303 Journal of Molecular Structure, 97 (1983) 303-310 Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands RECENTSTUDlES OF INTERNALHYDROGEN BONDINGOF ALCOHOLS,AMINESAND THIOLS HARALDMØllENDAL Department of Chemistry, The University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1033, Blindern, Oslo 3 (Norway) ABSTRACT Same selected results reviewed and discussed. of recent studies of alcohols, amines and thiols are I NTRODUCTI ON Free molecules possessing intramolecular hydrogen bonds have received considerable interest in recent years. Both electron diffraction and spectroscopic methods have been used successfully in so many cases that a campl ete review of this dynamic field is not possible within the framework of this short paper. Rather, a somewhat arbitrary attention is given to studies related to work presently been carried out in Oslo. There are several reasons why structural studies of intramolecular hydrogen bonding attract interest these days. For example, a large number of biologically active molecules con ta i n such bonds which are furthermore crucial to their biological activity. Reactivity of many molecules is aften influenced to a great extent by internal hydrogen banding. The preferred conformation of a molecule is also aften dependent, if not determined, by this kind of interaction. In condensed phases as well as in many solutions, molecules very of ten form >i" I intermolecular they free hydrogen bonds instead of intramolecular hydrogen bonds which hydrogen bonding of prefer in the gaseaus state. The study of internal molecules is therefore important for a better understanding of this effect. Structural studies of gaseaus molecules can perhaps best be made by electron diffraction or microwave spectroscopy. Both methods are limited to the study of relatively small and reasonably volatile campaunds. Electron-diffraction offers a rather convenient way to determine heavy-atom band distances and angles, whereas microwave spectroscopy better can locate hydrogen atoms involved in hydrogen bonding. The results described in this paper have mainly been obtained using ane or both of these two methods. 0022-2860/83/$03.00 <91983 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. 304 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Ethanol derivatives Ethanol studied derivatives alcohols. containing Sa far electron-diffraction molecules we have and 3-buten-l-ol the 4,5) double as well that the that at gas °c belongs work an preferred 45 a were poorer quality. No computed to be also for the 64(3)0 internal This is about seems atom to pull making of in this This more than double the conformation Accurate established up The at accurate typical CCCC dihedral least OCCC angle dihedral l-butene approximately (ref. 150 7). closer (ref. of 6) the present that of angles dihedral ethanol was to the were of a hydrogengas at were angle -ZO °C. also was found derivatives 75(3)0 Hydrogen band the the in and from bonding hydroxyl anti. thus hydrogen compact. H F H --+ H/-vH 4-- H'}( H (ref. established shown angles 80% for angle had distances dihedral The atom solutians 31.4(80)% is not band again makes 3). electron-diffraction 2) More more the using these hydrogen also while the and 6) It ~as gas while in skew band the dilute (ref. work, is a very 150 3-buten-l-ol conformation total. conformation. the viz. of most of predominate. hydroxyl band. of Furthermore, (ref. bonding. In each to investigation third the identified. syn. between a hydrogen additional hydrogen found investigations rotamer. predominating from with exists 68.6(80)% predominates were been and investigated l). (CHZOHCHFZ) (ref. investigation forms been (ref. simplest the up 10% obtained conformation further an the Z,Z-difluoroethanol has makes have derivatives, diffraction stable that microwave bonded form exceeding angles The electron has ethanol IR-spectroscopic less demonstrated consentrations molecules are band conformation this to and a hydrogen band. as Z) two acceptor spectroscopy conformation studied (CHZOHCHZCH=CHZ) (ref. 15 such microwave a hydrogen-bonded Recently, In about and/or a proton I /"F FF OH OH Il Fig. l. Possible conformations of makes up at least 95% of the gas. CHFZCHZOH ~ , possessing hydrogen bonds. Rotamer I 305 Two rotamers with intramolecular hydrogen bonds are possible in the case of 2,2-difluoroethanol. They are shown in Fig. l. Further forms are of course possible, but presumed to be