Intention to Graduate “With Honors” or “With Highest Honors” (Please submit to the Honors College one year prior to graduation) Last: First: Middle Initial: (Feel free to list first initial and middle name if you prefer – this is how your medallion will be engraved) TTU ID: R Major(s): (EVHM must complete an additional form) Minor(s): Local Address: Street Phone: ( City ) State Zip TTU E-mail: Hometown (for commencement program): Family or Parent(s) Address (1): Street (Family invitations to the graduation banquet will be mailed to these addresses) City State Zip State Zip Family or 2nd Parent(s) Address (2): Street City Semester and Year of Graduation: Did you join Honors as a freshman/current or transfer? Cumulative G.P.A. (not adjusted): (must be 3.25 or above to graduate with honors) Have you contracted a non-Honors course or completed a Study Abroad Waiver? _____________________________________ Honors course credits in progress or remaining: Before you can be cleared for graduation, you must: file an intent to graduate with your major college remove grades of “I” or “PR” take all correspondence finals at least one month prior to graduation update your permanent and local addresses on the Tech Web for Students update all parent address information for graduation notices submit a senior project by last class day to the college if graduating with “highest honors” Complete all Honors College contracts prior to final semester Have you been a member of any of the listed organizations/activities? (Circle all that apply) Honors Ambassadors HON Officer Position? ______________ FYE/LCG Mentors Student Activities Board Book Club I intend to graduate with “Honors”: By the time of my graduation, I will have completed at least 24 hours of Honors credit, with at least 12 of those hours being upper division, and I will have completed at least two Honors seminars. My cumulative G.P.A will be a 3.25 or higher. I intend to graduate with “Highest Honors”: By the time of my graduation, I will have completed at least 30 hours of Honors credit, with at least 12 of those hours being upper division. I will have completed at least two Honors seminars, and I will have completed an Honors thesis/project (approved senior project application must be on file). My cumulative G.P.A. will be a 3.25 or higher. *** I certify that the above information is correct, and I authorize the Honors College to examine my transcripts and academic records to certify my qualifications for graduation in Honors. Signature: Date: public/forms/ 10/8/2013