JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY127, 178-185 (1988) Rotational Spectrum of Butyronitrile: Dipole Moment, Centrifugal Distortion Constants and Energy Difference between Conformers G. WLODARCZAK, L. MARTINACHE, AND J. DEMAISON Laboratoire de Spectroscopie Hertzienne, Associe au CN.R.S. Universite de Lille l, P5 F59655 Villeneuve D'Ascq Cedex, France AND K.-M. MARSTOKK AND HARALD MØLLENDAL Department ofChemistry, The University of Oslo, N-0315 Oslo 3, Norway The molecular rotational spectrum of butyronitrile has been investigated in the vibrational ground state up to 300 GHz. High J transitions have been measured for the two isomers and fitted to a centrifugally distorted Hamiltonian inciuding some sextie coefficients. The results of the analysis are sufficient for the predietion of all strong transitions throughout the millimeterwave range. The molecular dipole moment components were calculated from measured Stark effect shifts as /loa = 3.597(59) D and /loh= 0.984(15) D for the anti form and /loa= 3.272(37) D and /loh= 2.139(30) D with /loepreset at zero debye for the gauche form. It has been found from intensity measurements that the anti form is slightly more stable than the gauche form with an energy difference of l.1 (3) kl mol-I. @ 1988 Academic Press, Inc. INTRODUCTION Butyronitrile (CH3CH2CH2CN)was previously studied in the eentimeter-wave range by Hirota (1) who showed that two isomerie forms exist. He determined the rotational eonstants for the ground and several exeited vibrational states but as the lines were broad, he eould not determine the quadrupole eoupling eonstants. The dipole moments of the two eonformers and their relative stability were not determined by him. Later Kaushik (2) determined the quartie eentrifugal distortion eonstants of the gauche form in its ground state using the measurements of Hirota. Reeently, the quadrupole hyperfine strueture due to the nitrogen nucleus was investigated by using a mierowave Fourier transform speetrometer (3). Butyronitrile is a possible eandidate for interstellar deteetion. In faet some eoineidenees between a ealculated speetrum and som e U lines have already been noted (4). For this reason we have measured the millimeter-wave speetrum of both forms of butyronitrile and earried out a eomplete eentrifugal distortion analysis so that aeeurate measurements and predietions would be available for radioastronomers. We have also determined the energy differenees between the anti and the gauche eonformations as well as the dipole moments. EXPERIMENT AL DET AILS The sample of butyronitrile was obtained eommereially from Merek-Sehuehardt (Hohenbrunn, FRG) and was used without further purifieation. The millimeter-wave 0022-2852/88 $3.00 Copyright@ 1988 by AcademicPress,Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. 