Chemical Geology 230 (2006) 232 – 241 Evolution of mineral–fluid interfaces studied at pressure with synchrotron X-ray techniques D.K. Dysthe a , R.A. Wogelius b,⁎, C.C. Tang c , A.A. Nield c b a University of Oslo, Physics of Geological Processes, P.O. Box 1048, Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway University of Manchester, School of Earth, Atmospheric, and Environmental Sciences, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK c CLRC Daresbury Laboratory, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, WA4 4AD, UK Received 3 January 2006; accepted 2 February 2006 Abstract In situ measurements of mineral surface evolution during the process of pressure solution are possible with the high brightness of synchrotron X-ray sources. This capability has been explored through the use of newly developed reaction vessels that allow transmission of the incident and scattered X-ray beam through a low atomic weight piston. Several new vessels are described, along with details of computational algorithms that are used to simulate X-ray scattering in this unconventional geometry. Results using calcite (CaCO3) and halite (NaCl) as reactant crystals are presented and compared to other atomic-scale measurements of surface dissolution processes. Calcite was reacted with an unsaturated fluid at 30 bars of pressure for approximately 24 h. During reaction the root mean square surface roughness (σ) evolved from 13.7 Å (± 0.5 Å) to 19.5 Å (± 1.0 Å), giving a roughening rate of: dσ/dt = +6.3 × 10− 5 Å s− 1. This is consistent with other measurements made with free calcite surfaces and is driven almost entirely by chemical disequilibrium. Analysis of the surface ex situ post-reaction gives an identical σ value, showing that the in situ measurements are well-constrained. Experiments also at 30 bars but in a saturated solution indicate that the calcite surface does not significantly roughen, giving the result that pressure solution of calcite at this pressure cannot be monitored in experiments of several days duration. Experiments with halite, a much more reactive phase, in saturated solutions showed the reflectivity profile to be dynamic on a time scale of hours. This experiment was left to reach equilibrium over 108 days and then re-analyzed, showing that σ had increased from 34 Å (±2 Å) to 41 Å (± 2 Å), giving a roughening rate of: dσ/dt ≤ +6.4 × 10− 7 Å s− 1. This is two orders of magnitude smaller than the calcite roughening rate caused by chemical disequilibrium and provides the first direct in situ atomic-scale measurement of the rate of surface roughening due to pressure solution. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Synchrotron; Calcite; Halite; Pressure solution; X-ray reflectivity 1. Introduction Because of the critical importance in understanding mass transfer processes across the mineral–fluid ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: (D.K. Dysthe), (R.A. Wogelius). 0009-2541/$ - see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2006.02.028 interface, a large quantity of research has recently been focussed on directly observing the changes which occur at the mineral surface during reaction. The development and use of new techniques and appropriate in situ cells has been an important part of this effort. Xray reflectivity has proven to be useful at analyzing the structure of aqueous films on mineral surfaces at ambient pressure (Chiarello et al., 1993; Fenter et al., D.K. Dysthe et al. / Chemical Geology 230 (2006) 232–241 2000; Cheng et al., 2001; Fenter et al., 2001). Effects of a number of variables have been examined; however, it has remained extremely difficult to study the evolution of the surface while under stress. Since pressure is a key variable in geological systems, we have developed an experimental approach that has allowed us to directly measure changes in surface quality at the angstrom scale for mineral surfaces that are under elevated pressure via applied normal stress. Our immediate aim is to further the understanding of the phenomenon of pressure solution creep (PSC) which is only poorly understood. Several recent experimental studies of PSC have shown that surface morphology evolves with time (Dysthe et al., 2002, 2003 and references therein). The surface evolution (for instance, roughening or smoothening) is crucial to understanding the fundamental mechanisms of PSC. Small-scale surface evolution is also important to understand larger scale interface roughening by PSC called stylolites (Schmittbuhl et al., 2004). There is a need for in situ studies to follow the evolution and not only the beginning and end states. PSC is a very slow process and in order to obtain data in a reasonable time one should