"" Journa/ of Mo/eeu/ar Strueture Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam. Printed in the Netherlands. ]8] THE MICROW AVE SPECTRA OF CHLOROBROMOACETYLENE, CHLOROIODOACETYLENE, AND CHLORODIACETYLENE ALF BJØRSETH, ELSE KLOSTER-JENSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK AND HARALD MØLLENDAL Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo 3 (Norway) (Received September 18th, 1969) ABSTRACT The microwave spectraof35C]-C=C-79Br, 35C]-C=C-81Br, 37C]-C=,C-79Br, 37C]-C=,C-81Br, 35C]-C=,C-I, 37CI-C=,C-I, 35CI-C=,C-C=,C-H, and 37Cl-C=,CC=,C-H in natural abundance are reported. The mo]ecules were all found to be linear. The structure of chlorobromoacety]ene was obtained: r(C-CI) = 1.628:!: 0.005 Å; r(C=,C) = 1.209:!:0.008 Å; r(C-Br) = 1.790:!:0.005 Å. The quadrupole coupling constants were obtained for the bromine nuc1ei of chlorobromoacetylene, for the iodine nuc1eus of chloroiodoacetylene, and for 35Cl of ch]orodiacetylene. A least squares treatment yielded the rotationa] constants, vibration-rotation interaction and l-type doubling constants for severallow frequency modes of the three molecules. INTRODUCTION A number of structural studiesl has shown that the halogen-carbon and carbon-carbon distances of symmetrical diha]oacetylenes remain almost unaItered as compared with the corresponding distances of monohaloacetylenes. No structural work has previous]y been reported for unsymmetrical dihaloacety]enes. Since these mo]ecules would be expected to possess a dipo]e moment, the accurate method of microwave spectroscopy may be applied, and information about bond lengths, quadrupole coupling constants, dipo]e moments, etc., obtained and compared with related compounds. For chlorobromoacetylene the complete structure has been determined, showing that the bond distances are very similar to those reported1 for other halo- and dihaloacetylenes. In parallei with this work, the IR and Raman spectra2of the mo]eculeshave been examined and completely assigned on the basis of a linear structure. J. Mo/. Strueture, 6 (1970) 181-204 182 A. BJØRSETH, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK, H. MØLLENDAL Chloro-, bromo-, and iodo-diacetylene were prepared by Kloster-Jensen 3. Their IR spectra4 have been completely assigned and the expected linear structure confirmed. A force field calcu1ation4 has also been carried out and an electron diffraction studyS of bromodiacetylene is now completed. We have attempted to observe the microwave spectra of all three halogenodiaeetylenes but, in the case of bromo- and iodo-diacetylene, we were unsuccessful. This is believed to be caused mainly by low dipole moments, inaccessibility of the higher frequency spectral region (above 26 GHz), and the presenee of large quadrupole splitting. EXPERIMENT AL Chlorobromoacetylene, chloroiodoacetylene and chlorodiacetylene were prepared as described elsewhere3,6, purified by gas chromatography, and kept at dry ice or liq uid air temperature when not in use. A conventional Stark-effect speetrometer employing 50 kHz Stark modulation and phase-sensitive detection was used. A maximum field strength of about 4000 V cm -1 was attainable with this equipment. Frequency measurements were carried out with a frequency standard having a stability of 0.05 p.p.m. and a calibrated communications receiver. The spectra were obtained in brass cells utilizing a pressure of about 0.04 torr. The cells were cooled to -15 DC when Cl-C=C-Br and Cl-C=C-I were studied. The spectral region 21.7-26.3 GHz was examined for these two molecules. The spectral region 12.4-26 GHz was examined for the 3sCl speeies of chlorodiacetylene. The 12.4-18 GHz and 22-26 GHz regions were studied for the 37Cl speeies. In the 12.4-18 GHz region, the spectra were studied at room tempe rature, while a temperature of -10 DCwas used in the high frequency spectral region. All three compounds were found to be unstable under these conditions, and the cells were therefore dosed with fresh sample at regular intervals. MICROW AVE SPECTRA The microwave spectra of Cl-C=C-Br, Cl-C=C-I, and Cl-C=C-C=C-H are typical of linear molecules. They consist of groups of weak lines separate d by constant intervals. The J = 11 ~ 12, 12 ~ 13, and 13 ~ 14 transitions were examined for 3sCl-C=C-79Br and 3sCl-C=C-81Br, and the 12 ~ 13 and 13 ~ 14 transitions were studied for the corresponding 37CI speeies. Only lines belonging to the symmetrical (vs) and antisymmetrical (V4)bending modes2 were observed. The ground state was not modulated at the field strength of about 4000V cm - 1. The spectra are reported in Tab les 1-4. J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 MICROW AVE SPECTRA 183 OF HALOGENOACETYLENES TABLE l MICROWAVESPECTRUMOF 35C1-C=C-79Br J-+J' 11 -+ 12 12 -+ 13 13 -+ 14 Vibrational state lib F-+F' Calc. frequency (MHz) 25/2-27/2 23/2-25/2 19/2-21/2 21/2-23/2 25/2-27/2 23/2-25/2 19/2-21/2 21/2-23/2 25/2-27/2 19/2-21/2 23/2-25/2 21/2-23/2 22247.95 22248.52 22249.56 22250.16 22258.18 22258.75 22259.79 22260.39 22302.58 22303.83 22304.92 22306.27 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 21/2-23/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 21/2-23/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 21/2-23/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 21/2-23/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 21/2-23/2 25/2-27/2 23/2-25/2 24102.03 24102.49 24103.42 24103.89 24113.00 24113.46 24114.39 24114.86 24104.34 24104.80 24105.73 24106.20 24109.35 24109.81 24110.74 24111.21 24161.44 24162.56 24163.28 24164.47 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 25956.08 25956.44 25957.28 25957.66 25967.88 25968.24 25969.09 25969.46 25958.55 25958.91 25959.76 25960.13 V4 Vs O O O O O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l 2 2 2 2 Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is = = Is Is Is Is = = = = O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l O O O O l l l l l l l l O O O O O O O O 2 2 2 2 Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = 14 = 14 = O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l l l l l O O O O Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = 14 = 14 = 14 = 14 = -1 -1 = -1 = -1 = +l = +1 = + l = +l O, O, O, O, :::1::2 :::1::2 :::1::2 :::1::2 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +l +1 - l - l 14 = 14 = -1 - l 14 = +1 14 14 = +l = +l 14 = +1 Is Is Is Is = = = = O, O, O, O, :::1::2 :::1::2 :::1::2 :::1::2 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +l +1 +l -1 -1 -1 -1 Obs." frequency (MHz) 22248.03 22249.70 22258.38 22260.17 22302.82 22303.90 24102.16 24103.61 24113.10 24114.54 24104.43 24105.64 24109.53 24110.70 24161.76 24163.65 25956.24 25957.48 25968.06 25969.27 25958.72 25959.90 J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 184 TABLE A. BJ0RSETH, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK, H. M0LLENDAL l (continued) J-+J' Vibrational state 1'4 Vs l l l l O O O O O O O O 2 2 2 2 lib F->-F' Calc. frequency (MHz) Obs.a frequency (MHz) - +l 14 = 14 = 14 = 14 = +l +l +l Is Is Is Is O, :J::2 O, :J::2 O, :J::2 O, :J::2 = = = = 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 25963.98 25964.34 25965.19 25965.56 26020.18 26021.19 26021.66 26022.72 25964.22 25965.44 26020.55 26021.74 a :J::0.20 MHz. b Negative l denotes the lowest, and positive l the highest frequency. TABLE 2 MICROWAVE SPECTRUM OF 35CI-C"C-81Br J-+J' 11 -+ 12 12 -+ 13 Vibrational state lib F-+F' Calc. frequency (MHz) V4 Vs O O O O O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l 2 2 2 2 Is = -1 Is = -1 Is = -1 Is = -1 15 = + l 15 = + l Is = + l Is = + l Is = O, :J::2 15 = O, :J::2 Is = O, :J::2 Is = O, :J::2 25/2-27/2 23/2-25/2 19/2-21/2 21/2-23/2 25/2-27/2 23/2-25/2 19/2-21/2 21/2-23/2 25/2-27/2 19/2-21/2 23/2-25/2 21/2-23/2 22047.29 22047.78 22048.67 22049.18 22057.37 22057.86 22058.75 22059.26 22101.77 O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l l l l l O O O O Is = Is = Is = 15 = Is = Is = 15 = 15 = 14 = 14 = 14 = 14 = 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 21/2-23/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 21/2-23/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 21/2-23/2 23/2-25/2 23884.62 23885.01 23885.81 23886.21 23895.54 23895.93 23896.73 23897.13 23886.96 23887.35 23888.15 23888.55 J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 -1 -1 -1 -1 +l +1 +l +1 -1 - l -1 -1 22103.76 22104.91 22102.84) Obs" frequency (MHz) 22047.36 22048.76 22057.59 22059.02 22102.00 22103.20 23884.90 23886.10 23895.66 23896.89 23887.16 23888.32 MICROW AVE SPECTRA 185 OF HALOGENOACETYLENES TABLE 2 (continued) J-+J' 13 -+ 14 Vibrational state V4 Vs 1 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O 2 2 2 2 O O O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O 2 2 2 2 14 lib F-+F' Calc. frequency (MHz) = +1 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 21/2-23/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 21/2-23/2 25/2-27/2 23/2-25/2 23891.97 23892.36 23893.16 23893.56 23943.82 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 25721.90 25722.21 25722.93 25723.25 25733.67 25733.98 25734.70 25735.02 25724.42 25724.73 25725.45 25725.77 25729.81 25730.12 25730.84 25731.16 25785.80 14 = + 1 14 = + 1 14 = + 1 Is = O, ::1::2 Is = O, ::1::2 Is = O, ::1::2 Is = O, ::1::2 Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = 14 = 14 = 14 = 14 = 14 = -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 - 1 - 1 -1 + 1 14 14 = +1 14 = = = = = Is Is Is Is = +1 +1 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 23945.39 23946.41 23944.79} 25787.05 25787.95 25786.66} Obs." frequency (MHz) 23892.24 23893.46 23943.92 23945.10 25722.19 25723.29 25733.82 25734.85 25724.52 25725.67 25729.99 25731.04 25785.88 25786.90 " ::1::0.20MHz. b Negative l denotes the lowest, and positive l the highest frequency. TABLE 3 MICROWAVESPECTRUMOF 37Cl-C=:C-79Br J-+J' Vibrational state V4 F-+F li b Calc. frequency (MHz) V5 Obs." frequency (MHz) -------------------------- 12 -+ 13 O O O O 1 l 1 1 Is Is Is Is = = = = -1 -1 -1 -1 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 21/2-23/2 23/2-25/2 23326.73 23327.19 23328.12 23328.59 23326.90 23328.30 J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 186 A. BJØRSETH, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK, H. MØLLENDAL TABLE 3 (continued) J-->-J' 13 -->-14 Vibrational state 114 115 O O O O O O O O l l l l 2 2 2 2 O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l O O O O l l l l l l l l O O O O O O O O 2 2 2 2 F-->-F' lib Calc. frequency (MHz) Is = +l Is Is Is Is Is Is Is = = = = = = = +1 +1 +1 O, :1::2 O, :1::2 O, :1::2 O, :1::2 Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = 14 = 14 14 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +l +l +l -1 = -1 = -1 14 = -1 14 = +l 14 = 14 = 14 = Is = Is = Is = Is = +l +l +l O, :1::2 O, :1::2 O, :1::2 O, :1::2 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 21/2-23/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 21/2-23/2 25/2-27/2 23/2-25/2 23337.20 23337.66 23338.59 23339.06 23384.18 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 25121.13 25121.49 25122.34 25122.71 25132.40 25132.76 25133.61 25133.98 25123.68 25124.04 25124.89 25125.26 25128.80 25129.16 25130.01 25130.38 25183.14 25184.14 25184.61 25185.67 23386.02 23385.30} 23387.21 Obs.a frequency (MHz) 23337.34 23338.75 23384.35 23386.05 25121.31 25122.60 25132.60 25133.85 25123.73 25125.03 25129.02 25130.25 25183.30 25184.45 25184.70 ---- a :1:0.20 MHz. b Negative l denotes the lowest, and positive l the highest frequency. TABLE 4 MICROWAVESPECTRUMOF 37CI-C",C-81Br J -->-J' 12 -->-13 Vibrational state 114 115 O O O O l l