MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY LINCOLN LABORATORY DOPPLER MEAN VELOCITY ESTIMATION: SMALL SAMPLE ANALYSIS AND A NEW ESTIMATOR E. S. CHORNOBOY TECHNICAL REPORT 942 25 MARCH 1992 LEXINGTON MASSACHUSETTS TABLE OF CONTENTS . .. 111 Abstrwt List of ~ustrations List of Tables vii xi 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. 3 BACKGROUND 2.1 2.2 . 3. ESTIMATOR 3.1 3.2 3.3 4. 5. 6. ML and BAYES Formulations Time-DomainProcessing: Pulse Ptir(PP) Frequency Domain Processing: Wind Profiling (WP) 13 15 20 WITH ARBITRARY oANDq 23 23 32 37 Sensitivity tOlncOrrectrf Sensitivity to Incorrecto Summary WITH ADAPTIVE oANDq 39 Constrairred Inverse Filter(r) Selection Suboptimd Estimation ofrrandq Decision Rules anda Partition for W Adaptive Estimator Performance Summary 39 46 47 49 51 PERFORMANCE 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 11 11 13 WITH KNOWN oANDq Zero Mean Velocity Nonzero Mean Velocity Summary PERFORMANCE 5.1 5.2 5.3 7 EQUATIONS PERFORMANCE 4.1 4.2 4.3 3 4 Statistical Model Experimental Design 59 7. CONCLUSIONS v LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS F~ure No. Page 10 1 ML matched filter windows: u and q dependence. 2 Optimal velocity estimation standard error for zer-mean Doppler weather. 14 3 Optimal performance: standard error and him results for nmrzero velocities. (a) v = 5 m/s, UW= 0.038 VN,q. 16 Optimal performance: standard error and bim results for nonzero velocities. (b) V = 13 m/s, UW= 0.038 UN,,. 17 Optimal performance: standard error and bias results for nonzem velocities. (c) v = 5 m/s, Uw = 0.192 VN,~. 18 Optimal performance: standard error and him results for nonzero velocities. (d) V = 13 m/s, UW= 0.lg2 UNVg. 19 ML algorithm performance sensitivity: effect of sigrrd-t-noice (a) T = 5 m/s, UW= 0.038 UNYq. parameter q. 24 ML algorithm performance sensitivity: effect of signal-t-noise (b) U = 13 m/s, UW= 0.038 VNVQ. parameter q. ML algorithm performance sensitivity: effect of signd-t~noise (c) v = 5 m/s, aw = 0.192 UN,,. parameter q. ML algorithm performance sensitivity: effect of signd-t~noise (d) V = 13 m/s, UW= 0.lg2 VN,,. parameter q. 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 25 26 27 Bayes algorithm performance sensitivity: effect of signal-to-noise parameter V. (a) V = 5 m/s, UW= 0.038 VNVQ. 28 Bayes algorithm performance sensitivity: effect of signal-t-noise q. (b) V = 13 m/s, UW= 0.038 VNvg. parameter 29 Bayes algorithm performance sensitivity: effect of signd-t~nrrise q. (c) v = 5 m/s, Ow = 0.192 VNv~. parameter Bayes algorithm performance sensitivity: effect of signal-t-noise q. (d) V = 13 m/S, ow = 0.lg2 VN~g. parameter 30 31 ML algorithm performance sensitivity: efiect of spectrum width parameter u. (a) 5 = 5 m/s, uw = 0.038 VNUq.(h) 3 = 13 m/s, o~ = 0.038 VNvg. 33 ML algorithm performance sensitivity: effect of spectrum width parameter C. (c) ~ = 5 m/S, OW= 0.lg2 UNv~.(d) T = 13 m/S, Cw = 0.lg2 VNVg. 34 vii LET OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure Page No, Bayes algorithm performance sensitivity: effect of spectrum width parameter u. (a) 3 = 5 m/s, UW= 0.038 VNvi. (b) V = 13 m/s, u~ = 0.038 WNvq. 35 Bayes algorithm performance sensitivity: effect of spectrum width parameter u. (c) 6 = 5 m/S, UW= 0.lg2 UNvq. (d) ~ = 13 m/S, OW= 0.lg2 UNvq. 36 Bayes algorithm performance: suboptimrd u and v using best sin~e.weighting mfficient set. (a) U = 5 m/s, OW= 0.038 WNvg. 41 Bay= algorithm performance suboptimd o and q using best sin~e.weighting coefficient set. (b) V = 13 m/s, u“ = 0.038 VNV$. 42 Bayes algorithm performance: suboptimd u and q using best sin~e.weighting coefficient set. (c) U = 5 m/s, uw = 0.192 u~vq. 43 Bayes algorithm performance: suboptimd u and q using best sin~e-weighting coefficient set, (d) U = 13 m/s, UW= 0.lg2 VNvg. 44 9 Divergence minimization for thrw simple partitions. 45 10 A partition design using simple decision rules. 47 11 K-Compartment 49 12 Optimum putition 13 Set point convex hull with incre=ing 14 Bayes algorithm with adaptive u and T 15 compartment cient set (I). (a) V = 5 m/s, UW= 0.038 VNV$. weighting coeffi- Bayes ~gorithm with adaptive o and T 15 compartment cient set (I). (b) V = 13 m/s, u~ = 0.038 UNYQ. weighting coeffi- Bayes algorithm with adaptive u and v 15 compartment cient set (1). (c) V = 5 m/s, aw = 0.192 ONvg. weighting coeffi. Bayes algorithm with adaptive u and q: 15 compartment cient set (I). (d) T = 13 m/S, ow = 0.lg2 VNvg. weighting coeffi- Bayes algorithm with adaptive u and T 15 compartment cient set (II). (a) SNR = -5 dB. (b) SNR = O dB. weighting cwffi- 7 7 8 8 8 8 14 14 14 15 summed divergence. 51 ad’ set point locations. 52 K. 53 54 55 56 57 “ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) F~ure No. 15 Page Bayes algorithm with daptive u md T 15 compartment tient set (II). (c) SNR = 10 dB. (d) SNR = 20 dB. ix weighting cwffi58 LIST OF TABLES ~ble No. Page 1 Model Sample Correlation vs Spectral Width 2 Optimal Thresholds ad Set Point Values (K = 15) . xi 5 50 1. ~TRODUCTION Mvdocity(i.e., firat spectral moment) estimation ismntrd topulwd-Doppler weatherradar pro=sing. However, some radars, such as the Termirrd Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) and Airport Survdance Wdar (ASR), operate under conditions that test the fimits of current upablhties. For example, high scan rate and fine (azimuth) samptirrg requirements yield a smd number of prdse samples per gatel (i.e., small-sample size) while clear-air conditions result in low signd-t~ noise levds. Hence, coupled with general interest for optimal velocity estimation, specific needs motivate an investigation of improved performance under the constraints of small-sample size and low signal strength. As is often the case, the issue of practicability Umits the degree to which optimal performana can be attained. hrther comphcating matters in this report is an assumed smd-sample constraint that makes the definition of optimdity itself problematic. Indeed, the natural appeal to the (asymptotic) optimfllty of maximum likehhood (ML) could fail; verification is clearly required. The Cram&r-Rao (CR) performance bound could be too optimistic, hkely unattainable by any wtimator and therefore useless in gauging what room there is for improvement. Because few thenreticrd results exist to serve M guides, numerical methods typically must be re~ed upon for the relevant anrdysis. This report presents a study of the velocity estimation problem and provides arguments for frequenc~domtin smoothing (autocorrelation-lag weighting) as a means of achieving improved velocity estimation performance. Although the emphaais is on smdl-sarnple anrdysis, the results are not restricted to the small-sample caze. Note that the Bayes (ccmditiond mean) estimator (defined by the usual formulation) minimizes the mean-squared estimation error over W estimators. This property holds regardlas of sample size and hence ratimrtizes the use of Bayes performance w a benchmark for optimcdity in this smrdl.sample case. Unfortunately, even assuming the conventional Gaussian signal model, the conditional mean is computatimrdly impractical. It nevertheless prvidw useful insight to the development of improved (and practicable) frequency-domain velocity atimators. At the heart of this study is a Monte Carlo analysis examining smaH-sample performance for selected mean-frequency estimators. In addition to the pulse pair (PP) estimator and a typical Fast Fourier Trasform (FFT) estimator fi.e., a periodogram based estimator derived from windprofiler (WP) literature], maximum Ukefihood (ML) and Bayes estimators (these two baaed cm a Gaussian sigrrd model) are examined and compared. Sample size is fixed to a small (M = 20) value, and performance at low signal-t-noise ratios (SNR) is dso a point of focus. The results of ]For TDWR, on the order of 40 pulse samples are coherently processed per output velocity estimate; for ASR-9, cm the order of 18 (dthcmgh data sharing has been used to extend this value to 27). these andym are used to recommend an optimal smoothing (weighting) strategy for periodogram (autowrrdation-lag) based estimation. As stated, the motivating and the content of ttis report radts of Section 6 should be dedng with the fundamental Utited sample size. iuterest is improved velocity estimation for Doppler weather radars, is clearly oriented toward weather-radar processing. However, the of a more general interest, presenting a new and novel method for problem of nuisance parameter removal under the constraint of a 2 2. 