INF3510 - Notater

INF3510 - Notater
Veronika Heimsbakk
Institutt for informatikk
Universitetet i Oslo
31. mai 2012
Information security
Computer Security
4.1 Reference monitor . . . . . . . . . . .
4.2 Virtual Machine . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.3 Memory Corruption . . . . . . . . .
5.1 Encryption Standard . . . . . .
5.2 Stream Ciphers . . . . . . . . .
5.3 The perfect cipher? . . . . . . .
5.4 Integrity Check Functions . . .
5.5 Message Authentication Codes
5.6 Public Key Cryptography . . .
5.7 Digital Signatures . . . . . . . .
5.8 Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Key Management
6.1 Usage Periods . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2 Key Generation . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.1 Key States . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.2 Key Protection . . . . . . . .
6.2.3 Session Key Establishment .
6.2.4 Signing Public Keys . . . . .
6.2.5 Digital Signature . . . . . . .
6.2.6 Public-key Infrastructure . .
6.2.7 Public-Key Certificates . . . .
6.2.8 Browser PKI and Malicious
Certificates . . . . . . . . . . .
7.1 The Concept of Identity . . . . . . .
7.2 Entity Authentication . . . . . . . . .
7.2.1 Limitation of User Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7.3 Message Authentication . . . . . . .
7.4 User Authentication . . . . . . . . .
7.4.1 Passwords . . . . . . . . . . .
7.5 Digest Authentication . . . . . . . .
7.6 ID-Based Authentication . . . . . . .
7.6.1 Modes of Operation . . . . .
7.6.2 Matching Algorithm . . . . .
7.7 Object-Based Authentication . . . . .
7.7.1 Clock-Based OTP Tokens . .
7.7.2 Counter-Based OTP Tokens .
7.7.3 Challenge Response Systems
7.7.4 Contactless Cards . . . . . . .
7.7.5 Multi-Factor Authentication .
7.7.6 Authentication Assurance . .
Identity and Access Management
8.1 Identity Management Types . . . . .
8.2 Identity Domains . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3 Single Sign-On . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.3.1 Single Domain SSO . . . . . .
8.4 Open Identity Model . . . . . . . . .
8.4.1 Characteristics . . . . . . . .
8.4.2 OpenID Business Model . . .
8.5 FEIDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.5.1 Technical Aspects . . . . . . .
8.6 Access Control . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.6.1 Authorization and Access
Control . . . . . . . . . . . . .
8.6.2 Three Main Approaches . . .
Communication Security
9.1 Communication Protocol Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.1.1 Open Systems Interconnection
9.1.2 TCP/IP Protocol Architecture
9.1.3 OSI vs TCP/IP . . . . . . . .
9.2 SSL/TLS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.3 IP Layer Security . . . . . . . . . . .
9.3.1 IPSec Security Services . . . .
9.3.2 Gateway-to-Gateway Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9.3.3 Host-to-Gateway Architecture
9.3.4 Host-to-Host Architecture . .
10 Perimeter Security
10.1 Firewalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.1.1 Router Packet Filter . . . . .
10.1.2 Host-Based Packet Filters . .
10.1.3 Stateful Packet Filters . . . .
10.1.4 Personal Firewalls . . . . . .
10.1.5 Circuit Level Gateways . . .
10.1.6 Application Level Gateway .
10.1.7 Deep Inspection Application Gateways . . . . . . . . .
10.1.8 TLS/HTTPS Traffic Inspection
10.2 IPv4 Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.3 Network Address Translation (NAT)
10.4 Screened Bastion-Host . . . . . . . .
10.5 Intrusion Detection Systems . . . . .
10.5.1 Intrusion Detection Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.5.2 Port Scanning . . . . . . . . .
10.5.3 Attacking and Evading NIDS
10.5.4 Intrusion Detection Problems
10.5.5 Intrusion Detection Errors . .
10.5.6 Intrusion Prevention Systems
10.6 Honeypots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.7 WLAN Security . . . . . . . . . . . .
10.7.1 802.11 Wireless LAN Security
11 Application and Operations Security
11.1 Malware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.1.1 Backdoor or Trapdoor . . . .
11.1.2 Logic Bomb . . . . . . . . . .
11.1.3 Trojan Horse . . . . . . . . . .
11.1.4 Viruses . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.1.5 Worms . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.2 Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
11.2.1 Constructing an Attack Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
11.3 SQL .
DDoS Countermeasures
Botnet . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SQL Injection . . . . . .
12 Operations Security
12.1 Due Diligence and Due Care . . . . .
12.2 Patch Management . . . . . . . . . .
12.3 Top 20 Security Controls . . . . . . .
13 Privacy and Regulatory Requirements
13.1 Regulation of IT Security . . . . . . .
13.1.1 Who Regulates IT? . . . . . .
13.1.2 Regulatory Frameworks . . .
13.2 Data Protection Regulation . . . . .
13.2.1 EU Directive on Data Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
13.2.2 Cross-Border Issues . . . . .
13.2.3 Tension With Other Laws . .
13.2.4 Application of Data Protection Laws . . . . . . . . . . .
13.3 EU Draft Recommendations . . . . .
13.4 Norwegian Regulation . . . . . . . .
13.5 Privacy Enhancing Technology . . .
13.6 Browser Cookie Manipulation . . . .
13.7 Is Privacy Different from Security? .
• Establish ISM.
• Spesify policy, objectives and procedures.
INF3510 - Informasjonssikkerhet1 tar jeg våren
2012. Her leverer man en hjemmeeksamen på
minimum 5000 ord, samt avlegger en eksamen.
Eksamen er uten hjelpemiddel, og mitt mål med
denne samlingen notater er å forbrede meg best
mulig til eksamen. Hjemmeeksamen teller 40% av
karakteren, og avsluttendeeksamen teller 60% av
karakteren. Dokumentet vil bli skrevet på engelsk,
ettersom notatene jeg har tatt er på engelsk.
Notatene er i hovedsak forelesningsfoiler,
skrevet på en litt enklere måte for repetisjon, pluss
mine egne notater.
Har dog droppet én forelesning - om Digital
Advarsel: inneholder nok alt for mange skrivefeil.
• Indentify and analyze risks.
• Implement and operate ISM.
• Implement controls to manage risks.
• Monitor and review ISM.
• Ensure that the controls work properly.
• Mesure effectiveness of controls.
• Record actions and events that could have an
impact of the ISM System (ISMS).
• Maintain and improve.
Information security
• Implement improvements.
Information security is about protecting information assets. What is harmful? Need laws and policys.
Confidentiality: Authorization: secrecy, privacy,
anonymity. Concern: information theft. Control:
encryption, access control.
Integrety: Data integrety, system integrety. Concern: corruption. Control: cryptographic check, access, verification.
Availability: Usable by authorization. Consern:
Denial of Service (DoS). Control: filtering, recovery.
Only 8000 companies worldwide have the 27001
certification - mostly in Japan.
The Trusted Computing Base (TCB) of a computer
system is the set of all hardware, firmware and/or
software components that are critical to its security, in the sense that bugs or vulnerabilities occuring inside the TCB might jeopardize the security
properties of the entire system.
Reference monitor
Reference monitor is the specification of a security
model for enforcing an access control policy over
subjects ability to preform operations on objects
on a system. Eksample: the security kernel of
an Operating System (OS) is a reference monitor
placed at the lowest level.
ISO27002 is an Information Security Management
(ISM) guideline. Released in 2005. Contains 11
high level security objects and 183 controls.
