A Comparison of Leaf Physiology and Anatomy of Quercus (Section Erythrobalanus-Fagaceae) Species in Different Light Environments Author(s): P. M. S. Ashton and G. P. Berlyn Reviewed work(s): Source: American Journal of Botany, Vol. 81, No. 5 (May, 1994), pp. 589-597 Published by: Botanical Society of America Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2445734 . Accessed: 24/09/2012 19:48 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . Botanical Society of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to American Journal of Botany. http://www.jstor.org American Journalof Botany 8 1(5): 589-597. 1994. A COMPARISON Q UERCUS SPECIES OF LEAF PHYSIOLOGY (SECTION AND ANATOMY OF ER YTHROBALANUS- FAGACEAE) IN DIFFERENT LIGHT ENVIRONMENTS' P. M. S. ASHTON2 AND G. P. BERLYN School of Forestryand EnvironmentalStudies,Yale University,New Haven, Connecticut06511 Physiologicaland anatomical attribut-es of leaves were examined of threespecies of QuercussectionErythrobalanus.All threespecies occur in moist temperatedeciduous forestsof easternNorth America. Seedlingsof each species were grown in different lightconditionsforcomparison.The attributesmeasuredwere net photosynthesis, stomatalconductivity,blade and cuticle thickness,stomatal density,thicknessof upper and lower epidermis,and thicknessof palisade mesophyll.The resultsgenerallydemonstratethe close association betweenanatomical adaptationsand efficiency of physiologicalprocesses; they also elucidate the distributionpatternsof the three Quercus species across the foresttopographyin southernNew England. The most drought-tolerant and light-demanding species, Q. velutina(Lam.), exhibitedthe greatestleaf anatomical plasticity,the highestnet photosynthesisin the different lightconditions,and the lowest stomatalarea per unit area of leaf. The mostdrought-intolerant species,Q. rubra(L.), exhibitedtheleastleafanatomical plasticity,thelowestnetphotosynthesis in the different lightconditions,and the higheststomatal area per unit area of leaf. Quercus coccinea (Muenchh.) usually exhibitedvalues thatwere intermediatebetweenQ. rubraand Q. velutina. Physiologicalprocesses and anatomical adaptations of leaves differdramaticallybetween tree species. Physiological differencesin rates of photosynthesis,transpiration,and stomatalconductivityof treespecies have been relatedto theirsuccessional status,theirage (juvenile vs. mature),and theircrownposition in the canopy (Boardmann, 1977; Hinckley et al., 1978; Lichtenthaleret al., 1981; Fetcher,Strain,and Oberbauer, 1983; Bahari, Pallardy, and Parker, 1985; Abrams and Knapp, 1986; Abrams, 1988; Strauss-Debenedettiand Bazzaz, 1991). in stomataldensity,leafthickness, Anatomicaldifferences epidermal thickness,and palisade mesophyll thickness have been similarlydescribed(Wylie, 1951, 1954; Jackson, 1967a, b; Carpenterand Smith,1975; Givnish, 1988; Lee et al., 1990). Selectingseedlingsof closely relatedspecies thatoccur withinthe same forestfacilitatescomparison of physiological and anatomical characteristics (Jurik,Chabot, and Chabot, 1982). Some comparativestudiesof seedlingsin thetropicalevergreenforesthave demonstrated thatclosely relatedspecies thatoccur withinthe same foresttype,but that differin successional status and crown stratumof occupation, have physiologicalprocesses that appear to be unrelated to their anatomical adaptations (StraussDebenedetti, 1989). Other tropical studies of seedlings withinevergreenforesthave examinedcloselyrelatedspecies that occur withinthe same foresttype but that are ofthesame successionalstatusand crownstratum.Under these circumstancesresultsdemonstratethe close association between anatomical adaptation and efficiency in physiological process of seedlings (Ashton and Berlyn, 1992). Also, fewstudieshave examined fordifferences in seedling physiologyand anatomy under differentlight ' Manuscript received 4 February 1993; revision accepted 18 November 1993. The authorsthankDavid Smith,Bruce Larson, Patricia Tomlinson, and JuddIsebrandsforhelpfulcomments.This studywas made possible by supportfromthe Yale UniversityForests. 