2.1 Statistical BACKGROUND Model For this report, it is sssumed that a frequently adopted Gaussian model (for sin~e-source weather returns in additive noise) is appropriate (see, for example, Doviab and Zrnit [1]). This modd is tiarwterized by the sample covariance relation ~m = ~e-S( e-~4”cm’1~ + N6m, (1) where the modcd parameters w and o. represent mean Doppler velocity and spectrum width, A is the radar wavelength, and S and N respectively represent signal and noise power magnitudes. Complex-valued rtiar returns, ZT = [zOzl . .. ZM-1].2 cOrrespOnding tO a singe range cell me assumed to represent M equally-spaced samples (separated in time by pulse separation r) of a mmplex Gaussian process with covariance matrix R = E[ZZt]. In view of Equation (1), R can be given the parametric representation R = D [SG tN~D* = SDGDD t NI, (2) where D = D(u) = diag[l e-JW . . . e-~(M-l)W], G= G(u)= :I ; [ P(o) p(1) ... p(M- p(1) p(o) ... p(M-2) .. . . P(M - 1) p(M -2) . . . p(o) ~ 1) 1 1’ I = diag[l 1.. .1], p(m) = e-*(*m”)2, 2Notationdly, a superscript “T” will be used to indicate a matrix tmnspose, a superscript “*” win be used to indicate complex conjugate, and a superscript “t” will be used to indicate conjugate transpose. 3 It is ~sumed that N cm be reliably estimated and treated a3 known, and for convenience S ad N me mmbined into an unknown SNR q = S/N. The complex data vector Z is therefore governed by the probabfity density p(Zl@) (3) = z-MIR]-’e-ztR-lz, and wtimation of the Doppler velocity u must be done in the context of the unknown parameter vector @T = [u 0 q]. 2.2 Experimental 2.2.1 Design W=ther-Radar Simulation Weatherhke Doppler signals were simulated m described by Zrnit [2]. For rdl simulations, digitd sampUng of Gaumian shaped power spectra was emulated, including Nyquist folding, until d tail values with power greater than 0.01 were accounted for. Given an M point input power spectrum, Zrnid’s method generates a random vector of M consecutive process samples. A brief study of sample estimator performance wa3 made to examine (and thereby ensure bmits for) uncertainties due to power spectral sampfing and Monte Carlo sample size. As a result of this investigation, a 1024 point power spectrum representation w= used and, from the corresponding output process vector, a block of 20 contiguous samples wa3 extracted for use w a data sample (the remaining 1004 points were discarded). Also, a total of 10,000 (independent) realizations were used for each assessment of sample mean and standard error. Error results are presented in both normalized and unnormdized form, In view of the definitions in ~uatimr (2), spectrum width and standard error values we normrdized to the magnitude of the Nyquist velocity UNvg. Biw errors are normrdized to the magnitude Of the true underlying signal velocity. Unnormdized vrdues are presented in the context of weather-radar processing using a 10.4 cm radar operating with a pulse repetition frequency of 1000 s-l. (The unambiguous Nyquist velocity therefore equrds 26 m/s.) Provided also, for reference, are curves corresponding to the CR bounds that were computed using the well-known result3 fi,j = tr R-’ ~ R-’ ~ { , (4) } 3A derivation is provided as an appendix. 4 where F = [~iti] represents the Fisher information matrix The diagond entries of F provide the desired hrmnds: (5) E[(di - Oi)z] z 7i,i, where F-l = ~iti] md ii is arry unblmed estimator of component 0; of e. 2.2.2 Test-Signal Parameters Performance evaluations/comparisons are based on estimation error that clearly carr v~y as a function of the true parameter value. Error quantification for dl possible values of the (true) parameter is not feasible, Evacuations are bwed, therefore, on comparisons for selected parameter values. Target velocities of O, 5 (0.192 v~vq), and 13 m/s (0.500 o~vq) are used in the present evduatirm. Preliminary studies obtsined similar error profiles for velocities in the range O to 0.5 UNYg. Velocities greater than 0.5 UNv~are not examined to avoid the added complexity of spectral folding. Values for weather spectrum width can rarrge from O to UNVq.For coherent Processing, Only a small range is of interest. A further simphficatimr is made by considering only extreme points of this range providing two classes of input signal: narrow ad wide spectrum width. Table 1 conttins TABLE 1 Model Sample Correlation vs Spectral Wdth the correlation values for the first three lag indices in the model [Equation (2)] corresponding 5 to thrm vdu= of normrdized spectrum width. For a normalized width of 0.2, there is significant decorrelation betw~n samplw separated by two or more places. (Improved estimation using hlgherorder lagproduct statistics wotid seem unfikely beyond this point.) The normtized value 0.2 is Given the setting of the simulation, this sign~ used to repr=nt wide spectrum width si~ds. mrresponds to a weather signal with a spectrum width of 5 m/s. At the other end, the value 0.038 (mrresponding to a 1 m/s spectrum width) is representative of narrow spectrum width siqds. Mltidy, performmce mmparisons are made for discrete SNR values in the r~ge -10 to 10 dB. Thwe (initial) rmults are the basis for a later shortening of the examined range to -4 to 10 dB. 6 3. 3.1 ML and BAYES ESTIMATOR Formulations The ML solution corresponding mization of the “Ukehhond” function L(e) EQUATIONS to Equation (3) is obtained, in principle, from joint maxi. = - h IRI - Zt R-l Z, (6) but this has tirnited prmticd apphcation because the resulting system of equations is neither exphcit nor aepmable with respect to the components of ~. The Bayes estimator that minimizes the mean-squared emor E[(d - w)*] is the mean of the condition (posterior) density p(@lZ) (see, for example, Van Tres [3]) where the posterior density is derived from application of the Bayes fommla P(@lz) p(z[e)p(e) = Jp(zl@)p(@)d@. (7) This too has hmited pruticd use U, notationdly, “do * = “~ da dqm; the resulting estimatOr requires substantial numerical integration to cover the parameter space volume. Approximations of some form ace clearly required in order to proced further. The approach considered here first steps b~k and examines a simpler model for which pr~ticd (ML and Bayes) solution is possible and, later, examines adaptation of the resulting solutions to the model of Equation (3). Examirdng the (somewhat) degenerate situation wherein one aasumes the spectrum width (u) and signaf-tenoise (q) parameters known is, of itself, very useful. Under these conditions the aforementioned computational blocks are largely avoided, and one ~h]eves optimal estimators that fom a foundation for further mdysis. In the caae of ML estimation, knowing u and q reduces Ukelihood function, Equation (6), to the term ZtR-iZ defining the ML solution (8) In the above, the coefficients 7i,~ are the elements of the matrix r resulting from the convenient redefinition r = r(O, q) = [SG t NI]-]. (9) ~uation (8) is not expUcit for w; however, a change of variable and remrmgement interwting frequency domtin form: results in an (lOa) (lOb) where fir) is the r-weighted autocorrelation f(r) . = M-m-1 ~ estimate defined by (11) Z: ~i,i+~ Zi+~ i=O From inspection of Equation (10) it is clear that a solution to this ML equation can be obttined by implementing a standard FFT transform of the weighted autocorrelation estimates f:). The transform smnples Equation (10) with a resolution of 2T/NFFT (NFFT is the FFT size) and thus, by zero filfing, computes bML to a desired resolution. A similar computational reduction occurs for the Bayes formulation. prior4 for U, the (one-dimensiond) Bayes estimator cm be written w If one aasumes a uniform (12) The above FFT computation, which yields the ML solution, dso provides the exponent in Equ& timr (12) and therefore a starting point for computing the posterior mean. Comment 1. If, in Equation (11),~i,i+m z 1, then f$) is equivalent tO the (biwed) sample autocorrelatimr estimate, and an FFT implementation of Equation (10) is equivalent to the (windowed) power spectral density estimate obtained using the Bartlett window. Hence, there is 4For this report only noninformative priors are considered, which, for w, can be stated w p(w) = lf2rr, -% s w < T. 8 &an eqrdvdence between the FFT computation for Equation (10) and the periodo~am wtimate spectral (13) The rescdting ML estimator would therefore be equivalent to the Periodogram Maximization estimator considered by Mahapatra and Zrnit [4]. (The apparent contr,?diction in which a minimization of the power spectrum in Equation (10) defines the ML estimate is accounted for by the sign of the weights ~i,i+~. ) a cl~sic smoothed periodoaam Comment 2. If ~i,i+m s ~m, then Equation (10) implements atimate. However, r (the inverse of a TnepHtz matrix) is only ~ymptoticaOy Twplitz (though r is persymmetric: ~i,j = ~M_jM_i). This nevertheless does suggest an alternative frequency domain solution and approximation based on implementation of a smoothed periodogram estimate. S.1.1 Smoothed Periodogram Approximation For this report, the weighted autocorrelation, Equation (11), is viewed ~ posing no computaticmd difficulty (the results presented here assume such an implementation). However, a Toeptitz aPPrOfimatiOn tO r prOvides a useful heuristic within which to view the relevance of the paracrceters u and q. This, in turn, may suggest approaches to the more general case where u and q are unknown. b treating r aa ToepUtz, one can compute smoothing weights by tM1ng averages rdong the diagonrds Of r: (The minus sign is introduced here so that the ML solution of Equation (10) can be associated with finding the maximum of the power spectral density estimate.) This maximum hkehhnod window function, indexed by v and u, can be used to define rm approximate ML scdntion (14) where fm represents the rrormd (unweighed) autocorrelation estimate. The rdaticmship between Tm and the parameters u md o is documented by Figure 1 where frequency-domain smoothing windows (Fourier transforms of the coefficients Tm; interpolated for 9 1 0 I 1 1 o 4 1 SNR = -10 dB n 0 w MLma[chedfilier windows: uandq dependence. windows obtained by Foum’er tmnsfoming the weighting ihme values of weother SNR and a mnge o]weatherspecimm Figuwf. 