work at small length scales. Studies of the surface evolution in the sub micrometer range is important to probe the damping effect of surface tension in the growth of surface instabilities under pressure (Koehn et al., 2004). X-ray reflectivity offers the possibility to study the surface roughness in situ at length scales between 1 Å and 1 μm for vertically stressed surfaces with a confined fluid film between the solid surfaces. It is thus complementary to Surface Force Apparatus (see Israelachvili and Pashley, 1983; Anzalone et al., 2006-this issue) and other longer wavelengthbased spectroscopies (e.g. Dai et al., 1995). We are presently also performing AFM studies of calcite surfaces under lateral stress (no confined fluid film). 233 Fig. 1. Photograph of fixed pressure (a) and adjustable pressure (b) interfacial analysis cells. Height of each cell is approximately 14 cm. Fixed pressure cell is set by compressing the spring with a known mass—the glass piston is then glued in place to fix pressure at a given value. The variable pressure apparatus uses a calibrated spring to adjust pressure by rotating the large knurled screw-top. Each rotation of the screw compresses the spring by a measured amount to allow pressure to be changed without disturbing the interfacial region. (c) Sketch of the internal structure of the adjustable pressure cell to show X-ray beam path. 2. Experimental methods 2.1. Reaction cells Purpose-built reaction cells were constructed and experiments were completed at the Daresbury Laboratory Synchrotron Radiation Source. Two types of cells were developed. The first is a single use cell shown in Fig. 1a. This design uses a piston-and-spring design to transfer pressure from a Perspex anvil onto the mineral surface of interest. Essentially a prepared crystal is placed facing up onto a metal base within a glass sleeve. A small hole is drilled in the glass at the height of the crystal surface to allow X-rays to enter and reflect off the surface. An X-ray transparent chemically inert (Teflon) sleeve is placed around the circular crystal and stands proud of the surface. Fluid is micro-pipetted onto the surface, and then a Perspex piston is placed face-down to transfer pressure to the solution/mineral system. An organic liquid (hexadecane or hexane) is then allowed to seep into the analytical region to help slow evaporation of the aqueous interfacial fluid. A brass disk is then placed over the Perspex piston, followed by a spring and another disk. A glass rod is then inserted and a known mass placed on top of the glass rod. This compresses the spring and thus exerts a known pressure onto the upward facing mineral. Once the spring system is at equilibrium, a rapid setting glue is injected into the space between the glass tube and rod, to fix the entire assembly at the 234 D.K. Dysthe et al. / Chemical Geology 230 (2006) 232–241 required pressure. The second design is similar but is multi-use. Here, instead of using glue to fix a piston in place, a spring with a calibrated force constant is depressed by a heavy knurled screw-top. Pressure can be increased or decreased by turning the screw. This cell has also been manufactured to maintain thermal stability, and a temperature controlled fluid may be passed through the heavy metal base such that experiments may be completed at above ambient temperature. A thermal insulating sleeve can be placed over the entire assembly. As with the single-use cell, a gap is left in the jacketing so that X-rays may enter and exit the cell, with fluid kept in place by a thin inert cylindrical sleeve in which both the mineral and Perspex anvil are contained. A Perspex anvil was used to transmit pressure to the mineral surface first of all because it is a relatively X-ray transparent medium, and secondly because it is softer than the minerals used and we did not want solid–solid grinding to occur. 2.2. Reactants and cell preparation Optical quality disks of single crystal calcite and halite with 1 cm diameter were purchased. Calcite disks were Syton polished then sequentially ultrasonically cleaned first in acetone, then ethanol, then deionized water (DIW) for at least 2 min in each solvent. They were then rinsed with flowing DIW and dried at 100 °C. Halite was used as delivered from the manufacturer. The Perspex anvil surface used to transmit pressure was gently polished via standard petrographic methods, then cleaned with detergent and water, next ultrasonically cleaned in ethanol, then DIW for 2–5 min in each solvent and finally dried at 100 °C until no visible water remained. The calcite undersaturated fluid was simply 18 MΩ DIW. For the saturated experiment, a DIW solution that had been in contact with powdered calcite for 