2 Authorforcorrespondence. qualities (Taylor and Davies, 1988; Lee et al., 1990; Ashton and Berlyn,1992). The objectiveof thisstudywas to observeand measure the physiologicalprocesses and anatomical adaptations of seedlings belongingto closely related species of the genus Quercus sectionErythrobalanus(Fagaceae) within a moist temperatedeciduous forestof southernNew England, USA. Seedlings of three species (Q. coccinea [Muenchh.], Q. rubra [L.], Q. velutina[Lam.]) were examined underdifferent lightquantitiesand qualities. The studyspecies are mid- to late successionaltreesthatdominate thecanopy stratumof mixed-speciesforestsof easternNorthAmerica. In southernNew Englandeach ofthe threespecies occupy a different part of the foresttopography.The lower slopes and swales have Q. rubra.These sites have deep soils and are mesic year-round.Quercus velutinaoccurson bedrockridgeswithshallowsoils. Quercus coccinea has a puzzling patternof occurrence,but predominateson drysitesthathave deep but coarse soils. All species have wide overlapping ranges and can frequently,althoughnot predominantly,occuron any ofthe aforementionedsites (Burns and Honkala, 1991). The studytestedthehypothesisthatthesespecies,which are consideredofthesame successionalstatus(sensuWatt, 1947) and occupy similar crown strata withina forest, have distinctrates of photosynthesisand stomatal conductivityand thatthisreflectstheanatomical adaptations of theirleaves. The patternof relationshipsbetweenleaf anatomyand physiologymay explainwhysimilarspecies may occur togetherbut occupydifferent ecological niches withina forest(Bourdeau, 1954; Abrams, 1990). MATERIALS AND METHODS Design of theenvironment shelters-Environmentshelters were constructedto investigateseedling leaf physiologyand anatomyundersimulatedforestlightenvironmentsthatcontrolledthe quality(changesin R:FR ratio) and quantityoflight.These shelterswereplaced outdoors in a largeopen area at the fieldstationof the Yale-Myers 589 590 [Vol. 81 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY photon flux(PPF) and temperaturemeasurementsforthe lighttreatmentsof the shelters.Data are means Summaryof photosynthetic fromfoursunnydays in Juneand July.Values are means withtheirstandarderrorsin parentheses.M = morning(0600); N = noon (1200); TABLE 1. E = evening (1800). Lighttreatments (umols m 2 sec ') PPF mols m-2 day-' 50 350 800 1,600 2.25 (0.13) 11.70 (0.51) 23.82 (1.20) 41.93 (3.61) Soil temperature (@20 cm below soil surface) M N E 13.03 (0.18) 17.10 (0.78) 17.73 (0.72) 13.37 (0.19) 17.67 (0.17) 19.13 (0.20) 14.77 (0.35) 19.63 (1.48) 20.30 (1.25) 16.53 (1.39) 20.20 (0.12) 21.70 (1.11) Surfacesoil temperature M N E 14.50 (0.10) 24.40 (0.90) 19.63 (0.55) 14.97 (0.12) 25.03 (0.26) 21.20 (0.12) 17.77 (0.48) 27.33 (1.63) 23.57 (1.15) 25.93 (0.84) 39.43 (2.69) 24.80 (0.90) Air temperature M N E 18.10 (0.21) 23.77 (0.13) 19.70 (0.06) 18.03 (0.23) 24.67 (0.12) 20.97 (0.09) 19.97 (0.07) 25.30 (0.15) 21.10 (0.12) 22.43 (0.15) 28.27 (0.19) 20.20 (0.42) Research and DemonstrationForest(4 15 7'N; 72?07'W). Environmentshelterswereconstructedin the same manner as Ashton and Berlyn(1992). Four shelterswere constructedto examine effectsof different quantitiesof lightquality similarto that found in the forestunderstory.Light quality was altered by sprayinga particularratioofpaintpigmentsthathad been mixed in a varnishbase onto clearplasticfilm(Lee, 1985). The pigmentswereselectedto simulatetheeffectofupper canopy foliage on interceptionand transmissionof full lightwithappropriatered sunlight,providingtransmitted to farredratios(as definedbySmith,1982). Lightintensity was alteredby theamountofpigmentsprayedon thefilm. Samples of the lightqualityand quantityfilmtreatments were firstdone in consultationwithD. W. Lee (personal communication, Florida InternationalUniversity,Mi(Li Cor ami, FL) and werevalidatedby spectroradiometer 1800, Lincoln, NE). One shelterprovided seedlingswith understorylightquality(R:FR ratioof 0.46) witha maxflux(PPF) of 50 ,umolm-2 imum photon photosynthetic sec-1. The second shelterprovided a lightquality R:FR ratio of 0.97 with a maximum PPF of 350 ,umolm-2 sec-1. The third shelterprovided a