Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 167, pp.653-656 (2000) Proceedings of EUCAS'99 Magneto-optical study of multifilament Bi-2223 tapes in currentcarrying states: Behaviour of individual filaments T H Johansen1, Y M Galperin1,2, M Bazilievich1, A V Bobyl1,2, D V Shantsev1,2 and M E Gaevski2 1 2 Department of Physics, University of Oslo, P. O. Box 1048 Blindern, 0316 Oslo, Norway Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Polytechnicheskaya 26, St.Petersburg 194021, Russia ABSTRACT: The magneto-optical imaging technique is used to measure magnetic flux distributions on the surface of a multifilamentary Ag-sheathed Bi-2223 tape at 20 K. The results are analysed quantitatively on the filamentary scale using a critical-state model approach. The flux distributions on a global scale are found to be similar to the Bean model predictions for a monocore tape. In addition, a fine structure associated with the arrangement of individual filaments is observed. We show that the detailed flux profiles in a number of different magnetic and current-carrying states can be well described by the thin-strip Bean model applied to the individual filaments. 1. INTRODUCTION In order to improve the performance of the high-Tc superconducting multifilamentary tapes it is essential to control the flux and current distributions in the tape. To assist this development, there are available several powerful spatially resolved methods for flux visualization, such as magnetooptical (MO) imaging and micro Hall-probe measurements. Up to now, most of these studies have been carried out in applied fields only, and very few (Oota 1997, Herrmann 1998) have been devoted to multifilamentary tapes carrying a transport current. Moreover, very little is today known about the behaviour of the individual filaments in current-carrying states. In the present work we apply MO imaging to investigate quantitatively the flux distributions in tapes on a filament-scale in various states; (i) in applied magnetic field, (ii) with transport current and (iii) in subsequent pulses of field and current. The experimental results are analyzed using a critical-state model approach, which proves to be sucessful in describing the behaviour both on the global and on the filament scale. 2. EXPERIMENT The sample under study is a 55 filament Bi-2223 tape, prepared by the powder-in-tube method with subsequent drawing and rolling (Bodin, 1997). The tape width including the Ag sheath is 3.7 mm, and the critical current at 77 K equals 45 A. Three types of experiments were carried out, see Fig. 1. In the first, the MO images were recorded in a perpendicular magnetic field, and also in the remanent after a maximum field of 105 mT was removed. In the second experiment, observations were made with the tape carrying a transport current of 20 A. Finally, we first applied field and subsequently passed a transport current while MO images were recorded at time intervals shown in the lower part of Fig. 1. The current was applied with short pulses of 200 ms duration synchronised with the camera recording. Typically, the camera exposure time was 33 ms. All the measurements were made at 20 K. 1 Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 167, pp.653-656 (2000) Ba (mT) 105 a b time 0 c 20 I (A) Proceedings of EUCAS'99 time B >0 0 B =0 d Ba (mT) 105 e B <0 time I (A) 0 20 time 0 Fig. 1. Time profiles of the applied magnetic field and transport current. The exact intervals of the MO image recording are indicated by the gray columns. Fig. 2. MO images of the tape in the various states labelled a,b,c,d,e in Fig. 1. The two lower MO images are obtained by subtraction. Bottom: Optical image of the tape cross section, where the filaments appear black. The MO imaging of the magnetic flux is obtained using a Faraday-active Bi:YIG indicator film with in-plane magnetization. Details of the MO imaging technique itself are given in the review (Koblischka and Wijngaarden, 1995). 3. RESULTS MO images of the tape in different states are shown in Fig. 2. The images were taken with uncrossed polarisers, giving a monotonous relation between image brightness and the local flux density. Two main features can be seen on all the images. First, there are numerous stripes along the tape corresponding to the arrangement of the filaments. Second, one sees large-scale features expected for a monocore superconductors. In particular, these are in (a); maxima of flux density at the tape edges in an applied field of 5 mT, in (b); a broad maximum of flux density showing trapped flux in the tape centre, and in (c); field maxima of opposite sign at the tape edges in the current carrying state. For data analysis we calculate flux density profiles from the MO images by averaging grey levels over a 100 microns band across the tape. Present theories based on the critical-state model describe B-profiles either for a single super-conducting strip (Brandt 1993, Zeldov 1994) or for an infinite array of strips (Mawatari 1996, Müller 1997). Unfortunately, none of them can be directly applied to a real multifilamentary tape with a finite number of filaments. To analyze our experimental data quantitatively we use the theory for a single strip to model the behavior of the individual filaments, and also of the tape as a whole. 