Emergence of Preferred Structures in a Simple Model of Protein Folding Author(s): Hao Li, Robert Helling, Chao Tang and Ned Wingreen Source: Science, New Series, Vol. 273, No. 5275 (Aug. 2, 1996), pp. 666-669 Published by: American Association for the Advancement of Science Stable URL: http://www.jstor.org/stable/2891163 . Accessed: 18/09/2014 18:27 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . http://www.jstor.org/page/info/about/policies/terms.jsp . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact support@jstor.org. . American Association for the Advancement of Science is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Science. http://www.jstor.org This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:27:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions found in cells much closer to the articular surfacethan normal.We concludethat Ihh, producedby differentiatingchondrocytes, delays the differentiationof growth plate chondrocytesby stimulatingthe synthesis of perichondrialPTHrP,whichthen actson the PTH/PTHrPreceptoron chondrocytes. REFERENCESAND NOTES 1. J. Potts Jr. et al., in Endocrinology, L. DeGroot, Ed. (Saunders, Philadelphia,1995), vol. 2, pp. 920-966. 2. A. E. Broadus and A. F. Stewart, in The Parathyroids. Basic and ClinicalConcepts, J. P. Bilezikian,M. A. Levine, R. Marcus, Eds. (Raven, New York, 1994), pp. 259-294. 3. H. JOppneret a/., Science 254, 1024 (1991). 4. A. B. Abou-Samra et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 89, 2732 (1992). 5. P. 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Two genomic clones (X-8 and X-15) were isolated from a X-DASH11129/SvJ mouse livergenomic library with the (1 X 107 plaque-forming units per milliliter) coding sequence of the rat PTH/PTHrPreceptor as a probe (4, 27). Forconstruction of the targetingvector, a 4.5-kb Bam HIfragment containing exon El of the PTH/PTHrPreceptor gene was used as the 5' flanking region and subcloned by blunt end ligationinto a similarlytreated Xho Isite in the pPNT plasmid (14). A 5.6-kb Eco RIfragmentcontainingthe 3' untranslated region of the PTH/PTHrPreceptor gene, cloned into the Eco RIpolylinkersite of pPNT, was used as the 3' flankingregion. The resultingtargeting vector was linearized at the unique Not Isite in the pPNT backbone for electroporation of ES cells. Double selection was carriedout, and resistant ES clones were analyzed by Southern (DNA)blot analyses with an externalintronic 0.9-kb Sac l-Xho Ifragment at the 5' end of the gene. Positive clones (12%) were injected into recipient blastocysts to generate chimeras as described (28). Progeny of two independent clones yielded the identical phenotype. All animal experimentation followed institutionalguidelines. 19. B. Lanske et al., data not shown. 20. Twenty-five embryos from E6.5 to E9.5 were examined histologically and had normal appearing Reichert's membrane. Five E9.5 embryos were examined by in situ hybridizationfor PTH/PTHrPreceptor mRNA (29). The hybridizationsignal was strong in four embryos but was completely absent from one, a presumed PTH/PTHrP (-/-) fetus. Immunohistochemical staining was carriedout on paraffinsections by standard techniques. Hybridizationwas done with a rabbitantibody to a-laminin(dilution,1/300; Gibco). To increase the sensitivity, we used a second antibody specific forthe firstone (swine antibodyto rabbit immunoglobulinG complex; DAKO).Visualizationof this complex was obtained by hybridizationwith the ABComplex (horseradish peroxidase; DAKO). 21. M. Karperien,P. Lanser, S. W. de Laat, J. Boonstra, L. H. K. Defize, Int. J. Dev. Biol., in press. 666 22. F. Beck, J. Tucci, P. V. Senior, J. Reprod. Fertil.99, 343 (1993). 23. M. McLeod, Teratology 22, 299 (1980). 24. Fresh tissues were obtained by cesarean sections from fetuses derived from heterozygous interbreeding at day 18.5 of gestation. Fetuses were fixed in 10% formalin-phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.2) and subsequently decalcified in neutral 40% EDTA.Various parts of the skeleton were embedded in paraffin, and 5- to 10-,um-thick sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin. 25. E. Schipani, K. Kruse, H. JOppner, Science 268, 98 (1995). 