Online Course Readiness Checklist Done? (Y or N) Course Updates Syllabus Make sure your course syllabus includes all University required information Make sure the dates in the syllabus are for the current semester Make sure syllabus contains all policies from syllabus template Make sure the syllabus for the current semester is uploaded in the class. Check to make sure the due dates in the syllabus are the same as those in the online classroom Include information on what your response time to emails will be (recommendation is 24 hours on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends) State the turn-around time for grading assignments (one or two weeks max) Communicate to students what role you will play in online discussion (e.g., “I respond to a few students each week”, I play the role of ‘devil’s advocate;” etc.) State the technology requirements for the online course. Class Communication/Announcements Make sure there is some kind of text on the course homepage listing the course code and name so that students know they are logged into the correct class. Post a Welcome Announcement Post other “housekeeping” announcements. Suggested housekeeping announcements include: your preferred contact method and virtual office hours; how to contact technical support for the course; the class late policy; and netiquette information Consider posting an announcement informing students with disabilities how they can contact Disabled Student Services to request reasonable accommodations, hints for reading assignments (if any), expectations for discussion posts Make sure an ungraded “Course Q and A” discussion link is available on the course homepage. Consider adding an “email your professor” link in the course menu so that students can easily contact you rather than looking up your email address. Course Organization/Management If you are updating a class from a previous semester, make sure you update ALL dates (gradebook, dropboxes, exams, discussions announcements, etc.). Make sure all due dates match due dates listed in syllabus Clearly state in the syllabus and course calendar when assignments and discussions are due. It is recommended that due dates are consistent throughout the semester (e.g., Sunday nights at 11:59 PM in CST). Make sure students know when class weeks start and end (e.g., Monday – Sunday, etc.) Make sure there are navigation hints in the first types of assignments. For example, tell students how to respond to discussion questions, how to upload documents in the dropboxes, how to access exams, etc.). Hide any content that you don’t want student to see until later in the course. Assignment Dropboxes Make sure all dropboxes are set up to be open/available to students at least two weeks ahead of the due date. Set the due date to reflect the due date for the current semester Set the dropbox to “close” (be hidden from student view) two weeks after the original due date. This is because we only accept assignments for up to two weeks past the original due date. Make sure dropbox and test links are available Make sure assignments are linked to the appropriate rubrics and set for appropriate point values as described in the syllabus Discussion Boards Make sure that all discussion questions will be available to students when needed. It is helpful to make all discussion questions available from the first day of class. Many online students like the security of seeing what they will need to do each week. Post your personal message/introduction in the Student Introductions/Welcome discussion area Grading Rubrics If you have changed the directions for an assignment(s) in the syllabus remember to make related changes in the rubric(s) Check to make sure the point total in all grading rubrics matches the syllabus. Attach grading rubrics to related assignments. If updating a course, make sure rubrics are updated to reflect any updated assignment instructions and point values stated in the syllabus Make sure rubrics are posted in pdf version in the Course Homepage Make sure rubrics are set to be visible to students. Gradebook Set up the gradebook with all graded assignments Double check the point total to make sure the assignments correctly add up to the total amount of points available in the class (should be 1000) Organize the gradebook columns in a manner that makes sense (e.g., all discussion grades in chronological order and together; exams together, papers together, etc.) Course Maintenance Delete any messages posted by TTU Worldwide E-Learning that are unnecessary for the course Review all course hyperlinks to readings and supplemental resources and update broken links and remove dead links. Delete the Test of the Respondus system and the Fun Type Question Quiz from the gradebook (or the entire class) if you do not use them Make sure that all references sources are cited correctly in APA style Check your computer’s virus protection because you will be accepting a lot of files from students.