of much higher energy than I or Il, since the interaction between the fluorine atom and the hydroxyl group is remarkably strong as demonstrated in the electron-diffraction work of the closely related molecule 2-fluoroethanol (ref. 8). Only conformation I was found (ref. 3). This rotamer is more stable than Il by at least 6 kJjmol. No indication of the presence of further non-hydrogen bonded conformations was seen in the microwave spectrum. Two conclusions may be drawn from these findings. Firstly, there are hardly steric reasons for the preference of I as compared to Il as the O...F distance of the fluorine atom not engaged in hydrogen bonding of the hypothetical conformation Il is presumably longer than the sum of the van der Waals radii of fluorine and oxygen atoms. Secondly, there is no attractive interaction between these two electronegative atoms. Attraction might exist between two strongly electronegative repulsion fluorine atoms as exemplified by CH2FCH2F (ref. 9,10), while is apparently of the hypothetical present conformation between fluorine and oxygen atoms in the case Il of CHF2CH20H. CH3CHYCH2X-type molecules Propane derivatives of the CH3CHYCH2X-type having one proton accepting and one proton donating group may have the heavy-atom hydrogen-bonded conformations of Fig. 2. CH3. H- H Å/H H ..-1-.. _H '-I -CH3 . H/'.--/" Y X Y' X Il Fig. 2. Possible type molecules. heavy-atom hydrogen-bonded conformations of CH3CHYCH2X- 306 This kind of equilibrium exists for a large number of molecules. Five such compounds have recently been studied successfully by microwave spectroscopy. Some important results are summarized in Table l. TABLE l Results x for y some CH3CHYCH2X-type molecules. "'Ho kJ /mol OH NH2 NH2 OH OH OH F OH OH F 2.0 4 2.4 3 3 {Y-C-C-X Degrees 54(2) for I; 61.5(2) 54 58.4(10) 59(2) 65(2) It is seen from this and that table Comment Ref. Il not found 11 12 for Il for I; 53.0(10) for Il I I not found Il not found that conformation the heavy-atom dihedral I predominates angles are generally 13 14 15 in all cases, close to 600. The hydroxyl group is proton donor in both CH3CH(NH2)CH20H and in CH3CH(OH)CH2NH2. No signs of the reverse situation has been found in any microwave study of molecules carrying amino and hydroxyl groups on adjacent carbon atoms (ref. 11,12,16,17). The fact that the hypothetical conformations Il of CH3CHFCH20H and CH3CH(OH)CH2F are at least 3 kJ/mol less stable than I, comes rather surprisingly. Apart from hydrogen-bonding attraction between the hydroxyl group and fluorine atom, one might expect additional stabilisation between the hydroxyl group and the methyl group in CH3CHFCH20H, or between the fluorine atom and the methyl group in CH3CH(OH)CH2F. This should lead to a quite stable Il conformation in both these cases contrary Both CH3CH(NH2)CH20H (ref. energy differences between I has I at least 4 kJ/mol more because weak repulsion might hydrogen atoms in the latter to the microwave findings 11) and CH3CH(OH)CH20H (ref. (ref. 14,15). 13) have small and Il as expected. The fact that CH3CH(OH)CH2NH2 stable than the hypothetical Il form was expected, exist between the methyl group and the amino group conformation. Amines The amino group may act as proton donor and thereby form hydrogen bonds. These interactions are generally weaker than the corresponding bonds formed by alcohols. Both hydrogen atoms of the amino group may be used for hydrogen bond formation. In CH2XCH2NH2-typemolecules the hydrogen-bonded heavy-atom gauche conformations denoted I and Il and shown in Fig. 3 may exist. In addition, heavy-atom anti conformations not possessing internal hydrogen bonds are also 307 H / Ho...oo. 'o '0 d'-\ H V - P "-\ I rr"., r I H, , '. ". \/l "l-\ H H H Il Figo Possible 30 possibleo hydrogen-bonded eonformations The energy differenees of CH2XCH2NH2-typeo between heavy-atom gauehe and anti forms are generally expeeted to be smaller for amines than for the eorresponding be~ause amines tend to form weaker hydrogen bondso Four CH2XCH2NH2-type eompounds have now been studied. them are summarized in Table 2. aleohols Important findings for TABLE2 Results x for some CH2XCH2NH2-type moleeules. IIHo LX-C-C-N Degrees kJ/mol NH2 F OCH3 CN 103(8) 0.4(12) 63(2) 64(2) for I and Il for I; 63(2) for -702 61.5(12) for IIb Oe e Il LN-C-C Degrees Ref. 109(1) for I; 111.5(10) for Ila 110(1) for I; 114.5(10) for Il 112.2(12) for Il e 18 19 20 21 a bAverage values. I not found ~Preliminary result. Not yet determined. o As shown in Table 2, both I and Il has been found for CH2NH2CH2NH2' CH2FCH2NH2' and CH2CNCH2NH2 using mierowavespeetroseopy, and they have approximately the same energy. In eontrast, eonformation I of CH2NH2CH20CH3 was not identified and estimated to be 7.2 kJ/mol less stable than Ilo It is diffieult to explain this unexpeeted behaviour of this maleeule. 