Yi#iOLOEY ln1tnom ELSEVIER Marine Micropaleontology 25 ( 1995) 169-I 86 Benthic foraminiferal distribution and recolonization of formerly anoxic environments in Dramrnensfjord, southern Norway E. Alve Received 4 August 1994; accepted after revision 10 January 1995 Abstract Investigations of living (stained) benthic foraminifera in the surface (O-l cm) sediments along a depth transect in Drammensfjord, southern Norway, have been carried out on samples collected in 1984 and during all four seasons in 1988. The transect runs through strongly variable environments from a well oxygenated, brackish surface layer to anoxic waters of slightly less than normal marine salinity. The objectives were to study foraminiferal recolonization patterns after a prolonged period ( > 5 years) of nearly permanent anoxic bottom water conditions in the lower parts of the transect, the seasonal stability of the assemblages after recolonization, and interspecific tolerances to various environmental parameters (i.e., temperature, salinity, dissolved oxygen concentration, water depth). When the redox-boundary was at its shallowest position in the water column (30-35 m water depth; salinity 29-30%0), Ammodiscus? gullmarensis was dominant adjacent to the anoxic areas. This represents the first record of agglutinated dominated assemblages bordering anoxic environments. It took more than one year after reaeration before the areas, where anoxic conditions had prevailed for more than five years, became suitable for colonization. By 1988, the foraminiferal standing crop had more than doubled in areas influenced by the transitional water masses and living (stained) individuals were present down to the redox-boundary. Additionally, four species, which were not found along the transect in 1984, had been introduced. These immigrants had probably been transported into the area in suspension from the south. Stainfirthiafitsiformis was the first and most successful species to recolonize the formerly anoxic areas and it showed exceptionally high densities in samples collected a few meters above the redox-boundary. After recolonization, all species showed a distinct depth succession which, for most of them, prevailed throughout the year. Possible lack of seasonal population fluctuations in several species is thought to be due to a permanently plentiful food supply. The nine abundant species have been ranked in accordance with their interspecific tolerance to increasing euryhaline and eurythermal environmental conditions. 1. Introduction Paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on foraminiferal assemblages are primarily dependent on our knowledge about their modern ecology. We know, however, that many ancient environmental settings do not have any modern analogues, as the environmental conditions have changed through time. In order to improve our prospects of making paleoenvironmental reconstructions, every possible modern marine envi0377-8398/95/$09.50 0 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved SSDIO377-8398(95)00007-O ronment should be investigated. Drammensfjord, southern Norway, represents a unique, temperate environment, where the intermediate water masses are trapped between a well oxygenated, brackish surfacewater layer and nearly permanent anoxic bottom water with slightly lower than normal marine salinity. The oxygen conditions in the fjord have declined over the last couple of centuries due to discharges of organic material. However, reduced organic input over the last ten to fifteen years has caused a deepening of the gen- E. Alve /Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 169-186 170 era1 position of the redox boundary in the water masses and some of the formerly anoxic areas of the fjord bottom have been reoxygenated (Alve, 1990, 1991). These unique conditions warrant a study of the benthic foraminiferal distributions along an environmentally complex depth transect. Samples were collected along a depth transect when the redox boundary was approximately at its shallowest position (1984) and, four years later ( 1988), when it had been lowered by about 20 m. This sampling has enabled documentation of the impact of improved oxygen conditions on the foraminiferal assemblages and of recolonization patterns in the formerly anoxic areas. Samples were collected during four seasons (February, May, August, and October) in 1988 in order to study the distributional stability of the populations of benthic foraminiferal species after reaeration. Previous investigations of benthic foraminiferal colonization due to improved environmental conditions are sparse (e.g., Cato et al., 1980; Finger and Lipps, 1981; Schafer, 1982; Schafer et al., 1991) but a closer understanding of recolonization patterns and mechanisms will enhance our possibilities of interpreting sudden occurrences of foraminifera in the geological record, for instance in connection with sapropels. 2. Investigation area 2.1. Environmental characteristics Drammensfjord is a part of the silled Oslofjord system, southern Norway. It is separated into an inner (20 km long, <3 km wide) and an outer (10 km) part by a sill at 10 m water depth. The bottom topography shows a gradually increasing water depth from around 10 m in the north to a maximum of 124 m in the southern part, just inside the sill. The water masses show a typical estuarine stratification. Fresh water, from the River Drammen, enters the fjord in the north, close to the city of Drammen, at a rate of about 290 m3/s (Magnusson and NZS, 1986) and mixes with the marine fjord water. The resulting brackish surface water (seasonal ranges: salinity < 1 to about 15%0, temperature < 1” to about 20°C)) with a vertical thickness generally equal to sill depth ( 10 m), flows southwards and out of the fjord through the narrow sill area (minimum width about 150 m) .A pronounced halocline separates the brackish surface layer (B.S.L.) from a transitional layer (T.L.) which extends down to about 35 m water depth where the salinity is about 30%0. The temperature varies seasonally from about 4” to 14°C in the upper parts of the transitional layer but the range decreases with increasing water depth and only small annual variations (temperature: 6.2”-8.O”C; salinity: 30.0-31.5%0) occur in the stable deep water (S.D.W.) . Because of the density gradient at sill depth, the shallow position of the sill, and low vertical mixing of the water masses, frequent deep water renewals are prevented. Such renewals only occur once every 3-5 years, and are mainly restricted to November-May (Magnusson and NZSS, 1986). Due to these geomorphological and hydrographical characteristics, Drammensfjord has a natural potential for developing anoxic conditions in its deeper parts; during the last one thousand years, well-oxygenated conditions have not prevailed for long periods (Alve, 1991). Consequently, the oxygen conditions in the deeper areas are sensitive to organic matter enrichment and increased, human-induced organic flux (initially effluents from saw mills, later from paper and pulp industries, agricultural drainage and domestic sewage) over the last 130-140 years has raised the