2 Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 167, pp.653-656 (2000) 3.1 Proceedings of EUCAS'99 12 Global scale 10 B (mT) 8 Shown in Fig. 3 are flux profiles Ba = 5 mT 6 for the tape in an applied field and with a transport current I. Interestingly, the 4 a overall shapes can both be fitted well by 2 the Bean model predictions for one single 0 strip having the full width of the tape core. The critical current Ic and the 4 distance between the superconductor and MO indicator h, were taken as fitting parameters. For the applied field case best 2 fit was achieved for Ic = 60 A, whereas in the current carrying state we find Ic = c 32 A, with h = 0.10 mm in both cases. 0 Moreover, we find that Ic strongly depends on the actual value of Ba and the magnitude of the transport current. This -2 variation obviously results from the nonuniformity across the tape. I = 20.5 A An important conclusion can be -4 drawn from the shape of the B-profile in a small applied field, Fig. 3a. Almost -2 -1 0 1 2 complete shielding of the field in the tape x (mm) center, and pronounced maxima near the edges show that the shielding currents Fig. 3. Flux density profiles obtained from MO images flow in large-scale loops. This means that taken in an applied field, and in a current-carrying state. superconducting inter-connections are The dashed lines show fits of the Bean model for a single present between the filaments, as strip. The vertical dotted lines indicate the correlation in discussed in more detail elsewhere peak positions. (Bobyl, 1999). Note that the presence of coupling cannot be established from Bprofiles for a tape with transport current, Fig. 3c, since the current can redistribute between filaments even if they have no interconnections. 3.2 Filament scale There is a clear correlation between the filament positions on the optical image and the locations of stripes on the various MO images. A similar correlation is also evident in the flux density profiles shown in Fig. 3. To analyse this in more detail we focus on the behaviour over a short interval x across the tape. Five profiles obtained from the MO images in Fig. 2 are plotted in Fig. 4 (left). As seen from the optical image, only two vertical stacks of filaments fall within this range of x, their position being indicated by grey bars. The filament structure is clearly reflected in all of the profiles. These experimental profiles are compared to a simple model where we consider only two filaments behaving in accord with the Bean model for a single strip. Furthermore, it is assumed that the filaments are identical and do not interact with each other. Thus, they always experience the same magnetic field and carry the same current. Shown in Fig. 4 (right) are 5 calculated flux density profiles corresponding to the experimental ones. We find a striking coincidence in the positions of maxima and minima. The minor deviations are attributed to the influence of the neighbouring filaments in the tape. In summary, we conclude that on the global scale it is actually possible to describe the flux density and current distributions in a multifilamentary tape by the Bean model for a single thin strip 3 Inst. Phys. Conf. Ser. No 167, pp.653-656 (2000) Proceedings of EUCAS'99 0.20 2 a x 0.3 a x 0.3 x 0.1 0 0.15 x 0.1 b c -4 d-b -6 e-b B (arb. un.) B (mT) -2 b c 0.10 d-b 0.05 e-b -8 0.00 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 -3 1.2 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 x (arb. un.) x (mm) Fig. 4. Left: Flux density profiles across the tape obtained from the MO images shown in Fig. 2. Gray bars at the bottom show the positions of two vertical stacks of filaments (see optical image). To avoid overlaps, the profiles are shifted vertically, and the profiles (a) and (b) are divided by 3 and 10, respectively. Right: Corresponding profiles calculated using the Bean model for two identical non-interacting filaments. of width equal to the superconducting core of the tape. On the filament scale, we have shown that the detailed structures of flux profiles in a number of different magnetic and current-carrying states can be well described by the thin-strip Bean model applied to the individual filaments. We thank P. Vase (NST, Denmark) for sample preparation. The work is supported by from the Research Council of Norway (RCN), and from NATO science fellowship via RCN. REFERENCES Bobyl A V et al. 1999 Supercond. Sci. Technol., in press Bodin P et al. 1997 IOP Conf. Ser. 158, 1299 Brandt E H and Indenbom M 1993 Phys. Rev. B 48, 12893 Herrmann J et al 1998 Physica C 305, 114 Koblischka M R and Wijngaarden R J 1995 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 8, 199 Mawatari Y 1996 Phys. Rev. B 54, 13215 Müller K H 1997 Physica C 289, 123 Oota A, Kawano K and Fukunaga T 1997 Physica C 291, 188 Zeldov E, Clem J R, McElfresh M, and Darwin M 1994 Phys. Rev. B 49, 9802. 4