ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles Earth and Planetary Sciences > Journal of Hydrology July to September 2015 RSS Blog This! Print Show condensed 1. Comparison of the ARMA, ARIMA, and the autoregressive artificial neural network models in forecasting the monthly inflow of Dez dam reservoir Journal of Hydrology, Volume 476, Pages 433-441 Valipour, M.; Banihabib, M.E.; Behbahani, S.M.R. Earth andand Planetary Sciences Earth Planetary Sciences Journal of Hydrology Journal of Hydrology Current: JulyJuly to September 2015 Current: to September 2015 2. Hydrological modelling of urbanized catchments: A review and future directions • Review article Journal of Hydrology, Volume 529, Pages 62-81 Salvadore, E.; Bronders, J.; Batelaan, O. 3. A continental-scale hydrology and water quality model for Europe: Calibration and uncertainty of a high-resolution large-scale SWAT model Journal of Hydrology, Volume 524, Pages 733-752 Abbaspour, K.C.; Rouholahnejad, E.; Vaghefi, S.; Srinivasan, R.; Yang, H.; Klove, B. 4. A review of drought concepts • Review article Journal of Hydrology, Volume 391, Issue 1-2, Pages 202-216 Mishra, A.K.; Singh, V.P. Cited by Scopus (406) 5. A review of water scarcity and drought indexes in water resources planning and management Journal of Hydrology, Volume 527, Pages 482-493 Pedro-Monzonis, M.; Solera, A.; Ferrer, J.; Estrela, T.; Paredes-Arquiola, J. e-mail address 6. Hydrological drought severity explained by climate and catchment characteristics Journal of Hydrology, Volume 526, Pages 3-14 Van Loon, A.F.; Laaha, G. 7. Detecting wetland changes in Shanghai, China using FORMOSAT and Landsat TM imagery Journal of Hydrology, Volume 529, Pages 1-10 Tian, B.; Zhou, Y.X.; Thom, R.M.; Diefenderfer, H.L.; Yuan, Q. Support About the Top 25 Sitemap 8. Expert knowledge based modeling for integrated water resources planning and management in the Zayandehrud River Basin Journal of Hydrology, Volume 528, Pages 773-789 Safavi, H.R.; Golmohammadi, M.H.; Sandoval-Solis, S. 9. Beneath the surface of global change: Impacts of climate change on groundwater • Review article Journal of Hydrology, Volume 405, Issue 3-4, Pages 532-560 Green, T.R.; Taniguchi, M.; Kooi, H.; Gurdak, J.J.; Allen, D.M.; Hiscock, K.M.; Treidel, H.; Aureli, A. Cited by Scopus (134) 10. Hydrological projections under climate change in the near future by RegCM4 in Southern Africa using a large-scale hydrological model Journal of Hydrology, Volume 528, Pages 1-16 Li, L.; Diallo, I.; Xu, C.Y.; Stordal, F. 11. Global sensitivity analysis in hydrological modeling: Review of concepts, methods, theoretical framework, and applications • Review article Journal of Hydrology, Volume 523, Pages 739-757 Song, X.; Zhang, J.; Zhan, C.; Xuan, Y.; Ye, M.; Xu, C. 12. Flood risk and flood management Journal of Hydrology, Volume 267, Issue 1-2, Pages 2-11 Plate, E.J. Cited by Scopus (144) 13. Estimating the effects of potential climate and land use changes on hydrologic processes of a large agriculture dominated watershed Journal of Hydrology, Volume 529, Pages 418-429 Neupane, R.P.; Kumar, S. 14. Droughts in a warming climate: A global assessment of Standardized precipitation index (SPI) and Reconnaissance drought index (RDI) Journal of Hydrology, Volume 526, Pages 183-195 Asadi Zarch, M.A.; Sivakumar, B.; Sharma, A. 15. Evaluation of 1D and 2D numerical models for predicting river flood inundation Journal of Hydrology, Volume 268, Issue 1-4, Pages 87-99 Horritt, M.S.; Bates, P.D. Cited by Scopus (342) 16. A simple raster-based model for flood inundation simulation Journal of Hydrology, Volume 236, Issue 1-2, Pages 54-77 Bates, P.D.; De Roo, A.P.J. Cited by Scopus (474)[15/01/2016 09:55:21] ScienceDirect TOP25 Hottest Articles 17. Drought modeling - A review • Review article Journal of Hydrology, Volume 403, Issue 1-2, Pages 157-175 Mishra, A.K.; Singh, V.P. Cited by Scopus (96) 18. Effect of baseline meteorological data selection on hydrological modelling of climate change scenarios Journal of Hydrology, Volume 528, Pages 631-642 Remesan, R.; Holman, I.P. 19. Quantifying radar-rainfall uncertainties in urban drainage flow modelling Journal of Hydrology, Volume 528, Pages 17-28 Rico-Ramirez, M.A.; Liguori, S.; Schellart, A.N.A. 20. Relationship between soil erodibility and modeled infiltration rate in different soils Journal of Hydrology, Volume 528, Pages 408-418 Wang, G.; Fang, Q.; Wu, B.; Yang, H.; Xu, Z. 21. Quantifying water and energy budgets and the impacts of climatic and human factors in the Haihe River Basin, China: 1. Model and validation Journal of Hydrology, Volume 528, Pages 206-216 Guo, Y.; Shen, Y. 22. Hydrologic modeling of Low Impact Development systems at the urban catchment scale Journal of Hydrology, Volume 528, Pages 361-368 Palla, A.; Gnecco, I. 23. Impacts of satellite-based precipitation datasets on rainfall-runoff modeling of the Western Amazon basin of Peru and Ecuador Journal of Hydrology, Volume 528, Pages 599-612 Zubieta, R.; Getirana, A.; Espinoza, J.C.; Lavado, W. 24. Drought characterization from a multivariate perspective: A review • Review article Journal of Hydrology, Volume 527, Pages 668-678 Hao, Z.; Singh, V.P. 25. Anatomy of a local-scale drought: Application of assimilated remote sensing products, crop model, and statistical methods to an agricultural drought study Journal of Hydrology, Volume 526, Pages 15-29 Mishra, A.K.; Ines, A.V.M.; Das, N.N.; Prakash Khedun, C.; Singh, V.P.; Sivakumar, B.; Hansen, J.W. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. ScienceDirect® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy[15/01/2016 09:55:21]