247 Journal of Molecular Structure, 18 (1973) 247-256 ~ Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands MICROWAVE SPECTRUM OF METHOXYACETIC ACID: ASSIGNMENT OF THE HYDROGEN-BONDED ROTAMER K.-M. MARSTOKK Department AND HARALD of Chemistry, M0LLENDAL The University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo 3 (Norway) (Received 26 February 1973) ABSTRACT Microwave spectra of CH3OCHzCOOH and CH3OCHzCOOD are reported. One conformation has been assigned. This form of the molecule has a planar HCOCCOOH skeleton with four out-of-plane hydrogens. A weak five-membered intramolecular hydrogen bond is forrned between the hydroxyl proton and the ether oxygen thus stabilizing the plan ar form. Absolute intens ity measurements and arguments based on a few reasonable assumptions have been used to show that the assigned rotamer is present at concentrations amounting to between 10 and 30 per cent of the total. Other forms are not identified. Seven vibrationally excited states were assigned and attributed to the three lowest torsional modes. The dipole moment was determined to be Pa = 4.72::1:0.04D, Pb = 0.15::1:0.02D, and Ptotal= 4.72::1:0.04D. INTRODUCTlON For a molecule as complicated as methoxyacetic acid, CH3OCHzCOOH, rotation around the three C-O and the one C-C bonds may give rise to a large num ber of distinct conformers. Figure l shows four arbitrarily selected forms which are interchangeable by rotation about the C-C and hydroxyl bonds with the CH3OCHz- gro up fixed. Conformation I differs from the other three rotamers in that an intramolecular hydrogen bond is formed between the hydroxyl hydrogen atom and the ether oxygen atom whereas hydrogen bond stabilisation is not possible in the other three cases. Rotamers other than l-IV may of course be possible. The conformational properties of methoxyacetic acid have previously been studied by Oki and Hirota 1. U sing infrared spectroscopy they found that in dilute 248 carbon tetrachloride solutions two rotamers exist, one being a hydrogen-bonded form while the second was shown to have a normal carboxyl group with the hydroxyl hydrogen atom between the carboxyl group oxygens as in forms Il-IV of Fig. l. The enthalpy difference between these two conformers was found to favour the non-hydrogen-bonded form by 0.76 kcal mole -1, but an unambiguous entropy difference could not be obtained 1. The present work was undertaken to study the conforrnational behaviour of free methoxyacetic acid, the simplest member of a large family of (X-oxyacids. Particular attention was paid to the influence of intramolecular hydrogen bonding on the se molecular properties. We have been able to assign one rotamer with an intramolecular hydrogen bond similar to form I in Fig. 1. There is also considerable evidence in the microwave spectrum for the coexistence of one or more additional forms left unassigned. EXPERIMENT AL Methoxyacetic acid purum was purchased from Fluka AG, Buchs, Switzerland. The commercial product was purified by gas chromatography before use. CH3OCH2COOD was produced by direct exchange with 99 per cent D20 in the cell. Fast scan broadband spectra in the 26.5-40 GHz range were recorded on a Hewlett-Packard 8460A spectrometer and extensive studies were carried out in the 21.9-32 GHz spectral region on a conventional microwave spectrometer described in ref. 2. Other spectral ranges were also surveyed briefly. Measurements were made at room temperature or at about + 5°C, the molecule has toa low a vapour pressure to allow a microwave study at lower temperatures. Measurements V "1h" 00 "I CH3 "H 8"°° I "~,. VCH3 o I H 8"60° Il SH3 "(j)""' Ho I H 8"120° !Il Jj)"o I H 8"180° IV Fig. 1. Newman projections offour possible conformations ofCH,OCH2COOH. The projections are viewed along the C-C bond. The four rotamers are interchangeable by rotation around the C-C and hydroxyl bonds. 