2 years was used. A syringe with a 0.2 μm filter was used to draw off 30 mL of solution. From this sample, a 5 μL pipette was filled and approximately 0.5 μL of solution was placed onto the calcite surface before sealing. A halite saturated solution was produced by equilibrating DIW with powdered halite for 3 months. Extraction and loading of the reactant fluid for use in these experiments was identical to the calcite–solution methodology, except approximately 0.7 μL was placed onto the halite surface. All metal and glass pieces of the cells were rigorously cleaned first with detergent and water and then with acetone prior to use. Glass pieces were further ultrasonically cleaned in ethanol, then DIW. 2.3. Synchrotron analytical conditions Experiments were completed at the Daresbury Laboratory Synchrotron Radiation Source, Station 2.3. These experiments were completed with an incident beam tuned to a wavelength of between 0.7 and 1.25 Å. Shorter wavelengths were used to minimize absorption during in situ measurements. Station 2.3 uses a channel cut Si(111) monochromator to control the wavelength of the incident beam. Monochromator resolution is ± 1° × 10− 4. Stepping motors for height adjustment (z) and adjustment of sample inclination perpendicular to the beam (c) are available. The diffractometer itself is a two-circle diffractometer which gives accurate control of the sample's incident angle (θ, ±2° × 10− 4) and the detector's position (2θ, ± 1° × 10− 4). Exact alignment of the sample is completed by adjustments to χ (sample tilt perpendicular to the X-ray beam), z (sample height), θ, and 2θ. χ and z adjustments are achieved by a purposebuilt sample stage with stepper motors. Scattered X-rays are detected with an enhanced dynamic range scintillation counter mounted on the extreme downstream end of the 2θ arm. Incident beam is slitted down to a rectangle 100 μm high and 4 mm wide. Downstream of the sample, the detector entry slits are set to the same rectangular size. Between the detector entry slits and the detector itself, an He-purged flight path ∼35 cm long is inserted to ensure that the random noise component entering the detector is minimized. This configuration ensures the excellent resolution of angularly dependent scattered intensities by allowing the detection of only a tight angular range of scattered photons to be detected for a given geometry. For further details see Collins et al. (1992) and Tang et al. (1998). Due to the large range in the intensity of the reflected beam (over seven orders of magnitude) attenuators must be placed between the incident beam and the detector. An attenuator wheel with ports of varying thicknesses of Al was used for this purpose. A correction for intensity must therefore be applied to the specular data. Other corrections for beam-sample geometry and for the slight decrease in incident intensity over the length of a scan (due to the degradation of the synchrotron storage ring over time) must also be applied. A program has been written to automate the full correction procedure. (For further details of correction factors and the fundamental equations describing X-ray reflectivity and diffuse scatter see Wogelius et al. (1999) and references contained therein).) Changes in intensity of the specularly reflected beam and of the diffusely scattered portion of the beam were monitored. Surfaces of single crystals of calcite were analyzed under the following D.K. Dysthe et al. / Chemical Geology 230 (2006) 232–241 conditions: 1) dry and at ambient pressure, 2) dry and at elevated pressure (either 10 or 30 bars), 3) in contact with an undersaturated solution at elevated pressure, and 4) in contact with a saturated solution at elevated pressure. Halite was analyzed under conditions 1), 2), and 4). 2.4. Reflectivity models In order to accurately model transmission of X-rays through a bulk medium with an arbitrary index of refraction an algorithm for analysis of the data was formulated based on the Fresnel equations and on the Cowley and Ryan (1987) surface roughness model. Commercially available programmes for analysis of reflectivity data do not allow the user to set the medium of transmission to have a complex index of refraction unequal to that of a vacuum. Hence, in order to interpret our experiments, we have had to construct our own data analysis algorithm. Values for δ and β (the real and imaginary parts of the complex refractive index) for all phases that interacted with the X-ray beam were downloaded in tabular form as a function of wavelength from the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory on-line database ( We have tested our results by comparison with results from standard reflectivity analysis packages. Fig. 