lightquality R:FR ratio of 1.15 with maximum PPF 800 ,umolm-2 sec-1. There was also a fourthcontrol sheltercovered with a clear filmthatprovided fullsunlightquality (R:FR ratio 1.27) witha maximumquantityof 1,600 ,umolm-2 sec- 1. Each species had 100 seedlingsassignedto fourblocks withina singleshelter.Each block thereforecontained25 seedlingsper species. Blocks foreach species minimized interspeciesshading that would occur due to different growthrates. To make sure the blocks of seedlings for each species were representedacross the whole shelter environment,theposition of each block fora species was randomlyselectedfromfourrows.These rowswerealigned north-southadjacent to each otherand representeda part of the shelterenvironment.The limitationsimposed by thispseudo-replicationdesign(sensu Hurlbert,1984) were reduced by the large number of seedlingsused foreach species and by the rotationof the blocks among the rows withineach shelterover the course of the lighttreatment. Seed of each species was collected in equal amounts fromfourwidely dispersed (> 1 mile) parenttree populations located withinthe Yale-Myers Forest area. This seed was collected in September 1988. Aftercollection, viable seed was mixed togetherforeach species and cold stratifiedin moist sand at 1-4 C fora 5-monthperiod. In March of the followingyearthe acorns of each species were individuallyplanted in plastic bags filledwith soil. The plasticbags were30 cm in depthand contained2,355 cm3 of packed foresttop soil obtained fromone valley location within the forest.Bags were placed in regular lines withinthe sheltersat a 10 x 10-cmspacingbetween bag centers. Wateringwas regulatedto maintain soils at fieldcapacity.To provide forregulationof the wateringregime gypsumblockswereburiedin seedlingsoil bags randomly distributedthroughouteach environmentshelter.Over the course of the investigation,blocks were monitored daily forrelativemoisturecontentusing a battery-operated soil moisturemeter(Bouyoucos, 1954, 1972). Relative moisturecontentswere successfullymaintainedin all shelters,by applying1 liter/M2 of waterover the seedlings every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. A black plasticliningwas used beneaththeseedlingbagsto prevent theircontact with the ground. Any water that collected on this floorwas allowed to drain away throughsmall holes in the plastic. Soil temperature,soil surfacetemperature,air temperature 30 cm above the ground,and PPF were monitored foreach shelteron sunnydays duringthe late springand summergrowingseason of 1989. Temperaturemeasurementsof theair and at 0 and 20 cm soil depthweremade with a portable battery-operatedthermocouplepotentiometer (Cole Palmer Inc., Model J, Chicago, IL) with detachable probes. Soil measurementswere made by plunginga single thermocoupleinto threerandomlyselected seedlingbags foreach shelter.Measurementswere recordedat threesamplingtimes(600, 1,200, 1,800) distributedover a 12-hourperiodduringthecourseofa day. Light sensors(Li Cor 190SA and 190 SZ) were set up to takereadingsofPPF every10 seconds.Ten-minutemeans foreach shelterwere simultaneouslyrecordedover a 14hour period using a data logger(Li Cor 1000). Sensors were positioned horizontally30 cm above the ground within each shelter.Measurements of temperatureand PPF were made on the same days forall sheltersand are summarizedin Table 1. Diurnal temperaturefluctuations May 1994] ASHTON AND BERLYN-LEAF PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY OF QUERCUS of the soil were the most moderatedcompared to surface and air temperatures.The highesttemperaturesrecorded were forsurfacetemperaturesat midday. Highersoil and air temperatureswere associated with sheltersreceiving greaterPPF. Physiologyexperiments-Gas exchangewas measured duringJuly 1989. Measurementsdeterminedthe rate of net CO2 assimilation (net photosynthesis,PN) and stomatal conductivity(g) of seedlingleafsamples underconditions that approximated the environmentsin the appropriateshelters.Seedlingsofeach specieswererandomly selectedfromeach ofthefourshelters,and weremeasured with a closed-systemLi Cor 6200 infraredgas analyzer (Welles, 