178 179 ROTATIONAL SPECTRUM OF BUTYRONITRILE transitions were measured with a computer-controlled spectrometer with superheterodyne detection (Lille). Details ofthis instrument have been reported elsewhere (5). The dipole moments and the relative intensities were measured with a Stark effect spectrometer (Oslo). SPECTRAL ANALYSIS The largestcomponent of the dipole moment is /-Lafor both forms, so the a-typeRbranch spectra were searched first. Their assignments were relatively easy because the spectra are strong and because the constants of Hirota (1) and Kaushik (2) could be used for a first prediction. The assignment was then continued using the "bootstrap" method as described by Kirchhoff(6) and the calculation of the standardized residuals t(.:lVi)was systematically used to check the assignment of each individual line. The aROIseries was measured up to J = 46 and K- = 34 for the gauche form and up to J = 63 and K- = 23 for the anti form. For the gauche form, a number of characteristic quartets of very low K and high J could be easily identified. They are essentially due to the EO splittings of the levels (7) and appear as a symmetrical quartet (see Fig. 1). For the gauche form a large number of /-Lblines could be identified without too much difficulty whereas for the anti form only three /-Lblines could be assigned without ambiguity. This is due to the fact that the /-Lb/ /-La ratio is much smaller for the anti form and that the spectrum is very crowded, so that the relatively weaker /-Lblines are often IMHz '--' FIo. 1. Symmetrical quartet at 179.07 GHz due to the EO splitting (transitions 311.30; 322.31 312.30; 32'.31 312.30). 322.3' 311.30; 321.31 ...... 180 WLODARCZAK ET AL. blended with stronger Ilalines. None of the measured transitions were observed to be split, either by internal rotation or by nuclear quadrupole interaction. The newly measured frequencies are listed in Table I for the anti form and in Table Il for the gauche form. In order to derive the molecular parameters the spectrum was fitted to the Hamiltonian ofWatson (8) using the l' representation. The centimeter-wave transitions of Refs. (1) and (3) were also taken into account. Both A- and S-reduction were tried, the latter in a notation due to van Eijck (9) and to Typke (10) who also coded the program. Although both forms are near-symmetric the S-reduction did not give better results. So for the final fit, the A-reduction was adopted because computer programs using it are more currently available. The rotational and centrifugal distortion constants are presented in Table III together with their standard deviation and their correlation matrix. Some sextic centrifugal distortion constants could be determined for both forms. However, the highest sextie contribution is only 5.39 MHz for the transition 4823,25 4723,24of the anti form whereas it is -51.63 MHz for the transition - T ABLE I Newly J 3 23 35 o 35 2 35 6 35 7 35 8 35 9 35 10 35 Il 35 12 36 O 36 I 36 I 36 I 36 2 36 2 36 3 36 3 36 4 36 4 36 5 36 5 36 6 36 7 36 8 36 13 36 14 36 15 36 16 36 17 36 18 37 O 37 l 43 2 48 I 48 2 48 2 48 2 48 3 48 4 48 4 48 5 48 5 48 6 48 6 48 7 48 8 48 9 48 10 .).... Measured K.Ko'-J 20 35 33 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 36 36 35 36 34 35 33 34 32 33 31 32 31 30 29 24 22 22 20 19 18 37 37 42 47 47 46 46 46 45 44 44 43 42 43 42 41 40 39 22 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 35 36 36 42 47 47 47 47 47 47 'fl 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 K. 2 o 2 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 O O 1 I 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 13 14 15 16 17 18 O I I 1 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 8 9 10 in tIiz. ..