 0.01; * P < 0.001; * * * * P < 0.0001) for analyses of variance of height growth, number of flushes, total dry mass and shoot : root ratio after the first growing season; and height growth atkr the third growing season. Sites have been analyzed separately. For certain understory conditions, measures of height for the. third growing season could not be analyzed because of uoor survival l First growing season Heiaht Valley Main treatments Gap/canopy condition Subplot effects Gap/canopy X subplot Sub-treatments-species S. Under S. Edge Center N. Edge N. Under Ridgetop Main treatments Gap/canopy condition Subplot effects Gap/canopy X subplot Sub-treatments-species S. Under S. Edge Center N. Edge N. Under Flushes 20.63 0.75 NS 1.68 NS l performance 1.78 17.14 17.46 29.14 56.75 l * l l within NS * * * l * l * ** * ’ 17.31 * * * * 1.12 NS 0.94 NS performance within 35.85 * * * 3.50 3.51 * 10.45 * 14.69 * l l l Total mass 16.68 2.13 NS 1.22 NS ’ * * l each gap/canopy 6.59 3.65 1.27 NS * NS 10.50 l l 33.06 1.48 NS 0.95 NS l l each gap/canopy 20.31 l l 0.56 NS 2.74 NS 6.91 3.46 l l l condition 18.94 5.63 2.06 7.14 9.86 l l 0.50 33.09 1.69 NS 1.00 NS * ’ l Shoot : root ratio * 9.88 * * ’ * 2.16 NS 1.84 NS * * * * * * * l l l 52.02 2.78 NS 0.58 NS ’ 5.20 3.49 NS 1.80 NS 9.79 4.12 * l * * l Third growing Height 121.66 1.45 NS 0.32 NS l l 0.91 NS 37.23 * * ’ 10.84 57.52 l l l 4.68 * * 2.49 NS 0.69 NS 170.04”” 0.42 NS 1.13 NS 0.64 NS 1.77 NS 4.99 0.59 NS 14.73 condition 3.99 l 2.01 NS 28.69 11.37 5.67 l l l l 10.95 1.19 1.17 3.17 * NS NS * ’ l * l l season l 88 MS. S. UNDER S. EDGE Ashton, CENTER B.C. Larson/ N.EDCE Forest Ecology N. UNDER and Management ” S. UNDER 80 (1996) S. EDGE 81-94 CENTER N. EDGE -7 2.5 2.5 - N. UNDER RIDGETOP VALLEY 0.5 2 0.0 / / 0.5 0.0 S. UNDER S. EDGE CENTER N. EDGE N. UNDER S. UNDER S. EDGE CENTER N. EDGE N. UNDER (a) Fig. 2. Measurements of(i) height growth, (ii) number of flushes, (iii) total dry mass gain, and (iv) dry mass shoot:root ratio. Measurements were taken the first growing season after acorn planting. Measurement means along with their standard errors are depicted by species for each gap/canopy condition across the valley and ridgetop sites. center gap/canopy condition of the ridgetop site where Q. uelutina had greater mass than the other Quercus species. All species showed an increase in proportional allocation to roots in gap/canopy conditions that received low amounts of daily PPF, and in gap/ canopy conditions that were located on the ridgetop site compared with the valley. The shoot:root ratio of Q. uelutina showed greater proportional allocation to roots than the other Quercus species. The shootxoot ratio was noticeably greater for Q. velufiaa tlm the other species at the edges of openings or under closed canopy conditions. A one-way ANOVA comparing sites (valley, ridgetop) showed F values were significant for two of the attributes investigated (number of fhrshes, shoot:root ratio). The valley site had higher seedling shoot:root ratio, and a lower number of flushes MS. Ashion, B.C. Larson/Forest Ecology and Management 80 (1996) 8 81-94 RIDGETOP 7 89 n n 6 6 Qucrcus Quercus Quercus rubra velutina coccinea 6 5 3 $4 93 2 1 0 S. UNDER S. EDGE S. UNDER S. EDGE CENTER N. EDGE N. UNDER S. UNDER S. EDGE CENTER S. UNDER S. EDGE CENTER N. EDGE N. UNDER 1.5 0 i: 1.0 2 s 2 io5 u-l . 0.0 0.0 CENTER N. EDGE N. UNDER N. EDGE N. UNDEI (b) compared with the ridgetop site. No significant difference was shown between sites for seedling height and total dry mass. 3.3. Height afrer three growing seasons Analysis of variance for height growth showed most F values were significant (P < 0.001) among gap/canopy conditions (Table 2), and no significant subplot effect was shown within gap/canopy condition. Differences between species within gap/ canopy condition were therefore analyzed at the 5% level of significance using Tukey’s Studentized Range (Table 3). Greatest height growth in any of the gap/canopy conditions was recorded for all three species in the center of the valley site (Fig. 3). In the valley center, Q. rubra had significantly greater growth than Q. velutinu and Q. coccinea. Quercus rubra also had significantly greater height growth and survival at the edges and the southern understory of the valley site than the other species. On both sites seedlings failed to