2 gives a comparison between our implementation of the Fresnel equation and those obtained for exactly the same 235 sample setup from two standard computer packages; GIXA—a commercially available programme supplied by Bede Scientific, and REX, a least-squares fitting package available as freeware (Crabb et al., 1993). The model calculations are for a halite surface with a 100 Å thick water film; both the halite and water surfaces are atomically smooth and the incident radiation wavelength is 1.2 Å. REX allows the user to select either the Cowley and Ryan (1987) or Nevot and Croce (1980) roughness models. The computation presented here for REX is based on the Cowley and Ryan (1987) model— which is also the formulation we used in our algorithm. In addition, where possible we completed reflectivity measurements ex situ as quickly as possible after surfaces had been analyzed in situ so that we could further constrain and verify the calculations applied to the in situ data. In all cases the in situ results agree closely with the results obtained from ex situ analyses. Errors quoted for surfaces modelled via our algorithm are estimated from the sensitivity of the simulation to an adjustment in the value of the parameter, constrained by least-squares fitting of identical surfaces using REX. All reflectivity profiles are presented as log10 of normalized intensity and are plotted either as a function of incident angle θ or the scattering vector Q, where: Q¼ 4p sinh: k 2.5. Physical parameters determined by the X-ray scattering experiments Fig. 2. Benchmark simulations for this study, comparing results of two standard reflectivity fitting programs, GIXA (open triangles) and REX (open circles), against the algorithm used in this study (smooth curve). In this case, the comparison is for specular reflectivity from a perfectly smooth halite surface with a 100 Å thick zero roughness film of H2O coating the halite. The incident X-rays in all three cases are modelled as being transmitted through a medium with a refractive index equal to unity (vacuum). Our algorithm has been constructed in order to simulate transmission through Perspex, but here we show that it functions accurately in this simpler case when compared to standard programs that cannot model transmission through an arbitrary medium. X-ray reflectivity was developed for the study of the physical structures of atomically smooth surfaces and has recently been employed in a number of studies on cleaved and prepared mineral surfaces. The physical parameters determined by specular reflectivity and diffuse scatter are explained briefly below. For the theoretical basis of reflectivity, see Parratt (1954). Weber and Lengeler (1992) present a full discussion of diffuse scatter. For surfaces that are planar and reasonably smooth at the atomic scale, X-ray reflectivity can determine the average root mean square roughness of the surface, σ, defined by the equation: vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi u L u1 X r¼t ðzi z̄ Þ2 Lt i¼1 where Lt is the total length of the system, zi is the height of each component i of the surface, and z̄ is the mean surface height. The symbol used for rms roughness, σ, 236 D.K. Dysthe et al. / Chemical Geology 230 (2006) 232–241 reflects the fact that rms roughness defines a statistical fluctuation of the surface about a reference plane—such that approximately 95% of the surface will be within ± 2σ of the reference height. Note however that X-ray reflectivity is relatively insensitive to physical features that are greater in size than the coherence length of the X-ray beam (coherence length is a function of wavelength, distance to source, and beam size, equal to approximately 1.5 μm in our experiments)—hence it is useful to think of the reflectivity signal as accurately measuring angstrom-scale height fluctuations on flat terraces but relatively insensitive to large steps or other imperfections. In addition to determining σ, specular reflectivity can determine the thickness of well-organized thin films and also the electron density contrast between the thin film and the substrate through the analysis of the interference pattern (Kiessig fringes). Film thickness is inversely proportional to the peak to peak spacing of the oscillations when displayed as a function of incident angle (or the scattering vector, Q). Peak amplitudes are directly proportional to the electron density contrast between the two materials. The reflected profile is a function of the roughness of all of the surfaces which reflect the beam, and hence the roughness of buried interfaces can be determined if the film thickness and electron density allow X-rays to penetrate to the appropriate depth. Diffuse scatter monitors