ISO27001 is ISM requriements. Perhaps far greater
and fundamental importance than the original
Code of Practice (ISO27002). Based on Plan-DoCheck-Act (PDCA).
Hierarchic security levels is used in Intel microprosessor architecture since 803862 . There are
four ordered privilige levels:
1 Ved
Computer Security
prof. Audun Jøsang, kurssider:
2 Itel38g/i386/386. A 32-bit microprosessor. Released in
1986 for personal computers.
• Ring 0: highest; OS kernel.
Hypervisor runs on host OS, performance
penalty, good gui, better HW support, suitable for
• Ring 1 and 2: OS services
• Ring 3: lowest; applications.
But why use a VM?
It allowes multiple OSs on same hardware, this
gives improved security, improves management
and resourse utilization, and reduced energy
consumption. It allows optimal combination of
OS and application. Safe testing and analysis of
malware; malware can only infect the VM.
Windows and Linux uses ring 0 for OS and
drivers (admin) and ring 3 for applications (user
space). Rings 1 and 2 are not used, for performance reasons.
A process can access and modify any data
and software at the same or less privileged level
as itself. A process that runs in kernel mode
may modify anything on the whole platform. An
attackers goal is then to reach access to the kernel
mode. He may do this by tricking users to install
software or through exploits.
Buffer overflow is when written data size > buffer
size. This results in neighbouring buffers being
overwritten. Unintentional buffer overflow crashes software and results in unreliability software.
Intentional buffer overflow is when an attacker
modifies specific data in the memory to execute
malware. In languages like C or C++ you allocate
and de-allocate memory. In type-safe languages
like Java, memory management is error-free.
Virtual Machine
A Virtual Machine (VM) is a software implementation of a machine (computer) that executes
programs like a real machine. An example is
Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Platform virtualization allows multiple OSs to execute on top of a
reference monitor calles Hypervisor. Each OS is
a VM controlled by the Hypervisor. There are
several Hypervisor implementations available,
VM Ware is probably the most known freeware.
VirtualBox is software for x86 virtualization (runs
on Windows, Linus, OSX and Solaris hosts).
Defences against memory corruption may be
hardware functions as No eXecute (NX) bit/flag
in stack memory; the attackers code will not
execute. OS/compiler functions like stack cookies.
Programming languages that is type-safe, like
Java and C#.
VM architecture variants:
Type 1 VM architecture:
Guest OS
Hypervisor (VMM)
Guest OS
Type 2 VM architecture:
Guest OS
When is cryptography used? It’s used if you
require confidentiality, data integrity and message
authentication. And when is it used? Historically
the military where using it and spy agencies.
Cryptography came in handy when they where
transmitting messanges through insecure channels. Now days it’s used in many other areas.
Especially in electronic information processing
and communication technologies. For eksample
Guest OS
No host OS, hypervisor runs on hardware, high
performance, limited GUI, suitable for servers.
Guest OS
Hypervisor (VMM)
Host Operating System
Memory Corruption
Guest OS
Taxonomy of modern ciphers
Ciphers is divided into symmetric (one key) and
asymmetric (two keys). Symmetric ciphers are
divided into two more; stream and block.
Block ciphers vs. stream ciphers
Encryption: plaintext M is converted into ciphertext C under the control of the key k.
C = E(M, k).
Decryption with key k recovers the plaintext M
from ciphertext C. M = D(C, k).
Symmetric ciphers: the secret key is used for both
encryption and decryption.
Asymmetric ciphers: pair of private and public
keys where it is computationally infeasible to
derive the private decryption key from the corresponding public encryption key.
then processes separately. Problem: for a given
key, the same plaintext block always encrypts
to the same siphertext block. This may allow
the attacker to construct a code book of known
plaintext/ciphertext blocks.
Shannon’s S-P Network3 is a sequence of
many substitutions and permutations. Substitution provide confusion and complex relationship
between input and output. Functions must be
CTR mode can do parallel encryption in h/w
or s/w. Can preprocess in advance of need. Good
for HD encryption. Random access to encrypted
data blocks.
CBC mode issues: the same plaintext block
encrypts to different ciphertext blocks each time.
May assist in detecting integrity breaches; such
as the insertion, deletion or reordering of data
blocks. Problem: inserting or deleting a block will
cause incorrect decryption.
Encryption Standard
Stream Ciphers
Consist of a key stream generator and a function for combining key stream and data. The key
stream generator takes a input key k seed S(0) and
updated its state with a state transition function
f(k), S(i+1) = f(k)(S(i)). The output at step i is the
bitstream key K(i) derived from S(i). In such a cipher, a bit error in ciphertext bit i causes a single bit error in plaintext bit i. Wireless networks
use stream ciphers to protect data confidentiality.
Stream ciphers cannot be used for integrity protection, because of precise relative changes to the
plaintext by modifying the corresponding ciphertext bits.
The Data Encryption Standard (DES) was published in 1977 by the US National Bureau of
Standards. It was used in unclassified government
applications with a 15 years life time. When the
time had come to replace DES, a public competition took place. This was because DES used 56-bit
keys and the 64-bit data blocks did not longer
adequate. Rijndeal4 was nominated as the new
Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in 2001.
Versions for 128-bit, 196-bit and 256-bit data and
key blocks was now possible.
Block ciphers can be used in different modes
in order to provide different security services.
Common modes include:
• Electronic Code Book (ECB)
The perfect cipher?
An attackers goal is to discover the secret key.
If you require confidentiality, the One Time Pad
is provably secure. But we don’t use it due to
its disadvantages. It’s disadvantages are that each
key can only be used once, each key is typically
very large and it requires secure distribution of
large key. Key management is therefore difficult.
In the One Time Pad cipher, the encryption and
decryption operations are identical.
• Cipher Block Chaining (CBC)
• Output Feedback (OFB)
• Cipher Feedback (CFB)
• Counter Mode (CTR)
ECB is the simplest mode of operation. Plaintext
data is divided into several blocks, each block
3 Designed by Claude Shannon, Massachusetts Institute of
Technology (MIT) in 1949.
4 Designed by Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen.
Integrity Check Functions
Requirements for a one-way hash function h:
• Ease of computation: given x, it is easy to
compute h(x).
Layer Security (TLS).
As a response to the Diffie-Hellman article in
1976, three guys tried to work out an even better
algorithm. This one is calles RSA. This is an
asymmetric algorithm. In practice, large messages are not encrypted directly with asymmetric
algorithms. Hybrid systems are used, where
only symmetric session key is encrypted with
asymmetric algorithm.
• Compression: h maps inputs x of arbitrary
bitlength to outputs h(x) of a fixed bitlength
• One-way: given a value y, it is impossible to
find an input x so that h(x) = y.
• Collision resistance: it is impossible to find x
and x’, where x is unlike x’, with h(x) = h(x’).
Hybrid cryptosystems works like this: symmetric ciphers are faster than asymmetric ciphers
because they are less computationally expensive,
but asymmetric ciphers simplify key distribution,
therefore a combination of both symmetric and
asymmetric ciphers can be used - a hybrid system.
Some frequently used hash functions are Secure
Hash Algorithm (SHA-1): 160 bit digest. Potential attacks exist, it’s designed to operate with the
US Digital Signature Standard (DSA). The replacement for SHA-1 is SHA-256, 384 and 512 bit digest.