survive beneath canopy conditions that provided low amounts of daily PPF. For the southern 90 , : MS. Ashton, B.C. Larson/Forest Ecology Y S. UNDER S. EDGE CENTER N. EDGE N. UNDER N. EDGE N. UNDER RIDGETOP i 50 0 s. UNDER S. EDGE CENTER Measurementsof height growth taken after the third season. Measurementmeans along with their standard errors are depictedby species for each gap/canopy condition across the valley and ridgetopsites. Fig. 3. growing understory of the ridgetop site this could be attributed to the dense coniferous canopy of Tsuga canadensis. Quercus velutina showed greatest height growth after 3 years in the center and northern edge conditions of the ridgetop opening compared with the other species. 4. Discussion Though many studies (Bourdeau, 1954; Briscoe, 1961; Nowacki et al., 1990; Nowacki and Abrams, and Management 80 (1996) 81-94 91 1992) have documented demographic patterns in seedling survivorship and growth for Quercus (section Eryrhrobalanus) our study is the first to clearly identify comparative morphological differences in allocation of seedlings among the species in relation to forest microenvironment for southern New England. All three species showed a greater lag in germination with lower levels of daily PPF. This also appeared to affect eventual germination success. Some understory gap/ canopy conditions had reduced germination success that might be related to other environmental phenomena. Studies have shown that waterlogged soils inhibit oak germination (Hosner, 1957; Briscoe, 19611, and that hemlock (Tsuga canadensis L.) needle litter has allelopathic effects on acorn germination of Q. rubra (Ward and McCormick, 1982). Two locations might have been affected by these factors. The southern understory of the ridgetop site had a Tsuga canadensis overstory, and the northern understory of the valley site was noticeably water logged from a nearby seepage during the spring (May and June). Highest growth and flushing rates for all species were in the center conditions of the openings. These locations received the greatest amount of PPF and had top soil that, compared with adjacent edge and understory gap/ canopy conditions, was relatively moist during the spring and summer of the experimental period. This suggested that root competition from overstory trees for soil moisture was reduced at the center of these large openings (3000 m*). This pattern in soil moisture variation across the gap-understory continuum has been well described elsewhere (Geiger, 1957). Other studies have demonstrated surface soil moisture conditions (at a depth of 5 cm and less) to be very different (Castilleja, 1991; Ashton, 1992). These studies showed that the centers of openings exposed to long periods of direct radiation can have very dry surfaces that provide an inhospitable environment for germination. However, in these studies the opening sizes were small (less than 400 m*). Species that produce small seeds with little protective covering or that lack food reserves to withstand periods of environmental stress might be particularly susceptible to drying (Kramer and Kozlowski, 1979). Still other studies have demonstrated the relation to survival within inhospitable environ- 92 M.S. Ashton, B.C. Larson/ Forest Ecology ments to seed size (Grime and Jeffrey, 1965; Spurr and Barnes, 1992). However, Quercus species hold substantial food reserves within their acorns that, compared with other smaller seeded tree species, allows them to germinate and grow within a wide range of environments during the first growing season. This is one explanation of why the germination of all Quercus species were relatively site insensitive in most of our experimental plots. Quercus rubru had the greatest height growth but had fewer flushes than Q. velutina and Q. coccinea. The larger acorn size (Schopmeyer, 19741, and therefore by implication the greater food reserves, of Q. rubru might have promoted greater extension growth of the first flush. Quercus coccinea, and most noticeably Q. velutina, had a first year growth pattern of shorter but more frequent flushing. Third year Q. vektina had greater total dry mass than Q. rubra or Q. coccinea in the center of the ridge site. In all other plots, Q. rubru had the greatest mass. However, in all plots Q. velutina generally had greater proportions of dry mass allocated to