position of the redox cline. During the first half of the 197Os, most of the paper industry closed down, but the organic material which had accumulated in the sediments continued to affect the oxygen balance for many years. Additionally, discharges of municipal effluents increased since the 1960s and the agricultural contribution remained significant. All these factors contributed to the development of severe oxygen-limited conditions in 1977, 1978, and 1982 withanoxiabelow 30-35 m waterdepth but a slight increase in dissolved oxygen occurred in 1983-1984 (Magnusson and Nass, 1986). Further increase was reported in 1987-1988 with anoxic conditions restricted to areas below about 35 m water depth in the northern, and below about 60 m in the southern parts of the fjord (Alve, 1990). In 1988, the total organic carbon content in the middle and southern parts of the fjord was generally between 1 and 2% in the surface sediments associated with the B.S.L. and between 2 and 3% at greater water depths (Alve, 1990). Furthermore, the sediments along the profile investigated in this study had a sand content of lO-60% (decreasing with increasing water depth) in areas underlain by the B.S.L. At greater depths it was muddy E. Alve /Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 169-186 with < 2% sand below about 30 m. For further details about the environmental conditions, see Alve ( 1990, 1991). 2.2. Previous foraminiferal investigations More than one thousand years ago, Drarnmensfjord was characterized by normal marine foraminiferal assemblages resembling those of the present Oslofjord (Alve, 1991). Due to climatic changes and isostatic elevation, deep-water renewals were gradually impeded and the changing environmental conditions gave rise to low diversity benthic foraminiferal assemblages dominated by agglutinated species. Since the middle of the last century, the increased input of organic material and subsequent shoaling of the redox boundary limited the distribution of benthic forarninifera to successively shallower areas. In 1987-1988, the following distribution pattern of total (stained + empty tests) assemblages was recognized along six depth profiles from different parts of the fiord ( Alve, 1990) : the B.S.L. was strongly dominated by a low diversity Mliammina fusca assemblage. In the upper part of the transitional layer, Astrammina sphaerica and Eggerelloides scabrus were dominant in the northern and southern parts, respectively. Spiroplectammina biformis was frequent ( >5% of total assemblage) at all stations below the B.S.L., except in the samples immediately above the redox boundary. Ammodiscus? gullmarensis was particularly abundant in the lower parts of the transitional layer, whereas Stainforth fisiformis strongly dominated the sediments in the immediate vicinity of the redox boundary in the middle and southern parts. S. fusiformis was not present in the northern area probably because the shallow position of the redox boundary restricted the distribution of oxygenated surface sediments to areas where the salinity was too low for its maintenance (i.e., less than about 30%0). No foraminifera were found below the B.S.L. in the northwest and below 30 m in the northeast river influenced areas. 3. Material and methods The present investigation is based on 104 surface sediment samples (O-l cm) collected by means of a light gravity corer (6.7 cm inner diameter) during 5 171 cruises along a depth transect (2-51 m water depth) from the middle part of the eastern side of Drammensfjord, southern Norway (for a map of the area, see Alve, 1990). Nine samples were collected on May 15, 1984, and the rest were collected during four seasons in 1988: 25 on February 18; 25 on May 24; 24 on August 4; 21 on October 18. Sampling in February 1989 was prevented by ice coverage. The salinity and temperature were measured every meter from 0 to 10 m water depth, every second meter from 10 to 20 m, and every fifth meter from 20 to 50m by means of a Salinity Temperature Bridge, type M.C.5 during all cruises, except in May, 1988 (due to logistical problems). For most stations during the 1988 cruises, 250 ml of water immediately overlying the sediment in the core liner (in the range O-1 5 cm above the sediment water interface) was transferred to glass bottles for standard Winkler titrations. At each station, the surface O-l cm of sediment was preserved in 70% alcohol for foraminiferal analysis. In the laboratory, the samples were stained with rose Bengal for about 24 hours, heated to about 70°C for 20 min, dried at 50°C weighed and washed through 500, 250, 125 and 63 pm sieves. Each fraction was weighed and the foraminifera in the > 125 pm fraction were floated in C2C14. Previous to flotation, the samples were carefully dry sieved through a 500 pm sieve in order to separate material held together by organic matter. Only the surface O-l cm of sediment was used in order to avoid, as much as possible, the wood fibres from the pulp and paper industries at greater sediment depths. For the same reason, the > 125 pm fraction was used for the foraminiferal analysis. All abundance data refer to the number of stained individuals recorded in each sample (i.e., in 35 cm3 of wet sediment) and only species with an abundance of 5 stained individuals or more in at least 5 samples are discussed. No diversity calculations have been carried out because most samples had too few individuals ( < 100) to give significant values. Therefore, reference is only made to the number of species recorded in each sample. 4. Results 4.1. Water masses Except for the February temperature values, and an exceptionally deep position of the halocline in August, E. Ah/Marine 172 Temperature Salinity (Y& 5 0 -+- 10 1s 20 Feb.18 - Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 169-186 25 30 0 2 ‘.+.. May15 4 6 8 d- Aug4 Dissolved oxygen (ml/l) (“C) 10 12 14 2 16 Oct. 18 4 6 8 -+- Feb. 18 ..+.. Aug4 - May 24 - Oct. 18 10 Fig. I. Salinity (A), temperature (B), and dissolved oxygen concentration (C) along the investigated profile. All measurements are from 1988, except the May 15 salinity and temperature data, which were collected in 1984. Table I Ranges of water depth, salinity, and temperature for important species. Range I = maximum range of occurrence; Range II = range within which the absolute abundance of the species is 2 10 individuals per 35 cm3. The arrow indicates the successive, increasing relative tolerance of the different species to increasing euryhaline and eurythermal conditions. Data based on average values at similar depths from two stations in Drammensfjord measured during 10 cruises between May 6 and November 24, 1982 (NIVA data) and on the author’s measurements along the investigated transect during sample collection in May, 1984, and in February, August, and October, 1988 Wafer depth (m) I Range II I Salinity (%) II Tcmperaturc (“C) I II M. fusca 2 11 3 8 0.1-25.0 0.1-22.1 0.6-22.6 0.6-22.2 E. albiumbilicatum 5 46 7 11 0.1-31.5 0.2-25.0 1.6-18.0 3.0-16.0 7 44 a 17 0.2-31.5 0.2-28.1 3.0-16.0 3.3-15.6 A. cads E. scabrus 11 36 11 12 12.8-31.5 12.8-25.9 4.0-15.5 4.0-15.5 IO 40 12 30 6.0-31.5 16.3-31.5 