26. Hind limbs of El 6.5 fetuses were severed at midfemur, stripped of skin, and then placed on a filter paper (pore size, 0.8 pum)on a wire mesh in a Falcon organ culture dish, and 1 ml of BGJb medium (Gibco BRL) was added. The hind limbs, which lay at the air-fluidinterface, were cultured at 37?C in a humidified atmosphere of 95% air-5%C02 withdailychanges of medium. The hind limbs were treated with either M human PTHrP (1-34), recombinant murine 10-7 Shh (5 ,ug/ml) (16), or vehicle (BGJb medium-0.1 % 27. 28. 29. 30. bovine serum albumin)alone from day 2 for 4 days. The samples were never exposed to serum. At the termination of culture, the hind limbs were fixed in 10% formalin-PBS, paraffin-embedded, and cut in serial sections. X. F. Kong et aL, Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 200, 1290 (1994). A. Bradley, in Teratocarcinomas and Embryonic Stem Cells:A PracticalApproach, E. Robertson, Ed. (IRL,Washington, DC, 1987), pp. 1 13-152. Complementary 35S- labeled RNA probes were transcribed from the rat PTH/PTHrPreceptor cDNA (4) and from the human lhh cDNA (16). Insitu hybridization was done as described (8). We thank C. Tabinforvaluablecollaborationand helpful reading of the manuscript, T. Doetschmann for reagents, E. Samson for technical assistance with histology, and M. Mannstadt for help and technical expertise. Supported by National Institutesof Health grants DK47038 and DK47237. B.L. was supported in part by a fellowship of the Max-Kade Foundation. 10 April1996; accepted 20 June 1996 Emergence of Preferred Structures in a Simple Model of Protein Folding Hao Li, Robert Helling,*Chao Tang,t Ned Wingreen Protein structures in nature often exhibit a high degree of regularity (for example, secondary structure and tertiary symmetries) that is absent from random compact conformations. With the use of a simple lattice model of protein folding, it was demonstrated that structural regularities are related to high "designability" and evolutionary stability. The designability of each compact structure is measured by the number of sequences that can design the structure-that is, sequences that possess the structure as their nondegenerate ground state. Compact structures differ markedly in terms of their designability; highly designable structures emerge with a number of associated sequences much larger than the average. These highly designable structures possess "proteinlike" secondary structure and even tertiary symmetries. In addition, they are thermodynamically more stable than other structures. These results suggest that protein structures are selected in nature because they are readily designed and stable against mutations, and that such a selection simultaneously leads to thermodynamic stability. Natural proteinsfold into specificcompact structuresdespite the huge numberof possible configurations(1). For most singledomainproteins,the informationcoded in the amino acid sequence is sufficient to determinethe three-dimensional(3D) folded structure,which is the minimumfreeenergy structure (2). Protein sequences must undergo selection so that they fold into unique 3D structures.Becausefolding mapssequencesto structures,it is relevant to ask whetherselection principlesalso apply to structuresthat have evolved in nature.Proteinstructuresoften exhibit a high degree of regularity-for example,secondarystructuressuch as a helices and P3sheets and tertiary symmetries-that is absent NEC Research Institute, 4 Independence Way, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA. *Present address: Second Institutefor Theoretical Physics, DESY/Universityof Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. t To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: tang@research.nj.nec.com SCIENCE * VOL. 273 * from randomcompact structures.What is Does nature the originof these regularities? select special structuresfor design?What are the underlyingprinciplesthat govern the selection of structures? Here we describeresultsfrom a simple model of proteinfolding that suggestsome answersto these questions.We focuson the propertiesof each individualcompactstructure by determining the sequences that have the given structureas their nondegenerategroundstate. We show that the number of sequences (Ns) associatedwith a given structure(S) differsfromstructureto structure and that preferred structures emerge with NS values much largerthan the average.These preferredstructuresare with secondarystructuresand "proteinlike," symmetries, and are thermodynamically more stable than other structures. Our resultsare derivedfrom a