roots as compared to the other species.This pattern of root allocation among the species was more apparent for seedlings that germinated and grew in gap/canopy conditions of the understory than in the open, and in gap/canopy conditions of the ridge site compared with those of the valley site. The proportionately greater root massof Q. velutinu, would make it more tolerant of soil drought or nutrient deficiency. Many past ecological studies have shown that Q. velutina is often restricted to drier and nutrient poorer sites than other membersof section Erythrobalanus (e.g. Bourdeau, 1954, Hannah, 1968). Some studies have demonstrated the physiological and morphological advantagesof leaves of Q. velutina that promotes their establishmenton thesesites(Seidel, 1972; Bahari et al., 1985; Abrams, 1990; Ashton and Berlyn, 1994). These advantages include higher water-use and nutrient-use efficiency in environments that provide high amounts of PPF, lower stomatal area per unit area of leaf, thicker cuticle, and greater plasticity in leaf structure with difference in amount of PPF received. Our study has demonstrated that these advantages might also be related to differences in morphological growth and allocation to roots. Though there are distinct growth and allocation and Management 80 (1996181-94 differences between Q. uelutina and Q. rubru, Q. coccinea sharesgrowth characteristicsof both. In our study area of southern New England no clear difference in morphological attributes measuredbetween Q. coccinea and the other speciesdescribed its geographic distribution. However, this might suggest that Q. coccinea has an intermediate ecological status between Q. rubra and Q. r;elutinu. For example, Q. coccinea showed height growth and flushing rates during the first growing seasonlike that of Q, w Zutinu, but pattern in shoot:root ratio was similar to Q. rubru. This is supportedby ecological studiesthat have investigated the distribution patterns of Q. CWcinea (Bums and Honkala, 19911, and by genetic studies(Overlease, 1975; Kriebel et al.. 1976; Little, 1979) that have demonstrated that hybridization maintains the anatomical, physiological and morphological linkages among all three species. There are several factors that provide possible explanations for Quercus species distribution patterns across the topography of the Yale-Myers For est. Based on findings from this study and others (Bourdeau, 1954; Nowacki et al., 19901. soil moisture fluctuations might be one factor affecting seedling distribution of Quercus species with the more drought tolerant specieson the ridgetops and the more drought sensitive speciesrestricted to the valleys. Another factor affecting Quercus species distribution patterns appears to be the amount of light received at the ground story. The amount can be related to differences in germination and seedling establishmentof the Quercus speciesacrossthe zones of the gap-understory light continuum. Quercus rubru had greater survival and establishmentthan its associatesin the northern understory adjacent to the seepageof the valley sit.e. In circumstances where understory conditions are low in light and droughty little establishmentof any Quercus speciesoccurred. Both Q. velutina and Q. coccinea appeared to require greater amounts of light in understory conditions for survival. Our study demonstrated that although there is considerable morphological overlap among Quercus that belong to a related group, Q. velutinu and Q. rubra specieshad specific growth characteristics that allowed each to establish and grow better than its relative in particular forest microenvironments. Our study therefore further elaboratesupon work that has MS. Ashton, B.C. Larson/ Forest Ecology documented these differences among species that belong to very different taxonomic groups (Paulson and Platt, 1988, 1989). Findings from our study imply that silvicultural practices concerned with regenerating these QuercuS species in southern New England should be specific to site and stand microenvironment. However, there were no clear differences in morphology between Q. coccinea and the other two species. Thus, morphological patterns in seed germination and regeneration establishment of these three species provide only a partial explanation for their coexistence. 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