Earth and Planetary Sciences Journal of Hydrology April to June 2008

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Earth and Planetary Sciences
Journal of Hydrology
April to June 2008
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Earth and Planetary Sciences > Journal of Hydrology
April to June 2008
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1. Assessing the impacts of climate change on the water resources of the Seyhan River Basin in Turkey: Use of dynamically downscaled data for
hydrologic simulations
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 353, Issue 1-2, May 2008, Pages 33-48
Fujihara, Y.; Tanaka, K.; Watanabe, T.; Nagano, T.; Kojiri, T.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (9)
2. Spatial and temporal variability of precipitation maxima during 1960-2005 in the Yangtze River basin and possible association with large-scale
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 353, Issue 3-4, May 2008, Pages 215-227
Zhang, Q.; Xu, C.Y.; Zhang, Z.; Chen, Y.D.; Liu, C.l.; Lin, H.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (23)
3. Impact of summer droughts on the water quality of the Meuse river
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 353, Issue 1-2, May 2008, Pages 1-17
van Vliet, M.T.H.; Zwolsman, J.J.G.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (20)
4. So just why would a modeller choose to be incoherent?
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 354, Issue 1-4, June 2008, Pages 15-32
Beven, K.J.; Smith, P.J.; Freer, J.E.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (46)
5. Development and application of the integrated SWAT-MODFLOW model
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 356, Issue 1-2, July 2008, Pages 1-16
Kim, N.W.; Chung, I.M.; Won, Y.S.; Arnold, J.G.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (8)
6. Modelling the water balance of a mesoscale catchment basin using remotely sensed land cover data
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 353, Issue 3-4, May 2008, Pages 322-334
Montzka, C.; Canty, M.; Kunkel, R.; Menz, G.; Vereecken, H.; Wendland, F.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (3)
7. Multivariate statistical analysis of geochemical data as indicative of the hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater in a sedimentary rock aquifer system
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 353, Issue 3-4, May 2008, Pages 294-313
Cloutier, V.; Lefebvre, R.; Therrien, R.; Savard, M.M.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (21)
8. Annual and seasonal streamflow responses to climate and land-cover changes in the Poyang Lake basin, China
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 355, Issue 1-4, June 2008, Pages 106-122
Guo, H.; Hu, Q.; Jiang, T.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (18)
9. Uncertainty assessment of integrated distributed hydrological models using GLUE with Markov chain Monte Carlo sampling
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 353, Issue 1-2, May 2008, Pages 18-32
Blasone, R.S.; Madsen, H.; Rosbjerg, D.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (26)
10. Analysis of impacts of climate variability and human activity on streamflow for a river basin in arid region of northwest China
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 352, Issue 3-4, May 2008, Pages 239-249
Ma, Z.; Kang, S.; Zhang, L.; Tong, L.; Su, X.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (19)
11. Development of a short-term river flood forecasting method for snowmelt driven floods based on wavelet and cross-wavelet analysis
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 353, Issue 3-4, May 2008, Pages 247-266
Adamowski, J.F.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (11)
12. Potential use of organic waste substances as an ecological technique to reduce pesticide ground water contamination
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 353, Issue 3-4, May 2008, Pages 335-342
El Bakouri, H.; Morillo, J.; Usero, J.; Ouassini, A.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (10)
13. The impacts of climate change on hydrology in Ireland
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 356, Issue 1-2, July 2008, Pages 28-45
Steele-Dunne, S.; Lynch, P.; McGrath, R.; Semmler, T.; Wang, S.; Hanafin, J.; Nolan, P.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (16)
14. Short-term streamflow forecasting with global climate change implications - A comparative study between genetic programming and neural network models
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 352, Issue 3-4, May 2008, Pages 336-354 03/06/2011
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Makkeasorn, A.; Chang, N.B.; Zhou, X.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (14)
15. Fully conservative coupling of HEC-RAS with MODFLOW to simulate stream-aquifer interactions in a drainage basin
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 353, Issue 1-2, May 2008, Pages 129-142
Rodriguez, L.B.; Cello, P.A.; Vionnet, C.A.; Goodrich, D.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (4)
16. On the tails of extreme event distributions in hydrology
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 355, Issue 1-4, June 2008, Pages 16-33
El Adlouni, S.; Bobee, B.; Ouarda, T.B.M.J.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (16)
17. Re-conceptualizing the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) model to predict runoff from variable source areas
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 348, Issue 3-4, January 2008, Pages 279-291
Easton, Z.M.; Fuka, D.R.; Walter, M.T.; Cowan, D.M.; Schneiderman, E.M.; Steenhuis, T.S.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (26)
18. Application of multiple isotopic and geochemical tracers for investigation of recharge, salinization, and residence time of water in the Souss-Massa aquifer, southwest of
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 352, Issue 3-4, May 2008, Pages 267-287
Bouchaou, L.; Michelot, J.L.; Vengosh, A.; Hsissou, Y.; Qurtobi, M.; Gaye, C.B.; Bullen, T.D.; Zuppi, G.M.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (15)
19. Flood risk and flood management
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 267, Issue 1-2, October 2002, Pages 2-11
Plate, E.J.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (54)
20. A distributed hydrological model for urbanized areas - Model development and application to case studies
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 351, Issue 3-4, April 2008, Pages 268-287
Rodriguez, F.; Andrieu, H.; Morena, F.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (9)
21. Low flow hydrology: a review • Review article
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 240, Issue 3-4, January 2001, Pages 147-186
Smakhtin, V.U.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (234)
22. The impacts of climate change and urbanisation on drainage in Helsingborg, Sweden: Combined sewer system
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 350, Issue 1-2, February 2008, Pages 100-113
Semadeni-Davies, A.; Hernebring, C.; Svensson, G.; Gustafsson, L.G.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (12)
23. A remote sensing driven distributed hydrological model of the Senegal River basin
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 354, Issue 1-4, June 2008, Pages 131-148
Stisen, S.; Jensen, K.H.; Sandholt, I.; Grimes, D.I.F.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (11)
24. Regression equations of probability plot correlation coefficient test statistics from several probability distributions
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 355, Issue 1-4, June 2008, Pages 1-15
Heo, J.H.; Kho, Y.W.; Shin, H.; Kim, S.; Kim, T.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (9)
25. Estimation of freshwater availability in the West African sub-continent using the SWAT hydrologic model
Journal of Hydrology, Volume 352, Issue 1-2, April 2008, Pages 30-49
Schuol, J.; Abbaspour, K.C.; Srinivasan, R.; Yang, H.
Cited by SciVerse Scopus (20)
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