This one is still secure. It’s a ongoing competition
for a new secure hash algorithm. The winner will
be announced in 2012.
A MAC cannot be used as evidence that should
be verified by a third party. Digital signatures
used for non-repudiation, data origin authentication and data integrity sevices, and in some
authentication exchange mechanisms. This digital
signature mechanism got three components; key
generation, signing and verification procedures.
In applications a message M is not signed directly,
but a hash value h(M) is. To get authentication
from a document sent from A, we require a
procedure for B to get an authentic copy of A’s
public key. Then we have a service that provides
the authenticity of dockument signed by A. This
can be provided by a Public Key Infrastructure
Message Authentication Codes
A message M with a simple message hash h(M)
can be changes by an attacker. In communications
we need to verify the origin of the data, therefore
Message Authentication Codes (MAC). This can
use hash functions as h(M, k). With the message M
and the secret key k. To validate and authenticate
this message, the reciver of the message need
to share the same secret key as the sender who
computed the MAC. A third party who does not
h ave the key cannot validate the message.
In practice the MAC algorithm is:
• Hash-based MAC algorithm (HMAC).
So what is the difference between MAC and
digital signatures? They are both authentication
mechanisms. When using MAC, the verifier needs
the secret key that was used to compute the
MAC. MAC cannot be used as evidence with a
third party. Digital signatures can be validated by
third parties, and can in the theory support both
non-repudiation and authentication.
• CBC based MAC algorithm (CBC-MAC).
• Cipher-based MAC algorithm (CMAC).
Digital Signatures
Public Key Cryptography
Public key encryptio nwas proposed in the open
literature by Diffie and Hellman in 1976. Here
each party has a public encryption key and a
private decryption key. Computing the private
key from the public key should be infeasible.
Applications using Diffie-Hellman: IP Security
(IPSec) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport
A cipher must be hard to cryptanalyse and use a
sufficently large key.
Algorithm secrecy makes cryptanalysis harder,
but it can give false assurance, and it’s challenging
to keep cipher design confidential. It’s safest to
assume that the attacker knows cipher.
2. Public Signature Key: several years (depends
on key size)
3. Symmetric Authentication Key: < 2 years / <
OUP + 3 years
Key Management
4. Private Authentication Key: 1-2 years
5. Public Authentication Key: 1-2 years
The security of protected information by encryption depends on the size of the keys, robustness
of cryptographic algorithms and the protection
and management afforded to the keys. A single
key should be used for only one purpose. If you
use it for two different purposes, it may weaken
the security. By limiting the use of a key, limits
the damage that could be done if the key is compromised. And some key usages interfere with
each other: an asymmetric key pair should only
be used for either encryption or digital signatures,
not both.
6. Symmetric Data Encryption Keys: < 2 years /
< OUP + 3 years
7. Symmetric Key Wrapping Key: < 2 years / <
OUP + 3 years
8. Symmetric and asymmetric RNG Keys: upon
9. Symmetric Master Key: about 1 year
10. Private Key Transport Key: < 2 years
11. Public Key Transport Key: 1-2 years
There are 19 types of cryptographic keys, defined by NIST. They are classified according to
wheter they are public, private or symmetric, their
area of use and for asymmetric keys - wheter they
are static or ephemeral.
The cryptopo period is the lifespan of the specific key. This is important because it limits the
amount of information protected by that given
key that is available for analysis. And limits the
amount of exposure if a single key is compromised. Short cryptoperiods may be counter productive, particularly where denial of service is the
paramount concern, and there is a significant overhead and potential for error in the re-keyring, key
update or key derivation process. The cryptoperiod is therefore a trade-off.
12. Symmetric Key Agreement Key: 1-2 years
13. Private Static Key Agreement Key: 1-2 years
14. Public Static Key Agreement Key: 1-2 years
15. Private Ephemeral Key Agreement Key: one
key agreement transaction
16. Public Ephemeral Key Agreement Key: one
key agreement transaction
17. Symmetric Authorization (Access Approval)
Key: < 2 years
18. Private Authorization (Access Approval)
Key: < 2 years
19. Public Authorization (Access Approval) Key:
< 2 years
Usage Periods
A key is both used for protecting and processing.
In the protection period, the key is used for
encryption. And in the processing period, the key
is used for decryption. A symmetric key shall not
be used to provide protection after the end of the
protection period. The processing period normally
extend beyond the protection period.
Recommended crypto periods as following:
Type - protection period - usage period
Key Generation
This is the most sensitive of all cryptographic functions. When we generate a key, we need to prevent unauthorized disclosure, insertion and deletion of keys. Automated devises that generate keys
and initialization vectors (IVs) should be physically protected to prevent modifications, replacements and disclosure. Keys should also be randomly chosen from full range of key space.
1. Private Signature Key: 1-3 years
Random Number Generator Seeds (RNG) keys
1. Simple delete operation on computer; may
are used to initialize the generation of random
leave undeleted key e.g. in recycle bin or
symmetric/asymmetric keys. Knowing the seed
temporary folders.
may determine the key uniquely. Requires confi2. Special delete operation on computer; that
dentiality and integrity protection.
leaves no data e.g. by overwriting.
Examples of key generation
Stream cipher keys: long true random key stream
3. Magnetic media degaussing
(as the One-Time-Pad), or short random key (for
example 128 bits) input to keystream generator to
4. Destruction of physical device e.g. high temgenerate a pseudo random key stream.
AES symmetric block cipher keys: select adequate
key length 128, 192 or 256 bits. Ensures that any
6.2.1 Key States
key is as probable as any other.
RSA asymmetric cipher: makes sure n = p * q
1. Pre-activision: the key material has been gen(modulus) is sufficiently large to prevent factoring
example n = 2048 bit. Randomness in seeds to
2. Active: the key may be used to cryptographigenerate primes p and q must be twice the securically protect information or process previousty required.
ly protected information.
Compromise of keys occurs when the protec3. Deactivated: a key whose cryptoperiod has
tive mechanisms for the key fail, and the key can
expired, still need to preform processing.
no longer be trusted. When a key is compromised,
Therefore deactivated until its destroyed.
all the use of the key to protect information shall
cease and the compromised key shall be revoked.
4. Destroyed: the key has been destroyed.
A compromise recovery plan should contain:
5. Compromised: keys are compromised when
1. The identification of the personnel to notify.
they are released to or determined by an
unauthorized entity.
2. The identification of the personnel to perform
the recovery actions.
6. Destroyed compromised: key is destroyed
after a compromise.
3. The re-key method.
4. Any other recovery procedures, such as:
• Physical inspection of equipment.
Key Protection
Keys should be accessible for authorized users
and protected against unauthorized users. E.g.
symmetric ciphers is never stored or transmitted ’in the clear’. They may use hierarchy like
session keys encrypted with a master. Master
key protection could be locks and guards, tamper proof devices, passwords and biometrics. For
asymmetric ciphers private keys need confidentiality protection and public keys need integrity/authentication protection.
• Identification of all information that may
be compromised.
• Identification of all signatures that may
be invalid due to the compromise of a
signing key.
• Distribution of new keying material, if
The worst form of key compromise is when it is
not detected.
When a key is going to be destructed, no key
material should reside in volatile memory or
permanent storage media afterwards.