1986) with a 1-literleaf chamber. The system was assembled in a well-ventilatedroom that attaineda measured atmosphericCO2 level of 350 Al liter-1. The apparatus was periodicallychecked throughoutthe day, and calibrated according to Welles (1986) in the early morning,and in the afternoonbeforethe startof measurements.Measurementswere made on singleattached leaves of seedlingsthat were well watered.To minimize ontogeneticdifferences (Hanson et al., 1988), leaves were all selected fromthe firstflushof seedlingsof the same age. Only undamaged leaves with no sign of scarring, disease, or herbivorywere selected. A lightsource(Sylvaniametalarclamp,1000 BU-HOR) was used to obtain an illuminationsimilarto the amount and qualityprovided by fullsun (1,600,umol m-2 sec-'), with a projected area that allowed all selected seedlings fora lighttreatmentto be positionedbeneath.To emulate the lightenvironmentof the shelters,plastic filmswith the correspondingamounts of paint-spraypigmentwere placed immediatelybeneath the lightsource and above the seedlings.The lightintensitywas more finelyadjusted by moving the metalarclamp up or down and checking intensitybeneathwitha quantum sensor(Li Cor 190SA) that was placed at the level of the seedling leaf canopy. The heat generatedby the lightsource was impeded by a glass plate thathad been positionedimmediatelybelow the light source. The heat was removed by a series of extractorfans. The heightof the lightsource varied between 1 and 1.5 m above the seedlingcanopy. Measurementsweremade on leaves ofat leasttenseedlingsover fourpseudo-replicatesof each species foreach of the four light treatments.For each light treatment, measurementswere taken on only those seedlings that had grownunder that same lighttreatmentin the environmentshelters.To make a measurement,the chamber of the photosynthesissystemwas kept open over the selected leaf until chamber CO2 equaled atmosphericCO2 (350 Al liter-1). It was then sealed, and measurements startedaftera steady CO2 decline was observed on the monitorscreen.Chamber temperatureswere maintained at approximately24-27 C, and relativehumiditywas kept between 50% and 70% duringmeasurements.Each measurementof a leaf consisted of a set of threesequential readings. To avoid bias fromdiurnaleffects, samplingforall light treatmentscommenced at 8:00 a.m. and lasted until6:00 p.m. Each species was sequentiallymeasuredat least five times over the course of thistime period. Differentseed- 591 lingsforthesemeasurementswererandomlychosenwithin each species. During the period of the experiment, seedlingsand theirappropriatelighttreatmentwere run separatelyon 8 consecutive days, each treatmentbeing repeatedonce. Anatomy experiments-Leaves from seedlings were taken fromtwo sheltersand examined to identifyanatomical traitsthatmightrelateto the physiologyof each species. Measurementswere designed to investigatestomatal frequency,size, and distribution;dimensions of upper and lower epidermis,and of palisade mesophyll; and cuticle and leaf thickness.Sample leaves were taken fromseedlingsof each species growingin the sheltersthat simulated full-sun(sun leaves) and understorylight(50 umol m-2 sec-') (shade leaves). Only fullyexpanded, undamaged leaves with no signs of scarring,disease, or herbivorywere chosen foreach stomateexamination or sectioning.The leaves were ca. 2 months old and were randomlyselectedfromthose belongingto the firstflush of a seedling. To examine stomatedensity,size, and distribution, leaf peels were taken using a razor to skim the surfaceof the upper and lower epidermis. Each peel was placed on a slide and immersedin a drop of waterunderneatha coverslipand observedat x 200. The numberof stomatawas counted on both the upper and lower epidermis,and the lengthsof ten stomata were taken using a x 10 filarmicrometereye-piecefora measure of size. Each peel was taken froma separate leaf and each leaf froma separate seedling.Five leaf peels each were used foreach species and lighttreatment, and foreach surface(upperand lower fieldsofview were epidermis).For each peel fivedifferent counted and lumped togetheras pseudoreplicates. To