ARTICLE Microwave Spectrum and Conformational Composition of 1-Vinylimidazole Svein Samdal and Harald Møllendal* Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (CTCC), Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1033 Blindern, NO-0315 Oslo, Norway bS Supporting Information ABSTRACT: The microwave spectrum of 1-vinylimidazole has been investigated in the 2180 GHz spectral region. The spectra of two conformers have been assigned. One of these forms is planar, while the other is nonplanar with the imidazole ring and the vinyl group forming an angle of 15(4)° from coplanarity. The planar form is found to be 5.7(7) kJ/mol more stable than the nonplanar rotamer by relative intensity measurements. The spectra of 10 vibrationally excited states of the planar form and one excited-state spectrum of the nonplanar form were assigned. The vibrational frequencies of several of these states were determined by relative intensity measurements. The microwave work has been augmented by quantum chemical calculations at the CCSD/ cc-pVTZ, MP2/cc-pVTZ, and B3LYP/cc-pVTZ levels of theory. The B3LYP calculations predict erroneously that both forms of 1-vinylimidazole are planar, whereas the MP2 and CCSD calculations correctly predict the existence of a planar and a nonplanar conformer of this compound. ’ INTRODUCTION Imidazole is a prototype aromatic compound. The imidazole group is found in the essential amino acid histidine and is consequently present in a large variety of biologically important substances. An accurate structure of gaseous imidazole has been determined,1 but there are relatively few investigations of the structures and conformations of gaseous imidazole derivatives in spite of the biological importance of this group. However, one example is histamine, which exists as a mixture of four rotameric forms in the gas phase, as shown in a microwave (MW) study.2 1-Vinylimidazole was chosen for study because it is an important chemical with a wide variety of uses, such as formation of polymers,3,4 complexation with cations,512 and formation of corrosion inhibitors.13 In this work, the focus is on the structural and conformational properties of free 1-vinylimidazole. A model of this compound with atom numbering is shown in Figure 1. Rotation about the N4C9 bond can lead to rotational isomerism. It is, for example, expected that conjugation of the π electrons of the imidazole ring with the π electrons of the vinyl group would favor two completely planar conformers denoted I and II, which are depicted in Figure 1. Other effects could result in nonplanar forms. The scant information available for the gaseous composition of imidazole derivatives combined with the interesting conformational structural and conformational properties posed by 1-vinylimidazole motivated the present research. MW spectroscopy is an ideal tool to investigate delicate conformational equilibria such as the one presented by 1-vinylimidazole due to its superior accuracy and resolution. This method would, for example, reveal even the slightest deviation from r 2011 American Chemical Society Figure 1. Two conformers whose MW spectra were assigned in this work. Atom numbering is given on conformer I. Conformer I was found experimentally to be nonplanar with the vinyl and imidazole forming an angle of 15(4)° from planarity, whereas II is planar. II is the preferred form being 5.7(7) kJ/mol more stable than I. planarity in a conformer of 1-vinylimidazole. The spectroscopic work has been augmented by high-level quantum chemical calculations, which were conducted with the purpose of obtaining information for use in assigning the MW spectrum and investigating properties of the potential-energy hypersurface. Received: March 11, 2011 Revised: April 29, 2011 Published: June 07, 2011 7559 | J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 7559–7565 The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ARTICLE Table 1. CCSD/cc-pVTZ Structures of Conformers I and II of 1-Vinylimidazole and the Experimental Structure of Imidazole I II imidazolea 136.4 bond length (pm) C1N4 136.8 136.8 C1H5 107.5 107.7 C1N8 130.6 130.5 131.4 C2C3 C2H6 136.2 107.5 136.3 107.5 137.7 C2N8 138.2 138.3 138.2 C3N4 138.3 138.2 137.7 C3H7 107.5 107.3 N4C9 140.5 