-c. in kHz. Rotational Ko 21 34 32 26 27 26 25 24 23 22 35 35 34 35 33 34 32 33 31 32 30 31 30 29 28 23 21 21 19 18 17 36 36 41 46 46 45 45 45 44 43 43 42 41 42 41 40 39 38 o... 210682.22 152420.07 156362.10 154794.60 154778.85 154773.84 154775.62 154782.18 154792.35 154805.40 156709.22 159988.78 159984.27 156376.78 160851.40 158511.09 159816.20 159295.56 159360.35 159324.49 159258.14 159256.97 159218.77 159201.12 159194.99 159241.59 159259.85 159280.32 159302.83 159327.32 159353.76 16099!I.16 160691.64 211442.58 211856.19 210741.48 214343.66 214343.68 212219.54 212517.79 212766.64 212415.06 212430.89 212320.77 212320.28 212267.79 212241.20 212230.19 212229.67 Transitions 0.-<:. -Il 15 -25 7 -18 -43 -48 -19 -3 -54 5 -45 -38 10 -67 27 142 -21 30 8 -17 33 -14 t4 -12 -31 -35 -27 -25 -19 33 26 53 96 -135 -101 -115 -118 -37 19 165 22 82 -7 64 20 35 -9 50 J K. 48 12 48 13 48 14 48 15 48 16 48 17 48 18 48 19 48 20 48 21 482226 48 23 49 O 49 I 49 2 49 4 49 16 49 17 492030 50 O 50 3 50 7 50 8 50 9 50 10 50 Il 50 12 50 13 50 14 50 20 51 O 51 I 64 6 64 6 64 7 64 8 64 9 64 10 64 11 64 12 64 13 64 14 64 15 64 16 64 17 64 18 64 19 642045 64 21 for anti-Butyronitrilea Ko ,37 36 35 34 32 31 31 30 28 27 25 49 49 48 46 34 33 50 48 44 43 42 41 40 39 37 37 31 51 51 59 58 58 57 56 55 54 53 51 50 50 48 47 46 45 43 J K. 'fl 12 47 13 47 14 47 15 47 16 47 17 47 18 47 19 47 20 47 21 47 22 47 23 48 O 48 l 48 2 48 4 48 16 48 17 482029 49 O 49 3 49 7 49 8 49 9 49 10 49 ti 49 12 49 13 49 14 492030 50 O 50 1 63 6 63 6 63 7 63 8 63 9 63 lO 63 Il 63 12 63 13 63 14 63 15 63 16 63 17 63 18 63 19 632044 63 21 Ko 36 35 34 33 31 30 30 29 27 26 25 24 48 48 47 45 33 32 49 47 43 42 41 40 39 38 36 36 50 50 58 57 57 56 55 54 53 52 50 49 49 47 46 45 44 42 0.-<:. o... -26 212249.06 212266.32 -32 23 212267.59 212312.29 8 212340.19 4 212371.06 22 212404.72 22 212441.11 65 212480.03 30 -25 212521.49 212565.54 12 -45 212611.99 212476.62 63 212378.48 18 215077.17 16 216949.09 -13 216757.71 18 216789.07 49 216899.87 9 216767.70 -74 221009.11 -70 221112.20 29 221080.73 25 221066.76 5 221064.35 5 221070.19 13 49 221082.34 221099.49 12 221121.05 9!1 221319.17 -131 221059.01 -76 220979.61 -50 283158.51 -13 283171.68 82 283022.98 289 282943.15 -6 26269!1.81 -41 262677.00 -BO 282670.71 -60 262675.72 -67 282689.55 -68 -79 282910.51 282937.54 -24 282969.81 -3 283006.76 -24 283048.15 54 263093.46 -3 263142.77 64 263195.66 17 ROTATIONAL SPECTRUM OF BUTYRONITRILE 181 T ABLE Il Newly Measured J Kp Ko <25 5 21 26 6 21 26 7 19 26 10 17 26 11 16 26 12 15 26 13 14 26 14 13 26 15 12 26 17 10 26 18 9 26 19 8 I 27 28 28 2 27 28 l 27 28 2 27 29 5 25 30 4 27 30 4 26 30 5 26 30 7 23 31 2 29 31 3 29 31 2 29 31 3 29 31 3 28 31 4 28 31 3 28 31 4 27 31 5 27 31 5 26 7 25 31 31 7 24 31 8 23 32 2 30 32 3 30 32 2 30 32 3 30 32 4 29 32 4 28 32 4 28 32 10 23 32 10 22 32 12 21 32 13 20 32 14 19 33 2 31 33 3 31 33 2 31 33 3 31 33 3 30 33 4 30 33 3 30 33 4 30 33 4 29 34 2 32 34 3 32 34 2 32 34 3 32 34 6 28 35 6 29 Rotational Transitions O.