308 Heavy-atom anti conformations of Table 2 and not found. were searched for A high-temperature CH2NH2CH2NH2 revealed no anti conformation gauche conformations are thus very stable. indicate stable that weak hydrogen bonds exist gauche conformations Some additional Il. effect This additional force of the nitrogen nucleii also prefer very stable It groups is also in both forms be explained as both CH2FCH2F(ref. gauche conformations. to note that 18). The very by hydrogen bonding alone. hydrogen bonds of I and with 9,10) the electronegativity and CH20HCH2F(ref. by 3-50 (ref. rotameric Four hydrogen-bonded situation 8) donating 18,19). exists conformations than in the shown in Fig. 4 are H 'H H / H-N molecules study of the N-C-C angle of the proton typically In CHF2CH2NH2a more complicated the four (ref. augments the internal in I than in Il CH2XCH2NH2molecules. all (ref. 22). The hydrogen-bonded The geometri es of these two rotamers has perhaps some connection interesting is smaller can hardly presumably for electron-diffraction \ !/ ..l\ HH 1/ F N li F \ V ,/-\ F , Il H il / rF N \c-c Y 1 \ HH ")-( H ill Fig. 4. Possible IV hydrogen-bonded conformations of CHF2CH2NH2' possible for CHF2CH2NH2'In addition, a rotameric form without may exist. Conformations I, H, and III were assigned for this microwave spectroscopy (ref. 23). Conformation IV as well as the rotamer with- out a hydrogen bond were not seen and presumed to be at least stable than any one of I, Conformation three. less III than III about 600 in I and Il, stable by 1.5(7) 2 kJ/mol less or Ill. which contains Rotamer I is less stable Il, a hydrogen bond molecule using two hydrogen bonds is than III kJ/mol by 1.0(7) (ref. 23). the most stable kJ/mol, and rotamer The N-C-C-F dihedral and the N-C-C angle is 50 larger in Il and III of the Il is angles are than in I. 309 Thiols The mercapto group is generally considered to be a very weak proton donor. Only few gas phase studies have been made for thiols capable of forming hydrogen bonds. Recently, CH20HCH2SH was investigated (ref. 24). In this case, one conformation was assigned and the mercapto group found to be proton acceptor with the hydroxyl group as proton donor. In CH2SHCH2Cl(ref. 25) only a heavyatom anti form without a hydrogen bond, was seen. Two heavy-atom gauche forms ~, were found for CH2SHCH2NH2; the high-energy form of these has an internal hydrogen bond with the mercapto group as proton donor. In CH2SHCH2CN the existence of both the hydrogen-bonded gauche conformation of Fig. 5 as well as the anti forms were expected. Anti Il and the hydrogen- " H H S-H H I ~, / N / ~.. IC-C"" C IC - C I \-'" N ANTI l H / \"'H H ANTI II N cl \ !/H /IC-\, H H GAUCHE Fig. 5. Rotameric forms of CH2SHCH2CN. bonded gauche conformation stable were assigned (ref. by 2(2) kJ/mol. The heavy-atom dihedral 26). The latter is the more angle has a normal value of 65(3)0. Anti I was not found and estimated to be at least 3 kJ/mol less stable than the hydrogen-bonded gauche conformation. Thiols seem to prefer the gauche form for the H-S-C-C dihedral angle (ref. 27,28), and the finding that Anti Il is more stable than Anti I by at least l kJ/mol is in keeping with this trend. 310 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I am most grateful constructional Research to my co-worker Cand.Real. work and pleasent cooperation Council K.-M. Marstokk for his skillful through many years. The Norwegian for Science and the Humanities is thanked for financial support. REFERENCES 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 B. Starck, Compilations of Structural tion, University of Ulm, FRG. Data, Zentrum K.-M. Marstokk K.-M. Marstokk M. Oki and H. and H. Møllendal, Acta Chem. and H. Møllendal, Acta Chem. Iwamura, Bull. Chem. Soc.Jpn., W. Ditter A.P. M. Trætteberg S. K. Kondo, E. Hagen and L. Fernholt and and Luck, Hirota and K. Hedberg, and Ber. Bunsenges. H. 0stensen, K. Acta Chem., Scand., (1982) R.E. R.E. K.-M. K.-M. W. A. Marstokk Braathen, Penn Penn Kveseth, and H. 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