140.3 C9H10 108.0 108.1 Figure 2. B3LYP/cc-pVTZ (b) and MP2/cc-pVTZ (9) potential function for rotation about the N4C9 bond. The C1N4C9C11 dihedral angle is the abscissa, and the internal energy difference is the ordinate. The B3LYP calculations predict that I is completely planar (dihedral angle = 0°), whereas MP2 calculations find that this conformer is nonplanar with a dihedral angle of 17.2° from planarity. Both methods of calculations predict that II is completely planar and more stable than I by about 3.5 kJ/mol. C9C11 133.1 133.1 C11H12 C11H13 107.8 108.0 107.8 107.9 ’ EXPERIMENTAL SECTION bond angle (deg) N4C1H5 122.0 121.3 N4C1N8 112.6 112.9 H5C1N8 125.4 125.9 C3C2H6 128.0 127.8 C3C2N8 110.5 110.9 Microwave Experiment. A sample from Aldrich was used as H6C2N8 121.5 121.4 received. No impurities were detected in the MW spectrum. The spectrum of 1-vinylimidazole was studied in the 2180 GHz frequency interval by Stark-modulation spectroscopy using the microwave spectrometer of the University of Oslo. Details of the construction and operation of this device have been given elsewhere.1416 This spectrometer has a resolution of about 0.5 MHz and measures the frequency of isolated transitions with an estimated accuracy of ∼0.10 MHz. Radio-frequency microwave double-resonance experiments (RFMWDR), similar to those performed by Wodarczyk and Wilson,17 were also conducted to unambiguously assign particular transitions using the equipment described elsewhere.14 The spectra were measured at room temperature with a pressure of roughly 10 Pa, which is somewhat less than the vapor pressure. Quantum Chemical Methods. The present ab initio calculations were performed employing the Gaussian 03 suite of programs,18 running on the Titan cluster in Oslo. Becke’s three-parameter hybrid functional19 employing the Lee, Yang, and Parr correlation functional (B3LYP)20 was employed in the density functional theory (DFT) calculations. MøllerPlesset second-order perturbation calculations (MP2)21 and coupledcluster calculations with singlet and doublet excitations (CCSD)22,23 were also performed. The CCSD calculations are very costly and were speeded up by making use of a B3LYP force field that was calculated prior to the CCSD calculations. Peterson and Dunning’s24 correlation-consistent cc-pVTZ basis set, which is of triple-ζ quality, was used in the calculations. C2C3N4 C2C3H7 105.9 132.6 105.6 132.0 N4C3H7 121.6 122.4 C1N4C3 106.1 106.1 C1N4C9 128.7 124.8 C3N4C9 C1N8C2 125.2 105.0 129.1 104.6 N4C9H10 113.0 112.8 N4C9C11 H10C9C11 125.7 121.4 125.7 121.5 C9C11H12 119.2 119.3 C9C11H13 122.8 122.7 H12C11H13 117.9 118.0 112.0 110.7 105.5 106.9 104.9 dihedral angle (deg) ’ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Quantum Chemical Calculations. The electronic energy potential function for rotation about the N4C9 bond was first calculated at both the B3LYP/cc-pVTZ and the MP2/pVTZ 7560 H5C1N4C3 178.9 H5C1N4C9 1.7 0.0 N8C1N4C3 0.1 0.0 N8C1N4C9 179.4 180.0 N4C1N8C2 0.1 0.0 H5C1N8C2 179.0 180.0 180.0 H6C2C3N4 179.9 180.0 H6C2C3H7 N8C2C3N4 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.0 N8C2C3H7 179.8 180.0 C3C2N8C1 0.2 0.0 H6C2N8C1 180.0 180.0 C2C3N4C1 0.2 0.0 C2C3N4C9 179.3 180.0 H7C3N4C1 179.8 180.0 H7C3N4C9 0.3 0.0 |J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 7559–7565 The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ARTICLE Table 1. Continued Table 2. CCSD/cc-pVTZ and B3LYP/cc-pVTZ Parameters of Spectroscopic Interest of Conformers I and II of 1-Vinylimidazole II C1N4C9H10 C1N4C9C11 169.3 10.5 0.0 180.0 C3N4C9H10 11.3 180.0 C3N4C9C11 168.9 0.0 N4C9C11H12 178.8 180.0 A 8184.1 8325.2 0.0 B 2121.6 2106.2 0.0 C 1689.0 N4C9C11H13 a imidazolea I 1.2 H10C9C11H12 1.0 H10C9C11H13 178.9 I II rotational constants (MHz)a 1681.0 20 180.0 inertial defect (10 Taken from Christen et al.1 Δ 2 a um ) 0.74 0.00 b quartic centrifugal distortion constants (kHz) levels of theory by varying the C1N4C9C11 dihedral angle and optimizing the geometry at each selected dihedral angle. This dihedral angle is 0° if I is exactly planar and 180° if II is exactly planar. The harmonic vibrational frequencies were calculated for the stationary points to check whether these points were true extremal points. The two potential