-c. J Kp Ko o.p. 24 4 20 182990.23 43 25 6 20 157628.25 I 25 7 18 157477.90 25 25 10 16 156296.53 -12 25 11 15 156141.79 96 13 25 12 14 156032.20 25 13 13 155954.49 -21 39 25 14 12 155900.13 155863.29 23 25 15 Il -9 25 17 9 155827.91 5 25 18 8 155824.65 25 19 7 155828.81 -13 27 I 26 157495.25 -19 27 l 26 157503.23 -40 27 2 26 157482.64 54 27 2 26 157490.60 15 28 4 24 189805.28 -3 -5 29 3 26 178167.69 29 4 25 182703.13 -91 29 4 25 192210.43 -19 29 7 22 182961.27 6 30 2 28 177803.90 -19 30 2 28 177857.94 -10 30 3 28 177721.22 -5 30 3 28 177775.23 -26 30 3 27 182248.22 -72 30 3 27 183077.55 -9 30 4 27 181050.65 -25 30 5 26 178318.43 55 30 5 26 185532.39 154 -39 30 5 25 192803.61 30 7 24 188156.51 -45 30 7 23 189515.12 -46 30 8 22 187858.13 23 31 2 29 183183.36 13 31 2 29 183218.50 28 31 3 29 183129.35 29 31 3 29 183164.45 2 31 3 28 188119.54 -36 31 4 27 192927.96 -87 31 5 27 185714.09 -95 31 10 22 192852.63 31 31 10 21 192854.42 30 56 31 12 20 192320.23 31 13 19 192158.76 43 81 31 14 18 192040.62 32 2 30 188564.34 -22 17 32 2 30 188587.13 2 32 3 30 188529.24 32 3 30 188551.94 -39 3 29 192871.17 -35 32 32 3 29 193259.00 -6 32 4 29 192301.88 -57 32 4 29 192689.70 -41 -95 32 5 28 192663.51 33 2 31 193946.21 -47 26 33 2 31 193960.95 33 3 31 193923.55 41 33 3 31 193938.16 -16 33 6 27 212120.06 -39 34 6 28 218287.17 -89 for gauche-Butyronitrile' J Kp Kø <35 7 29 35 8 28 35 9 27 35 9 26 36 4 32 36 10 27 36 10 26 36 11 26 36 11 25 36 12 25 36 13 24 36 14 23 36 16 21 36 16 21 36 17 20 36 18 19 36 20 16 36 21 15 36 22 14 36 23 14 36 24 12 36 25 11 36 26 11 36 27 9 36 27 10 36 28 8 36 32 4 37 3 34 37 3 34 37 4 34 38 I 37 38 3 36 38 2 36 38 3 35 38 3 35 38 4 35 39 O 39 39 2 37 39 3 37 39 2 37 39 3 37 40 O 40 47 14 34 47 17 31 47 19 29 47 20 27 47 21 26 47 22 26 47 23 24 47 24 23 47 25 23 47 26 22 47 27 21 47 28 20 47 29 18 47 30 18 47 31 17 47 33 14 47 34 13 48 5 43 48 6 43 J Kp Ko 34 7 28 34 8 27 34 9 26 34 9 25 35 5 31 35 10 26 35 10 25 35 11 25 35 11 24 35 12 24 35 13 23 35 14 22 35 16 20 35 16 20 35 17 19 35 18 18 35 20 15 35 21 14 35 22 13 35 23 13 35 24 11 35 25 10 35 26 10 35 27 8 35 27 9 35 28 7 35 32 3 36 3 33 36 4 33 36 4 33 37 2 36 37 2 35 37 3 35 37 3 34 37 4 34 37 4 34 38 I 38 38 2 36 38 2 36 3 36 38 38 3 36 39 l 39 46 14 33 46 17 30 46 19 28 46 20 26 46 21 25 46 22 25 46 23 23 46 24 22 46 25 22 46 26 21 46 27 20 46 28 19 46 29 17 46 30 17 46 31 16 46 33 13 46 34 12 47 5 42 47 6 42 O.-c. o.p. 212483.75 -58 212458.29 -50 211828.06 136 211938.01 11 211527.01 -83 217402.38 O 7 217418.12 216940.59 5 216941.74 63 216609.17 46 216367.23 62 216188.17 95 215956.60 89 215956.57 68 77 215885.18 215835.30 101 215784.95 97 215779.22 100 215783.85 39 -4 215797.53 215819.22 28 215847.81 -82 215882.85 -70 215923.59 -75 215923.60 -67 215969.54 -109 216198.45 -18 214265.30 -6 214147.29 -28 214225.81 -12 211401.39 105 215476.23 80 17 215469.85 29 219628.21 219549.67 -9 219601.64 -28 212743.02 -37 220854.26 40 220855.81 36 220851.79 29 220853.34 21 218129.30 -60 282874.18 -32 282070.21 28 281801.94 86 281716.83 102 281656.67 79 281617.41 23 281596.02 36 281589.94 52 281597.15 6 281616.14 -9 281645.57 -29 14 281684.43 281731.64 -76 281786.66 -79 281848.86 16 281992.38 121 282072.85 179 281724.06 36 -4 281635.78 aj e'p. I" MH,.e.