l l li b F-->-F Calc. frequency (MHz) Is = Is = 15 = 15 = J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 -1 -1 -1 -1 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 21/2-23/2 23/2-25/2 23111.74 23112.13 23112.93 23113.33 Obs." frequency (MHz) 23111.97 23113.16 MICROW A VE SPECTRA 187 OF HALOGENOACETYLENES TABLE 4 (continued) J-+J' Vibrational state V4 V5 lib F-+F' Calc. frequency (MHz) 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 21/2-23/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 21/2-23/2 25/2-27/2 23/2-25/2 --- Obs." frequency (MHz) <-- Is = +1 O O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Is Is Is Is Is Is Is = = = = = = = O O O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O 2 2 2 2 Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = 14 = 14 = 14 = 14 = 14 = 14 = O 13 -+ 14 +1 +1 +1 O, ::J:2 O, ::J:2 O, ::J:2 O, ::J:2 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 - 1 -1 - 1 -1 +1 +1 14 = +1 14 = = = = = Is Is Is Is +1 O, ::J:2 O, ::J:2 O, ::J:2 O, ::J:2 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 25/2-27/2 29/2-31/2 23/2-25/2 27/2-29/2 25/2-27/2 23122.15 23122.54 23123.16 23123.74 23168.68 23122.38 23123.60 23168.98 23170.25 23171.26 23169.65} 23169.83 24889.57 24889.88 24890.60 24890.92 24900.78 24901.09 24901.81 24902.13 24891.97 24892.28 24893.00 24893.32 24897.03 24897.34 24898.06 24898.38 24951.03 24889.80 24890.81 24900.95 24901.93 24892.19 24893.15 24897.24 24898.15 24950.70 24952.28 24953.18 24951.89} 24952.38 " ::J:0.20 MHz. b Negative l denotes the lowest, and positive l the highest freqegnncy. The error limit of the frequency determination for ch1orobromoacety1ene was rather large (0.20 MHz), due mai nI y to the low intensities of the lines, unresolved quadrupole effects, incomplete modulation and overlapping of neighbouring lines and Star k components. For chloroiodoacetylene the J = 14 -dS, 15 --+ 16, 16 --+ 17, and 17 --+ 18 transitions were examined for the 3sCI-species while, for 37CI-C=C-I, the 15 --+ 16, 16 --+ 17, and 17 --+ 18 transitions were measured. Lines belonging to the ground and the symmetrical bending (vs) states2 were observed. The spectra are reported in Tables 5 and 6. For the 3sCI species of chlorodiacetylene the transitions J = 4 --+ 5, 5 --+ 6, 6 --+ 7, 7 --+ 8, and 8 --+ 9 were observed. For the 37CI species the 5 --+ 6 and 8 --+ 9 J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 188 A. BJØRSETH, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK, H. MØLLENDAL T ABLE 5 MICROWAVESPECTRUMOF 35CI-C=C-I J --+J' Vibrational state Vs 14 --+ 15 O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 15 O O O O O O l l l 1 l l 1 1 l l 1 1 2 2 15 = O 15 = O 15 = O 15 --+16 lib = O 15 = O 15 = O 15 = O 15 15 = O = O 15 = 15 = 15 = 15 = 15 = 15 = -I -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 15 = 15 = +1 15 = +1 +1 15 = + 1 15 = + 1 15 = +1 15 = O, :::!::2 15 = O, :::1::2 15 = O, :::!::2 15 = 15 = O, :::!::2 15 = 15 15 O, :::!::2 O, :::!::2 = O = O 15 = O 15 = -1 15 = -1 15 = 15 = 15 = 15 = 15 = -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 15 = + 1 15 = +1 15 = +1 15 = +1 15 = + 1 15 = O, :::!::2 15 = O, :::!::2 J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 F --+F' Calc. frequency (MHz) Obs." frequency (MHz) 25/2-27/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 29/2-31/2 33/2-35/2 31/2-33/2 25/2-27/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 29/2-31/2 33/2-35/2 31/2-33/2 25/2-27/2 27/2-29/2 23/2-25/2 29/2-31/2 33/2-35/2 31/2-33/2 25/2-27/2 27/2-29/2 29/2-31/2 23/2-25/2 31/2-33/2 33/2-35/2 21738.66 21738.58 21740.51 21740.32) 21743.55 21744.56 21745.95 21786.54 21787.83 21788.90 21790.92 21792.83 21793.51 21795.14 21796.43 21797.50 21799.52 21801.43 21802.11 21740.37 27/2-29/2 29/2-31/2 25/2-27/2 31/2-33/2 35/2-37/2 33/2-35/2 27/2-29/2 29/2-31/2 25/2-27/2 31/2-33/2 35/2-37/2 33/2-35/2 27/2-29/2 29/2-31/2 25/2-27/2 31/2-33/2 35/2-37/2 33/2-35/2 27/2-29/2 29/2-31/2 23188.64 21843.34 21843.14) 21846.00 21847.03 21849.18 21850.62 23190.25 23190.11) 23192.95 23193.80 23195.03 23239.70 23240.87 23241.73 23243.60 23245.20 23245.85 23248.87 23250.04 23250.90 23252.77 23254.37 23255.02 23300.28 23300.00) 21743.62 21744.65 21746.00 21786.40 21787.80 21788.78 21790.82 21792.74 21793.42 21795.14 21796.47 21797.49 21799.54 21801.35 21802.08 21843.25 21845.95 21847.10 21849.25 21850.65 23188.65 23190.14 23192.95 23193.85 23195.05 23239.69 23240.86 23241.72 23243.65 23245.15 23245.88 23249.00 23250.16 23251.01 23252.78 23254.35 23255.06 23300.40 MICROW AVE SPECTRA 189 OF HALOGENOACETYLENES TABLE 5 (continued) J -->- J' Vibrational state F-->-F' l;b V5 16 -->-17 17 -> 18 2 2 2 2 Is Is Is Is = = = = O O O O O O l l l l l l l l l l l l 2 2 2 2 2 2 Is = O Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is = = = = = = O O O O O -1 = -1 O O O O O O l l I l I l l l l l I Is = O Is = O Is = O 15 = O = -1 = -1 = -1 = = = = = = = = = = 15 = 15 = 15 = 15 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +l O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 = O Is = 15 = 15 = Is = Is = 15 = 15 15 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 = -1 = +1 15 = +1 = +l 15 15 15 = +1 = +1 31/2-33/2 25/2-27/2 33/2-35/2 35/2-37/2 29/2-31/2 31/2-33/2 27/2-29/2 33/2-35/2 37/2-39/2 35/2-37/2 29/2-31/2 31/2-33/2 27/2-29/2 33/2-35/2 37/2-39/2 35/2-37/2 29/2-31/2 31/2-33/2 27/2-29/2 33/2-35/2 37/2-39/2 35/2-37/2 29/2-31/2 31/2-33/2 33/2-35/2 27/2-29/2 35/2-37/2 37/2-39/2 31/2-33/2 33/2-35/2 29/2-31/2 35/2-37/2 39/2-41/2 37/2-39/2 31/2-33/2 33/2-35/2 29/2-31/2 35/2-37/2 39/2-41/2 37/2-39/2 31/2-33/2 33/2-35/2 29/2-31/2 35/2-37/2 39/2-41/2 Calc. frequency (MHz) Obs.a frequency (MHz) 23302.70 23303.31 23302.68) 23305.44 23306.52 23305.50 23306.55 24638.52 24638.5] 24639.93 24639.84) 24642.35 24643.08 24644.18 24692.74 24693.73 24694.52 