3.8-15.4 4.1-14.8 S, biformis 12 48 14 - 44 16.3-31.5 19.6-31.5 4.1-13.9 4.4-13.8 A.? gullmarcnsis 14 _ 42 15 - 38 19.6-31.5 20.7-31.5 4.4-13.8 4.6-13.1 A. glomeratum 15 - 51 18 - 38 20.7-31.5 23.1-31.5 4.6-13.1 5.0-12.7 S. fusiformis 23 * 51 32 - 48 26.3-31.5 30.1-31.5 5.4-11.2 6.1- 7.0 E. excavatum the salinity and temperature data for each sampling event (Fig. 1A and B) fall within the ranges measured by the Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) between May 6 and November 24, 1982 (NIVA data from Jan Magnusson) . Table 1 gives maximum ranges in temperature and salinity for selected water depth intervals based on the two above mentioned sources. The dissolved oxygen concentrations showed similar patterns in February, August, and October, 1988, with gradually decreasing values from about 8 ml/l at 2 m to 0.0 ml/l at 50 m water depth in February and to 0.1 and 0.2 ml/l at 5 1 m in August and October E. Alve /Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 169-186 Total no. stained / 35 cm3 Total no. 173 stained/35 cm3 1 3s 150 ;g 100 1 I,, I, I k I,, V) . May, 1988 B.S.L. : , T.L. 40- ,S.D.W. 45 0 2 4 6 6 1012 0 No. of species I 2 I 4 I 6 I a I 10 I 12 I4 No. of species Fig. 2. Total stained abundance (no. per 35 cm3, solid line) and number of species (stippled line) recorded in May 1984 and May 1988 samples. Note the scale difference between the upper x-axes. B.S.L. = Brackish surface layer; T.L. = Transitional layer; S.D.W. = Stable deep water. respectively (Fig. 1C). In May, the values were somewhat higher and decreased from around 9 ml/l at depths shallower than 8 m, to 3.1 ml/l at 17 m and remained relatively constant at around 3 ml/l down to 38 m. The concentration then decreased to 1.1 ml/l at 46 m and remained at this level down to 50 m water depth. 4.2. Surface sediments In 1984, the surface sediments were light greyish brown to brown down to 34 m water depth. At 40 m, the sediments were greyish-black with a brown surface veneer and at depths greater than 45 m, they were black and had a soupy consistence. Approximately the same pattern was observed during all sampling events in 1988, except that the brown veneer extended down to 47 m in August, and in October, clumps of bright orange-red sediments were present between 36 and 42 m water depth. 4.3. Foraminiferal diversity and abundance May 1984 Stained foraminifera were recorded down to 30 m water depth but only 1 or 2 species occurred at most stations (Fig. 2; Appendix 1) . A maximum of 6 species were found at 24 m. The samples were strongly dominated by agglutinated taxa and calcareous forms were only present between 14 and 24 m, where they made up 2-30% of the stained assemblages. Total abundance of stained individuals per 35 cm3 decreased from 28 at the shallowest station to a minimum of 3 at the border between the B.S.L. and the transitional layer. Just below this, at 14 m water depth, the abundance rose to a maximum value of 48 and then gradually decreased to 0 at 34 m. Miliamminafusca was most abundant in areas influenced by the B.S.L. (Fig. 3). At greater water depths, Ammotium cassis, Eggerelloides scabrus, and Ammodiscus? gullmarensis showed succes- E. Alve /Marine Stained / 35 cm3 0 0’ 10 ’ ’ 20 ’ ’ 30 ’ 25 (199.5) 169-186 Stained/35 Stained / 35 cm3 40 ’ Micropaleontology 50 0 10 20 30 40 0 10 20 cm3 30 40 1 $ 3 EJo@ ’ May, 1984 5 & *- B.S.L I : / 35 40 45 / L +- M.fusca - A.cassis c.. T.L. - A. *. E. excavatum cassis ;.D.W E. excavatum - * - E. scabrur d 50 A.? gullmarensis d A.? ~uharmsis Fig. 3. Numerical density (no. per 35 cm3) of abundant stained species in May 1984 and May 1988. New occurrences in 1988 are shown in the right hand diagram. For-water mass codes, see Fig. 2. sively deeper maxima in areas bathed in the transitional water masses. The only common calcareous species was Elphidium excauatum in samples dominated by E. scabrus and A.? gullmarensis. 1988 Stained foraminifera were recorded down to about 50 m water depth on all sampling events (Fig. 4; Appendix 1) . The number of species was still low in the B.S.L (generally < 4). In the transitional layer, it was generally between 6 and 10, with occasional maxima of 13. At greater water depths, the values fell gradually towards the redox-boundary, but the decrease was more sudden in May than during the other sampling events. Agglutinated forms still dominated areas influenced by the B.S.L. However, during all sampling events, calcareous forms dominated in some samples at the boundary between the B.S.L. and the transitional layer (Fig. 4). During all seasons, the middle and lower parts of the transitional layer were completely dominated by agglutinated forms (generally > 75%), whereas their relative proportions at greater water depths were strongly reduced (generally < 30%). In May, agglutinated taxa made up < 2% of the assemblages below 36 m. The abundance in February, May, and August showed comparable patterns of distribution, whereas the October samples generally had somewhat lower values except in the deeper parts of the profile, between 40 and 45 m depth. During all four seasons, the lowest abundances (except below 48 m) were recorded in connection with the B.S.L., with < 20 individuals per 35 cm3. In the transitional layer (down to 35 m) , the abundance in February, May, and August ranged from E. Alve /Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 169-186 Total no. stained / 35 cm3 0 O! 50 I 150 100 t 1 -+ 175 % Agglutinated : 10 20 40 60 No. of species 80 100 2 4 6 8 10 I @% r” 12 I,@ 18Feb. B.S.L. ;.D.W. -Fig. 4. Depth distribution of total number of stained foraminifera per 35 cm3 wet sediment, relative abundance of agglutinated tests, and number of species during four sampling events in 1988. For water mass codes, see Fig. 2. 13 to 140 per 35 cm3 (average 69, n = 29). In October it ranged from 17 to 73 per 35 cm3 (average 40, n = 7). Maximum abundances were recorded in February, August, and October between 35 and 48 m water depth (range 13-298 per 35 cm3, average 93, n = 23). In May, the maximum abundance in this depth range was 63 individuals per 35 cm3 at 41 m, and below 44 m it never exceeded 4 individuals per 35 cm3. Below 48 m, the abundance was <4 individuals per 35 cm3 at all sampling events. The number of species showed minimum values of 1 to 2 in the B.S.L. and close to the redox boundary. Maximum values between 10 and 13 were only recorded in the transitional layer. This pattern was fairly stable through all seasons. Nine foraminiferal species, including 4 new occurrences (right hand diagram in Fig. 3) compared to 1984, were observed with populations of 2 5 individuals in at least 5 samples (Fig. 5). During all sampling events, population peak abundances occurred within a specific depth range characteristic of each species. Miliammina jkca, restricted to areas influenced by the B.S.L., had minimum abundances in October. Elphidium albiumbilicatum, with peaks at the boundary between the B.S.L. and the transitional water masses, showed maximum abundances in August and October and minimum abundances in February. Ammotium cassis had peak abundances at both the upper and lower