Journal of Molecular Structure Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam. Printed in the Netherlands MICROW AVE SPECTRUM, STRUCTURE, DIPOLE MOMENT, AND 35Cl QUADRUPOLE COUPLING CONSTANT OF CYCLOPENTADIENYLBERYLLIUM CHLORIDE ALF BJØRSETH, DOUGLAS A. DREW, K. M. MARSTOKK AND HARALD MØLLENDAL Department of Chemistry, The University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo 3 (Norway) (Received 11 April 1972) ABSTRACT Microwave spectra of five isotopic species of cyclopentadienylberyllium chloride, C5HsBeCI, are reported. An ro and a partial rs structure have been determined and found to be in good agreement with electron diffraction results. The dipole moment is 4.26:t0.16 D while for the 3sCI quadrupole coupling constant a value of -22:t2 MHz was found. The chemical bonding ofthis molecule is considered in some detail. INTRODUCTION Cyclopentadienylberyllium chloride, CsHsBeCI, has recently been synthesised 1. An electron diffraction study2 yielded an accurate structure of the moleculedemonstrating that it possessesCSv symmetry (see Fig. 1). The present microwave study was undertaken in order to compare the structure determined by electron diffraction to the one obtained by microwave spectroscopy, and, moreover, to determine the dipole moment and the quadrupole coupling constant of the chlorine nucleus. These parameters are important for an understanding of chemical bonding of this compound. EXPERIMENTAL CsHsBeCI was synthesised as described elsewhere1. The spectrum was measured with the brass absorption cells cooled to about - 30°C. Smallamounts of the compound were allowed to condense in the cell, and the spectra were meaJ. Mol. Structure, 13 (1972) 233 Th l o =c . o = Be =H ~=CI Fig. 1. Molecular model of cyclopentadienylberyllium chloride. sured as the molecule sublimed off the cell waIls. The compound reacted readily under the se conditions, and the half life time was estimated to be at minutes. Absorption lines presurnably belonging to cyc10pentadiene increai intensity as cyc10pentadienylberyllium chloride decomposed. The decompo was accompanied by a rapidly increasing pressure. In about 10 minutes the sure was found to change from about 10 Il to about 100 Il. The decompo products were therefore pumped off at about 10 minutes intervals. The spectrometer was of the conventional Stark modulation type an been described briefly before3. Measurements were perforrned in the 9-33 region. SPECTRUM The spectrum of CsHsBeCI is typical of a symmetric top and consi groups of strong lines separated by constant intervals. Transitions in the J = 2 ~ 3 to J = 9 ~ 10 were measured for the species CsHsB( CsHsBe37CI, C/3CHsBe3sCl, C/3CHsBe37CI, and CsH4DBe3sCl in n: abundance. The spectra are presented in Tables 1-5. The lines were broal to the high dipole moment, unresolved quadrupole fine structure and n increasing pressure. Hence, the measurement uncertainties are as large as 0.1~ MHz for the various isotopic species. The measured ground vibrational state lines were !east squares fitted to v 234 = 2Bo(J+ 1)-4D}(J+ 1)3 J; Mol. Structure, 13 T ABLE 1 MICROWAVESPECTRUM OF CsHsBe3SCl J-transition Vibrational state 2--+3 F = = 9/2 7/2 --+ --+ 11/2} 9/2 F 4--+5 6--+7 F 3/2 --+ F= = 5/2 --+ 5/2 7/2} 7--+8 v = O v v VI VI = = = = V = O Vll = 1 VI = 1 VI =2 =3 =4 VI VI V 8--+9 9 --+10 O O 1 2 V = O =O Observeda (MHz) Calculated (MHz) 9803.03 9802.64 9802.67 9802.28 16336.90 22871.48 22893.80 22916.23 26138.40 26079.87 26164.23 26189.78 26213.60 26238.91 29405.23 32672.26 16337.08 22871.46 22893.91 22916.29 26138.48 26079.87 26164.14 26189.72 26213.60 26238.91 29405.37 32672.11 v = o. Ground vibrational state. VI = 1, 2, 3,4. Successively excited states of carbon ring-Be-Cl bending motion. Vll = 1. First excited state of carbon ring bending motion. a ::1:0.15MHz. T ABLE 2 MICROWAVE SPECTRUM OF CsHsBe37Cl J-transition 4--+5 7--+8 8--+9 Observeda Calculated (MHz) (MHz) = O 15877.63 25403.05 25426.75 28578.68 31754.04 15877.35 25403.42 25426.75 28578.68 31753.89 V V = O VI = O V = O V = O 9 --+ 10 a Vibrational state ::1:0.15MHz. T AULE 3 MICROWAVE SPECTRUM OF 13CC4HsBe3sCl J-transition Observeda 414 --+ 51s 413 --+ 514 4 --+ 5 616--+717 61s --+ 716 6 --+ 7 717--+818 716--+817 7 --+ 8 818 --+ 919 8 --+ 9 16206.03 16242.90 16225.00 22687.69 22741.10 22714.39 25928.58 25988.92 25959.13 29169.38 