24696.24 24697.59 24698.21 24702.49 24703.57 24704.27 24705.99 24707.34 24707.96 24642.37 24643.15 24644.22 24692.67 24693.74 24694.50 24696.25 24697.56 24698.15 24702.51 24703.59 24704.25 24706.00 24707.34 24707.94 24757.11 24756.77) 24759.62 24759.27) 24761.68 24762.49 24639.89 24757.05 24759.43 24761.75 24762.54 26088.31 26088.35 26089.51 26089.44) 26091.74 26092.37 26093.36 26145.71 26146.70 26147.28 26148.86 26150.01 26150.60 26156.03 26157.02 26157.60 26159.18 26160.34 26091.78 26092.45 26093.48 26145.66 26146.65 26147.22 26148.80 26149.89 26150.50 26156.04 26157.02 26157.61 26159.17 26160.27 26089.35 J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 190 A. BJØRSETH, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK, H. MØLLENDAL TABLE 5 (continued) J -;o. J' Vibrational state Vs l 2 2 2 2 2 2 Is Is Is Is Is Is Is lib F-->-F' Cale. frequency (MHz) Obs.a frequency (MHz) = = = = = = = 37/2-39/2 31/2-33/2 33/2-35/2 35/2-37/2 29/2-31/2 37/2-39/2 39/2-41/2 26160.93 26160.87 26213.85 26213.49) 26213.75 +l O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 26215.96 26215.81) 26217.90 26218.53 26215.90 26217.93 26218.54 a ::1::0.10MHz. b Negative l denotes the lowest, and positive l the highest frequency. T ABLE 6 MICROWAVESPECTRUMOF 37CI-C"C-I J -->-J' Vibrational state Vs 15 -->-16 O O O O O O l l l l l l 1 l l l l l 2 2 2 2 2 2 Is = +l +l Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is +1 +1 + l +l O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O O O Is = O Is = O Is = O 16 -->-17 lib Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = = = = = = = = = = = J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 O O O O O O -1 -1 -I -1 -1 -1 F-->-F' Calc. frequency (MHz) Obs." frequency (MHz) 27/2-29/2 29/2-31/2 25/2-27/2 31/2-33/2 35/2-37/2 33/2-35/2 27/2-29/2 29/2-31/2 25/2-27/2 31/2-33/2 35/2-37/2 33/2-35/2 27/2-29/2 29/2-31/2 25/2-27/2 31/2-33/2 35/2-37/2 33/2-35/2 27/2-29/2 29/2-31/2 31/2-33/2 25/2-27/2 33/2-35/2 35/2-37/2 22374.35 22374.38 29/2-31/2 31/2-33/2 27/2-29/2 22375.97 22375.83) 22378.67 22379.53 22380.75 22423.75 22424.93 22425.79 22427.64 22439.26 22429.91 22432.25 22433.43 22434.29 22436.15 22437.76 22438.41 22482.03 22481.75) 22485.06 22484.43) 22487.19 22488.27 22375.91 22378.69 22379.57 22388.77 22423.70 22424.85 22425.72 22427.53 22429.17 22429.81 22432.29 22433.48 22434.30 22436.12 22437.75 22438.36 22482.20 22484.95 22487.28 22488.36 23773.34 23773.36 23774.76 23774.66) 23774.74 MICROW A VE SPECTRA OF HALOGENOACETYLENES 191 TABLE 6 (continued) J-+J' Vibrational state lib F-+F' Calc. frequency (MHz) Obs." frequency (MHz) 23777.18 23777.91 23779.01 23825.81 23826.88 23827.57 23829.30 23830.66 23831.28 23834.85 23835.92 23836.63 23838.35 23839.71 23840.33 23777.22 23778.00 23779.11 23825.72 23826.78 23827.47 23829.20 23830.57 23831.20 23834.90 23835.95 23836.66 23838.34 23839.70 23840.29 23887.71 23887.38) 23889.88\ 23890.231 23892.29 23893.11 23892.39 23893.12 25172.24 25172.29 '1'5 17 -+ 18 -- O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Is = +1 Is Is Is Is Is Is Is = = = = = = = +1 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 33/2-35/2 37/2-39/2 35/2-37/2 29/2-31/2 31/2-33/2 27/2-39/2 33/2-35/2 37/2-29/2 35/2-37/2 29/2-31/2 31/2-33/2 27/2-29/2 33/2-35/2 37/2-39/2 35/2-37/2 29/2-31/2 31/2-33/2 33/2-35/2 27/2-29/2 35/2-37/2 37/2-39/2 O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = O O O O O O -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 O, ::1::2 31/2-33/2 33/2-35/2 29/2-31/2 35/2-37/2 39/2-41/2 37/2-39/2 31/2-33/2 33/2-35/2 29/2-31/2 35/2-37/2 39/2-41/2 37/2-39/2 31/2-33/2 33/2-35/2 29/2-31/2 35/2-37/2 39/2-41/2 37/2-39/2 31/2-33/2 33/2-35/2 35/2-37/2 29/2-31/2 37/2-39/2 39/2-41/2 Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is Is = = = = = = = = = = = = = O O O -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 + 1 +1 +1 +1 25173.50 25173.43) 25175.67 25176.31 25177.30 25227.79 25228.77 25229.35 25230.94 25232.10 25232.69 25237.36 25238.34 25238.92 25240.51 25241.67 25242.26 25293.30 25292.94) 25295.41 25285.27) 25297.39 25298.00 23887.75 23890.23 25173.53 25175.75 25176.41 25177.40 25227.74 25228.70 25229.28 25230.95 25232.04 25232.61 25237.42 25238.37 25238.90 25240.54 25241.68 25242.26 25293.00 25295.40 25297.40 25298.10 ::1::0.10MHz. b Negative l denotes the lowest, and positive l the highest frequency. a J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 192 A. BJØRSETH, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK, H. MØLLENDAL T ABLE 7 MICROWAVESPECTRUMOF H-C"C-C"C-35Cl J->-J+l Vibrational state V7 Vs Vg O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l l l l l l l O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O l l l l l l O O O O O O O O l l l l O O O O l l l l l l l O O O O O O O O O O O O O O l l l l 2 2 2 2 l: F ->-F' Calc. frequency (MHz) Obs.b frequency (MHz) 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 5/2- 7/2 7/2- 9/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 5/2- 7/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 5/2- 7/2 7/2- 9/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 5/2- 7/2 13755.31 13755.28 --4->-5 5->-6 19 = -1 19 = -1 19 = -1 19 = -1 19 = 19 = 19 = +1 +1 +1 ls ls Is Is Is = = = = = -1 -1 -1 -1 +l Is = +l Is = +l 19 = -1 19 = -1 19 = - l 19 = 19 = 19 = 19 = Is = ls = Is = ls = Is = Is = l7 = l7 = l7 = 17 = 17 = - l +l +l +l -1 -1 -1 +l +l +l -1 -1 -1 - l +l 17 = + l 17 = + l l7 = +1 19 = O, ::1::2 19 = O, :1:2 19 = O, ::1::2 19 = J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 O, ::1::2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 7/2- 9/2 9/2-11/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 7/2- 9/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 7/2- 9/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 7/2- 9/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 7/2- 9/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 7/2- 9/2 13/2-15/2 7/2- 9/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 13/2-15/2 7/2- 9/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 13754.43 13754.32) 13753.45 13765.84 13764.96 13764.85) 13754.92 13754.04 13753.06 13753.93} 13759.79 13758.91 13758.80) 16505.99 16505.31 16505.42) 16504.74 16518.63 16517.95 16518.06) 16505.52 16504.84 16504.95) 16510.80 16510.69 16511.37} 16498.07 16497.41 16497.98 16498.66) 16502.31 16501.63 16502.20 [6502.") 