examine and measure the dimensionsand number of layers of epidermis and mesophyll,and to gauge the cuticle and leaf thickness,leaf cross-sectionswere prepared formicroscopicexamination.Three 0.5 x 1.0-cm stripswere taken fromthe middle portionof the lamina across the midrib,each froma different seedling.Strips were immediatelyfixed in cold FAA (formalin:acetic acid: alcohol, formulaofBerlynand Miksche, 1976). The materialwas thendehydratedthrougha xyleneseriesand embedded in wax. Cross sectionswere cut at 12 ,umwith a rotarymicrotome.The tissuewas stainedwithsafranin and fastgreenfollowinga modifiedprocedureof Berlyn and Miksche (1976). Slides were examined foreach species and lighttreatment,with each slide representinga different leaf strip. For each slide, five measurementswere made of length and breadthofupperand lowerepidermis,and ofpalisade mesophyll.Cuticle and leaf thicknesswere measured on different sectionsoftheslide,and in different places within each section,avoidingtheregionaroundthemidrib.Measurementsweremade witha lightmicroscopeusinga x 10 filarmicrometereye-pieceand suitableobjectives forthe resolutionrequired.Measures of the leaf thicknesswere made at x 400; cell dimensionswere done at x 630; and cuticle thickness,at x 1,000. Statistics-Analysis ofvariancewas performedon each physiologicalmeasure (PN; g) using the ANOVA procedure oftheStatisticalAnalysisSystem(SAS) (Ray, 1982). 592 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 81 2. Summaryof physiologicalvariables (untransformed) forthreespecies of Quercusain each of the lighttreatments.Values are means of 102 measurementstaken fromten different leaves withtheirstandarderrorsin brackets. TABLE Lighttreatment(,umolsm 50 2 sec ') 350 800 1,600 Net photosynthesis(PN) (,umols m-2 sec-') 4.67 (0.09)a 5.27 (0.1 I)a 3.66 (0.09)b 3.66 (0.09)b 4.63 (0.08)a 5.02 (0.48)a Quercus coccinea Quercus rubra Quercus velutina 1.56 (0.04)a 1.53 (0.03)a 1.45 (0.04)a Quercus coccinea Quercus rubra Quercus velutina 0.061 (0.005)a 0.054 (0.006)a 0.069 (0.006)a Stomatal conductivity(g) (umol cm-2 sec-') 0.089 (0.004)b 0.093 (0.005)a 0.075 (0.005)b 0.062 (0.004)b 0.120 (0.007)a 0.099 (0.006)a P 4.57 (0.19)b 3.11 (0.13)c 5.65 (0.24)a 2.93 2.03 3.89 0.116 (0.007)b 0.079 (0.004)c 0.183 (0.009)a 1.90 1.46 2.65 a Lowercase lettersdenote differences in log transformeddata at the 5% level of significanceamong species withina lighttreatment.Species followedby the same lowercaseletterwithina treatmentare not significantly Values are also given forphysiologicalplasticityP (sun' 600/ different. shade50). All data were log transformedpriorto analysis.Analyses tested for differencesamong species, among lighttreatments,and forinteractionsamong species and lighttreatment. All F statisticswere significant(P < 0.001), and differences among species wereevaluated at the therefore 5% significancelevel using Tukey's StudentizedRange. Data forthe anatomical attributeswere also analyzed by the ANOVA procedureof SAS (Ray, 1982). Analyses tested fordifferencesamong species, among lighttreatments,and forinteractionsamong species and lighttreatment.Tukey's StudentizedRange was used to determine differences among the treatmentsand species at the 5% significancelevel. Where appropriate,correlationswere obtainedbetweenanatomicaland physiologicalattributes usingthe regressionprocedureof SAS (Ray, 1982). Physiological attributeswere analyzed using log-transformed data. RESULTS Physiology- Resultsshowedstatistically significant differencesin rateof netphotosynthesis(PN) per unitof leaf area between species and lighttreatment(Table 2; Fig. 1). At low values of PPF (50 ,umolm-2 sec-1), Q. rubra, Q. coccinea, and Q. velutinahad similarvalues of PN. At PPF amounts of 350 to 800 umol m-2 sec-', Q. velutina C,, o 4 E ~ cn ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~ .rubra LU Q. coccinea Q. velutina 5 cn>~2 0 0) 0 50 3 50 PPF 8 00 1 60 0 (ptmol m-2 s-1) lighttreatments. Fig. 1. Mean net photosynthesisrates(PN) of the threeQuercus species forthe different LEAF THICKNESS 3. Summaryof leafanatomical variables forthe threeQuercusa species for full sun (sun leaves; 1,600 Amols m-2 sec-') and understoryshade (shade leaves; 50 Amolsmr-2 sec- '). Values are given foranatomical plasticityP (sun/shade).Data are means fromfour differentleaves. Values are means with their standard errorsin parentheses. 