the intensity of the scattered beam in the vicinity of the specular peak. For the specular reflectivity the scattering vector is kept normal to the sample surface—therefore the specular profile is sensitive to structural modification normal to the surface. In the diffuse case, the scattering vector begins at an angle to the surface and scans through the surface normal—hence the diffuse scatter profile is sensitive to structural modification in the surface plane. A correlation function is typically used to model the diffuse scatter, and this includes parameters describing the correlation length (ξ) between features on the surface, a fractal parameter (h) which describes how smoothly the correlation function decays as a function of distance, plus an independent determination of σ. If we assume that the surface is isotropic we may write the following correlation function: 2h ! X C ð X Þ ¼ exp n where x is distance in the surface plane. The fractal parameter h may be used to determine the non-integer dimension (D) of the surface, such that D = 3 − h. The larger h is, the closer the surface dimension is to 2 and therefore the closer the surface is to resembling a Euclidean plane. The smaller h is, the higher the dimension of the surface. Values of ξ and h are extracted from mathematical model calculations which use this correlation function to compute a simulated diffuse scatter profile. 3. Results 3.1. Perspex anvil Fig. 3 presents an ex situ reflectivity measurement of a typical Perspex anvil before use in these pressure solution experiments (open circles = data, smooth curve = simulation). The simulation of the data indicates that the Perspex surface has a starting rms roughness of 15 Å (±2 Å). Furthermore, there is a relatively thick water film 40 Å (± 5 Å) thick on this surface, and the roughness at the water/air interface is 13 Å (±2 Å). This implies that the water layer may conform to the Perspex surface since the two roughness values are so similar. 3.2. Calcite reacted with undersaturated solution Fig. 4 presents the ex situ reflectivity curve of the calcite disk before reaction with the undersaturated fluid (open circles = data with two σ error bars; smooth curve = simulation). The starting surface roughness is 13.7 Å (± 0.5 Å). Fig. 5 presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first in situ X-ray reflectivity data obtained from a mineral surface whilst significantly above ambient pressure. These data were obtained after the sample had been at pressure for approximately 1 day. Fig. 3. Reflectivity profile of the Perspex anvil before use in these experiments. Shown as the open symbols are the log10 of the reflected beam intensity; the smooth curve is the simulation of the data, best fit is for a 15 Å rms rough Perspex surface (σp) covered with a 40 Å thick atmospheric water layer (zw). The water/air interface is 13 Å rough (σw). Errors are shown as the vertical bars. D.K. Dysthe et al. / Chemical Geology 230 (2006) 232–241 Fig. 4. Before reaction reflectivity profile of the calcite surface used in the undersaturated experiment. Open symbols are reflected beam intensity; smooth curve is the simulation of the data. The calcite has a starting roughness of 13.7 Å (σc). Errors same as previous. Also shown on Fig. 5 is a simulation; these data are most consistent with a 2050 Å (± 200 Å) gap between the Perspex anvil and the calcite surface—the separation between these two surfaces creates the oscillations apparent in the in situ measurement. The roughness of this Perspex anvil, a different anvil than shown on Fig. 3, was 67 Å (±7 Å) whilst the calcite has roughened to 19.5 Å (± 2 Å) rms roughness. In order to produce a simulation that was at all similar to the measurement we needed to postulate the presence of an additional interface. When we unloaded the cell, the calcite disk did not adhere through surface tension to the Perspex anvil—and hence we infer that an air bubble was caught within the system during loading. Trapped air would also account for the large interfacial gap. This additional interface apparently had a high roughness (40 ± 4 Å). Note that the misfit between the data and the simulation at low angle (< 0.06°) is due to straight-through beam entering the detector. The simulation algorithm does not Fig. 5. In situ reflectivity profile of the calcite surface in an undersaturated aqueous fluid taken at pressure, symbols same as previous. (Physical parameters used in the simulation are given on the figure: σ0 is the roughness of the Perspex anvil, z1 is the thickness of the fluid film, σ1 is the inferred additional roughness at the vapour/ water interface, σ3 is the roughness of the calcite surface.) Errors shown as vertical bars with end lines. 