10 Frequency domoin smoothing coeficienis Tm am plottedjor width values. clarity) are presented for three SNR values: .10, 0, and 10 dB, and a range of norcntized spectrum widths. At 10 dB SNR and for low to moderate spectrum widths the smoothing windows appear to be, przctidy speaking, square-window averagers. This suggests the genertized view that the spectrum width parameter u primarily affects window width. As SNR decreasw, the dominant f-ture change is a scdng of the windows to smder magnitudw (although shape rounding and bandwidth broadening, as measured by 3 dB width, are clearly evident). It is helpful to add to the generdzation by stating that the windows are scaled according to the SNR parameter q. Predictions that result from these simplifications are as follows. Clearly [from tiuation (10)], sdng the window does not affect ML estimation, and hence the value of the SNR parameter v wotid not be expected to have a strong effect on the performance of an ML implementation. However, in the case of the Bay= implementation, scaling coupled with exponentiation implicitly introduces a form of signal isolation. That is, by its nmdinear nature, the exponentiation in ~uation (12) enhmces (isolates) large spectral fines in the smoothed periodograrn, and scd,ng of the window (by q) modulates this isolation by adjusting the power of expmrentiatirm. Hence, one would anticipate that, at least, the biw of the Bayes algorithm would be affected by the v value used.K s.2 Time-Domain Processing: Pulse Pair (PP) The PP estimator is stadard in weather radar apphcations, and its formulation can be obttined from many sources. Originally proposed in the context of the independent samphng of PP measurements (for example, see Miller et d. [5], time-domain formul~ for PP estimators have been routinely apptied to vector me~urements such as those represented by the sample Z. For the purpose of this report, the PP estimator is defined by the equation &pp M-2 = arg ~ Z; Zi+]. i=O (15) When M = 2, this dso defines the ML estimate, u can be seen by comparison with Equation (8). Clearly, as u increases and the correlation between samples decreases one would dso predict Opp to approach the performance of OML. S.S Prequency-Domain Processing: Wind Profiling (WP) Among the various pubtished frequenc~domain methods is one that has been developed for use in WP networks—a t-k with inherently low SNR vdrres (see May and Strauch [6]). The WP ‘The prewnce of a uniform noise floor in the spectral density estimate induces a b]as toward the value zero when the mean of the density is computed. 11 wtimator of May and Strauch [6] is periodogram derived and has led to general claims of improved Doppler mean atimation in the case of low SNR; hence, it is of interest for the present report. The ~timator, WP, was derived with one major departure from the description given in May and Strauch [6] (their F]rst Moment or FM algorithm). Computaticmd aspects of this algorithm are pr-nted bdow hy way of a comparison with the proposed (rme-dlmensiond) ML and Bayes ~orithms. Note, however, that there is one important difference between the WP algorithm defined here and the algorithm described in May and Strauch [6]. The WP network makes generous use of periad~mm averaging as a means of stabihzing the periodogram estimates (Bartlett’s procednre; see the next section). Because the emphaais of this report is on estimation using a fixed smdlsample size, no such averaging is possible. (This report does not consider the possibility of data averaging across range gates or neighboring radids.) Estimate Stabilization. At the heart of the WP algorithm is an implementation of Bartlett’s procedure for estimating the power spectral density. That is, the data segment for anrdysis (length M data segment corresponding to a single range ceU observation) is divided into g equrd length subsegments, each of which is used to obtain an M/q-length periodogram estimate. The g power spectral =timates are averaged to improve the stability of the power spectral estimate. The Bayes implementation [Equation (12)] dso can be viewed as having a power spectral estimator—a smoothed periodogram-at the heart of its procedure. Because Bartlett’s method per se is not appropriate for the smaH sin~e.sample case (the primary interest here) it may be argned that smoothing windows therefore are necessary to stabifize the estimates. (It should be remarked that, generdy speaking, the gods of mean Doppler velocity estimation and power spectral density estimation are not one and the same. Hence, general arguments for improving power spectral estimation do not necessarily carry over to improved velocity estimation.) Signal Isolation. After obtaining an estimate of the power spectral density, the WP method proceeds with an ad hoc attempt to isolate signal from noise. A noise floor for the spectral estimate is determined, and censoring (zeroing) of d spectral coefRcients beyond the first crossing of the noise floor, when proceeding from that frequency index with maximum power, is performed. The noise power level is dso subtracted from the remaining interval of ncmzem values, and a mean frequency value is computed by constructing a density from the remaining spectral coefficients and computing its mean. As previously mentioned for the Bayes implementation, the combination of window sc~ng md expcmentiaticm can be given the heuristic interpretation of signd-from.noise isolation. 12 4, PERFORMANCE WITH KNOWN a AND q This -tion presents a bastilne analysis corresponding to a one-dimensiond parameter space (i.e., u and q assumed known). These Monte Carlo results provide optimal performance measures for each method. In the c~e of the Bayes implementation, results for known u and q dso provide a ~~twt lower bound for the standard error of estimating mean Doppler velocity.e In later sections, the Bay- curves determined here are employed with the label “Bayes Bound” for velocity cztimation. 4.1 Zero Mean Velocity Figure 2 praents the simplwt comparison: estimation of a zer-mean Doppler weather target (&minating, for the moment, the contribution of bias7 in standard error comparisons). The figure plots standard error vs input SNR for two ewes: a narrow input spectrum width (o = 0.038 UNuq) and a wide input spectrum width (u = 0.192 VNv~). The corresponding CR lower bounds are included in each panel. 4.1.1 Narrow Spectrum Widths For narrow spectrum widths ML, PP, and WP estimates d exhibit similar functional relationships with rezpect to SNR. A uniform ranking of these estimators (across SNR) cannot be deduced from the data ML is clearly best at high SNR (7 to 10 dB) values but the WP method appears relatively better at low SNR values (less than O dB). ML, PP, and WP. CR Bound. For narrow spectrum widths, the CR bound is well below the error curve of any of the above three estimators—lower by nearly a factor of two at the high SNR end. This discrepancy between CR bound and observed performance, which is even more substantial for low SNR values, could erroneously lead to speculation that much improved performance is possible. Bayes Bound. The curve for the Bayes standard error shows the CR bound to be overly optimistic. However, the Bayes estimator clewly exhibits a performance gain for SNR values in tbe range O to 10 dB (at 10 dB, the Bayes standard error is respectively 0.72, 0.66, and 0.52% 8Comparisons involving the ML, Bayes, and WP performance statistics must concede an error (hiss) that results from the finite length FFT implementation. For these frequency domain estimators, the UNyq is exhibited = a bim in the range+ l/NFFT UNvq (and therefore samphng resolution of 2/NF~ maps an interd about the error values reported here). All frequency domain computations in this report were computed using an FFT length of 64. ‘For this zero mean Doppler signal, each of the three frequency domain methods was found to exhibit an estimated bias below the resolution defined by the 64 point FFT implementation (i.e., < 1/32), regardless of the q value. 