boundaries of the transitional layer in February, but only at the upper boundary during the other sampling events. Eggerelloides scabrus and Elphidium excavaturn both had peak abundances in areas underlain by the upper part of the transitional layer; the latter somewhat deeper than the former. Both revealed minimum abundances in October compared to the other sampling events. Ammodiscus? gullmarensis and Adercotryma glomerutum were generally restricted to the transitional water masses. Maximum abundances of the former occurred in February and August, whereas the latter E. Alve /Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 176 5 0 IO 15 25 20 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 5 0 169-186 10 15 20 25 M.fusca \ 35 N / 40 / 45 I 4 10 20 30 40 20 30 40 50 60 0 10 20 E scabrus 30 40 50 0 40 60 120 I60 S. lusilormw If--- ---___ Fig. 5. Numerical density (no. per 35 cm3) of abundant stained species during four sampling events in 1988. Dashed line = February, line = May, stippled line = August, thin line = October. Note the scale difference between some n-axes. thick E. Alve / Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 169-186 177 5. Discussion 5.1. Patterns of recolonization Stained / 35 cm3 0 10 20 30 40 . D- 50 S.biformis -+-- M.fusca -----c E. albiumbilicatum + E. excavatum --c A. glomeratum -.-o-.- A. cass,s - S. fusiformis - - * - E. scabrus .. .+... 60 A.? gullmarensis Fig. 6. Depth distribution of the numerical density (no. per 35 cm3) of abundant species in 1988. The density data are average values over four sampling events for every 5 m water depth. showed maximum abundances in May and August, and was least abundant in February. Spiroplectammina biformis occurred at all depths below the B.S.L. However, it was abundant only below the transitional layer, except for two minor peaks in February and May, just below the B.S.L. Stainforthiafusifonnis was present in the lower parts of the transitional layer, but frequent occurrences were restricted to deeper areas. It showed maximum abundances in February, August and October and the values were exeptionally high ( 132-207 individuals per 35 cm3) compared to all other species at all depths. In May, the maximum abundance of S. fusiformis was only 62 individuals per 35 cm3at 41 m. The numerical density of the abundant species added over the four sampling events and averaged over five meter intervals of water depth, showed a clear depth succession of peaks from one dominant species to another (Fig. 6). Only a few investigations have focused on recolonization of benthic foraminifera due to improved environmental conditions (e.g., Cato et al., 1980; Finger and Lipps, 1981; Schafer, 1982; Schafer et al., 1991) and some have, experimentally, studied colonization of sterile substrates placed either at the sea floor (Schafer and Young, 1977; Kaminski et al., 1988) or at various levels above it (Wefer and Richter, 1976). However, the factors controlling the transport mechanisms, speed, and pattern of colonization and the dispersal of species under different environmental conditions are still poorly understood. Transport mechanisms of benthic foraminiferal tests in the marine environment include suspended load and bed load, floating plants, ice, turbidity currents and mass flow but the former two are considered to be the most important (see Murray, 1991 for summary and discussion). In the present investigation area, suspension followed by lateral transport is considered to be the most likely mechanism, because the species which colonized the area between 1984 and 1988 could not have been transported down from shallower water depths, as they were not living there in 1984. A passive distribution mechanism was also presumed to be the most likely explanation of the recolonization in the deeper areas of the Baltic after reestablishment of oxic conditions (Wefer and Richter, 1976). However, the vast majority of transported benthic foraminifera are reported to be dead, whereas live specimens are only rarely reported from the water column. For instance, in the western English Channel and the Western Approaches, which are highly unstable hydrodynamically, only scattered individuals of live specimens ( > 76 pm) were recorded in suspension by Murray et al. ( 1982). They suggested that it was exceptional for live foraminifera to be thrown into suspension and that it probably was not a successful or widespread means of dispersal in those areas. On the other hand, it is possible that the pseudopodial networks of adults are more extensive (bigger and stronger) than those of juveniles and, therefore, more efficient in “anchoring” the tests to the substrate. Thus, adults may be less readily suspended than juveniles and empty tests, and the possibility that more live specimens might have been 178 E. Abe /Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 169-186 recorded if fractions less than 76 pm also had been investigated, can not be excluded. Another possibility for benthic foraminiferal colonization of a new area is that they actively migrate there, as opposed to passive transport. However, even though some species are mobile (e.g., Schafer and Young, 1977; Travis and Bowser, 1991) and movement rates of up to 0.5 mm/ min have been recorded (Kitazato, 1981)) it is not likely that this mechanism is efficient enough to explain colonization by species which have immigrated over some distance (e.g., several kilometers). Migration by self locomotion is, of course, possible within limited areas. It is reasonable to assume that the recolonization rate depends on whether the area to be colonized becomes suitable at the right time of the year relative to the reproduction patterns of the potential colonizers. Wefer and Richter ( 1976) speculated that a recent reproduction in the source area, which would supply small and medium sized shells for transport, was a prerequisite for the suspended-transport mechanism. The rate of colonization also depends on the efficiency of the transporting mechanism (i.e., speed of water movement) when the individuals in the source area are of a size and growth stage suitable for transportation. 