249 Werecarried out with apparent vapour pressures between 10 and 60 microns. The compound decomposed slightly in the brass sample cells to give methanol as one of the decomposition products. MICROWAVE SPECTRUM AND ASSIGNMENT OF THE GROUND VIBRATIONAL STATE Preliminary rotational constants of several pro bable rotational isomers of methoxyacetic acid were computed by combining structural parameters taken from related compounds and varying the appropriate dihedral angles. Typical structural parameters used are listed in Table 1. All pro bable rotamers were found to be near-symmetric prolate rotors. Calculations perforrned by the CNDOj2 method 3.4 yielded small energy differences between the individual rotamers. These were typically about 0.5 kcal mole-l. Of the four farms shown in Fig. l, rotamer I was computed to be a few hundred calories more stable than the others. TABLE I PLAUSIBLE STRUCTURAL PARAMETERS", OBSERVED AND PREDICTED ROTATIONAL CONSTANTS KRAITCHMAN'S COORDINATES OF THE HYDROXYL HYDROGEN OF METHOXYACETIC ACID CO C-Oethe< C-OhYd,Oxy! C-C O-H C-H 1.228 Å 1.415 Å 1.317 Å 1.510 Å 1.030 Å 1.093 Å L CCO LCOC LCCO LCOH LCCH LHCH LOCH Rotational constants (MHz) CH3OCH2COOH Ao Bo Co Observed 9409.08 2088.817 1748.884 Calculated 9811.257 2087.266 1759.363 CH3OCH2COOD Ao Bo Co Kraitchman's laHI [bHI 8999.9 2088.627 1734.114 9432.750 2087.256 1746.788 coordinates of the hydroxyl hydrogen Observed 0.143 Å 1.566 Å a Not a deri ved structure. See text. Calculated 0.033 Å 1.441 Å 124.0° 112.0° 110.0° 104.0° 109.5° 109.5° 109.5° AND N V1 O T ABLE 2 MOLECULAR CONSTANTS FOR CH3OCH2COOH' AND CH3OCH2COODb Conversion facto r 505376 UA2 MHz. The uncertainties represent one standard deviation. For the attributions Vibrational Number state of transitions Ground' First ex. C-C tors.' 31 0.100 a (MHz) Second ex. C-O tors.' 20 to the fundamental First ex. C-C torso+.first ex. C-O tors.' 7 0.225 7 0.129 0.343 AvCMHz) Bv(MHz) Cv(MHz) I,(uA 2) Ib(uA2) Ic(uA2) I,+Ib-Ic(uA2) 9409.08 ::!:0.79 9384.9 ::!:1.2 9173.4 ::!:5.0 9309.8 ::!:4.6 2088.817 ::!:0.006 2090.167 ::!:0.008 2091.309 ::!:0.037 2091.096 ::!:0.024 1748.884 ::!:0.006 1753.505 ::!:0.008 1754.582 ::!:0.037 1756.712 ::!:0.024 55.091 ::!:0.030 54.284 ::!:0.027 Second ex. C-C tors.' Third f'X. C-C tors.' 53.7115 ::!:0.0045 53.8499 ::!:0.0069 241.9436 ::!:0.0007 241.7873 ::!:0.0009 241.6553 ::!:0.0044 241.6800::!:0.0028 288.9706 ::!:0.001O 288.2090::!:0.0013 288.0321 ::!:0.0061 287.6829 ::!:0.0039 6.6845 ::!:0.0047 7.4282::!:0.0071 13 0.141 8 0.189 First ex. C-O tors.' 8.714 ::!:0.030 First ex. CF/3 tors.' 13 0.189 8.281 ::!:0.027 Groundb 6 0.261 9 0.121 9355.2 ::!:1.6 9331.5 1:2.5 9337.0 ::!:2.0 9325.7 ::!:5.1 8999.9 2092.124 ::!:0.01O 2094.735 ::!:0.017 2090.145 ::!:0.015 2088.348 ::!:0.031 2088.627 ::!:0.01O 1758.097 ::!:0.01O 1763.044 ::!:0.017 1752.039 ::!:0.014 1748.055 ::!:0.030 1734.114 ::!:0.012 54.158 ::!:0.015 54.126 ::!:0.012 54.192 ::!:0.030 54.0209 ::!:0.0093 ::!:1.2 56.1535 ::!:0.0077 241.5612::!:0.0012 241.2601 ::!:0.0020 241.7899 ::!:0.0018 241.9980 ::!:0.0036 241.9657 ::!:0.0012 287.4563 ::!:0.0017 286.6497 ::!:0.0029 288.4502::!:0.0024 289. 