13 7, I I I KNOWN a ANO q [ I 1 ,-?s2 I I I ~ 0.269 0.154 i 0.115 0.077 0,036 I n ~? I I I I o 0.269 I 0 z OW= 5 mls (0.192 v~m) 7= Omls ~6 m CR BOUND – 0.231 (10,OW Realizations) 5 - 0.192 4 - 0.154 - 0.115 - 0.077 3 L 2 A BAYES 0 PP ❑ ML 0.036 1 o~o -10 +4+-2 4 02 6810 SNR (dS) Figure 2. Optimolvelociiy estimation standard emorforzero.mean Doppler weather. Both panels plot esiimated standard emrforjour methods oJDoppter velocity estimation: ML, Bayes, WPdetived, and PP. Theupperpanel comsponds ioweaiherhauing anawow apecimm tidth ond ihe Iowercomsponds 10 weather having a wide spectmm m’dth. 14 that of the ML, PP, and WP wtimators; at O dB, the Bayes standard error is r=pectively 0.58, 0.60, and 0.54% that of the others). For SNR values less than OdB, adequate separation of signal from noise becomes more diffimdt and the Bayes standard error drops as its estimate bemmes increaain~y biased toward zero. Comparisons among the estimators for SNR values below O dB shordd therefore include hiss error, and this is included in the sections to fo~ow. 4.1.2 Wide Spectrum Widths For wide spectrum widths rdso, the general observations of tbe previous section apply, but of particular note for these input signals is the following. ML and PP performances are predictably dew, dthougb ML is better at higher SNR vafues and appears to approach the CR bound (as SNR increas-), whereas the PP curve appears to plateau at a level distinctly above the CR bound. From inspection of Table 1, one may surmise that at a normtized spectrum width of 0.2, the decorrelation between sampl~ is such that very httle improvement can be realized from using higher lag terms in the estimation process. In confirmation, there is less difference between performance of PP and ML and the CR and Bayes bounds; however, note that WP stands done as a clearly suboptimd estimate. This exceptionally marked degradation in WP performance persists to high SNR values and confirms a wide-spectrum-width weakness identified by other investigators. The ML estimator aPPears to achieve the lower Bayes bound for SNR values in the 5 to 10 dB range, and both ML mrd Bayes improve upon PP performance over this range (at 10 dB, the Bayes standard error is respectively 0.98, 0.81, and 0.37% that of the ML, PP, and WP estimators). For SNR vdrres O to 5 dB, ML and PP performances are essentirdly equivalent, and both depart appreciably from the Bayes bound M SNR approaches dB (at OdB, the Bayes standard error is respectively 0.83,0.83, and 0.64% that of ML, PP, and WP). As a secondary note, one should observe that there is no conflict in the fact that the CR bound and Bayes error curves cross (there is an impfied crossing of these two curves for the narrow spectrum width case as we~). This only serves as a reminder that the CR bound appfies to the performance of unbi~ed estimators, which the Bayes estimator, generally spetilng, is not. 4.2 Nonzero Mean Velocity Standard error and bias results for nonzero mean velocities (V= 5 m/s and v = 13 m/s) and narrow and wide spectrum width c~es, as above, are presented in F)gnre 3. Standard error results are summarized in the upper hdf of emh panel, and hiss results are summarized in the lower. 4.2.1 Standard Error For SNR vafues greater than O dB, there is general agreement (within the resolution of the Monte Carlo parameterizatirm) with the results of Figure 2. Below OdB, there is a notable departure (most evident for the Bayes results) due to inclusion of bias error. 15 KNOWN o ANO q 7, \ 6 - ‘m’”l I I I I 1 I V = 5 m/s (0.192 VNY9) (1O,OWReabzalions) 0.269 0.231 = g 0.192 & o K A BAYES 4 0.154 ❑ ML ; ~ x WP 0.115 3 - g ~ i 0.077 2 – ; a g 1 CR BOUNO 1 I 0.033 1.2 I I I I I 0 0 A BAYES +.2 ❑ ML -1 x WP Ow= 1 Ws (0.ow vNyq) F = 5 tis (0.192 vNyq) (to,~ Reahzations) / I -2 -2 1 0 I I 4 2 I I 6 6 10 SNR (dB) Figure 9. (.j Optimal performance: standard emr and T = 5 m/i, aw = 0.038 VNV, 16 bias msulfs for nonzem uelocifies. ,m7M KNOWN O AND q 7 ~ ““g \k \ .6t & K o . g4 – u o a3 - A BAYES = g ❑ ML 0.192 x WP (lo,m a o z a +2 m 0.231 o PP K n a ~ Realizations) w ~ CR BOUNO 1 2’6~o’2 g L m a d z -2” t/ , :W = 1 Ws (0.033 VW) v = 13 Ws (0.500 vNn) (10,000 Realizations) w Optimal perjomance: standard 3. (b) T = 13 m/s, UW = 0.038 VNy#. Figun emr 17 i and bias results for nonzem velocities. KNOWN o AND q ,-7.$ 0.269 7 A OW= 5 mls (0.192 VNyq) BAYES 0.231 6 ~ o K (10,WO Realizations) 0.192 K n K e O.lM g a + fs~ K o =4 K w o U3 < n z q +2 03 0,115 : u ~ A 0.077 ; CR BOUND a g 1 0.038 I 0 I I I I 1 ) 10 o% 0 - z z 0 u 1 $ N i i q g Q PP z ❑ ML -1 x – +.2 g WP [ A -2 ~ 4 (10,000 Realizations) 44 -2 0 10 2 SNR (dB) Figum$. Op!imalperfomance: standordemrandbios (c) E= 5 m/s, Ow= 0.192 VN,,. 18 msulisjor nonzeroue/ocifies. KNOWN o AND q ? I h ,-7s.6 1 I I 0,269 1 6 0.231 i :W = 5 ds t \\\ K K u o a3 a n z < +2 m i\ Vu,,.) ~“”’54 o K4 . (0,192 vN”q) v= 13m/s(0.500 \\ 4092 1 I x WP I 0 2.6 I A BAYES o PP I I I I I ❑ ML x WP h o – & A * A I g m ~ m -2.6< :W = 5 m/s (0.192 VNyq) v= 13tis(o.500vNyq) (l0,000RealizatiOns) -5.2 I 4 I -2 I I I I I 0 2 4 6 8 - 1 4.4 10 SNR (dB) Opiimalperjomance: standordemor 3. (d) T = 13 m/8, Uu = 0.lg2 UN,,. Figure 19 and bias msullsfornonzew velocities. 4.2.2 Bias For both narrow and wide spectrum widths there is a breakdow of dl four methods w SNR decreases bdow O dB. For SNR values greater thm O dB, the hi= of each estimator appears to be wittin acceptable fimits and generaRy near zero. A large proportion of tbe improved (standard error) performance of the Bayes method, for SNR <0, is at tbe cost of increaaed bias (toward zero). GenerWy, the PP estimator appears to have the best (i.e., smdest) bi= performance. Departure from zer~bias performance in the narrow spectrum width caae occurs eartier (i.e., at higher SNR vdrrw) in comparison to the wide spectrum width c~e. PP and ML resdts do not appear to change appreciably when the weather velocity is changed from 5 to 13 m/s. Although the theoretical CR bound does not depend on weather velocity, this is not true for the bound provided by the Bayes estimate. Performance for the Bayes and WP mtimators, which botb compute a spectral mean, deteriorate when weather velocity is incremed to 13 m/s—a performmce loss due to spectral folding. (Interestingly, moving weather velocity from 5 to 13 m/s has its most significant bias effect in increming that of the PP estimator.) 4.9 Summary 4.3.1 Narrow Spectrum Widths For narrow spectrum widths ML, PP, and WP methods d have similar performance characteristics (over the range of SNR values examined). Nevertheless, it can be argued that ML provides better performance at higher SNR values. Clearly, the indication is that higher SNR values are required to bring out a decisive advantage here from the ML implementation; a more extensive Monte Carlo anrdysis (including higher SNR values) would be needed to measure the extent of these improvements. As SNR decreases away from O dB, aU methods begin to fail although the blm performance of PP is uniformly best. The CR bound is much lower than the performance of d, but the Bayes results show the information bound to be overly optimistic for this small-sample (M = 20) case. The asymptotic optimtity of ML estimation w= dso demonstrated to be of no consequence for this smfl-sample case. The Bayes estimator demonstrates a markedly improved performance, but for SNR values below zero, this is at lemt in part, at the expense of increaaed bias. Bias does not appear to contribute appreciably to estimation error for SNR values above O dB. Ml four methods, however, do exhibit notable biw for SNR values in the range -5 to O dB. Bi= comparisons appear to always favor PP estimation. 4.3.2 Wide Spectrum Widths At wider spectrum widths ML and PP are for the most part similar, but the ML results show a slight improvement at higher SNR vafues (greater than 5 dB). Although Bayes performance represents the optimum, ML and PP are close to its bound (compare to the narrow spectrum case); d three estimators perform near the CR bound (again, in comparison to the narrow spectrum 20 -e). However, the WP method clewly has an undesirable performance at wide input spectrum widths. An aplanation for this is offered in Section 5.2. 5. PERFORMANCE WITH ARBITRARY u AND q The previous section indicated that a small performance improvement (as measured by etandard error) might be obttined using an ML formulation (relative to PP and at high SNR values ordy), and that a much improved (and optimal) performance might result from a Bayes implementation. The task at hand, now, is to preserve these performance gtirrs while addressing the issue that u and q are never known exactly. h the remainder, the Bayes and ML algorithms will process data using approximate values for the parmueters u and q aud, in that sense, represent suboptimd algorithms. (However, for convenience, the labels Bay= and ML will stiU be used.) Before evaluating practical approaches to =timating o and q it is useful to examine the effect of arbitrary u and q values cm Bayes and ML performance. h other words, for velocity estimation, first consider whether it is important that either u or ~ be known at dl. This examination is made by keeping one parameter fixed at its known value while varying the other among appropriate candidate values, 6.1 Sensitivity to Incorrect q Figures 4 and 5 continue tbe narrow/wide spectrum width anrdysis of before by exarrcining perform~ce when data are processed assuming either one of two fixed q vrdues: Oor 10 dB. These cboicw represent logical test cases in the sense of asking whether reasonable performance cm be obtained by categoricdy treating tbe data as either low or high SNR data. Fjgure 4 considers ML estimation for the narrow and wide spectrum width case; Figure 5 repeats the arrdysis for the Bayw estimator (comparisons for Doppler weather targets of 5 m/s (0.192 VNV* ) and 13 m/s (0.500 VNvg)are presented). In this, and dl following figures, the Bayes performance curve for tbe case of known u ad rf (Section 4) is repeated as the “Bayes Bound.” The results for PP estimation are dso reproduced for continued comparison. 