Methods for destroying keys may be as follows:
Session Key Establishment
Symmetric ciphers are more efficient than asymmetric, typically used for secure data communication sessions. Session keys for symmetric ciphers
3. Signed hashed message with As private key
must be distributed under the protection of permanent keys. Three options for protecting the distribution of session keys:
4. Digital signature: Sig = S( H ( M), K priv )
5. Recover hash from Sig with As public key:
H ( M) = V ( Sig, K pub )
1. Use existing shared secret keys.
2. Use a trusted third party (server) who shared
a symmetric (long-term) key with each user.
6. Is valid if H ( M) = H ( M0 )
7. Compute hash H ( M0 )
3. Use asymmetric cipher to protect session key.
8. B has received plain text M0
Signing Public Keys
Need to know who the key belongs to. Public keys
must be distributed securely. May use a public-key
certificate from a trusted third party: Certification
Authority (CA). A public-key certificate is a public key digitally signed by a CA. A hierarchy of
public-key certificated becomes a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
Public-key Infrastructure
Due to spoofing problem, public keys must be
digitally signed before it is distributed. PKI is an
infrastructure for distributing signed public keys
in the form of public-key certificates. PKI consist
• Policies: to define the rules for managing
Digital Signature
• Technologies: to implement policies and generate, store and manage certificates.
• Private Key K priv : confidential key only
known by the owner.
• Procedures: related to key management.
• Public Key K pub : publicly known key.
• Structure of public key certificates: public
keys with digital signatures.
• Plain text message M: the original message or
• Hash function H: used to create hash block.
Public-Key Certificates
• Digital signature Sig: cryptographic authenti- A public-key certificate is a public key with a
digital signature. It binds a name to the public
cation code.
key. CA sign public keys. An authentic copy of
• Signature generation S: function for creating CA’s public key is needed in order to validate
the digital signature Sig of hash H ( M) on certificate. Relying party validates this certificate,
message M. E.g. RSA: the S(sign) function is verifies that the users public key is authentic.
equivalent to D (decrypt).
• Verification function V: function for verifying How to generate a digital certificate?
the digital signature Sig of hash H ( M) on
• Assemble the information in single record
message M. E.g. RSA: the V (veri f y) function
is equivalent to E(encrypt).
• Hash the record.
Generation and validation
two parties A and B.
is as follows: take
• Sign the hashed record.
1. The plain text M
• Append the digital signature to the record.
2. Compute the hash H ( M)
H ( Rec) → S( H ( Rec), K priv (CA))
Using certificates to verify signature If B sends
signed message M, Sig B ( H ( M)), CertB to A,
H ( M) is the hash value of the message M.
• Identity: a set of names, attributes of entity
in a specific domain. An entity may have
multiple identities in one domain.
• A is the relying party and must first validate
Cert B : A uses CA’s public key K pub (CA) to
verify CA’s signature on the binding between
the public key and Bs unique identifier.
• Digital identity: digital representation of
names, attributes in a way that is suitable for
processing by computers.
• A obtains K pub (B) from the certificate Cert B
• A uses K pub (B) to verify signature Sig B
(H(M)) on M.
• Names and attributes of entity: can be unique
or ambiguous within a domain.
• If A trusts the CA that issued Cert B and is certain of CA’s public key and unique identifier
and is certain of Bs unique identifier, then A
is certain that message M came from B.
Self-signed root keys Many people think a root
public key is authentic just because it is selfsigned. Self-signing provides absolutely no security. It gives impression of assurance and false trust.
System authentication: verify identity/name of
system in a session. Person authentication: verify
correctness of person’s claimed identity or name.
This happens in a session and/or in access control.
Identity and/or name may be recognized as name,
role or attribute. Organization authentication verify attribute of org., or its authorized representative. This may require person authentication.
Browser PKI and Malicious Certificates
Message Authentication
This provides evidence that the message or data
was sent by a user or entity with a specific
identity. Strong message authentication requires
cryptographic protection like MAC or DigSign.
Weak message authentication only needs some
form of electronic evidence, like senders phone
number of a SMS message.
What is authentication? Identity: means ’same one
as last time’. First time authentication is not meaningful since there is no ’last time’. Authentication
requires a first tie registration of identity in the
form of a name within a domain. Registration may
take two forms: pre-authentication, from previous
identity e.g. a passport or creation of a new identity, e.g. a new born baby.
Limitation of User Authentication
Limitation applies to the start of a session between user and the system. Assume that the user operates a terminal. Does not guarantee that received messages originate from the user or terminal. There may be a man-in-the-middle attack.
The web-browser automatically validates certificates by checking that the certificate name and the
domain name of the web-server are equal. Criminals buy legitimate certificates with are automatically validated by browsers. This may be used
for malicious phising attacks, e.g. a bank. However, this malicious certificates are legitimate certificates. Server certificates validation is not authentication.
Entity Authentication
User Authentication
Stages of user authentication:
1. Registration: user contacts ID-provider, possibly with documentation. (Pre-authentication.)
2. Provisioning: ID-provider registers unique
name and issues credential.
The Concept of Identity
• Entity: a person, organization, agent, system
3. Identification: user presents the unique name
to select his identity.
4. Verification of identity: provides ID with credential.
may also be put under duress to produce biometric authenticator.
Step 1 and 2 is the registration phase that is done
only once, while step 3 and 4 is the authentication 7.6.1 Modes of Operation
phase that is done multiple times.
• Enrollment: analog capture of the user’s bioThe ’thing’ used to preform authentication is
metric attribute.
called credential. This may also refer to a token or
a authenticator. This may be passwords, pin-codes,
• Identification: capture of a new biometric
smart cards etc.
sample, searching the database for stored
7.4.1 Passwords
• Verification: comparison of the new sample
This is a simple and most-often-used authenticawith that of the user’s stored template.
tor, and it is something the user knows. The problem with passwords is that it is easy to share, may
be forgotten, often easy to guess and may be writ- 7.6.2 Matching Algorithm
ten down. Some strategies for strong passwords
• True positive: legitimate user is accepted.
may be computer generated passwords, proactive
password checking and reactive password check• True negative: attacker is rejected.
• False positive → False Acceptance Rate
(FAR): attacker are accepted.
Digest Authentication
• False negatives → False Rejection Rate (FRR):
legitimate users are rejected.
HTTP digest is a simple challenge response protocol specified in RFC 2069. Server sends: WWWauthenticate = digest, realm = ’server domain’,
nonce = ’some random number’. User specifies
userID and password in browser window. Browser produces a password digest from nonce, userID
and password using a one-way hash function (e.g.
SHA-1). Browser sends userID and digest to server, that validates the digest.
Passworddigest = H (nonce, userID, password).
• Tradeoff between FAR and FRR: FAR = (#
accepted attackers) / (total # attackers), FRR
= (# rejected users) / (total # users)
Object-Based Authentication
This is something you have, e.g. a token. And
tokens usually are synchronized One-TimePassword (OTP) generators. Using a password
only once significantly strengthens the security
of the authentication process. There are two
general methods for this: clock-based tokens and
counter-based tokens.
ID-Based Authentication
Biometrics, why use it? It is convenient as it can
not be lost or forgotten. Provides for positive authentication → it is difficult to copy, share and
distribute. This kind of authentication is increasingly socially acceptable and is becoming less expensive. Biometrics may also be used for identification. Examples of this kind of authentication may be fingerprints, facial recognition, eye
retina/scanning, hand geometry etc. The requirements are that the characteristic of the person
should be universal and distinctive.