functions are drawn in Figure 2. The B3LYP curve (circles) has minima at exactly 0° and 180°, which means that both conformers I and II are predicted to be planar. The electronic energy difference between I and II was predicted to be 3.73 kJ/mol, with II as the low-energy conformer. The transition state (maximum of the curve) is found for a dihedral angle of 96.7°, with an energy that is 19.99 kJ/mol higher than that of II. The MP2 curve (squares in Figure 2) is somewhat different from its B3LYP counterpart. In this case, the electronic energy difference is 3.65 kJ/mol, with II as the more stable rotamer. This conformer is again predicted to be planar. However, I is now found to be nonplanar with a C1N4C9C11 dihedral angle of 17.2° from planarity. The barrier to planarity (the C1N4C9C11 dihedral angle equal to 0°) is as low as 164 J/mol. The transition state at 96.1° is 16.49 kJ/mol higher in energy than II. This value is about 3 kJ/mol less than that found in the B3LYP calculations above. The optimized B3LYP and MP2 geometries of I and II are listed in the Supporting Information, Table 1S. The rotational constants, Watson’s quartic centrifugal distortion constants, dipole moments, and energy differences are listed in Table 2S, Supporting Information. The dipole moments have been transferred from the standard orientation system to the principal inertial axis system using Bailey’s program.25 The energy differences reported in the latter table are electronic energies corrected for zero-point vibrational effects. These differences differ slightly from the electronic energy differences quoted above. Both the B3LYP and the MP2 calculations predict that two rotamers exist for 1-vinylimidazole: conformers I, which may (B3LYP) or may not (MP2) be planar, and II, which is predicted to be planar in both computational procedures. This ambiguity prompted us to repeat calculations of I and II at the very high CCSD/cc-pVTZ level of theory. Nonplanar starting geometries were employed in these two cases. These CCSD calculations predict that II is planar, while I is found to be nonplanar. The C1N4C9C11 dihedral angle of I is calculated to be 10.5°, and the electronic energy difference is 3.46 kJ/mol. The barrier to planarity (The C1N4C9C11 dihedral angle equal to 0°) was also calculated and found to be only 20 J/mol. The CCSD geometries are listed in Table 1; the rotational constants, dipole moments, and electronic energies are listed in Table 2, which also includes the B3LYP Watson’s A-reduction quartic centrifugal distortion constants.26 ΔJ 0.083 0.083 ΔJK 2.11 1.92 ΔK 8.17 8.37 δJ 0.0085 0.0094 δK 0.805 0.752 30 dipole moment (10 a C m) μa 9.09 10.46 μb μc 6.64 0.02 0.79 0.00 μtot 11.26 10.49 electronic energy differencesa,c (kJ/mol) ΔE 3.46 0.0 CCSD result. b B3LYP result. c Electronic energy of II: 795567.83 kJ/ mol. a The accurate substitution27,28 (rs) structure of imidazole1 is listed in Table 1 for comparison with the CCSD predictions for the imidazole group. It is seen from this table that the CCSD bond lengths of this group are in good agreement with the rs bond lengths. The largest difference is found for the C2C3 bond length, which is about 1.5 pm longer in imidazole. The bond angles of the imidazole moiety of the title compound agree to within better than 1° with their counterparts in imidazole. Assignment of the Spectrum of II. Searches for the a-type R-branch spectrum of II were first made because this rotamer was predicted to be 34 kJ/mol more stable than I. Moreover, II has a substantial dipole moment of 10.46 1030 C m along the a-inertial axis (Table 2). The rotational and centrifugal constants of Table 2 were used to predict the approximate spectral positions of the aR spectrum. The asymmetry parameter k29 is approximately 0.87 in this case, and pile ups of high-K-1 a-type R-branch transitions would occur at frequencies separated by roughly the sum of the rotational constants B þ C. These transitions are modulated at low Stark voltages because pairs of K-1 lines are practically degenerate. The pile-up regions were expected to contain not only the spectrum of the ground vibrational state but also the spectra of several vibrationally excited states as well, because the MP2 calculations found