1O76::!:0.005 1 291.4318::!:0.0020 8.1258 ::!:0.0095 8.768 ::!:0.015 7.466 ::!:0.012 7.082 ::!:0.030 modes, see text. 6.6874:1: 0.0080 251 The calculated dipole moments and their components along the principal axes of the different forms were found to differ considerably. Conformer I, for example, was computed to have a dipole moment of about 5 D predominantly along the principal a-axis, whereas IV was calculated to have approximately a dipole moment of 3 D mainly along the b-axis. Forms Il and III were computed to have roughly dipole moments of 2 D and 2.5 D, respectively, with sizeable components along all three principal inerti al axes. Fast scan broadband spectra of methoxyacetic acid revealed one remarkably weak series of the characteristic a-type R-branch high K-l pileups at about every B + C. A preliminary value of B + C was immediately determined to be about 3.86 GHz, dose to the expected value for the hydrogen-bonded form as shown in Table 1. High resolution spectra were then studied for the J = 5 -> 6, 6 -> 7, and 7 -> 8 transitions. The characteristic Stark effects and positions in the spectrum as well as the relatively high intensities of the K-l = Oand K-l = l lines led to a rapid assignment of the ground vibrational state lines. The lines are weak, narrow and unsplit and were fitted to a rigid rotor spectrum with the results shown in Table 2. The list of measured frequencies is available from the authors or from the microwave Data Center at the National Bureau of Standards, Washington, D.C., D.S.A., where it has been deposited. A Watson eight parameterS, first-order centrifugal distortion analysis of the se lines was carried out and showed that centrifugal distortion is very small for these transitions. Indeed, significant values of the five determinable centrifugal distortion coefficients could not be obtained. As shown in Table 2, la+ lb - le = 6.6845:t 0.0047 uÅ 2. This is dose to similar values found in molecules possessing a symmetry plane and four out-ofplane sp3-hybridized hydrogen atoms6. For a completely rigid molecule of this type la+ lb - le is about 6.40 uÅ 2. The increase of approximately 0.28 uÅ 2 found for methoxyacetic acid is probably caused by the low-frequency torsional modes 7. VIBRATIONAL SATELLITE SPECTRA The ground vibrational state lines were accompanied by a rich and, compared to the ground state transitions, intense satellite spectrum. Most of these R-branch absorption lines occur at higher frequencies with respect to the ground state transitions. All satellites are narrow and unsplit to within a resolution of better than 0.7 MHz and fit a rigid rotor spectrum. As shown in Table 2, these vibrationally excited states have been assigned to three different torsional fund a- mentals. These assignments have been made because la+ lb - le increases upon excitation. The torsions around the C-C and the H2C-O bonds are expected to be the two lowest vibrational modes. On the basis of the microwave data it is difficult to distinguish between these two fundamentals and the assignments presented in Tables 2 and 3 are thus tentative and may be interchangeable. 252 TABLE 3 STARK COEFFICIENTS AND DIPOLE MOMENT OF METHOXYACETIC ACID The uncertainties represent one standard deviation. The standard deviations of the dipole moments and its components along the principal axes obtained from the least squares tit were half the values given in this table. Transition ilvfE2[MHzf(Vfcm)2] Observed Calculated -2.60 -2.12 -1.93 51.4-+61.5 M = O -2.60::1::0.06 61,6-+71.7 M = O -2.10::1::0.08 M = O -1.95 61,5-+71,6 x 106 ::1::0.06 fl- = 4.72::1::0.04 D flb = 0.15::1::0.02 D flto!_l = 4.72::1::0.04D Attempts to make high-precision relative intensity measurements to determine these fundamental frequencies proved futile, because of the low absolute intensities of the lines. However, a crude estimate of the frequencies has been obtained from the expression7: ro (cm-l) = 67.5/b., where b. = laY+1+lbY+1-I/+1-(laY+ IbY- leV).In this way, 91 cm -1 and 86 cm -1 were found for the C-C and C-O fundamentais, respectively. These values are probably accurate to within 30 per cent. The intensities of the successively excited states of these two torsional modes were found to decrease steadily. The variations of the corresponding rotational constants are also