The safety risk considering biometrics is that attackers might want to ’steal’ body parts. Subjects
Clock-Based OTP Tokens
The token displays time-dependent code on display, the user have to copy the code to log in. Possession of the token is necessary to know the correct value for the current time. Each code is computed for specific time window. Clocks must be
synchronized. Example for this type of token is
Counter-Based OTP Tokens
Level 0
No reg. of id
Counter-based tokens generate a ’password’ result
value as a function of an internal counter and other
internal data, without external inputs. HOTP is
a HMAC-based OTP algorithm described in RFC
4226: tokens that do not support any numeric
input, and the value displayed on the token is
designed to be easily read and entered by the user.
Challenge Response Systems
Contactless Cards
Conactless identification cards consist of a chip
and an antenna. Does not need to come into
contact with the machine reader. When not within
the range of a machine (RF) reader it is not
powered and so remains inactive. Suitable for use
in hot, dirty, foggy environments.
Level 3
in the id
Identity and Access Management
Multi-Factor Authentication
When two or more authentication methods is used
to log in. Example: BankID and PIN-code.
Level 2
in the id
Level 1 is used for online self-registration and
self-chosen password. Pre-authentication by providing person number. This provides little or no
authentication assurance.
Level 2 gives fixed password provisioned in
person or by mail to user’s address in national
person register. OPT calculator without PIN-code,
provisioned in person or by mail. List of OTP
provisioned in person or by mail. Provides some
authentication assurance.
Level 3 uses OPT calculator with PIN-code
provisioned separately in person or my mail to
address in national person register. SMS-based
authentication, where enrollment of mobile phone
is based on code provisioned in person or by
mail. Personal public-key certificate with gov. PKI.
Provides high authentication assurance.
Level 4 uses two-factor authentication, where
at least one must be dynamic and at least one
is provisioned in person. Also requires logging
and auditing by third party. Provides very high
authentication assurance.
A challenge is sent in response to access request:
a legitimate user can respond to the challenge by
preforming a task which requires use of information only available to the user. Advantage: since
the challenge will be different each time, the response will be too. The dialohue can not be captured and used at a later time. Could use symmetric or asymmetric crypto.
Level 1
in the id
Authentication Assurance
This gives trust in identity. It is a requirement for
e-business. Authentication assurance: resources
have different sensitivity levels. Authentication
has a cost, stronger authentication → higher cost.
Authentication assurance level should match the
sensitivity level.
Identity representing and entities as digital identities. Managing name spaces of unique identifiers.
Mapping identities between domains.
Authentication is registration, provisioning and
Access is authorization, access approval and
accounting (AAA).
Identity Management Types
1. Mgmt of user IDs and crentials on SP side.
2. Mgmt of user IDs and credentials on user
3. Mgmt of SP IDs and credentials on SP side.
Authentication Assurance Levels (AAL)
Level 4
in the id
4. Mgmt of SP IDs and credentials on user side.
SP = Service Provider.
Single common identifier name space: based on
URIs or XRIs. Multiple identity providers: each
IdP controls its own domain name, registers users
under own domain name. Whoever controls a
domain name can be IdP. IdP are involved in every
service access: collect info about service access.
Identity Domains
An identity domain is a network realm with a
name space of unique names. Management structures: single authority, e.g. user IDs in company
network. Hierarchical: e.g. Domain Name System
(DNS). A single policy is normally applied in a domain.
Self registration. Anybody can be IdProvider and
server, also you. Not all IdProviders are recognized as ’authorities’. A SP can specify which IdPs
it accepts. Not suitable for sensitive services. Typically targets online services with AAL-1. Vulnerable to multiple forms of abuse.
Single Sign-On
Low acceptance of new services that require separate user authentication. Silo model requires users
to provide same information to many service
providers. Silo model makes it difficult to offer
bundled services, from different service providers.
Service providers want better quality user information.
Open Identity Model
OpenID Business Model
For ID Providers it is a collection of market data,
knows who uses which service and fragmentation
of ID Provider market is a threat. For Service
Providers (Relying Party): potentially more traffic
and business. For users: avoid multiple identities,
avoids typing passwords.
Single Domain SSO
Single authority that acts as identity provider (IdP)
and credentials provider, single authority authenticates users. Advantages: well suited for servers
under single management, e.g. within large private and government organizations. Good usability. Disadvantages: Politically and technically difficult to implement in open environments. Who
trusts authentication by other organizations?
This is the Norwegian Id management system
withing the national education sector. Users have
only one username and password. Users access
web-services via a central log-in service. Services
are given what they need to know about the
user. Services are not given the users password,
only information about the user. FEIDE have
Federated SSO Identify Federation: a set of formal agreements with the schools before they
agreements, standards and technologies that en- are connected.
able a group of SPs to recognize user identities and
entitlements from other SPs. Identifier (and cre8.5.1 Technical Aspects
dential) issuance as for the silo model. Mapping
between a user’s different unique identifiers. Au- Based on SAML 2.0. Back end authenticate users
thentication by one SP, communicated as security by using LDAP. One central identity provider
assertions to other SPs. Provides SSO in open en- (IdP) where service providers (SPs) are connected.
Single Sign On when going between services.
Advantages: improved usability (theoretically). Single Log Out when logging out from a service.
Compatible with silo user-identity domains. Allows SPs to bundle services and collect user info.
8.6 Access Control
Disadvantages: high technical and legal complexity. High trust requirements. Privacy issues. This controls how users and systems access othUnimaginable for all SPs to federate.
er systems and resources. Prevents unauthorizes
users to access to resources. Unauthorized access
could compromise: confidentiality, integrity and
availability of information assets.
Combined MAC and DAC A combination of
these two access controls approaches is often used.
MAC is applied first: if access is granted →
discretionary system is invoked. Access granted
only if both approaches permit. This ensures no
owner may make sensitive information available
to unauthorized users.
Authorization and Access Control
To authorize is to specify access permissions for
roles, individuals, entities or processes. Authority
may be delegated. Authorization policy is implemented in IT systems in the form of access rules.
RBAC Role based. Access rights are based on the
role of the subject, rather than identity. Example:
admin. RBAC may be combined with DAC and
Access Control Phases This goes as follows:
Registration: Registration → Provisioning →
Authorization : Offline
Operation: Identification → Authentication →
Approval : Online
Termination: De-registration → Revoke authorization : Offline
Three Main Approaches
• Discretionary access control (DAC)
Communication Security
Network security got two main areas: communication security and perimeter security.
• Mandatory access control (MAC)
• Role-based access control (RBAC)
DAC Access rights to an object or resource are
granted at the discretion of the owner of the object.
According to the Orange Book (TCSEC) DAC is
implemented as an Access Control List (ACL).
Windows and Linux uses DAC.
Communication Protocol Architecture
This is a layered structure of hardware and software that supports the exchange of data between
systems as well as a distributed application (e.g.
email). Each protocol consist of a set of rules for exchanging messages. There are two standards: OSI
reference model and TCP/IP protocol suite. The
last one is most widely used.
ACL Attached to an object. Provides an access
rule for a list of subjects. Simple means of enforcing policy. Does not scale well. ACLs may be combined into an access control matrix covering access
rules for a set of objects.
MAC A central authority assigns access privileges. According to Orange Book MAC is implemented with security labels, e.g. security clearance
and classification levels. (SE)Linux includes MAC.
Open Systems Interconnection
OSI is developed by the International Organization Standardization (ISO) and is a 7 layer model.
Each layer preforms a subset of the required communication functions. Each layer provide services
to the next higher layer.