minimal model of proteinfolding,which we believe capturesthe essential components of the 2 AUGUST 1996 This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:27:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 51}11 REPORTS problem.In this model, a protein is represented by a self-avoidingchain of beads placedon a discretelattice, with two types of beads used to mimic polar (P) and hydrophobic(H) aminoacids(3). A sequence is specifiedby a choice of monomertype at each position on the chain, (tuj, where ai could be either H or P, and i is a monomer index. A structureis specifiedby a set of coordinatesfor all the monomers, riJ.The energyof a sequencefoldedinto a particular structureis given by short-rangecontact interactions H = XE,,,tA(ri-r) (1) whereA(ri- r) = 1 if rEandr1areadjoining lattice sites but i and j are not adjacentin position along the sequence,and A(ri -r) = 0 otherwise.Dependingon the types of monomersin contact, the interactionenergy will be EHH, EHP, or EPP,corresponding to H-H, H-P, or P-P contacts, respectively (Fig. 1). This simplemodelhas somejustification in nature.The majordrivingforce for protein folding is the hydrophobicforce (4). The tendencyof aminoacidsto avoidwater drivesproteinsto fold into a compactshape with a hydrophobiccore, and sucha forceis effectivelydescribedby a short-rangecontact interaction.Although20 differentamino acids exist in nature,quantitativeanaldatarevealsthat they ysisof natural-protein fall into two distinct groups (H and P) accordingto their affinities for water (5). Experimentalevidence also indicates that certainproteinscan be designedby specification of only this HP pattem of the sequence (6). We chose the interactionparametersin Eq. 1 to satisfythe followingphysicalconstraints:(i) compactshapeshave lowerenergiesthan any noncompactshapes;(ii) H monomersare buriedas much as possible, which is expressedby the relation EPP> EHP > EHH, which lowers the energy of configurationsin which H residuesarehidden fromwater;and (iii) differenttypes of monomerstend to segregate,which is expressedby 2EHP> Epp+ EHH.Conditions (ii) and (iii) werederivedfromour analysis of the real-proteindata contained in the matrix of interresidue Miyazawa-Jernigan contact energiesbetween differenttypesof amino acids (5). We have studied the model on a 3D cubic latticeand on a 2D squarelattice.We focus on the "designability" of each compact structure.Specifically, we count the numberof sequences(Ns) that have a given compact structure (S) as their unique groundstate, which requiresidentification of the minimum-energy compact conformations of each sequence. Because all compact with AA Fig. 1. Structures the largestvalueof Ns for3D 3 by 3 by 3 (A) and2D 6 by6 (B)systems. Eachsequence representsone of the Ns possible sequences. Blackbeads indicate H residues;gray beads indicateP residues. Two beads are consideredto be in contact if they are nearestneighborsbutarenotconnectedbythe backbone. structureshave the same total numberof contacts,we can freelyshift and rescalethe interactionenergies,leaving only one free parameter.Throughoutthis paper,we chose EHH- -2.3, EHP= -1, and E = 0, which satisfyconditions(ii) and (iii) above. The resultsare insensitiveto the value of EHH as long as both these conditions are satisfied. For the 3D case, we analyzeda chain composedof 27 monomers.We considered all the structuresthat forma compact3 by 3 by 3 cube.Therearea total of 51,704 such structuresunrelated by rotational, reflection, or reverse-labelingsymmetries.For a given sequence,the groundstatestructureis determinedby calculationof the energiesof all compactstructures.We completelyenumeratedthe groundstatesof all 227 possible sequences,showing that 4.75% of the sequences have unique groundstates. As a result of this complete enumeration,we obtained all possible sequences that "design"a given structure that is, that have that structureas their uniquegroundstate. Thus,Ns is a measureof the designabilityof a given structure,and this informationis availablefor all compactstructures. Compactstructureswere found to differ markedlyin terms of their designability. Therearestructuresthat can be designedby a largenumberof sequences,and there are structuresthat can be designedby "poor"' only a few or even no sequences.Forexample, the top structurecan be designedby 3794 different sequences (Ns = 3794), whereasthere are 4256 