5.1.1 ML Algorithm In tbe case of narrow spectrum width weather [Figures 4(a) rural 4(b)], tbe parameter q as predicted (Section 3.1.1 ) h= no apparent effect cm ML performance. This is not quite the cue, however, for wide spectrum width weather [Figures 4(c) arrd 4(d)] where mismatch between assumed and actual SNR results in increased estimation error. As will be seen dso in the case of the Bayes dgoritbm, using a 10 dB vrdue for tbe SNR parameter results in a performance loss (relative to PP) for input SNR values below 6 dB. Hence, tbe view of a smoothing window shape independent of q is, in places, an oversimplification. 5.1.2 Bayes Algorithm From Figures 5(wd), it is clear that the Bayes implementation, using an arbitrary fixed q, has a substantidy altered performance. In neither case (O or 10 dB window) did performance match 23 ~ SENSITIVITY: 7 1 1 ML !* 6 0.269 I I I o PP 0.231 ❑ ML (0 dB) ■ ML (10 dB) 0.192 g5 OW= 1 mls (0.038 VNyq) K o K4 K u o 53 G = 5 mls (0.192 VNyq) 0,154 (10,000 ReaNzations) AYES BOUNO 0.115 0 z a ~2 0.077 CR BOUND 1 0.038 1~ 0 I -2 (10,000 Realizations) ~. I ‘4 4 SNR (dB) Figure 4. ML algotiihm perjomonce (a) T= 5 m/s, sensitivity: ou = 0.038 .~vf. 24 effeci oj signal-to-noise parameter q. q SENSITIVITY: ML IW,s.s 7 ~ ““g 0 PP 0.231 6 D ML (0 dB) ~ = ML (10 dB) g5 a o u4 K w o - 0.192 t o m BAYES BOUND 0.154 ; a ~ (10,000 Real,zat)ons) a3 a o z a +2 m 0.115 0 w N 3 g a 0.077 1 2,6 o 0.038 z CR BOUND I 1 I 1 I 0.2 I ,0 0 ~ E n w & 2 a z g ~ o PP 5 D ML (0 dB) -2,6 +.2 ■ ML (lOdB) g (10,000 Realizations) -5.2 4 I -2 I I 0 2 I I I 6 8 +.4 10 SNR (dB)4 Figure 4. ML olgotiihm performance (b) V = 13 m/$, UU= 0.038 WNvf. settsifiuiiy: 25 eflect of signal-to-noise pammetcr q. u SENSITIVITY: 7 v 1 I I ML ,* I o 0.269 I I PP ❑ ML (O dB) ■ ML (lOdB) 6 BAYES BOUNO $5 a o K4 K u n K3 a o z a +2 m SW= 5 m/s (0,192 VNyq) v = 5 m/s (0.1,92VNYQ) (10,000 Realizations) \ \ CR BOUND 1 0 . * * o 7 -1 A & + 0 PP D ML (0 dB) ■ ML (10 dB) GW= 5 mls (0.192 VNyq) i = 5 tis (0.192 vNyq) (10,000 Realizations) I 4 -2 I 0 I I I I 10 6 2 SNR (dB)4 Figure ~. ML algotiihm performance (C)F= 5 m/S, Uw = 0.lg2 UNVq. sensitivity: 26 effect OJsignal-to-noise pammeier q. 7 I Q I R q SENS~lVIW: I I ML I I 0 6 1 I PP ❑ ML (0 dB) ■ ML (10 dB) -\ OW= 5 ~s (ol 92 vNyq) i = 13 mls (0.500 VNyq) (10,000 Reafizitions) RAVF$ BOUND \\\ c 0 PP ❑ ML (O dB) ■ ML (10 dB) :W = 5 ~s (ol 92 vNye) v = 13 tis (0.500 v~yq) (1 O,OW Realizations) -5.2 ~ 4 Figure (d)~= -2 0 2 4 SNR (dB) ML o(gotithm performance 13 m/8, ow = 0.lg2 .Nyq. ~. 6 8 10 sensitivity: eflecf of signal-to-noise pammeter 27 q. ~ SENSITIVITY: 7, 1 I BAYES ,-7,. I I I I !! 1 0.269 0,231 6 0 PP 0.192 5 :W = 1 ~s (o.038 vNyq) V = 5 @S (o.lg2 vNyq) 4 0.154 BAYES BOUNO 3 0.115 2 0.077 1 0.038 CR BOUNO 01 I I I I I I 1 I I [ I I I 10 0.2 70 0 G g E o w ~ 2 a = \ $ 5 A BAYES (O dB) V BAYES (10 dB) o PP 1 g 4.2 g i = 5 fiS (o.lg2 vNyq) (10,000 Realizations) -2 4 I -2 I 0 I 2 I 4 I 6 I 8 +,4 10 SNR(dB) Figure 5. q. (a)T= Bayes algorithm performance 5 m/s, UW = 0.038 v~vq. sensitioiiy: 28 e5eci of signal-lo-noise pammeier 7 q SENSITIVITY: I I I ,m,s,, BAYES I 4 0 6 0.269 I I L PP BAYES (O dB) V BAYES (lOdB) 0.231 K o K L~ ~ 0.192 % o a gw = 1 m/s (0.038 VNyq) v = 13 tis (0.500 vNyq) (10,000 Realizations) BAYES BOUND O,lw : a k 0.115 0 w ~ 0.077 g a o 1 CR BOUND 0.038 z 1 t -5.2 r 4 OW= 1 tiS (0.036 VNYq) ? = 13 MS (0.500 vNyq) (10,000 Realizations) I 0 I -2 I I 2 I 6 ) 6 1 I +.4 10 SNR (dB; Figuw 5. Bayes algotiihm perjomance sensitivity: q. (b) ~ = 13 m/s, OU = 0.038 vNVq. 29 effect of signal-to-noise pammeier q SENSITIVITY: I I I ,*7! BAYES I I I A BAYES (0 dB) v BAYES (lOdB) o PP \\\ Ow= 5 tiS (o.1g2 vNyq) 5 mls (0.192 vNyq) Walizations) (10,000 v = \ IAYES BOUNO CR BOUND 1 0 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1 0 A BAYES (O dB) v BAYES (lOdB) f -1 Q PP OW= 5 m/s (0.192 VNyq) ? = 5 m/S (o.1g2 vNyq) (10,000 Realizations) —: I I I a -2 0 2 I I 1 4 6 8 10 SNR (dB) Figure 5. q. (c)V= Bayes algorithm perjomance 5 m/6, Uu = 0.192 v~vg. sensitivity: 30 effect OJ signal-to-noise pammeter q SENSITIVITY: SAYES 7 0,269 A BAYES (O dB) v 6 BAYES (lOdB) 0.231 a J o o PP K 0.192 5 0 a 0,154 ; 0,115 k ~ u ~ 0.077 : a a g 1 0.038 01 I I I I I I 1 o 0.2 “~ 0 x x * x . o~ m z g n u m N i a z A BAYES (O dB) ~ m v BAYES (lOdB) o PP -2.6 ( 1 +.2 : OW= 5 mls (0.192 v~yq) v = 13 mls (0.500 VNfl) (10,000 Reahzalions) -5.2 4 I I -2 0 I 4 I 2 I 6 1 8 4.4 10 SNR (dB) Figw~ 5. Bayes algotiihm perfomonce sensitivity: ~. (d) T = 13 m/n, uw = o.lg2 v~vq. 31 effect of signal-to-noise pammeter the optimum Bayes Bound for d input SNR values; nor did it, at least, unifody PP performance. improve upon For the narrow spectrum width case of Figure 5(a), there is au (apparently) anomdmrs crossing of the Bayes Bound curve by the performance curve assuming q = OdB. TMISis not a contradiction because the Bayes Bound optimrdity appties only in the sense of average performance against the tottity of d possible weather target velocities. Hence, it is possible to obtain lower standard errors for this purticufnr weather velocity of 5 m/s. (Clearly, tbe estimator O = 5 m/s, an extremdy degenerate case, has zero standard error and him at this test point.) With the O dB window, note the severe compromise in estimator bias. This bias is reflected in the (standard error) performance loss, which is most notable at higher velocities [see Figure 5(b)]. Hence, for narrow spectrum width weather, processing the data with M assumed SNR of O dB incurs the penalty of increased bias restiting from inadequate signal isolation. Assuming an q of O dB does make sense for wide spectrum width weather [Figures 5(c) and (d)]. For low input SNR values, the optimal Bayes Bound is matched, and at higher input SNR vduw, performance appears to be no worse than that of PP. The bias of this implementation is dso very sitilar to that of PP. At the other extreme, processing tbe data assuming q = 10 dB appears to better PP performance in the cwe of narrow spectrum width signals but at the cost of a performance loss (VS PP) at low input SNR values and wider spectrum widths [Figures 5(c) and 5(d)]. The bias performance with a 10 dB window, if anything, does improve upon that of the ided (q known) case. 6.2 Sensitivity to Incorrect o For this series, the known values for q were used in the algorithm and a set of values for the parameter u, ranging above and below the true value, were tested. In contrast to varying V, the range of u values tested did not appreciably change tbe bim results. Therefore, bias curves for this set are not presented. Figures 6 and 7 summarize the standard error results for ML and Bayes dgoritbms respectively. For the narrow input spectrum [Figures 6(a), 6(b), 7(a), and 7(b)], u values ranging from Utrue/4 to 5Utru.8 Were tested; fOr the wide input spectrum [Figures 6(c), 6(d), 7(c)) and 7(d)l~ values ranging from 0,,., I 5 to 9/ were tested. In plotting the results, the performmce region spanned by underestimating o is marked in white; the performance region spanned by overestimating u is indicated with dark shtiing. Performance curves for euh of the tested values are included as thin fines; the lowest curve in each panel always represents the performance when ‘Values 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2, 3, 4, and 5 m/s (u~,., = 1 m/s) were examined. ‘Values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, ad 9 m/s (u,,., = 5 m/s) were examined. 32 0 SENSITIVITY: I I I ML 1 ,x,,.!, I I I 0.269 0.231 0.192 0,154 0.115 I I I I I I 0.077 a g 0.036 E ~ 1 o (a) 0,269 a a n z a ~ R y d 0.231 ~ $ 5 0,192 4 O.IM 3 0.115 2 0.077 1 0.036 0 4 -2 0 2 6 6 10 SNR (dB; (b) Figuw 6. ML algorithm perfomaltce (4) T = 5 m/s, UW = 0.038 UN,,. sensitivity: effect of spectmm (b) T = 13 m/s, UW = 0.038 UN,,. 33 width pammeler o. o SENSITIVITY: ,m,,. !e ML 7 0,269 6 0.231 5 0.192 - 4 0.154 3 0.115 2 0.077 0.036 PP I I I I I K o K % I (c) g? a o z ~6 m v. 0.231 ~ = K 0,192 9 13 mls (0.500 VNYQ) (10,000 Realizations) 5 4 0,154 PP 3 0.115 2 0.077 1 0.038 01 I I I 4 -2 0 2 1 I I 6 6 I o 10 SNR (dS; (d) Figaw (c) ~ = 6. 5 ML algotifhm perjomance m/8, Ow = 0.192 UNvq. sensifiviiy: efleci of specfmm widfh pammefer u. (d) T = 13 m/S, Ow = o.lg2 UN,,. 