Viktoria R.T. Hsu 1 Personal Data address: contact: citizenship: 2 Education 2004 1999 1996 résumé Department of Applied Mathematics University of Washington, Box 352420 Seattle, WA 98195-2420 work: (206) 685-9304 home: (206) 633-3987 fax: (206) 685-1440 email: German, Permanent Resident of the United States Ph.D. Applied Mathematics, (expected June 2004) University of Washington, Seattle, WA Thesis Title: Consecutive steady-state approach to electro-diffusion in cell membranes: A singular perturbation analysis through numerial computations. M.S. Applied Mathematics University of Washington, Seattle, WA Vordiplom in Technomathematik (B.S. equivalent, Mathematics with minor in Electrical Engineering) Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Gerhard Mercator University, Duisburg, Germany 3 Research Interests Mathematical Modeling in Biology and the Medical Sciences. In particular: Mathematical Modeling of Neurons, Epilepsy, Dynamic Diseases. In general: Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Perturbation Solutions of Differential Equations, Scientific Computation of Numerical Solutions, Time Series Analysis. 4 Academic Honors 10/2002 Boeing Award of Excellence for Research and Service Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington 7/2002-8/2002 Research Assistant Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Washington Advisor: Hong Qian 9/1997-8/1998 Annual Foreign Exchange Scholarship University of Duisburg, Germany 5/1995-10/2000 German National Merit Scholar Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, e.V., Bonn, Germany (German National Merit Scholarship Foundation) 5 Professional Societies and Academic Activities Society for Industial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), member SIAM Activity Group on Life Sciences, member Society for Mathematical Biology (SMB), member University of Washington Student Chapter of SIAM, co-founder and vice president, 9/2003-present Mathematical Biology Journal Club, organizer 9/2001-present 1 Viktoria R.T. Hsu résumé 6 Teaching Experience at the University of Washington instructor AMATH 352 - Introduction to Numerical Methods, using matlab (Summer 2000) Mathcamp - for mathematically gifted high school students (Summer 1999) assistant MATH 124 - Calculus with Analytical Geometry I AMATH 351 - Introduction to Differential Equations and Applications AMATH 383 - Introduction to Continuous Mathematical Modeling AMATH 401 - Introduction to Complex Variables AMATH 422 - Introduction to Mathematical Biology AMATH 568 - Ordinary Differential Equations AMATH 569 - Partial Differential Equations I AMATH 584 - Applied Linear Algebra and Numerical Methods consultant Leshi Elementary School, Seattle Central School District, WA (2003/2004) Kenmore Junior High School, Northshore School District, WA (2002/2003) Lockwood Elementary School, Northshore School District, WA (2002/2003) Wellington Elementary School, Northshore School District, WA (1999/2000) 7 Recent Presentations and Talks 11/2003 Mathematical Biology Seminar University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 11/2003 SIAMUW Seminar University of Washington, Seattle, WA 10/2003 Department of Mathematics University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 5/2003 Applied Mathematics Graduate Student Seminar University of Washington, Seattle, WA 6/2001 5th PIMS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop University of Washington, Seattle, WA 6/2001 4th PIMS Graduate Industrial Mathematics Modeling Camp University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada 5/2001 Applied Mathematics General Exam Presentation University of Washington, Seattle, WA 3/2001 Applied Mathematics Graduate Student Seminar University of Washington, Seattle, WA 8 Recent Conferences and Workshops 2003 Canadian Mathematical Society - Winter Meeting SFU Harbor Center, Vancouver, Canada 2003 Conference on Mathematics in Medicine Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada 2002 WaToToM, Conference on Teacher Education Sleeping Lady, Leavenworth, WA 2001 5th PIMS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop University of Washington, Seattle, WA 2001 4th PIMS Graduate Industrial Mathematics Modeling Camp University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada 9 Recent Publications and Proceedings [3] with Qian H. Asymptotic Analysis of Relaxation Kinetics to Donnan Equilibrium. SIAM J Appl Math (submitted: 12/01/2003) [2] Almost Newton Method for Large Flux Steady-State of 1D PoissonNernst-Planck Equations. J Comput Appl Math (submitted: 7/21/2003) [1] with Kane S, Macki JW. Monte Carlo Simulation in the Integrated Market and Credit Risk Portfolio Model. Proc 5th PIMS Industrial Problem Solving Workshop (2001) 2