200 - TABLE E 10Quercus 150 E Quercuscoccinea rubra Quercusvelutina Treatments Shade Species Sun P Quercuscoccinea Quercusrubra Quercusvelutina Blade thickness(,um) 132.659 (2.39)a 84.079 (2.20)b 125.289 (5.54)a 90.152 (1.08)b 134.659 (9.26)a 93.952 (1.05)b 1.58 1.39 1.43 Quercuscoccinea Quercusrubra Quercusvelutina Cuticle thickness(,um) 1.120 (0.05)d 3.051 (0.15)b 3.174 (0. I O)b 1.62 1 (0.13)cd 3.860 (0.23)a 1.766 (0.08)c 2.72 1.96 2.18 Quercuscoccinea Quercusrubra Quercusvelutina Stomatal length(rAm) 8.65 (0.57)b 8.69 (0.41)b 17.39 (0.97)a 17.40 (1.23)a 17.90 (1.50)a 17.88 (l.l1 )a 1.03 1.00 0.98 Quercuscoccinea Quercusrubra Quercusvelutina Quercuscoccinea Quercusrubra Quercusvelutina Stomatal density(no./mm2) 1,032 (20)a 765 (40)b 695 (16)c 583 (19)d 293 (7)e 196 (8)f Stomate Area Index (SAI) 8,978 6,655 12,093 10,144 5,244 3,508 LL 50_ w SUN CUTICLE SHADE 1.35 1.19 1.49 Lower epidermal cell thickness(,um) 7.123 (0.25)c 9.051 (0.23)a 9.927 (0.17)a 9.368 (0.33)a 8.793 (0.19)b 8.937 (0.23)ab 1.27 0.98 1.02 Upper epidermal cell thickness(,Am) 18.930 (1.62)bc 13.540 (0.64)d Quercuscoccinea 20.644 (l.19)b 26.304 (0.87)a Quercusrubra 27.019 (0.83)a 17.720 (0.66)c Quercusvelutina 1.37 1.27 1.52 Palisade cell thickness(,um) 43.862 (1.34)a 19.659 (2.47)d 20.414 (0.62)d 40.184 (1.32)a 29.187 (1.53)b 24.404 (0.22)c 100 1.35 1.19 1.49 Quercuscoccinea Quercusrubra Quercusvelutina Quercuscoccinea Quercusrubra Quercusvelutina w 2.23 1.97 1.19 among treatLowercase lettersbeside the means denote difference mentsand species at the 5% level. Species withtreatmentsfollowedby different. The Stomate the same lowercase letterare not significantly and Area Index (SAI) is the productof the mean stomate length(plem) stomatal density. a and Q. coccineahad higherPN than Q. rubra.At amounts of PPF equal to that of fullsun (1,600 ,umol m-2 sec-1) Q. velutinahad higherPN than Q. coccinea,whichin turn had greaterPN than Q. rubra. Results show thateach ofthethreeQuercusspecies had PPF spectralqualities and optimum PN ratesat different intensities.The highestPN ratesforQ. rubrawereachieved at PPF beteen 350 Amol m-2 sec-t and 800 Amol m-2 sec- 1.For Q. coccinea,highestPN was at PPF of 800 ,umol m-2 sec-', and forQ. velutinaPN was highestat PPF of 1,600,mol m-2 sec-'. Fig. 2. Blade thickness(top),cuticlethickness(middle),and stomatal density(bottom) forsun and shade leaves of Quercusspecies. w -J- 0 0 _ 800 s,S SUN SHADE STOMATAL DENSITY '4 1200 E E 60- w C,) I- ^ 0 03i 1200 Z sst rSUN SHAD 594 AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BOTANY [Vol. 81 2OjJm~~~~~~~~~S May 1994] ASHTON AND BERLYN-LEAF PHYSIOLOGY AND ANATOMY OF QUERCUS 595 Trendswereshownforstomatalconductivity(g) among species and across lighttreatmentsas those describedfor PN (Table 2), but therewere some noticeable differences. All species increasedg with increasingam'ountsof PPF. Highestratesofg werethereforeassociated withamounts of PPF thatwere equivalent to fullsun (1,600 umolm-2 werealso shownamong spedifferences sec- 1).Significant cies withina lighttreatment.In all lighttreatmentsQ. velutinahad higherrates of g than Q. coccinea, which in turnhad higherratesof g than Q. rubra.Differencesin g among species were more accentuatedwith higherPPF. was exGreatestphysiologicalplasticity(sunl"600/shade50) hibitedby Q. velutina,followedin orderby Q. coccinea, and then by Q. rubra(Table 2). Species and lighttreatmentscaused significantdifferences in lowerand upperepidermalcell thicknesses;these were more marked for upper epidermis than for lower epidermis. Thicknesses of upper epidermal cells for all greaterforsun leaves than for species were significantly shade. For thelowerepidermalcells onlyQ. coccinea was thickerforsun leaves in comparisonto shade significantly leaves. In most all cases species had upperepidermalcell dimensions that were twice that of the lower epidermal cells. Quercusvelutinaand