5.2. Diversity and total stained abundance Drarnmensfjord represents a hydrographically complex system since most environmental parameters vary over relatively short vertical distances, ranging from seasonally changing temperature conditions in the well oxygenated, brackish surface layer to slightly brackish, anoxic water masses of stable temperature at intermediate and greater depths. This means that the forarniniferal assemblages are trapped between two basically different extremes, namely seasonally variable brackish water conditions and nearly permanently anoxic conditions. As most benthic foraminifera are adapted to normal marine salinities, the general trend in modern, shallow water, foraminiferal assemblages is an increasing species diversity along increasing salinity gradients and with increasing environmental stability. In Drammensfjord, however, the positive effects of increased marine influence with depth is counteracted by deteriorated oxygen conditions which leads to a decreasing species diversity towards the redox boundary and the complete exclusion of foraminifera in the permanently anoxic areas. Indeed, low diversity in the deeper areas was also likely due to the fact that they represent an early phase in the recolonization. In May of both 1984 and 1988, maximum peak abundances were recorded immediately below the B.S.L. Substantial amounts of the organic material and nutrients enter the fjord via the river water. This material is, in turn, transported southwards in the B.S.L. and some of it settles in the fjord, while the rest is transported further south to affect other parts of the Oslofjord system (Magnusson and NESS, 1986). On its way southwards, particulate material in the lower part of the B.S.L. (including recently dead phytoplankton) falls out of suspension because of reduced velocity due to friction between the B.S.L. and the underlying transitional layer. The friction also causes resuspension of the surface sediments where the boundary between the water masses impinges on the fjord slope. This implies that the areas immediately below the lower boundary of the B.S.L. receives substantial amounts of organic material and nutrients. Hence, these areas may support large populations of species which are able to tolerate the otherwise variable environmental conditions prevailing there. In the present case, it might explain the maximum abundances of A. cask in both 1984 and 1988, and E. excauatum in 1988 in the upper part of the transitional layer. When the transect was investigated for the first time in May 1984, the area was about to recover from the severely oxygen depleted conditions in the late 1970s and in 1982. No oxygen data are available from the 1984 sampling event, but sporadic oxygen measurements showed that anoxic conditions (with HPS) were present at water depths greater than about 30 m during June, August, and October 1982, whereas in December (i.e., winter, when the redox boundary normally is at its shallowest position) of both 1983 and 1984, oxic conditions were recorded down to 45 m (Magnusson and NZSS, 1986). Consequently, there was adeep water renewal during the spring of 1983. This implies that oxic conditions had already prevailed down to about 45 m for more than one year before the samples were collected in May 1984. Despite this, no living individuals were recorded deeper than about 30 m, indicating that recolonization of the areas which had been reoxygenated for more than a year was slow. By 1988, however, the abundance in the transitional layer had more than doubled, more species had been introduced E. Abe/Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 169-186 to the area, and living individuals were recorded down to 50 m, corresponding to the position of the redox boundary (Fig. 1C). There are sevaral possible explanations for why the sediments below 30 m water depth had not been recolonized after having been oxygenated for more than a year. First, it is reasonable to assume that foraminiferal tests are most effectively thrown into suspension and transported during periods of deep water renewals when substantial amounts of water enter the fjord and disturb the sediment surface on its way towards the head. Consequently, living individuals may have been transported to the investigation area during the deep water renewal in early 1983 but since the areas deeper than 30 m had suffered from anoxia over several years, the surface sediments were probably not suitable for recolonization immediately after reoxygenation. Second, the suspension and transport mechanism might not have been efficient enough to transport any living individuals to the area in the time period between the deep water renewal in early 1983 and May 1984. A similar time lag before recolonization was found on artificial substrates, installed above the sea bottom in the Baltic, were the first living foraminifera did not appear until 7-8 months after installation (Wefer and Richter, 1976). The time lag was explained by a probable absence of strong water movements and/or lack of small individuals to be transported. In Drammensfjord, it is not reasonable to assume that lack of small individuals in the source area south of the transect was responsible for the time lag, as several species with different reproduction rates were involved, implying that juveniles always were available. Third, of the few species living along the transect in 1984, only A.? gullmarensis was abundant below 30 m in 1988. This indicates that factors other than oxygen limited the colonization at greater depths. 5.3. Species response The shallower areas influenced by the B.S.L. were dominated by agglutinated, low diversity Miliammina fusca assemblages in both 1984 and 1988 (Figs. 3 and 4) suggesting no detectable environmental changes. In 1984, calcareous taxa occurred only at intermediate depths in the transitional layer and they were never abundant. By May 1988, both Elphidium albiumbilicatum and E. excavatum had established themselves in 119 the lower part of the B.S.L., the former associated with more brackish conditions than the latter. E. excavatum was also abundant in the transitional layer and it was even the dominant species just below the B.S.L. On the other hand, the general distribution of the agglutinated Ammotium cassis had not changed over the four year period and maintained its peak abundance just below the boundary between the B.S.L. and the transitional layer. The abundance was, however, somewhat reduced in 1988 compared to 1984. This might be due either to annual population fluctuations or to reduced concentrations of particulate organic material in the water flowing over and/ or settling on the surface sediments, as the species is known to benefit from elevated concentrations of suspended particulate organic matter (e.g., Olsson, 1976). Eggerelloides scabrus occurred only at intermediate depths in the transitional layer in 1984, whereas in 1988, it was living in both shallower and deeper areas, although still restricted to the transitional layer. The lack of stained individuals at 14 m was probably a seasonal effect as it was, together with Ammotium cassis, the most abundant species in the dead assemblage in this sample. Eggerelloides scabrus, a widespread inner shelf species in northern European seas, also enters fjord environments but requires salinities > 24%0 during most of the year (summary in Murray, 1991). In Drammensfjord, it did not occur in the riverinfluenced northern areas in 1987-1988 when the redox boundary there was at about 40 m and its high abundance in the southeastern parts indicated that it is closely associated with the marine water entering over the sill ( Alve, 1990). Following the cessation of dumping activity in Chaleur Bay, Canada, Eggerella advena (the West Atlantic counterpart to E. scabrus) was, together with A. cask, the pioneer species which had repopulated most of the dump site substrate after one month (Schafer, 1982). It was suggested that this recolonization was related to active mobilization of, for instance, E. advena as it had shown to be one of the most mobile species in tank experiments (Schafer and