34 o SENSITIVITY: 7 BAYES ,m,, ,, ~ “269 6 0.231 t\ Os = 1 ~s (oo38 VNyq) V -5 m/s (0.192 VNyq) / (10,000 Realizations) j 0.192 0.231 Ow = I MIS (0.038 vNfq) v .13 I 5 ‘\ \ m/s (0.500 vNyq) i = s a (10,000 Roatizations) Y 4 3 4 2 0.077 1 01 I I I 4 -2 0 2 SNR (dB; I I 1 6 8 10 10 (b) Figure 7. Bayes algon’thm perJomnance sensifiuify: a. (a) v = 5 m/8, Ow = 0.038 u~v~. (b) V = 13 m/s, 35 efiect OJspectmm UW = 0.038 UN”*. width pammeier ? 0 ~ - Sds (o. 192 VNYQ) v. 5 Ws (0.192 v~~ 6 \ (~o,ooo Realizaf;ons) -- \ 0,231 PP 0.192 5 0.154 4 3 0.115 2 0.077 0.036 i 1 I I I I I u o a ~ I 0 ~. 5 mls (0. 192 VNYQ) - \i V. 13 M[S (0.500 VNYQ) (f 0,000 Realizations) Pp \ 5 i 1 0.154 4 0.115 3 0.077 2 1 0.036 1 ~o 0 a -2 0 4 2 6 6 10 SNR (dB) (d) Figure 7. u. (c)5= Boye$ algotithm performance sensitivity: eflecf oj specimm width pammeier 5 m/s, uu = O.lgz UN”q. (d)V= 13 m/st Ow = 0.lg2 uNvq. 36 there is a perfect match between the assumed u value and that of tbe weather. The heavy curve in =h panel is PP performance for reference. h general, signifiwt deviation from optimal performance occurs for o parameter values grossly in error (using values 3, 4, and 5 m/s when et,., = 1 m/s, and using values 1 and 2 m/n when at,= = 5 m/s). Because ML performance, assuming u md v known, is close to PP performance, not knowing the correct value for o generaUy results in a significant performance loss [Figura 6(&d)]. For narrow spectrum widths and SNR in the range O to 5 dB, a marked performance gtin stiU exists for the Bayes estimator, regardless of the value used for the parameter u. The potential compromise at larger SN R values, however, indicates that the algorithm does not perform weU with a u value that is too distant from the underlying true value. Comment. The WP method, prior to noise subtraction md censoring, can be viewed as a Bayes rdgorithm wherein the parameter o is assumed to have an arbitrary narrow width (no frequency domain smoothing is done). The plots in figure 7(c) and 7(d) confirm this notion as it can be seen that the Bayes performance curves approach those of the WP method (see Figure 3) when a nmrow u is assumed but the weather possesses a wide spectrum width. 6.S Summary It is unclear whether arbitrary fixed values for u and q can guarantee an estimator performance that is consistently better thao that of PP. Bayes performance relies heavily on knowledge of both u and q, ML performance, more appreciably on o In the smoothing window view of Section 3.1.1, it is not enough to smooth arbitrarily. It is important that the data be processed with an amount of smoothing that matches correlation strength between samples. Treating the data as being highly correlated (low u) demonstrated a severe performance loss when weather signals in fact had wide spectrum widths. This explains why periodogram b~ed rdgorithms, such as WP, do not perform we~ given wide spectrum width weather (too much weight is given to higher lag products). Unfortunately, treating the data as being largely uncorrelated (high u) resulted in a corresponding performance loss with input signals having narrow spectrum widths and high SNR values. Nevertheless, the indications are good that improved performance (relative to PP) is possible with a smoothing methodology requiring less than perfect knowledge of u and q. The ML implementation at best only matches PP performance; any performance gain at higher SNR levels would clearly be compromised by inaccurate knowledge of u. (Hence, the ML implementation wiU not be considered further in this report.) A successful Bayes implementation will require an adaptive selection of smoothing (weighting) coefficients, which is the focus of the next section. 37 6. PE~ORMANCE WITH ADAPTWE u AND q With an emphasis on the estimation of w, one can adopt the view whereby u and q are treated as nuisance parameters. Here, there exists a natural Bayesian method of treatment: removal through expectation. This lo@cd recourse unfortunately does not lead to algorithm simplification (in the present case), requiring as much computation w that n~ded for solving the vector parameter problem. (It appears that the integrations required for nuisance parameter removal must be done numerically and dso require the data vector to be in band.) Coupled with this observation, the results of the previous sections motivate an approach that s~ks to adapt the computaticmd form of Equation (12) using (suboptimd) estimates for o and V. Simple estimation of u and q (using method of moments estimates described below) and direct substitution into Equation (9) and (12) (smple by sample) were found to yield a performrmce clearly worw thw that of PP. This is not (entirely) unexpected because, Uke w, u and q are being estimated from a small sample and (uperformmce) sensitivity to large deviations from the true u and q values csn, on average, do more harm than good. Clearly, an approach is n~ded whereby the estimated values d and fi, substituted into Equation (12) via Equation (9), are suitably constrained to minimize penalties that result from their inaccuracy. This section describes one such approach that was found to be successful. The general processing strate~ considered is as follows. Given a data sample Z, suboptimd estimates of o and q are first computed and used to select a weighting coefficient array (matched filter) r from a small, fixed, and predetermined family of matrices; the chosen matrix is used to process the data as per Equation (12) and provide a velocity estimate. The number of matrices required, their coefficient specification, and the criteria used to choow from among them is the subject, then, of this present section. 6.1 Constrained Inverse Filter (r) Select ion This section focuses on the nuisance pair (u, V) as an element of a (parameter) assumed to be partitioned into K disfilnt pieces, i.e., set Q that is K-1 V= UV&, where ~in~j=O(i#j). k=o assigned an optimal representor (o, q)k c V, and a corresponding weighting matrix rk is computed as per tbe definition [~uation (9)]. A representor for a given ~k is determined by mems of a minimization involving the directed divergence [7] (i.e., KuUback-Leibler information) Each region ~k is I(p:q)=EP [1 logs (16) . 39 The divergence 1(P : g) has a useful interpretation as a tistarrce~o me~uring ~ a~lity tO discriminate probablhty density p (and, hence, its corresponding model) from alternative g (note: 1(P : g) ~ O and 1(P : g) = O # p s g). Furthermore, the divergence [Equation (16)] is e~ily mmputed for the Gaussian case [Equation (3)]: if rl and rz correspond, respectively, to densities PI and M, then l(P1: ~) = 10g [rll - 10glr21 t tr(rzrl-] - 1). A somewhat natural approach, then, is to define the optimal representor for Vk as that pair (u, V) whose corresponding density [Equation (3)] minimizes the discrimination information (divergence) averaged over W densities g corresponding to parameter pairs in the set Wk: (17) and ( is an index to pairs (u, q) in wk. In words, where Fk is the density corresponding to ~k as mpreaentor for the set Wk, select that density (model) which, in an average sense, is lemt distinguishable from the feasible densities (models) in wk. Note, no restriction is made that the point ~k must be conttirred in wk. where it is assumed that W = (O,0.25] x (0,20] arrd dl data can .be processed with the weighting coefficients corresponding to one (arNJtrary) set point (~. FOr t~s cme it is an e~y matter tO sOlve Equation (17)?] and one obtains the solution (u, q). = (0.165, 8.4). figure 8 shows the Performance of the resulting estimation algorithm. Al”tbmrgh performance is near optimal for wide spectrum widths and high SNR levels (locations new the set point), uniform improvement for the entire range of parameter values in V is absent, and performance is severely compromised in places as weU. One must conclude that this V is too large to be represented by one set of weighting coefficients. Ezample. Consider tbe (trivial) case K = 1. That K = 1 is specified ~sumes Figure 9(a) is a plot of the divergence for the above example. Divergence is near zero in the vicinity of the set point and cnrves upward (away from zero) as weather spectrum width and SNR deviate from tbe set point. Note, also, that the curvature is not uniform in direction—the most acute curvature occurs with respect to spectrum width as weather SNR becomes large. Clearly, the gnrd is to devise an adaptive method that has a composite divergence surface as flat and as nem ]oTe&njc~lY, the divergence f~ls w a true distance because it does DOt SatiSfY the tri~~e jneqU~- ity. Th]s faitirrg, however, dries not prevent its use in the present application. ]] OPtjmjzat ion w= ac~fieved bY means of an implementation of the Nelder-Mead modified POlytOPe (direct-search) algorithm (see, for example, Gill et rd. [8]). 40 7, I I BEST SINGLE o AND q I I I I ‘w” ‘; 0.269 0.231 6 ; ~5 g K o K4 a u n 23 0.192 K n K O.lw ; (0.038 VNyq) Ow. 1 mls v -5 m/s (0.192 VNyq) a ~ o z a ● 2 0.115 n w ~ 0.077 : m ~ CR BOUND 1 0.036 A + o - A * A Y A v A w A 4 A A A v Ak Om ~ m ~ o w ~ g m ~ 1 m -1.0 A BAYES o PP A a z 4.2 OW. 1 mls (0.038 VNyq) v. g z 5 m/s (0.192 VNYQ) (10,000 Realizations) -2.0 ~04.4 4 -2 0 SNR (dB; Figure 8, coefficient Boyes algotithm per]omance: suboptimal set. (o) V = 5 m/s, UW = 0.038 WNj$. 