fairly regular, and it is therefore concluded7 that the equilibrium form essentially has a plan ar HCOCCOOH skeieton. The first excited state of the methyl torsion is also believed to be assigned (Tab le 2). From the variation of the inerti al defect, a frequency of 170 cm -1 was calculated. Within the expected uncertainty limits, this value agrees with 203 cm-1 calculated for the lowest torsional mode in dimethylether8 where a barrier to internal rotation of 2.72 kcal mole -1 has been determined9. The barrier to methyltorsion in methoxyacetic acid should thus be of the same order of magnitude as in dimethylether. No splittings could be resolved for the very weak transitions assigned to this mode indicating a barrier height of more than l kcal mole - 1. The above assignments included all the strongest lines present in the spectrum. There were, however, a num ber of very weak lines of uncertain origin left unaccounted for. These might belong to further conformers, but despite a thorough search no assignments could be made. It was very unfortunate that the low volatility of the compound prohibited a study at very low temperatures where absorption line intensities are much enhanced enabling assignments to be made with greater ease. - 253 H.H,bi o .. a H Fig. 2. Projection of assigned rotamer of methoxyacetic MICROWAVE SPECTRUM OF CH3OCH2COOD acid in the a-b principal axes plane. AND THE CONFORMATIONOF METHOXY- ACETIC ACID The microwave spectrum of CH3OCH2COOD was studied to obtain additional information about the structural and conforrnational properties of the acid. A search was made initially for the low K-l a-type R-branch transitions which were found within a few MHz of the predicted frequencies. The derived spectroscopic constants are listed in Table 2. The value of la + lb - le found for the deuterated speeies is almost identical with the main species counterpart, confirming the assumption of a symmetry plane. Without substitution of the hydrogens in the methyl group, its exact conformation cannot be determined but it must have either the conformation shown in Fig. 2, or a form where the methyl group is rotated through 60° in order to satisfy the symmetry plane condition. The methyl group conformation indicated in Fig. 2 is similar to that found in dimethyletherl o. The rotational constants of the main and the deuterated speeies furnish toa little information for a detailed determination of bond lengths and angles. The molecular mode! of Table l produces rotational constants which are dose to the experimental values. The hydroxyl hydrogen coordinates determined from Kraitchman's equationsll also show dose agreement to the molecular model coordinates (Table l). DIPOLE MOMENT The microwave spectrum was too weak to allow a quantitative study of individual Stark lobes, the normal method for the determination of dipole moments and an alternative way was used. Calculation of the Stark coefficients showed that for most K-l = l transitions the M-independentparts of the Stark 254 effect were much larger than the M-dependent ones. Therefore, at relatively small field strengths, all Stark components will coincide for these lines, yielding sufficient intensity to make quantitative measurements feasible. The M = OStark coefficients were determined in this way for the transitions reported in Table 3. Stark splittings in the 2-8 MHz range were measured by application of a d.c. voltage between the Stark septum and the cell, with the modulating square wave voltage superimposed. The d.c. voltage was measured with a digital voltmeter having an accuracy of 0.025 per cent. The electric field in the cell was calibrated using the OCS l -> 2 transition with flocs = 0.71521 D (ref. 12). The observationswere fitted by the least squares method