Labels Security Labels can be assigned to subjects and objects. Object labels are assigned according to sensitivity. Subject labels are determined by
the authorization policy.
Client Hello
Provides access to OSI for users.
Provides independence to the application
from differences in data representation.
Provides the control structure for
communication between applications.
Provides reliable, transparent transfer
of data between end points.
Provides upper layers with independence
from the data transmission and
switching technologies used
to connect systems.
Data Link
Provides for the reliable transfer of information
across the physical link.
Concerned with transmission of unstructured
bit stream over physical medium.
Client Certificate
Client Key Exchange
Certificate Verify
Data Link
IP Layer Security
This is the standard for secure communications
over the Internet Protocol (IP) networks. It uses
encryption, authentication and key management
algorithms. It is based on an end-to-end security
model at the IP level. Provides a security architecture for both IPv4 and IPv6 (mandatory for IPv6
and optional for IPv4). It’s a layer 3 security: operates on the network layer of OSI and Internet layer
of TCP.
TCP/IP Protocol Architecture
Server Hello
Server Certificate
Server Key Exchange
Client Certificate
Server Done
Developed by the US Defense Advanced Research
Project Agency (DARPA) for its packet switched
network (ARPANET). Used by the global Internet.
No official model, but it is a working one.
IPSec Security Services
Message Confidentiality Protects against unauthorized data disclosure. Accomplished by the use
of encryption mechanisms.
Traffic Analysis Protection A person monitoring
network traffic cannot know which parties are
communicating, how often, or how much data is
being sent. Provided by concealing IP datagram
details such ad source and destination address.
Network Access
Message Integrity IPSec can determine if data
has been changed (intentionally or unintentionally) during transit. Integrity of data can be assured
by using a MAC.
See your own paper on the case, stupid.
Message Replay Protection The same data is not
delivered multiple times, and data is not delivered
grossly out of order. However, IPSec does not
ensure that data is delivered in the exact order in
which it is sent.
Key establishment is often accomplished through
a manual process.
Peer Authentication Each IPSec endpoint confirms the identity of the other IPSec endpoint with
which it wishes to communicate. Ensures that network traffic is being sent from the expected host.
This may be firewalls, intrusion detection systems
and LAN security.
Network Access Control Filtering can ensure
users only have access to certain network resources and can only use certain types of network
A firewall is a check point that protects the internal
networks against attack from outside network.
The check point function applies rules to decide
which traffic can pass in and out.
If the level of risk associated with maintaining a
connection between an organization’s internal network and the Internet (or other network(s)) is unacceptable, the most effective way of treating the
risk is to avoid the risk altogether and disconnect
completely. If this is not possible, then firewalls
may provide effective control for reducing the risk
level to an acceptable level.
Firewalls are often the first line of defence
against external attacks, but should not be the only
A firewall prevents unauthorized access to or
from a private network. System admins must
define criteria for what is (un)authorized. All
traffic that passes though the firewall must meet
this specified criteria.
Firewalls may be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both.
They are frequently used to prevent unauthorized Internet users from accessing private networks connected to the Internet, especially intranets.
Firewalls must be effectively administrated and
updated with the latest patches.
Some description of different types of firewalls
Gateway-to-Gateway Architecture
Provides secure network communication between
two networks. Establish a VPN connection between the two gateways. Network traffic is routed
through the IPSec connection. Only protects data
between those two gateways.
Host-to-Gateway Architecture
Commonly used to provide secure remote access. The organization deploys a VPN gateway
onto their network; each remote access user then
establishes a VPN connection between the local
computer (host) and the VPN gateway. As with
the gateway-to-gateway model, the VPN gateway
may be a dedicated device or a part of another
network device. Most often used when connection
hosts on unsecured networks to resources on secured networks, such as linking traveling employees around the world to headquarters over the Internet.
Host-to-Host Architecture
Typically used for special purpose needs, such
as system administrators preforming remote management of a single server. Only model that provides end-to-end protection for data throughout
its transit. Resource-insensitive to implement and
maintain in terms of user and host management.
All user systems and servers that will participate
in VPNs need to have VPN software installed.
Perimeter Security
Router Packet Filter
This is a network router function that accepts/rejects packets based on headers is referred
to as a packet filter. Packet filters examine each
packet’s headers and make decisions based on
attributes such as:
• Source or destination IP addresses
• IPTables for Linux
• Source or destination port numbers
• Checkpoint firewall-1
• Protocol (UDP, TCP or ICMP
• Cisco PIX (integrated hardware and software)
• ICMP message type
• Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration
• And which interface the packet arrived on
A packet filter examines each packet that attempts to pass through the filter. This is done for
both directions. Each packet is examined independently of other packets that may be part of the
same connection, unaware of session states at internal or external hosts.
Strengths and Weaknesses Its strengths is low
overhead and high throughput. And it supports
almost any application. Its weaknesses though
is that it do not usually interpret application
data/commands: may allow insecure operations
to occur. It allows direct connection between hosts
inside and outside firewall.
Host-Based Packet Filters
Routers are commonly used as packet filters, in
addition to normal routing duties. A host may
preform packet filtering as well as other duties,
such as web serving. In this case the packet filter is
designed to protect the hist itself, not other hosts.
Common packet filter software includes:
Personal Firewalls
This is a program designed to protect the computer it is installed on. Personal firewalls are frequently used by home users to protect themselves from
the Internet. They are usually a stateful packet filter. Some products include anti-virus software as
well (usually at extra cost).
• IPChains for Linux
• TCP wrappers for various Unix
• IP filter for Sun Solaris
Stateful Packet Filters
Circuit Level Gateways
A circuit level gateway is a special type of application level gateway with reduced security checking. It acts as a relay of TCP/UDP layer data rather
than application data, and usually no analysis of
the application layer data is preformed. Connections are validated before allowing data to be exchanged. It is able to identify a particular packet as being part of a particular connection. Got
high performance possible due to limited security checking. Similar strengths and weaknesses to
stateful packet filters except, can examine application layer data to a certain extent, but not up to application level gateway standards. E.g. some control/blocking of insecure FTP commands.
Stateful packet filters take account of the current
state of a connection. They are more ’intelligent’
than simple packet filters. They are also able to
recognize if a particular packet is part of an established connection by ’remembering’ recent traffic history. This makes the definition of filtering
rules easier to accomplish and therefore potentially more secure.
A stateful packet filter keeps track of sessions.
Though it can be subject to Denial of Service (DOS)
Stateful packet filters are sometimes called dynamic packet filters due to their ability to add rules
’on the fly’. For example: can recognize an outgoing connection request from an internal client being sent to an external server. And will add a temporary rule to allow the reply traffic back through
the firewall. When session is finished, the temporary rule is deleted.
Common software packages include:
Application Level Gateway
This acts as a relay of application level traffic. Also
known as an application proxy because the firewall needs to act on behalf of the client. Usually
configured to support only specific applications or
specific features of an application: each application supported bu a specific gateway in the firewall.
1. Client sends a request to the server, which
is intercepted by the firewall (application
2. Firewall sends the request to the server on
behalf of the client.
3. Sever sends reply back to the firewall. Firewall sends reply to the client.
4. Both client and the server think they are
communicating with each other, not knowing
the firewall exists. It is transparent.
Deep Inspection Application Gateways
Screened Bastion-Host
Intrusion Detection Systems
Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are automated
systems (programs) that detect suspicious events.