that there are four harmonic fundamental vibrational frequencies below 500 cm1, namely, at 69, 222, 242, and 488 cm1 (not given in Table 2), indicating that several excited states will be well populated. The first two of these fundamentals are out-of-plane vibrations of A00 symmetry, while the last two are in-plane vibrations of A0 symmetry. A survey spectrum taken at a Stark field strength of about 110 V/cm revealed a series of such pile ups, which are relatively 7561 |J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 7559–7565 The Journal of Physical Chemistry A ARTICLE Table 3. Spectroscopic Constantsa of Conformer II of 1-Vinylimidazole first torsionb ground second torsionb third torsionb fourth torsionb A (MHz) 8244.13(15) 8201.95(12) 8161.26(17) 8122.76(20) 8085.74(33) B (MHz) 2100.6250(34) 2102.3985(40) 2103.9410(49) 2105.2849(52) 2106.4105(94) C (MHz) 1675.5178(33) 1680.3515(40) 1684.9555(49) 1689.3671(52) 1693.647(10) Δc (1020 u m2) 0.261(2) 1.241(2) 2.194(2) 3.117(3) 4.030(5) ΔJ (kHz) 0.0973(44) 0.1041(18) 0.1094(22) 0.1141(26) 0.1313(43) ΔJK (kHz) 0.568(24) 0.4948(43) 0.4612(48) 0.4382(65) 0.513(16) ΔK (kHz) 8.37d 8.37d 8.37d 8.37d 8.37d δJ (kHz) δK (kHz) 0.0216(26) 1.05(24) 0.0192(28) 0.99d 0.0261(44) 0.99d 0.0295(38) 0.99d 0.0281(63) 0.99d rmse 1.62 1.87 1.95 2.21 2.69 no. of transitionsf 370 324 292 246 135 a A Reduction Ir representation.26 Uncertainties represent one standard deviation. Spectra are listed in Tables 3S7S in the Supporting Information. Torsion about the N4C9 bond. c Δ = Ic Ia Ib, where Ia, Ib, and Ic are the principal moments of inertia. d Fixed. e Root-mean-square deviation for a weighted fit. f Number of transitions used in the fit. b Table 4. Spectroscopic Constantsa of Exited States of Bending Vibrations of 1-Vinylimidazole Table 5. Spectroscopic Constantsa of Exited Combination States of 1-Vinylimidazole first ex. second ex. first ex. second first ex. N4C9 first ex. N4C9 first ex. N4C9 lowest bend. lowest bend. lowest bend. torsion þ lowest torsion þ lowest torsion þ second bending vib. bending vib. lowest bending vib. A (MHz) B (MHz) 8155.34(28) 2102.0485(66) 8120.02(27) 2103.5345(80) 8269.95(27) 2102.5767(64) 0.545(3) C (MHz) 1682.0145(73) 1686.4814(96) 1679.1901(62) 0.1023(78) Δb (1020 u m2) 1.931(4) 2.862(4) 0.506(3) 0.0846(71) A (MHz) 8192.43(22) 8144.63(44) 8315.94(29) B (MHz) C (MHz) 2100.3316(50) 1677.3196(52) 2100.200(9) 1679.138(9) 2100.7707(59) 1674.0725(62) Δb (1020 u m2) 1.006(3) 1.709(5) ΔJ (kHz) 0.0989(68) 0.1075(45) ΔJK (kHz) 0.650(39) 0.740(12) 0.415(44) ΔJ (kHz) 0.0788(77) 0.1023(75) ΔK (kHz) 8.37c 8.37c 8.37c ΔJK (kHz) 0.779(45) 0.628(43) 0.143(39) δJ (kHz) 0.0114(42) 0.0260(65) 0.0317(52) ΔK (kHz) 8.37c 8.37c 8.37c δK (kHz) 1.29(39) 0.994c 0.44(44) δJ (kHz) 0.0424(44) 0.0291(57) 0.0304(44) 1.87 247 1.93 95 1.97 236 δK (kHz) rmsd 2.10(49) 2.07 1.55(45) 2.06 0.88(40) 2.00 155 139 d rms no. of transitionse a Reduction Ir representation.26 Uncertainties represent one standard deviation. Spectra are listed in Tables 8S10S in the Supporting Information. b Inertial defect defined by Δ = Ic Ia Ib, where Ia, Ib, and Ic are the principal moments of inertia. c Fixed. d Root-mean-square deviation for a weighted fit. e Number of transitions used in the least-sqares fit. weak and have the expected complicated fine structure. Only very weak lines were observed between the pile ups. The transitions of the pile ups were used to get the first assignment of the spectrum. The assignments of several of these lines were confirmed by RFMWDR experiments. The low K-1 aR lines were assigned next. No b-type lines were found, presumably because μb is predicted to be as small as 0.79 1030 C m (Table 2). 