-c l" ,H<. of the gauche form. Only two correlation coefficients are greater than 0.9 for the two forms: p(D.;, <pJ)= 0.961 and p(o;, CPJ)= 0.944 for the gauche form and p(B, D.J)= 0.928 and p(D.;, <pJ)= 0.905 for the anti form. The standard frequency deviation was 76 and 91 kHz for the gauche and anti forms, respectively, which is comparable to the experimental accuracy. As it was nearly impossible to identify Jlb lines of high J for the anti form, the constants A and D.Kmay not be determined as accurately as their standard deviation seems to indicate. 4734,13 +- 4634,12 00 N TABLE III Rotational 9auche formb A/MHz 10 060.3826 (91) B/MHz C/MHz and Centrifugal Distortion Constants and Correlation Matrix of Butyronitrilea l. 000 (118) - 0.082 l. 000 2 705.44668 (116) 0.307 0.568 l. 000 0.108 l. 000 0.147 0.825 0.018 0.800 "JK/kHz 3.35269 (75) - 19.2003 (20) 0.C82 - 0.265 l. 000 "K/kHz 61.12 (32) 0.814 - 0.221 0.128 0.175 l. 000 - 0.481 0.347 0.321 - 0.357 - 0.102 0.212 - 0.489 l. 000 0.190 0.145 - 0.102 - 0.013 0.276 - 0.709 0.412 - 0.457 l. 000 0.811 0.828 0.961 - 0.078 0.115 - 0.096 0.150 l. 000 0.828 - 0.180 0.224 0.493 - 0.146 l. 000 0.368 - 0.346 0.944 - 0.569 - 0.172 0.353 l. 000 - 0.491 0.071 - 0.381 0.825 0.194 - 0.483 - 0.552 3267.66767 "/kHz 6/kHz 1.03685 (43) 'K/ kHz 7.900 (18) ,,/mHz 6.995 (155) <PK/Hz - 0.49457 (136) - 0.038 0.021 - 0.001 J/mHz 2.443 (169) - 0.362 0.212 - 0.295 - 0.214 - 0.203 - 0.017 - 0.025 - 0.052 0.224 28.0 (46) JK/mHz Numberof l ines a/kHzC anti r-' O l. 000 ti ;I> ::o 162 n 76 formd A/MHz 23 667.848 (30) B/MHz 2 268.14737 (97) C/MHz "/kHz "JK/KHz "K/kHz l. 000 t!1 ..., - 0.322 l. 000 2 152.96476 (84) 0.296 0.374 l. 000 0.40038 (34) - 0.246 0.928 0.489 l. 000 0.196 - 0.103 0.211 0.239 - 10.8429 (32) - 219.5 (27) ;I> r-' l. 000 0.856 - 0.176 0.319 - 0.118 0.130 l. 000 - 0.564 0.551 0.389 - 0.301 - 0.418 l. 000 - 0.449 - 0.096 0.530 - 0.380 - 0.393 - 0.249 - 0.367 0.499 l. 000 0.772 0.537 0.500 0.905 - 0.249 0.012 0.258 0.156 l. 000 'K/kHz 0.046349 (82) 0.269 (96) ,,/mHz 0.457 (38) "K/Hz 0.2915 (54) 0.055 0.090 0.134 0.025 0.766 0.017 - 0.120 0.036 0.028 l. 000 K/Hz 5.596 (106) - 0.057 0.050 - 0.'328 0.198 - 0.614 - 0.025 0.123 0.039 0.398 - 0.093 6/ kHz Numberof l ines o/kHzc 136 91 a) A reduction, representation lr, standard b) JK = <PK = K = O assumed. c) Standard deviation of the fit. d) "JK = <PK= J = JK = O assumed. errors in parenthes2s, shown in units of the last di9it. l. 000 ROTA TIONAL SPECTRUM OF BUTYRONITRILE 183 DIPOLE MOMENTS Stark coefficients of low J transitions were used to determine the dipole moment. Comparatively large Stark splittings were measured in order to minimize possible quadrupole coupling effects. A DC voltage was applied between the Stark septum and the cell with the modulating square wave voltage superimposed. The DC field strength was calibrated using the OCS J = 2 1 transition with the dipole moment of OCS taken to be 0.71521 D (11). For each second-order coefficient shown in Tables IV and Va standard deviation was estimated. A least-squares fit using a diagonal weight matrix was performed. The weights were chosen as the inverse squares of the standard deviations of the Stark coefficients shown in Tables IV and V. In the case of