16543.59 16543.61) 13754.42 13753.58 13765.80 13764.87 13754.42 13753.58 13759.71 13758.85 16506.03 16505.44 16504.87 16518.50 16517.97 16505.44 16504.87 16510.98 16498.00 16502.20 16543.90 16541.70 16541.34 16541.35) 16547.58 16547.46 16547.48) 16545.21 16545.22) 16545.37 MICROW AVE SPECTRA 193 OF HALOGENOACETYLENES TAB LE 7 (continued) -- J-+ J+1 6-+7 7-+8 Vibrational state V7 Vs Vo O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 2 2 2 2 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O F-+F' Ila lo = + 1 lo = +1 lo = + 1 lo = + 1 lo = -1 lo lo lo Is Is Is Is = -1 = -1 = = = = = -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 Is = Is = +1 +1 Is = Is = 17 = 17 = 17 = 17 = 17 = + 1 +1 - 1 -1 -1 -1 17 +1 = +1 17 = 17 = lo = lo = lo = lo = +1 +1 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 lo = + 1 lo = lo = lo = lo = lo = lo = lo = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = 18 = Is = Is = +1 +1 +1 - 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 + 1 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 15/2-17/2 9/2-11/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 9/2-11/2 11/2-13/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 9/2-11/2 11/2-13/2 15/2-17/2 9/2-11/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 11/2-13/2 13/2-15/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 Calc. frequency (MHz) 19271.15 19271.50) 19270.97 19270.62) 19256.41 19256.76) 19256.23 19256.20 19255.85 19255.32 In55"} 19255.67 Obs." frequency (MHz) 19271.37 19270.97 19256.43 19256.00 19262.84 19263.03) 19262.91 19262.15 19262.68) 19262.46 19247.85 19247.67 19248.20} 19247.32 19247.74 19252.77 19252.60 19253.12} 19252.24 19304.68 19304.86) 19303.27 19303.44) 21969.80 21969.80) 21969.32 21969.32) 22024.17 22023.74 22024.00 22024.41] 22007.33 22007.15 22007.57} 22006.94 22006.70 22006.29 22006.52 22n} 22014.49 22014.08 22014.32 22014.73] 19247.40 19252.74 19252.30 19304.70 19303.32 21969.88 21969.40 22024.14 22007.25 22006.75 22014.46 J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 194 A. BJ0RSETH, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK, H. M0LLENDA TABLE 7 (continued) J-,>J+l 8-'>9 Vibrational state V7 Vs Vg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 O O O O 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O O O O F -'> F' lia 17 = 17 = 17 = 17 = 17 = 17 = 17 = 17 = Is Is Is Is 19 19 19 19 = = = = = = = = -1 -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 O, ::\::2 O, ::\::2 O, ::\::2 O, ::\::2 O, ::\::2 O, ::\::2 O, ::\::2 O, ::\::2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 17/2-19/2 11/2-13/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 17/2-19/2 11/2-13/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 17/2-19/2 11/2-13/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 17/2-19/2 11/2-13/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2) 17/2-19/2 19 = +1 = +1 19 = + 1 19 = + 1 19 19 = 19 = 19 = 19 = -1 -1 -1 - 1 Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = Is = 17 = 17 = 17 = -1 - l -1 -1 + 1 + 1 +1 + 1 -1 -1 -1 J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 13/2-15/2 15/2-17/2) 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 13/2-15/2 15/2-17/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 Calc. frequency (MHz) 21997.54 21997.13 21997.37 21997.78 J 22003.19 22002.77 22003.00 22003.42 J 22046.75 22046.97) 22045.82 22046.03) 22051.82 22052.04) 22050.89 22051.10) 22056.99 22057.21) 22056.06 22056.27) 22062.14 22062.36) 22061.21 22061.42) Obs.b frequency (MHz) 21997.49 22003.15 22047.03 22046.16 22051.67 22050.83 22057.29 22056.40 22062.19 22061.38 24715.95 24716.02 24715.57 24715.60 24777.19 24776.87 24777.02 24777.36J 24758.23 24758.06 24758.40} 24757.69 24757.52 24757.19 24757.36 24moo} 24766.30 24765.96 24766.12 J 24766.46 24747.23 24746.90 24747.40} 24777.20 24758.19 24757.74 24766.19 24747.15 MICROW AVE SPECTRA 195 OF HALOGENOACETYLENES TABLE 7 (continued) J--->-J+1 a Vibrational state V7 Vs Vg l l l l l l I l l O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O l l l l 2 2 2 2 O O O O l l l l O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l O O O O 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Ila 17 = 17 = 17 = 17 = 17 = Is = Is = Is = Is = Ig = Ig = Ig = Ig = Ig = Ig = Ig = Ig = -l +l +l +l +l O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O,::1:2 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 O, ::1:2 - l -1 -I -I Ig Ig = +1 Ig = +1 = +1 = +1 Ig = ::1:3 Ig Ig = ::1:3 Ig = ::1:3 Ig = ::1:3 F--->-F' Calc. frequency (MHz) 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 13/2-15/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 19/2-21/2 13/2-15/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 19/2-21/2 13/2-15/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 13/2-15/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 24747.06 24753.61 ObS.b frequency (MHz) 24753.12 24753.45} 24753.28 24802.63 \ 2480 I.76 24802.41 24801.97 24814.13 24813.48 24753.41 24802.30 ; 24814.17 24813.56 24813.92 24813.27) 24813.69 24808.12 24808.33} 24808.10 24807.47 24807.68} 24807.50 24819.73 24819.94} 24819.08 24819.29} 24866.33 24866.33} 24864.64 24864.65} 24852.49 24852.16 24852.32 24852.66) 24890.40 24890.06 24890.") 