1-Vinylimidazole has two nitrogen nuclei, which may produce a quadrupole hyperfine structure. However, no splittings due to this effect were seen. Ultimately, a total of 370 aR transitions shown in Table 3S in the Supporting Information were included in the least-squares fit. The resulting Watson A reduction26 spectroscopic constants are listed in Table 3. The centrifugal distortion effect is not large in this spectrum, and only four of the five quartic centrifugal distortion constants could be determined. The fifth, ΔK, was preset in the fit at the B3LYP/cc-pVTZ value (Table 2). It is noted that the inertial defect, Δ, is 0.261(2) 1020 u m2, which is typical for a planar molecule (CS symmetry) with a low-frequency out-of-plane vibration.30 no. of transitionse 145 a Reduction Ir representation.26 Uncertainties represent one standard deviation. Spectra are listed in Tables 11S13S in the Supporting Information. b Inertial defect defined by Δ = Ic Ia Ib, where Ia, Ib, and Ic are the principal moments of inertia. c Fixed. d Root-mean-square deviation for a weighted fit. e Number of transitions used in the leastsqares fit. Vibrationally Excited States of II. The ground-state transitions were accompanied by several less intense lines, which presumably belong to vibrationally excited states of this conformer. A total of 10 vibrationally excited states were assigned. Their spectroscopic constants are listed in Tables 3 5. The assignments of these excited-state spectra were made in the same manner as described for the ground state. The strongest excited-state spectrum was assumed to belong to the first excited state of the torsion about the N4C9 bond, whose MP2 harmonic vibrational frequency is 69 cm1. A total of 324 transitions (Table 4S, Supporting Information) were assigned for this state, whose spectroscopic constants are listed in Table 3. Relative intensity measurements observing the precautions of Esbitt and Wilson31 yielded 72(25) cm1 for this vibration, in fair agreement with the calculations (69 cm1). It is also possible to derive the torsional frequency by using the changes in the inertial 7562 |J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 7559–7565 The Journal of Physical Chemistry A defect, Δ, upon excitation provided the torsional frequency is well separated from the other fundamentals, which is the case for rotamer II, since the second lowest B3LYP frequency is 244 cm1. Using the expression of Hanyu et al.,32 a frequency of 69 cm1 is obtained in excellent agreement with the experimental value of 72(25) cm1 and identical with the MP2 value. Three further vibrationally excited states of the torsion were assigned, as indicated in Table 3 (spectra in Tables 5S7S, Supporting Information). The changes in the rotational constants upon excitation as well as the inertial defect vary regularly, as can be seen from the entries in Table 3. This regular variation is typical for a harmonic vibration.3335 Three excited states of two bending vibrations were assigned. The spectroscopic constants of these excited states are listed in Table 4, whereas the spectra are found in Tables 8S10S, Supporting Information. The inertial defect of what is assumed to be the lowest bending vibration is seen to take a negative value of the inertial defect of 1.006(3) 1020 u m2 (Table 4), which is typical for an out-of-plane vibration. Relative intensity measurements yielded 170(30) cm1 for this mode, compared to the MP2 value of 222 cm1. The second excited state of this vibration was also assigned (Table 4). The variation of the rotational constants upon excitation is again seen to be smooth for these two excited states, which is a criterion for an essentially harmonic vibration. The spectrum of one more excited state was assigned (Table 4) as the first excited state of the second lowest bending vibration. The inertial defect is 0.545(3) 1020 u m2. The positive value of this parameter is typical for an excited state of an in-plane vibration (A0 species vibration). Relative intensity measurements yielded 248(30) cm1 for this fundamental, compared to 242 cm1 (MP2) for this mode. The spectroscopic constants of three combination modes are collected in Table 5, while the spectra are found in Tables 11S13S of the Supporting Information. It is seen that their spectroscopic constants are almost, but not exactly, the sum of the changes of the rotational constants upon excitation of the two modes in question. This criterion was used to assign the spectra of these excited states. Assignment of the Spectrum of I. This rotamer was predicted (Table 2) to be 34 kJ/mol less stable than II. The lowest MP2 harmonic vibrational frequencies (not given in Table 2) are 57, 203, 238, and 490 cm1. The a-axis CCSD dipole moment is 9.09 1030 C m (Table 2), somewhat less than that of II (10.46 1030 