structuresfor which N= = 0. The numberof structureswith a given NS value decreases monotonically (with small fluctuations)as NS increases (Fig. 2A). Forstructuresthat contributeto the longtail of the distribution, Ns >> Ns 61.72, whereNs is the averagenumber.We refer to these structuresas "highlydesignable." The distribution differs markedly from the Poisson distributionthat would result if the compact structureswere statistically equivalent. For a Poisson distribution with NS = 61.72, the probabilityof finding even one structurewith Ns > 120 is 1.76 x 10-6. SCIENCE * VOL.273 * Highlydesignablestructuresexhibit certain secondarystructuresthat are absent fromrandomcompactstructures.We examined the compact structureswith the 10 largestNs values and found that all have parallel running lines folded in a regular manner(Fig. 1A). These structurescontain eight or nine strands(three amino acids in a row), whereasthe averagestructurehas only 5.4 strands. To ensure that the above resultswere not artifactsof small size (the 3 by 3 by 3 cube), we also performedsystematicstudies of size dependencein two dimensions(the study of largerstructuresin three dimensions is not practicalbecauseof the limitations of computingpower).We studiedsystems of sizes 4 by 4, 5 by 5, 6 by 5, and 6 by 6 on a 2D squarelattice. Forsystemsof sizes 6 by 5 and 6 by 6, a randomsamplingof sequenceswas performed(7). Comparison of systemsof differentsizes requiresappropriaterescalingof the axes. We chose bin sizesfor NS to be proportionalto Ns, and rescaledthe numberof structuresby a factor proportionalto the total numberof structures.For the 6 by 5 and 6 by 6 cases, we ensuredthat the randomsampling of sequencesproduceda reliabledistributionby doublingthe numberof sequencesuntil a fixed distributionwas achieved. The systems of different sizes in two dimensionsall showedthe samequalitative behavioras that apparentin three dimensions. In each instance, there are highly designablestructuresthat standout. Forthe 6 by 5 and 6 by 6 systems,for which the total numbersof structuresare sufficiently large to producesmooth distributions,the two distributionsshowedvirtuallyidentical shapes(Fig. 2B). The tail of the 2D distribution could be fitted by an exponential function (Fig. 2B, inset). In contrast,the falloff of the tail in the 3D distributionis slightlyless than exponential. Similarlyto the 3D case, the highly designablestructuresin two dimensionsalso exhibit secondarystructures.In the 2D 6 by 6 system, as the surface-to-interiorratio approachesthat of real proteins,the highly designablestructuresoften have bundlesof 2 AUGUST 1996 This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:27:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 887 pleats and long strands,reminiscentof a helices and a strandsin real proteins;in addition, some of the highly designable structureshavetertiarysymmetries(Fig.1B). The highlydesignablestructuresare, on average, thermodynamicallymore stable than other structures.The stability of a structurecan be characterizedby the average energygap (8s), averagedover the NS sequencesthat design the structure.For a given sequence,the energygap (8s) is defined as the minimumenergy requiredto change the ground-statestructureto a differentcompactstructure.Forthe 3D 3 by 3 by 3 structures,there is a markedcorrelation between NS and &s(Fig. 3). Highly designable structureshave average gaps much largerthan those of structureswith smallNS values,andthere is a suddenjump in 8s) for structureswith NS 1400. The numberof structureswith largegaps is 60. The abruptjump in &sis somewhatunexpected comparedwith the smoothdistribution of Ns, Such an abrupttransitionpro- vides a meansof differentiatingthe special, highly designablestructuresfrom the ordinary ones. According to this distinction, highly designablestructuresconstituteonly a smallfraction(0.12%)of all the compact structures. The fact that highly designablestructures are more stable than other structures can be understoodqualitativelyby considering a particularsequenceassociatedwith a highlydesignablestructure,S. A mutation of the sequencemay change the energyof the structureS as well as those of the competingstructures.If the gap is large,it is less probablethat the energiesof the competing structureswill shift below that of the struc*tureS. Thus, the structureS is likely to remainas the groundstate of the