24890.22 24872.13 24872.13} 24870.64 24870.65) 24819.72 24819.08 24866.46 24865.03 24852.18 24890.40 24872.25 24870.54 Negative I denotes the lowest, and positive I the highest frequency. b ::1:0.15MHz. transitions were examined. The 4 -+ 5 transition ofthis speeies falling in the accessi- ble spectral region, had insufficient intensity to be observed. The spectra are reported in Tables 7 and 8. Lines belonging to the antisymmetrical (V7)' symmetrical (Vg) C=C-C=C bending modes4, and to the C=C-CI bending vibration4 (Vg) were J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 196 A. BJØRSETH, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK, H. MØLLENDAL T ABLE 8 MICROWAVESPECTRUMOF H-C==C-C==C_37C] J->-J+l 5->-6 8->-9 Vibrational state V7 Va Vg O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l l l l l O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l O O O O O O O O O O O O l l l l l l l l O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O l l l l F ->-F' l,a 19 = + l 19 = + l 19 = + l 19 = + l 19 = - l 19 = -1 19 = 19 = la = la = la = la = la = la = la = la = -1 - l -1 -1 -1 -1 +l +l +l +l 19 = +1 19 19 = +l = +l 19 = 19 = 19 = 19 = 19 = la = la = la = la = la = la = la = la = 17 = 17 = 17 = 17 = 17 17 +l -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 +l +l +l +l -1 -1 -1 -1 = +1 = +l 17 = + l 17 = +1 --J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 7/2- 9/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 7/2- 9/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 7/2- 9/2 13/2-15/2 11/2-13/2 9/2-11/2 7/2- 9/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 Calc. frequency (MHz) Obs.b frequency (MHz) 16143.96 ]6144.41) 16144.15 16143.87 16143.42) ]6132.23 16131.78 16131.24 16131.69 16131.87 16131.42 16130.88 16131.33 16137.03 16136.49 16136.94 16137.48] 24215.66 24215.39 24215.52 24215.79] 24197.39 24197.12 24197.25 24196.97 24107'52} 24196.83 16]43.65 16131.73 16137.19 24215.58 24197.27 24196.70 24196.57) 24205.25 24204.99 24205.12 24205.39] 24186.77 24186.50 24186.9<>] 24186.63 24192.64 24192.37 24192.50 24192.,,] 24240.02 24239.85 24240.37 2424<>.54] 24205.15 24186.31 24192.60 24240.40 MICROW AVE SPECTRA 197 OF HALOGENOACETYLENES T ABLE 8 (continued) J-;.J+l Vibrational state V7 V8 Vo O 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 O O O O 1 1 1 1 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O a F -;. F' It 18 = 18 = 18 = 18 = lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo lo = = = = O, :1:2 O, :1:2 O, :1:2 O, :1:2 O, :1:2 O, :1:2 O, :1:2 ='=- 1 = - 1 = - 1 = -1 = +1 lo = lo = lo lo lo lo lo O, :1:2 = = = = = +1 +1 +1 :1:3 :1:3 :1:3 :1:3 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 13/2-15/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 19/2-21/2 13/2-15/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 19/2-21/2 13/2-15/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 13/2-15/2 19/2-21/2 13/2-15/2 17/2-19/2 15/2-17/2 Obs.b Calc. frequency (MHz) frequency (MHz) 24245.89 24245.72 24246.24 24246.41 J 24251.72 24251.89) 24251.20 24251.3 7) 24257.19 24257.36) 24256.67 24256.84) 24302.70 24302.70) 24301.52 24301.52) 24289.36 24289.10 24289.50 24289.23 J 24325.91 24326.041 24325.77 24325.64 24245.90 24251.93 24251.48 24257.29 24256.72 24302.90 24301.80 24289.40 24325.92 j 24308.18 24308.18) 24308.28 24307.00 24307.00) 24307.02 Negative l denotes the lowest, and positive l the highest frequency. b :1:0.15 MHz. observed. The uncertainty of the frequency determination is as large as 0.15 MHz for similar reasons as for chlorobromoacetylene. Spectra of 13C-species in natural abundances for all three molecules were searched for, but were not observed. METHOD OF CALCULATION For a linear molecule the frequency v of a transition from J, F to J', F' is given by7 v = [2Bv:J::~(V+~)J(J+l)-4D(J+l)[(J+I)2-12]+Eq (l) J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181~204 198 A. BJØRSETH, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK, H. MØLLENI where B = B -La. vei Bv is the rotational ( ) = Bo-La.v. V'+~ I I 2 constant, i l I q is the l-type doubling constant, distortion constant, Eq represents the quadrupole vibration interaction constant. D is the centrifl fine structure, and aj the rotati Chlorobromoacetylene The quadrupole coupling constants for the two bromine nuclei were de mined from the 11 -+ 12 transitions of 81Br-C=C-35Cl and 79Br-C=C-35C1. ~ splitting due to the chlorine nuclei was ca1culated to give a negligible contribut to the observed quadrupole fine structure. This effect was therefore omitted in ca1culations. Only two quadrupole components were observed for each transiti, while four lines are predicted for the F -+ F + 1 transitions which were observ These four components form two pairs of closely spaced lines which were ] resolved. It was assumed in the ca1culations that the observed frequencies cO! spond to the centre frequencies ca1culated for the two unresolved components. 1 quadrupole coupling constants obtained in this way are 685:!::50 MHz for 79 and 581:!:50 MHz for 81Br. In the least squares fitting of the lines to eqn. (l) the quadrupole coupll constants were kept constant. However, it was found that the centrifugal distorti constant D could not be determined. Reasonable values of D were then gues~ and kept constant in the least squares adjustment. A value of D = 0.08 kHz yiek the lowest error square sum. The ca1culated frequencies under these assumptions ; found in Tables 1-4 and the result of the least squares fitting in Table 9. TABLE 9 MOLECULAR PARAMETERS FOR CHLOROBROMOACETYLENE Parameter 35CI-C=C-79Br 3SCI-C=C_81 Br 37CI-C=C-79 Bo (MHz) 0(4 (MHz) O(s (MHz) q4 (MHz) qs (MHz) lo (amu A2)b D (kHz)& eqQ (MHz) 925.181 ::1::0.006 916.824 ::1::0.004 895.418 ::1::0.010 -2.071 ::1::0.004 -2.062 ::1::0.003 -2.012 ::1::0.010 -2.096 ::1::0.002 -2.086 ::1::0.001 -2.031 ::1::0.002 