237 Fig. 6. Ex situ measurement of the calcite surface after reaction. Symbols same as previous. Inset shows ex situ comparison of reflectivity profiles before (open symbols) and after (solid line) reaction. The decrease in reflected intensity corresponds to increased atomic-scale roughness. The roughness value of the calcite surface (σ) used to calculate the simulated profile is 19.5 Å. Errors shown as vertical bars. account for this geometric effect. (This appears as well on some of the figures that follow, but some data sets have been truncated on the low angle side to remove this feature and enhance clarity.) After the in situ measurement was completed the pressure was relieved and the Perspex anvil and Teflon sleeve removed so that reflectivity data could be immediately taken from the free calcite surface. Fig. 6 shows the ex situ reflectivity taken after reaction with a fit to the data—note that the surface has indeed roughened measurably to 19.5 Å (± 0.5 Å), consistent with the in situ data. An inset to Fig. 6 compares the before and after reflectivity result for this sample. The change in surface roughness (σ) for the calcite surface at 30 bar pressure in an undersaturated solution was: ° s1 : dr=dt ¼ þ6:3 105 A This is consistent with previous measurements of calcite roughening at ambient pressure and can be accounted for purely by chemical dissolution (Chiarello et al., 1993) as would reasonably be expected for calcite in an undersaturated solution—and indeed some of the trapped vapour phase may have come from the release of CO2 by the surface. Reflectivity was used to characterize the calcite crystal before reaction with the saturated solution and these data are shown on Fig. 7. This surface was of poorer quality than that used in the previous experiment, with a starting roughness of 28 Å (± 1 Å). A water film can also be resolved on this surface due to atmospheric water vapour—this is typical. Loading of this sample apparently was not complicated by trapping of air as was the case with the previous run, and the in situ data presented in Fig. 8 show that the Perspex anvil and 238 D.K. Dysthe et al. / Chemical Geology 230 (2006) 232–241 Fig. 7. Reflectivity profile of the calcite before reaction in the saturated experiment, symbols same as previous. σ0 is the roughness of the water vapour/air interface, z0 is the thickness of the atmospheric water vapour layer on the surface, σ1 is the roughness of the calcite surface. Errors equal to symbol size. calcite surface were far enough apart that the fluid phase can be dealt with as a bulk fluid rather than a thin film, and no interference due to a vapour phase occurs. However these data also indicate that the calcite surface is not dynamic under these conditions over the time period of the experiment, i.e. the roughening rate for calcite in a saturated solution was too small to be measured over 3.75 days at 30 bars. We decided to also check whether the in-plane topography was also stable for this surface by completing diffuse scatter measurements. Fig. 9 presents the diffuse scatter measurement taken after reaction: the surface roughness is not significantly greater than that made before reaction (30 ± 2 Å vs. 28 ± 2 Å, respectively). Correlation length and the fractal parameter (ξ and h) are also essentially unchanged. (Unfortunately, due to technical problems we were not able to measure changes in the diffuse scatter profile for the calcite reacted at pressure with the undersaturated fluid.) Fig. 8. In situ reflectivity for calcite in saturated solution; open symbols are reflectivity at start of experiment, filled symbols are after a time lapse of 3.75 days. These data sets are virtually identical, indicating the change in roughness is too slow to measure over this time period in a saturated solution. Errors roughly equal to symbol size. Fig. 9. The diffuse scatter data for the calcite in a saturated solution measured ex situ and post-reaction. Open circles are the diffuse scatter intensity, smooth curve is the simulation of the data. In-plane mathematical descriptors correlation length (ξ) and fractal parameter (h) can be evaluated along with roughness and other parameters in this type of scan; however the in plane nature of the surface has not significantly changed in this experiment. (Simulation parameters are as follows: σ0 is the roughness of the water thin film/air interface, z0 is the thickness of the water film on the surface, σ1 is the roughness of the calcite surface.) Errors equal to symbol size. 3.3. Halite Reactivity of halite with a saturated solution was also explored with the expectation that the faster reaction rates and higher solubilities of this phase would present a more dynamic system