Q. rubrahad thickerepidermal cells thanQ. coccinea,exceptforthelowerepidermalcells of sun leaves. No correlationwas found between leaf epidermalcell dimensionsand physiologicalmeasuresfor any species or lighttreatment. longerforsunleaves Palisade celllengthsare significantly thickerleaf than shade leaves for all species. Quercus coccinea and Anatomy-All speciesproducedsignificantly Q. rubra had longer palisade cells than Q. velutinafor blades whengrownin fullsunas comparedto shade (Table 3; Figs. 2, 3). No significantdifferencesin thicknessof leaves grownin the sun, but this was reversedforleaves leaf blades were found among species for a given light grown in the shade. Palisade cell lengthswere not well correlatedwith other anatomical or physiologicalattritreatment,and this thicknesswas not correlatedwithPN or g. However, a correlationwas foundbetweenrelative butes. Anatomicalmeasuresofplasticity(P), exhibitedbysun/ wateruse (PN/g)and blade thickness(R2 = 0.60*) (* hereshade ratio (Table 3), in some cases showed close corafterdenotes significanceat 0.05 level). There were significantdifferencesin cuticle thickness relationswith physiologicalmeasures of plasticity(P = (Table 2). Stomataldensityplasticitywas sun"600/shade50) among species and betweenleaves grownin fullsun and correlatedwith PN plasticity(R2 = 0.99*), and with g those grownin shade (Table 3; Fig. 2). Cuticles of both shade and sun leaves of Q. velutinawere significantly plasticity(R2 = 0.96*). Upper epidermal cell thickness thickerthan those of Q. coccinea, and the sun leaves of was correlatedwith g (R2 = 0.99*), and with PN (R2 = 0.99*). Greatestplasticityof upper epidermal cell thickQ. rubra. In all species cuticle thicknessesof sun leaves thickerthan those leaves grownin the ness, stomataldensity,and thephysiologicalmeasures(g, were significantly shade. AlthoughQ. velutina,the species withthe greatest PN) was demonstratedby Q. velutina,and least was with Q. rubra.Also, plasticityofSAI was greatestforQ. velutina PN and g, had the thickestcuticlein comparisonwiththe least forQ. rubra.However,forstomatelengthslittle and not did appear and g with PN ranking otherspecies, the to hold whencomparingQ. coccinea withQ. rubra,where plasticitywas exhibitedbetweenshade and sun leaves of each species. For blade and cuticlethicknesses,and lower the relationshipwithcuticle thicknesswas reversed. epidermalcell thickness,greatestplasticitybetweenshade Stomata forseedlingsof Quercusspecies are located on the lower leaf surfaceonly. There were significantdiffer- and sun leaves was exhibitedby Q. coccinea and least by Q. rubra. ences in the numberof stomatesper unitarea among the species. Highestdensitieswere obtained forQ. coccinea, followedin orderby Q. rubraand Q. velutina.All Quercus DISCUSSION highernumbersof stomatesper species had significantly Resultsclearlydemonstratecorrelationbetweencertain unitarea in leaves thatwereexposed to fullsun,compared to those exposed to shade. Stomatal densityand relative anatomical adaptations and physiological processes of seedlings.Particularlyevidentis the relationof g and PN water use (PN/g)among Quercus species were not well withSAI. This index is the most representativemeasure correlated. The mean lengthsof the stomates were not different examined thatcan be associated withthesiteswhereeach species predominates.The species with the highestSAI, betweenshade and sun leaves withineach species. However, stomate lengthsof Q. coccinea were significantly Q. rubra,is associated withthe mesic sites of the valleys smallerthanQ. rubraand Q. velutina.An indexofstomate and lower slopes. This species, compared withthe other in fullsun (Seidel, species, has a low wateruse efficiency area per unit area of leaf foreach species (Table 3) was calculated by taking the product of the mean stomate 1972; Abrams, 1990). The species with the lowest SAI, lengthand thestomatedensityperunitarea. This Stomate Q. velutina,occupies ridgesthathave shallow soils. This of wateruse in fullsun. SAI species has a highefficiency Area Index (SAI) is correlatedwiththephysiologicalmeasurements.Correlationsbetween SAI and PN among the may be a usefulmethod of approximatingstomate area per unit area of leaf and could be used to predict the Quercus species had an R2 = 0.98* forsun leaves. There droughttolerance of species. In this studySAI suggests was also a similarcorrelationamong species betweenSAI Q. velutinato be the most droughttolerantand Q. rubra and g (sun R2 = 0.99*; shade R2 = 0.99*), and SAI and to be the most droughtintolerant. = R2 0.97*). = R2 shade 0.80*; (sun PN/g Fig. 3. Photomicrographsof leaf sections forQ. coccinea-sun (A), shade (B); Q. rubra-sun (C), shade (D); Q. velutina-sun (E), shade (F). 