C m). The rotational constants (Table 2) were calculated to be rather similar to those of II, which means that the spectrum of I would occur at frequencies close to those of II. The energy difference and the lower dipole moment indicated that the spectrum of I would be substantially weaker than that of II and could also be overlapped by spectra of vibrationally excited states of II. The RFMWDR method was used in an attempt to assign the spectrum of I, because this method is so specific. These experiments met with success, and we got the first assignments of the comparatively weak spectrum of this conformer. The aRbranch transitions of this form were assigned in the same manner as described above for conformer II. No b-type transitions were identified, presumably because they are too weak, which is consistent with the fact that μb is significantly smaller than μa (Table 2). The spectrum of conformer I consisting of 199 transitions is listed in Table 14S of the Supporting Information, and the spectroscopic constants are shown in Table 6. Interestingly, the inertial defect is 2.135(4) 1020 u m2, strikingly different from 0.261 1020 u m2 found for the ground ARTICLE Table 6. Spectroscopic Constantsa of Conformer I of 1-Vinylimidazole ground first torsion A (MHz) 8079.86(29) 8050.88(26) B (MHz) C (MHz) 2116.6368(79) 1689.2253(84) 2117.2088(77) 1693.8907(76) Δb (1020 u m2) 2.135(4) 3.120(4) ΔJ (kHz) 0.1035(41) 0.1181(43) ΔJK (kHz) 0.454(10) 0.4515(88) ΔK (kHz) 8.37c 8.37c δJ (kHz) 0.0268(54) 0.0201(61) δK (kHz) 0.99 0.990c rmsd no. of transitionse 2.67 199 2.58 170 a Reduction Ir representation.26 Uncertainties represent one standard deviation. Spectra are listed in Tables 14S and 15S in the Supporting Information. b Inertial defect defined by Δ = Ic Ia Ib, where Ia, Ib, and Ic are the principal moments of inertia. c Fixed. d Root-mean-square deviation for a weighted fit. e Number of transitions used in the least-sqares fit. vibrational state of II (Table 3). This large increase in the absolute value of the inertial defect is evidence that I is nonplanar. The spectrum of one vibrationally excited state of I was assigned. The rotational constants of this state are displayed in Table 6 (spectrum in Table 15S, Supporting Information). The fact that the absolute value of the inertial defect increases compared with its ground-state counterpart indicates that this is an out-of-plane vibration, presumably the first excited state of the torsion about the N4C9 bond. Energy Difference. The energy difference between I and II was obtained by comparing the intensities of selected ground-state lines of the two conformers observing most of the precautions of Esbitt and Wilson.31 The RFMWDR technique was used to modulate the transitions and at the same time minimize the influence of overlapping lines. The internal energy difference of the ground states was obtained as described by Townes and Schawlow,36 assuming a Boltzmann population of the two forms. The energy difference was found to be 5.7(7) kJ/mol, with II as the more stable form. The statistical weight of I was assumed to be 2 compared to 1 for rotamer II because there are two mirror-image forms of I but only one planar form of II. This value is about 2.2 kJ/mol larger than predicted in the CCSD (3.46 kJ/mol; Table 2) and the MP2 (3.45 kJ/mol; Table 2S, Supporting Information) calculations. Structures. Comparison of the theoretical rotational constants of II (Table 2) with their ground-state experimental counterparts (Table 3) reveals that there are small differences of ca. 6 MHz for B and C, whereas a larger difference of 81 MHz (∼1%) exists for A. The CCSD and experimental rotational constants are defined differently. The CCSD constants are derived from an approximate equilibrium structure, while the experimental rotational constants reflect an effective (r0) structure. Differences of less than 1% are in fact a good indication that the CCSD structure of II is indeed close to the equilibrium structure. The fact that the experimental structure of imidazole1 and the structure of the CCSD imidazole moiety of 1-vinylimidazole are so similar, as discussed above, is evidence pointing in the same direction. The situation for I is more complicated than for II because