IDS can be either host-based or network-based.
A host based IDS is designed to detect intrusions
only on the host it is installed on: monitor changes
to host’s operating system files and traffic sent to
the host. Network based IDS (NIDS) are designed
to detect intrusions on one or more network
segments, usually deployed to protect a number of
hosts: monitor network(s) looking for suspicious
What should be detected? Attempted and successful break-ins, attacks by legitimate users (for
example, illegitimate use of root privileges), trojan
horse malware, viruses and worms, denial of service attacks.
TLS/HTTPS Traffic Inspection
As known, TLS is designed for end-to-end encryption, so a firewall may not inspect. In order to inspect TLS, terminate TLS connections at
gateway. An SysAdmin must create internal PKI
root and issue internal server certificated with the
name of external servers (e.g. Facebook). Internal users/hosts will receive server certificate from
gateway and believe that the certificate comes
from the external server. Causes clear text gap at
gateway, but it is transparent to users.
This is a dedicated firewall that comes in addition
to the packet filtering routers. Its functions are
proxy for services in the internal network, NAT,
protocol gateway for different link layer protocols.
Deep packet inspection looks at application content instead of individual or multiple packets. It
keeps track of application content across multiple packets. Potentially unlimited level of detail in
traffic filtering.
Like packet 1 contains IP header, UDP header
and payload data. Deep inspection only look at
payload data, that is application parameters for
e.g. Facebook.
This translates public ↔ private addresses and
ports. The possibilities are: static mapping (permanent mapping of public to private addresses), dynamic mapping (mapping of public to private addresses when needed, unmapped when no longer
needed), port address translation (PAT) (multiple
internal addresses mapped to same public address
but with different port numbers).
NAT helps enforce control over outbound connections, restrict incoming traffic, conceal internal network configuration and prevents port scanning. Can not be used with protocols that require a
separate back-channel, protocols that encrypt TCP
headers, embed TCP address info and IPv6.
How it works
IPv4 Addresses
IPv4 addresses of 32 bits → 232 = 4, 294, 967, 296
unique addresses. Represented as four decimal
bytes separated by dots. For the University of Oslo
it is:
Intrusion Detection Techniques
Misuse detection Must know in advance what
attacker will do (how?). Can only detect known
Anomaly detection Using a model of normal
system behavior, try to detect deviations and
abnormalities. Can potentially detect unknown
This is a computer configured to detect network
attacks or malicious behavior. It appears to be part
of a network, and seems to contain information or
a resource of value to attackers. But honeypots are
isolated, are never advertised and are continuously monitored. All connections to honeypots are per
definition malicious. Can be used to extract attack
Port Scanning
Many vulnerabilities are OS-specific: bugs in implementation, default configuration. Port scan is
often a prelude to an attack. Attacker tries many
ports on many IP addresses, for example looking
for an old version of some daemon with an unpatched buffer overflow. If characteristic behavior
detected, mount attack.
802.11 Wireless LAN Security
WEP (’99)
Auth. and
key gen.
RC4 +
Intrusion Detection Errors
False negatives: attack is not detected. Big problem
in signature-based misuse detection.
False positives: harmless behavior is classified
as an attack. Big problem in statistical anomaly
Both types of IDS suffer from both error types.
WLAN Security
Intrusion Detection Problems
Lack of training data with real attacks: but lots
of ’normal’ network traffic, system call data. Data
drift: statistical methods detect changes in behavior, attacker can attack gradually and incrementally. Discriminating characteristics hard to specify:
many attackers may be withing bounds of ’normal’ range of activities. False identifications are
very costly: SysAdmin will spend many hours examining evidence.
Only authorized terminals (or users) may get
access though WLAN. Should be impossible to
set up rogue AP. Interception of traffic by radios
within range should be impossible.
Attacking and Evading NIDS
Overload NIDS with huge data streams, then
attempt the intrusion. Use encryption to hide
packet content. Split malicious data into multiple
Michael CCMP
Notation of Table
• WPA: WiFi Protected Access
• EAP: Extensible Authentication Protocol
• RC4: Rivest Cipher 4 (stream cipher)
• TKIP: Temporal-Key Integrity Protocol
Intrusion Prevention Systems
• Michel MIC: A type of Message Integrity
Intrusion prevention systems (IPS) is a relatively
new term that may mean different things. Most
commonly, a IPS is a combination of an IDS and a
firewall. A system that detects an attack and may
stop it as well. It may be an extension of an NIDS.
• CCMP: Counter Mode with Cipher Block
Chaining Message Authentication Protocol
Application and Operations
A piece of software that infects programs: modifying programs to include a copy of the virus, so it
executes secretly when host program is run. Specific to operating system and hardware: taking advantage of their details and weaknesses. A typical
virus goes through phases of: dormant, propagation, triggering, execution.
Application security: malicious software, attacks
on applications.
Malicious content comes in many different forms
and got different effects. It is difficult to know
when infected. More advanced forms emerge.
Malware is a growing concern.
There are different types of malicious programs.
They can either be independent or need a host
program. Independent malware may be worms
and zombies. Malware that needs a host program
can be trapdoors, logic bombs, trojans and viruses.
Viruses, worms and zombies are replicate.
How do computers get infected? Direct attacks
from the network, as worms or exploitation of
application vulnerabilities such as SQL injection
or buffer overflows. Accessing a malicious or
infected website or starting an application from a
website. Installing infected software.
Mobile Phone Worms First appeared on mobile
phones in 2004. They communicate via Bluetooth
or MMS. They disable phone, delete data on the
phone or send premium-prices messages.
Worm Countermeasures Overlaps with antivirus techniques. Worms also cause significant net
activity. Worm defense approaches include:
• Signature-based worm scan filtering.
Backdoor or Trapdoor
• Filter-based worm containment.
• Payload-classification-based worm containment.
• Threshold random walk scan detection.
• Rate limiting and rate halting.
Logic Bomb
One of the oldest types of malicious software.
Code embedded in legitimate program. Activated when specified conditions met: e.g. presence/absence of some file, particular date/time,
particular user. It causes damage when triggered:
modify/delete files/disks, halt machine, etc.
Replicating program that propagates over net:
using email, remote login. It has phases like a
virus. May disguise itself as a system process. One
of the best known worms is Morris Worm.
This is a secret entry point into a program, allows
those who know access bypassing usual security
procedures. Have been commonly used by developers for testing. A threat when left in production
programs allowing exploited by attackers.
Distributed Denial of Service Attacks
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks form
a significant security threat. Making networked
systems unavailable: by flooding with useless
traffic. Uses large numbers of ’zombies’.
Trojan Horse
A program with hidden side-effects. The program
is usually superficially attractive: e.g. a game.
Performs additional tasks when executed, allows
attacker to indirectly gain access they do not have
directly. Often used to propagate a virus/worm or
to install a backdoor.
Constructing an Attack Network
Must infect large numbers of zombies. Needs:
1. Software to implement the DDoS attack.
2. An unpatched vulnerability on many systems.
3. Scanning strategy to find vulnerable systems.
Prevention of SQL Injection Check and filter
user input: length limit on input (most attacks depend on long query strings), different types of inputs have specific language and syntax associated
with them (e.g. name, email etc), do not allow suspicious keywords.