Young, 1977). Consequently, lack of a sufficient passive transport mechanism should not have prevented colonization of E. scabrus below 30 m in Drammensfjord after the substrate had been oxygenated for more than a year. The increased depth distribution of E. scabrus from 1984 to 1988 rather suggests that even though it is known to tolerate oxygen concentrations 180 E. Alve /Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 169-186 of <OS ml/l (I. Olsson, pers. commun., 1989), it needed more than one year to colonize sediments recovering from prolonged periods ( > 5 years) of nearly permanent anoxia. The most unusual finding, compared to earlier investigated modern foraminiferal assemblages, is the dominance of Ammodiscus? gullmarensis in the deeper parts of the 1984 transect, where it was the most abundant species closest to the permanently anoxic, deeper water masses. Modem occurrences of Ammodiscus species are reported from a range of environments from brackish, shallow water areas to abyssal depths (summary in Hiltermann, 1989). However, to the author’s knowledge, assemblages dominated by one or more Ammodiscus species have, with the exception of two samples between 2500 and 3000 m water depth in the Sea of Japan (Matoba and Honma, 1986)) only been reported from the fossil record (e.g., Nagy and Johansen, 1991 and references therein). In May 1984, its living distribution was limited to 24-30 m. Consequently, it was the best adapted species to survive in soft, muddy, organic-rich sediments influenced by slightly brackish bottom water (salinity mainly between 29 and 30%0, occasionally 27%0) which recently had been closely bordered by nearly permanent anoxic waters. By May 1988, the population and vertical depth distribution of A.? gullmarensis had increased and it remained the most abundant species in the same depth interval as in 1984. As for E. scabrus, it took more than a year for A.? gullmarensis to colonize the sediments below about 30 m water depth. Nothing is known about its mobility. Spiroplectammina biformis and Adercortyma glomeratum were, in addition to Elphidium albiumbilicaturn, new arrivals in 1988 compared to 1984 (Fig. 3). Scattered empty tests of these taxa were present, however, in some 1984 samples indicating that either minor populations of the species had lived there recently or, more probably, that suspended empty tests had been transported from more southern areas where they have lived, at comparable depths, for more than one thousand years (Alve, 1991). Their absence in 1984, especially in the middle and upper parts of the transitional layer, can not be explained by a prolonged recovery period from anoxic conditions, as these areas had never been anoxic. In 1984, A.? gullmarensis strongly dominated the areas close to the redox boundary at water depths down to 30 m. This was the case for the transect discussed in the present study (middle part of the eastern side of the fjord) and of a 1988 transect in the northeastern part of the fjord ( Alve, 1990). Stainforthiafusiformis was absent from both transects. The dominance of A.? gullmarensis and the absence of S. fusiformis occurred at times when the downward limit of oxygenated bottomwater conditions coincided with the lower parts of the transitional layer. This probably indicates that, for most of the year, S. fustformis requires somewhat higher salinities ( > 30%0) than A.? gullmarensis. Consequently, it is reasonable to infer that adverse salinity was the causative factor of the absence of S.fustformis close to the redox boundary when the latter was located in the lower parts of the transitional layer. In 1988, of all the stained species present in the middle transect of the eastern part of the fjord, S. j%siformis was the numerically most abundant down to 5 1 m. Two important observations are that its living distribution was primarily concentrated in areas beneath the stable deep water (i.e., deeper than the transitional layer) and that there were few other co-occurring species. These facts suggest that S. fuszformis was the first successful abundand recolonizer of the formerly anoxic areas. Bulimina marginata was not present in the 1984 samples although scattered individuals making up < 2% of the stained assemblages were present at > 22 m water depth during all seasons in 1988. This is another indication of improvement because in other parts of Oslofjord B. marginata is commonly found in association with S. fusiformis (Risdal, 1964; Alve and Nagy, 1990). 5.4. Seasonal variations As the profile was sampled only four times during one year, it is not possible to draw any detailed conclusions about seasonal population dynamics. It is possible, however, to get a rough impression because each of the four sampling events represent the four seasons of the year and the close spacing of the samples should compensate for distributional patchiness. Variations in abundance is seen in the depth distribution of most species (Fig. 5) but this does not affect the general distributional trends. In fact, the phenomenon is not surprising, as Murray ( 199 1) concluded that variation in standing crop size is normal for shallow-water ben- E. Alve /Marine Micropaleontology 25 (1995) 169-186 thic foraminifera. An additional point which is important to keep in mind, is that because only the > 125 pm fraction was analysed, the earliest growth stages after reproduction are not recorded. Consequently, very low abundance values might, in some cases, be due to recent reproduction (dominance of small, < 125 pm individuals) rather than to an actual low abundance of the species. The most striking feature of the distribution is the distinct depth succession of peak abundances from one species to another. Also, although the samples were collected at four seasons, the living assemblages show remarkably consistent distributional patterns. This might be due to the fact that the foraminiferal assemblages in Drammensfjord are not influenced by seasonally dependent food supplies to the same extent as many other shallow water areas (e.g., Erskian and Lipps, 1987), as excess supplies of nutrients are available throughout the year. The main seasonally dependent food supply is phytoplankton but their abundance is not as high as should be expected considering the high supply of nutrients. This is due to poor light conditions which limits their main distribution to the upper 4-5 m of the water column, to the short residence time of the B.S.L, and to unfavourable salinity conditions for marine species (Magnusson and Naess, 1986). Consequently, competition for food should not be a limiting factor at any time of the year, except for possibly selective phytoplankton feeders. The species distribution down to about 30 m reflects, in addition to possible nutrient preferences, their relative response level to salinity and temperature variations. Below this depth, depleted oxygen and stressed environmental conditions due to the fact that the area recently had been anoxic, start influencing the distribution pattern, in addition to the previously discussed parameters. The species can be listed as follows with regard to increasing