0.1932::1::0.0028 0.4218::1::0.0002 546.413 ::1::0.004 0.08 685 0.1925 0.4200::1::0.0001 551.394 ::1::0.003 0.08 581 Uncertainties are standard deviations. aAssumed. b Conversion facto r 505531 MHz amu A2. J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 ::1::0.0018 Br 0.1829::1::0.0028 0.4025 564.575 ::1::0.0001 ::1::0.006 0.08 685 37CI-C=C-811 887.165 ::I::O.O -1.985 ::1::0.0< -2.009 ::I::O.O 0.1806::1::0.0( 0.4001 ::I::O.O 569.827 ::I::O.O 0.08 581 MICROW AVE SPECTRA 199 OF HALOGENOACETYLENES Chloroiodoacetylene The quadrupole coupling constant for the iodine nuc1eus was obtained from the fine structure of the 14 -+ 15 transition. Lines belanging both to the ground and vibrational excited sta!es were used and it was assumed that the quadrupole coupling constant is independent of the observed vibrational states. A value of -2280:t40 MHz was obtained. Both first and second order quadrupole theory7 was used in the ca1culations. As for chlorobromoacetylene, the contribution to the quadrupole fine structure from the chlorine nuc1ei was ca1culated to be negligible. In the least squares treatment, eqQ was kept constant. Again, the centrifugal distortion constant could not be found significantJy different from zero. In the least squares fitting, plausible values of D were preset to a constant value. D = 0.03 kHz yielded the lowest error square sum for both chlorine species. The observed and ca1culated spectra are found in Tables 5 and 6, and the molecular parameters in Table 10. TABLEIO MOLECULAR PARAMETERS FOR CHLOROIODOACETYLENE Parameter 3sCI-C=.C-I 37Cl-C=C-I Bo CXs qs lo eqQ D 724.7721 :!::0.0013 -1.7376:!::0.0007 0.2876:!::0.0009 697.503 :!::0.001 - 2280 0.03 699.326 :!::0.002 -1.676 :!::0.001 0.2657 :!::0.OOI4 722.883 :!::0.OO2 - 2280 0.03 (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (amu A2)b (MHz) (kHz)" .------ " Assumed. b Conversion facto r 505531 MHz amu A2. Chlorodiacetylene Due to the small quadrupole splitting and large uncertainty of the frequency determination, the evaluation of the quadrupole coupling constants was difficult. For 35Cl-chlorodiacetylene the most reliable estimate was obtained from the 7 -+ 8 transition of the ground vibrational state. A value of eqQ = - 79:t 10 MHz was obtained. For the 37Cl species, no lines were measured in the ground state and a reIiable determination of eqQ was not possible. In the least squares fitting of the lines of H-C=.C-C=.C-35Cl to eqn. (l), eqQ was constrained to -79 MHz. However, the centrifugal distortion constant D was indeterminable by the ordinary least squares procedure. Reasonable values of D were then preset to a constant value in the least squares treatment. A value of D = 0.03 kHz yielded the lowest error square sum. T ~Æn' <:f.,,~fHM (; (10'7C1\ l Ql ~"A 200 A. BJØRSETH, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK, H. MØLLENI In the least squares fitting of the lines of the 37Cl species, the quadruI coupling constant was assumed to be - 63.1 MHz. This was found to be the va for chloroacetylene12, and was kept constant at this value in the least squares 1 cedure. Again it was found that the centrifugal distortion constant was inde minable. Reasonable values of D were preset to a constant value, and it was , found for this species that D = 0.03 kHz yielded the lowest error square sum. The calculated frequencies under these assumptions are found in Tabl, and 8, and the result of the least squares analysis is given in Table Il. TABLE 11 MOLECULAR PARAMETERS OF CHLORODIACETYLENE Parameter H-C==C-C==C_35 Bo 10 fX7 fX8 fX9 q7 q8 q9 eqQ D 1373.10 368.168 -1.919 -2.559 -2.881 0.352 0.487 1.053 (MHz) (amu A2)a (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (MHz) (kHz)b Cl ::1::0.01 ::1::0.003 ::1::0.006 ::1::0.003 ::1::0.002 ::1::0.001 ::1::0.003 ::1::0.001 -79 0.03 H-C==C-C==C_37 1342.04 376.69 -1.87 -2.50 - 2.809 0.326 0.468 1.015 -63.1b 0.03 Cl ::1::0.04 ::1::0.01 ::1::0.02 ::1::0.01 ::1::0.008 ::1::0.005 ::1::0.010 ::1::0.002 Uncertainties are standard deviations. a Conversion facto r 505531 MHz amu A2. bAssumed. STRUCTURE Chlorobromoacetylene A complete rs structure cannot be given since 13C-species were not obsen However, the rsparameters9 of the chlorine and bromine nuc1ei have been calcu ed. From these the overalllength (rs) of the molecule was calculated to range fl 4.625 Å to 4.626 Å depending on which parent molecule was chosen. Two methods were used for calculating the structure of the molecule. . first is the familiar ro-method, whereby the structural parameters are fitted to observed moments of inertia. In the other method, a bond shrinkagelO on s stitution by heavier atoms was assumed. A shrinkage of l x 10-4 Å and 5 x 10- for the chlorine-carbon, and 5 x 10- 5 Å and l x 10- 5 Å for the bromine-car distance were used. Under these assumptions, the structural parameters were fi to the moments of inertia. The results are given in Table 12. The error limits ref only the uncertainty of the fitting procedure. T ~Ænl<:f.urf".o F. (1 Q7()) 1 Rl_7()J. MICROW AVE SPECTRA OF HALOGENOACETYLENES 201 TAB LE 12 RESULT OF STRUCTURE CALCULATIONSFOR CHLOROBROMOACETYLENE Method r( C-CI) (A) r( c,,,c) (A) r(C-Br) (A) r(CI' . Br) (A) 1.624:1:0.001 1.212:1:0.005 1.789 :1:0.005 4.625 1.630:1:0.001 1.208:1:0.001 1.788 :1:0.004 4.626 1.631 :1:0.001 1.206:1:0.001 1.790:1:0.005 4.627 1.628 :1:0.005 1.209 :1:0.008 1.790:1:0.005 4.627 ---ro-structure ro-structure with shrinkage r(C-Cl) r(C-Br) = 1 X 10-4 A = 5 X 10-5 A ro-structure with shrinkage r(C-CI) r(C-Br) Final = 5 X 10-5 A = 1 X 10-5 A structure It is seen from Table 12 that the C-CI and C=C distances are somewhat influenced by the assumed shrinkage, while the C-Br distance is almost unaffected. The C=C distance is also obtained with a higher degree of precision when shrinkage effects are introduced. The length of the molecule ca1culated by the different methods agrees well with the length ca1culated from the rs coordinates. The so-called "final" structure of Table 12, represents the mean of various ca1culated structures. Chloroiodoacetylene Only two moments of inertia were obtained for this molecule. Assuming the C=C distance to be in the 1.206-1.212 Å range, the C-CI and C-I distances may be calculated by fitting these distances to the observed moments of inertia. The result of such a procedure is given in Table 13. It was found that the halogen-carbon distances are not very sensitive to the assumed C=C distance. TABLEI3 STRUCTURE CALCULATIONS FOR CHLOROIODOACETYLENE -r( c=c)a (A) r( C-CI) (A) r (C-I) (A) 1.206 1.209 1.212 l. 628 1.627 1.626 1.991 1.989 1.987 aAssumed. J. Mol. Structure. 