for study than calcite. Characterization of the halite surface before reaction is shown in Fig. 10, where the surface starting roughness is determined to be 35 Å (± 2 Å) and halite displays a 57 Å (± 3 Å) thick film of adsorbed water, apparently more or less conforming to the roughness of the primary surface Fig. 10. Reflectivity profile of the halite surface before reaction (symbols same as previous). Halite's high solubility makes it impossible to polish with Syton as was done for calcite, hence the starting surface roughness is high; sample parameters are a surface roughness of halite equal to 35 Å (σ1) with 57 Å of atmospheric water vapour adsorbed onto the halite (z0). The water film/air interface is also quite rough with an estimated roughness equal to 26 Å (σ0). Errors equal to symbol size. D.K. Dysthe et al. / Chemical Geology 230 (2006) 232–241 Fig. 11. In situ reflectivity for halite in a saturated solution. Curve “a” is at the start of the experiment, and four curves progressively darkening on a grey scale present the slight change in reflectivity of the halite surface over six hours of reaction, finishing with the curve labelled “b.” Our synchrotron allocation ended after collection of curve “b.” We stored the reaction vessel at ambient temperature and left pressure constant until our next allocation period 108 days later and repeated the reflectivity measurement after checking the station alignment with gold on silicon standard. The heavy curve labelled “c” represents the reflectivity after an extended period at pressure and this is significantly different from the other curves. Errors shown as vertical lines. (26 Å rough). Fig. 11 shows the evolution of the in situ reflectivity for this sample, with each of the four upper curves collected approximately 1.5 h apart. Fig. 12 presents a simulation of the curve on Fig. 11 corresponding to 6 h of reaction (curve b). This is consistent with the starting surface roughness of 35 Å, implying that another parameter besides surface roughness was probably dominating the slight change in the reflected signal over the initial reaction period. The cell 239 Fig. 13. Reflectivity after 108 days (symbols same as previous): using constant roughness for the Perspex anvil, the best fit to the data indicates that the halite surface has roughened and the fluid-filled gap between the Perspex and the halite has significantly decreased. This is interpreted to be the result of large surface features decreasing in size due to pressure solution. (σp is the roughness of the Perspex anvil, σH is the roughness of the halite crystal, z is the final thickness of the solution layer between the anvil and the mineral.) Errors not shown. was set aside and stored in a heated laboratory at the University of Manchester for 108 days, and then realigned and re-analyzed with exactly the same beam conditions. The lowermost curve on Fig. 11 compares this measurement with the short-term reaction data and indicates that a large change in the system has resulted from the long re-equilibration time. Fig. 13 presents a simulation to this data, which shows that much of the change in the profile results from the gap between the Perspex and the halite decreasing from 250 to 60 Å. However, in this long term experiment for halite in a saturated solution at 30 bar, it also appears that the mineral surface has roughened only slightly from 35 Å (± 2 Å) to 41 Å (± 3 Å), giving a roughening rate of: dσ/ dt ≤ + 6.4 × 10− 7 Å s− 1. This is two orders of magnitude smaller than the chemically driven rate measured for calcite roughening in the undersaturated experiment, and represents the first long term estimate of the rate of surface roughening caused by pressure solution. 4. Conclusions Fig. 12. This presents the reflectivity for curve “b” (solid symbols) and our best simulation (smooth curve) uses an unchanged starting roughness of the halite plus an aqueous fluid layer 250 Å thick between the Perspex anvil and the halite surface. The roughness of the Perspex anvil must be high in order to produce a reasonable simulation of these data, and other geometric factors have been changed relative to the in situ calcite data. Errors not shown. The most important result of this study is that interface structure can be analyzed with X-ray scattering under pressure. The new method has been proven by in situ experiments on both calcite and halite. This method will be especially valuable when studying slowly reacting minerals such as quartz and other highly polymerized silicates. The surface dynamics of such materials are extremely sluggish and should be studied at atomic length scales that are inaccessible by optical methods. 