mutant. Therefore,a largegap is likely to correlate with a largenumberof sequencesthat design the structure. An importantapproachin studyingreal protein structuresis to assessmutationeffects and homologoussequences(sequences relatedby a common ancestor)(8). In our simple model, we referto the NS different sequencesthat designthe samestructureas "homologous."Analysis of mutation patternsof the homologoussequencesforhighly designablestructuresrevealedphenomena similarto those observedin realproteins. For example, sequenceswith no apparent similarities(with differenttypes of monomer at more than half of the sites) can design the same structure. Furthermore, some sites arehighly mutable,whereasothers are highly conserved. The conserved sitesfora given structurearegenerallythose sites with the smallestor largestnumberof sides exposedto water.Figure4 shows the probability,Ppof findinga P monomerat a particularsite, calculatedfor the structure with the largestNS for the 3D 3 by 3 by 3 and the 2D 6 by 6 systems(Fig. 1). Forthe 3D case, there are sites that are perfectly conservedwith Pp = 0 and Pp = 1. The mutationpatternfor the 2D 6 by 6 system shows additional characteristics: 1.5 0.~~~~~~~~~~~E 103 >- 1 co 0 o 0 oo ai 0.5 _ 101 0 1000 200000 0 4000 Fig. 3. Averageenergy gap of 3D 3 by 3 by 3 structures plottedagainstNS of the structures. 0.2 co 103 ll 10 1 I I III l 100 1 0001__ I I I1 0 A 10 lo 1 ooC 1--02r 1.0 1.0 B ! v 0.8 I' I\ 3 by by 3 of 3ooe finin Fig. 3. Avroageility ga210 2 30 5100 fof the structureswthth strutiulre ploted calcuainteds n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 102 _un 0.2 101 ~ ~ ~~C 102 0.6 NS fo 3 1 MDc 5 0.4 1.0 100 0 101 I II 50 100 150 B ffnigaPmnmra patclrste0 tucuewt6h acltd o h 100 Ns by 6(B 3f byi3d(A) aPmndo2Dr larges N frorb3Di3iby Fig. 2. (A)The number of structures with a given N8 for a 3D 3 by 3 by 3 system. (B) The number of structures with a given Ns for 2D 6 by 5 (A) and 6 by 6 (El)systems. (Inset)Same data in a semi-log plot. 668 ~ 30 Seuec Fi.84 rbblt 200 I 10 ~ 5 20 10 SCIENCE * VOL. 273 * systems. 2 AUGUST 1996 This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:27:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions -REPORTS The pleated regions have alternatingarrangements(with period 4) of H and P types, the region of long folded strandsis essentiallyall H type, and the region connectingthese substructures (similarto turns in proteins)containspredominantlyP type monomers. Mutationpatternscan also be characterized by calculatingthe entropyof the homologous sequencesfor a given structure from Entropy= Isites- Ppln(Pp) + (Pp - 1)ln(1 - PP)] (2) Given only the knowledgeof entropy,an estimate of the numberof all possiblehomologous sequences can be made, Nest = exp (entropy), assumingthat mutation of each site is independent. We calculated NeSt for all the structuresand comparedit with the exact value Ns, For the highly designable structures, Nest is a good order- of-magnitudeestimatefor Ns, Forexample, for the top structurein the 3D 3 by 3 by 3 3.5. However, for the less case, NestNsdesignable structures, Nest greatly overesti- matesNs, The largedeviationbeginsat NS 1400, at the boundarybetweenlarge-gap and small-gapstructures.Thus, for highly designable structures,the mutations are roughly independent, whereas they are highly correlatedfor other structures. Although our resultsfor the 3D system werederivedfor smallstructures(3 by 3 by 3), we believe similarresultshold for much largerstructures.Evidence to this effect is providedby recentstudiesof designin larger structuresby Yue and Dill (9) with a similarmodel.In a few examplesstudiedby these researchers, they foundthat sequences with a smallground-statedegeneracycorresponded.to structureswith certainproteinlike secondarystructuresand tertiarysymmetries.In light of our results,we believe that such proteinlike structuresare the highly designablestructureswith largeNS values.This interpretationis differentfrom Location. that of Yue and Dill, who suggestthat minimaldegeneracyis sufficientto produceproteinlike secondarystructuresand tertiary symmetries.Our resultsshow that it is possible to find sequencesthat uniquelydesign even "poor"structures.It is the requirement that many sequences design a particular structurethat leadsto proteinlikesecondary structuresand tertiarysymmetries. Although the detailed structuresof real