41 u and v using best single-weighiing BEST SINGLE o AND q I 1 I I ,-7. !, 0,269 I I Y A BAYES 0.231 0.192 Ow= 1 mls (0.038 V.yq) BAYES BOUND ?. 13 mls (0.192 VNYQ) (10,000 Realizations) 0.19 0.115 0,077 CR BOUND 0.03B 0.2 A BAYES Q PP -2.6 ~W = 1 m/s (o.036 VNYQ) t = 13 mls (0.500 vNyq) ‘Y 1 (10,000 Realizations) t I -5.2 4 -2 I o I I 2 I I 6 8 1 +.4 10 SNR (dB; Figure 8. cocficieni Bayes aljorifhm performance: suboplimal set. (b) T = 13 m/s, UW = 0.038 UNYq. 42 a and v using best single-weighting 71\’ I BEST SINGLE o AND q I I I ‘%75m 0.269 I 6 . 1 o – )0 A BAYES ~ o PP -1 4.2 0..5 v -5 M/S (o.192 vNyq) m/s (0.192 vNyq) (10,000 Realizations) -z~ 4 44 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 SNR (dB) Figure 8. coeficienf Bayes algorithm performance: suboptimal u and q tising besi single-weighiing set. (c) V = 5 m/s, OW = 0.192 VNyq. ? BEST SINGLE o AND q I I I \ 1%7’ “ I I 0.269 f 0.231 = g 6 ~5 g K o =4 K w o K3 a 0 z a +2 m BAYES BOUND V = 13 m/s (0.500 VNyq) (10,000 Realizations) 0.192 K o K a 0.154 ~ a ~ 0.115 0 w ~ CR BOUND 0.077 g K o 0.038 z 1 I I I I I I Ow= 5 m(s (0.192 VNyq) V. 13 m/s (0.500 VNYQ) (10,000 Realizations) I A -2 I 0 I 2 I I I 4 6 6 10 SNR (dB) Figure 8. coeficienf Bages algotiihm perJomance: set. (d) V = 13 nl/s, UW = 0.192 suboptimal UNyf. 44 u and v using best single-weighting o“ 0.2; SPECTRUM ~o ‘~ o SPECTRUM WIDrn D:vcrgecce mi”imiza{ion of iti compatiment 0.25 SPECTRUM for three simple gence between an optimal compatimcni densities ~o o 0.25 Figaro g. MD~ WID~ patiifions. Computed direcfed diver- mpmsentor [Eqnaiion (1 7)] and the feasible model w plotted. (The divergence scale is arbitmq.) mm as possible. The logical extension, of course, is to swk improvement by solving the situation for K > 1. Two simple extensions, a two and thrw compartment model, are dso tilustrated in Figure 9(&c). Here, the divergence surface for each compartment is computed as per Equation (17); dthcmgh not yet striking, the notion of flattening the composite surfwe is clear. There is, however, a problem with the simple extension of Equation (17) to K > 1; Equ& ticm (17), as written, has the imphcit assumption that one would (could) distinguish perfectly between the opposing hypotheses w to whether data Z were more consistent with parameters from the set ~k vs rdternatives from its complement Vi = V – wk. clearly, for }{ >1, Equation (17) must be modified to ucmrnt for the accur~y of the decision process that matches the data to one of the subsets V&: ~k = (Csv)tv t . .. . Pr(SeleCt ~k I ~kc). ~kc ~(q( : ~~)ti} (18) . In this way, the desire to optimally match (u, q)k to ~k is balanced against the probability that the data will be incorrectly matched with Wk. 6.2 Suboptimal Estimation The cdculatimrs of u and q for Equation (18) require specification of a set of decision rules and the be used; however, once this is done dl information required to solve ~uation (18) is present and the selection of rk! (k = 0,.. ., I{ - 1), can be completed prior to the processing of any data. Therefore, atthough computaticmdly formidable, the solution of ~uatimr (18) is quite achievable. This section will focus on decision rules using essily computable suboptimd estimates for a and V. For suboptimd estimates, an appeal to the assumed correlation structure of Equation (1) and (method of moments) estimates for & and O, derived from a weighted least-squares fit to the data, can be used. The le~t-squares equations correspondlcrg statistics (estimators) to (19a) and M-1 M-1 ~ urmm21n m=o I?m] = ~ wmm21rr[S t~~m] 1 * *M-l - ~rr u ~ wmm4 (19b) m=o “=0 @n be used to solve for o ad S (which provides an estimate for q); the lag estimates ?~ are unweighed here and the (least-squares) weights w~ can be used to weight or select the lag estimates 46 to be used. M w~ = 6~-1, for example, 6 becomes equivalent to the common single-lag spectrum width estimator [see Zrni6 [9], hls Equation (5.1)]. For the results of this report, 1 f0rm<4 ~m d=~ { was used for wtimation O otherwise of u and q. ME PARAMETER SPACE W 0,2! 0 c 0 +1 Y, 000 ( 20 Figure 10. 6.S Decision Rules A partition and a Partition design using simple decision wles for W At this point it is necessary to be more specific regarding the description of the ~k’s. For the remainder, it is =sumed that V is the pardlelepiped of the previous example: (O,0.25] x (O,20]. To simphfy definition of the ~k’S and to provide decisions b~ed on simple rules, consider a partition derived from a sequence of threshold tests—first, for O and second, for ~. The general design is illustrated in Fjgure 10. A threshold test of Oagainst (yet undetermined) SNR values divides V into 47 Ewh column is further subdivided along spectrum width values (rdso to be detemined ) and a requirement is imposed whereby increased petitioning of a column with respect to spectrum width requires comespondin~y high values for SNR. (The sufiace curvature of Figure 9(a) suggests that more detailed representation is desired for high SNR values than low.) To simphfy implementation, each new column to the right is allowed core addltiond division with respect to spectrum width. The placement of SNR and spectrum width thresholds, the selection of (u, q)k values, and specification of K are rdl unknowns to be determined. columns of (yet undetermined) tidth. For K fixed, Equation (18) can be used to identify optimal values ford threshold boundaries and rdl (u, V)k pairs. A K-compartment summed divergence error can be defined by summing the divergence emor in Equation (18) over each set in the partition of V. The K-comp=tment summed divergence is monotonic (ncmincreaing) in K. Certairdy adding extra compartments in Figure 10 can only lower the total divergence error. For example, optimrd threshold placement would force new compartments to become degenerate (collapse to nothing) if they could not improve the overaH error vduq lower resolution compartments to the left would get squeezed by higher resolution compartments from the right if the data and estimators for o and q could support finer levels of partition. Hence, az K increaaes, the K-compartment summed divergence error (bounded below by zero) must converge. A stopping criteria can be established for selecting K by arguing diminishing returns with further incremes in K. In this way, K, optimal threshold placement, and optimal set point values can be obtained. Figure 11 plots the K-compartment summed divergence for the pmtition scheme illustrated in Figure 10. Evduaticm of Equation (18) waz approximated by using a Monte Carlo simulation to obtain a mean and standmd deviation characterization for the ~ and * of Equation ( 19), and a Gaussian approximation was used to evaluate Pr( select Vk[~k ) and complement. Based on the results presented in Figure 11, K = 15 waz selected for continued analysis. The corresponding thresholds and set point values for K = 15 are summarized in Table 2 and illustrated in Figure 12. In Fjgure 12, optimal set point locations are indicated by a labeled (squwe) dot. The convex hu~ of the set points in W is illustrated by shading. The most striking result of the optimization is that the best set point for a region Vk is not necessarily contained within ~k. The convex huU of the set points represents the constraint required of 6 and Oto hrdance the effect (cm velocity estimation) of their uncertainty. F1grrre 13 plots the zequence of convex hulls for the values of K considered in Figure 11. As K incre~es, the convex hull expands but there is a fundamental hmitation to its eventual extent. To increaae the extent of the limiting hull requires more precise estimators for o and q or, equivalently, more data. The hmiting hull will rdways be strictly contained within V: for the hu~ to be equivalent to (i e., cover) W impfies that perfect estimation of u md q is possible. 6.4 Adaptive Estimator Performance The adaptive procedure defined by Table 2 (Figure 12) was used to process simulated data as in the previous sections. The results for narrow and wide spectrum width weather are presented in Figure 14. 48 . . K Figure 11. K-Compartment summed divergence. For narrow spectrum width weather, Panels a and b, the adaptive method demonstrates a near uniform improvement on the performance of PP. The performance is not only better than that of PP, it is much closer to the optimum bound established in emlier sections. The slight deterioration at the higher SNR values may be due, in part, to the decision to use the 15 compartment pwtition. Figure 13 indicates that the 21 compartment partition added refinement specific to higher SNR values; therefore, some further improvement at higher SNR values may be possible. Note, also, that in parallel with approaching the standard error bound for velocity estimation, the adaptive estimator dso approaches the bias performmce of the optimal Bayes (bound) estimator. For wide spectrum width weather, Panels c and d, the room for improvement was not = evident (except at low and very high SNR values). Nevertheless, the tiaptive method demonstrated performance improvement relative to PP at low and high SNR vdues—thrrse regions where improvement relative to optimrd performance was most likely. 