anti-butyronitrile, the c-axis dipole moment component was preset at zero debye. The final results are shown in Table IV. Initially, all three dipole moment components were fitted for the gauche confor- - mation. However,an imaginary value was found for 1Lc. In the final fit, this dipole moment component was preset at zero debye. The results are shown in Table V. ENERGY DIFFERENCE The intensities of several a-type low J R-branch transitions were used to determine the energy difference between the anti and gauche conformations of butyronitrile. The comparisons were made at room temperature and at -40°C. The formula of Ref. (12) was used to calculate the internal energy difference between the two conformers. This formula requires the determination of the half-width of the transitions. Accurate determination of the half-width is very difficult in a case such as this. It was therefore assumed that the half-width is proportional to the dipole moment (13). The statistical weight of gauche was assumed to be 2, while the statistical weight of anti was assumed TABLEIV Stark Coefficient and Dipole Moment of anti-Butyronitrile 6v E-2; [(MHz V-2 em2)x 106] Obs. Transition 30,3 20,2 41,4 31,3 41,3 31,2 IMI = 1 -6.06(7) -6.07 IMI = 1 -3.12(4) -3.12 M = o -4.15(5) -4.13 -31.2(4) IMI = 1 31,2 Dipole 21,1 moment, M = O "a represent -28.0 -5.20 -4.92(5) = 3.597(59) "~ Uneertainties Cale . D , "b = 0.984(15) = 3.729(58) D. ane standard deviation. D 184 WLODARCZAK ET AL. T ABLE V Stark Coefficients and Dipole Moment of gauehe-Butyronitrile I.v E-2/[(MHZ v-2 em2)xI05J Transition 21,1 40,4 Obs. M ' 11,0 30,3 IMI. O 5.78 (7) -0.111 1 IMI . 2 41,3 M 31,2 -0.115 1.29 1.57(2) 1.62 0.856(10) 0.905 IMI. 2 -1. 32(2) -1.23 IMI. 3 -5.08(7) -4.80 "a . 3.272(37) D , " . O D (preset) -"- Uneertainties 5.64 (1) 1. 40(2) . O IMI. 1 Dipole moment, Cale. represent one "b' ," standard 2.139(30) tot D , . 3.909(41) D. deviation. to be 1. The internal energy difference was found to be Egauche- Eanti= 1.1(3) kl mol-I. The anti conformation is thus more stable than the gauche by 1.1(3) kl mol-I. The quoted uncertainty represents one standard deviation. SUMMARY The ground states of gauche- and anti-butyronitriles have been fitted to sufficiently high values of J and K to allow accurate predietions in the millimeter-wave range for radioastronomical purposes. By measuring the intensity ratio of the anti and gauche lines, it is found that the anti ground state is more stable than the gauche ground state. In previous studies where an electronegative substituent has been added to the n-propyl frame (F (14), eI (15, 16), NC (17), and C == CR (18))the gauche form has been found to be more stable than the anti form. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This investigation has been supported in prt by the Centre National PCMI) and by the EPR Nord/Pas-de-Calais. de la Recherche Scientifique (A TP RECEIVED: April 6, 1987 REFERENCES l. E. HIROTA, J. Chem. Phys. 37, 2918-2920 (1962). 2. V. K. KAUSHIK, Speetroehim. Aeta, Part A 35,851-855 (1979). 3. J. DEMAISON ANDH. DREIZLER, Z. Naturforseh., A 37,199-200 (1982). 4. RE. TURNER, in "Interstellar Molecules" (R H. 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