salinity requirements and decreasing temperature ranges: M. fusca, E. albiumbilicatum, E. excauatum, A. cassis, E. scabrus, S. biformis, A?. gullmarensis, A. glomeratum, and S.fusiformis (Table 1). The B.S.L., which represents a harsh environment, was dominated by M. fusca, a cosmopolitan species, which tolerates most environmental fluctuations typical of brackish shallow water areas (summary in Murray, 1991). In the western Baltic, size distribution curves representing populations collected every 2 to 4 weeks from July, 1973 to May, 1975, did not show any definite 181 reproduction cycles (Wefer, 1976). The growth period of M. fusca was suggested to be 3 months. In Drammensfjord, the relatively stable abundance from February to August supports Wefer’s conclusion about lack of a strong seasonality in the reproduction cycle. The only other modern E. albiumbilicatum association reported in Europe, is from 4m water depth ( 87% of total assemblage) in Oslofjord (as Nonion depressulus asterotuberculatus by Risdal, 1964) but it is a common species in Quaternary deposits (e.g., Knudsen, 1985, 1993). Risdal reported the number of total (living + dead) individuals at each station (upper l-2 cm of sediment) and only indicated whether stained individuals of the species were present or not. Relative frequencies of > 10% of the total assemblages of E. albiumilicatum were restricted to 4-6 water depth but stained individuals were present from 3 to 10 m. The distribution of E. albiumbilicatum in Drammensfjord is in good agreement with Risdal’s findings as far as the hydrographical characteristics are concerned. It also agrees with the findings of Austin and Sejrup (1994) from Syslakvag, western Norway. The increasing abundance of E. albiumbilicatum from February through May to August and October (Fig. 5)) suggests that it reproduced during late winter and spring when the temperature was at a minimum in the upper part of the transitional layer (Fig. 1B). The populations of A. cassis show seasonal variations at the lower boundary of the transitional layer where it was frequent only in February, whereas the size of the population was fairly constant over the year at the upper boundary. In the western Baltic, it was suggested to have a growth period of 5 months, with reproduction occurring in December, May, and October (Wefer, 1976). A. cassis either lies on the sediment surface or it occurrs within the upper few (3-4) cm of the sediment (Olsson, 1976; Linke and Lutze, 1993). The fact that it is associated with the boundaries of the transitional layer in Drammensfjord, is in accordance with occurrences of this species in other temperate areas (e.g., Olsson, 1976; Scott et al., 1977; Alve and Nagy, 1986) where it shows an increased abundance in transitional environments with high concentrations of particulate organic material, such as those influenced by a halocline (Olsson, 1976) or by breaking internal waves (Olsson, 1977). Elphidium excauatum reproduces throughout the year (Haake, 1967) and a growth period of 3 months 182 E. Alve /Marine Micropaleontology 25 (I 995) 169-186 was suggested by Wefer ( 1976). In Drammensfjord, it was frequent in the upper part of the transitional layer at all sampling events, but the values were significantly higher in February, May, and August compared to October. Also, its shallowest occurrence (lower part of the B.S.L.) was recorded in February and May, during periods of minimum temperatures. Eggerelloides scabrus, A.? gullmarensis, and A. glomeratum showed maximum abundances in the transitional layer during all sampling events. There were no obvious trends of seasonal variations in their abundance patterns, so they seem to maintain relatively static size of their populations throughout the year. This might reflect that they are able to benefit from the permanent excess in food availability, by reproducing independently of the season of the year. Spiroplectammina biformis showed the widest depth range distribution of all species but maximum abundance occurred below the transitional layer. The drastic drop in abundance from February to May in the deeper parts of the transect might reflect that the sediments had been disturbed both physically and chemically by the inflowing water during the renewal process in early spring and that new reproduction just had occurred. These deeper sediments were probably particularly easily disturbed due to their soupy consistency where the border between the sediment and the overlying water is very diffuse. Subsequently, the new generation was gradually built up during the summer and fall. It took several months before it became abundant down to 45 m, as suggested by the successively increasing abundance with depth from May through August to September (Fig. 5). Stainforthiafusiformis occurred in the lower parts of the transitional layer but maximum abundances were always confined to deeper areas, close to the redoxboundary (Fig. 5). Its high abundance during all sampling events supports Murray’s ( 1992) assumption that it reproduces throughout the year. In May however, its abundance was reduced compared to the other months. In February, the dissolved oxygen concentrations immediately above the sediment water interface (about O-15 cm above the sea floor) were 0.37 and 0.16 ml/l at 46 and 48 m, respectively, whereas H2S was recorded at 50 m. It is reasonable to assume that the oxygen concentration at each of these stations were considerably lower in the pore water of the soupy, organic-rich sediments. Recent experimental studies have shown that S. fusiformis migrate upwards in the sediments and concentrate in the surface 0.5 cm when the oxygen concentrations in the overlying water is lowered to 0.2 ml/l (Alve and Bernhard, 1995). Additionally, after one month of exposure to oxygen concentrations of 0.2 ml/l many individuals had climbed up on polychaete tubes in order to “seek” more oxygenated conditions. In Drammensfjord, the individuals had no elevated substrates to climb up on and the individuals might have died before the deep water renewal. The reduced abundance in May might additionally, in the same way as for S. biformis, reflect stressed conditions in connection with the deep water renewal and that reproduction had just started. However, S. fusiformis became abundant at greater depths more rapidly than S. biformis; an indication of its opportunistic nature (Alve, 1994). The reason why the foraminiferal abundance showed maximum values close to the redox boundary, might be due to the fact that they were protected from predators (Buzas et al., 1989). This, however, is probably not the only explanation as S.fisiformis, which clearly was the dominant species in the assemblages, also is known to flourish in other stressedenvironments inhabited by possible predators, for instance the Danish slope of the Skagerrak Basin (Alve and Murray, 1995). The most reasonable explanation is that S. fusiformis has a unique ability to quickly colonize and build up large populations in recently disturbed environments. As it is a small, thin shelled, calcareous form, which seems to reproduce throughout the year (Murray, 1992; this paper), it is likely that juveniles of this species are easily suspended and transported to suitable places for colonization. 