proteinsare determinedby manyfactorsfor example, hydrogen bonding and the shapes of the amino acids-our results fromthe simplemodel suggestthat there is a principleof design and evolutionarystability that shouldplay a crucialrole in the selection of protein structures;that is, real protein structuresmust be highly designable and mutable. Becausehighly designable structuresare also morestable, such a selection principle solves the problem of thermodynamic stability simultaneously. Froman evolutionarypoint of view, highly designablestructuresare more likely to have been chosen through randomselection of sequences in the primordialage, and they are stable against mutations. Our proposed principle of selection based on designability and mutability shouldhave importantcorollariesin prediction and design of protein structure.If, in fact, nature selects only highly designable structures,then structurepredictionalgorithmsshould limit the searchof the conformationalspace to these special structures, which might constitute only a tiny fraction of the total number of possible structures.Indeed,certainstructuralmotifs occur frequentlyin the protein structure data bank (10), and it has been estimated that only -1000 possiblefolds exist in the structuresof naturalproteins(11). A relatively successfulalgorithmfor structureprediction has been developedwith the use of the templates from known protein structures(12). Our studylends theoreticalsupport to such an approach.Furtherimprovement dependson finding practicalways to Location. New identifyhighly designablestructures. An importantquestionconcernsthe kinetic accessibilityof these structures,and whetherthereareotherselectionprinciples imposedby kinetics.Studieshave examined structureselectionbasedon foldingkinetics (13). It is likely that ouLrhighly designable structuresalso fold more readilybecauseof the large gap in their excitation spectrum (14). We have performedsuccessfulpreliminary folding simulationsfor some highly designablestructures(15). A more systematic study of kinetics, including ordinary structures,is underway. REFERENCESAND NOTES 1. T. E. Creighton, Ed., Protein Folding (Freeman, New York, 1992). 2. C. Anfinsen, Science 181, 223 (1973). 3. K. A. Dill,Biochemistry 24, 1501 (1985); K. F. Lau and K. A. Dill,Macromolecules 22, 3986 (1989). 4. W. Kauzmann,Adv. Protein Chem. 14, 1 (1959). For a recent review, see K.A. Dill,Biochemistry 29, 7133 (1990). 5. H. Li,C. Tang, N. Wingreen, "Dominantdrivingforce for protein folding-a result from analyzing the statistical potential"(preprint,cond-mat/951211 1; http: //xxx.lanl.gov/). 6. S. Kamtekar,J. M. Schiffer, H. Xiong, J. M. Babik, M. H. Hecht, Science 262, 1680 (1993). 7. Complete enumerations for chains of shorter length (up to 18 monomers) have been performed previously, with a focus on average properties of sequences and structures [K. F. Lau and K. A. Dill,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 87, 638 (1990); H. S. Chan and K. A. Dill,J. Chem. Phys. 95, 3775 (1991); Proteins 24, 335 (1996). 8. T. Alberet al., Nature 330, 41 (1987); J. F. ReidhaarOlson and R. T. Sauer, Science 241, 53 (1988). 9. K. Yue and K. Dill,Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 92, 146 (1995). 10. C. A. Orengo, D. T. Jones, J. M. Thornton, Nature 372, 631 (1994). 11. C. Chothia, ibid. 357, 543 (1992). 12. D. T. Jones, W. R. Taylor,J. M. Thornton, ibid. 358, 86 (1992). 13. S. Govindarajanand R. A. Goldstein, Biopolymers 36, 43 (1995); V. I.Abkevich, A. M. Gutin,E. I.Shakhnovich, J. Mol. Biol. 252, 460 (1995). 14. A. Sali, E. Shakhnovich, M. Karplus,Nature 369, 248 (1994). 15. R. Melin,H. Li,N. Wingreen, C. Tang, in preparation. 16. We thank W. Bialek, M. Hecht, A. Libchaber, G. McLendon, and Y. Meirfor helpful discussions. 19 March 1996; accepted 4 June 1996 Location... Discover SCIENCE On-line at our new location and take advantage of these features... * Fully searchable database of abstracts and news summaries * Interactiveprojects and additional data found in the Beyond the Printed Page section * Classified Advertising & Electronic Marketplace Tap into the sequence below and see SCIENCE On-line for yourself. D http://www.sciencemag.org SCIENCE SCIENCE * VOL. 273 * 2 AUGUST 1996 This content downloaded from on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 18:27:16 PM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 669