49 Optimal Thresholds 2 and Point Set Values (K Upper q Threshold Set Point Compartment I TABLE = 15) Upper u Threshold o (0.0983, 2.386) 1.367 - 1 3.545 0.0909 2 (0.1095, 3.892) (0.1659, 3.794) 3 4 5 (0.1041, 6.440) (0.1452, 7.082) (0.1921, 6.960) 7.047 0.0549 0.1279 6 7 (0.0907, 9.554) (0.1317, 9.723) (0.1667 12.006 0.0380 0.0903 8 9 in .“ 11 12 13 14 9, 10.916) (0.203$ I (n nnll 17 n07\ I ,“,. ”.., .“...., (0.1186, 13.822) (0.1554, 13,927) m (0.1848, 15.( , (0.2155, 15.438) .... E I 0.0354 I 0.0821 0.1252 0.1844 The data of the previous figure was combined with measurements at additionrd weather spectrum widths to produce Rgure 15, which illustrates estimator performance as a function of weather spectrum width for fixed levels of SN R. There is an almost uniform improvement in performarrce relative to PP and this improvement for a fixed SNR level is seen to apply across the range of spectrum widths considered. The improvement is most striking for the two low SNR levels (Panels a and b). Improvement does not require a corresponding performance loss at Mgher SNR levels—the adaptive method continues to improve performance there u well. 6.5 Summary Applying adaptive procedures to situations with small-sample sizes is a difficult t=k. This sectimr h~ shown that by adopting suitable constraints, an adaptive methOd cOuld be develOped for the smaB sample velocity estimation problem. Performance for the adaptive (Bayes) estimator is close to the optimal performance bounds established earlier. Significant improvement relative to PP wu estabhshed. 50 . . 0.25 ,.,:; ;,. ,.,,.. i, E ‘ ., ,,. . b ,.,. *?,’;’.’. “J 10 4 0 o 1 3 20 SNR Figure 12. Optimum partition 51 and sei point locations 0.25 20 o SNR Figure 13. Set poini convez hull with increasing K. Fundamental Iimitaiion of set point convez hull is illustrated Jor a se9uence with increasing [{ ualue. 52 on eztent ? I I I ADAPTIVE I o AND q I 6 tm7, I 27 0,269 1 I 0,231 A BAYES 0 PP 0.192 0. = ‘ “s ‘0:036 ‘Nyq) i = 5 mls (0.1 92 VNyq) a o =4 u O.lM (10,000 Reabzations) u n BAYES BOUND a3 a 0 z a +2 w 0.115 - 0.077 1 0.036 CR BOUND 2’6~ “2 4 4 I -2 0 2 6 8 10 SNR (dS; Bayes algorithm with adaptive u and V: 15 compatiment set (I). (a) T = 5 M/S, au = 0.038 *N”q. Figure Il. 53 weighting coeficieni ,-7! ADAPTIVE o AND q ? I A BAYES 0.231 6 OW= 1 mls (0.OW VNYQ) 25 - BAYES BOUND 0.269 0.192 C = 13 dS (0,500 VNYQ) (1O,OWRealizations) ;4 0.154 a w o 53 0 z < +2 m 0.115 0.077 1 0.0% CR BOUND 01 I I I ~..4 -2 0 I I I 4 6 6 2 o 10 SNR (dB) 14. Bayes algoriihm with adoptive o and q: 15 compatiment (I). (b) U = 13 m/s, u~ = 0.038 VNyq. Figure set 54 weighting coeficieni ADAPTIVE I u AND q ,W,.a I i I 0.269 I 71<’ 0.231 6 0 PP 0,192 5 v = 5 m/s (0:192 vNyq) . 4 0.154 BAYES BOUNO 3 0,115 2 0.077 1 0.038 A BAYES Q PP f Ow= 5 m/s (0.192 VNyq) T = 5 m/s (0.192 VNm) (10,000 ReaUzalions) f . I -2 -2 4 I I 0 I 4 2 I 6 I 8 SNR (dS) Figun Eel (I). 14. Bayes algon’thm (c) T = 5 m/S, OW = with adaptive 0.192 o and q: VNvq. 55 15 compatiment weighting coeficieni 03 o g z o u ~ m a z A i > K BAYES Q PP -2.6 ( Ow .5 i = m/s (0.192 4.2 g vNyq) 13 mls (0.500 vNyq) (I 0,000 Realizations) Li -5.2 4 I -2 I I 0 2 I 4 I 6 I 8 10 SNR (dB) Figure 14. Bayes algorithm with adaptive u and O: 15 compotimeni sei (1). (d) T = 13 m/s, a~ = 0.192 VNY9. 56 weighting coefficient 10 [ I 9 ‘p~ I ADAPTIVE a AND q I 1 I I 0,346 8 0.306 ? 0.269 ‘AyE’~ 6 5 0.231 0.192 BAYES BOUND 0.154 4 0,115 3 ~=-5dB v = 5 m/s (0.192 2 CR BOUND z 2 -1 a vNyq) 0.077 (10,000 Realizations) 0.038 7/ E u n u ,W7, ,! I 0,385 (a) 10 I I I I o %9 q=OdB ~ V -5 6 0,365 0.346 m/s (0.:92 VNYQ) (10,000 Realizations) 0.306 ? 0.269 6 0.231 5 0.192 ‘p~ 4 0.115 3 0.077 2 1 :::%* ’038 ~o 0 1 0.154 BAYES 0.05 0.15 0.10 NORMALIZED SPECTRUM 0.20 0.25 WIDTH (b) Bayes algorill,m will, adnptive u avtd q: 15 coIt]part!!Ler,t Figure 15. set (11). {e) SNR = -5 dU. (b) SNR = O d~. 57 weigljting coeficieni i;k?i a u < (c) 0,385 ~ n u – 0.346 ; a ~ ~ 10 a :9 a + m8 – 0,308 g 7 - 0.269 - 0.231 5 - 0.192 4 - O.l M 3 - 0,115 q=lOdB v -5 Ws (0.192 vNyq) 6 (10,000 Reakzations) ‘~: o 0.05 0.15 0.10 NORMALIZED SPECTRUM 0.20 0.25 WIDTH (d) Figure 15. Bayes algotithm with odopiiue o and q: 15 compotimelit (c) SNR = 10 dB. (d) SNR = fO dB. set (II). 58 weighting cmficient 7. CONCLUSIONS Ewh of the previmrs sections included a brief summary and these statements repeated here. Some concluding remarks are, nevertheless, in order. will not be This report’s primary objective h= been to examine the challenge of Doppler velocity estimation when confronted with a small-sample size. Applying a generally accepted model for the measurement of (metmrologic~y generated) Doppler signals, lower bound performance Imitations were first wtabhshed. These bounds were shown to be clearly different (greater) than those prvialed by standard CR analysis, but room for improvement (relative to the standard PP estimator) ww nevertheless indicated. Optimal velocity estimation, under the aasumed model, by definition requires the joint estimation of a vector parameter. Previous attempts at such optimal estimation have been hampered by the technical difficulties that arise in solving the comphcated system of equations that result. The potential of approximate methods that seek to treat some of the vector parameters = fixed quantities w= explored. Sensitivity to these approximating usumptions w= studied md insight into the relative importance of these nuisance parameters ww provided. An adaptive method w= proposed. The new method does not require excessive computations—nothing more extensive than previously proposed FFT methods. The find adaptive estimation scheme w= shown to provide near optimal performance for a span of SNR and spectrum widths likely to be associated with meteorological signals. 59 APPEND~ Proof of Equation Preposition A.1 kt P(ZIG) where R = R(O) Parumeter vector. can be abtained ZT = [zOZI . . . ZM-1] be a complez = A (4). mndom vector with Gaussian demity rr-MIRl-le-z+R-’z, is the M x M covan’ante matm’z and @T = [00 0, . . . 0“-]] Then, the Fisher Information matriz F = [ji,j] dejned by equivalently is a rwl. valued jrom (Al) Pwfi Define the unit vectors of order n as o 1 0 ,e~= l:! 1 ,.. ., en= o and the elementary matrix Eiti (of order n x n) as Ei,j = e<e~. . For an arbitrary example): matrix A = [ai,j], the following identities are standard aii = e~Aej, (MC Graham [10], for (A,2a) 61 (A.2b) ij ij trA = ~ (A.2c) e~Aei. , To prove ~uation (Al), begin by taking the logmithm of the density, lnp(Zl@) = -Mlnz -lnlR[ - ZtR-]Z, and compute the derivative, term by term, with respect to @. Only the latter two terms are of importance. For the first of these, Oin ]R1/~@, = ‘r{R-’%} where the l~t tine fo~ows from application of Equation (A.2): For the second term, note that ZtR-]Z = tr{ZtR-’Z) = tr{ZZtR-l) from which it follows that ~zt ~= R-12 Otr{ZZtR-’) O@ . 62 (A.3) Continuing, &r{ ZZtR-l) 88k = F?tr{*}$ = = ~~-t~{ZZtR-l ij Ei,jR-’}~, where the last Ene fo~ows from the result Additionrd reamangement results in 8tr{ZZtR-’) 86k = -tr { , R- 10R — R-1 zzt ~ok } (A.4) Combining Equations (A.3) and (A.4) provides the intermediate result Olnp(Zl@) ~ek = tr { R-l ~ The next step is to evaluate the expectation. and Equation (A.5), Fid = E = E tr From the definition of the Fisher Information matrix 89j1 81np(Zl@) 08i [ [{ 81np(Zl@) R-’ ~ R-l (ZZt -R) t Worting with the terms inside the expectation tr R-l ~ { R-l (ZZt -R) , (A.5) R-l (ZZt - R)}. }{ }{ tr R-l ~R-] > (ZZt -R) and again using (A.2): tr R-l ~ 63 J R-l (ZZt -R) } }1 . = Now, (ZZt - R)e~e~(ZZt - R) is an M x M matrix with ninth entry given by (z”zI- r“,k)(ziz% - Ti,m) for which the expectation is commonly known (see Miller [11], for example): E {(znz~ - r~,k)(zlz~ - rl,m)} = r~,mrl,k. Therefore, E {(ZZt – R)e~e~(ZZt - R)} = Rri,~. Flndly, using Equations (A.6) and (A.7) one obttins wh]ch is the desired result. 64 (A.7) REFERENCES 1. R.J. Doviak and D.S. ZrniL. Doppler Radar and Weather Obsemations. Orlando, Florida, 1984. 2. D.S. Zrnit. Simulation of weatherfike Doppler spectra and signals. Journal of Applied Meteoro~y, 14:61$620, 1975. 3. H.L. Van Trees. Detection, Estimation, Sons, he., New York, New York, 1968. 4. P.R. Mahapatra ad D.S. Zrnit. Pr~ticd algorithms for mean velocity estimation in pulse on Geoscienm Doppler weather radars using a smd number of samples. IEEE Tmnsactions and Remote Sensing, GE21(4):491-501, 1983. 5. K.S. MiUer and M.M. Rochwarger. . IEEE fi~actions 6. on Injomation P.T. May and R.G. Strauch. Journal oj Atmospheric and Modulation Academic Press, he., Part I. John Wiley and Theory: A covariance approach to spectral moment estimation. Theoy, IT-18(5):588-596, 1972. 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