240 D.K. Dysthe et al. / Chemical Geology 230 (2006) 232–241 Results for calcite indicate that undersaturation of the fluid is a much larger driving force for surface roughening than pressure. In saturated solution the small driving force of stress is either too small to overcome the surface tension at these length scales or the growth time scale is too large for our experiment. These findings are consistent with AFM studies of free surfaces of calcite under tangential stress (Bisschop et al., in press). For halite however, there is marked change with time in both fluid film thickness and roughness. Several recent studies have been performed on surface roughening under stress and during dissolution. Schmittbuhl et al. (2004) studied stylolites where normal stress on a horizontally infinite solid acts to stabilize the surface roughness, only disorder in the dissolving crystal destabilizes the surface and leads to growth of stylolites. The analysis of Schmittbuhl et al. is not directly applicable to this study since the roughness measured here is smaller than the fluid film thickness. It is clear that one cannot assume homogenous normal stress over the surface in this case, the confined fluid of varying thickness as a stress transmitter must be taken into account, not only elastic solids. The Asaro–Tiller–Grinfeld (ATG) instability (Asaro and Tiller, 1972; Grinfeld, 1986) is driven by stress parallel to the surface. For a finite size sample the vertical compression acts also as a horizontal stretching that destabilizes the surface (Gal et al., 1998) and causes onset of the ATG instability. The length scales in this study are, however, far below the ATG length scale for calcite and halite (Misbah et al., 2004) and therefore this model can not be applied directly to predict the surface evolution observed in confinement, it must be combined with the dynamics of a thinning film (Dysthe et al., 2003). But the fact that there are measurable changes on sub-micron length scales is analogous to the exponential growth of roughness leading to the characteristic length scale from the linearized ATG analysis. A recent study at similar length scales of the dynamics of polished calcite surfaces stressed parallel to the surface (but with free water) shows that the effect of parallel stress is very subtle (Bisschop et al., in press). The thermodynamic driving force of the normal stress in our study is, however, 3 to 4 orders of magnitude larger than that of similar parallel stress. It is too early to draw conclusions about implications for pressure solution creep from a preliminary X-ray reflectivity study, but what we observe seems to be a precursor to surface roughening during pressure solution creep that has been observed at different scales by several authors (Den Brok, 1998; Dysthe et al., 2002; Karcz et al., 2006). It goes beyond the scope of this study to develop new models of how the confined fluid film coevolves with the roughening solid surface. The confined fluid film response to solid surface change, to our knowledge, has hardly been studied in detail. The surface forces apparatus and molecular dynamics simulations have long seemed to be the tools of choice for studies of confined fluids of static interfaces. We have now shown that X-ray reflectivity is a powerful and useful technique to study dynamic, confined interfaces. Some methodological issues clearly remain. We have chosen to use Perspex as a piston because its low electron density makes it fairly transparent to X-rays. Using a nonwetting polymer such as this will clearly affect the stability and dynamics of the confined fluid under study. Future studies should preferably use other materials with surface properties more similar to those of the minerals of interest. Also, because this is a new application of X-ray reflectivity and therefore comparable data do not exist, it is important to be able to constrain in situ measurements with ex situ before and after profiles. For this reason, the sealed “fixed pressure” cell (Fig. 1a) is not optimal, because unloading risks destroying the sample surface. Acknowledgments RAW would like to thank the diffraction group at Daresbury Laboratory for all of their help with this project, both in terms of cell design and synchrotron access. [DR] References Anzalone, A., Boles, J., Greene, W., Young, K., Israelachvili, J., Alcantar, N., 2006-this issue. Confined fluids and their role in pressure solution Chem. Geol. 230, 220–231 doi:10.1016/j. chemgeo.2006.02.027. Asaro, R.J., Tiller, W.A., 1972. Interface morphology development during stress corrosion cracking: Part I. Via surface diffusion. Metall. Trans. 3, 1789–1796. Bisschop, J., Dysthe, D.K, Putnis, C.V., Jamtveit, B., in press. 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