596 AMERICANJOURNALOF BOTANY The index also reflectslighttolerancewithQ. velutina, the species havingthelowestSAI measurebeingthemost lightdemanding,and Q. rubra,thespecieswiththehighest SAI measure being the most shade tolerant.These interpretationsare reinforcedby certainmeasures of physiological (PN, g) and anatomical (stomatefrequency,upper epidermal cell thickness)plasticity.The most droughttolerantspecies, Q. velutina,exhibitedthe highestlevel of plasticity,and Q. rubra,the most drought-proneand shade-tolerantspecies, showed the lowest plasticity. No clear patterncould be found in the droughtand lighttoleranceof the Quercus species that could be correlatedwiththeircuticle and leaf blade thickness.However, there do appear to be trends in plasticityamong thesemeasures. Leaf blade and cuticlethicknessshow Q. coccinea to have greatestplasticityand Q. rubrato have the least. This flexibilityof attributeswould suggesta greaterabilityto adapt to heterogeneousenvironments. This mightsuggestwhy Q. coccinea can be foundon the deep coarse soils thatare more droughtprone than those soils usually occupied by Q. rubra.In the otherattributes thatwere measured, Q. coccinea generallyexhibitedvalues thatwereintermediatebetweenthose of Q. rubraand Q. velutinaand this is consistentwith its intermediate status in droughttolerance.Therefore,Q. coccinea may not be able to compete successfullywithQ. velutinawhen growingon the most drought-prone,shallow soils. This correspondsto its position withinthe foresttopography in relationto its associates. Althoughresultsclearly indicate why Q. rubra is restrictedto the more mesic sites,theydo not suggestwhy Q. rubrais more common on these siteswhen compared to Q. velutinaand Q. coccinea. However, althoughPN of greaterthan Q. coccinea and Q. velutinaare significantly Q. rubra under ever-moistconditions, we suggestthat theirratesofrespirationare also higher.This would mean greateramounts of carbohydratecan be stored or used forgrowthratherthanmaintenanceand repairin Q. rubra compared with the otherQuercus spp. Differencesin cuticleand leafblade thickness,and epidermal and palisade cell thicknessamong shade and sun leaves of Quercus produced similar resultsto those reportedin many otherstudiesforothertemperatespecies (Wylie, 1951, 1954; Jackson 1967a, b; Carpenter and Smith,1975; Taylorand Davies, 1988). Shade leaves have significantlythinnerdimensions than sun leaves. The thickeranatomical dimensionspromotehigherefficiency in wateruse and lowerevapotranspirationdemandsunder high radiation. Results supportfindingsfromanother studydone on an assemblage of species thatoccur,and occupythesame canopy stratumofthematurephase ofstanddevelopment (Ashton and Berlyn, 1992). In that studywe examined seedlings of four species of Shorea section Doona from SriLanka. These forestin southwestern mixed-dipterocarp species had closer and greaternumbers of correlations betweenmeasured anatomical and physiologicalparametersthan the Quercus species in this study.This might in degreeofhabitatspecialization be relatedto differences among species of Shorea section Doona as compared to QuercussectionErythrobalanus.Based on thehypothesis of Grubb (1977) concerningthe partitioningof the regenerationniche, we speculate that closer and greater [Vol. 81 numbers of correlationswould be found between anatomicaland physiologicalmeasuresofrelatedspecies that grow in environmentsthat provide a more predictable, and more distinctvarietyof habitats. 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