employing a diagonal weight matrix with the inverse squares of the uncertainties quoted in Table 3 as weights. The standard deviations obtained in this way were doubled to take into account possible systematic errors. The CNDOj2 result was 5.07 D in fair agreement with the experimental value of 4.72::1::0.04D. ABSOLUTE INTENSITY AND THE CONFORMATIONAL EQUILIBRIUM It was shown in the infrared work1 that two forms of methoxyacetic acid exist in dilute carbon tetrachloride solution. The unusually low intensities of the microwave absorption lines indicate that a similar situation is probably present in the gaseous state. In fact, a study of the absolute intensities of microwave transitions may in principle allow the determination of the fraction of the molecules belonging to a particular rotamer. This information may the n be used to deduce the thermodynamic functions of a conformational equilibrium. In the case of methoxyacetic acid the following procedure was employed to obtain a crude, yet quantitative, estimate of the fraction of molecules belong to the assigned form. The peak absorption coefficient rx(in cm -1 ) of any asymmetric-top spectrum line is given approximately by13 rx = 3.85xlO-14 2 2Å. V flg (J F (ABC )t g e-EJ</kT Tt(ilv)1 v l where Fv is the fraction of molecules in the particular vibrational state under observation, A, B, and C are the rotational constants, T is the absolute temperature, v is the absorption frequency, flgis the dipole moment component (expressed in Debye units) along the g principal inerti al axis, Å.is the line strength of the transition under study, El,. is the rotational energy of the lowest state involved in the transition, k is Boltzmann's constant, (ilV)l is the line breadth in MHz at T = 300 oK and P = l torr, (J is the symmetry num ber, and gl is the reduced nucIear weight. The assigned conformation of methoxyacetic acid has Cs symmetry and then (J, gl = l. Furthermore, for the a-type ilJ = + 1 transitions occurring in -- 255 the accessible spectral region e-EJ</kT= l to a good approximation. v, Jlg and T are also determined accurately. ()( was measured for the 61.5 --+ 71, 6 ground vibrational state transition at ro om temperature and found to be (7::!:2) x 10- 8 cm - 1. The speetrometer was calibrated against values reported for OCS absorption lines 14. The rather large uncertainty arises from the use of a speetrometer not designed for making accurate intensity measurements. As no measurements could be conducted the line breadth (AV)l was estimated to be 8 times the di pole moment15. Fo consists of two terms, viz. the fraction of molecules belonging to the assigned form multiplied by the fraction resulting from the ordinary Boltzmann distribution among the individual vibrational states of this particular rotamer. Assuming harmonic vibrational modes, illi' the latter part of Fo is given by16: F~ = il (l-e-hWilkT) (2) i for Cs molecules with the fundamental vibrational frequencies dividing into the non-degenerate a' and a" speeies. No normal coordinate analysis has been reported for this molecule and an exact value for F~ cannot be computed. However, the two lowest modes, each around 90 cm - 1, completely dominate in F~. Assuming reasonable values for the rest of the fundamental frequencies expected to occur below 700 cm -1 and varying the two lowest torsional modes within liberallimits, it was found that the assigned conformation is present at concentrations between 10 and 30 per cent of the total. Most estimates fell in the 10-20 per cent range. If there is essentially one additional form (e.g. another rotamer with a symmetry plane) with a statistical weight of l, the energy difference is calculated to be between0.5 and 1.3 kcal mole-1, favouring the unassigned rotamer. A non planar