DDoS Countermeasures
Three broad lines of defense:
1. Attack prevention and preemption (before)
Prevent SQL Injection and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Attacks SCRUB Error handling: error
messages divulge information that can be used by
hacker, error messages must not reveal potentially
sensitive information. VALIDATE all user entered
2. Attack detection and filtering (during)
3. Attack source traceback and ident (after)
Huge range of attack possibilities. Hence evolving countermeasures.
This is a collection of software agent (robots) that
run autonomously and automatically. Execute malicious functions in a coordinated way. A botnet id
named after the malicious software, but there can
be multiple botnets using the same malicious software, but operated by different criminal groups.
Military Operations Security (OPSEC) is a process
that identifies critical information related to military operations, and then executes selected measures that eliminate or reduce adversary exploitation of this information.
Commercial Operations Security is to apply
security principles and practices to computer and
business operations.
Structures Query Language (SQL): inferface to
relational database systems. Allows for insert,
update, delete and retrieval of data in a database.
Operations Security
Due Diligence and Due Care
In general, due diligence is to make necessary investigations in order to be well informed. Information security due diligence is the process of
investigating security risks: risk assessment is an
essential element of due diligence. To show due
care means that a company implements security
policies, procedures, technologies and standards
that balances the security risks. Practicing due diligence and due care together means that a company acts responsibly by taking the necessary steps
to protect the company, it’s assets, and employees.
SQL Injection
It is the ability to inject SQL commands into
the database engine through existing application.
Occurs in flaw in web application, not in database
or web server. No matter how patched your
system is, no matter how many ports you close,
an attacker can get complete ownership of our
Some possibilities:
• Brute forcing passwords using attacked server to do the processing.
Patch Management
1. Provide patch management infrastructure →
requires procedures staff end computing environment.
• Interact with OS, reading and writing files.
• Gather IP information though reverse lookup.
2. Research newly released patches → compatibility issues, authenticity and integrity of
• Start FTP service on attacked server.
• File uploading.
3. Test new patches on isolated platforms →
patches often break functions, so better out
18. Incident response capability.
19. Data recovery capability.
20. Security skills assessment and appropriate
training to fill gaps.
4. Deploy patches to production platforms →
progressive, from leas sensitive to most sensitive systems.
5. Validate, log and report patching activities.
Top 20 Security Controls
Top 20 Controls were agreed upon by US consortium brought together by John Gilligan and the
Center for Strategic and International Studies.
Privacy and Regulatory Requirements
Regulation of IT Security
Regulation is a term used for governmental control over society’s stakeholders actions. Laws provide the grounds for regulation. Regulation follows political decisions, and usually relates to
existing legal frameworks and societal demands.
Regulation is often the result of either new risk
for society, or persisting conflicts on the unregulated market, e.g. market failure. Self-regulation of
stakeholders is another way of regulation.
1. Inventory of authorized and unauthorized
2. Inventory of authorized and unauthorized
3. Secure configurations for hardware and software on laptops, workstations and servers.
4. Secure configurations for network devices
such as firewalls, routers and switches.
Who Regulates IT?
The government are the source of most regulation
→ even in the areas where government attention
spawned effective self-regulation. Post og Teletilsynet and Datatilsynet are specific supervisory authorities that regulate IT in Norway, among others.
5. Boundary defense.
6. Maintenance, monitoring and analysis of security audit logs.
7. Application software security.
8. Controlled use of administrative privileges.
Electronic Signatures in Europe The goal is to
provide a harmonized framework for the provision and use of electronic signatures in Europe.
Defines terms, applicability of e-signatures, responsibilities of certificate authorities (CAs), liability and security requirements.
9. Controlled access based on the need to know.
10. Continuous vulnerability assessment and remediation.
Regulatory Frameworks
11. Account monitoring and control.
Data Protection OECD guidelines define international basis for collection, use and transfer of
personal data. Regional (e.g. EU-wide) formulation of common data protection rules for harmonized services. National implementation and supervision in national laws and law systems by the
national governments. Datatilsynet is the supervisory authority in Norway. In Norway, privacy can
easily be weakened though new laws (e.g. Skatteliste, road toll etc). Some countries require data
breach publications.
12. Malware defense.
13. Limitation and control of network ports, protocols and services.
14. Wireless device control.
15. Data loss prevention.
16. Secure network engineering.
17. Penetration tests and red team exercises.
Data Protection Regulation
Privacy design vs. Business Model is a difficult
challenge. Data minimization might be the ’best
Protection is the ’right to be left alone’. Complications with data protection can be geographically: USA vs. Europe (safe harbor). Legally: jurisdictions differences in different locations. Sectoral (USA): industry self-regulation with occasional sectoral regulation (e.g. health data). Future challenges: interpretation of personal data
through others in wrong contexts.
1. RFID operators shall conduct privacy risk
2. Risk assessments should honor stakes, and
cover all stakeholders.
EU Directive on Data Protection
3. Mandatory to take appropriate technical and
organizational measures to mitigate the privacy risks.
Created a harmonized space for handling personal information in EU and EFTA/EØS countries.
Rules based on OECD.
4. Assign a responsible person for audit and
adaption of the above.
• Transparency, legitimate purpose, proportionality.
5. Privacy and security risk management shall
be aligned.
• Supervisory authority and public register of
processing operations.
6. The privacy risk assessment summary must
be published latest upon deployment of the
RFID application.
• Transfer of personal data to third countries.
However, in most member states, a violation of
privacy laws is not a capital crime of great interest
to the government solicitor.
Cross-Border Issues
Privacy Enhancing Technology
Privacy Enhancing Technology (PET), definition:
A collection of IT artifacts that are used to minimize personal data, secure the use and storage
of personal data, secure the use and storage of
personal data, and enable the secure and privacypreserving management of personal data. Many
flavors and purposes, ranging from self-defense to
corporate information management. Encryption is
a building block for PET, but not enough to provide pseudonumity, anonymity or unlikability of
PET development inspired by the legal perspective on basic human rights. Technology-centric approach. PET research focused on information hid-
Tension With Other Laws
Data retention for intelligence/criminal investigation. Specific tax laws, e.g. Norway’s Skatteliste
and Norway’s scanning of credit card payments.
Norwegian Regulation
General rules in ’personopplysningsloven’ apply
to RFID applications. No specific regulation has
been implemented. However, Datatilsynet has already commented several RFID-based projects
and formulated stringent requirements, e.g. in the
case of passports.
Today’s Internet services and mobile networks
apps are located in many countries. They can be
moved easily, along with their data. Consequence:
safe harbor agreement EU-USA. The regulation
was made for central data centers, not for cloud
computing and global mobile phone networks.
EU Draft Recommendations
Application of Data Protection Laws
Comlex issue: analysis of various, possibility contradictory laws. Future introduction of new laws.
Corss-border service or system mobility. User experience should not be impaired. Privacy management cost can be significant.
ing and control. Much focus on the end user and
his action options.
Browser Cookie Manipulation
Swaps and manages cookies. Random cookie exchange with other users. Goal: control sending and
storage of own browser cookies. Attack user profiling websites through fake cookies or other peoples cookies - created entropy, destroys database
Is Privacy Different from Security?
Privacy protection uses most known security
methods to build protocols. The goals of privacy,
however, are more than integrity, confidentiality,
availability and non-repudiation: unobservability,
unlikability, unidentifiability, anonymity.
[1] Audun Jøsang, All lectures of INF3510. University of Oslo, Oslo, Sping 2012.
[2] Lothar Fritsch, Privacy and Regulatory Requirements. Norsk Regningssentral, Oslo, Spring