29203.49 (K =I=-l) (K =I=-1) (K =I=l) (K =I=1) (MHz) Calculated (MHz) 16205.55 16243.27 16224.53 22687.67 22740.47 22714.32 25728.69 25989.03 25959.22 29169.68 29204.11 a ::1:0.20 MHz. J. Mol. Structure, 13 (1972) 235 TABLE 4 MICROWAVE SPECTRUMOF 13CC4HsBe37CI J-transition 7 ->- 8 (K -=Fel) 8 ->- 9 (K -=Fel) a Observeda Calculated (MHz) (MHz) -- 25227.61 28379.51 25227.61 28379.51 ::1::0.25 MHz. TAB LE 5 MICROWAVE SPECTRUM OF CsDH4Be35CI J-transition 7 ->- 8 (K -=Fel) 8 ->- 9 (K -=Fel) Observeda Calculated (MHz) (MHz) 25784.70 29006.90 25784.70 29006.90 a 0.30 MHz. but the centrifugal distortion effect was so could not be obtained. Nor could a splitting distortion constant D JK be detected even CsHsBe3sCl. The results of the least squares small that significant values ( of the lines due to the centri for the J = 9 ~ 10 transitic refinement are shown in Table TABLE 6 MOLECULAR Maleeule Ao Bo (MHz) (MHz) PARAMETERS FOR CsHsBeCI CsHsBe35CI C sHsBe37 Cl 1633.74 ::1::0.02 1587.75 ::1::0.04 1633.74 ::1::0.02 -1.592::1::0.009 3.658::1::0.015 <0.3 <0.7 -22.0 ::1::2.0 1587.75 -1.481 ::1::0.04 ::1::0.009 13CC4HsBe35CI 13CC4HsBe37 Cl 4460::1::21 1626.22 ::1::0.03 1577.05 ::I::O.04a Co (MHz) 0([ (MHz) 0(11 (MHz) DJ (MHz) DJK (MHz) eqQ (MHz) a CsD 1611 1618.68::1::0.03 <0.3 <0.3 <0.7 <0.7 « <0.3 <0.7 <C This parameter is HBo+Co). Each ground vibrational state line is followed by a very complicated p2 of excited vibrational state lines appearing at higher frequencies probably d successively excited states of the cycIopentadienyl ring-beryllium-chl bending vibration. These excited states are split into a complicated patten to Coriolis interaction, but because of the high instability of the comp complete analysis of this fine structure proved toa difficult. The "main" e~ state lines were measured and are also listed in Tables 1 and 2. These cou fitted 236 to By = Bo - CWi with sufficient accuracy. This regular variation o J. Mol. Structure, 13 rotation-vibration interaction constant rxindicates that the corresponding bending vibration is quite harmonic with no potential banier at the fivefold axis of symmetry. Crude relative intensity measurements yield a value of 250:!:75 cm-l for this bending motion. Another excited state is observed at lower frequencies relative to the ground state line. This is tentatively assigned to a low energy ring bending motion. DIPOLE MOMENT The J = 4 -+ 5 transition was usedto determinethe dipole moment.A small d.c. voltage was applied between the Stark septum and the cell, with the modulating square wave voltage superimposed. The Stark components were broad and hard to measure accurately. Measurements were perforrned on several M-components for several splittings ranging from about 4 MHz to about 25 MHz. The d.c. voltage was measured with a digital voltmeter having an accuracy of 0.025 %. The Stark splittings were analysed utilizing the first order theory. A dipole moment of 4.26 D with a standard deviation of 0.16 D was obtained. In the calculation of the first order Stark effect, influence of the quadrupole moment was neglected because of the small quadrupole coupling constant. OCS was used to calibrate the cell spaeing employing the dipole moment of OCS reported by Muenter4. QUADRUPOLE COUPLING CONSTANT The quadrupole coupling constant was determined for the 3sCI-nudeus of the CsHsBe3sCl speeies from the M = Ocomponent of the J = 2 -+ 3 transition. This was the lowest accessible transition on our speetrometer. The M =1= OStark components were removed by applying a small d.c. voltage on the Stark septum. A splitting of 1.42:!:0.10 MHz was observed yielding eqQ = 22::!:2 MHz for the 3sCl quadrupole coupling constant. STRUCTURE The rotational constants in Table 6 yield sufficient information to calculate the rs coordinatesS,6 ofthe chlorine and the carbon atoms. The results are presented in Table 7. Structural parameters involving only these two atoms can thus be calculated with high accuracy and are expected to be dose to the equilibrium values6. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the structural coordinates of beryllium and hydrogen. The former atom has no stable isotopes and cannot be located in away analogous to the one used for chlorine and carbon. Assuming the J. Mol. Structure, 13 (1972) 237 T ABLE 7 KRAITCHMAN'S COORDINATES FOR CsHsBeCI Atom z (A) y (A) CI C Be" Hb -2.1375 0.0 (10) + 1.1952 (47) -0.33 (3) + 1.25 (4) 1.2113 (32) 0.0 2.30 (3) " Calculated assuming the hydrogen atoms co plan ar with the carbon atoms. b Calculated assuming B-C = 26.83:1::0.50 MHz for the CsH4DBe35CI speeies. TABLE 8 STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS" OF CsHsBeCI C-He C-C Be-CI Be-ring (h) CI'" C Microwave Microwave rs ro Electron diffractionb rg 1.09 (3) 1.424 (3) 1.81 (3) 1.52 (3) 3.546 (5) l. 090 1.424 1.839 1.485 3.538 1.097 1.424 1.837 1.484 3.535 (4) (1) (7) (7) (5) " See text and comments to Table 7. b e Taken from ref. 2. Hydrogen atoms assumed to be coplanar with the carbon atoms. hydrogen atoms to be coplanar with the carbons, beryllium was located emplo: Imizi = O. The beryllium coordinate obtained in this way is 0.33::!::0.03Å. large standard deviation is due to the larger mass of the five carbon atoms. determination of the structural coordinates of the hydrogen atoms must alsc based on assumptions. CsH4DBe3sCl yielded B+ C whereas B-C could no determined owing to the small intensity of the K = 1 doublets. Considera of reasonable structural models suggests that B-C = 26.83::!::0.50 MHz. Tt rotational constant is likewise estimated to be 4220.00::!::20.00MHz. The hydn coordinates depend strongly on B and C, but very weakly on A. We obta y = 2.30::!::0.03 Å and z = 1.25::!:: 0.04 Å. The results are summarized in Tab and the rg-like structure determined from these Cartesian coordinates is show Table 8. In addition, an ro structure was determined by fitting the structural pal eters to the observed rotational constants. The resulting structure which reprod all the rotational constants better than 0.1 % is inc1uded in Table 8 together . the electron diffraction structure2. DISCUSSION The microwave spectrum reveals that CsHsBeCI is a Csv symmetri c molecule. The rg and the ro structures given in Table 8 are in excellent agreeI with the electron diffraction rg structure. Both methods yield Be-CI dista 238 J. Mol. Structure, 13 ( distinctly longer than 1.75 Å reported for gaseous beryllium chloride 7. The hydrogen atoms are coplanar or very nearly coplanar with the car bon atoms. The high dipole moment and particularly the small quadrupole coupling constant is compatible with a fairly ionic Be-CI bond. This is supported by simple arguments. lf the ionic, ie, and n characters, ne, are computed as described in ref. 8, ie = 0.65 and ne = 0.10 are obtained. The ionic character is considerably higher than 0.35 found for CH3CI, 0.38 for SiH3CI, and 0.57 for GeH3CI, for example8. The comparatively long Be-CI distance of CsHsBeCI, the small quadrupole coupling constant, and high dipole moment suggest that the beryllium-chlorine bond is a polar single bond apparently with little pn-dn beryllium-chlorine back bonding. Our results are in agreement with the bonding scheme proposed by Drew and Haaland9 for this and similar beryllium-cyclopentadienyl compounds. They assurne that the Be atom is sp hybridised using one such orbital in bonding to the CI and the other in bonding to the aen orbital of the ring. Two more Be-ring bonds form by combination of the two degenerate Ben orbitals of the ring with the two unhybridised 2p beryllium orbitals. The beryllium atom then has an "octet" of electrons. lnvolvement of the 2p orbitals of Be in bonding with the ring reduces the possibility for dative n bonding between Be and Cl. Therefore this bond is longer than in monomeric beryllium dichloride 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are grateful to the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities for financial support. D.A.D. is indebted to the National Science Foundation for a grant (GP 24090). REFERENCES l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 D. A. DREW AND G. L. MORGAN, to be published. D. A. DREW AND A. HAALAND, Chem. Commun., 23 (1971) 1551. K.-M. MARSTOKK AND H. MOLLENDAL, J. Mol. Structure, 5 (1970) 205. J. S. MUENTER, J. Chem. Phys., 48 (1968) 4544. J. KRAITCHMAN, Amer. J. Phys., 21 (1953) 17. C. C. COSTAIN, J. Chem. Phys., 29 (1958) 864. P. A. AKISHIN AND U. P. SPIRIDINOV, Kristallografiya, 2 (1957) 475. W. GORDY AND R. L. COOK, in W. WEST (editor), Chemical Applications Wiley, New York, 1970. 9 D. A. DREW AND A. HAALAND, Acta Chem. Scand., in press. J. Mol. Structure, 13 (1972) of Spectroscopy, 239