I is nonplanar. It is seen from Table 2 that the CCSD inertial defect is I is 0.74 1020 u m2 for a C1N4C9C11 dihedral angle of 10.5°, whereas the MP2 inertial defect is 2.01 1020 u m2 for a 7563 |J. Phys. Chem. A 2011, 115, 7559–7565 The Journal of Physical Chemistry A dihedral angle of 17.2° (Table 2S, Supporting Information). The C1N4C9C11 dihedral angle must therefore be somewhat larger than the CCSD value (10.5°) in order to reproduce the observed inertial defect of 2.135(4) 1020 u m2. An estimate of it was made in the following manner: The MP2 calculations (not given in Table 2) predict that the torsional frequency of rotamer I of the N4C9 bond is 57 cm1. Using the expression by Oka30 for the inertial defect’s dependence of the lowest torsional mode, the contribution from this mode should be roughly 0.50 1020 u m2. Subtracting this value from the observed inertia defect, one finds 1.61 1020 u m2, which should be due to the out-of-plane atoms. The C1N4C9C11 dihedral angle was varied in order to reproduce this value keeping the bond distances and angles fixed at the CCSD values (Table 1). A C1N4C9C11 dihedral angle of 15° was found to reproduce the inertial defect of 1.61 1020 u m2. A liberal uncertainty limit is estimated to be (4°. ’ DISCUSSION There are presumably several reasons why conformer II is preferred by 5.7(7) kJ/mol relative to I. Nonbonded repulsion is one of the factors that should be considered. It is seen from Figure 1 that there are short nonbonded contacts between H5 and H13 and between H7 and H10 in conformer I. A similar situation is found in II for the H5 and H10 pair and between the H7 and H13 pair. These distances are 236 and 250 pm, respectively, in I where the C1N4C9C11 dihedral angle has been fixed at 15° and the other structural parameters kept at the CCSD values shown in Table 1. These values should be compared to the CCSD distances of 243 and 231 pm for the nonbonded H5 3 3 3 H10 and H7 3 3 3 H13 in II. The sum of the Pauling van der Waals distances of two hydrogen atoms is 240 pm.37 There should be no or very little repulsion in both forms because the nonbonded contacts are roughly equal to twice the van der Waals distance of hydrogen. Another effect that needs consideration is the conjugation of the π electrons of the imidazole ring with the π electrons of the vinyl moiety. This effect should have a maximum for completely planar forms of 1-vinylimidazole, and this is consistent with the conformational choice of II. However, some of the π-electron conjugation must be lost for unknown reasons in the nonplanar rotamer I, and this increases the energy of this form by 5.7(7) kJ/mol at the same time. ’ ASSOCIATED CONTENT bS Supporting Information. Results of the theoretical calculations and the microwave spectra. This material is available free of charge via the Internet at ’ AUTHOR INFORMATION Corresponding Author *Phone: þ47 2285 5674. Fax: þ47 2285 5441. E-mail: ’ ACKNOWLEDGMENT We thank Anne Horn for her skillful assistance. We are grateful to an anonymous reviewer for pointing out errors in the manuscript. The Research Council of Norway (Program for Supercomputing) is thanked for a grant of computer time. ARTICLE ’ ADDITIONAL NOTE An anonymous reviewer suggested using the M05-2X functional38 in the DFT calculations instead of the B3LYP functional in order to see whether a nonplanar form would be predicted for conformer I. M05-2X/cc-pVTZ calculations have therefore been undertaken. These calculations indeed predict I to be nonplanar with a C1N4C9C11 dihedral angle of 11°. ’ REFERENCES (1) Christen, D.; Griffiths, J. H.; Sheridan, J. Z. Naturforsch., A 1981, 36A, 1378. (2) Vogelsanger, B.; Godfrey, P. D.; Brown, R. D. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1991, 113, 7864. (3) Henrichs, P. M.; Whitlock, L. R.; Sochor, A. R.; Tan, J. S. Macromolecules 1980, 13, 1375. (4) Ogawa, K.; Nakayama, A.; Kokufuta, E. J. Phys. Chem. B 2003, 107, 8223. (5) Skvortsova, G. G.; Domnina, E. S.; Ivlev, Y. N.; Chipanina, N. N.; Skorobogatova, V. I.; Myachin, Y. A. Zh. Obshch. Khim. 1972, 42, 596. (6) Safo, M. K.; Scheidt, W. R.; Gupta, G. P. Inorg. Chem. 1990, 29, 626. (7) Kurdziel, K.; Glowiak, T.; Jezierska, J. 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