5.5. General comments on interspecific salinity and temperature requirements From a geological point of view, it is noticeable that the depth distribution of the various species is relatively consistent during all sampling events. Hence, by considering their numerical densities added over the four sampling events and averaged over five meter intervals of water depth, it turned out that, with increasing water depth, there was a clear succession of peaks from one dominant species to another (Fig. 6). Except for possible gains or losses through post mortem alterations, this kind of time-averaged data is what gets preserved in the geological record. The succession of the specie!: E. Alve /Marine Micropaleontology in Table 1 shows a distinct trend with increasing tolerance to increasing euryhaline and eurythermal conditions from the bottom (S. fusiformis) to the top (M. fisca) of the list. The trend is consistent whether the maximum depth range of each species (Range I), or only their high abundance range (Range II), is being considered. 6. Conclusions The following conclusions can be drawn based on analysis of living ( stained) benthic foraminifera in surface (O-l cm) sediments, collected along an environmentally variable depth transect (from brackish, well oxygenated waters, to anoxic waters of slightly less than normal marine salinity) in Drammensfjord in 1984, and four years later, when the position of the redox boundary in the water masses was lowered by about 20 m: In May 1984, the deeper parts of the investigated profile had been oxygenated for more than a year, after having suffered from a prolonged period ( > 5 years) of nearly permanent anoxic conditions. No benthic foraminifera had colonized the formerly anoxic areas and foraminifera were only present down to water depths where the redox-boundary had been positioned before oxygenation. However, by May 1988, the foraminiferal abundance was more than doubled in areas influenced by the transitional water masses, four species which were not recorded in 1984 had immigrated to the area, and living individuals were present down to the redoxboundary. It is concluded that the lower limit of the foraminiferal distribution in 1984 was at the same position as it was before the deep water renewal in the spring of 1983 and that it took more than a year before the soupy, organic-rich sediments, that had been exposed to anoxia for several years, became suitable for recolonization. The species diversity was clearly negatively affected by the stressed environments in both the upper (brackish) and lower (anoxic) parts of the profile even though these environments were of a completely different character. The positive effects of increased marine influence below the brackish surface layer was counteracted by the decreased dissolved oxygen concentrations at greater depths and the fact that the area just recently 25 (1995) 169-186 183 had been oxygenated, resulting in a maximum diversity at intermediate depths. An exceptional finding is the dominance of the agglutinated Ammodiscus? gullmarensis in soft, muddy, organic-rich sediments influenced by slightly brackish bottom water in the area where the redox boundary had been at its shallowest position. This is the first modem record of a completely agglutinated dominated assemblage bordering anoxic water masses. Maximum abundance during all seasons, except the spring (May), was recorded between the lower part of the transitional layer and the permanently anoxic bottom water. The overall dominant species here was Stainforthiafusiformis, which was the first important, and most successful colonizer of the formerly anoxic areas. The nine abundant species recorded along the transect showed a distinct water depth succession of peak abundances which, in addition to other environmental parameters (food preferences and tolerance to stress caused by fluctuations in dissolved oxygen concentrations) , reflected their interspecific tolerance to increasing euryhaline and eurythermal conditions. Spiroplectammina biformis showed the widest depth range distribution of all recorded species. 7. Fauna1 reference list Generic names are in accordance with Loeblich and Tappan ( 1987). Adercotryma glomeratum (Brady) = Lituola glomerata Brady, 1878 Ammodiscus? gullmarensis (Hoglund) = Ammodiscus plunus Hoglund, 1947 Ammotium cassis (Parker) = Lituola cassis Parker, 1870 Eggerelloides scabrus (Williamson) = Bulimina scubru Williamson, 1858 Elphidium albiumbilicatum (Weiss) = Nonion pauciloculum Cushman, subsp. albiumbilicatum Weiss, 1954 Elphidium excauatum (Terquem) = Polystomella excauatu Terquem, 1875 Miliamminafusca (Brady) = QuinqueloculinaJusca Brady, 1870 184 E. Alve /Marine Micropaleontology Spiroplectammina biformis (Jones and Parker) = Textularia agglutinans d’orbigny var. biformis Parker and Jones, 1865 Stainforthia fusiformis (Williamson) = Bulimina pupoides d’orbigny var. fusifonis Williamson, 1858 Acknowledgements I am sincerely grateful to Jeno Nagy, Fulvio Bomb, Nils Gundersen, Halvor Johansen, Eli Kjekshus, Erling Siggerud and the captain, Torgeir Solstad, for assistance during the various cruises with the research vessel Bj@rn F@yn. Joan Bernhard and John Murray are thanked for helpful comments on the manuscript. The project was funded by the Norwegian Research Council for Science and the Humanities (NAVF) . For further information the author can also be contacted via INTERNET, her e-mail address is elisabeth.alve@geologi.uio.no. References Alve, E., 1990. Variations in estuarine foraminiferal biofacies with diminishing oxygen conditions in Drammensfjord, SE Norway. In: C. Hemleben, M.A. Kaminski, W. Kuhnt and D.B. Scott (Editors), Paleoecology, Biostratigraphy and Taxonomy of Agglutinated Foraminifera. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 661-694. Alve, E., 1991. Foraminifera, climatic change and pollution: A study of Late Holocene sediments in Drammensfjord, SE Norway. The Holocene, 1: 243-261. Alve, E., 1994. Opportunistic features of the foraminifer Stainforthia fusiformis (Williamson) : evidence from Frierfjord, Norway. J. Micropalaeontol., 13: 24. Alve, E. and Bernhard, J.M., 1995. 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Sullmemis m9l 0 E.rcbnu I 20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ,2 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 5 +-+_- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A. cnrrL 0 E. eu~vam 0 0 E.&wnbilic.hrm 4 3 1, ___- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M./WC0 18.1988 Onobu 0 S. Jin#mi~ 1 0 s. bifmtis sp.ximalr 0 0 A,? SJlmnreM”r A. $mt?d?n malno. 0 0 0 0 10 0 A.Ibmndlrm 0 0 0 A.? /*Uiwcnnt 0 0 0 3 0 E.Is~ 0 0 1 0 E. acav~nn 0 0 A. corrL 0 16 ,6 0 E.cxlkimwicm 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 10 2 M.fuco 4 0 0 A. &mmdwn no. spccimcnr 0 .4.?gllllmw~s ‘mniJ 0 0 E.acawm E.scnhm Total 0 A.CUG s. 0 LLczbimnbSicaam s. l+ami4 4 IS,1988 M.fiKO Fcbnry Toulmrpsimcor 0 0 A. glaaavn 28 0 ‘anui 0 0 A.? 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