form with a statistical weight of 2 is likewise found to be more stable by 0.1-0.9 kcal mole -1. In conclusion it can be said that these estimates compare well with the more accurate and less indirect infrared value1 of 0.76 kcal mole -1. DISCUSSION The possibility of forming a hydrogen bond between the hydroxyl hydrogen atom of the carboxyl group and the ether oxygen atom of methoxyacetic acid is probably the most important reason why the assigned conformation is realized. This five-membered hydrogen bond arrangement is entirely plan ar. The electron cloud of the hydroxyl bond thus overlaps equally with both, essentially Sp3hydridized, lone electron pairs of the ether oxygen. Non-planar conformations where the ether and acid parts of the molecule are twisted to allow a maximum overlap between only ane of the lone electron pairs of the ether oxygen and hydroxyl hydrogen atom do not appear to contribute to a noticeable extent. Models of these forms indicate that there are probably no steric conditions prohibiting their formation and their low populations cannot be ascribed to this cause. -~- 256 With the model of Table l, a number of the geometrical parameters of the hydrogen bond have been calculated as r(O'''O) = 2.49 Å, r(O"'H) = 1.71 Å, LO-H.'.O = 129°.The former two distances are about 0.3 and 0.9 Å, respectively, shorter than the sums of the pertinent van der Waals' radii 1 7. The angles between the O-H and the two C-O bonds of the ether part of the molecule were computed to be 146° and 34°, respectively, and the angle between the former bond and the bisector of the COC angle was found to be 56°. These values are hopefully correct within a few degrees and a few hundredths of an ångstr6m. With only one of the rotamers assigned, little can be said about the exact shape of the potential function governing the conformational equilibrium. The low frequency out-of-plane fundamentals suggest that one barrier maximum occurs at rather low values of the torsional angle () with an energy not expected to exceed 2 kcal mole -1 above the identified form. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We thank fil. kand. Hasse Karlsson of the University of Gothenburg, Sweden, for measuring the broad band spectra and Miss Gerd Teien for gas chromatography of the samples. REFERENCES 1 M. OKI ANDM. HIROTA,Bull. Chem. Soc. Jap., 33 (1960) 119; ibid., 34 (1961) 374; ibid., 36 (1963) 290. 2 K.-M. MARSTOKKANDH. MØLLENDAL,J. Mol. Structure, 5 (1970) 205. 3 J. A. POPLEAND D. L. BEVERIDGE,Approximate Mo/ecu/ar Orbita/ Theory, McGraw-HiII, New York, 1970. 4 J. A. POPLEANDG. A. SEGAL,J. Chem. Phys., 43 (1965) S136. 5 J. K. G. WATSON,J. Chem. Phys., 45 (1966) 1360. 6 B. STARCK,Mo/ecu/ar Constants from Microwave Spectroscopy, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1967. 7 D. R. HERSHBACH ANDV. W. LAURIE,J. Chem. Phys., 40 (1964) 3142. 8 T. SHiMANOUCHI,Tab/es of Mo/ecu/ar Vibrationa/ Frequencies, Consolidated Vol. l, National Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C., 1972, p. 113. 9 P. H. KASAIANDR. J. MYERS,J. Chem. Phys., 30 (1959) 1096. 10 M. BLuKIs, P. H. KASAIANDR. J. MYERS,J. Chem. Phys., 38 (1963) 2753. 11 J. KRAITCHMAN, Amer. J. Phys., 21 (1953) 17. 12 J. S. MUENTER,J. Chem. Phys., 48 (1968) 4544. 13 W. GORDYAND R. L. COOK, Microwave Mo/ecu/ar Spectra, Interscience, New York, 1970, p. 195. 14 P. KISLlUK AND C. H. TOWNES,Mo/ecu/ar Microwave Spectra Tab/es, National Bureau of Standards Circular 518, 1952, p. 43. 15 W. GORDY, W. V. SMITHAND R. F. TRAMBARULO,Microwave Spectroscopy, Wiley, New York, 1953, p. 96. 16 W. GORDYAND R. L. COOK, Microwave Mo/ecu/ar Spectra, Interseienee, New York, 1970, p.55. 17 L. PAULING,The Nature of the Chemical Bond, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1960, p.260.