6 (1970) 181-204 202 A. BJØRSETH, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, K.-M. MARSTOKK, H. MØLLENI Chlorodiacetylene Chlorodiacetylene has five structural parameters, two of which may be culated if the other three are assumed. It has been shown8 that the length of C=C triple bond depends little on the nature of the substituents. Assuming the C=C bonds to be equal at 1.207 Å 1,9b,11-13,and the C-H bond to be 1. Å!, 9b,11- 13, one finds the C-Cl bond to be 1.625 Å and the C-C single bond te 1.378 Å. These two distances are, of course, subject to rather large uncertaint but compare reasonably well with distances reported for similar molecules 1,9b,11- DISCUSSION Structure The structure of chlorobromoacetylene is very similar to those of ot monohalogeno- and dihalogeno-acetylenes 1. The C=C triple bond distance been found to lie between 1.204 and 1.209 Å for many molecules, e.g., chIc acetylene13, propynal14, dimethyldiacetylene15, methylacetylene9b and cya acetylene9b. The C-Cl distance is a little shorter than the 1.637 Å reported chloroacetylene13 and methy1chloroacetylene11. However, the difference is small that it is hardly significant. The C-Br distance is c10seto the value of 1.79 found for methylbromoacetylene16and 1.790Å found for bromine cyanide 17 Since the structure of chloroiodoacetylene given in Table 12 was based U the assumption of a known C=C distance, a detailed discussion is not justif However, the C-Cl and C-I distances agree fairly well with reported values similar molecules, e.g., the C-I distance of methyliodoacetylene16 is repor to be 1.991 Å, and it is 1.988 Å for iodoacetylene18. Dipole moment With our present apparatus, the dipole moments of the three molecules co not be determined by the conventional method but, by studying the modulatior the ground and excited state lines, a rough estimate of the order ofmagnitude of dipole moment was obtained. For chlorobromoacetylene a value of 0.15:i: O.H was found. The dipole moment of chloroiodoacetylene is somewhat larger. A v approximate value of 0.30:i: 0.15 D is estimated. In a similar way the dipole moment of chlorodiacetylene was estimated be 0.20::t0.lO D. This value is significantly lower than the 0.44 D reported cWoroacetylene. Quadrupole coupling constants The quadrupole coupling constants of the bromine and iodine nuc1ei agl within the experimentallimits, with literature values for similar compounds. I 79Br, 647 MHz is reported for methylbromoacetylene16 and 686.5:i:0.5 M J. Mol. Structure. 6 (1970) 1Rl-?04 MICROW A VE SPECTRA 203 OF HALOGENOACETYLENES for bromine cyanide17. For the SlBr species the values 539 MHz16 and 573.5:t 0.5 MHz17 have been given for the same two molecules. For the iodine nudeus, - 2420:t l MHz is reported for iodine cyanide1 7 and - 2230 MHz for methyliodoacetylene16. The great similarity of the quadrupole coupling constants between the two dihaloacetylenes reported here and corresponding monohaloacetylenes indicates a similar electron distribution around the halogen nudei. l-type doubling constants of chlorodiacetylene The l-type doubling constant qs is given by 7 qs = B2 a~ we (2) where a = 2 l +4:E(;i ( i w/ Wj2-WS2 ) (si is the Coriolis coupling constant, and w the vibrational frequency. The Coriolis coupling constants were kindly computed for us by Dr. Cyvin from the force field used in ref. 4. Byemploying these in formula (2), we obtain q7 = 0.3513, qs = 0.4269, q9 = 0.9880 for 35-chlorodiacetylene and q7 = 0.3356, qs = 0.4079 and q9 = 0.9439 for 37-chlorodiacetylene. The agreement between the calculated and observed l-type doubling constants (Table Il) is seen to be fairly good. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are grateful to Dr. S. J. Cyvin for supplying us with the Coriolis coupling constants for chlorodiacetylene. Dr. N. L. Owen is thanked for reading the manuscript, and Dr. T. G. Strand for giving us his generalleast squares program. Financial support from the Norwegian Council for Science and Humanities is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES l 2 3 4 K. M. SMIRNOV, A. P. TOMILOV AND A. L SHCHEKOTIKHIN, Russ. Chem. Rev. (English Trans/.), 36 (1967) 326 and references cited therein. D. CHRISTENSEN, P. KLABOE, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN AND L JOHNSEN, Spectrochim. Acta, in press. E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, Tetrahedron, 22 (1966) 965. P. KLABOE, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN AND S. J. CYVIN, Spectrochim. Acta, 23A (1967) 2733; D. H. CHRISTENSEN, L JOHNSEN, P. KLABOE AND E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, Spectrochim. Acta, 25A (1969) 1569. 5 6 L HIRGATTAI AND R. ST0LEVIK, Acta Chem. Scand., in press. E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 91 (1969) 5673. J. Mol. Structure, 6 (1970) 181-204 204 7 8 9a 9b 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 A. BJØRSETH, E. KLOSTER-JENSEN, C. H. TOWNES AND A. L. SCHAWLOW, Micrawave 1955. K.-M. MARSTOKK, Spectrascapy, H. MØLLEN! 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